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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (2/3/20)

Why, RKO, Why?



NEW Raw coverage

What is the condition of the Rated R Superstar?

The WWE Universe is reeling after what Randy Orton did to Edge on the first Raw of the living legend’s return! What will The Viper’s reason be for striking an old friend down?



  • Liv Morgan VS Lana; Morgan wins.
  • Mojo Rawley w/ Riddick Moss VS Drew McIntyre; McIntyre wins.
  • Six Man Tag Elimination Match: Kevin Owens & The Viking Raiders VS Buddy Murphy & The Authors of Pain; Murphy & The AOP win.
  • Aleister Black VS ???; Aleister wins.
  • Humberto Carrillo VS ???; No Contest.
  • Angel Garza w/ Zelina Vega VS Rey Mysterio; Mysterio wins, by disqualification.
  • Asuka w/ Kairi Sane VS Natalya; Asuka wins.
  • WWE World Championship Super Showdown Contender’s Match: Seth Rollins VS Ricochet VS Bobby Lashley; Ricochet wins and will challenge Brock Lesnar for the title at Super Showdown.


Raw relives what happened last week.

After TV cut away, Edge, his neck devastated, was taken out on a stretcher, and into an ambulance. Because earlier that night, The Rated R superstar returned to tell us the inspirational fight against “What If” he has won. “I have grit!” He returned at 46 years old to end his career on his terms! Randy Orton reminisced old times, only to get Edge’s guard down! And an RKO wasn’t even the half of it… Orton brought back another Edge classic in the ConCHAIRto! Somehow, The Viper found it in his cold heart not to completely cripple Edge, but he left us all heartbroken.

And now, Randy Orton heads to the ring!

Salt Lake City boos as Orton makes his way out slowly and menacingly. Orton takes his time walking up the steel steps and in between the ropes, perhaps conflicted over what he did. Fans shift to chanting, “You Suck! You Suck!” as Orton contemplates going up the ropes for his pose. And despite the boos being heaped on, Orton still hops up, only to step back down. Orton grabs a mic and fans boo louder while he takes his time still. Orton tries to speak but the boos keep coming.

“I guess I owe everybody an explanation.” Fans don’t want to hear it, but they shift from booing to cheering for “Edge! Edge!” Orton goes to speak, but the boos return. “Last week, I…” Fans cut him off with more “You Suck! You Suck!” After a moment, Orton tries again, but the booing is starting to frustrate him. “I can’t do this.” Orton puts the mic down and leaves the ring. Fans seem to be divided but still mostly boo as Orton makes his way up the ramp. Is that it from The Viper tonight?


Liv Morgan VS Lana!

There is nothing settled between these two lethal ladies! Morgan lives to make the Ravishing Russian pay for her transgressions, but it’s Lana who wants revenge! Who wins this ravishing rematch?

Raw returns and Liv makes her entrance. The bell rings and Liv shoves Lana right down! Lana backs off, claiming her wrist is broken. But it’s to sucker Liv in! Lana throws Liv down by her hair then hits a ROUNDHOUSE! Cover, TWO! Lana’s trickery doesn’t get it down but she clamps on with a chinbar and armlock. Fans rally for Liv as Lana claims to be the best. Fans cheer for “Rusev Day!” but Lana throws Liv down again.  Lana soaks up the heat but Liv hops up to CODE BREAKER back! Lana staggers and Livv hits a draping Complete Shot! Cover, Liv wins again!

Winner: Liv Morgan, by pinfall

The sweep is complete! 2-0 for Liv, has she put the feud with Lana to rest? But wait, what’s this? RUBY RIOTT returns! Ruby’s transformed herself just as much as Liv has, and Liv is happy to see her back. The two reunite in the ring, and fans are happy to see “Ruby! Ruby!” But then Ruby gives Liv an STO! And a BOOT! And then a rain of rights! But why!? What is with betrayals on Raw?! Lana laughs as Ruby lines Liv up for a rabbit lariat! Ruby may not be Lana’s friend but she certainly is Liv’s enemy. And Lana takes advantage by giving Liv a FACEBUSTER! One grudge may be settled, but a new one has surfaced. Will Liv be able to piece herself back together on the Road to WrestleMania?


Mojo Rawley w/ Riddick Moss VS Drew McIntyre!

This non-title match is a big relief to the current WWE 24/7 Champion. The Scottish Stud has been on a run like no other, because he won the 2020 Men’s Royal Rumble match and is going to WrestleMania! Will McIntyre pave his road to Suplex City with the 24/7 Quarterback?

The bell rings and fans are fired up for “DREW! DREW!” McIntyre has a mic to thank the fans for fighting through the literal blizzard outside. And he warns Mojo that after putting the mic down, three seconds later, he’s going to Claymore Mojo’s head off. But let’s first address Brock Lesnar. Those who were watching know Lesnar attacked McIntyre last week, from behind. “And you know what? That’s just fine with me.” Why is that? Because it is a sign that Lesnar is worried about the #SexyScot. McIntyre is just as big, just as fast, and his secret weapon knocked Lesnar right out of the Rumble!

McIntyre promises that come WrestleMania, Lesnar’s head gets kicked off his body and McIntyre finally becomes WWE World Champion! Oh wait, forgot about Mojo. But again, three seconds to go. Sorry about that. McIntyre puts the mic down, Mojo gives his belt to Moss. Mojo turns around, CLAYMORE! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

And McIntyre kept his word! Will he keep his word when it comes to slaying the Beast at WrestleMania?


Backstage interview with Buddy Murphy & The AOP.

The Monday Night Messiah’s disciples are in an Elimination Tag, but what is the strategy? Akam and Rezar speak in their native tongues but Murphy says he has this. Murphy says that these three have practically already won. They’re on the right side of history as they help Seth Rollins lead Raw into the future. As for Kevin and the Viking Raiders, they’re working harder, not smarter. But speaking of Rollins, he graces his followers with his presence. This is a huge night for the foursome. The Six Man is up  next, so they shall go and prepare. Rollins takes over the interview and Charly asks about his opportunity for the WWE World Championship.

“Life has a funny way of working itself out.” Just when you think all is lost, Rollins is back in the hunt! He loses the Royal Rumble yet has a second chance! Redemption is a beautiful thing, and not to state the obvious, Rollins has won against Lesnar twice. McIntyre has his heart set on Lesnar, but he has to see the writing on the wall. And McIntyre needs to prepare for a different opponent. He needs to prepare for the Monday Night Messiah. Will Rollins take over Raw with a golden ticket to Super Showdown?


Six Man Tag Elimination Match: Kevin Owens & The Viking Raiders VS Buddy Murphy & The Authors of Pain!

The Prizefighter has Erik and Ivar by his side to wage war with Akam, Rezar and the Aussie Juggernaut! Will KO’s side strike a major blow to the “inevitable”? Or will this be the Last Chapter for the Raw resistance already?

Raw returns and Rollins is present to support his followers. The teams sort out, and Erik starts against Murphy. They circle and Erik trips Murphy to get a waistlock and slam! Tag to Kevin and Kevin stomps Murphy around. Kevin scoops and slams and drops a senton! Tag back to Erik who then tags Ivar. The Raiders work together, scoop slam for Murphy, then scoop slam senton puts Ivar onto Murphy! Rollins is already exasperated as his team is on the defensive and Raw is going to break.

Raw returns and Ivar tags back in. Murphy gives Ivar a jawbreaker and tags to Rezar. The two biggest men stare down and start shoving. Then they start throwing hands! They get fast and furious, Rezar knees low and whips, but Ivar rolls off the back! And BOOTS! Tag to Erik and he feeds Rezar to Ivar’s knee! Then back the other way! Erik roars at Rezar before putting him in an open corner. Rezar comes out to LARIAT! Rollins cheers as Rezar tags Akam and the AOP drag Erik up. Back suplex feed to a knee smash! Akam hammers away on Erik then looms over him. Tag to Murphy, and he mugs Erik with big kicks and forearms.

Murphy soaks up the heat but Erik fights back! Erik rocks Murphy with an elbow, then swings. Murphy ducks, waistlocks but Erik elbows again. Murphy keeps grip of the tights and then uses Erik’s momentum to send him back, A strike fest but Erik dodges the knee to give Ace Ten Mao! Tag to Ivar and Ivar rallies on Akam with a shoulder and sidewalk slam! Then a BASEMENT CROSSBODY! Rezar runs in but gets big hands! Ivar whips but Rezar reverses, only for Ivar to seated senton! Murphy’s kick is blocked, cartwheel and CLOTHESLINE! Fans fire up with Ivar as he tags Erik. They haul Murphy right up, springboard, LARIAT GERMAN! Cover but AOP break it up!

Ivar throws Akam out while Rezar is after Erik. Erik throws Rezar out, and Ivar DIVES to take him out! But Erik DIVES onto Akam! The Raiders wreck the AOP but also themselves! Rollins can’t believe what he’s seeing as Ivar runs at Rezar. Rezar sends Ivar CRASHING into the LED apron! Rollins gets away with a CURB STOMP! The ref missed that and Rollins feeds Erik to Murphy to cover. Murphy ELIMINATES Erik! And with Ivar having damaged his shoulder, Kevin might be down both partners! Extra referees come out to check, and it does seem Ivar is eliminated by default because of the bad arm! Fans fire up for Kevin as he stands alone against Murphy and the AOP. Kevin considers his options, and rushes in as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Kevin has evened things with Murphy! But Kevin has no one to tag! Rollins taunts Kevin as Akam tags in. Kevin throws punches on Akam first then runs, but into a back elbow! Cover, TWO! Kevin toughs it out but Rollins is confident as ever. Murphy tags back in and he drops a knee onto Kevin. Murphy then clamps on and pulls Kevin back with a chinlock. Fans rally up for Kevin as he fights up out of the hold. Murphy knees low then throws Kevin out of the ring. Murphy pursues but gets scooped for a FALL AWAY SLAM, into barriers! Rollins is upset as Kevin gets back into the ring. Murphy drags himself up as the ring count begins, but Rollins says Murphy has this.

Murphy runs in at Kevin but into a boot! Kevin runs but into a calf kick! Cover, TWO! Murphy drags Kevin up and over to tag in Rezar. Rezar and Murphy mug Kevin but fans continue to rally. Rezar taunts Kevin as he drags him back up to throw big haymakers. Fans rally more as Rezar whips and Kevin kicks! Enziguri! Rezar staggers to the corner but returns to drag Kevin up. Akam hops up, sidewalk STOMP! slam! Cover, TWO! Kevin keeps hanging in there and it annoys Rollins. Akam stomps Kevin then drags him around for a chinlock. Kevin endures as Rollins taunts him. “There’s no shame in giving in, Kevin.” But Kevin disagrees, and keeps fighting as the fans rally for him!

Kevin stands, knees low and throws haymakers! Kevin keeps punching, then runs, but into a knee of Akam’s own! Tag to Murphy and Murphy stomps Kevin down. Fans boo as Murphy drags Kevin up and Rollins questions why. Kevin blocks a kick to give a kick, and a BIG DDT! Rollins is shocked but Murphy still has someone to tag. Akam tags in and goes after Kevin to whip into the Rollins corner. Kevin hits buckles hard and falls to the mat. Kevin fights back but Akam forearms him over and over. Tag to Murphy and Murphy drives his knee into Kevin’s back. Murphy hauls Kevin up to whip back ito the corner, but Kevni throws big hands! And boots! And dodges Murphy!

Fans fire up as Kevin runs in, but is put on the apron. Kevin ROCKS Murphy then CANNONBALLS onto Akam! Rollins is wary as Kevin sends Rezar into steel steps! Murphy jumps into a SUPERKICK! Kevin puts Murphy in while Rollins checks on the AOP. Kevin climbs up and SWANTONS, onto knees! Rollins is relieved as Murphy climbs up now. Murphy leaps but Kevin gets under, POP-UP BOMB! Cover, Kevin ELIMINATES Murphy!! Kevin makes it a bit more reasonable at 2v1, but Rollins wants them both to go after Kevin! Akam is first and he clubs away on Kevin at the ropes. The ref backs Akam off for just a moment. Akam whips, Kevin reverses, STUNNER! Cover, Kevin ELIMINATES Akam!!

Rollins is beside himself because now Kevin is 1v1 with Rezar! The ref tells Rollins to hop off the apron because he’s not in the match. Rollins fires up Rezar to get him ready to finish Kevin. Rezar runs in but Kevin sends him into a POST! SUPERKICK! And another SUPERKICK! Rezar is down, Kevin runs corner to corner to CANNONBALL! Rollins is freaking out as Kevin climbs back up top. Kevin SWANTONS, and it hits! Cover, TWO!! Rezar survives but fans are fired up for “KO! KO!” Kevin hauls Rezar up but that’s too much for a fireman’s carry. But he still gets him up! Rollins distracts, Kevin swipes out him, Rezar LARIATS! Rezar then whips Kevin for a SPINE BUSTER!

But Rezar isn’t done there, he wants Kevin to pay. Another SPINE BUSTER! Cover, Rezar wins it for Team Rollins!

Winners: Buddy Murphy & The Authors of Pain, by pinfall

It came down to the last man, but the Messiah of Monday Nights was the deciding factor all along. Will this discourage any more resistance? Will Rollins have an easier time becoming Brock Lesnar’s Super Showdown opponent?


Backstage interview with Ricochet!

The One and Only shares a part in tonight’s golden opportunity! What would it mean for Ricochet to win this shot at The Beast? And a shot at the WWE World Championship. That is the dream, isn’t it? Ricochet can prove tonight that this is his time. It may seem unrealistic because of certain “obstacles,” given he isn’t as big and strong as Lashley or doesn’t roll deep like Rollins. But Ricochet will use what got him here to Raw. So slim as his chances are, determination will outweigh probability. What this means to him, is everything. Will Ricochet win that “everything” tonight?


Aleister Black VS ???

The Embodiment of the End is finally taking the fight to the Raw roster. But who has he found to pick, a fight, tonight?

Raw returns as we learn Aleister’s opponent is Eric Young. The bell rings and Eric rushes Aleister into a corner! Eric rams his shoulder in then stomps a mudhole. The ref backs Eric off but he blocks Aleister’s kick to put the leg on the ropes. Eric throws big haymakers and clubbing forearms! Eric headlocks but Aleister powers out to then sweep the legs. Aleister pushes Eric to then hit a kitchen sink knee! Aleister strike fests then thrusts a knee! Eric wobbles but elbows back. Aleister boots to KNEE TRIGGER! Eric has a bloody nose but it’s about to be the least of his concerns. Aleister uses his foot to lift Eric, for BLACK MASS! Cover, Aleister wins!

Winner: Aleister Black, by pinfall

Another quick yet gritty fight for Aleister that results in another win. But Aleister takes up the mic to say, “Remember when they told you when you were young, that you could grow up to be everything you wanted to be, only to later realize it was quite the opposite.” Aleister doesn’t get why that is our system. That is not authentic. Aleister is a firm believe that people should be whoever they choose to be, because that drives “relentless competition.”

Aleister takes a seat to say that when he knocks down the Raw locker room, there will be no light that seeps in. The room shall be covered in shadows, “and while you are laying there, you will realize it was done by a person who was told that he could be whatever he wanted to be.” Cryptic and menacing, who should take this message serious as Aleister continues to fight down the Road to WrestleMania?


Humberto Carrillo VS ???

Ultimo Ninja unleashed his wrath and has sidelined El Idolo! But with the WWE United States Championship still around Andrade Almas’ waist, will Carrillo prove he’s first in line for when Almas returns?

Raw returns as we find Carrillo’s opponent tonight is ANGEL GARZA! And even more shocking, he has Zelina Vega with him! La Muneca temporarily trades Raw’s El Idolo for NXT’s El Latino. Is Carrillo surprised? Zelina asks fans if they know why Carrillo is so surprised. “Because nobody smart plays fair. Vulnerability is a liability, and I found yours.” Garza leaves a fan hanging while Vega says that when Carrillo messes with her business, she doesn’t pay the price, he does. And Vega explains to fans this is no hitman to get revenge. This is much worse than that. For standing next to her is the former NXT Cruiserweight Champion, “the hottest Latino prospect” in the WWE, and best of all… is Carrillo’s cousin!

Fans finally realize what’s up, and now Garza helps Vega into the ring. Garza tells “Pimito,” that while Carrillo is in a bit of shock, but there is a reason. Garza and Carrillo knows that in this generation of their family is being led by Garza! So Carrillo answers to Garza. Carrillo takes offense to being treated like a child. Garza continues to say that after such behavior last week, Carrillo is a disgrace! Not to Garza, and not to the people in Salt Lake City, but to their family! Carrillo snatches the mic from Garza! Fans like that one. Vega keeps Garza focused but Carrillo asks if he is the disgrace when Garza is the one who lost his title. And as for Vega- SHE SLAPS CARRILLO! And Garza attacks! Fans boo as Garza grins over his cousin, then rains down rights.

Garza chokes Carrillo with a knee to the throat! Vega wants Carrillo to beg, but when he doesn’t, Garza gives him the WING CLIPPER! Carrillo is down from the sit-out underhook but this isn’t all. Vega wants this to end outside, and Garza throws Carrillo out. And around, into steel steps! Vega pulls the floor mats up and wants to recreate what happened to start all this! Garza drags his own cousin over to bare concrete, but here comes REY MYSTERIO! The King of Lucha runs out to returns the favor of saving the day! Fans chant “619! 619!” as Garza eggs Mysterio on. Mysterio lets the referees handle Carrillo, and we might get a different match entirely!

Angel Garza w/ Zelina Vega VS Rey Mysterio!

Raw returns and that is exactly what we’re getting! Will Mysterio avenge Ultimo Ninja with El Latino en la casa?

The bell rings and Garza grins at Mysterio as fans again chant “619! 619!” But Garza bails out and fans boo. Vega whispers a game plan to Garza before he returns to the ring. Garza and Mysterio circle and approach, but Garza says, “Ole!” as he dodges Mysterio. Mysterio shrugs it off and they tie up. Garza headlocks to a takeover but Mysterio headscissors back! And holds tight! Garza kicks around to get the ropebreak. Mysterio lets go and waits for Garza to get up. Garza circles with Mysterio and approaches, but Mysterio avoids the sweep to headlock! Fans cheer but Vega is frustrated as Garza has to fight his way up. Garza lifts but Mysterio kicks to deny the back suplex. Garza stomps a foot and powers out, then things speed up.

Mysterio redirects, Garza hurdles, Mysterio leaps over. Things keep going, Garza rolls off Mysterio’s back but Mysterio tilt-o-whirl headsicssors! Fans cheer as Garza gets to a corner. Garza runs out but Mysterio dodges. Garza shouts for Mysterio to wait, and he offers a handshake. Fans boo because they don’t trust this at all. Mysterio holds up a hand but uses it to wag, “No, no.” Garza tears off the pants to throw them at Mysterio! Then Garza stomps Mysterio down! Garza stalks Mysterio to a corner to CHOP! Mysterio staggers and Garza runs corner to corner, but misses! Mysterio runs back in but is put up top. He boots Garza away but Garza trips Mysterio up to dropkick low! Mysterio ends up stuck in a backwards Tree of We but Garza lets him out.

Garza makes Mysterio shake his hand now as Vega grins right in Mysterio’s face. Garza drags Mysterio up and puts him on the top rope backwards. He climbs up behind Mysterio and grabs at the mask! A very Almas move, but Garza soaks up the heat before putting Mysterio in the Tree of Woe. Garza runs corner to corner to PENALTY KICK! Mysterio falls out of the Tree, Garza covers, TWO! Fans cheer as Mysterio gets to the other corner. Garza stalks over and drags Mysterio up. Mysterio slips out of the scoop but Garza standing switches. Garza shoves but Mysterio kicks back! To then go up and over to headscissor Garza on ropes Dial it up, but Garza sends Mysterio out. Garza then runs and slides under, to use the apron skirt to trip Mysterio! Mysterio crashes and burns and fans are booing as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again as Mysterio fights Garza off. Mysterio whips and scoops Garza for a backbreaker! Vega grows worried as both men are down. Garza gets up first to whip Mysterio hard into buckles! Mysterio falls to the mat but Garza brings him back up. Garza puts Mysterio sideways in the corner to then run and KICK Mysterio down! Fans boo so Garza soaks it up and even slicks back his hair. Garza drags Mysterio to a drop zone and climbs the ropes, for the MOUNTAIN TOP MOONSAULT! But he FLOPS! Mysterio gets clear and now Garza is gasping. Mysterio wheelbarrows to a victory roll, TWO! Garza sunset flips, Mysterio slips out to BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!

Vega fans herself off but fans rally up with “619! 619!” Mysterio and Garza stir and Mysterio tilt-o-whirls to a DDT! Garza is in a daze as he flops over, Mysterio covers, TWO! Vega continues to stress as Mysterio gets to the apron. Mysterio aims as Garza crawls, springboard seated senton! But Garza anchors a foot to keep Mysterio from running. Garza stands to give Mysterio a BIG knee! Cover, TWO!! Mysterio still lives and Garza is starting to lose his cool. Garza drags Mysterio back up as fans continue to rally. Garza underhooks Mysterio but Mysterio slips out to run and sunset DESTROYER! Then a dropkick puts Garza on the ropes! Dial it up, but Vega disconnects the call!

Fans boo and the ref reprimands Vega, but Mysterio triangle JUMPS out to senton onto Garza! Vega is furious and shouts at Mysterio, but the ref tries to get this back in the ring. Garza SUPERKICKS Mysterio from behind! Garza then throws Mysterio into barriers! And over to the bare patch! Garza uses a DDT! The ref throws this out!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by disqualification

El Latino continues where El Idolo left off, and has driven Mysterio into concrete! Fans boo but it is like music to Garza’s ears. Is La Muneca’s stable growing to have another lethal Latino? And what is the state of the lucha libre legend after being spiked into the ground?


Charlotte Flair heads to the ring!

The Queen is the 2020 Women’s Royal Rumble winner, but she has yet to make a decision as to which title she wants. She teased us last week, but will she give us a straight answer this week?

Charlotte points to the WrestleMania sign, and fans “WOO~” for her. Charlotte has a mic to speak on how everyone wants to know her WrestleMania opponent. Is she going to choose the Raw Women’s Championship and face Becky Lynch again? Or will she choose the SmackDown Women’s Championship and face Bayley now? Charlotte has had the Raw title multiple times, having beaten Becky. She’s had the SmackDown title multiple times, having beaten Bayley. In fact, she’s held all the titles at one point or another. Fans sense a wild card and chant for “Rhea! Rhea!” in reference to the NXT Women’s Championship. Yes, Charlotte still loves NXT, and NXT still loves The Queen. So while Charlotte’s held all the gold ten times, the Queen still wants it all again!

Before Charlotte can continue, RHEA RIPLEY is here! The Mosh Pit Kid has come to Salt Lake and to Raw! She shines up her NXT title and heads to the ring. Charlotte does her best to keep her composure in the face of Rhea’s smug smirk. Rhea has a mic to say, “Y’know, Charlotte, you did win the Women’s Royal Rumble.” And now Charlotte can choose any women’s title she wants. And as she said, she beat Becky and she best Bayley. But does anyone know who Charlotte hasn’t beaten? Fans do. It’s Rhea! In fact, Rhea beat Charlotte. So if Charlotte goes after any title at Mania, well then consider Rhea challenging her first. Fans chant “YES! YES!” as Rhea holds up her belt.

Charlotte steps closer to Rhea, admires the title for a moment, and then smiles. But she still doesn’t give an answer as she takes her leave. Will the Queen give the Aussie Nightmare’s offer all due consideration?


Backstage interview with Bobby Lashley.

What is The Rocky Mountain Machine’s plan for tonight’s Triple Threat? And is he at all worried about newlywed wife Lana losing again? To answer the latter, no he is not worried. Lana’s match was her match. They can celebrate when Lashley wins his match and gets the opportunity he deserves! Tonight, Lashley will beat Rollins, Ricochet and perhaps at the same time. After that, “ladies and gentlemen, here’s your spoiler.” Lashley will defeat Lesnar to become WWE World Champion and go to Wrestlemania. Then Lashley will beat “the holy hell” out of McIntyre to remain WWE World Champion! Will those spoilers become reality? Or is there an inevitability Lashley isn’t accounting for?


Asuka w/ Kairi Sane VS Natalya!

The Empress of Tomorrow is still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion alongside the Pirate Princess, but they’re looking for women worthy of their time. Will the Queen of Harts prove she is worthy of staying on the Road to WrestleMania? Or is there still no one ready for Asuka?

Raw returns as Natty makes her entrance. The bell rings and Natty circles with Asuka. They tie up, go around and end up on the ropes. The ref backs them off and Asuka is already annoyed. Asuka circles with Natty and tie up again. Natty headlocks and takeovers but Asuka headscissors. Natty pops out and the two stand off. Fans cheer as they go again. Kairi isn’t worried even as Natty wristlocks to a hammerlock. Asuka reverses to get the hammerlock for herself but Natty turns it around with a fireman’s carry takedown. Natty has the armlock and chops Asuka, but Asuka headscissors back.

Asuka squeezes tight then gets the armbar! Natty slips out and fans cheer, but Asuka is right on Natty fast. They go around, Natty rolls Asuka up, ONE! Asuka headlocks again, Natty powers out but Asuka runs her over! Things speed up, Asuka rolls but Natty waistlocks to a takedown for a leg lock! Asuka endures and grabs Natty’s leg. Asuka rolls to get a modified Half Crab. Natty rolls and grabs Asuka’s leg back. Natty kicks and Asuka lets go, and they end up against the ropes again. The ref backs Natty down and Natty calls Asuka out! “You want to shoot on me?!” The two tie up again, and Natty headlocks. Asuka gets to a chicken wing but Natty gets the ropebreak. Asuka literally rubs it in before backing off.

Tensions are running high, but Natty ducks the back hand to give haymakers! Natty backs Asuka down and fires off! The ref backs Natty off but Natty whips. Asuka reverses, waistlocks but Natty powers out to spinning powerbomb! Cover, TWO!! Asuka survives and Kairi grows worried as Natty grabs the legs. But Asuka kicks Natty away and bails out of the ring. The Empress of Tomorrow is running from the Queen of Harts as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns as Asuka has Natty in an armlock on the mat. Fans rally and duel as Asuka talks trash. Natty fights her way up but Asuka wrangles her back down. Natty gets up again to throw hands, but Asuka throws Natty by her hair! Asuka gives Natty kick after kick after kick, then throws her face down! Natty sits up to duck the buzzsaw and school boy, TWO! MULE KICK! Asuka gets Natty in the mouth then drags her up by an arm. Asuka clamps on with an Iron Octopus! Kairi cheers and fans duel as Natty endures. Asuka cranks as hard as she can on the arm, but Natty refuses to quit. Natty powers up and elbows back but Asuka throws her down by her hair again! The ref reprimands but Asuka hits a shining wizard! Cover, TWO!

Asuka gets on Natty with some ground ‘n’ pound then the armbar! Natty rolls to relieve pressure but Asuka drags her into a triangle. Natty fights out to throw hands and even slaps! But Asuka grabs the arm! Asuka wants a Kimura but Natty resists. So Asuka shifts to a guillotine! Natty endures and powers up, to suplex Asuka off! Both women are down but fans are firing up! Kairi is concerned for Asuka-nee as she and Natty stir. Natty gets to a corner as Asuka stands up. Asuka runs in but gets an elbow! Asuka keeps moving but gets a boot! Natty catches Asuka the third time, but Asuka victory rolls! TWO, Natty has it, TWO! Asuka has it back, TWO! The two break, Natty ducks, DISCUS! But Natty isn’t done there, she grabs the legs for the SHARPSHOOTER!

Asuka endures as Natty sits down deep! Asuka crawls to the ROPEBREAK! But Natty holds on even as Asuka is on the apron! The ref drags Natty off Asuka and Asuka flops to the floor.  Natty hurries after Asuka and puts her back in. Natty glares at Kairi but Kairi shows her claws. Asuka clamps on, ASUKA LOCK! Natty let herself get caught, and she taps! Asuka wins!!

Winner: Asuka, by submission

The ref has to pull Asuka off Natty, but the winner is clear! The Empress downs wrestling royalty in a vicious battle. Asuka gets a mic to yell, “Where is Becky?!” Asuka shouts in angry Japanese, and then says, “I want a rematch for the Raw Women’s Championship!” Fans like the sound of that, at least. And here comes Becky! Asuka grins as The Man comes around to hold up her title. Becky swaggers down to the ring and has her own mic to respond. She hears the fans chant her name first before talking to Asuka.

“So, after ducking me for a whole year, you want to fight me again?” That sounds interesting. Winning at the Rumble “damn near gave me superpowers.” And if it’s about going again, Becky’s all for it! But the thing is, why? Why would Becky put this precious title on the line so close to WrestleMania? The answer is, “the only thing more fun than beating your ass once is doing it again.” Challenge accepted! But Kairi runs in! Becky is ready and throws her out, but she turns around to make sure Asuka doesn’t try anything. “See? Superpowers! Eyes in the back of my head.” Becky is all fired up but so is Asuka. The tiebreaker trilogy finale is coming! Who comes out truly the best woman on Raw?


WWE World Championship Super Showdown Contender’s Match: Seth Rollins VS Ricochet VS Bobby Lashley!

The Monday Night Messiah insists his ascension back to the top is inevitable. The One and Only is raring to prove he belongs on Raw. And the Rocky Mountain Machine wants to finally have the match-up fans have been wanting for years. But only one man can earn an opportunity against the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, BRRROCK! LESNARRR! Who will Lesnar meet when the WWE returns to Saudi Arabia?

Before the match, Rollins gets a mic to speak. “Now good things come to those who are on the right side of history!” Rollins wants us all to applaud the victory of Murphy & The AOP. Fans boo instead. Rollins still thanks them. But now it is his turn. This is his time to once again dethrone Lesnar! And he realizes he made that promise this time last year, and got an entirely different response from fans. How things can change so quickly. Rollins promised to beat Lesnar for the Universal Championship, and he did. Rollins defended the title across the world, from here to Paris to Tokyo to Dallas to NYC, coming home expecting a hero’s welcome to instead be “crucified.”

But Rollins doesn’t hate us for it. No, he doesn’t. In fact, he is thanking us. It is because of that, that Rollins became the man he is today! The man that he is now is a man he is so proud of. Because Rollins will dethrone Lesnar again, but it won’t be for us or himself. It will be for the greater good that we can’t even begin to comprehend! And ten years, 20 years, a century from now, Rollins will be remembered as the Savior of Pro-Wrestling! McIntyre won’t face the Beast, but the Monday Night Messiah. Rollins finishes placating and Ricochet makes his entrance, followed by Lashley. The main event of messiah, motivated and mighty begins after the break!

Raw returns once again and the bell rings. Ricochet fires off on Rollins but Lashley whips Ricochet. Ricochet rolls off Lashley’s back but into Rollins’ full nelson. Lashley runs back in but Ricochet fights back and arm-drags Rollins. Ricochet throws Lashley out and standing switches with Rollins to roll up. ONE and Rollins blocks a kick. Rollins flips Ricochet but Ricochet lands on his feet to come back with a huricanrana! Ricochet runs but Lashely trips him up! Rollins returns to SLING BLADE Ricochet down! Lashley comes back but gets kicked back out! Rollins runs at Ricochet for a corner forearm and cover, ONE.

Fans cheer as this match is moving fast. Rollins whips Ricochet and runs in, but Ricochet puts him on the apron. Ricochet swings but gets a counter punch. Rollins springboards, Ricochet gets under, Lashley DECKS Rollins! Lashley RAMS Ricochet in a corner then turns him. Rollins runs in, but gets added to a DDT Neckbraeker combo! Fans fire up as Lashley clotheslines Rollins out. Ricochet is in a corner, Lashley runs corner to corner, but blocks the boot. Not the enziguri! Ricochet rolls and shotgun dropkicks Lashley out! Then he FLIES out onto the Machine! And then FLIES out onto Rollins! All three men are down but Ricochet is up fast! Salt Lake is fired up as Ricochet puts Rollins in quick.

Ricochet then climbs up top, only for Murphy to attack! Murphy shoves Ricochet down while AOP mugs Lashley! Rollins has made this a 4v1v1 match as Lashley gets the atomic KNEE! Murphy helps Rollins rise and stomp down Ricochet. Lashley is thrown into barriers while Murphy DECKS Ricochet. But here comes Kevin Owens! Murphy goes to intercept but is decked in return! Kevin throws Murphy down the stage and then Erik ambushes AOP! He sends Rezar into a post and helps Kevin go after Akam! They’re doing this for Ivar more than anything! BIG knee and a SUPERKICK sends Akam out! Things are even in the Triple Threat now as Erik and Kevin get chairs! They give Akam chair shots, and Rezar, too!

The AOP is retreating as Kevin SMACKS Rezar back down! Rollins panics as his plan falls apart and Raw takes one last break!

Raw returns once more and Ricochet dodges a corner splash from Rollins! Rollins hits buckles and flounders, as does Ricochet. They head for each other, Rollins throws punches but Ricochet counter punches. Ricochet backs Rollins down then runs, into Lashley’s shoulder! Lashley runs, Rollins dodges, Lashley hurdles! SPINE BUSTER! Lashley roars as he runs at Rollins, to corner clothesline! He keeps moving, to RAM into Rollins! Then Lashley drags Rollins out and suplexes, only for Ricochet to crossbody Lashley down! Rollins swings but Ricochet dodges to kick and whip. Rollins reverses only to get run over by forearms!

Fans fire up with Ricochet as he runs corner to corner at Rollins. Shoulder tackle and Ricochet goes to the apron. Ricochet hops over Lashley’s sweep to BOOT him away! Ricochet ducks Rollins to shoulder, buckle bump and ROUNDHOUSE! Then a springboard, for the flying clothesline! Standing shooting star! Cover, but Lashley breaks it! Lashley looms over Ricochet while Rollins gets to ropes. Lashley brings Ricochet up, gorilla press but Ricochet slips out. Ricochet kicks and kicks then runs, into a SPINE BUSTER! Rollins runs into a COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Lashley isn’t there yet and all three men are down. Fans rally up as Rollins stands with Lashley. Lashley reels Rollins in for a gut wrench, but Rollins escapes.

Rollins elbows from a corner and hosp up. Rollins leaps to BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, Ricochet breaks it! All three men are down but Salt Lake is firing up again. Rollins and Ricochet throw hands, then Ricochet runs. He rolls but Rollins blocks to BUCKLE BOMB! Ricochet is in the drop zone and Rollins climbs up, to get an enziguri! Ricochet climbs up to join Rollins but Lashley joins in. Lashley has Ricochet as Ricochet has Rollins, SUPER BACK SUPERPLEX!! All three men are down but Rollins flops out of the ring! Salt Lake knows “This is Awesome!” as Ricochet and Lashley rise. Ricochet is in the corner and goes up top again. Lashley hurries over but gets a kick for it! Ricochet adjusts, 630!! Cover, Ricochet wins!!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall (will challenge Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Super Showdown)

But speak of the Beast and he appears, to F5 Ricochet!! The Beast was here just waiting to end Raw with him standing tall! The One and Only has even more of a reason to want revenge now, but will he be denied it and the title at the same time?



My Thoughts:

Wow, this was a great episode! While Raw had a lot more recaps and commercial breaks than it really needed, everything that happened tonight was great. Of course, Super Showdown is up next, so that is where WWE is building towards. Though, Orton’s segment being the opening was good, that has to be leading to a WrestleMania match for him and Edge. I really like that Orton isn’t just a Heel again, he’s not a conflicted Heel, because whatever reason he did the things he did, he is completely aware that Edge is in fact a close friend. This might be some really great stuff once we’re past Super Showdown and Elimination Chamber. Same for Aleister Black’s story, since he just gets his squash match out of the way.

McIntyre is doing great as a Face, but didn’t seem to worry about the whole Super Showdown title match happening. It’s fairly obvious Lesnar retains and will face McIntyre at Mania. Raw did a great job of integrating the stories of Rollins and this Raw Civil War with the title. The Six Man Tag, which by what might be a real injury to Ivar ended up 3v1 a lot sooner than expected, was a really great match. Rollins is getting a lot of great Heel points, but it was pretty clear he wasn’t going to win the Triple Threat in the main event. I personally was hoping Lashley would get the win to shockingly take the title from Lesnar so that Lesnar can just get gone, but no such luck. Ricochet is still a great choice, and shockingly enough, with continuity! Ricochet wants revenge for the low blow but gets an F5, so it seems he’s a sacrificial lamb.

The arrival of Garza on Raw was used brilliantly. Though, I hoped there would be word Almas doesn’t keep the US Championship. Maybe they’re holding onto that to get past Super Showdown, because we’d otherwise need a match for the title at Super Showdown, and not at Elimination Chamber in the Elimination Chamber. I need to see that happen, personally, it just makes sense after the awesome stuff from Carrillo, Garza and Mysterio. The Liv VS Lana rematch was clearly a vehicle to getting Ruby Riott back into things, though the moment I saw Ruby I knew she’d turn on Liv. Sarah Logan is still on Raw but I’m thinking she won’t get that involved in this, which is actually a shame. Charlotte VS Rhea is totally happening after the segment we got. That match alone establishes NXT as the third brand.

Becky VS Asuka in another rematch next week? That’s pretty awesome! Asuka VS Natty was an awesome match, and as I put here, I think Natty accused Asuka of trying to shoot win this one. Asuka was obviously going to end up the winner anyway, but Natty must’ve suspected Asuka was trying to actually wrestle her rather than stick to the script. Kairi does pretty great in her supporting role, too, with the coaching, cheering, and in both the match and the segment with Becky, doing her best to get the better of Asuka’s opponents. I don’t think Asuka wins the title on TV but it’ll be another awesome match, and then Asuka and Kairi will shift gears for an Elimination Chamber Women’s Tag Title match (I hope). WWE may be suffering as a business, but as a show, they’re actually building up speed for the homestretch.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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