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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/22/2020)

Does Lee make Strong #BaskInHisGlory?



NEW NXT Coverage

Will the North American Championship be Undisputed or Limitless?

After powering through a smashed ankle, Keith Lee has rage fueling him towards the title! Will Roderick Strong reach his limits against the Limitless One?


  • Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic 2020 Semifinal: The Undisputed Era VS Grizzled Young Veterans; Grizzled Young Veterans win and advance to the finals.
  • Toni Storm VS Io Shirai; Storm wins, by disqualification.
  • Finn Balor VS Joaquin Wilde; Balor wins.
  • Shotzi Blackheart VS Shayna Baszler; Baszler wins.
  • Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic 2020 Semifinal: The Broserweights VS Imperium; The Broserweights win and advance to the finals.
  • NXT North American Championship: Roderick Strong VS Keith Lee; Lee wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic 2020 Semifinal: The Undisputed Era VS Grizzled Young Veterans!

Tonight, the Undisputed Era looks to once again #ShockTheSystem! Roderick Strong has his title defense later tonight, but Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish look to take one step closer to another incredible achievement. But can they get to the finals against James Drake & Zack Gibson? Or will they SOON be recognized as the team that lost so close and yet so far from the cup?

Fans troll Liverpool’s Number One almost immediately with “If you hate Gibson, shoes off~!” Gibson starts against Kyle and they tie up. Gibson wristlocks and wrenches but Kyle drop toeholds to a takedown and headlock. Gibson gets up and powers Kyle to a corner. Gibson looks to back off, but he slaps Kyle! So Kyle turns it around and gives Gibson forearm after forearm! Kyle fires off shot after shot after shot, then even some kicks before the ref reachs a count of 4! Kyle whips Gibson corner to corner but Drake uses his body to save Gibson from buckles. Gibson blocks Kyle’s kick and then clobbers him with a clothesline! Tag to Drake and the GYV mug Kyle in the corner. Drake throws forearms and chops then whips Kyle corner to corner. Kyle reverses, Drake goes up and out to shoulder back in. Cole and Strong distract Drake long enough for Kyle to grab a leg for a Dragon Screw!

Tag to Fish and Fish sweeps the other leg to make Drake crash and burn! Fans rally for the Undisputed Era as Fish puts Drake in the ring. Cover, TWO, but Fish keeps close. Fish throws big knees and then snapmares. Fish slingshot sentons down! Cover, TWO! Fish has Drake trapped in the Undisputed corner with forearms and kicks. The ref counts, Fish tags to Kyle. Kyle adds kicks and forearms of his own and even a boot. Tag back to Fish, and reDRagon double snap suplexes Drake down! Cover, TWO but barely. Fish drags Drake up to a back suplex! Cover, TWO but with more strength this time. Fish throws body shots to keep Drake in the Undisputed corner, and boots him back. Tag to Kyle but Drake starts hitting back! Kyle kicks Drake’s leg then grabs it for a shin breaker! Kyle elbows the knee then sweeps the leg! There’s no mercy in this dojo! Kyle covers, TWO, but brings Drake up to grab the leg again.

Kyle lifts but Drake slips out of the shin breaker to sunset flip! Kyle rolls right out to grab the leg again, but Drake shoves Kyle at the GYV corner. Kyle swings on Gibson but turns into a jawbreaker from Drake! Tag to Gibson and Gibson clotheslines Kyle down. Gibson swings on Fish but Fish gets clear, and Gibson turns around into kicks from Kyle. Kyle fires off strikes and sweeps the leg! Gibson wobbles around but Kyle whips. Gibson reverses, headlocks and then tags Drake. Gibson whips Kyle, Drake dropkicks a leg out, then Gibson adds his own dropkick! Drake uses Gibson as a step stool, Mayhem in Motion dropkick takes out Fish! Fans say “You Still Suck!” as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Gibson keeps Kyle trapped in the corner. Cole distracts Drake before he runs in at Kyle, and Kyle puts Drake up and onto Gibson’s shoulders. Kyle sweeps Gibson’s legs and both Grizzled Young Veterans fall down! Fans rally as Kyle crawls for his corner, but Drake gets in to drag Kyle back. Tag to Gibson and Kyle manages a tag to Fish! Fish rallies on GYV with elbows and kicks! Drake ducks one kick but not the other. Fish boots Gibson then EXPLODERS Drake into Gibson! Gibson gets to an open corner and Fish runs in, but to get an enziguri. Gibson hops up and leaps, TICKET TO RIDE! But Fish grabbed a leg! KNEEBAR! Gibson flails and endures, Drake helps him reach the Ropebreak! Fish lets go to DECK Drake! Gibson hobbles up but into a Samoan Drop!

Fish has Gibson in a drop zone and goes up top, MOONSAULT FLOP! Gibson tags Drake and Gibson powers Fish to the corner. Drake comes in, GRIT YOUR TEETH DROPKICK! Then Gibson lifts Fish in a suplex, Helter Skelter! Cover, TWO!! Fish survives and fans tell GYV, “You Still Suck!” Drake drags Fish over, tags Gibson, and Drake gut wrenches. But FIsh slips out and shoves GYV into each other. Fish boots Gibson and dumps Drake. Kyle flying knees Drake from the apron! Fish misses Gibson and Gibson waistlocks. Kyle tags in as Fish bucks Gibson off, then coordinate, CHASING THE DRAGON! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally up as Kyle tags Fish. Kyle drags Gibson up as Fish runs, but Gibson fights Kyle off! Drake also gets in, no Total Annihilation for reDRagon.

Drake tags in, Gibson grabs Fish for Drake to enziguri! Then Gibson feeds Fish to Drake’s scoop, only for Kyle to boot Gibson down! Fish slips off Drake as Kyle Ax and SMASHES Gibson! Drake SUPERKICKS Kyle but Fish ROCKS Drake. Drake hits back and we have a heavy hitting brawl! Full Sail is on the Undisputed Era’s side as Fish kicks and Drake knees. Kyle tags back in, Fish ducks Drake, and then reDRagon double pop-up kick! Kick sandwich! Fans fire up with reDRagon as they drag Drake back up. But wait! Is that Imperium!? While Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner are in the other semifinal match, all of Imperium will face all of the Undisputed Era at Worlds Collide! As such, Walter, Alexander Wolfe and the aforementioned Barthel & Aichner are now on the NXT balcony to make their presence known!

Cole and Strong dare them to come down and fight, but Gibson drags Fish out! Drake scoops Kyle, TICKET TO MAYHEM!! Cover, GRIZZLED YOUNG VETERANS WIN!!

Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans, James Drake pinning; advance to the 2020 Dusty Rhodes Classic Finals

A Ticket to Mayhem turns out to be a ticket to the finals! Will Gibson and Drake SOON be recognized as the inaugural NXT UK tag team to win this amazing tradition? As for Undisputed Era and Imperium, will there be consequences for these actions?


NXT looks at the ripper year Rhea Ripley had.

Becoming inaugural NXT UK Women’s Champion. Leading her team to victory in the first ever Women’s WarGames. Leading her Team NXT to victory at Survivor Series the very next night. And now, becoming our NEW NXT Women’s Champion by dethroning the Queen of Spades, Shayna Baszler. Memories that will last a lifetime. But speaking of memories, a blast from the past wants to strike! Toni Storm is proud of Rhea, but one memory Rhea left out is losing the NXT UK Women’s Championship to Toni. And then Toni kept it in the rematch. So now, Toni promises to do the same thing for this women’s championship. Challenge accepted, and when Worlds Collide, only one force of nature stands tall!


“The world is talking about Shotzi Blackheart.”

The Evolve star has come to NXT, and she already made an impact when she eliminated Shayna Baszler from the #1 Contender’s Battle Royal. But that’s just Shotzi being Shotzi. She knows how to #TCB, “Take Care o’ Business.” Predictable isn’t in her vocabulary. You can’t out-crazy Shotzi. If that was a statement, then wait for what happens 1v1 tonight.


Toni Storm VS Io Shirai!

The Lightning From Down Under wants to strike twice, but that’s easier said than done. And even with the Riptide on the horizon, she wants to take on the Evil Genius of the Sky! Is Toni getting ahead of herself? Or is she only picking up speed heading for Houston?

The bell rings and Toni circles slowly with Shirai. This Mae Young Classic rematch ties up, goes around the ring, and Toni headlocks. Shirai trips Toni and twists the leg with a toehold. Toni works her way up and around and pries free to get a headlock of her own. Toni gets the take down, but Shirai headscissors back. Toni goes up and around to pop out and offer Shirai a hand. Shirai refuses it, but Toni avoids the slap. Toni avoids the clothesline to give slaps and a kick, but the boot is blocked. Shirai runs to handspring but Toni gets clear, only for Shirai to dropkick her down! Shirai shows off with a kip up and fans fire up! Shirai talks trash but Toni blocks the buzzsaw. Things speed up, Toni redirects to dropkick Shirai back. Toni keeps going to BOOT Shirai now! Cover, TWO!

Toni keeps her cool as she brings Shirai up. Toni throws European Uppercuts as fans rally and duel. Shirai ends up in a corner but Toni gives more EuroUppers. Toni waistlocks and lifts but Shirai elbows back. Toni holds on, so Shirai runs forward to jump through ropes. Toni gets a hotshot in the process, and Shirai comes back to Drive-By Dropkick! The Big Dog would be impressed. Fans stop dueling because they realize they like “Both These Girls! Both These Girls!” Shirai gets in the ring and stalks behind Storm. Cover, TWO, but Shirai keeps her cool. Toni crawls to a corner but Shirai stomps a mudhole into her. Shirai drags Storm up to CHOP! Toni gets to another corner, Shirai CHOPS again! Shirai grins as she stalks Storm to a third corner.

Shirai stomps Storm more then chokes her on the ropes. The ref backs Shirai up at 4, but Shirai clamps onto Toni for a modified camel clutch. Toni endures, fans rally up, and Toni snapmares free! But Shirai runs her right over with a shoulder. Shirai drags Toni up for big forearms but Toni gives them back. Now we have a brawl going back and forth, but Shirai grabs a headlock! Shirai brings Toni down right away, but fans rally back up. Toni fights her way up and throws some body shots. Shirai gives her forearm after forearm then throws her down by her hair. Cover, TWO! Shirai is frustrated but still in control as we go to break.

NXT returns as Shirai has Toni in a crossface! Fans rally as Toni rolls back to cover, TWO! Shirai grabs Toni but Toni standing switches. Toni lifts but Shirai victory rolls through to then double STOMP Toni down! Toni gasps as she goes to a corner but Shirai is on her with more stomps. The ref counts as Shirai grinds both feet into Toni, but Shirai swings up to hit the meteora! Shirai laughs as she gets space. Shirai runs in corner to corner but into a BOOT! Toni hops up and over Shirai to then roll, waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Toni fires up now and keeps moving, basement lariat! Cover, TWO! Shirai survives and Toni perhaps remembers how hard that MYC2 win was.

Toni underhooks and lifts but Shirai fights out of Storm Zero. Shirai forearms and SHOTEIS! Shirai runs but into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Shirai survives again but fans rally up more. Toni drags Shirai up but Shirai ducks the lariat to ghost pin! TWO, and Shirai BUZZSAWS! Toni is dazed and Shirai runs, 619 IS BLOCKED! Toni keeps Shirai on the ropes to dropkick her out! Toni then builds up speed to DIVE into Bianca Belair’s forearm!? The EST comes outta nowhere!

Winner: Toni Storm, by disqualification

Bianca is the #1 Contender thanks to her Battle Royal win, but it’s Storm getting the Worlds Collide shot. That clearly doesn’t sit well with Bianca, and she SPEARS Toni down! Bianca rains down hands from all sides then DECKS Shirai! Bianca double chicken wings Toni for her own version of the GLAM SLAM! Bianca whips her hair back ‘n’ forth and says kiss this, but here comes RHEA! The NXT Women’s Champion spots her TakeOver: Portland challenger and heads down the ramp. Bianca dares Rhea to throw down, and they do! Bianca gets Rhea down but Rhea turns things around! Shirai springboards in to missile dropkick Rhea out! Then Shirai dodges Bianca to send her out, and then ASAI MOONSAULTS onto them both! Fans are thunderous, but Toni DIVES in on Shirai! The Storm stands tall this close to Worlds Collide, but will she come away with a new #ShinyShiny?


Backstage interview with The Undisputed Era.

Cole, Fish, O’Reilly and Strong are all riled up by Imperium, but Cathy Kelly still asks their mindset. If it wasn’t for Imperium, the Undisputed Era would be headed to the Dusty Cup finals! There is no clearer picture. The Undisputed Era made a statement in Blackpool, not Imperium. But Cole refocuses the team on Roderick Strong retaining his North American Championship against Keith Lee. Imperium will pay in Houston, because the UE is #DrapedInGold. But will it stay that way?


Ilja Dragunov speaks on Finn Balor.

“Finn, I heard you’ve been watching me.” Everything Finn said is right. But the one thing Finn missed is that Ilja is driven. Driven to beat him! Ilja will throw 1000 strikes and bring the sky crashing down. When Ilja wins, everyone will believe that Ilja is not Finn, he is UNBESIEGBAR. The invincible will not miss.


Finn Balor VS Joaquin Wilde!

But speaking of The Prince, he is in action just days away from the incredible crossover dream match at Worlds Collide! Are things about to get rrrreeeal wild in Full Sail?

The bell rings and Balor ties up with Wilde. Balor forearms Wilde in the back then slams Wilde down. Balor kicks Wilde while he’s down and looms over him at the ropes. Balor stomps Wilde and again, then springboard stomps over and over, saying Wilde just represents Dragunov, Gargano “and anybody else who wants it!” Balor CHOPS Wilde at the corner then stalks him to another corner. Balor CHOPS, whips Wilde corner to corner then CHOPS again! Fans are fired up with the Prince as he whips corner to corner again. Balor runs into a boot and Wilde gets moving. But Wilde runs into a dropkick! Balor takes aim from a corner, SHOTGUN Dropkick blasts Wilde into buckles! Wilde is down and Balor goes up. COUP DE GRACE! But Balor doesn’t cover there, he wants to send a message. “When you come at Finn, you better not miss!” BLOODY SUNDAY! Cover, Balor wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

Too easy and too sweet for Balor, but will he be leaving Dragunov with the bitter taste of defeat in Houston?


Backstage interview with Shayna Baszler!

The Queen of Spades returned only for her plans to be spoiled by new girl Shotzi Blackheart. Shotzi thinks she made a statement, but she only ended her career here before it started. Rhea says she’s a nightmare, but nightmares give way to reality. And the reality is that Shayna isn’t going anyway. If Shayna has to go through every woman in that locker room to become #ShaynaThreeTime, then she’ll do it. Does the road to redemption run through Shotzi?


Shotzi Blackheart VS Shayna Baszler!

A lot of words have been said about this match, but actions will speak far louder. Will Shotzi shock Shayna again? Or will she simply succumb to the Submission Magician?

The bell rings and fans duel already. Shotzi and Shayna circle and tie up. Shayna gets the facelock and then gets Shotzi down, to pat her on the head. Shotzi shrugs the mocking off and circles with Shayna again. Shotzi waistlocks but Shayna wristlocks to sweep the legs. Shayna pats Shotzi’s head again but Shotzi slaps the hand away. Shotzi avoids the Penalty Kick but Shayna blocks a kick from Shotzi. Shotzi rolls to bring Shayna down and then grabs the ankle, but Shayna grabs the ankle of Shotzi. Shayna trips Shotzi to get the headlock and then shift to a mounted armlock. Shotzi moves around so Shayna shifts to a toehold. Shayna rolls Shotzi to get the arm again and tortures the wrist! Shotzi endures as Shayna twists and bends her arm. Shotzi spins and gets up to get the ropebreak. Shayna adds on until the count of 4 and lets go.

Fans rally for Shotzi but Shayna runs in. Shotzi dumps Shayna out, just like the battle royal elimination! Things speed up now, Shotzi uses teh ropes to bounce back and elbow Shayna. Then swing kick her back! Shotzi hops up the ropes to springboard but Shayna gets under and dump Shotzi out! Payback for the battle royal. But Shayna goes out to fetch Shotzi, lifting her to flapjack on the apron! Shayna puts Shotzi on the apron to club away with both hands! And KNEE Shotzi right back into the ring! Shayna stalks up behind Shotzi and throws her at the ropes to clobber her from behind. Shayna covers, TWO, and Shotzi gets to ropes. Shayna brings Shotzi around by her arm and facelocks. Shotzi clubs back but Shayna whips her. Shotzi ROCKS Shayna with a right, then more! Shayna ducks the kick and wants the Kirafuda, but Shotzi throws her into buckles! Shotzi runs in, shining wizard to DDT!

Shayna is dazed and fans are rallying up. Shotzi grits her teeth and aims from the corner to run Shayna over with a clothesline! Shotzi keeps going but Shayna clips her with a clothesline of her own! Shayna whips Shotzi but Shotzi slides under to enziguri! And then the question mark kick! Shayna wobbles, Shotzi SLING-DOGS! Shayna is on the ropes, Shotzi is moving, CANNONBALL! Shayna is down now and Shotzi heads up top. But Shayna springs up to ROUNDHOUSE Shotzi first! Shayna goes out to the apron and brings Shotzi up, but Shotzi blocks the suplex. Shotzi fights back and cravats, to SLICED BREAD ON THE APRON!! The Queen of Spades is down and fans are fired up for Shotzi! Shotzi pushes Shayna into position then heads back up top. SUPER SENTON into the KIRAFUDA!!

Shotzi claws and flails as she endures the hold, but she’s caught! Wait, she gets around and to her base! But Shayna just wrangles her back around and clamps on tighter! Shotzi taps, Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by submission

But Shayna wants to make Shotzi suffer! Shotzi is passing out! Shayna lets go when she’s satisfied, but this is just an appetizer for her. Will she soon be feasting on the rest of the NXT Women’s Division as she heads back for the title?


Team Kick’s break-up sent shockwaves through the NXT Universe.

“June 1st, 2017. From that day,” she and Dakota Kai were best friends. Close as sisters, even. Dakota was there for Tegan when she was doing rehab. When they were in the WarGames cage together, they were so excited to be Team Kick at TakeOver. But then, it changed. Dakota says Tegan is not as good as she thinks she is. Being snubbed for WarGames, Dakota wanted Tegan to support her, but she didn’t. Tegan got in the contender’s battle royal because she saw Dakota advertised. But then Dakota bowed out just so she could stick it to Tegan. Dakota doesn’t play by anyone’s rules. Dakota says Tegan deserves it, but Tegan says Dakota deserves getting hurt right back. These two are going to kick things up to another level when they finally face off next week!


Backstage interview with Angel Garza!

El Latino is in la casa but he’ll be in a Fatal 4 Way in Houston. The pressure is on, but how is he preparing for such a big defense? When you’re as good as Garza, you feel no pressure. It doesn’t matter which two stars NXT UK puts up, Garza will beat them AND Swerve. Swerve’s House? No, it’s El Campeon’s Casa. And Garza proves it when Worlds Collide.


Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic 2020 Semifinal: The Broserweights VS Imperium!

Matt Riddle & Pete Dunne surely surprised a lot of people when they became a team for this NXT tradition. And they perhaps surprised many more by winning their first match out. But can they continue to surprise us by taking on such an experience and established team as Aichner & Barthel?

The teams sort out and Aichner starts against Dunne. They rush at each other, Aichner headlocks but Dunne headscissors. Aichner pops out, they tie up again, roles reverse but Dunne pops out of the headscissors. They stare down and fans fire up! Aichner and Dunne back up and Barthel tags in. Barthel and Dunne tie up, Barthel wrenches to a hammerlock, then trips Dunne by a leg. Dunne grabs back for a headlock but Barthel bridges over! Barthel floats back to the hammerlock and then chinbars Dunne. Dunne wrenches out but Aichner tags in. Barthel whips Dunne and Aichner arm-drags Dunne down! Aichner grinds on the arm but Dunne endures. Dunne gets up but Aichner wrenches and yanks the arm. Aichner headlocks, Dunne powers out and things speed up. Aichner manages to hurdle Dunne but Dunne CLOBBERS Aichner!

Fans are thunderous for the Bruiserweight as he tags in the Bro. Dunne wrenches Aichner and holds him down to help with Riddle’s standing corkscrew senton! Dunne adds a basement dropkick then Riddle covers, ONE! Riddle Penalty Kicks Aichner then drags Aichner up for a gut wrench suplex! Aichner tags Barthel but Riddle welcomes him with another gut wrench! Riddle hits a Broton, onto knees! Barthel throat chops Riddle and has him in a corner for mudhole stomps and punches. Fans boo Barthel but Riddle CHOPS! And CHOPS! And throws big forearms. Barthel pushes then elbows Riddle int he leg. Riddle boots Barthel down, tags to Aichner and Dunne! Dunne boots Aichner then hops up to dropkick a leg out! Barthel runs in, but into a German Suplex! And buzzsaw! Aichner Germans but Dunne lands on his feet to kick Aichner in the back! Dunne hits a Crucifix DRIVER! Cover, TWO!

Aichner flounders to a corner while fans are fired up. Dunne runs in but Aichner puts him on the apron. Aichner runs in but Dunne moonsaults off the apron to wipe Barthel out! Aichner runs into a kick, and an apron X-PLEX! But Walter looms close, rubbing in that he has the United Kingdom Championship. The ref backs Walter away, but Barthel EuroUppers Dunne into steps! Aichner RAMS his knee into Dunne! Imperium takes over as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Dunne fights up out of Barthel’s armlock. Barthel shoves Dunne to a corner to rock him with another EuroUpper, an enziguri, and a DDT! Barthel hops up and watches Dunne rise. Barthel leaps, to get DECKED by a forearm! Both men are down but fans rally up. Dunne and Barthel crawl, hot tag to Aichner who intercepts Dunne. Barthel helps out, too, and they double wrench to whip Dunne. Dunne stumbles on the corner and Imperium stomps away on him. Aichner drags Dunne up and whips Dunne, but Dunne reverses to enziguri! Fans rally as Dunne crawls, hot tag to Riddle! The Bro rallies on Imperium with kicks and forearms! Riddle PELES Barthel! Forearm and BROSPLODER for Aichner! Forearm and BROSPLODER for Barthel! Broton onto Aichner! Broton onto Barthel! Penalty Kick for Barthel and a dead lift FISHERMAN BUSTER for Aichner!

Tag to Dunne, the Broserweights focus on Aichner with stomps to the hands! They both shrug, and Buzzsaw Final Flash combo! Cover, TWO!! Tag to Riddle and they go after Aichner again. Fireman’s carry but Aichner slips out to shove Riddle into Dunne! Then Riddle into the post! Tag to Barthel and Riddle ends up upside-down, Imperium meets at the corner! Double dropkicks and cover, TWO! Riddle lives but Barthel drags him up. Barthel talks trash then tags Aichner, and Imperium both talk trash. Riddle DOUBLE FLASHES! Tag to Dunne and Dunne DECKS Aichner! Barthel tags in, Dunne dodges to step off Aichner, but into a waistlock! Barthel uses a wheelbarrow and Aichner goes up top, FLYING DDT! Cover, but Riddle breaks it with a knee! Fans are loving this as all four men are down.

Riddle drags Barthel up but Barthel throws Riddle out. Tag to Aichner and Barthel whips Dunne. Dunne reverses and runs in but Barthel puts him up top. Barthel uppercuts then tosses Dunne to Aichner. But Dunne Guillotines and Kimuras out of the suplex! Riddle intercepts Barthel into an ANKLE LOCK! Double submissions from the Broserweights!! Walter shouts at his men as Barthel gets to the ropes. Barthel crisscrosses and knees Riddle, but runs into a FINAL FLASH! Aichner powers Dunne off but Dunne lands on his feet to ROCK Aichner with a right. Aichner hits back with a CHOP, kick and EuroUpper! Enziguri from Dunne, tag to Riddle. Aichner BOOTS Dunne then runs, into DOUBLE SPEARS! Riddle is all fired up as Dunne SPEARS Barthel! JACKHAMMER! Cover, TWO!?! Imperium survives and Walter sighs in relief.

But Riddle won’t let up here. “This is Awesome!” as Riddle climbs up top. But Aichner trips Riddle up and turns him around. Riddle and Aichner trade CHOPS, then Aichner climbs up. But Dunne tags in and Riddle shoves Aichner down. But Barthel shoves Riddle off the top, into Aichner’s BRAIN BUSTER! Dunne returns but into the SPINE BUSTER and PENALTY KICK! Imperium takes Riddle but no EuroBomb as Riddle headscissors Aichner and GERMAN SUPLEXES Barthel! FINAL FLASH again for Aichner, then BOMB to FINAL FLASH! Tag to Dunne, fireman’s carry, BROSERWEIGHT TO SLEEP! Cover, Broserweights WIN!!

Winners: The Broserweights, Pete Dunne pinning; advance to the 2020 Dusty Rhodes Classic Finals

Un-BRO-lievable! Riddle and Dunne are heading to the Dusty Cup finals! Will this magnificent makeshift team make good against the Grizzled Young Veterans? Speaking of, Gibson and Drake come back out to speak to their opponents. “It looks like that we have our Dusty Classic Finals.” Grizzled Young Veterans VS Riddle & Dunne, “the jokers, joint manipulation,” the Broserweights. Whatever these two dweebs think they are, Gibson tells Dunne that the “neckbeards” are the ones to think he’s the best out of NXT UK.

But the truth is, Dunne is the most selfish! Every time GYV tried to take the next step in their careers, Dunne was a roadblock. But now, that changes. Next week, GYV take Dunne and Riddle out to take the trophy back to Liverpool. Before Drake can add on, Riddle takes his mic to use for his own. “Bro… I don’t even know what you really said, but it was something about manipulating joints.” Then Riddle lost focus, tuned out and day-dreamed. Fans chant, “Riddle’s Gonna Smoke You!” Dunne says while Riddle was in the clouds, GYV was reminding us that every single time they stepped to Dunne, they lost. And that doesn’t change next week! The Broserweights will walk out with the trophy, “bro.” Ultimatums have been issued, but who will be the ultimate NXT tag team in 2020?


NXT North American Championship: Roderick Strong VS Keith Lee!

The Savior of the Backbreaker has had run-ins with the Limitless One in the past, but Lee has only grown stronger since. Will Strong finally #BaskInHisGlory? Or will this title stay Undisputed?

The introductions are made, fans sing for Lee and the belt is raised as this amazing main event begins!

Strong and Lee circle and then Strong gets a leg. Lee pries Strong right off, but Strong SLAPS Lee. Lee just scowls as he DECKS Strong! Lee has Strong in a corner for big body shots and forearms. Lee throws Strong around then CHOPS again. Strong staggers away but the boot is blocked. Lee DECKS Strong again! Strong kicks low but Lee THROWS Strong across the way! Lee shows Grizzly Magnum but Strong bails out right away! The Undisputed Era is there as Strong’s corner men as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns again as Lee blocks Strong’s whip with pure strength. Lee whips Strong and hurdles him! Things keep moving, Lee crossbodies Strong down! Fans are fired up as Strong bails out again. The Undisputed Era regroups again but Lee heads out to fetch Strong. Lee bumps Strong off the apron but the Undisputed Era looms close. Lee CLUBS Strong on the apron to send a message to them. The Undisputed Era barks at Lee, and this distracts him so Strong can dropkick the legs out! Strong then dropkicks Lee again to knock him down! The UE coach Strong as he goes after the leg and brings it to the steel steps. Strong slams the leg against the side, and then puts it on a step, to STOMP!

Lee writhes in pain and Strong moves the steps. Strong refreshes the count before bringing Lee over. Strong wedges the foot in place and KICKS the steps! The steps nutcracker that ankle and Lee hobbles into the ring. Strong covers, ONE but Strong is back on the ankle with stomps. Leg DDT and cover, ONE! Lee has strong arms but Strong is after that leg again. Strong has a modified toehold, almost a Half Crab, but fans rally as Lee endures. Lee powers up with his arms, but Strong pulls him from ropes. Lee pushes Strong away but Strong comes back for a grounded Dragon Screw! Lee can barely stand on that bad leg, but he won’t let this take him out of the match. Strong kicks the bad leg then drags Lee up. Lee throws body shots but Strong throws more forearms. Strong puts the leg on the ropes to springboard drop on it! Fans boo but Strong just does it again, only for Lee to launch Strong out of the ring!

Strong wobbles up and gets back in, going after the leg again. Strong uses his Ankle Lock to torture Lee, but Lee refuses to quit. Lee uses his good leg to push and push until Strong lets go. Lee hobbles over but Strong boots, enziguris and forearms! The forearm train begins! Left, right, left, but then Lee swings on Strong. Strong ducks it to clobber Lee from behind! Both men are down as we go to another break.

NXT returns once more as Lee manages to scoop and POWERSLAM Strong down! Cover, TWO!! Strong survives but Lee manages to stand on the bad leg. Fish talks trash but Lee tunes him out to go after Strong. Lee scoops again but Strong slips out this time. Strong runs, dodges but still gets a MOUNTAINOUS SPINE BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Strong survives again and the Undisputed Era is relieved. Strong bails out to regroup with them again and fans boo. Lee rises and rolls out after Strong. Lee puts Strong in the ring but he still keeps his eyes on the rest of the UE. Cole distracts the ref, Fish sweeps Lee’s legs on the apron! Strong hits a DDT! Cover, TWO! Lee will not be screwed over like that! Strong drags Lee up as fans rally, and Lee throws body shots. Strong clubs Lee, Lee hits back. They throw hands, but then Strong kicks the leg, so Lee HEADBUTTS! Both men fall and a standing count begins.

Fans rally up as Lee rises. Strong rises, too, but Lee stands first. Lee sees Strong struggling so Lee heads up top! Strong chop blocks the leg! And then climbs up behind Lee, preparing to shout out Kurt Angle. But Lee fights back and sends Strong down! Lee adjusts but Strong gets back up to club the leg. Strong is back up, has Lee for the SUPER OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, TWO!! And Lee has Strong in his arms! Strong elbows back but Lee tosses him aside. Fans sing for Lee as he and Strong rise again. Strong knees but it’s blocked, GRIZZLY MAGNUM! Lee fires up, runs and POUNCES Strong out onto reDRagon! Cole is in shock as Lee comes out to fetch Strong. Lee puts Strong in as fans chant “MAMMA MIA!” Lee fires up again, runs again, and LARIATS Strong inside-out! Cover, TWO!! Strong survives but Lee won’t stop here.

Lee heads up top again, stares the Undisputed Era down, then MOONSAULTS! But he FLOPS as Strong gets clear! Strong has the Ankle Lock again! And GRAPEVINES! Strong even adds heel stomps while Fish mocks Lee from the apron. Lee crawls and claws and drags himself and Strong, to the ROPEBREAK! Strong holds on until 4 before sparing Lee. Strong shouts for Lee to stay down, but Lee refuses. Fans chant, “You Suck, Roddy! You Suck!” Lee stands, Strong CHOPS him. And forearms, and CHOPS. Lee DECKS Strong with one left! Then fireman’s carries, but Cole distracts. So Lee DECKS Cole, Fish and O’ReillY! STRONG KNEE! Strong runs, to PSYCHO KICK! Cover, TWO!! Strong keeps moving, but into the fireman’s carry! BIG BANG SLAM! Cover, KEITH LEE WINS!!

Winner: Keith Lee, by pinfall; NEW NXT North American Champion

Bask! In his! GLORY!! The Limitless One finally reached the title summit! The Undisputed Era is no longer #DrapedInGold, is their time coming to a close?

But wait, there’s still one more thing to deal with. Imperium returns! And they stand 4v4 against the Undisputed Era in the ring! It goes off!! The eight men brawl as a preview of Worlds Collide! Walter has Cole but gets a BOOT! The superkick is blocked, and the CHOP flips Cole upside-down!! The Undisputed Era go to save their leader but the Imperium soldiers do the same for the Ring General! Security floods the ring but fans want to “Let Them Fight!” But they will fight, in Houston! Which faction proves their brand is superior?



My Thoughts:

I am almost speechless at how great this episode was. This was a great go-home to Worlds Collide, even though obviously NXT will have parts in the Men’s and Women’s Royal Rumbles on Sunday. Finn got a great tune-up out of Joaquin Wilde, Shotzi puts up a hell of a fight against Shayna even in losing, and I love the blending of the NXT Women’s Championship stories. Bianca is understandably upset that someone else is getting a title shot first, but she should also be happy to let Toni beat up Rhea, and even take advantage of whoever wins in Houston. Either way, great stuff, but with Toni standing tall, the math says she won’t win.

Tonight’s Dusty Rhodes Classic semifinals were amazing! Imperium being a distraction so Undisputed Era loses is a good way of keeping the Era strong while keeping them out of the finals. The Broserweights are just incredible, even after only two matches. Imperium also didn’t need to be in the finals if they’re going against the Undisputed Era for Worlds Collide, and also if they’re going to go after the NXT UK Tag titles. Broserweights VS GYV is going to be incredible, and I honestly won’t be upset with either result. But I am very happy with the main event’s result tonight. Keith Lee finally gets a title and it was in an TakeOver worthy match. I know they wanted the giffable spot of Strong being Pounced out of the ring onto the Era, but it didn’t quite go as well as they’d hoped. But Lee winning that title is great heading for Portland and WrestleMania. The brawl of Imperium and Undisputed Era was great, too, a real solid go-home tradition right there.

My Score: 9.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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