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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (4/6/20)

And NEW…!!



WWE Raw Coverage 3.0

It’s the Raw After WrestleMania!

The reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World… DRRREW! MCINTYRRRE! Hath conquered the Conqueror!! What is next for the leader of Claymore Country?



  • Asuka VS Liv Morgan; Asuka wins.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships: The Street Profits VS Austin Theory & Angel Garza w/ Zelina Vega; The Street Profits win by disqualification and retain the Raw Tag Team Championships.
  • Bianca Belair w/ The Street Profits VS Zelina Vega w/ Angel Garza & Austin Theory; wins.
  • Six Person Tag: Bianca Belair & The Street Profits VS Zelina Vega, Angel Garza & Austin Theory; Belair & The Street Profits win.
  • Aleister Black VS Apollo Crews; Aleister wins.
  • Cedric Alexander & Ricochet VS Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch; Ricochet & Alexander wins.
  • Seth Rollins VS Denzel Dejournatte; Rollins wins.
  • Nia Jax VS Deonna Purrazzo; Jax wins.
  • Humberto Carrillo VS Brendan Vink; Carrillo wins.
  • From AFTER WrestleMania 36 Night 2 – WWE World Championship: Drew McIntyre VS The Big Show; McIntyre wins and retains the WWE World Championship.


Asuka VS Liv Morgan!

The Empress of Tomorrow is no longer WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion alongside Kairi Sane, who is once again absent. As for the LIVing Embodiment, she is feeling pretty good after defeating the Queen of Harts. Will Liv defeat another wrestling royal? Or will Asuka rebound for both her and the Pirate Princess?

The bell rings and Asuka says Liv isn’t going to win. “Mudi mudi mudi!” Asuka laughs at Liv and then they tie up. Asuka puts Liv on the ropes and pulls hair. The ref reprimands and Asuka let sup, but Liv rolls her up! Asuka denies the cover and stomps Liv down for that one. Asuka trash talks but Liv throws forearms! Liv fires off then runs, but Asuka follows for a hip attack! Liv gasps as she gets up and Asuka is joking around. Asuka pulls hair but Liv pushes. Liv goes Matrix to avoid the kick and rolls Asuka again, TWO! Liv kicks low then whips Asuka. Asuka reverses but Liv huricanranas! Asuka is up and in the corner, Liv runs in, but Asuka sends her into buckles! Liv elbows back then hops up and up, to leaps! Missile dropkick!

Asuka bails out but Liv pursues. Liv brings Asuka over but Asuka bumps Liv off the apron. Asuka puts Liv in but Liv slingshots to huricanrana again! Liv runs into a ROUNDHOUSE! Liv is down and Asuka is back to having fun as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Asuka stomps away on Liv’s shoulder! She clamps on with an armlock but Liv endures. Liv fights her way up and throws big haymakers! But Asuka throws Liv by her hair. Asuka runs at Liv in the corner but Liv boots back. Asuka just gets angry, but Liv goes up and over. Liv returns, but runs into the pop-up knee! Cover, TWO! Asuka keeps her focus and keeps toying with Liv. She kicks Liv around but Liv just gets angrier. Liv ducks the kick to roll and jackknife! TWO, but Liv counter punches Asuka. Liv runs with Asuka, for a springboard CODE BREAKER! Both women are down but stirring. A standing count begins and climbs to 5. Asuka and Liv each use ropes to stand, and Asuka runs at LIv. Liv dodges to lariat back! And again! Liv hits a running facebuster! And ENZIGURI!

Asuka flounders to a corner, Liv runs to DOUBLE STOMP her down! Cover, TWO!! Liv was so close and yet so far from defeating another former champion! But she keeps going, only to get caught into an ARMBAR! Asuka cranks on the arm, Liv rolls to a cover, TWO! Asuka lets Liv free, to GERMAN SUPLEX her! Liv wobbles but Asuka SHINING WIZARDS her down! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Asuka is enraged with Liv and the ref, but she can only take it out on one of them. Liv dares Asuka to do it, and then reverses the whip! But Liv leaps into the ASUKA LOCK!! But Liv rolls it back, TWO!! ASUKA LOCK! Liv reaches as the two go around the ring. Asuka spins Liv to arm-drag her, into the ASUKA LOCK! Liv taps, Asuka wins!

Winner: Asuka, by submission

Liv put up quite the fight, but Asuka rebounds after WrestleMania! Will she and Pirate Princess Kairi be back on the trail of the Women’s Tag Team Championships?


Raw shares Becky Lynch’s post match interview on Night 1 of WrestleMania.

The Man retained her Raw Women’s Championship and feels great. She’s almost at a year straight. 365 days of The Man feels pretty good. But that win was her last gasp, but it wasn’t by accident. Becky always looks for a counter, and she go tone. Shayna Baszler is incredible, Becky never took that away from her. Shayna was the one that underestimated Becky. Becky will give Shayna her due as an accomplished MMA fighter and wrestler, and the longest combined-reign NXT Women’s Champion. Shayna’s skill set may be the best of the entire WWE today, but in the end, this was a test of skill VS heart. Becky has heart. But what’s next? Well Shayna thinks she has Becky’s number. If she wants to try again, Becky’s more than willing.

Raw also has Shayna’s post-match interview.

“The thrill of victory. The agony of defeat.” Shayna thinks that over a couple times. For Becky, Shayna promises there will be the agony of Shayna’s defeat. Will that rematch happen sooner rather than later?


Raw Tag Team Championships: The Street Profits VS Austin Theory & Angel Garza w/ Zelina Vega!

A WrestleMania rematch only 24 hours later! But will being on live television change anything for La Muneca’s stable? Or will the Profits continue to stay up?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we begin with Dawkins and El Latino. They circle and Garza stays clear of Dawkins’ grip. Garza just tags out to #AllDay, but Ford barks at him. Theory and Dawkins tie up, and Dawkins headlocks. Theory powers out but Dawkins runs him over. It feels like deja vu as things speed up and Dawkins hurdles Theory to run him over! Ford is fired up as he tags in, and Dawkins whips Theory. Ford dropkick Theory down then Garza runs into another double flapjack onto Theory! Double dropkicks send Vega’s men out, and the deja vu is in effect as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Dawkins has Theory in an armlock. He keeps Theory down as he grinds the shoulder. Theory fights up and fights out with body shots, but Dawkins whips. Dawkins runs but misses the cyclone splash. Theory runs in but is put on the apron. Theory hotshots Dawkins then somersault shotgun dropkicks! The Real Superstar mocks Ford as he drags Dawkins over. Garza tags in and he KICKS Dawkins hard in the ribs! Garza keeps on Dawkins as he cranks on an arm. Dawkins endures as Garza pulls back harder. Dawkins powers up and powers out but Garza knees him down. Tag to Theory and they mug Dawkins. Theory clubs Dawkins then drags him around to stomp him down. Theory kicks Dawkins hard in the back then puts on a facelock.

Dawkins endures as Theory goes after his arm again. Theory cranks but Dawkins powers up again. Dawkins throws body shots but Ford knees low. Theory headlocks and bumps Dawkins off buckles. Tag to Garza and he takes the toehold hand-off to splash on the leg! Garza cranks the leg and drops elbows. He wrenches the knee but Dawkins gets the ropebreak. Garza tags Theory and drags Dawkins around. Theory stomps Dawkins then clubs him around the head and shoulders. Theory rains down angry left hands but lets up to talk trash. He stomps Dawkins more then drags Dawkins around to kick him in the ribs. Theory clamps onto Dawkins with a chinbar and even fish hooks Dawkins’ face! The ref reprimands, Theory lets up, and Dawkins fights back. Dawkins blocks the kick to scoop Theory with an EXPLODER!

Dawkins and Theory are down and Vega panics. Hot tags to Garza and Ford! Ford springboards and flies in on Garza! Ford rallies with lariats and a dropkick! Garza gets up but Ford spins him for a DDT! Ford fires up and heads for a corner. Theory distracts the ref but that allows Vega to grab at Ford. The ref reprimands her, Garza enziguris Ford down, but the ref is calling for the bell!

Winners: The Street Profits, by disqualification (still Raw Tag Team Champions)

Raw returns and Dawkins has Theory in an armlock. He keeps Theory down as he grinds the shoulder. Theory fights up and fights out with body shots, but Dawkins whips. Dawkins runs but misses the cyclone splash. Theory runs in but is put on the apron. Theory hotshots Dawkins then somersault shotgun dropkicks! The Real Superstar mocks Ford as he drags Dawkins over. Garza tags in and he KICKS Dawkins hard in the ribs! Garza keeps on Dawkins as he cranks on an arm. Dawkins endures as Garza pulls back harder. Dawkins powers up and powers out but Garza knees him down. Tag to Theory and they mug Dawkins. Theory clubs Dawkins then drags him around to stomp him down. Theory kicks Dawkins hard in the back then puts on a facelock.

Dawkins endures as Theory goes after his arm again. Theory cranks but Dawkins powers up again. Dawkins throws body shots but Ford knees low. Theory headlocks and bumps Dawkins off buckles. Tag to Garza and he takes the toehold hand-off to splash on the leg! Garza cranks the leg and drops elbows. He wrenches the knee but Dawkins gets the ropebreak. Garza tags Theory and drags Dawkins around. Theory stomps Dawkins then clubs him around the head and shoulders. Theory rains down angry left hands but lets up to talk trash. He stomps Dawkins more then drags Dawkins around to kick him in the ribs. Theory clamps onto Dawkins with a chinbar and even fish hooks Dawkins’ face! The ref reprimands, Theory lets up, and Dawkins fights back. Dawkins blocks the kick to scoop Theory with an EXPLODER!

Dawkins and Theory are down and Vega panics. Hot tags to Garza and Ford! Ford springboards and flies in on Garza! Ford rallies with lariats and a dropkick! Garza gets up but Ford spins him for a DDT! Ford fires up and heads for a corner. Theory distracts the ref but that allows Vega to grab at Ford. The ref reprimands her, Garza enziguris Ford down, but the ref is calling for the bell!

Winners: The Street Profits, by disqualification (still Raw Tag Team Champions)

Vega is furious and so is her team. They argue with the ref but then they turn to mugging Ford! More deja vu from Mania, and that includes Bianca Belair! The EST and Vega go again, and Bianca SPINE BUSTERS! The Profits attack Garza and Theory and send them out of the ring! Bianca gets a mic and says Vega thinks she doing something? Girl, Uh-Uh. Bianca goes here now. The EST of NXT becomes the EST of the WWE! The strongest, the roughest, the quickest is the fastest. You can’t outrun her, so Vega should just get in the ring and settle this. Will Bianca have the biggest debut on the Raw After Mania?

Bianca Belair w/ The Street Profits VS Zelina Vega w/ Angel Garza & Austin Theory!

Raw returns and it’s deja vu no more! The bell rings and Bianca circles with Vega. Bianca mocks how tiny Vega is and they tie up. Bianca shoves the tiniest away but Vega gets up. They go again, and Bianca throws Vega down now! Bianca brings Vega up but Vega pie faces her! Vega runs away to a corner and the ref keeps Bianca back. Vega then comes back and gets a headlock. Bianca picks Vega up but Vega holds on. Bianca powers up again and powers out to then run Vega over. Things speed up and Bianca handsprings to run Vega over again! She tells Vega to “kiss this” but then Vega gets under and kicks her in the butt! Vega SLAPS Bianca and now Bianca is mad. Bianca clubs away on Vega’s back! The Profits are fired up as Bianca fires off!

Bianca drags Vega to a corner and then throws her across the way! And then back the other way! Bianca waits for Vega to stand to RAM her into the corner! Bianca digs her shoulder in and the Profits applaud. Vega rolls off Bianca’s back but she can’t roll Bianca up. Bianca handsprings, runs back in, but Vega sends her into the post! Vega BOOTS Bianca then gets space. The Profits coach Bianca up but Vega tiger feints into a rope crucifix crossface! The ref counts but Vega lets go at 4! Vega Oklahoma rolls, TWO! She ax kicks and DDT’s Bianca down! Cover, TWO! Bianca said she was the toughest and this is proving that. Vega pushes Bianca around and gets the dragon sleeper. She cranks back but the Profits rally up.

Bianca powers up and Vega becomes a backpack. Bianca brings Vega around for a BIG suplex! Ford is fired up for his wife, but she runs into Vega’s boot! Vega hops up and leaps, but into Bianca’s arms! Bianca pops Vega up for a military press! And some squats! Then a drop! Bianca twirls her ponytail before running. Theory blocks her path but the Profits yank Theory down to go after him! This spills into the ring, Ford SPEARS Theory down! Husband and wife are beating down their enemies but the ref calls for a bell!

No Contest

Ford gets a mic now, and he says we’re just a day removed from WrestleMania. He has his brother and his wife, so why not just go with a “family affair?” A MIXED SIX! The EST and the Profits are up and #WeWantTheSmoke! Will this finally be settled as a 3v3?


Six Person Tag: Bianca Belair & The Street Profits VS Zelina Vega, Angel Garza & Austin Theory!

Raw returns and things have reset to start with Dawkins and Theory. They tie up, and Dawkins flapjacks Theory right away! Tag to Ford and we repeat the whip and dropkick! Ford handsprings and claps in Garza’s face. Ford has Theory in the corner and CHOPS! He whips Theory corner to corner but Theory reverses. Ford goes up and over and handsprings to show off, before another dropkick! Garza swipes at Ford, and Theory clobbers Ford from behind! Ford tumbles out of the ring and Theory pursues. Theory throws Ford into the barriers as the ring count climbs. Theory puts Ford in and stays between Ford and his corner with kicks. He clubs Ford then CHOPS him to the corner.

Theory stomps a mudhole into Ford but the ref backs him off. Garza attacks in the distraction! Theory brings Ford up to snapmare and chinbar. Ford endures the chinbar and armlock combo as his team rallies for him. Ford fights his way up but Theory wrangles him back down. Theory digs a knee into Ford’s head and knuckles into Ford’s shoulder. Theory brings Ford around but Ford fights his way up. Ford pries the hold off and throws body shots! Theory blocks one to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Theory keeps on Ford with a facelock and he grinds Ford down. Ford fights up again but Theory clubs him down and throws him out. Theory goes out to bump Ford off apron and put him back in. He keeps Ford from his corner and smothers him with a sleeper. Ford endures even as Theory is right on top of him.

Ford fights his way up and pries against the hold again. He arm-drags Theory off but Theory sucker punches Ford! Theory whips Ford but Ford reverses to enziguri! Both men are down and crawling for corners! Hot tag to Bianca! Vega runs in and dodges Bianca to kick and run again. But Bianca blocks the tilt-o-whirl to a backbreaker! And GUT buster! Theory tries to get in her way but Bianca handspring heel kicks him down! And still moonsaults onto Vega! Cover, but Garza breaks it! The ref reprimands, but Ford chases after Garza for touching his wife. But Theory SUPERKICKS outta nowhere!

Dawkins LARIATS Theory then chases Garza for Ford! Those two disappear backstage, and Vega wheelbarrows. But into a BUCKLE GLAM SLAM! Bianca torture racks, for the KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca and the Profits win!

Winners: Bianca Belair & The Street Profits, by pinfall

The fight is finally finished! A huge Raw debut for the EST, and she helps keep the Profits up! Will these three rise higher than ever now that they’re together?


Raw shares Bobby Lashley’s post-match interview from Night 2.

The Rocky Mountain Machine slot to Aleister Black. Something makes him think he needs new management. “Or a new wife.” Lana only now walks in, completely oblivious. She asks what’s going on, and Lashley says, “Nothing.” Lana blames Charly for his bad mood. Is this the beginning of the end of this ravishing relationship?


Aleister Black VS Apollo Crews!

Speaking of that match, the Embodiment of the End does not rest just because he beat one of the biggest and strongest. Is he going to make the shining star #FadeToBlack in the aftermath of WrestleMania?

The bell rings and Apollo circles with Aleister. They tie up, Aleister headlocks and grinds Apollo down. Apollo pries free and puts the headlock onto Aleister. Aleister fights against the hold and slips out. He puts the headlock back on Apollo then trips him up for a cover. ONE, and Aleister is right back on Apollo with a facelock. Apollo spins out and headlocks Aleister again. Aleister pries free to wrangle Apollo down. Aleister digs a knee in and pulls on the arm. Apollo endures, gets up but Aleister wrenches him to a hammerlock and takedown. The two roll and Apollo gets up again. Apollo reverses the wristlock and wrenches Aleister to a hammerlock. Aleister reaches back but Apollo cranks on the arm. Aleister still gets the reversal to a fireman’s carry takedown.

Apollo sits up but Aleister is right on him with a chinlock. Aleister leans on Apollo but Apollo fights his way up. Apollo pries off the hold and wrenches again to a facelock. Apollo drags Aleister down but Aleister fights his way back up. Aleister spins out to a wristlock and then the facelock. Apollo gets a leg and reels Aleister in for a headlock. Aleister powers out but Apollo runs him over! Things speed up, Apollo handsprings over but Aleister rolls off Apollo’s back. Aleister sits down but Apollo bails out, not falling for the tricks. This is a stalemate so far as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns as Apollo runs, but into an arm-drag! Aleister has the armlock but Apollo powers up. Apollo scoops, Aleister spins him but Apollo trophy lifts! Aleister escapes to arm-drag again! Aleister cranks Apollo’s arm, but Apollo endures. Apollo fights his way up and throws haymakers. Aleister cranks on the arm but Apollo punches free. Apollo throws hands but Aleister BOOTS! Aleister runs but into a dropkick! Aleister bails out but the ref keeps Apollo back. Apollo goes out the side but runs into a forearm! Aleister fires off strikes, then runs, into an OVERHEAD SUPLEX!

Aleister writhes but Apollo glances at the steps. Apollo puts Aleister in and leaves the steps behind. He brings Aleister up but Aleister KICKS back! Apollo clubs Aleister but Aleister sweeps the legs! And PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Apollo is in a corner and Aleister runs in, but Apollo tosses Aleister out! Apollo stomps Aleister as he comes up to the apron. The ref counts but Aleister drags Apollo out. Apollo kicks back and MOONSAULTS! Direct hit drops Aleister and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again as Apollo covers, TWO! Aleister gets to a corner but Apollo splashes in! Apollo runs to LARIAT Aleister down! Cover, TWO! Apollo keeps on Aleister and puts on a chinlock. He smothers Aleister into the mat but Aleister endures. They sit up and Aleister fights his way up. Aleister grabs a leg but Apollo clubs him back. Aleister kicks a leg, rolls to grab it and gets a takedown. Apollo pushes Aleister away, Aleister rebounds to KICK the leg again! And again! He sweeps the legs! But he runs into a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Apollo surprised Aleister and keeps moving, but his bad leg stops the standing moonsault! Aleister has the dragon sleeper! But Apollo snapmares free, to enziguri! And back suplex, for the CREWS MISSILE! Cover, TWO!!

Apollo can’t believe Aleister survives! Frustration starts to build as Apollo crawls to ropes. Apollo hobbles over to Aleister as Aleister sits up. Apollo drags Aleister up to throw forearms. Aleister wobbles but Apollo keeps on him with furious fists from all sides! Aleister pushes him away, ROUNDHOUSE! But Apollo LARIATS! Apollo heads for a corner, climbs up top, and FROG SPLASHES! But he FLOPS as Aleister moves! Alelster grits his teeth, as he hits a running takedown! KNEEBAR! Apollo endures as Aleister cranks on the leg! Apollo reaches for ropes but Aleister’s leg lock is on tight! He reaches for the ropes, to get the ropebreak! Aleister lets Apollo go, but the damage has been done.

Apollo manages to stand but then he stumbles and falls. Aleister watches Apollo flounder about on one good leg. He lifts Apollo with his foot… for BLACK MA- NO! Apollo ducks and BOOTS! And then jumps the sweep to enziguri Aleister out of the ring! Both men are down and Raw goes to another break!

Raw returns again, and Apollo has Aleister up top! Aleister fights Apollo off and Apollo hobbles on the bad leg. Aleister leaps but Apollo gets under. Apollo runs into another leg sweep! Aleister runs to KNEE THRUST! Aleister handsprings as Apollo rises, QUEBRADA! Cover, TWO!! Aleister won’t let up, he grabs the legs. Apollo uses the good leg to kick but Aleister Penalty Kicks back. Cover, TWO! Aleister wants the legs again, but Apollo powers him away! And manages a dropkick! Both men are down as Apollo clutches his bad leg. Apollo wills himself to walk and drag Aleister up. Apollo has a clinch but Aleister fights, so Apollo rams Aleister into a corner. Aleister kicks and knees back, then hops up top. Apollo enziguris Aleister back!

Apollo climbs up again and clubs away on Aleister’s back. He SUPERPLEXES Aleister down! Apollo crawls to the cover, TWO!! Aleister still lives and Apollo is furious. Apollo stands and hobbles after Aleister. He brings Aleister up, and military presses! But the bad leg gives out! Aleister fires off a strike fest! But he runs into a POP-UP BOMB! Cover, TWO! Apollo is losing his cool as Aleister keeps in this! Apollo drags Aleister up, goes for another military press, and drops Aleister for the standing moonsault! Adrenaline helps Apollo hit the standing shooting star! Cover, TWO!! The bad leg was still a factor in that lateral press and Apollo is enraged. Apollo goes for broke as he goes up top. Aleister hurries and BOOTS him down!

Aleister climbs up to join Apollo and looks to return the favor. But Apollo SUPER GOURD BUSTERS first! Apollo leaps, into a KNEE! Aleister lifts Apollo’s head with a foot… But Apollo spins him around! Apollo tries another lift, but Aleister spins and sunset flips, TWO! Apollo swings, misses, and gets BLACK MASS!! Cover, Aleister wins!!

Winner: Aleister Black, by pinfall

Aleister wanted a fight, and he got a fight! Apollo was so close, is he on the edge of a breakthrough? Is Aleister just one more fight away from fighting for a title?


Cedric Alexander & Ricochet VS Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch!

The newest team to join the Raw Tag Team Division is ready to get back in gear! Will this be too fast and too furious for the One Two punch of NXT?

The teams sort out and Alexander starts with Burch. They circle and tie up, but Alexander gets around to throw fast hands on Burch. Burch throws hands back and spins Alexander for a headbutt! Burch tags in Oney and the brawlers double wrench and double CHOP Alexander down! Cover, ONE, but Oney is on Alexander with a facelock. Alexander endures as Oney grinds him down. Alexander fights up but Oney throws uppercuts. Tag to Burch and the One Two stomp and uppercut Alexander more. Alexander throws hands back but Burch rocks him. Alexander chops but Burch CHOPS! Cover, TWO! Burch keeps on Alexander with a chinlock and grinds him down.

Alexander fights his way up and he endures the grind. He powers Burch to a corner and bumps him off buckles. Alexander arm-drags out but Burch wrangles him down. Burch has the chinlock and cranks hard on it. Alexander endures and fights up. He throws body shots then throws Burch off to dropkick him down! Hot tag to Oney and Ricochet! Ricochet rallies and mule kicks to front kick! Oney is in the corner and he boots Ricochet back. Oney hops up but Ricochet enziguris and NO HANDS RANAS! Cover, but Burch breaks it! Burch stomps Alexander down then drags Ricochet up. Burch back suplexes but Ricochet lands out to throw Burch out. Ricochet triangle dropkicks Burch down! But Oney has the half nelson! HALF ‘N’ HALF, but Ricochet lands on his feet!

Alexander tags in and Ricochet feeds Oney to the atomic drop! Enziguri to gourd buster, standing shooting star! Alexander tags Ricochet back in, runs, handsprings, and NEURALIZERS Oney! Ricochet brings Oney up in the fireman’s carry while Alexander DIVES and takes out Burch! Ricochet tosses Oney up for the RECOIL! Cover, Ricochet & Alexander win!

Winners: Ricochet & Cedric Alexander, by pinfall

The dynamic duo gets a big win on the Raw After Mania! Will the King of Flight and Ebony Lion put pedal to the metal towards the tag team titles?


Kevin Owens speaks.

“For the last five months, my career was hell.” Ever since he and Rollins started this in November, Kevin just wanted him 1v1. Instead, it was multiple attacks by multiple assailants that broke him down to the point where he asked himself, “Is it worth it?” Kevin says that WrestleMania, jumping off the sign to crash onto Seth and through a table, then the Stunner and the win, he had his answer. “Yes, it was all worth it to finally have a WreslteMania Moment that I could be proud of.” But now, Kevin moves onto bigger and better. But what is that? Kevin wants to be the Prizefighter again. Or maybe he needs to give more Stunners out. No matter what, Kevin’s message remains the same: He is here to stay! This is STILL the Kevin Owens Show!


Seth Rollins VS Denzel Dejournatte!

The Monday Night Messiah moves very slowly. He is still sore from being put through that table, as Kevin mentioned. But he is also seething with rage over having lost to Kevin on the precipice of becoming a wrestling god. Will Rollins take all of that out on this sacrificial lamb from NXT?

The bell rings and yes, that is the case! Rollins clobbers Denzel then puts him in a corner. He stomps away on Denzel but the ref counts. The ref pulls Rollins off at 4 but Rollins glares at Denzel. Denzel flops out of the ring but Rollins stalks after him. Rollins drags Denzel up to throw him into barriers! The ring count climbs but Rollins rams Denzel into more barriers. Rollins puts Denzel in and looms over him. Denzel manages to get to all fours, for a CURB STOMP! Rollins covers, and wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

Rollins’ rage is not satiated after dominating Denzel. Will he reassess and have a new plan to execute his vision?


Nia Jax VS Deonna Purrazzo!

The Irresistible Force is back! Will she continue where she left off and make her way back to the Raw Women’s Championship?

The bell rings and Nia pushes Deonna to a corner. Nia slaps her around then dares her to bring the fight. Deonna runs into a LARIAT! Nia drags Deonna up and around by her hair. The ref reprimands but Nia pushes Deonna around more. Nia toys with Deonna and slaps her before giving another LARIAT! She drags Deonna up to LARIAT again! Nia mocks Deonna’s pain as she drags her around more. She drags Deonna up for another LARIAT! Nia fireman’s carries Deonna for the SAMOAN DROP! But she’s not done, she brings Deonna up for a package DDT! Cover, Nia wins!

Winner: Nia Jax, by pinfall

The Virtuosa had no chance with Nia all over her. Will Nia smash her way towards Becky Lynch and the title?


Humberto Carrillo VS Brendan Vink!

Ultimo Ninja wants to get back on track himself now that a new road begins. But will he be able to get past the supersized Aussie Smug to do it?

The bell rings and Vink corners Carrillo. Vink rushes in but Carrillo goes under, only for Vink to knee him to the far side. Vink suplexes Carrillo but Carrillo slips out. Carrillo ducks the chop to jawbreaker back! Carrillo runs and springboards to arm-drag Vink away! Vink is in a corner and Carrillo runs in, but Vink puts him on the apron. Carrillo kicks back then climbs up. Carrillo leaps and missile dropkicks Vink down! Vink bails out, Carrillo builds speed but Vink BOOTS him down! Vink gets in, drags Carrillo up, and scoops for a slam! Cover, TWO! Vink clamps onto Carrillo with a chinlock and grinds him down. Carrillo endures and fights up to throw elbows. Carrillo fights free and runs, but into Vink’s back elbow!

Vink drags Carrillo up and puts him in a corner hard. Vink stomps a mudhole then task trash. He clinches Carrillo then hip tosses him away! Vink drags Carrillo up to snapmare and clamp on a chinlock again. Carrillo endures and fights his way up. Carrillo throws body shots and elbows. He’s free, but Vink back suplexes! Carrillo slips out and elbows Vink away. Carrillo boots then ducks under to get moving. Springboard crossbody! Cover, ONE, but Carrillo dropkicks Vink! Vink blocks a kick, ducks he dragon whip but not the enziguri! Carrillo somersault moonsaults! Then hurries up top for a MOONSAULT! Cover, Carrillo wins!

Winner: Humberto Carrillo, by pinfall

Quite literally a big win over a big man, and Carrillo looks to be back on a winning path! Will Carrillo find his way to a title now that the WWE starts fresh?


Raw shares Charlotte Flair’s post-match interview after Night 2.

Charly Caruso starts to congratulate her, but The Queen says she doesn’t need anyone to do that. Charlotte says that when she was little, Ric Flair had custom cars, custom robes, and custom suits. Everyone thinks the suit makes the man, but no. Ric always said the man makes the suit. So therefore, the title doesn’t make the wrestler, it is the wrestler that makes the title. Charlotte has been Raw Women’s Champion, SmackDown Women’s Champion, and even retired the Diva’s Championship. Now she is a two-time NXT Women’s Champion. Rhea Ripley was alright. But she does what ever other woman does: Bow down to The Queen. “WOO~!” Will Charlotte once again make the black ‘n’ yellow brand bow to her?


Raw shares footage of what happened after Drew McIntyre won the WWE World Championship.

The Scottish Stud returns to the ring to show off the new side plates! McIntyre feels good finally having the world title after roughly ten years since his original WWE debut. McIntyre returns to the ring for an in-ring interview. He is the NEW WWE World Champion, but has the magnitude of this achievement hit him yet? No, and not just because it’s only been 20 minutes. McIntyre still doesn’t believe this is real. He keeps pinching himself, but he also got the plates. Those make this official. He isn’t sure where to start so he starts with the match. McIntyre thanks Lesnar and Heyman, oddly enough. If you aren’t following where he’s going with this, he says that he was mentally ready. But he saw a look in Lesnar’s eyes McIntyre never saw before. Lesnar was ready to go to war, but so was McIntyre.

There was a point when Heyman told Lesnar to keep hitting the F5 because McIntyre wouldn’t get up. But Heyman doesn’t know McIntyre that well. McIntyre’s life flashed before his eyes. He got up again and again. He has never surrendered, no matter what. Every F5 he took hurt, but it made him angry, too. McIntyre let the anger build and build, because he was determined to climb to the top of the mountain. McIntyre vowed to hit as many Claymores as he’d need to, and the Claymore made him WWE World Champion. But wait, is that The Big Show?! And he’s bringing a referee with him? What is this about?

Show gets in the ring with McIntyre and is fired up for him, too! McIntyre beat Lesnar in the WrestleMania event! Wow! Now an entire locker room of truly talented competitors targeting him. But this is a big man’s world. And McIntyre may think he’s big, but he’s not a giant. There it is, that’s what McIntyre was waiting for. Show isn’t congratulating him, and he wants something else. McIntyre knows where this is going. Show tells McIntyre he “doesn’t know s*it.” This isn’t a sudden challenge for the WWE World Championship after Mania’s off the air. This isn’t even a challenge for Money in the Bank in May. Show says that they’re both dressed to compete, so they might as well. “Ring the bell, b*tch and let’s go.”

Well the thing is, Show, as he noticed, McIntyre just beat Lesnar 20 minutes ago. That’s why he’s dressed. Why is Big Show dressed? McIntyre won’t fight Show right now. So McIntyre’s talk is just talk and he’s a punk. McIntyre flapped his gums about understanding pain and using it as fuel. But McIntyre doesn’t look angry. He looks scared. McIntyre wants Show to remember he’s not new. McIntyre isn’t afraid but he knows Show is trying to push that Scottish temper. But McIntyre puts it nice and slow for Show: “There is nothing you can say that will convince me to fight you tonight.” So Show SLAPS him instead! Well, that was an action, not a word. McIntyre throws the belt off and has a match with Show, FOR THE TITLE!!

WWE World Championship: Drew McIntyre VS The Big Show!

McIntyre throws haymaker after haymaker on Show in the corner! The ref counts, McIntyre backs off then whips Show corner to corner. Show reverses and redirects McIntyre, but runs into a boot! McIntyre runs, but Show runs him over! Show kicks McIntyre while he’s down then has him in a corner. Show throws body shots and McIntyre hobbles away. McIntyre kicks back but Show clubs him down. Show brings McIntyre up and scoops for a slam! He talks trash on McIntyre, wondering if he’s angry now. “This is what it takes to be a champion, Drew!” Show stands on McIntyre at the ropes! The ref counts and Show lets up at 4. Show brings McIntyre up through the ropes to bend him back against them! The ref counts and Show lets up at 4.

Show drags McIntyre up and scoop slams him again. McIntyre gasps but Show kicks him while he’s down. Show taunts McIntyre as he brags about being around for FOUR DECADES, against the best int he business! McIntyre throws hands but Show HEADBUTTS him down! McIntyre flounders to a corner but Show brings him around to CLUB him down! Show climbs up and aims at McIntyre, for a VADER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! McIntyre survives but Show is laughing. Show likes that McIntyre still has some fight in him. McIntyre drags himself up but Show says this is his pace. Show CHOPS McIntyre and stalks him along the ropes. Show CHOPS McIntyre again and watches him stagger. McIntyre seethes as Show brings him up, for another CHOP!

Show toys with McIntyre now, but McIntyre throws hands back. Show throws more clubbing forearms and then scoops for another slam! McIntyre growls and groans but Show just stands over him. Show shouts at McIntyre, “Do you want it bad enough!? What are you made of?!” He chokes McIntyre but the ref counts and he stops at 4. McIntyre gasps for air, but he refuses to stay down. Show brings McIntyre up and swings, but McIntyre dodges the chop! McIntyre CHOPS back! And whips, only for Show to reverse. Show clamps on the choke grip, but McIntyre slips out! TO SCOOP SLAM!! Cover, TWO! McIntyre grits his teeth as he gets to the ropes. He goes to the corner and hops out to the apron. McIntyre climbs up, and leaps, into the hand! CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, TWO!?!

Show can’t believe McIntyre survives! Show gets up while McIntyre sputters. He powers up the giant fist, and swings! But McIntyre dodges to CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall (still WWE World Champion)

Unbelievable! Has there ever been a champion who (not including Money in the Bank cash-in situations) had to defend their title right after winning it like this? And if McIntyre can slay a Beast and a Giant in less than an hour, what will it take to stop him now that he’s on top of the world?



My Thoughts:

Well this was an interesting After Mania episode. Raw felt more like an old post-TakeOver NXT episode where it was mostly recaps and interviews, with filler matches. And even then it seemed like they didn’t work out enough of them. Humberto has a good win over big Vink, Nia makes a return that had little impact regardless of attendance, and the new team of Ricochet & Alexander did good against Lorcan & Burch. Rollins’ dominant squash win was fine, it works within story. I probably wouldn’t have had it happen this week, though, because we just saw him get destroyed by that Mania Moment table spot. Give Rollins a promo to parallel Kevin’s, or make it seem that even the jobber stood a chance because of Rollins’ destroyed ribs. There’s a pacing to things that Vince still doesn’t understand.

We got a LOT out of The Street Profits and Bianca Belair tonight. If anything, that’s good, as it gives more meat to the feud between them and Vega’s stable. I do feel disappointed they didn’t think to call the match a Mixed Six like I did. Between Bianca joining Raw as a trade for Charlotte, Nia returning and both Becky and Shayna eager for a rematch, The Man has a lot of material to work with as we enter the Spring. Aleister VS Apollo was an incredible match that was way better than Aleister VS Lashley. While the original idea for the WWE United States Championship had to be ditched because of the virus and Almas’ injury, I hope Aleister is now part of that story with MITB on the way.

Asuka VS Liv was a really good opener, especially for Liv. She may have lost, but putting up a fight against Asuka builds her own credibility. Asuka wins but as I said for WrestleMania, I hope WWE found a way to keep Kairi Sane. It will take a long time for Asuka to build back up in the singles division, and the Women’s Tag Division still needs teams to be a division. The Kabuki Warriors honestly should’ve won, but they could easily become a two-time championship team in an epic rematch.

And lastly, that ending was way too hyped. Big Show showing up for the broadcast after Mania was over doesn’t make a lick of sense. The cameras still rolling for that doesn’t make sense, either. Why not just make McIntyre VS Show actually be part of Raw? McIntyre beating two iconic opponents in 24 hours is still just as effective as two in half an hour. It’s almost like Vince is making up for all the lost time with McIntyre, and how he didn’t push McIntyre to the moon like he did Roman Reigns. Honestly, I almost thought they were actually going to have Show win just to dump on McIntyre. But at least McIntyre gets his first defense out of the way, and per the (admittedly inconsistent) kayfabe of “one defense every 30 days,” McIntyre can now take a break while WWE waits out the pandemic.

My Score: 7.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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