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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (3/20/20)

Friday Night GRONKDOWN!



NEW SmackDown Coverage

SmackDown welcomes the host of WrestleMania 36: Rob Gronkowski!

WWE welcomes the NFL superstar to Friday Night SmackDown ahead of his hosting the special two-night WrestleMania 36 event!

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  • The Artist Collective VS Daniel Bryan & Drew Gulak; Bryan & Gulak win.
  • From WrestleMania 30: John Cena VS Bray Wyatt.
  • The Miz & John Morrison VS Heavy Machinery; Miz & Morrison win.


SmackDown shares a huge announcement!

Given the circumstances, WrestleMania 36 can no longer be just one night! BOTH April 4th and 5th will be part of a two-night WrestleMania event! And a big event means a big host. A former NFL Pro Bowl and Super Bowl player, ROB GRONKOWSKI! Gronk let the world know himself in a tweet, but of course Mojo Rawley let the WWE Universe know, too. And speaking of, the Hype Bro is back and getting Michael Cole hype. Mojo introduces his “best friend,” Rob Gronkowski to SmackDown! Gronk breaks it down as he heads down the ramp and to the ring where he joins Mojo and Michael.

Has it been a dream of Gronk’s to be part of WrestleMania? Gronk has been watching since Second Grade in the nosebleeds when the WWE came to Buffalo, New York. He watched FCW to support Mojo Rawley. Gronk has been to sold out events, and now he’s here in front of no one, STILL HYPED because he’s hosting! Mojo is pumped, too, but he warns Gronk to be careful. You can get hit on the field, off the field and everywhere in between. Mojo is to help Gronk out, Gronk will help Mojo out, and they pump each other up with CHOPS! “WOO~!” But wait, here comes Baron Corbin to ruin the fun.

Corbin congratulates Gronk but says he’s setting himself up for failure listening to Mojo. As we all know, this is King Corbin. And as king, Corbin expects a specific greeting: get down on your knees and bow down! Nah, Gronk’s good. Alright, fine. Corbin says this isn’t for Gronk. He’s just a party guy. Corbin’s done both the NFL and the WWE. Gronk’s used to shoulder pads, hip pads and helmets. They don’t have any of that in the WWE! Cobin is bigger and stronger, so Gronk better fall in line like everyone else. Or else, the party will be over. But ladies and gentlemen: It’s Elias.

Corbin accuses Elias of being a stalker but Elias says that he’s been sitting on a song that he wants Corbin to listen to. If Corbin listens, will Elias go away? Sure, sure. Elias plays and sings, “Corbin~ can’t you hear how dumb you sound? Gronk will rip your skull off and spike it like a touchdown~! So it’s off with your head~, I don’t think you’ll survive. I just wish there were actually people here to see it live.” Corbin says the song is over and won’t let Gronk laugh anymore. The two get face to face with jackets off, but Corbin talks trash about Gronk getting hurt. Mojo and Gronk table top Corbin! They taunt Corbin back, but Elias gets in to give Corbin a kick and a toss!

Gronk says as the host of Mania, he may not have the power to make a match, but he WANTS Corbin and Elias to have one! Will The Drifter make the Wolf King look like a fool during the event “too big for one night?”


The Artist Collective VS Daniel Bryan & Drew Gulak!

Sami Zayn supports his team of the Swiss Cyborg and King of Strong Style, but will he be boasting and bragging after they run into the double-tough duo of technicians?

SmackDown returns and Sami’s team makes their entrance. The teams sort out and we begin with Nakamura and Bryan. They circle and feel it out. Sami joins commentary as Nakamura gets the wrist. Bryan wrenches back to a waistlock but Nakamura drops to trip Bryan up. The two trade facelocks and Bryan gets control. Bryan brings Nakamura over and tags Gulak. Gulak wrenches Nakamura now and shifts to a hammerlock. Nakamura pulls Gulak’s ear to bring him tot he corner. Tag to Cesaro and Cesaro throws body shots. Cesaro throws Gulak with a headlock but Gulak headscissors back. Cesaro works his way around to lace the legs and then shifts to a facelock.

Gulak gets out of the hold and gets a hold of Cesaro’s leg. Gulak keeps Cesaro anchored as he tags in Bryan. Bryan runs to jump onto the leg! Cesaro blocks the toehold and headlocks to then throw an uppercut. Nakamura tags in, stomps Bryan then brings him up. Bryan ROCKS Nakamura with European Uppercuts of his own! Bryan whips but Cesaro tags in. Nakamura kicks Bryan away but Bryan throws him out. Bryan runs to DIVE! Nakamura ends up on the announce desk and Sami freaks out! Bryan shoulders Cesaro away then goes up top. He leaps but into Cesaro’s arms, and BACKBREAKER! Sami marks out as Cesaro BOOTS Gulak down! The Artist Collective praises itself as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Cesaro and Bryan are trading EuroUppers! Bryan hits, Cesaro hits, repeat! Cesaro hits low with body shots then tags in Nakamura. Cesaro gives another EuroUpper and sets Bryan up in the ropes for Nakamura’s SLIDING GERMAN! Nakamura stomps Bryan then brings him up. Bryan hits back so Nakamura snapmares and drops a knee! Cover, TWO! Tag to Cesaro and Sami sings the praises of his fellow artists. Cesaro dead lift gut wrenches, Bryan tries to fight out with punches to the legs, but Cesaro still gut wrench suplexes him! Cover, TWO! Cesaro looms over Bryan and stalks him to ropes.

Cesaro stomps Bryan’s hands and throws big forearms in the corner. He whips Bryan corner to corner then hits a clothesline! Cesaro goes back the other way with another EuroUpper! And then the other way, but Bryan dropkicks back! Both men are down and Gulak coaches Bryan up. Hot tags to Nakamura and Gulak! The Philly Stretcher shotgun dropkicks Nakamura down! Gulak throws haymakers and body shots but the ref backs him off. Nakamura runs into a counter punch and a GERMAN! Cover, TWO! Sami complains but Gulak stalks Nakamura. Gulak has the dragon sleeper but Nakamura counters to an armbar! Gulak makes it a cover, TWO! Nakamura hits a BIG swinging kick!

Tag to Cesaro and Nakamura feeds Gulak to Cesaro’s fireman’s carry. Cesaro puts Gulak up top for the Top Shelf Knee! Then a feed to the Pop-up UPPERCUT! Cesaro covers, Bryan breaks it! Nakamura and Cesaro mug Bryan and then dump him out. Sami taunts Bryan while Cesaro goes after Gulak with slaps and EuroUppers! Tag to Nakamura and Nakamura kicks and knees Gulak. Nakamura gourd busters Gulak, then runs in, but Gulak dodges to LARIAT! Both men are down and crawling, Cesaro tags in and he drags Gulak away from his corner. Cesaro gives EuroUpper after uppercut, then whips. Gulak sunset flips out of the back drop, but Cesaro pries him off the hold, for another EuroUpper!

Gulak elbows Cesaro away then boots him. Bryan tags in and Gulak leaps! But Cesaro catches him! Gulak slips out, Bryan sunset flips, Bryan and Gulak win!!

Winners: Drew Gulak & Daniel Bryan

The two join in the Yes Movement fingers to celebrate. Seems Gulak has forgone his old ways of “No Chanting.” Sami complains about the chaotic cooperation between Gulak and Bryan. “Another injustice!” But will Sami run out of excuses on the Road to WrestleMania Weekend?


SmackDown returns to Sami arguing with Bryan backstage.

Sami says Bryan shouldn’t be with a “nobody” like Gulak. Gulak says he’s helping Bryan get better, but Sami says Gulak’s just helping Bryan become “more mediocre.” That was a mediocre win, as was last week’s win. The only thing Bryan is learning is how to squeak out wins, just like Gulak squeaked out a spot on SmackDown’s roster. So when is Bryan going to come to his senses and listen to the WWE Intercontinental Champion, the Great Liberator, Sami Zayn? Gulak gets mad but Sami has his back-up. Sami says he is UNTOUCHABLE!

Untouchable? Bryan points out that Sami is barely a champion. If Sami thinks Gulak is only teaching Bryan how to be mediocre, then put the title on the line! Sami VS Bryan, as part of WrestleMania! Sami says Bryan has lost his mind. If we’re talking putting money where mouths are, fine! If “the great teacher” Gulak can somehow defeat Nakamura 1v1 next week, Sami will happily agree to that challenge. Bryan doesn’t even have to think about it. Challenge accepted! Will Gulak be able to bring the King of Strong Style down to open the way to a title match?


Paige returns to SmackDown!

Well, via video call given the circumstances. But before she can say much, Bayley and Sasha Banks appear! They’re upset that Paige no-showed last week, and now is only on SmackDown by satellite? The Boss and Bayley excuse Cole to welcome Paige back to “our show.” Wow, baby girl, what a way with words. Yep, now get your words out and go away again. Right, because no one can touch them. The Women’s (R)Evolution is over, and the Role Model Era has begun! That’s right, baby girl. Good almost accent, Bayley.

Paige says that it’s bad enough to hear them week after week on SmackDown talking down to the roster, but talking bad on the Women’s (R)Evolution? C’mon, now. They should know better. They should know that it takes more than greatness to change people’s hearts. It takes courage. Any woman who stepped into that ring showed courage. That courage is something the bullies suddenly lack. Bayley says it isn’t her fault she’s the most dominant women’s champion in SmackDown history! She’s beaten everyone, unless Paige wants to try? No wait, she can’t! So just finish talking since you couldn’t even show up!

Paige gets it, this is #BadBayley now. And yes, Paige’s in-ring career is over. Her passion was taken from her and it breaks her heart. She wouldn’t wish that on anyone, not even these two. But they’re wrong that she’s stuck in the past. She can’t wait to see who takes her title. Paige spoke to her friends at Fox, and is allowed to announce Bayley’s WrestleMania match. Whoa, whoa, what? There can’t be a match! Bayley and Sasha are going to straight to the Hall of Fame so bye! No, no. The SmackDown Women’s Championship match will be Bayley VS Lacey Evans- Uh, she already beat her. Paige wasn’t done. Bayley VS Lacey Evans VS Dana Brooke- Oh wow, really? So scary! What about Tamina? Does she even work here anymore?

Paige still isn’t done. Bayley VS Lacey VS Dana VS Tamina. Wow, whoa, relax, you don’t have to be so jealous. Well, Bayley said she’s the most dominant women’s champion for SmackDown ever, so they should raise the stakes. Bayley VS Lacey VS Dana VS Tamina VS Naomi! What?! Sasha gets mad and calls Paige a “b*tch” for doing this! Wow, such big girl words. But good to hear her finally talk. Because lastly, it is a SIX PACK ELIMINATION MATCH! And the sixth person, is Sasha. The best friends must face each other again, among a stacked field of contenders! Will either “role model” come away with the title? Or will they both get what they deserve? And what’s that smirk from Sasha about?


From WrestleMania 30: John Cena VS Bray Wyatt!

SmackDown brings us the match that Bray Wyatt himself claims was the beginning of a downward spiral into the darkness that brought The Fiend into existence. Let’s all relive the nightmare in New Orleans!

The Wyatt Family, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper, lurk at ringside as the bell rings. Wyatt sits on his perch of the top rope before circling with Cena. Fans are thunderous and dueling, but Wyatt drops to his knees. He dares Cena to end this right now! “Show them! Give them what they came to see! Be the monster you are, John! Finish me!” Cena tells Wyatt to get up but Wyatt keeps shouting, “Finish me!” Cena refuses so Wyatt rushes him! But Cena dodges and Wyatt hits buckles, and Cena headlocks and throws Wyatt down. Wyatt works his way up from the mat and powers Cena to a corner. The ref calls for the ropebreak but Wyatt thrusts in a shoulder. Cena gets clear and gets another headlock takedown.

Fans rally and duel as Wyatt works his way up to his feet. Wyatt elbows out of the headlock and uppercuts Cena off his feet! Wyatt adds headbutts and has Cena in a corner. He throws body shots and more headbutts and laughs. “He don’t even wanna fight me!” Wyatt drags Cena up to throw uppercuts and Cena falls. Fans rally and duel as Wyatt toys with Cena. Wyatt drags Cena up to knock him back down. Wyatt headubtts Cena over and over then stomps him into the mat. The ref backs Wyatt off but Wyatt roars at the fans. Many fans boo but Wyatt just smirks. Wyatt drags Cena up and shoves him to whip. Wyatt body checks Cena down! Rowan and Harper watch closely as Wyatt sits Cena up. “This is your hero?!”

Wyatt drives more elbows into Cena then puts him in a corner. Wyatt whips Cena corner to corner and Cena hits buckles hard. Cena grits his teeth as Wyatt soaks up the heat. Wyatt runs corner to corner but into Cena’s LARIAT! Fans are divided with cheers and jeers but Cena has a very angry look on his face. Cena goes after Wyatt with furious fists, and RAKES Wyatt’s eyes! But Wyatt laughs as the ref pulls Cena away. Cena stomps Wyatt and drags him up for big forearms. Wyatt gets to a corner but Cena is on him with furious body shots and haymakers. The ref counts and Cena backs off at 2, to glare at the ref. Harper and Rowan are on the apron now, but Wyatt tells them to stand down. Cena bites his fingers in frustration as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns as Cena whips but Wyatt reverses. Wyatt catches Cena into a sleeper hold! Cena drops to a knee and Wyatt grinds him to the mat. Fans are still buzzing as Wyatt grins and cranks on Cena’s head. But Cena fights his way up and powers his way out, then blocks a kick. Cena dodges, runs and starts up the shoulder tackles! Fans boo as Cena hits the spin-out bomb! Cena revels in the fans that disapprove as he says, “You Can’t See Me!” But Wyatt pops up with the spider walk! Cena is freaked out, Harper distracts him, and Wyatt gets Cena with the URENAGE! Wyatt covers, TWO! Wyatt drags Cena up to ROCK him with a right. Fans still duel as Wyatt puts Cena in a corner.

Fans sing “He’s got the whole~ world, in his hands!” as Wyatt runs corner to corner. Wyatt hits a HUGE corner splash! Cena flounders to the other corner, and Wyatt runs in. Cena boots him away then hops up, for a tornado DDT! Cover, TWO! Rowan and his sheep mask lurks closer and Cena is wary of him as he climbs up top. Cena leaps, but his leg drop is turned into a BOMB! Matchbook cover, TWO!! Wyatt grows frustrated but he keeps focus on Cena. “Show it to me!” Cena gets Wyatt’s leg but Wyatt pushes him away. Wyatt runs into a second spin-out bomb! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! Cena fireman’s carries but Wyatt slips off to give Cena a swinging GUT BUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Wyatt paces as Cena gets to the apron. Wyatt brings Cena up to punch him back down. Harper keeps Rowan back while Cena fireman’s carries! Wyatt slips out and clubs Cena, and gives him a DDT TO THE APRON! Wyatt hurries back in to cover, TWO!! Cena survives but fans still sing for Wyatt. Wyatt revels in the chorus of the buzzards as Cena drags himself to a corner. Wyatt throws body shots on Cena then puts him up top for an uppercut! Cena teeters while Wyatt climbs up to join him. Cena resists the superplex and headbutts Wyatt! He knocks Wyatt down then adjusts, to LEAP onto Harper and Rowan!! Cena takes out the henchmen and fans lose their minds!

Wyatt hurries out with wild eyes to stomp Cena down. Wyatt whips Cena into steel steps! The ref says to get this back in the ring bu Wyatt insists “I know what to do! I figured it out, man!” Wyatt goes to Cena and picks up steel steps. The ref warns Wyatt but Cena hits first! Cena punches then throws Wyatt into the post! Wyatt tumbles over the steps, and Cena picks them up! Cena glares at Wyatt, but between the ring count and the disqualification, Cena tosses them away. He puts Wyatt in the ring, runs but gets another BODY CHECK! Cover, TWO!! Wyatt still smiles as he brings Cena over. Wyatt sings as he pats Cena on the head. But then Wyatt runs, but Cena dodges the back senton! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!! Cover, TWO!! Wyatt survives but Cena is too exhausted to be frustrated. And it’s here that SmackDown takes another break.

SmackDown returns again while both men are down. Rowan tries to get in but the ref keeps him out. That’s just a distraction so Harper and SUPERKICK Cena down! Wyatt drops the back senton! Cover, TWO!! Wyatt throws Cena out of the ring and then waits in the ring. Cena RAMS Harper through barriers!! Wyatt is as shocked as we are! He goes after Cena to stomp and headbutt. Wyatt checks on Harper and wants him to get up. But Wyatt then goes back to Cena and puts him in the ring. Wyatt goes to a corner and grins before leaning back with the spider walk! He drags Cena up and into position, but no Sister Abigail as Cena gets a takedown! To the STF!! Fans are thunderous but divided as Wyatt endures. Wyatt drags himself and Cena to the ROPEBREAK!

Cena lets go and gets to the far side. He runs into SISTER ABIGAIL!! Cover, TWO!?! Wyatt can’t believe Cena survives! But he still smiles and laughs. Wyatt rolls out of the ring and pulls apart an announce desk! Wyatt paces about before glaring at the ring announcers. They move aside as he storms over and grabs a chair. Wyatt brings that over even as the ref warns him. Wyatt goes in, Rowan distracts the ref, but Wyatt gives the chair to Cena…? Cena is confused but Wyatt says, “We’re almost there. Grow your legacy, John! Finish me!” Wyatt still wants Cena to become a monster! Cena has the chair, the ref says it’s not who he is, but Cena looks like he wants to be! Cena SMACKS Rowan instead!

Wyatt rolls Cena, TWO!! Wyatt kicks Cena, drags him into position, but Cena fireman’s carries out! ANOTHER AA!! Cover, Cena wins!!

Winner: John Cena, by pinfall

Cena is not the monster Wyatt thinks he is! At least, not on this night. Cena himself can feel how close he was, but he saved himself at the last moment.

But that was six years ago. This is now. That moment is what changed Bray’s career, and now he has The Fiend. Bray says Cena took something from him. Will Bray take everything from Cena this time around?


Backstage interview with Bliss-Cross!

Alexa and Nikki are still in bad moods after Asuka made sure they lost their tag team match against Bayley & Banks. Nikki is all fired up so Alexa talks to Asuka. Asuka crashed the party, but if that’s how she wants to play, fine. Because the Goddess has played that game, but better. Bliss-Cross will do whatever they have to in order to get what they want. What does their schedule look like next week? Wide open! Then Asuka and Kairi Sane, you don’t have to crash SmackDown’s party because Alexa is inviting you personally. Alexa VS Asuka 1v1 next week! Will the Goddess defeat the Empress to get one step closer to the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships?


The Miz and John Morrison head to the ring!

The SmackDown Tag Team Champions are back again, and again take a seat in the directors chairs. SmackDown will have another new episode of The Dirt Sheet after the break!

SmackDown returns as Miz and Morrison introduce themselves. Morrison taught himself how to whip and nae nae. Wow, really? Oh yeah, and he nailed it. Miz says they’re still missing something. Other than an arena full of fans chanting, “Hey hey! Ho ho! Miz ‘n’ Morrison,” you mean? They have the titles, the chairs, the sunglasses, but where are their WrestleMania challengers? Very true. But they beat everyone in the Elimination Chamber. Miz says they should ask the “audience here tonight” to suggest challengers. Who does the audience think they should face at WrestleMania?

Awwwwww Miz ‘n’ Morrisooon~! Who should be the #1 contenders? Who who who? Wait how are Miz and Morrison mocking New Day fans from the crowd? Oh right, the magic of television. But these “presidents of the New Day fan club” obviously suggest Kofi Kingston and Big E for the match, and then throw pancakes. Miz and Morrison pretend those “fans” “snuck in.” Now two more “fans” say “Whoa! Whoa!” It’s Friday Night Lockdown, and if any team deserves a title match for WrestleMania, it’s the UCE! OHHS~! “Hol’ up.” Two bacon cosplayers (still Miz and Morrison) say the title opportunity should go to two men as Blue Collar as they come: Otis and Tucker.

Wait why are they ham? They’re BACON! And why’re the New Day fans unicorns? And why are the other fans dressed as “back-up dancers in a rap video?” Calling them ham? Don’t you dare- BE SOUR~! Clap for your world famous seven-time-champs- That intro is so stupid! Wow, they’re right. It’s just been around for so long, they never realized. This is all so stupid. Thank you, Heavy Machinery fans. Your welcome. USO! PENITENTIARY! Why is everyone interrupting the hams? Hey, Uce, that ham is getting hot. “We! Are! BACON!” Why is that hard to understand?! Otis loves meat on a stick, but there weren’t no meat on a stick costumes! Why does no one take us seriously?! “Our guy can do a 300 pound caterpillar! Can anyone else do that?!”

Wow, that ham is mad. But not even those ridiculously good looking fans can decide who the #1 contenders should be! Guess that means they get the night off. Now that is an idea. But wait! Heavy Machinery is here in person! They’re going to show Miz ‘n’ Morrison what they get for hamming it up!


The Miz & John Morrison VS Heavy Machinery!

SmackDown returns and the match is already underway as Otis SLAMS Miz down! Miz hurries to his corner and tags in Morrison. Morrison circles with Otis and puffs himself up. Morrison kicks Otis low but Otis just powers up. Now Morrison throws forearms but Otis keeps pumping up. Morrison unloads but it won’t slow Otis down! He does get Otis down to a knee with a flurry of strikes, but Otis blocks the whip! Otis whips Morrison to the corner instead, but Morrison slips out and slides under. Morrison goes around to roundhouse! Morrison springboards, but Otis gets under! Otis runs Morrison over with his belly!

Otis drags Morrison up to suplex and hold him up. Tag to Tucker and Tucker takes the hand-off to keep Morrison up. Morrison drops after 20 and Tucker covers, TWO! Tucker keeps Morrison from Miz with a facelock and whip. Morrison rolls off Tucker’s back to tag in Miz! Miz runs into a BIG hip toss! Otis taunts “Mizzy” as Tucker hits a corner splash! Tag and Otis whips Tucker in to corner splash. Tucker feeds Miz to Otis’ shoulder! Otis drags Miz around to cover, TWO! Morrison coaches Miz on but Otis tags in Tucker. Heavy Machinery double whip and body shot, then march around for a BELLY SANDWICH! Morrison runs in but gets a double tackle! And a BOOM SHAKA LOO double falling headbutt! Otis clotheslines Morrison out, Tucker CANNONBALLS!

Tucker keeps Miz from running away through the empty crowd to put him back in the ring. Tucker goes around to run in but Miz passes him off and Morrison dumps Tucker out! The champs play dumb as to what happened but Miz starts up their chant. “Hey hey! Ho ho!” Miz wrecks Tucker with a dropkick! Otis protests but there’s nothing he can do. Miz puts Tucker in and drags him around to tag in Morrison. The 21st Century Classic DECKS Tucker into the elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Morrison runs to hit a SLIDING WIZARD! Cover, TWO! Tucker is tough but Morrison keeps on him with a chinlock. Morrison drives in elbows and thrashes Tucker down. Otis shouts that Morrison can’t hold Tucker down but Morrison shouts back that he in fact IS holding Tucker down.

Tucker endures and fights his way up to throw body shots. Morrison knees low then tags in Miz. The champs double gut buster Tucker! Miz mocks Otis while Morrison says “Tucky’s feeling yucky.” But Tucker fights back with big hands! He decks Morrison and CLOBBERS Miz! Otis fires up as Tucker crawls over. Miz flounders after Tucker but here comes ZIGGLER! Dolph wants to rub it in that he sniped Mandy Rose’s affections, and that allows Miz to CLOBBER Otis off the apron! Miz goes after Tucker with the basement DDT! cover, TWO!! Morrison BOOTS Otis down and laughs his way back to his corner. Ziggler joins commentary as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Morrison grinds Tucker down with a chinlock. Morrison cranks on Tucker but Tucker fights his way up. Tucker throws body shots and haymakers. Morrison mule kicks and then a ROUNDHOUSE! Cover, TWO! Morrison keeps on Tucker while Ziggler explains there wasn’t anything to steal with Mandy and Otis, because she wasn’t his at all. Morrison tags in Miz and they double suplex Tucker, only for Tucker to double suplex them! Tucker crawls over and glitching happens, hot tag to Otis! The Dozer bulldozes and rallies on Miz and Morrison! Otis fires up as he scoops, spins and SLAMS Miz down! Morrison runs into a pop-up flapjack! Otis throws Morrison into Miz, then corner to corner to sandwich them!

Morrison and Miz are both down in the zone, and Ziggler taunts Otis with the fact that there are no fans to cheer him on. Otis hits the Caterpillar, but Ziggler speaks on the mic to distract him! Otis may be smitten with Ziggler’s kitten, but Ziggler wants Otis to see some recent pictures of theirs. The two on the road together, so happy and smiling. Too bad Otis will never know what that’s like. Good guys finish last, and alone. Is Otis okay? There’s nothing wrong with being second, aka the first loser. Otis stops being sad, and starts getting mad. Otis storms out after Ziggler! The chase is on! Otis grabs Ziggler and drags him back over the barriers, and TOSSES him!

The ref tells Otis to leave Ziggler alone but Otis has a chair! Morrison and Miz save Ziggler to club and punch Otis. They put Otis in the ring, but Otis clotheslines them both back out! Otis throws Morrison into steel steps! And Miz into the announce desk! Otis bounces Miz’s head over and over on the hood! “You don’t know me!!” Otis throws Miz into the post! Morrison leaps but into Otis’ arms, to be RAMMED into the post! The Dozer is like the Hulk because of Ziggler rubbing the romance in his face. Otis runs at Miz ‘n’ Morrison and BULLDOZES them THROUGH BARRIERS!! If there were fans live, they’d be losing their minds!

Otis grabs a chair but Tucker works to calm Otis down. Otis is angry, and rightfully so, but the match is more important. Not to Otis! He gives Morrison a SMACK! And then Miz a SMACK!

Winners: The Miz & John Morrison, by disqualification

Dozer smash as he SMACKS Miz and Morrison over and over again! Tucker still tries to stop his friend but Otis’ rage is as big as he is! And Ziggler is in shock as Otis throws an armchair into the stands! Will the Show-Off regret unleashing the rage of Otis Dozovic?


SmackDown returns with Michael Cole in the ring.

To close out tonight, one of the WrestleMania main events will be made official. This is the WWE Universal Championship contract signing! First out, Roman Reigns! And of course, second is Goldberg! Both men go right to the ring and stand at the table. Michael Cole asks they take their seats to get to this, but they both take their seats and THROW them out! Well alright. Cole wants them to relax. The match between them in two weeks was something “no one saw coming.” This dream match is happening.

Cole asks Goldberg about after winning the title, he marched out to simply ask, “Who’s next?” Who did he expect to answer the call? Goldberg says he hoped it would be Roman, but he didn’t think The Big Dog had the balls to actually do it. Roman did step up, but Cole asks why. Roman says he’s been very fortunate. Many of the greats chose Roman. John Cena, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker. They all lost to Roman, too. It won’t be any different for “Bill.” Cole now asks Roman about his tweet from some time ago, in reference to punching the stage for the pyro.

“It’s a little piece of pad. So I don’t break my hand on steel grate. I gotta perform like 48 weeks a year, man. So that would be stupid. It would be like (thinking emoji) headbutting a door before my match level of stupid.” Cole connects the dots for us and says it’s about Goldberg and his Super Showdown match with Taker. Why would Roman have said that? Roman says, “Why not?” The only thing Roman sees in front of him is “a little b*tch bulldog sitting in my yard,” holding the title he never earned and that Roman never lost. Roman signs his part of the contract, and puts it in front of Goldberg. Goldberg glares at Roman before telling the “punk” that he’s been destroying steel doors all across the world for years with that same headbutt. Come WrestleMania, Roman will be that headbutt’s next victim.

Goldberg signs his part of the contract, hands it to Cole, and then picks up the title. Goldberg then TOSSES the table, and both he and Roman stare down face to face. This is the intensity now before the match. What will it be like when the bell rings?



My Thoughts:

Well this wasn’t as good as last week’s episode, and that was because there was no HHH this week. A shame, really. I do appreciate that we got more original content than Raw gave us, but the encore match was actually very fitting. I personally didn’t see Cena VS Wyatt for WrestleMania 30 when it came out and I had never taken the time to see it on the Network, so seeing it tonight was good for me. It was a decent match, and definitely a moment that defines the path the WWE has been on these last six years. I think it would be very fitting if The Fiend won so that Bray can exact his revenge. I’m also curious as we’ll be getting a Firefly Fun House segment next week for one last push towards that match.

Gronk had a good segment with Mojo, Corbin and Elias. Corbin VS Elias was definitely meant to be a kickoff show match, but I’m thinking with Mania being divided into two days, they might as well just put Corbin VS Elias on at the start of night one just to get it done. All matches should be part of the main cards so that all stars get PPV pay to make up for working during these times. I suppose it’s fine Paige was only via video, because she didn’t need to be in person to make an announcement. A Six Pack ELIMINATION Challenge for the SmackDown Women’s Championship is going to be great. Especially because there will be MANY openings for Sasha to betray Bayley and finally get this title for herself. Sasha becoming the other Grand Slam Champion will make great story for Sasha and Bayley post-Mania.

I knew we were going to get a tag team match of Gulak & Bryan VS Cesaro & Nakamura at some point, but I didn’t think it’d be tonight. It seems it was to set up next week’s challenge. It might be obvious for Gulak to win and get Bryan the title match at Mania, but I don’t see it going any other way. Miz & Morrison were hilarious as their parodies of fans, especially the Heavy Machinery fans. The tag match was really good, but especially Otis going Incredible Hulk on everything. If it is just Otis VS Ziggler for Mania, that’s actually going to be pretty wild. The contract signing was pretty standard, and I knew that tweet would be brought up. I hope that match happens night one to also get it out of the way, since it won’t last long.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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