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Mitchell’s NXT TakeOver: Portland Results & Report! (2/16/20)

There’s gold in Stumptown!



NXT TakeOver Portland

Portland is draped in NXT gold!

NXT takes over Portland and yells, “TIMBER!” But who will be cut down and who will raise up the brand’s banner in Stumptown?



  • NXT North American Championship: Keith Lee VS Dominik Dijakovic; Lee wins and retains the NXT North American Championship.
  • Street Fight: Dakota Kai VS Tegan Nox; Kai wins.
  • Finn Balor VS Johnny Gargano; Balor wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championships: Rhea Ripley VS Bianca Belair; Ripley wins and retains the NXT Women’s Championship.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: The Undisputed Era VS The Broserweights; The Broserweights win and become the NXT Tag Team Champions.
  • NXT Championship: Adam Cole VS Tommaso Ciampa; Cole wins and retains the NXT Championship.


It’s the NXT TakeOver Kickoff Show!

Join Charly Caruso, Sam Roberts and NXT’s Mansoor as they discuss and predict all the action on tonight’s card! Portland loves Mansoor way more than Roberts, it seems.


The Broserweights arrive in Portland, bro!

Pete Dunne, Matt Riddle and the Dusty Cup still need to get to the arena, though. And somehow, the Broserweight Mobile is here?! How!? Creative liberty. What? Time to win those NXT Tag Team Championships! Will Riddle & Dunne ride off into the sunset with those titles?


NXT gives formal introductions to Nigel McGuinness, Beth Phoenix and Mauro Ranallo!

The trio that has become the staple of NXT commentary are here in Portland and the fans are fired up! Get ready for all the “MAMMA MIA” and pop culture references!


NXT presents:

“It is not the critic who counts.” Not the one who points out how the strong stumbles or how the doer of deeds could’ve done them better. The credit goes to those in the arena. “Whose face is marred by dust, and sweat and blood.” The one who comes up short again and again, who at the end, either knows high achievement, or having failed, dared fail greatly. The timid souls who neither know victory or defeat do not matter here. For this is N! X! T!!


Poppy performs for the NXT Universe!

It is a special medley of Fill the Crown to Anything Like Me.


NXT North American Championship: Keith Lee VS Dominik Dijakovic!

It is a colossally limitless title match to open the night! This is just the newest chapter in a storied feud that is larger than life! Calling this anything less than “epic” is a disservice, but who will be the one writing their own heroic happy ending tonight?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised and this newest rematch begins!

Fans sing “Oh~ Bask In His Glory~!” as Lee and Dijakovic circle. The two titans stare down as fans fire up. Fans change to chants as the two men tie up. Lee wristlocks but Dijakovic chinbars to a headlock. Dijakovic grinds on the hold but Lee powers out. Lee follows then rolls to step and go perpendicular. Dijakovic avoids a Pounce but Lee deflects the discus boot. Lee sends Dijakovic to a corner but Dijakovic goes up and over, only to get caught! Lee carries Dijakovic but Dijakovic slips out and shoves. Dijakovic clotheslines but Lee runs through it! Lee comes back to go UP and HURICANRANA! Fans are fired up from Lee defying physics and physical attributes!

Dijakovic shakes his head then swings, but Lee blocks. Lee tries Grizzly Magnum but Dijakovic dodges. Dijakovic ducks Lee’s leaping heel kick and runs, but the two collide. Neither budges so Dijakovic tries again. Still nothing, so they both go! They both ram shoulders but neither behemoth falls! Portland is fired up as the two stare down. Dijakovic swings a chop but Lee blocks the hand. Dijakovic tries from the other side but Lee blocks that, too. Lee wristlocks and then lifts Dijakovic with one arm! The Straight Arm Lever was never so massive! Lee lets Dijakovic down but Dijakovic CHOPS! It doesn’t bug Lee! Lee wrenches and whips to leap over Dijakovic! Dijakovic comes back with the Cyclone Kick!

Lee bails out, Dijakovic builds speed, COLOSSAL FOSBURY, GETS CAUGHT!? Lee drags Dijakovic up for, but Dijakovic slips out of the bomb! Dijakovic clubs Lee then whips, but Lee keeps from hitting the post. Lee swings on Dijakovic but Dijakovic wrenches and kicks back. The ring count climbs as Dijakovic kicks and elbows! “TIME TO FLY!”Dijakovic throws Lee at the APRON! Lee crashes ‘n’ burns and Portland is stunned! Dijakovic drags Lee up and into the ring as fans rally and duel. Dijakovic stomps Lee to a corner. He clubs and elbows Lee down, but Lee gets up. Dijakovic says the title’s coming home with him, and he throws more clubbing forearms.

Fans rally up as Lee keeps off the mat, even as Dijakovic clubs and stomps him more. Dijakovic ROCKS Lee with a right, then drags him up. Dijakovic CLUBS Lee against the ropes, then reels him in. But Lee won’t let Dijakovic throw him again! Lee powers up to turn things around on Dijakovic! Lee throws big clubbing lefts and Dijakovic wobbles. Dijakovic swings but Lee ROCKS him! And again! Lee runs, stops a clothesline to give body shots and elbows, then a backbreaker to GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Lee keeps his cool as the Colossus lives. Lee brings Dijakovic up and fans rally as he fireman’s carries. Dijakovic fights out and gets to a corner.

Dijakovic BOOTS Lee but Lee corner splashes back! Lee wrenches and whips Dijakovic corner to corner. Dijakovic CYCLONE KICKS again! Dijakovic steps on Lee to get to the corner. He climbs up top, to CORKSCREW MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! An incredible feat of athleticism but it still wasn’t enough! Fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” as Dijakovic drags Lee back up. Dijakovic wants to fireman’s carry but Lee fights out. Lee elbows Dijakovic back then throws big hands. Dijakovic blocks with a boot to ELBOW! Lee ELBOWS back! Lee and Dijakovic club each other with clotheslines. Dijakovic throws elbows, knees, and discus! Lee stays up, and even powers up!

Lee clubs Dijakovic, both men fire up, and double clotheslines collide! What a solid impact! Both men fall to their knees, and lean on each other as they stand back up. Dijakovic throws an elbow but Lee blocks it! Lee throws the Magnum but Dijakovic blocks! Dijakovic knees low, knee smashes, then LARIATS Lee down!! Lee ends up under the bottom rope, but Dijakovic hurries over. Dijakovic drags Lee up and goes to bump him on buckles, but Lee blocks. Lee bumps Dijakovic back, then climbs up top. Dijakovic throws body shots and bumps Lee off the buckle over and over and over! Dijakovic climbs up and brings Lee up with a fireman’s carry. Portland is on its feet as Dijakovic hits a SUPER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!?! Lee lives and Portland is thunderous for “NXT! NXT!”

“This is Awesome!” and far from over as Dijakovic and Lee stand again. Dijakovic throws elbows from all sides, then big clubbing forearms in the corner. Dijakovic runs corner to corner, but Lee POUNCES back!! Lee sends Dijakovic hard into buckles and Portland loses their mind! Dijakovic flops out of the ring and Lee pursues. Lee staggers over as Dijakovic reaches the announce desks. The ring count climbs as Lee brings Dijakovic up to ROCK him with that left! Dijakovic falls against railings as Lee clears out space. Lee brings Dijakovic up to Grizzly Magnum CHOP! Fans want “One More Time!” as Lee stalks after Dijakovic. Lee sits Dijakovic in the arm chair to CHOP again!

Dijakovic hobbles back to the ring but Lee drags him out. Dijakovic throws big forearms and he sits Lee down in that same arm chair. But Lee CHOPS him back! Dijakovic SUPERKICKS Lee! Dijakovic gets in the ring, to SPRINGBOARD SWANTON ONTO THE CHAIR!! Lee and Dijakovic wipe out and Portland loses its mind all over again! Dijakovic drags himself from the wreckage as fans take care of shouting “MAMMA MIA!” for Mauro. Things end up back in the ring but Dijakovic wants to end this with one more move. Lee slowly rises, Dijakovic reaches, but ends up in a fireman’s carry! Dijakovic fights with elbows, but Lee holds on! BIG BANG- NO! SUPERKICK!

Choke grip, but Lee denies the bomb! Lee powers Dijakovic off to grab him for a CHOKE- No, Dijakovic slips out! CHOKE BO- Lee flips and lands on his feet!? Lee pops Dijakovic up, SPIRIT BOMB!! But Dijakovick pops up to his feet?!? Even Lee can’t believe it! Lee ducks the knee to roll Diajkovic up, TWO! Dead lift, SPIRIT BOMB!!! Cover, TWO!?!? The Limitless One cannot believe this, and neither can the NXT Universe! Both men are down as Portland reaches a fever pitch! Lee rises up as fans hope he and Dijakovic “Fight Forever!” Lee drags Dijakovic to a corner and to his feet. This continues going up as Lee sits on the top rope. Dijakovic dumps Lee out!

Lee manages to sit up as the ring count begins. Lee climbs back up, and Dijakovic meets him at the corner. Dijakovic grabs Lee but Lee hits first. Lee climbs again but Dijakovic anchors his feet. Lee clubs Dijakovic but Dijakovic BOOTS Lee! Dijakovic climbs up again and brings Lee up. SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!!! Dijakovic won’t let up, he drags Lee up and manages a torture rack! But not for long, so Dijakovic has to try again. Dijakovic’s back gives out, but Lee fireman’s carries for BIG BANG CATASTROPHE! Cover, Lee wins!!

Winner: Keith Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

“Epic” truly DOESN’T cover what we just saw! This match was truly worthy of this rivalry and of this championship! Will Lee only rise to new heights as he continues his limitless reign?

But what makes this match even greater is that there is still respect between “Both These Guys!” Lee helps Dijakovic up to his feet, and the two hug! Will there be yet another chapter written in the epic epic that is Lee VS Dijakovic?


Street Fight: Dakota Kai VS Tegan Nox!

A friendship that survived both women going through knee surgeries and rehab was ended by a WarGames betrayal. That betrayal turned friends into enemies, and now that grudge could end tonight! Who wins the Team Kick Civil War when the rule book is kicked out the window?

But before the match even begins, Dakota attacks Tegan at the ramp! Dakota clubs Tegan then brings her to railing. Tegan blocks the railing bump to give it to Dakota! Tegan moves railing aside and stalks Dakota up the aisel, clubbing her as they go. Dakota tries to get back to ringside, but Tegan SPEARS her through! Tegan fireman’s carries but Dakota spins around to DDT Tegan on the railing! Dakota puts Tegan in the ring and this match finally begins! Cover, TWO!! Dakota keeps her focus as she searches under the ring. Fans fire up as Dakota brings out trash can lids and chairs! And don’t forget the trash cans themselves.

Dakota drags Tegan out to throw into steel steps first! And then sets her on them to BOOT! Dakota traps Tegan’s leg between steps and ring post, and then searches under the ring again. And she brings out… a cricket bat?! Dakota swings, Tegan ducks, the wood paddle-bat smashes post and BREAKS! The recoil hurts Dakota’s hands, and Tegan frees herself to CROSSBODY! Both women crash down but Tegan gets up first. Tegan stomps Dakota against the steel steps and then fetches one of the trash cans. Tegan brings the can over to put on top of Dakota! And then CANNONBALLS into it! A double-edged senton for Tegan but she still gets up to drag Dakota into the ring. Tegan covers, TWO!

Tegan hurries to fetch something else from under the ring, and brings out a TABLE! Portland loves those! Tegan sets the table up on the outside and then goes after Dakota. She drags Dakota up and wants to suplex her out! But Dakota holds on and fights back, and hotshots Tegan down. Dakota fetches a trash can lid but Tegan runs over. Dakota dodges to pop Tegan up and SMACK her with the lid! Tegan slumps over on the apron and Dakota pushes her in. Dakota stomps Tegan and even stands on her chest! Fans boo but Tegan pushes the foot away from her throat. Dakota puts Tegan between ropes and throws big forearms. Tegan teeters, Dakota goes Around the World, but Tegan dodges the boot! Dakota gets hung up and Tegan SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS!

Dakota flounders away but Tegan pursues with another trash can. Tegan smacks and SMASHES the can off Dakota, then brings Dakota over. German Suplex ON the trash can!! Cover, TWO!! Dakota lives and Tegan can’t believe it! Tegan gets herself to a corner to runs out, but her Shiniest Wizard misses! Dakota hops on for the KAI-ROPRACTOR! Cover, TWO!! Tegan survives and Dakota is furious. Tegan crawls to an apron but Dakota climbs up top. Dakota leaps but into Tegan’s grip! Dakota breaks free to Scorpion Kick! She boots Tegan and then runs, but the Penalty Kick is blocked! Tegan sweeps the legs and Dakota crashes on the apron! Tegan climbs back up and fans rally.

Dakota BOOTS Tegan on the top rope! Dakota climbs up to join Tegan but Tegan resists the superplex. So Dakota clubs away viciously from all sides! Tegan choke grips again! For a SUPER CHOKE SLAM! Dakota flounders back up, Tegan hits a MOLLY-GO-ROUND! Cover, TWO!! Not even a double shout out to WWE’s superheroes could end this! Fans rally and duel as Tegan grabs a chair and sits it up. Dakota slowly sits up and Tegan remembers the days when they were friends. And then she puts Dakota through the chair, to kick! But Dakota gets clear, and then SUPERKICKS back!

Dakota grabs the chair, tosses it to Tegan, to BOOT it into Tegan’s face! Tegan flounders about and bails out of the ring, but Dakota shows no mercy. Dakota checks under the ring before throwing Tegan into a post. Dakota brings out duct tape and uses it to strap Tegan to the bottom buckle’s crossbar! Tegan works on the tape but Dakota BOOTS her first! Tegan stays up because of her trapped arm, so Dakota BOOTS her again! The tape rips! Dakota drags Tegan back up and shouts, “You asked for this, Tegan!” Dakota grabs the timekeeper’s laptop, because apparently he has one, and aims at Tegan! Tegan kicks Dakota first! Tegan grabs the laptop to SMACK the braced knee!!

Dakota writhes in pain but Tegan drags out CHAINS! Tegan brings the chains in to LASH the bad leg! Tegan fashions a brass knuckles with the chain to punch away at the knee! Fans are shocked as Tegan claws at Dakota’s heavy knee brace! Dakota kicks Tegan away but Tegan grabs a chair. Tegan puts the chair around the leg and STOMPS! SHINIEST WIZARD!! Dakota is out and Tegan realizes just what she did. “I’m not done yet! I’m ending you!” Tegan goes back out to grab the table! Tegan brings the table into the ring and sets it back up. She stomps Dakota over and over before putting her on the table.

Tegan grabs a chair and puts it around Dakota’s HEAD?! Fans are really worried now as Tegan climbs up. But who is that attacking Tegan!? Is that Raquel Gonzales?! Gonzales shoves Dakota off the table to then climb up after Tegan. The Daughter of the Desperado SUPER CHOKE SLAMS Tegan through the table!! The table doesn’t even break, it’s legs just give out! Dakota covers, Dakota wins!

Winner: Dakota Kai, by pinfall

Captain Kick has no idea what this was about, but Gonzales is glaring at Tegan. Gonzales offers Dakota a hand, and Dakota accepts it. Is Gonzales the new teammate of #CapKota?


NXT has big news for NXT UK!

For the first time ever, there will be NXT UK TakeOver: DUBLIN! Sunday, April 26th, 2020, the NXT family makes history again!


Finn Balor VS Johnny Gargano!

It was less than two weeks ago that Johnny Wrestling told the Prince that he’d take the NXT banner and stab it through his heart. The Prince’s response: he has no heart. But in a battle of Rebel Heart and heartless Rock ‘n’ Rolla, who wins the soul of this brand?

The bell rings and fans are excited to see “Both These Guys!” Gargano and Balor stare down as fans start dueling. Balor and Gargano circle and approach. They tie up, Balor waistlocks and throws Gargano down. Gargano gets up with a grin and the two circle again. They tie up again, Balor wristlocks but Gargano blocks with a chinbar. Balor powers through to wrench and armlock but Gargano rolls him, ONE. Fans cheer the technical exchange as the two men circle again. Gargano and Balor feel out the double knuckle locks, and Gargano wrenches one to a keylock. Gargano gets Balor on the mat but Balor headscissors back.

Fans cheer as Gargano works on an escape, using legs to pick the hold and get a headlock back. Balor powers up but Gargano headlock takeovers. Balor headscissors and holds tight this time. Gargano works to get his own headscissor counter but Balor cranks up for leverage. Balor even does push-ups just to show off! Fans cheer as Balor cranks harder. Gargano works on the hold again, kips out and then dropkicks Balor down! Gargano headlocks to a takeover again. Balor pushes at Gargano’s face, works his way around to roll Gargano, ONE. The two stand as fans rally again. Balor throws hands, powers out but Gargano goes up and over and arm-drags back!

Gargano dropkicks Balor again, and has him on the ropes. Gargano whips, Balor reverses but Gargano sunset flips. Balor rolls through but Gargano is ready and he kangaroo kicks Balor! Gargano school boy KICKS Balor down! Fans cheer as Gargano looms over Balor. Gargano drags Balor up to wrench and roll him, then splash down on the arm. Fans duel again as Gargano wrenches Balor. Balor knees and clubs Gargano then whips, to elbow Gargano down! Cover, ONE, but Balor keeps his focus. Gargano gets to a corner but Balor throws body shots. Gargano pie faces Balor so Balor CHOPS him back! Balor stalks Gargano to another corner and rams his shoulder in.

Balor CHOPS Gargano again and follows him to a third corner. Fans want “One More Time!” but Balor throws those forearms first. Balor whips Gargano corner to corner for a running CHOP! And then back the other way for a CHOP! Balor whips a third time but Gargano boots back! Gargano CHOPS back, too! Gargano fires off more CHOPS and stalks Balor to a corner. Now Gargano throws haymakers and stomps! The ref backs Gargano off and Balor gets to his feet. Gargano runs in but Balor hops out. Gargano ducks the retaliation, then joins Balor on the apron to SPEAR him down! Fans are fired up as both men hit the floor!

Gargano is up first and he drags Balor up. Gargano throws Balor hard into railing, and then CHOPS him in front of the fans! The count reaches 6 but Gargano puts Balor in. Balor bails out so Gargano pursues around the corner. Gargano runs in, but into a SLINGBLADE! Balor won’t let Gargano copy his John Woo shotgun dropkick. Balor KNEES Gargano down then puts him in the ring. He drives elbows into Gargano’s shoulder over and over, then locks him into a grounded cobra twist. Balor grinds his forearm on Gargano’s face like a saw, but lets go at the ref’s reprimand. Balor runs to basement dropkick Gargano in the back! Cover, TWO!

Balor snapmares Gargano then rams in the elbow again. Balor has Gargano with a modified cobra clutch but fans rally up. Gargano fights up and works on the hold but Balor wrangles Gargano down. Fans continue to rally as Gargano works on the hold. The dueling returns as Gargano fights his way up and elbows free. Gargano hits an arm-breaker DDT! Gargano keeps on that arm with a wrench and shoulder breaker! Balor clutches his arm but Gargano is after it with a chicken wing. Gargano grabs the other arm, modified backslide, TWO! Balor scrambles to a corner but Gargano is on him again. Gargano yanks the arm against the ropes, then runs in. Balor puts Gargano on the apron, blocks the enziguri, and hits a draping dragon screw!

Gargano flops into the ring, clutching the leg, but Balor SWEEPS the leg! Fans rally up as Balor drags Gargano around to clamp on with a toehold. Gargano resists, grabbing at Balor wherever he can. Balor cranks harder but Gargano kicks and hooks Balor to an armbar! Balor resists, rolls up, TWO! Gargano crawls but Balor STOMPS him down! Balor drags Gargano up to bounce off buckles and wrap the bad leg on the ropes. Fans rally again as Balor takes aim. Balor double guns but Gargano throws forearms! Balor drapes the leg to STOMP the knee! “You know who you’re in here with?” Balor stomps the leg more, then presses it on the ropes.

The ref reprimands but Balor keeps on the bad foot, using a springboard sit-down to go after the ankle. Balor does it again, but then Gargano pushes him up over the top! Balor gets back in, Gargano small packages, TWO! Gargano school boys but the kick is blocked! Balor stomps the knee, laces the legs and has a Deathlock! Balor even adds a monkey grip to pull on the bad knee! Gargano falls to his shoulders, that’s a cover, ONE! And again, ONE! Gargano stays off the mat but Balor wrenches the hold. Gargano CHOPS Balor over and over as the fans rally and duel. Balor lets go of the hold and Gargano crawls to a corner. Balor has the leg again but Gargano enziguris!

Gargano counters a punch to spin Balor around, backbreaker and gourd buster! BUZZSAW and LARIAT! Gargano hobbles up as Balor bails out. Gargano builds speed to DIVE! But into Balor’s arms! Balor lifts but no 1916 as Gargano RAMS him into steel steps! Gargano gets back on the apron, gets his leg moving again, and takes aim. Gargano CANNONBALLS! The senton is double-edged with that hard landing! Balor is up first but Gargano follows. Gargano stalks Balor and puts him in the ring. Gargano slingshots and SPEARS Balor down! Cover, TWO!! Gargano keeps his cool as he stalks Balor to a corner. Gargano stomps a mudhole into Balor but the ref pulls him back.

Fans are divided as Gargano stands Balor up. Gargano CHOPS Balor then sets him up top. Gargano brings Balor onto his shoulder, but no Long Dart! Balor has the dragon sleeper but Gargano escapes to run. Gargano tilt-o-whirls but Balor blocks the takedown to dragon sleeper, elbow drop DDT! Cover, TWO! Balor grits his teeth and clutches his arm as he gets to his feet. Gargano rolls to ropes as fans rally and duel again. Balor stomps Gargano at the ropes, then uses springboard stomps over and over! The ref pulls Balor off as Gargano flops out of the ring. Balor runs but his wercking ball dropkick misses! Gargano SUPERKICKS Balor back!

Gargano puts Balor in, takes aim from the ropes, and slingshots, but Balor blocks the DDT! Balor shifts, but Gargano scoops! LONG DART! Balor staggers up to BOOT, Gargano ENZIGURIS, Balor PELES! But Gargano falls on Balor for the cover! TWO!! Portland is fired up for “NXT! NXT!” as both men are down. Gargano stirs first and flounders to ropes. Gargano is on the apron as Balor rises. Fans still duel as Balor heads over, but Gargano counter punches! The two brawl with the ropes between them! They BOTH enziguri! Gargano wobbles but slingshots, into Balor’s grip! Balor knees and kicks Gargano, then goes up top! But Gargano dodges the stomps to slingshot DDT!! Cover, TWO!! “This is Awesome!” and far from over!

Gargano and Balor both get up on opposite ends. Fans fire up again as the two stare down. Balor and Gargano fire up and rush at each other! Gargano dodges, Balor dodges, and then Gargano clips Balor to throw forearms and a DISCUS! Gargano gets to a corner and fans fire up with him. DIY powers activate, but Balor SLINGBLADES! Balor aims now, double gun and SUPERKICK from Gargano! Gargano tries again, but gets another SLINGBLADE! JOHN WOO SHOTGUN!! Balor heads up top and leaps, but no Coup de Grace! Gargano comes back around, GargaNO ESCAPE!!

Balor endures and he drags himself around, but Gargano rolls him away!! Balor tires again, and gets free to DOUBLE STOMP! He drags Gargano up, but still no 1916 as Gargano gets the GargaNo Escape back! Balor is fading but he finds a second wind to get the ROPEBREAK! Gargano lets go and Balor gets out of the ring. Fans hope these two “Fight Forever!” just like Lee and Dijakovic. But just as that match came to an end, so must this one. Balor staggers and sputters, but Gargano uses the double guns. Gargano runs in, JOHN WOO DROPKICK! Balor gets blasted into barriers now!

Fans are divided as Gargano drags Balor up. Gargano sees the announce table, and pushes Balor aside to clear it off! But Balor uses a gourd buster to SLAM Gargano on it first! Balor watches Gargano writhe, and he goes to the other announce desk. Balor climbs up and Gargano stands, for Balor to SUPER JOHN WOO!! Gargano hits barriers and Portland is thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” Balor drags Gargano back into the ring and heads up top, for the COUP DE GRACE!!! But Balor isn’t done there! Balor double guns before he drags Gargano up. 1 9 1 6!! Cover, Balor wins!!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

Johnny Wrestling came at the Prince, and though he didn’t miss, he didn’t take Balor down, either. Balor grabs Gargano by the jaw to make sure he understands that the banner of NXT still belongs to the Prince! Will everything else in NXT soon belong to Balor, too?


Cathy Kelley interviews the Undisputed Era.

Tonight is a huge night for the faction, but Roderick Strong prepares for a rematch with Velveteen Dream this Wednesday. Strong says Dream is going to be “a dead man” on NXT TV, but that is not tonight. Tonight, “the baddest team on God’s green shows the Loserweights why they are who they are!” And then Adam Cole finally finishes delusional Ciampa and proves why he is the greatest of all time! Cole says now Cathy can go. Cathy leaves, but will the Undisputed Era leave with the gold they came in with?


NXT Women’s Championships: Rhea Ripley VS Bianca Belair!

The Mosh Pit Kid became the inaugural NXT UK Women’s Champion, and then she became an Aussie Nightmare for every woman on NXT Prime. Rhea is the first-ever woman to have held both titles in a career, but will The EST make sure this stops right here? Or will Rhea rip her way all the way down the Road to WrestleMania?

Rhea and Bianca circle and tie up. The two are in a deadlock on power, so the two break. Bianca and Rhea circle again and give it another go. Rhea wrenches to a wristlock but Bianca pie faces. Rhea yanks on the arm and drags Bianca down. “You wanna wash my face, huh?!” Bianca pulls Rhea’s hair and stomps her foot to reverse the wrench. Rhea shoulders out! Bianca waistlocks and slams Rhea down! Bianca holds on but Rhea powers her to a corner. The ref calls for the break but Rhea tries an elbow. Bianca dodges that to pie face Rhea more. The ref backs Bianca off, Bianca whips Rhea but Rhea reverses. Bianca goes up and over and handsprings, only to run into boots!

Rhea ducks Bianca’s return to LARIAT Bianca down! And again! Rhea spins, shoves and dropkicks Bianca into a corner! Rhea stomps Bianca in the corner then CHOPS! Bianca is stinging as she goes to another corner. Rhea is on her again with another CHOP! Bianca flounders away to a third corner, but Rhea is on her again. Rhea swings, Bianca ducks, but Rhea CHOPS on the other side! Rhea grabs at Bianca but Bianca shoves her away. Bianca dodges and catches Rhea’s boots to SLAM Rhea down! Fans rally and duel as Bianca stomps Rhea over and over. Cover, ONE, but Bianca drags Rhea up by her hair. Bianca cravats to neck wrench and thrash Rhea about.

Rhea endures, fights her way back up, and throws body shots. Bianca throws Rhea down then moonsaults! Cover, TWO! Bianca grows frustrated but keeps her focus. Bianca throws Rhea into buckles then suplexes her. Rhea slips out and the two fight for control. Bianca suplexes again and slams Rhea down! Cover, TWO! Bianca jams Rhea down then puts on a full nelson for a modified camel clutch. Fans rally and duel as Rhea claws at the grip. Rhea slips her legs around to get back to a vertical base. Rhea rams Bianca into buckles again and again until she’s free. But Bianca clamps on, so Rhea elbows her away. Bianca grabs her again but Rhea mule kicks free! Then back drops Bianca down! Bianca staggers up, Rhea runs and rallies with clotheslines!

Rhea catches Bianca’s clothesline into a cravat for knee after knee! Rhea snapmares and basement dropkicks Bianca HARD! Bianca gets up but Rhea shovels her into an Electric Chair, FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Bianca survives but Rhea is on her legs with the Inverted Cloverleaf! Bianca flails and reaches but Rhea even slaps and spanks her for added humiliation! But Bianca rolls and kicks away on Rhea! Bianca boots Rhea into a post! Bianca rolls Rhea up, TWO! Rhea gets to her feet but runs into a SPINE BUSTER! High stack cover, TWO! Bianca tries a lateral press, TWO! Bianca calms down and brings Rhea back up. She rams Rhea into a corner and throws in shoulders.

Bianca puts Rhea on the top rope and pie faces her more. Rhea SLAPS Bianca back! Bianca SLAPS Rhea! Rhea SLAPS Bianca again! Bianca SLAPS Rhea again. it is a SLAP fight! Fans fire up as Rhea rocks Bianca, but Bianca hair WHIPS Rhea! The killer braid strikes again, and Bianca drags Rhea up for a military press SLAM! Fans are fired up for the EST as she handsprings and MOONSAULTS, on knees! Rhea pump handles, lifts, but Bianca avoids Riptide to torture rack! Rhea fights out, Bianca side steps and hurdles, but then leaps into a BOOT! Bianca is up to SPEAR Rhea down!! Fans are fired up as both women are down on the mat! Bianca grabs Rhea first and throws forearms, but Rhea gives them back.

Fans are loving this form of “Women’s Wrestling!” as Bianca clubs away from all sides. Bianca whips Rhea, Rhea reverses and swings a kick. Bianca ducks the heel kick but not the ROUNDHOUSE! Rhea runs but into a BIG forearm! Bianca brings Rhea around, chicken wings, but Rhea breaks free. Rhea avoids the hair to roundhouse again! Rhea runs but Bianca THROWS her out! Somehow Rhea lands safely, but Bianca builds speed to FLY! The EST Conjilo wipes both women out!! The referee checks on both women as fans chant “MAMMA MIA!” for Mauro. Somehow they’re both okay so a ring count begins.

Bianca is up first and she throws Rhea at the apron. Rhea stops herself, body shots back, then atomic SLAMS Bianca into steel steps! Rhea drags Bianca up and in, then grits her teeth as she stalks Bianca to ropes. Bianca kicks Rhea away, then dumps her out! Rhea is on her feet and gets back up to counter punch. Rhea bumps Bianca on buckles then heads up top! She drags Bianca up to join her, but Bianca fights back! Bianca clubs Rhea down and has Rhea, but Rhea resists the superplex. Rhea headbutts Bianca back! Then adjusts, to SUPER- No! Bianca holds on to deny the bomb! Bianca hammers Rhea but Rhea bumps her off buckles! Rhea has the pump handle, RIPTIDE!! Cover, Rhea wins!!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

That was certainly the -EST match either woman has had in their careers! But if Bianca is the strongest and the toughest, then what does that make Rhea?

Wait! Charlotte Flair is here, and she attacks Rhea from behind! The Queen stands tall over the Nightmare and then grabs herself a mic. “So, I thought about it. And I’ll see you at WrestleMania.” Charlotte tosses the mic, and confirms this challenge with a NATURAL SELECTION! We finally know this will really happen, but will Charlotte’s comeback for the NXT Women’s Championship going to be a nightmare?

And just to add insult to injury, Charlotte throws Bianca into steel steps! The Queen makes sure the EST gets payback for that team-up, but is she only setting herself up for the fiercest clap back?


NXT Tag Team Championships: The Undisputed Era VS The Broserweights!

By their powers combined, Matt Riddle & Pete Dunne won the 2020 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic and earned this opportunity! Will the duo known as reDRagon go up in smoke? Or will these titles stay Undisputed?

Before the match, Riddle has a mic in the BroserMobile. “Bro…” Portland is fired up for the question Riddle has for them: “How much fish could Bobby Fish fry if Bobby Fish could fry fish?” Everyone joins in with what becomes a Bro tongue twister sing-along! And there’s even a gif of Fish as Big Mouth Billy Bass! But the Undisputed Era have already had it with the Bro’s sense of humor, and a brawl breaks out on the ramp! Dunne DECKS Kyle while Riddle throws his hat and flip-flops off.

Things move towards ringside and Fish mule kicks Riddle before bumping him off the apron. Riddle forearms and CHOPS Fish but Kyle KICKS Riddle’s leg out! Dunne CHOPS Fish but Kyle BOOTS Dunne down! The ref tries to restore order and reDRagon puts the Broserweights in the ring. Kyle starts with Riddle and the bell rings, this match is finally underway!

Riddle blocks Kyle’s takedown to elbow and knee back while Fish still clobbers Dunne on the outside. The ref reprimands Fish while Riddle waistlocks. Kyle gets up but Riddle slams him down. Riddle gives Kyle Bro Kicks over and over, but Kyle catches one to kick the leg out again. Tag to Fish but Fish runs into a forearm. Riddle fires palm strikes but Fish forearms and body shots back. Fish knees away on Riddle, but Riddle gut wrench suplexes! Riddle drags Fish up to gut wrench around, and tags in Dunne. Riddle suplexes Fish and then Dunne gives him a boost for the corkscrew senton! Dunne adds a basement dropkick!

Fans fire up as Dunne drags Fish up and tortures an arm. Fish knees low then sucker punches Riddle. Fish headlocks, Dunne powers out, things speed up, and Dunne CLOBBERS Fish! Kyle runs in but Dunne gets his arm! Dunne wrenches to a hammerlock and he STOMPS it down! Kyle bails out but Dunne follows after. Dunne has Fish for an apron X-PLEX! Kyle runs in, Dunne dodges and uses the steps to go up! Kyle gets under the moonsault but gets a roundhouse! Dunne X-Plexes Kyle onto Fish! Fans are fired up as Dunne goes back to Fish in the corner.

Dunne wrenches Fish to a hammerlock and drags him down. Dunne gets the other arm and bends the fingers! Fish endures the torture as Dunne STOMPS! Dunne drags Fish up and whips him to a corner. Fish reverses but Dunne goes up, only for Fish to sweep the legs! Fish drags Dunne over to the Undisputed corner and tags in Kyle. Dunne throws chops but Kyle fires off a strike fest! Kyle sweeps the legs and fans cheer that amazing sequence! Kyle stomps Dunne now then tags Fish. Fish drags Dunne up to throw body shots, then rams knees. Fish whips Dunne but Dunne hits Kyle! Dunne hits Fish but Fish spins around to hit a Samoan Drop!

Tag back to Kyle and Kyle rams his knees into Dunne! Kyle uses palm strikes and fists to keep Dunne down. Dunne grabs a foot for an Ankle Lock! Fish tags in to slingshot atomico! Cover, TWO as Dunne bridges. Fish puts Dunne in the corner to throw body shots and kicks. The ref counts, Kyle tags back in, and Kyle drags Dunne up for big forearms and kicks of his own. Tag back to Fish but Dunne throws hands back! Fish drags Dunne out, but Dunne CHOPS him away! Dunne is up and enziguris Kyle back! Kyle grabs a leg to dragon screw through the ropes! Fish sweeps the legs! Dunne crashes ‘n’ burns to the floor, Fish puts Dunne in. Cover, TWO! Dunne is one fish that Fish hasn’t fired just yet.

Fish tweaks Dunne’s leg but fans are rallying for the Broserweights. Dunne kicks Fish, Fish stomps Dunne to a corner. Fish brings Dunne up to throw forearms, then tags to Kyle. Kyle whips Fish in but Dunne puts him on the apron. Dunne boots Kyle but Fish keeps Dunne in the corner. Kyle runs in, but Dunne gets away and Kyle’s BOOT hits Fish! Dunne hurries, but Kyle anchors his feet. Kyle drags Dunne away but Dunne enziguris! Kyle ducks and Fish gets hit! Hot tag to Riddle! Riddle rallies on Kyle with kicks, and even has kicks for Fish! PELE for Fish! Riddle handsprings and forearms and BROSPLODERS Kyle! Then the same for Fish! BROTON for reDRagon! Penalty Kick for Kyle, and a Fisherman Buster for Fish!

Riddle fireman’s carries, BRO TO SLEEP, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Kyle survives the bro-ssault but Riddle takes aim. Dunne tags in and Kyle knees Riddle. Kyle guillotines but Riddle powers out. Riddle wristlocks and ripcords, Dunne and Riddle combine for a FINAL FLASH FOREARM SANDWICH! Dunne lifts Kyle, FINAL FLASH POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives, proving why he’s the only three-time tag team champion in NXT. Riddle tags in but both Broserweights climb up. Dunne MOONSAULTS onto Fish, while the Floating Bro GETS KNEES! Kyle saves himself but Fish is wiped out! Riddle flounders to the Undisputed corner while Dunne gets to his feet. Dunne aims at Fish, to STOMP the hands! But Fish ducks and the BUZZSAW gets POST!

Kyle runs and forearms Riddle in a corner! He runs again but Riddle dodges to wristlock. No Final Flash, Kyle German Suplexes, but Riddle is up again! Riddle kicks but into another German Suplex! But Riddle is up again!! KNEE TRIGGER! GERMAN SUPLEX! Kyle flounders up to SMASH, but Riddle KNEE TRIGGERS again! Portland is fired up as all four men are down in and out of the ring! Fish drags himself back towards his corner while Riddle gets up. Kyle kicks Riddle away then throws him out. Fish tags in, but Riddle SPEARS! Riddle gets in, and SPEARS Kyle!

Fans fire up as Riddle drags Kyle up, but Fish is the legal one. Fish chop blocks Riddle, Kyle underhooks and Fish lifts the legs. Draping butterfly DDT into a boosted Wheelbarrow German! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives but reDRagon regroups. Fish tags Kyle and brings Riddle up. But no annihilation as Riddle gets around to waistlock Fish. Kyle saves Fish from Final Flash, so Riddle DOUBLE KNEE TRIGGERS reDRagon! Hot tag to Dunne!! Dunne grabs Kyle in the HOVERBOARD! Kyle fights out and has Dunne in an arm clutch! Dunne fades, Kyle Ax, but Dunne SMASH! Kyle yo-yos, into an enziguri! So he basement yo-yos, into an ARMBAR! Kyle moves around and gets the ANKLE LOCK!

Dunne rolls, to get the ankle lock for himself! Riddle intercepts Fish for a takedown, into an ANKLE LOCK! Double Ankle Locks and Dunne even grapevines! Fish kicks Riddle away, Kyle reverses into a Sharpshooter! Fish gets Riddle with a guillotine, but Riddle powers out to a suplex, only for Fish to get a sleeper hold with body scissors! FINAL FLASH and BROTON, Riddle saves his team!! Portland is thunderous all over again as all four men are back down. The teams regroup as fans rally up. Fish tags in, but Dunne ducks a kick to shove Fish to ropes, rebound German! Dunne stomps the hands, and hits the BUZZSAW!

Tag to Riddle and Riddle goes up top. Dunne Electric Chair lifts Fish, but Fish escapes Doomsday to shove Dunne into Riddle! Tag to Kyle and Kyle flying KNEES Dunne! Fish gets Riddle for a SUPERPLEX! Kyle is up top, for SUPER KNEE DROP to the knee! KNEEBAR!! Riddle endures as Kyle heel hooks on top of it! Fish intercepts Dunne and puts him up top, but Dunne bends the fingers! Dunne SNAPS Fish’s fingers, to leap and STOMP Kyle’s hand! Portland returns to a fever pitch as Dunne goes to the corner. Riddle crawls over, hot tag to Dunne! “This is Awesome!” as Dunne and Kyle start trading forearms and kicks! Dunne CHOPS CHOPS CHOPS CHOPS, but Kyle shoves him into Riddle! Kyle mule kicks Dunne low, but Dunne grabs Kyle’s fingers! Fish reaches for Kyle but Dunne BITES!

Kyle clubs Dunne, but Dunne SNAPS the fingers! Dunne brings Kyle in, pump handle, but no Bitter End. Kyle waistlocks, Dunne standing switches, Riddle runs in, but Kyle sends the SPEAR into DUNNE! Kyle throws Riddle out then tags in Fish! They bring Dunne up, CHASING THE DRAGON!! Cover, TWO!?!? No one can believe that one, let alone reDRagon! Fish and Kyle try again, but still no Annihilation as Dunne throws elbows. Kyle waistlocks and German Suplexes, but Dunne lands on his feet! Riddle tags in, Dunne gets double pop-up knees! Riddle KNEE TRIGGERS Fish! Dunne X-Plexes Kyle into Riddle’s POWERBOMB! Riddle flips Kyle over, FINAL FLASH BUZZSAW! Fish runs into a fireman’s carry, and gets a BROSERWEIGHT TO SLEEP!! Cover, Broserweights win!!!

Winners: The Broserweights, by pinfall (NEW NXT Tag Team Champions)

The Prophecy is falling apart as a team of individuals becomes a true team of champions! Riddle has his first title in NXT, Dunne makes history by having both this title and the United Kingdom Championship on his resume, and this might just be the beginning! Will the Broserweights soon take over the world… bro?


NXT Championship: Adam Cole VS Tommaso Ciampa!

And then there was one. The Undisputed Era’s charismatic leader is the only one left holding onto a title, but can he keep hold of it now that Daddy’s Home? Or will the Blackheart take back his life when he takes back “Goldie,” the title he never truly lost?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and the match to prove who is truly the greatest begins!

Cole and Ciampa stare down as fans cheer and duel. Ciampa and Cole circle as they hear the chanting back and forth. Cole says that doesn’t matter, the title is going to stay his. They tie up, go around, and Ciampa puts Cole on the ropes. The ref calls for the break and Ciampa gives Cole pats on the shoulder before mocking the BAYBAY. Cole keeps his cool as he gets a waistlock. Ciampa pries free to a headlock then a wristlock then back to a headlock. Ciampa grinds Cole and holds on tight as Cole tries to power out. Cole brings Ciampa to a knee and slips out to a hammerlock. Ciampa gets up and reaches back but Cole keeps control.

Ciampa slips around the back to hammerlock then headlock again. Cole powers out this time, but Ciampa runs him over with a shoulder. Things speed up but Ciampa runs Cole over again! Ciampa throws Cole out but Cole gets back up fast. Ciampa grabs him through the ropes! Cole gets away before Willow’s Bell drops! Ciampa gives Cole space to return safely as the ring count begins. When Cole stays out, Ciampa chases after! Cole goes around the corner and gets in, but Ciampa avoids the elbow drop. Ciampa headlocks to a takeover! Cole fights against it but Ciampa traps an arm. Fans rally and duel again as Cole works Ciampa over to the headscissors. Ciampa works his way up and around to get out and SLAP Cole!

Ciampa gets the headlock back and grinds Cole down. Cole works his way up, fish hooks the mouth and gets the headlock. Ciampa powers out but Cole runs him over this time. Cole sees the back drop coming to whip Ciampa, but Ciampa also sees the back drop coming. Ciampa underhooks, Cole slips out, but Ciampa blocks the superkick to spin Cole for another headlock takeover! Fans cheer this technical back and forth while Cole works on antoher escape. Ciampa makes the takeover a cover, ONE and Cole works to get Ciampa to the headscissor again. Ciampa just grabs that leg to add to the hold! Cole pops his legs free to get up, and pulls on Ciampa’s ear. They end up in a corner, the ref reprimands but Ciampa grinds Cole more.

Ciampa lets up as the ref starts to count, and he counters Cole’s sucker punch to a punch of his own! Ciampa drags Cole up and CHOPS him against ropes! Cole ends up in a corner, Ciampa wrenches and whips but Cole reverses. Ciampa goes to boot but Cole spins him around onto the ropes. Cole leaps but the backstabber is denied as Ciampa holds on! Ciampa drags Cole out and knees low. Ciampa whips, Cole reverses, but Ciampa stops himself from hitting post. Cole runs into Ciampa’s elbow, but then Ciampa walks into Cole’s BOOT! Cole takes a moment to catch his breath before he mocks Ciampa’s pat on the back!

Ciampa yanks Cole off the apron to ROCK with a right! And boot! And throw into the steel steps! Ciampa throws Cole into the post! Then over the announce desk! Ciampa is furious as he sits Cole down and KNEES him into railing! Ciampa shows Cole how to pat yourself on the back! Cole is out in the chair while Ciampa refreshes the count. Fans rally and duel as Psycho Killer Ciampa puts Cole in. Cole rolls all the way out on the far end and fans boo. Ciampa keeps his cool as Cole asks for a time-out. Ciampa goes out, but he sees the Pele coming! And he wrecks Cole with a dropkick! Ciampa puts Cole on the apron to KNEE again! Fans fire up as Ciampa mocks the time-out.

Cole rolls out of the ring again and Ciampa grows frustrated. Ciampa goes out to fetch Cole and drapes him on the railing. Ciampa clubs Cole, then gets space to line up a shot. He runs in to KNEE Cole down again! Portland fires up as Ciampa says the kick is good. Ciampa refreshes the count again and brings Cole back up. Ciampa sits Cole in another chair to CHOP and haymaker and CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Fans rally with Ciampa as he gets space again. Ciampa runs back in, to KNEE Cole off the chair!! A fan wants a high-five, but Ciampa gives his fellow bald man a kiss on the forehead instead! Ciampa has Portland all fired up as he says hi to Goldie.

Ciampa drags Cole up and over to ringside, only to eye the announce desk. He lifts Cole but Cole slips out. Cole avoids the enziguri, and wheelbarrow German Suplexes Ciampa INTO the announce desk!! The surgically repaired neck!! The referee chcks on Ciampa as Portland loses its mind! Cole wants after Ciampa but the ref keeps him back. Cole puts Ciampa in, covers, TWO!! Ciampa survives but commentary is worried he’s going to only get hurt again. Cole drags Ciampa up, for a neckbreaker! Cole rams his knees into Ciampa’s spine over and over, then wraps on a headscissor hold. Fans say “This is Awesome!” as Ciampa endures. Cole squeezes tighter but Ciampa works against the hold. Ciampa bridges back to a cover, TWO!

Cole BOOTS Ciampa back down! Cole dusts off his hands before going to the corner. He climbs up top and Ciampa goes after him. Ciampa anchors a foot but Cole clubs his neck. Cole drags Ciampa up to club him more but Ciampa throws body shots back. The two brawl as Ciampa works to climb up. Ciampa fireman’s carries Cole but Cole slips out to sunset flip. Ciampa punches but Cole dodges to SUPERKICK the legs out! Cole hits a DRAPING BACKSTABBER!! Just more neck damage! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa refuses to give in but Cole is on him with a chinlock. Cole grinds Ciampa down but fans rally up. Ciampa endures and fights his way up.

Cole knees low then turns Ciampa again, but no neckbreaker this time as Ciampa backslides! TWO, Ciampa kicks low and throws Cole to the apron. Ciampa has Cole in the ropes, but Cole slips out. Cole suplexes but Ciampa slips out to waistlock. Cole breaks free to PELE! Ciampa is down and Cole climbs up again. Cole leaps, but into a dropkick! Both men are down and Portland fires up again! Cole rises but Ciampa follows. Ciampa counter punches Ciampa over and over, then whips corner to corner. Cole reverses but Ciampa cuomes back with clotheslines! Ciampa whips, Cole reverses again but Ciampa kicks him away! Ciampa rallies with more clotheslines! Endless clotheslines! And a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Ciampa runs in to KNEE Cole!

Ciampa drags Cole up, torture rack for the TOWER HACKER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives, showing Ciampa why he’s still NXT Champion. Ciampa gets up first and drags Cole up for underhooks. Cole resists the lift, slips out and fireman’s carries. Ciampa reverses to a crucifix takedown, shifts to the bridging Fujiwara armbar, but Cole slips through to ghost pin! TWO and Cole fakes Ciampa out to mule kick the legs out. Cole runs, but into an uppercut! Ciampa runs but into a SHINING WIZARD! Cole fireman’s carries, USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa somehow survives, but his neck must be screaming at him. Fans rally up as Cole gets to his feet first.

Cole drags Ciampa into a corner and up onto the ropes. Cole clubs Ciampa’s back then goes to the outside. He climbs up the corner again, brings Ciampa up, but Ciampa resists! Ciampa throws body shots and haymakers and CHOPS! Cole hits back, bumps Ciampa off the buckle again and again, then hops up. Cole wants to sunset, but Ciampa blocks! Ciampa shifts position, SUPER AIR RAID CRASH!! WarGames revisited! Cover, TWO!?! Cole survives again and Ciampa can’t believe it! But fans love “NXT! NXT!” for this one. Cole is on the apron, Ciampa is after him, but Cole drags Ciampa out. Ciampa kicks Cole away, but Cole SUPERKICKS back! Cole brings Ciampa over, powerbomb lift, but Ciampa slips out to lift Cole! ANNOUNCE DESK POWERBOMB!

Cole is wrecked off the Spanish announce team’s table but is able to crawl out from behind it. Ciampa clears the desk off now and brings Cole back up. Ciampa hears the fans chanting “One More Time!” and lifts again. ANOTHER ANNOUNCE DESK POWERBOMB! The desk is destroyed and Ciampa puts Cole in, PSYCHO KNEE! Ciampa mocks Cole’s finger guns and runs, into a SUPERKICK! Cole runs but Ciampa LARIATS! Ciampa drags Cole up, lifts, PROJECT CIAMPA!! Cover, TWO!?!? Cole survives again?! Portland is thunderous for this incredible main event! Ciampa sits up first and drags Cole up. Fans hope they “Fight Forever!” but again, this must end. Ciampa throws hands but Cole gives them back. The two brawl back and forth, Ciampa kicks low but Cole keeps punching.

Ciampa gets the edge, spins, but Cole boots! Ciampa rebounds into another BOOT, and then Ciampa falls out of the ring! Cole builds speed to DIVE into a KNEE!! Both men are down as the ring count starts, and Portland is thunderous again! Ciampa sits up at 5 and gets in at 7. But he goes back out to fetch Cole, putting him back in. Ciampa gets caught between the ropes, for the jumping PILEDRIVER! Cole drags Ciampa up, suplexes, LAST SHOT 1.0!! Cover, TWO!!! Ciampa’s spirit keeps him going, despite what his neck might be feeling! Fans are dueling hard as ever, but Cole tells Ciampa that he isn’t going to get it done. Ciampa SLAPS Cole, so Cole throws hands.

Ciampa SLAPS, SLAPS and SLAPS, so Cole SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS Ciampa in the back! And then knee pad down, LAST SHOT 2.0!! But Ciampa is still moving?! Ciampa gets to the safety of the bottom rope! Cole is shocked, but he refocuses as Ciampa is on the apron. Cole goes out to the apron, and climbs the ropes…!? Fans anticipate what Cole’s up to, and Cole leaps, for Ciampa to catch him! APRON AIR RAID!! Both men are down on the outside and fans again lose their minds! Ciampa drags himself to Cole, refreshes the count, and underhooks Cole. But no Fairy Tale Ending as Cole back drops out! Cole hops up on the last announce desk standing, to leap for the PANAMA SUNRISE TO THE FLOOR!!!

Cole drags Ciampa up and into the ring. The ring count is at 4, Ciampa springs to life to hit WILLOW’S BELL!?! Underhooks, FAIRY TALE ENDING!!! Ciampa is practically in tears as he covers, TWO!?!? How can Cole still do this?!? Is Ciampa thinking the same things when Johnny Gargano faced Adam Cole for this title? Fans still feel “This is Awesome!” as they have all night. Ciampa brings his knee pads down but Cole anchors his feet. Cole drags Ciampa down, into a CROSSFACE! Cole wants to cripple Ciampa as he cranks back so far! Ciampa endures, reaches, turns purple, but Cole drags him away! Cole wants it again, but Ciampa slips around to get Cole down! Ciampa’s left arm went numb, so he has to use his right arm to bring it over, for the CROSSFACE! Now Cole endures the crank!

Cole claws and crawls but Ciampa gets leverage! Cole still gets the ROPEBREAK! Ciampa lets up reluctantly and Cole slumps to the floor. And here comes Roderick Strong! Strong distracts the ref while Ciampa gets Cole in. Because here comes reDRagon! Kyle & Fish hit TOTAL ANNIHILATION!! The referee completely misses this as reDRagon puts Ciampa in the ring. Cole covers, TWO!?!? Just as Gargano survived an Undisputed Screw Job, so has Ciampa!! Cole gets flashbacks but he takes aim. Cole runs, Ciampa ducks the Last Shot to then send Cole out onto reDRagon! Strong gets WILLOW’S BELL! Ciampa runs and PESCADOS! Ciampa wipes out the Undisputed Era and puts Cole in.

Cole SUPERKICKS and SUPERKICKS and SUPERKICKS Ciampa down! LAST SHOT 2.0!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? I’ve never used that much punctuation before! But Kyle slips Cole his title belt and distracts the ref. But Ciampa BOOTS Cole first! Ciampa underhooks, but Cole slips out to shove Ciampa into the ref! The ref goes down, Cole walks into an elbow. Ciampa boots Kyle but Cole LOW BLOWS! Cole goes to the corner, climbs up top, but Ciampa LOW BLOWS back!! Underhooks, FAIRY TALE ENDING!!! Cover but where’s a ref?! Ciampa would’ve won twice over by now! Three times over, even! Count to 50, Portland, because the ref isn’t here to make it count.

But Ciampa’s friend, Johnny Gargano, is here! But to take the title belt away!? Gargano is also a man who wants the NXT Championship, and he uses it to SMASH Ciampa?!? Why would Gargano betray Ciampa now?!? Cole covers and the ref is back to count, Cole wins!!!

Winner: Adam Cole, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

The Undisputed Era has one title left! The Rebel Heart stabbed the Blackheart in the back! What does all of this mean for NXT as we continue down the Road to WrestleMania?



My Thoughts:

What a night! Going in, this looked like the best TakeOver card. In action, it was even better than that! The kickoff show was fun because Portland just loved Mansoor and just rained boos on Sam Roberts. I was fine with Poppy getting to perform her songs that also acted as the theme songs for TakeOver, but it seems a bit unnecessary if she wasn’t going to sing the songs all the way through. Opening with the NXT North American Championship, they really set the bar high on themselves for this event. That was the best match in Lee VS Dijakovic, for good reason, and it works that Lee retains. He deserves to have a long reign with that title for all the time he had to wait. And Dijakovic still looks amazing even in losing.

Kai VS Nox in the Street Fight was great, and I’m certainly surprised that Raquel Gonzales returned to screw Tegan over, I just wasn’t as into it. I suppose this is one way of keeping the feud going, and Dakota has muscle to start a faction now, but I’m not really sure if that’s the right direction for Dakota. I can already predict Candice LeRae helping Tegan fight them, because Candice just can’t seem to get a story of her own in NXT. The NXT Women’s Championship story is locked in with at least Rhea VS Charlotte, but Charlotte hitting Bianca on the way out makes me think this could still circle back. After all, TakeOver: Tampa is still one more stop before WrestleMania, maybe we get something for Charlotte VS Bianca before the title match?

I am happily surprised that the Broserweights are now the tag team champions! Dunne and Riddle are great in the ring, are great as their characters, great together, I’m going to love the Reign of the Broserweights. Balor VS Gargano went as expected with the story telling centered around the John Woo Dropkick, and with Balor winning. The Prince still has a lot of possibilities for TakeOver: Tampa, but there’s also UK TakeOver: Dublin next, so maybe he hops over there for a minute? And it seems losing to The Prince, like losing to The Fiend, turns you Heel. After all the craziness (in a good way) of Cole VS Ciampa, Gargano betraying Ciampa was still a welcomed surprise. Cole retains and assuming Dream beats Strong, maybe Cole VS Dream is Tampa’s match, as is Ciampa VS Gargano #OneLastTime. Can you imagine TakeOver: Tampa somehow outdoing this one?!

My Score: 9.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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