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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (2/26/2020)




NEW NXT Coverage

The Queen returns to NXT, for a match!

While she has a WrestleMania date with NXT Women’s Champion, Rhea Ripley, Charlotte Flair first settles things with The EST, Bianca Belair!



  • Cameron Grimes VS Dominik Dijakovic; Grimes wins.
  • Xia Li VS Mia Yim; Li wins.
  • Tommaso Ciampa VS Austin Theory; Ciampa wins.
  • Bronson Reed VS Killian Dain; Dain wins.
  • The Forgotten Sons w/ Jaxson Ryker VS Grizzled Young Veterans; Grizzled Young Veterans win.
  • Charlotte Flair VS Bianca Belair; Flair wins.


NXT General Manager, William Regal, welcomes Charlotte Flair!

The Queen is ready to fight the EST, but she makes sure there is someone to carry her bags. Will Charlotte take back the Full Sail throne? Or will Bianca Belair make good on her promise from last week, and “whoop dat ass”?


Cameron Grimes VS Dominik Dijakovic!

Speaking of last week, the Croatian Colossus confronted Keith Lee and said they’re not done fighting. The Limitless NXT North American Champion agreed, and said that if Dijakovic can prove himself to Regal, they can #FightForever. Will Dijakovic crush Grimes to earn a rematch from TakeOver: Portland? Or will the Carolina Caveman cause the biggest Cave-In of his career?

The bell rings and fans duel between “Let’s Get Grimy!” and “Feast Your Eyes!” Dijakovic and Grimes tie up, Grimes goes for a leg and reels Dijakovic in. Dijakovic headlocks and holds on tight as Grimes tries to power out. Grimes chinbars Dijakovic and tries again but Dijakovic grinds down harder. The two go around, Grimes brings Dijakovic down to a knee and chinbar again. Grimes throws a low knee and finally powers out, but Dijakovic runs him over! Things speed up, Grimes leaps but into the fireman’s carry! Grimes shifts and sunset flips, but Dijakovic stays up to clamp a hand around Grimes’ throat! Dijakovic drags Grimes up to lift, but Grimes wheelbarrows! Dijakovic denies anything else, but Grimes standing switches, only to be bucked off. Grimes dropkicks Dijakovic first!

Grimse whips and knees Dijakovic hard against ropes! And then rams knees into his side. Grimes grinds knees into Dijakovic in the corner but the ref backs him off. Dijakovic throws body shots but Grimes rakes the face! Grimes kicks Dijakovic in the arms and legs, then clamps on with a neck wrench. Dijakovic has the ropebreak, so Grimes lets go and runs, into the discus BOOT! Cover, TWO! Dijakovic stalks Grimes to a corner and stomps a big mudhole. Dijakovic throws big forearms, too, but Grimes throws body shots back. They brawl to a corner and Dijakovic throws big back elbows and forearms. Dijakovic whips then scoops Grimes for a backbreaker! And a second rope SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Dijakovic stalks Grimes to another corner but Grimes CHOPS back. Dijakovic CHOPS Grimes then throws more elbows. He reels Grimes in and says, “TIME TO FLY!” But Grimes slips out to throw forearms to the back! Grimes jumps up to SNAP-RANA! Grimes runs but his crossbody is caught! Dijakovic gives Grimes standing rib shots and then THROWS Grimes out of the ring! Fans rally up for “NXT! NXT!” as Dijakovic goes out to fetch Grimes. Dijakovic drags Grimes up and into the ring, but Grimes dropkicks the legs out from under him! Grimes goes to the apron to PENALTY KICK! Dijakovic is down and Grimes paces as NXT goes picture in picture.

Grimes puts Dijakovic back on the apron to club away on his chest. Grimes catches his breath before he grinds his foot and stomps down on Dijakovic’s head! He drops knees and grinds his knuckles into Dijakovic’s face, but the ref reprimands him. Grimes drags Dijakovic up to throw big forearms, but Dijakovic gives body shots back. Grimes ROCKS Dijakovic then chokes him on the ropes. The ref reprimands Grimes but he grinds his boot into Dijakovic in the corner. Dijakovic kicks back and throws uppercuts from the mat! Dijakovic CHOPS Grimes to back him off, but Grimes enziguris in return! Grimes glares at Dijakovic as he puts him on the ropes. Dijakovic blocks the whip to BOOT Grimes away!

Grimes is in a corner and Dijakovic runs in, but Grimes goes up and over! Dijakovic hits nothing but post! Grimes CLOBBERS him on the return! Cover, TWO! Grimes grits his teeth as he clamps onto Dijakovic with a chinlock. Grimes adds crossface forearms then brings Dijakovic around for an armlock. Dijakovic endures as Grimes cranks on his arm. Grimes wrenches the arm to a hammerlock then KICKS it! Dijakovic clutches the bad arm as Grimes stands on his head! The ref reprimands and Grimes lets up, to drag Dijakovic up and around with the armlock. Dijakovic endures as Grimes grinds his forearm into Dijakovic’s face. Dijakovic fights up but Grimes wrangles him down! Grimes won’t let up on Dijakovic’s face!

Grimes stomps Dijakovic over and over then clamps back onto the arm. NXT returns to single picture as fans rally up. Dijakovic fights his way up, but Grimes again wrangles him down with a chinbar! Grimes digs his fingers into Dijakovic’s mouth, but Dijakovic fights up to whip free. Grimes kicks him back but Dijakovic throws forearms. We have a brawl and Dijakovic throws strikes. Grimes SLAPS Dijakovic so Dijakovic fires off forearm after forearm! Dijakovic wrenches, kicks and ELBOWS! “TIME TO FLY!” Suplex TOSS! Fans fire up with Dijakovic as he throws elbows and knees on Grimes. Grimes ROUNDHOUSES, Dijakovic SUPERKICKS and LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Grimes survives but Dijakovic still has more to try.

Dijakovic watches Grimes rise, and clamps on the choke grip. Grimes spins out to waistlock but he can’t get Dijakovic up. Grimes ducks the elbow to SUPER FOREARM and SUPERKICK! He throws kicks then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dijakovic survives but Grimes knees him down again. Grimes kicks Dijakovic to the apron as fans duel again. Grimes runs and baseball slides, but Dijakovic jumps over it, to MOONSAULT! Direct hit wipes both men out at the ramp! Dijakovic hobbles as he puts Grimes back in. Dijakovic gets on the apron, but DAMIEN PRIEST appears! Priest uses a collapsible BATON to SMACK the back of Dijakovic’s bad leg!! Dijakovic tumbles down as Priest gets away with it!

The ref starts a ring count as Dijakovic clutches his leg. Dijakovic uses the railing but the count reaches 7! He hobbles in at 9.9!! CAVE-IN!!! Cover, Grimes wins!!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

Give the HUGE assist to the Archer of Infamy! Will Dijakovic make Priest pay for that sneak attack? Will Grimes move up to take on the Limitless One next?


Backstage interview with NXT GM, William Regal.

With Rhea Ripley VS Charlotte Flair for the NXT Women’s Championship at WrestleMania now official, Regal has a major announcement for the NXT Women’s Division. “Starting next week, there will be a number of qualifying matches. And the winners of those matches will go on to TakeOver: Tampa, and they will compete in a match that will determine the #1 Contender to the NXT Women’s Championship. And that match will be a Ladder Match.” HUGE news that escalates the level of competition! Who will qualify for this match as the Road to WrestleMania enters the home stretch?


Finn Balor is back!

The Prince defeated Johnny Wrestling at TakeOver: Portland, and is perhaps the catalyst behind Gargano’s betrayal of Tommaso Ciampa. But Balor doesn’t care about all that, he is about to make another move on the chessboard that is NXT. Balor takes up the mic as fans cheer. “I’m not a moves guy. I’m not an internet guy.” And he’s not “a sneaky stooge to the office politics guy.” But when the bell rings, Balor is THE guy. Fans agree with that! Balor says he builds brands. “Japan: done it. Mexico: done it. Intercontinental Championship: done it. Universal Championship: done it! NXT Championship: done it!” And now, it’s WrestleMania season. Everyone in the business wants to peak. Balor’s been at his peak for 20 years!

“So the big question is: what’s the next move for the Prince? Who’s gonna get that Finn rub?” Matt Riddle got his. Johnny Gargano got his. Hell, even Ilja Dragunov got it. But what about IMPERIUM? Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel are here to represent NXT UK’s top faction, and address “Mr. Baylor.” Balor is misinformed, because there is still something Balor hasn’t done. “The NXT surface belongs to the Ring General.” The NXT UK Champion, WALTER, sends Balor his regards. That is to say, these two will strike. But Balor strikes first with a double dropkick! Balor trips up Aichner to DOUBLE STOMP him down! Barthel runs in but is sent over the steel steps! SLINGBLADE for Aichner!

Balor grits his teeth as he aims at Aichner. But Barthel intercepts the shotgun dropkick with a flying European Uppercut! Barthel and Aichner beat Balor down and fans boo as they throw him into the apron. They stomp him more and Balor has no reinforcements. Aichner RAMS his knee into Balor against steel steps! The Prince is down and Imperium stands tall. Will Balor have a response to Walter’s message?


Austin Theory has a message for NXT.

“Austin Theory is the future of NXT.” Evolution’s top star has some rage that he hasn’t gotten to show. But he’ll show everyone that Theory can go #AllDay, and that Ciampa won’t make it through the night. But will Theory be proven wrong after going against the Blackheart?


NXT receives a new cryptic message.

A clock, the desert, explosions and death. Apocalypse and chaos. Who, or what, is coming?


NXT Media catches up with Bianca Belair.

The EST arrives for her match with Charlotte. What are her thoughts about facing The Queen? Charlotte is trying to take over and put her hands on Bianca to do it. Charlotte is woman enough to take on “the strongest, the toughest, the roughest, the quickest, the greatest, the best.” Bianca will give Charlotte what she wants. Will Charlotte be able to handle it?


Xia Li VS Mia Yim!

The Spicy Warrior has a new hairstyle and a new outfit, but the same fire. Will this help her rise up the ranks? Or will the HBIC stay the Head Baddie in Charge in this one year anniversary of this very match-up?

The bell rings and fans cheer for both women. The two shake hands to show there is respect here, but then Mia pulls Xia in. Mia makes sure Xia knows she means business, so Xia throws roundhouses! Mia stays clear of the kicks and gets to a corner. The ref keeps Xia back and Mia comes out to dropkick her down! Things speed up, Mia and Xia redirect each other, and Mia tackles the legs out to basement dropkick Xia down! Cover, TWO! Mia keeps close to Xia but Xia boots her away. Mia runs in to BOOT Xia in the corner! The HBIC grinds her boot into Xia then gives her a scrape. The ref counts and Mia lets up at 4. Mia cannonballs but only gets buckles as Xia manages to evade!

Mia staggers up into Xia’s haymakers! Xia LARIATS Mia down then thrust kicks and BOOTS her down! Fans fire up with Xia as she runs into the corner for the flying forearm! Xia keeps moving, but Mia dodges the dynamic kick to give her SOLE FOOD! But wait, Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez appear! Captain Kota reminds Mia how she took Dakota’s spot at WarGames III, only for Dakota to take it back. Mia still looks upset over that. But right now is the perfect time to rub it in. Xia rolls Mia up, and wins!!

Winner: Xia Li, by pinfall

And now Raquel adds on as she goes after Mia! She clubs and BOOTS Mia down! Raquel drags Mia up but Xia comes in to help her! Xia kicks but Raquel blocks to LARIAT! Dakota applauds but Mia jumps on Raquel with a sleeper! Raquel throws her off to knee low and club her around the ring. Fans boo as the Daughter of the Desperado gives Mia a single-leg lift POWERBOMB! Dakota smiles as her new teammate just kicked Mia to the curb. Will Tegan Nox be able to avenge both Mia and Xia in her coming cage match with Kai?


Velveteen Dream speaks.

“Life is not as bad as you think it is, Roderick Strong.” That is, until you find yourself with a broken back. Strong did that to the Dream. But Dream remembers beating Strong last week. “But that’s not enough. I mean, you broke the Dream’s back.” So Dream wants it all! Next week, Mr. Regal will grant Dream’s request for Strong to experience a steel cage of their own. Snap, Dream out. Will the steel cage be double booked next week with two huge grudge matches?


Tommaso Ciampa VS Austin Theory!

The Psycho Killer was in no mood last week when he gave an ultimatum to his best frenemy, Johnny Gargano. Mr. All Day didn’t get the hit, so Ciampa had to make it much more blunt for him. Will Theory be able to respond in kind with this first-ever match-up?

The bell rings and Theory glares at Ciampa. They tie up, go around, and Ciampa headlocks. Theory powers out but Ciampa bumps shoulders with him. Neither falls so Ciampa throws haymakers. Theory kicks low and whips but Ciampa reverses. Things speed up, Ciampa hurdles but Theory runs him over! Theory clubs away on Ciampa as fans rally up. Theory throws jabs and body shots and more clubbing forearms. He whips Ciampa but Ciampa holds ropes and BOOTS back! Ciampa CHOPS Theory then whips to run him over with an elbow. Fans cheer as Ciampa stomps Theory and throws him with a headlock takeover. Theory endures and fights his way up, but Ciampa counters the back suplex with another takeover.

Theory rolls Ciampa off but misses his dropkick. Ciampa throws Theory out and fans cheer as Ciampa gets Theory in the ropes. Theory drops down to drag Ciampa out, but Ciampa haymakers back. Ciampa aims for barriers, but Theory stops himself from repeating history! Theory elbows Ciampa away then bumps him off the apron. He puts Ciampa in and stalks him to a corner to throw hands. Theory whips corner to corner but Ciampa reverses, only for Theory to go up and over. Ciampa swings but misses and Theory dropkicks him down! Theory catches his breath as he glares at Ciampa. Cover, ONE, but Theory has him in the corner with a CHOP! Theory runs in to clothesline and go to the apron. Ciampa elbows Theory away and drags Theory up for a neckbreaker hotshot!

Ciampa goes out to fetch Theory and throw him into the post! Ciampa pats himself on the back and fans cheer as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Theory is in control as he stomps a mudhole into Ciampa. The ref backs Theory off and fans boo. Ciampa stands and elbows Theory back! Theory blocks the kick, sweeps the legs, and standing moonsaults to Ciampa’s back! Cover, TWO! Theory keeps on Ciampa with a chinbar and armlock. Ciampa endures as Theory cranks on him and fans rally up. Ciampa fights up and fights back, but Theory throws forearms of his own. Theory whips corner to corner, but Ciampa comes back with a LARIAT! Ciampa throws big hands and whips, but Theory reverses. Ciampa knees Theory back, then clobbers him again! He starts on a rally, waistlock to GERMAN SUPLEX! Theory flounders and Ciampa KNEES him against the ropes!

Ciampa underhooks Theory but Theory slips out to waistlock. Ciampa elbows free and blocks a boot, but Theory DECKS him! Theory somersaults and leaps, into a KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Theory survives and Ciampa looks a bit frustrated. Fans rally up as Ciampa stands and Theory crawls. Ciampa drags Theory up and CHOPS him again. Ciampa hoists Theory up top but Theory resists, so Ciampa CHOPS him again. The Blackheart climbs up and hoists Theory onto his shoulders, but Theory slips out of the Air Raid! Theory carries Ciampa but Ciampa fights out of the bomb to throw a forearm. Theory gives it back, then ROCKS Ciampa. Ciampa enziguris back! Theory comes back, both men clothesline but neither falls. ROLLING THUNDER BLOCKBUSTER!

Theory brings Ciampa up, powerbomb, BUCKLE BOMB! Theory figure fours Ciampa’s legs, ATAXIA! The modified Ushigoroshi hits! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa survives, showing Theory isn’t quite at that level yet. Theory keeps his focus on Ciampa as he loom over the former NXT Champion. Theory drags Ciampa up, but Ciampa CHOPS him! Ciampa counter BOOTS, then bobs ‘n’ weaves. Theory back elbows, but Ciampa makes him fall for the feint! Ciampa knees Theory, drags him in, and underhooks, only for Theory to back drop! Ciampa tries to sunset flip but Theory stays up. Theory slips free to MULE KICK! Theory underhooks and pump handles, UNPROVEN THEORY! Cover, TWO!?! Ciampa survives again!!

Fans rally as Theory works to keep his cool. Ciampa bails out of the ring but Theory follows. Theory blocks the boot to ROCK Ciampa! Then in return from before, Theory throws Ciampa around the barriers! Then into the ring, to slingshot, into a KICK! WILLOW’S BELL!! Ciampa drags Theory back up, underhooks, and hits FAIRY TALE ENDING! Cover, Ciampa wins!

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall

Theory may not have won, but he proved himself worthy of being in NXT! The future is not today, but will Theory find his time? As for Ciampa, he sees Gargano coming and punches first! The two brawl and Ciampa gets Gargano in a corner! Gargano turns it around to stomp away on Ciampa and then throws his jacket off. Ciampa BOOTS back! The brawl continues but Theory gets involved, to get DECKED! Gargano SUPERKICKS Ciampa down! Fans chant, “Johnny Sucks!” as Gargano makes Ciampa look him in the eye, for the SUPERKICK!

Gargano watches Ciampa move to the apron, and then sits with him a la their many DIY days. Gargano mockingly applauds Ciampa as he flounders about. Then Gargano drags Ciampa to the floor. He eyes the TakeOver: Tampa logo on the floor mats as he circles Ciampa like a vulture. Gargano takes the DIY banner and looks at it. Does that friendship mean nothing to either man anymore? Will this be the final chapter in their story together?


The Undisputed Era speaks.

“Fellas, this is going to sound crazy. But the Dream and I actually agree on something.” What? Really? Yes, because it should be Strong VS Dream in a steel cage! But Strong wants Dream to understand this: “When they lock that door and there’s nowhere to run, there’s nowhere to hide, I am going to break him, and I’m going to end him for good!” Meanwhile, Bobby Fish is angry with “Peter Dune and your stupid name, Matt Riddle and your stupid face,” he isn’t sure which he hates more. But the fact is, TakeOver: Portland, the Broserweights got lucky against “the baddest team on the plant.” They won’t get lucky again.

Kyle O’Reilly says those two are swimming in shallow waters while reDRagon has been together for eight years. Do you know how many championships they won in those eight years? And how many they lost. Do the Broserweights think they’re going anywhere? The Undisputed Era are sharks in the deep end. Adam Cole says Strong will get rid of Dream and get back the NXT North American Championship. Kyle and Bobby will once again be NXT Tag Team Champions. And all the while, Cole himself will keep THE NXT Championship to restore the prophecy and remain the MOST DOMINANT faction in the WWE. And that is Undisputed.


Bronson Reed VS Killian Dain!

Can you say, “superheavyweight?” Because this match is literally the biggest of the night! Will Aussie Strong Style be able to stop the North Ireland Nightmare? Or will the Belfast Beast feast on Auzilla?

The bell rings and the two tie up right away. They break up when neither budges, and then try again. Dain puts Reed in a corner then rams his shoulder in over and over. The ref counts but Dain rings Reed out. Dain tries but can’t scoop, but Reed sure gets Dain up! Dain slips out to BOOT Reed! He whips but Reed reverses to ENZIGURI! Dain tumbles out and Reed builds speed to DIVE! The Supersized Tope takes Dain down! Fans fire up for Reed as he puts Dain into the ring. Dain is up and knees Reed at the ropes and clubs him between the ropes. Dain kicks Reed hard then hops up for a GUILLOTINE LEG DROP! Cover, TWO!

Reed gets to a corner but Dain is after him with body shots. Dain whips corner to corner hard, and Reed falls to the mat. Cover, ONE, but Dain is on Reed right away with EuroUppers. Dain backs Reed to the corner, wrenches and snapmares to clamp on with a grounded cobra twist. Reed endures as fans rally up. Reed fights up and throws body shots of his own. He ROCKS Dain with that right, then hoists him up for an atomic drop and elbow. Dain dodges but so does Reed, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES! This collision of kaiju leaves both men down and gasping for air! Fans rally up as Reed and Dain get up to throw forearms. They go back and forth, Dain CHOPS but Reed clubs. Dain fires off strikes then headbutts! Reed gives the headbutt back and then some! Dain chops, Reed CHOPS!

Reed scoops Dain and SLAMS him! The straps come down as Reed brings Dain up for the SAIDO! Dain ends up in a corner, Reed runs in to HIP ATTACK! Reed drags Dain up, fireman’s carries but Dain slips out. Dain fireman’s carries to Samoan Drop! Dain steps on Reed to go up top, for the VADER BOMB onto knees! Reed hops up now, and FLYING DDT’S! But Reed isn’t done there, he fireman’s carries Dain for the DEATH VALLEY BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Dain still lives but Reed keeps his cool. Reed drags Dain to a drop zone and heads up top. Fans fire up as Reed climbs, but Dain stops him with forearms. Dain climbs up to join Reed and throws more forearms. Dain brings Reed up, SUPER HEAVYWEIGHT SUPERPLEX!!

Reed crawls but Dain drops the back senton! And another! A third! Dain goes up again, for the VADER BOMB! Cover, Dain wins!

Winner: Killian Dain, by pinfall

Big Damo downs Auzilla for a big win here tonight! Will Dain stake his claim for the North American Championship?


NXT replays the Forgotten Sons’ response to the Grizzled Young Veterans.

“Fellas, this is the land of the free because of the brave. And y’know what? I think it’s time we beat that into you.” As such, we get a fight of American patriots and the British invasion! Will Zack Gibson and James Drake SOON be the ones to be forgotten?


The Forgotten Sons w/ Jaxson Ryker VS Grizzled Young Veterans!

As GYV make their entrance, Zack Gibson has a mic. “America’s Forgotten Sons, typical Yanks sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong.” They defend the spoiled brats of the NXT Universe and the USA. Fans chant for “USA!” while holding shoes up. Gibson says the Forgotten Sons epitomize America today: Redneck, white trash, blue collar IGNORANCE! The GYV have conquered all of Europe, and are never gonna- Well, they stop talking as the Sons make their entrance! Will Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake make GYV regret talking down to the USA?

The teams sort out and Blake starts against Gibson. The two circle and tie up and go around. Gibson pushes Blake and waistlocks to club him on the back. Gibson headlocks but Blake powers out, only for Gibson to run him over. Blake gets up but Gibson headlocks again. Blake powers out again, ducks down and hurdles over, but Gibson arm-drags, only for Blake to a make it a headlock! Now Gibson powers out, things speed up again, and Gibson goes to hip toss, only for Blake to counter with a hip toss of his own! Blake dropkicks Gibson down and then again! Drake protests so Blake dropkicks him!

Tag to Cutler and the Sons double whip to double elbow and double headbutt drop! Cover, TWO! Cutler keeps on Gibson with an armlock. Gibson endures as Cutler cranks, but Gibson pushes Cutler to a corner. The ref counts but Gibson throws in cheap shots. Cutler turns it around to stomp away! And punch! Cutler whips corner to corner but Drake saves Gibson from buckles, and Gibson knees Cutler down! Gibson tags Drake and then scoop slams Cutler. Drake is the human weapon, scoop splash! Cover, ONE, but Drake DECKS Cutler! And again! And then lariats! Drake covers, ONE, but Drake clamps on with a chinlock. Cutler endures as Drake leans on him. Fans rally up and Cutler gets up, but Drake throws him down!

Drake throws forearms on Cutler then tags Gibson. Gibson throws a clothesline, then feeds Cutler to Drake’s windmill. Cover, TWO, but Gibson clamps on with a chinlock. Cutler endures and fans rally up with “USA! USA!” Drake tags back in and the GYV mug Cutler. Drake snapmares and drives his knees into Cutler’s back. He wraps on another chinlock but Cutler fights his way up. Cutler tags to Blake as he powers out of the headlock, Blake hits a spinning powerslam! Drake bails out but he sees Ryker standing there. Rykder backs Drake down, and Blake CHOPS away! Blake puts Drake in the ring but Drake headlocks. Gibson tags in before Blake powers out. Leap frog but Blake ducks Gibson to dropkick Drake! Blake huricanranas Gibson and tags in Cutler!

Cutler and Blake whip Drake to double hip toss! Gibson runs into a double hip toss! The Sons military press and TOSS Drake out onto Gibson! Fans fire up for the seemingly forgiven sons as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Blake fights up in Drake’s chinlock. Drake knees low and whips Blake into the GYV corner. Blake fights back with haymakers and back hands! Drake rocks Blake and Blake tumbles out. Blake comes back to rock Drake then Gibson, then shoulders into Drake. Blake slingshot sunset flips but Drake tags to Gibson! Gibson stomps Blake and covers, ONE. Gibson clamps onto Blake with a chinlock and grinds him down. Blake endures while fans troll Drake with “Ass Face!” Clearly NXT fans watch NXT UK and picked up on the chants. Gibson grinds Blake down as he cranks harder on the hold. Ryker and Cutler coach Blake up and Blake fights his way up.

Gibson knees low to back suplex, but Blake lands on his feet for a jumping neckbreaker! Both men crawl for their corners, tag to Drake and he drags Blake away from his corner. But Blake back drops and hot tags! Cutler rallies on Drake with big forearms! Overhead suplex for Gibson! And one for Drake! Cutler whips Drake and Drake bounces off buckles for Cutler to LARIAT! Fans fire up with Cutler as he underhooks, butterfly backbreaker! Cover, TWO! But to the Boston Crab! Cutler sits down deep but has to deck Gibson! He grabs Drake but Drake back drops! Drake hits Blake but Cutler dodges the enziguri. Cutler lifts to BUCKLE BOMB! And then a Fisherman DRIVER! Cover, but Gibson helps Drake get the ropebreak!

The ref suspects foul play but Gibson swears he had nothing to do with it. Ryker comes around to chase Gibson down! Gibson doesn’t want none of the Gunner but he trips over the steel steps! But Drake jawbreakers Cutler to DIVE onto Ryker! The GYV throw Ryker into steel steps! But Cutler LEAPS onto Drake and Blake LEAPS onto Gibson! Cutler puts Gibson in, tags to Blake and then hops up top. But Gibson anchors Cutler as Drake enziguris Blake! Drake uses Gibson for MAYHEM N MOTION! Cutler crashes ‘n’ burns! Blake sends Gibson out but Drake rolls him, ONE! Blake hammerlocks and CHOPS Drake to then atomic drop and dropkick!

Gibson tags in but Blake is ready. He dodges, leaps, but Drake helps Gibson get clear! Gut wrench, TICKET TO MAYHEM!! Cover, GYV win!!

Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans, by pinfall

Fans boo as Liverpool’s Number One and Mr. Mayhem get away with one! But while they’ve won one battle, will they win the war with the Forgotten Sons?


Backstage interview with Tegan Nox.

With all the history between her and Dakota Kai, how has she prepared for their coming steel cage match? “At TakeOver: Portland, I thought I had everything scouted.” Tegan knew all of Dakota’s tricks and tactics, but she didn’t expect Raquel Gonzalez. To be honest, she still feels that table. But next week, Raquel won’t be a factor, because all she can do is watch as Tegan takes out her anger on Dakota. Dakota started this in a cage, and it will end in a cage.


NXT Media catches up with Damien Priest.

Does the Archer of Infamy have an explanation for that attack on Dijakovic? “It’s nothing personal with Dijakovic. He’s just in the way of something I want. And now, Keith Lee knows exactly what I want.” So the message through Dijakovic is for the Limitless One. What will Keith Lee’s response be?


Charlotte Flair VS Bianca Belair!

The Queen doesn’t even go here anymore, but she’s coming back to her alma mater to settle things with one of the biggest names in this generation of NXT. Will Bianca put Charlotte in her place just 40 days away from WrestleMania?

The bell rings and fans chant “You Don’t Go Here!” at Charlotte on Bianca’s behalf. Some fans do chant, “Welcome Home!” for Charlotte, though, as she ties up with Bianca. They go around, and Charlotte puts Bianca in the corner. The ref counts and Charlotte lets up at 4. Fans duel as Charlotte draws the line she dares Bianca to cross. Bianca does and they tie up again. Charlotte headlocks, hits the takeover, but Bianca headscissors back. Charlotte pops free but Bianca headlocks to reverse the roles. Bianca pops out of Charlotte’s headscissors, but Charlotte sweeps the legs. Cover, ONE, and Bianca sweeps. Cover, ONE, and Bianca waistlocks.

Charlotte standing switches but so does Bianca. Charlotte drop toeholds and floats to the facelock and talks trash. Bianca fights up but Charlotte clubs her down. Fans rally and duel as Charlotte whips Bianca to a corner. Bianca goes up, over, handsprings and goes up and over again! Charlotte gets annoyed, but Bianca dropkicks her down! Bianca kips up and tells Charlotte to kiss this. Bianca then RAMS into Charlotte in the corner! She lets up at 4 to toss Charlotte around. Fans duel harder than ever as Bianca scoops and squats. Charlotte slips out and CHOPS! And CHOPS! “I’m the Queen here!” Charlotte unloads more and more CHOPS! She snapmares Bianca down to run and BOOT! Fans are all riled up as NXT goes picture in picture.

Charlotte looms over Bianca and some fans bow down. Charlotte stands on Bianca’s ponytail then brings her around to whip. Bianca holds ropes and kicks back, but Charlotte clotheslines her down! Charlotte is annoyed with Bianca as she stalks her to a corner. Charlotte runs into Bianca’s elbow, but blocks the boots. She turns Bianca sideways for the draping neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Bianca sits up but Charlotte is on her with a thrashing chinlock! Charlotte grinds Bianca down, brings her around to bend her back, but Bianca endures. Bianca fights up with elbows but Charlotte throws her down! She dusts her hands off as she stalks Bianca to another corner. Charlotte whips Bianca corner to corner but Bianca reverses.

Charlotte tumbles over and out and shoulders back into Bianca. She slingshots over to then arm-drag and armlock Bianca down! Bianca endures as Charlotte grinds her knee in. Bianca throws body shots but Charlotte clubs her down. Charlotte throws Bianca out of the ring and then climbs up top to soak up the cheers and even the jeers. NXT returns to single picture as Charlotte watches Bianca crawl up on the apron. Bianca dodges the baseball slide to throw clubbing forearms, and then throw Charlotte into the post! Charlotte flounders as Bianca goes back into the ring. Fans rally and duel again as Charlotte hurries after. Charlotte brings Bianca up but Bianca cradle counters, TWO! Charlotte CHOPS Bianca down again!

Bianca goes to a corner but Charlotte whips her corner to corner. Bianca ducks the chop but Charlotte spins her around for a neckbreaker! Bianca fights the dragon sleeper off with knees, and climbs the corner to go up and over! She shoves Charlotte into buckles, then runs back in to hit a facebuster! Bianca chicken wings and lifts, GLAM SLAM! Cover, TWO! Charlotte lives and Bianca grows annoyed. Bianca pushes Charlotte around but Charlotte anchors a foot. Bianca kicks Charlotte and stomps her, then handsprings, into a Penalty Kick! Charlotte drags Bianca up to throw big knees in. Charlotte grabs at Bianca for the cobra twist! She even pushes Bianca’s head and uses the ponytail! The ref reprimands but Bianca slips around to put the twist on Charlotte!

Charlotte endures and pulls on the ponytail again. Bianca tries to stop Charlotte, but Charlotte back drops out! But Bianca sunset flips, only for Charlotte to roll through! Bianca gets clear of the basement dropkick! Bianca handsprings and MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Bianca grows frustrated but she calms down. She stands up as fans duel again. Bianca scowls as she drags Charlotte up and reels her in. Powerbomb lift but Charlotte slips out the back. Charlotte bails Bianca in for an elbow, then the backbreaker to buckle shot! Charlotte drags Bianca around and scuffs her face as she heads to the corner. Fans boo as Charlotte climbs up, to MOONSAULT! Bianca gets boots up! But Charlotte catches them for a BOSTON CRAB!

Bianca endures as Charlotte bends her back! Bianca crawls to the ropes but Charlotte drags her away! So Bianca slips under to throw haymakers. Charlotte jackknifes, TWO! STRETCH MUFFLER! Charlotte lifts, Bianca shifts, so Charlotte DEAD LIFTS for a POWEBOMB! Matchbook, TWO!! Charlotte is growing frustrated, and her boot gets hung up! Bianca clubs Charlotte on the back, then dropkicks her out! Bianca goes out and fetches Charlotte. She goes to whip Charlotte but Charlotte fights back. The two fight for control but Bianca sends Charlotte into a post! Bianca puts Charlotte in and drags her up to club her on the back.

Bianca climbs up and leaps but Charlotte gets under. Charlotte runs into Bianca’s SPEAR! But then Charlotte gets up to SPEAR Bianca! Fans fire up as Charlotte hits NATURAL SELECTION! Cover, Charlotte wins!!

Winner: Charlotte Flair, by pinfall

But The Queen wants to make Bianca to pay, and she brings in a chair! Here comes Rhea Ripley! Charlotte hurries to put Bianca’s leg inside the chair, and STOMPS it! Bianca’s leg might be busted! Charlotte keeps on it with a FIGURE EIGHT! Rhea still takes her time rushing the ring, and Charlotte gets away. The Nightmare is furious, will she take it all out on Charlotte at WrestleMania?



My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT to move things towards Tampa. Grimes VS Dijakovic was a great opener, and Priest making his presence felt was a nice twist. Grimes winning does move him up in rankings, and then we get a pretty good Dain VS Reed match. I suspect that a Triple Threat of Grimes VS Dain VS Priest will help determine a TakeOver: Tampa opponent, and I would think Dijakovic goes after Priest for revenge, leaving it to either Grimes or Dain. As great as Lee VS Dijakovic has been, it’d be better if we wait a bit for the next rematch, give them time to come up with something that can outdo Portland’s match. Ciampa VS Theory was really good, Theory is proving his worth even in losing. Gargano’s attack was fairly logical, but I was really expecting him to escalate there. Maybe next time.

What NXT didn’t really hype up as much as they should have is all this anniversary stuff. It was good to revisit Mia VS Xia from a year ago, but they only briefly touched on how this was basically the 10th anniversary of NXT. Of course, those who remember 2010 know NXT was just that lame “reality show” version, but it’s still an origin story of this brand. There should’ve at least been a Network special relating to it. But that aside, it was great use of continuity to have Dakota and Raquel pay Mia a visit during her match. Xia steals the win but still tries to help Mia against them, but it adds to Raquel’s monster quality that she puts them both down. Perhaps Xia and Mia will become allies with Tegan against this new Team Kick?

I really like that next week is going to become Steel Cage Night. Tegan VS Dakota is going to be great, so long as they learn from AEW’s recent cage match in that escapes don’t matter. Those two should finish things in the cage so that Raquel being ringside won’t even matter. The same goes for Strong VS Dream now that it’s a Steel Cage match. I wonder if one will open the night (Dakota VS Tegan) while the other (Dream VS Strong) closes. I feel like that’d make a lot of sense card wise. GYV VS Forgotten Sons was a really good match, but as I figured, the fans weren’t all going to jump on the bandwagon just because of patriotism. Forgotten Sons really are a good team, from in-ring to in character, but it’ll take time before NXT fans accept the Face turn.

Charlotte VS Bianca was great stuff! Maybe a little messy in the middle but this was their first time 1v1 with each other so it wasn’t going to be perfect. Bianca looks amazing though she loses, but I feel there could’ve been something different about that ending. Maybe they realized they went long and that’s why Charlotte was hurrying on that “leg breaker” spot? Rhea should’ve hustled, too, in that case. Given their “We Are NXT” moment together, Rhea should’ve skipped the entrance procedure and ran to save Bianca. Now Bianca has leg damage and we still miss that trash talk to end the show because of time constraints. A minor hiccup in this build, really, and there’s still time to make up for that, but it was just a bit messy for an otherwise great night.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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