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Mitchell’s NXT TakeOver: In Your House Results & Report! (6/7/20)

It’s time to TakeOver!



NXT TakeOver In Your House

NXT makes what’s old new again!

In an homage to an old tradition, NXT isn’t just taking over! NXT is In Your House! But who will reign supreme between Queen, Nightmare and Evil Genius?


  • Six Woman Tag: Mia Yim, Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart VS Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez; Yim, Nox & Blackheart win.
  • Finn Balor VS Damian Priest; Balor wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Keith Lee VS Johnny Gargano; Lee wins and retains the NXT North American Championship.
  • NXT Championship Backlot Brawl: Adam Cole VS The Velveteen Dream; Cole wins and retains the NXT Championship.
  • Tommaso Ciampa VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlet Bordeaux; Kross wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Charlotte Flair VS Rhea Ripley VS Io Shirai; Shirai wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.


It’s the NXT TakeOver Preshow!

Join Scott Stanford, Sam Roberts and Pat McAfee in reliving, discussing and predicting all the action set for tonight as NXT honors the 25th anniversary! And none other than Todd Pettingill gives the introduction!


Todd Pettengill introduces us to the inaugural NXT TakeOver: In Your House!

The host of the original is back for this special night, 25 years in the making! NXT has laid out the welcome mat, but Tommaso Ciampa says “Daddy’s Home!” Will he pull the rug out from under Karrion Kross? Will Velveteen’s dream of becoming champion come to an end? But no, no one is winning a house tonight. “Welcome to OUR house!” Code Orange performs the official theme, Underneath!


Six Woman Tag: Mia Yim, Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart VS Candice LeRae, Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez!

Just think of this as a Women’s Division civil war! The Head Baddie, the Shiniest Wizard and the Wild Child won’t let Mrs. Gargano remake NXT in her image! Will the resistance hold strong? Or will Candice, #CobraKai and the Daughter of the Desperado give them no other choice but to surrender?

The trios sort out and Mia starts with Candice. The crowd cheers “This is Awesome!” already, but Candice tags out to Raquel. Not that awesome but still a good start as the two tie up. Mia tries but can’t power Raquel back. Raquel pushes Mia down, but Mia gets up. Mia gets the waistlock but gets thrown off! Raquel is on Mia but Mia CHOPS away! Raquel blocks but Mia hops on for a guillotine! Mia tries to drag Raquel down, but Raquel powers out to a suplex and toss! Mia lands on her feet and Tegan tags in. Tegan dodges a boot to kick away on Raquel’s leg. Tegan runs, Raquel follows and rusn Tegan over! Tag to Dakota and she goes to kick Tegan. Tegan ducks, rolls Dakota, TWO! Tegan grabs Dakota with the choke grip, but Dakota breaks free! Dakota kicks but Tegan blocks and ROCKS her to a corner!

Tegan runs in, Dakota goes up and over to roll Tegan up, TWO! Dakota goes after Tegan fast with a whip, but Tegan slides under to sunset flip! TWO, and Dakota sits on the cover! TWO, and Tegan HEADBUTTS Dakota! Dakota flounders back, Tegan runs and uppercuts! Tegan sweeps the legs, for the CANNON-BOAR! Cover, TWO! Dakota survives but Tegan tags in Shotzi! Shotzi drags Dakota up and boots the punch away to hit a SLING-DOG! Dakota flounders, Shotzi runs, but her rope attack misses! Shotzi dodges the boot but not the scorpion kick! Dakota drags Shotzi in to cover, TWO! Dakota drags Shotzi over and tags Candice in. Candice hits the step-up but not the senton as Shotzi moves! Question Mark kick for Candice sends her out! Mia laughs as she looms close, but Raquel and Dakota protect her.

Shotzi DIVES but into Raquel’s arms! And a toss! But Mia DIVES to take Dakota and Raquel down! Candice scurries away to springboard and crossbody Mia and Shotzi! Tegan climbs up to top this off with a 450!! All six women go down but the crowd fires up for “NXT! NXT!” Shotzi finds Candice and puts her in the ring. Shotzi gets to the top rope again and she leaps to METEORA! Candice flounders, Shotzi runs, CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO!! Candice lives but Shotzi fires up more. Shotzi drags Candice up, ducks the enziguri, and gets CATTLE MUTILATION!! Dakota gets in to KICK the hold apart! And Raquel sneaks in to drag Shotzi up for a LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Shotzi survives but Candice drags her away. Tag to Dakota and she stomps Shotzi down. Dakota taunts Shotzi reaching for Tegan and bumps her off buckles. Dakota grinds her boot in then lets off at the ref’s count.

Dakota drags Shotzi up to bump her off more buckles. Tag to Raquel and Raquel stomps and hammers away on Shotzi in the corner! She lets up at 4 but Dakota pulls Shotzi’s hair! Raquel tags Dakota in and Raquel whips Shotzi into the corner. Dakota taunts Mia and Tegan as Shotzi gets up. Dakota goes around the world but Shotzi gets clear! Raqauel and Candice get clear, too, but Shotzi hurries away! Dakota hurries after but gets double jawbreakers! Enziguri ends Dakota into her corner! Candice tags in and hammers Shotzi down! Candice talks trash but Shotzi slips under, tag to Mia! Mia rallies on the Poison Pixie with forearms, dropkick and a neckbreaker! The crowd fires up with Mia but the Pnealty Kick misses! Candice swings, into a DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Candice survives again but Mia rocks Raquel!

Mia drags Candice up, wrench, but Candice PUMP HANDLE SUPLEXES first! Both women are down but the crowd rallies up. Candice crawls and tags in Raquel, but Mia tags in Tegan! Tegan rallies on Raquel and fires off shots! Tegan clotheslines but Raquel stays up! Tegan stomps a foot, uppercuts, then runs, to be caught! Raquel pops Tegan up, Tegan lands and kicks the legs. Tegan goes up, but her huricanrana becomes a POWERBOMB! Matchbook cover, TWO!! Mia swings on Raquel but is sent out by Candice! Candice hammers away on the ramp but they brawl on the “lawn” and into the “garage” of the set! Raquel drags Tegan up and she tags in Dakota. Raquel scoops but Shotzi saves, and the BOOT rocks Raquel! Tegan has Dakota for the CHOKE SLAM! Shotzi gets some help for a SLICED BREAD! They dropkick Raquel one after the other, then SHINIEST WIZARD for Dakota! Cover, Tegan and team win!

Winners: Mia Yim, Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart, by pinfall

The brawling of the Head Baddie and Mrs. Wrestling still happens somewhere in the back, but Tegan and Shotzi finish this off with great team work! Will this end the war between them? Or is it only going to escalate from here?


Finn Balor VS Damian Priest!

When you come at the Prince, you better not miss! The Archer of Infamy wants to use Balor’s name as the foundation of his legacy, but will he #LiveForever or be buried instead?

Before there’s a bell, Balor BLASTS Priest with a dropkick! Priest gets up in a huff and the bell rings, but Balor kicks him and stomps him at the ropes! Priest pushes Balor away but Balor returns to CHOP him! Balor tackles Priest to a corner then whips, but Priest reverses. Priest runs in but misses his back elbow and Balor CHOPS! Balor chop blocks and stomps more! Priest gets out but Balor pursues from around the way. Balor runs to ROCK Priest with a forearm! The count begins but Balor whips Priest. Priest reverses to send Balor into the steel steps! Priest drags Balor up to ROCK him with a right! The count keeps going but Priest snake eyes Balor off the apron! Priest refreshes the count and throws steel steps around. Priest brings the base around, catches Balor’s Sling Blade and goes up the steps, for an APRON SIDEWALK SLAM!

Balor writhes into the ring but Priest takes his time stalking him. Balor stands up and Priest DECKS him! Priest mocks Balor as he looms over him. Priest kicks Balor while he’s down and the crowd duels. Priest ROCKS Balor again, then drags him up. Balor breaks free to throw forearms! Priest choke grips, shoves Balor, but runs into boots! Balor runs, into a LIFTING COMPLETE SHOT! Priest grounds ‘n’ pounds then looms over Balor. Balor slowly sits up, Priest drags him back up, and Priest whips Balor for a LEAPING back elbow! Balor flounders to a corner and Priest stomps away! Priest stops at the ref’s count to drag Balor around. Cover, ONE, but Priest clamps on with a chinbar and half nelson. Balor endures as Priest taunts him. The crowd rallies up, Balor fights his way up, but Priest wrangles him back down.

Priest leans and grinds on the hold but Balor fights up again. The crowd rallies as Balor jawbreakers free! Priest wobbles but EAR CLAPS and BOOTS Balor away! Priest runs into more boots! Balor throws big forearms, then runs, ducks and forearms Priest down! Priest flounders to a corner now, Balor runs in to CHOP! Balor whips corner to corner but Priest blocks and reels Balor in. But Balor hits a suplex first! The crowd cheers as Balor gets up. Priest is on the apron, Balor dropkicks him off! Balor kicks Priest against the barriers and stomps away! The ref counts but Balor goes back in to refresh the count. Balor throws more forearms and then gets in the ring to build speed. But Priest returns to CLOBBER Balor! Priest drags Balor up, Canadian rack but Balor slips out! Balor has the dragon sleeper but Priest powers out to BROKEN ARROW! Priest drags Balor up again, but Balor trips him up to DOUBLE STOMP!

Both men are down but the crowd rallies up. Balor grits his teeth as he gets up first. Balor throws forearms on Priest then kicks. Priest uppercuts, knees, kicks, kicks and ROLLING ELBOWS! But Balor returns with forearms! Priest ROUNDHOUSES, but Balor PELES! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives but the fans are loving “NXT! NXT!” all over again. Balor stares at Priest as he gets to ropes. Priest stands, but Balor rocks him with a running forearm! And another! But Priest stops the third with the choke grip, pop up, but Balor victory rolls, TWO!! Balor clotheslines Priest out, then builds speed. But Priest leaps right up on the apron to ROUNDHOUSE! Priest drags Balor out to ram him into barriers! Priest reels Balor in, Canadian racks and lifts, CRUCIFIX BOMB TO THE APRON!! Priest puts Balor in, covers, TWO!?! Balor survives and Priest is beside himself.

Priest gets to his feet while Balor slowly gets to a corner. Priest runs in, for a BIG back elbow! He runs again, for a second! Priest wants the hat trick, but he runs into a SLING BLADE! Balor takes aim now, but runs into the SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE! And then another! Priest reels Balor in, but no Final Reckoning, he gets Balor’s elbow drop DDT! Balor resets and aims, for the shotgun dropkick! Priest goes down and Balor goes up! But Priest grabs Balor first! Priest climbs up to join Balor, for a SUPER SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Cover, TWO!?!? “This is Awesome!” because it’s not over yet! A standing count begins but both men stir. Priest and Balor go to ropes on adjacent ends. Priest sees the positioning of the steel steps and gets an idea. He promises Balor isn’t going to finish this match, and drags Balor to the apron.

Balor senses what’s coming, and fires off forearms! But he gets another ROUNDHOUSE! Priest reels Balor in, Canadian rack again, but Balor escapes again! Balor rocks Priest with a forearm, and Priest falls onto the steel steps!!! The referee checks on Priest as the crowd loses its mind. Priest manages to rise, gets in the ring, but Balor is up top! COUP DE GRACE! But that’s not enough, Balor goes up again! COUP DE GRACE DEUX! Cover, Balor wins!!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

“Brutal” doesn’t even begin to cover it! The Archer of Infamy might #LiveForever just for that fall! Will Priest be able to rise again? Or is The Prince finally going to head back for the throne?


NXT North American Championship: Keith Lee VS Johnny Gargano!

The Limitless One vows to show #TheJohnnyGarganoWay has already reached its limit. But #JohnnyRuthless won’t #BaskInHisGlory, he wants the title back! What happens to the heart and soul of NXT as these two icons do battle?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the gold is on the line In Your House!

Gargano and Keith circle, but Keith knows what Gargano is up to asking for a test of strength with the bad hand. Keith knuckle locks then TOSSES Gargano! Gargano gets up and goes again, but his headlock barely bothers Keith. Keith powers Gargano off but the bad eye is bothering him. Gargano puts up his dukes and circles with Keith again. Keith goes after Gargano but Gargano dodges the strikes. Keith blocks the kick and almost heel kicks Gargano’s head off! Gargano backs away to a corner while the fans cheer, “Keith Lee! Woop woop!” Gargano runs at Keith but gets run over! Gargano bails out but Keith pursues. Gargano gets back in and dropkicks Keith away! Then he DIVES, but Keith catches him! Keith brings Gargano over to pop him up. But Gargano gets to the apron to MULE KICK the eye!

Gargano leaps, but Keith catches him! Keith pops Gargano back up, but Gargano goes after the eyes! Keith lets Gargano go, but avoids another step trap! Keith bumps Gargano off the apron then hoists him up and snake eyes him on the apron! Gargano tries to get away but Keith brings him back out to ROCK with a right! Gargano scurries away to the “front door,” and knocks? No one’s home, Gargano. Keith smiles as he heads over. Gargano pleads with whoever might be backstage, but Keith bumps him off the door! And GRIZZLY MAGNUM CHOPS him! The crowd wants “One More Time!” but Keith TOSSES Gargano down the “lawn.” Keith stalks Gargano back to the ring and they get in. Gargano clubs and stomps and hammers away! Keith pushes Gargano away but Gargano comes back for more. Keith pushes Gargano away again but Gargano goes after the bad hand!

Keith puts Gargano in a corner, tosses him across the way, then brings Gargano up for knees and a HARD left. But that hurts Keith’s hand almost as much! Gargano gets up and enziguris Keith down! Gargano clubs Keith to a corner and only stops because of the count. Gargano stands on the bad hand then digs his forearm into the bad arm. Keith powers Gargano away but Gargano comes back to CHOP! Gargano climbs up to rain down palm strikes on the bad eye! Keith powers Gargano off but Gargano just keeps coming back for more! Gargano haymakers, wrenches the bad hand and knees the elbow, but Keith pushes him away. Gargano comes back to BOOT Keith to the corner! Gargano goes after the bad arm but the ref backs him off. Keith is seething but Gargano comes from the outside. He pulls Keith’s hand against the buckle’s crossbar!!

Gargano lets up at 4 but the crowd boos. Gargano says they’re lucky to watch him perform. Gargano goes back to Keith for a cover, ONE! Gargano wraps Keith up in a cobra clutch to go after both wrist and eye! Keith endures as the crowd rallies. Keith fights up but Gargano knees him in the back. Gargano wrangles Keith down and keeps on the bad eye. Keith continues to endure and fights up again. Gargano becomes a backpack and digs his palm into the bad eye! Gargano elbows Keith down! Gargano springboard stomps over and over then drops an elbow! Cover, TWO! Gargano seethes as Keith clutches his hand. The crowd rallies but Gargano stands on the bad hand and fish hooks the mouth. Gargano drags Keith up to throw hands into the eyes! Keith can only push Gargano away, but Gargano mocks the #BaskInHisGlory.

Gargano throws more palm strikes but the fans sing “Johnny Sucks!” to the tune of Darth Vader’s Imperial march. Gargano mocks Keith but the fans rally up. Keith throws punches but that’s still his bad hand. But his good hand grabs Gargano’s to keep him from running! Keith blocks punches to give forearms! Keith whips Gargano to a corner, runs in, but misses as Gargano moves. Gargano ducks, slips out and enziguris! Gargano slingshots into a CLUB! Keith brings Gargano up for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Gargano survives but Keith keeps his focus. Keith gets to his feet, brings Gargano up, but Gargano holds onto a leg to block the bomb. Gargano pulls on the fingers, slips under Keith to throw forearms from all sides. Keith DECKS Gargano with just one! Gargano gets up to fire off more, but Keith ROCKS him again!

Gargano bobs ‘n’ weaves to give more forearms, then runs, into a pop-up! But Gargano gets the arm for a hanging armbar! Keith stays on his feet to lift Gargano up with that one arm! But Gargano pulls the fingers! Keith endures, powers up, and SLAMS Gargano down. Keith blocks a punch but Gargano fires off clotheslines, only to spin into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Gargano may have no soul but he still has that superhuman heart! The crowd rallies as Keith looms over Gargano. Keith dares Gargano to get up, but he brings him up himself. Keith lifts, Gargano pulls the fingers! Gargano kicks away but Keith powers through! Gargano sunset flips through, TWO!! Keith just barely escapes but both men are down. Now the crowd sings “Gargano Sucks~” to the tune of, well, “John Cena Sucks.”

Gargano headbutts Keith down then kicks him over and over. Gargano sits Keith up but Keith pushes him away, tilt-o-whirl but Gargano goes for the arm! Keith whips Gargano away, Keith ducks to SUPERKICK! Keith HEADBUTTS, and fireman’s carries, for Big Bang- NO! Gargano rolls Keith up, TWO!! Keith barely escapes again, and he gets a BUZZSAW! Gargano runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! But Gargano flops to the bottom rope, and then out of the ring. The crowd rallies as Keith catches his breath. Keith fetches Gargano and puts him back in the ring. Keith grabs the rope to get back in, Gargano kicks the bad hand! And then Gargano DIVES, to TORNADO DDT! Gargano realizes Champion’s Advantage will be against him if he can’t get Keith back in. Gargano drags Keith but Keith is out cold!

The count is at 8, Gargano refreshes it desperately, and argues with the ref about it. Gargano goes back out, Keith has revived, and he POUNCES Gargano through the Plexiglas!! The crowd is going nuts as Gargano is down and out on the outside! The ref checks on Gargano but Keith still fetches Gargano. Keith drags Gargano by one hand back to the “lawn.” Keith scoops Gargano to carry him, but Candice returns? She was going to help Gargano, but then Mia is there and she fires off on Candice! Candice and Mia get in the ring and they brawl, all the way back out of the ring! Keith drags Gargano up, but Gargano has a KEY!! HE DIGS IT INTO KEITH’S OTHER EYE!! SLINGSHOT DDT!! Cover, TWO!?!? The #OneFinalBeat didn’t beat Keith and Gargano is furious!

Gargano aims from a corner, to SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Gargano SUPERKICKS again! Cover, TWO!! Keith still has so much left and Gargano is furious! Gargano SUPERKICKS a third time! Cover, TWO!?! The crowd is loving this but Gargano is hating it! Gargano stands up as the crowd rallies for Keith. Gargano stomps the bad hand, then brings Keith up. Keith choke grips Gargano! Gargano tries to break free but Keith pops him up, for a SPIRIT BOMB!! Gargano flounders to a corner but Keith glares at him. Keith goes full power for a DEAD LIFT POWERBOMB! And then the fireman’s carry, BIG BANG CATASTROPHE!! Cover, Keith Lee wins!

Winner: Keith Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

#TJGW did NOT get the W he wanted! Keith Lee is still limitless and still champion! Will NXT forever #BaskInHisGlory?


NXT Championship Backlot Brawl: Adam Cole VS The Velveteen Dream!

The longest reigning NXT Champion ever wants this to be the Undisputed END to the Experience! If Dream doesn’t win now, he’ll never get another shot so long as Cole is champion. But with this very special match type, who will shine brightest as THE champion of NXT?

Cole drives up in an Undisputed monster truck, while Dream drives up in the Lamborghini of everyone’s dreams. And Dream cosplays as Negan! Dream brings Lucille’s cousin with him while the rules are set: anything goes, but the match must end inside the ring. Regal told the ref to tell them, “Enjoy the spotlight.” The crowd in their cars are fired up as Dream gets to the ring. Cole talks trash but it’s hard to hear over the roar of the engines. Cole wants Dream to fight like a man, aka without the bat. Dream says, “Anything for you, Cole man.” Cole gets in the ring while Dream takes off the jacket and scarf. Dream throws the scarf at Cole, but Cole swings the belt! Dream rolls Cole up, TWO! The two stand off, Cole swings but into a backslide! TWO and Cole backs away again. Dream catches Cole to an Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Cole scurries out, then into the ring, to BOOT Dream down!

Cole rains down right hands but Dream pushes him away. Dream flounders but Cole talks trash. Cole wants to take his belt and go home, but Dream hurries after. Cole grabs a car without a driver, but Dream brings back Lucille’s cousin! Dream starts swinging and breaks off rear view mirrors and dents the doors! Dream tells Cole to get out of the car, and Cole does, to go around and throws hands. Cole rocks Dream but Dream DECKS Cole! Dream pulls on Cole’s hair but another car pulls up. “Did somebody call for an Uber?” No but Cole and Dream end up fighting through the van! The ref tells the Uber driver to move on, and Dream goes after Cole. Dream says they’re just getting started, and he ROCKS Cole again! Cole tries to find a door he can get through but Dream clubs him down.

Dream throws Cole into trash cans then throws the trash can down! Cole avoids getting canned, and he suddenly begs Dream for mercy. Dream walks hover, but is yanked into a pole! Cole scurries away and still looks for shelter. Dream manages to follow Cole, bringing another trash can along. Dream throws the can and swings the lid, but where did Cole go? Dream starts looking for unlocked doors, and finds one. Only to get blasted with an extinguisher! Cole keeps smoking Dream then brings him up gasping for air. Cole clubs Dream down while bragging about being the best NXT Champion ever. Dream manages to make it back to the cars but Cole clubs him to ringside. Cole throws more forearms but Dream uppercuts. Cole kicks low and brings Dream around, for another BOOT! Dream staggers away towards the cars, but Cole throws uppercuts to send him further on.

“Why don’t you just quit, Dream? You won’t, because you’re stupid!” Cole hammers Dream’s face against the bumper of a truck but the crowd boos. Dream uses his shirt to choke Cole! Cole gets loose as the shirt tears, but Dream kicks him low and POSTS him! Dream goes to the apron, aims at Cole, and drops ax handles. Dream drags Cole up into the ring, covers, but Cole uses the ropes to pry Dream off him. Cole wants a time-out, but there are no time-outs in pro-wrestling. Dream climbs up and aims, to leap, into a SUPERKICK! Cole asks what he has to do to end Dream. Cole goes to the apron now, takes aim, and says night night. Cole leaps, into DREAM’S SUPERKICK! Dream wobbles as he brings Cole back up. He bumps Cole off the hood of a car! And then POWERSLAMS him onto one! Dream promises Cole will never forget this.

Dream produces a ladder and brings it over. Cole begs for mercy again but Dream hammers away instead. Dream sets the ladder up and starts climbing. But another car comes in with horns loud and lights bright. It’s the Undisputed Era’s Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish! The distraction allows Cole to go after Dream, but then Cole brags too much. Dream shoves him OFF the ladder and Cole CRASHES Onto the windshield! Cole’s arm is bleeding and the Era goes after Dream! Dream fights as best he can, but that’s 2v1! The Era beats Dream down then checks on Cole. Cole tells them that they know what to do. Strong and Fish hurry to the Undisputed Monster Truck and they put in chair after chair after chair into the ring! ECW flashbacks, anyone? How many chairs did Cole load up on that truck!?

Strong fetches Dream but then something drags a chair under the ring? It’s DEXTER LUMIS! The “tortured artist” is here, and looks to make good on his artistic warning. Lumis gives chair shot after chair shot to Strong and Fish! Then uppercut after uppercut! Lumis clubs Fish and Strong over to an open trunk! He puts Strong in first, then tosses Fish onto him! The trunk is closed and Lumis has two captives! Lumis drives off into the night while Dream flounders his way into the ring. Cole sits up with his bleeding and possibly broken arm, and crawls his way to the ring. Cole drags himself up the apron, up the corner, and to the top rope. Cole aims at Dream, leaps, but into a DREAM VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!?! Cole survives but Dream hurries to the corner now.

Dream flounders up to the top rope, Cole is sitting on the chairs, PURPLE RAIN MAKER ONTO THE CHAIRS!! Cover, TWO?!?! How did Cole survive?! Dream rips off his shirt, and says, “Every era is meant to end. BAYBAY, do you hear it? This is the sound of your dream coming to an end.” #DreamOver! But Cole LOW BLOWS Dream!! No disqualifications in the Backlot Brawl, and Cole heads up top! PANAMA SUNRISE ONTO THE CHAIRS!!! Cover, Cole wins!!

Winner: Adam Cole, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

372 days and counting for the Undisputed Era! The dream is over, but for Velveteen himself! What must Dream do to finally have the brightest spotlight of them all? Will anyone ever end Cole’s reign?


Todd Pettengill checks in with us.

What a night already! He’s still just now catching his breath. But we check in with some “viewers” on… AOL Chat? It’s Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Road Dogg! They don’t know how to computers, so they get frustrated. But while they figure that out, let’s move on with the action!


Tommaso Ciampa VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlet Bordeaux!

Ticktock, the Psycho Killer is on the clock. He and Mr. Doomsday promise to show each other something “special.” But labels aside, either #NoOneWillSurvive, or someone will #FallAndPray!

The bell rings and Scarlet is already enjoying this. The crowd rallies up already as the two stare down. Ciampa throws a forearm but Kross doesn’t flinch. Ciampa throws forearms and even boots, but Kross pushes Ciampa to a corner and BOOTS back! Kross drags Ciampa up, and TOSSES him! Ciampa bails out but Kross pursues around the way. Kross keeps Ciampa from getting back in the ring, but Ciampa elbows back and bumps Kross off steps! Scarlet checks on Kross, but Ciampa gets Kross between the ropes! No Willow’s Bell, but Ciampa denies the Exploder. Ciampa ROCKS Kross but Kross grits his teeth and comes back. Ciampa dodges and BOOTS, but Kross is up again! Kross powers Ciampa out hard and then continues after him. “You’re in my house now, Tommy boy!” APRON POWERBOMB! The surgically replaced neck is in danger after that one! But Kross and Scarlet just smile as Ciampa writhes and clutches his neck.

Kross tells the ref to move, then he drags Ciampa up and into the ring. Kross stalks Ciampa to the corner and kicks away. Kross knees low then reels Ciampa in, for another EXPLODER! Ciampa writhes but Kross just roars and revels in his ruthlessness. “How’s your neck holding up?!” Kross cranks on the neck then stomps Ciampa down. Kross brings Ciampa up again to put in a corner, and then use another EXPLODER! Ciampa is folded up but manages to get to a corner. Kross looms over him before ramming in his knee! And again, over and over! The ref counts, Kross backs off and Ciampa flounders up. Kross dares Ciampa to hit him, but Kross catches Ciampa for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Roll through, LARIAT! Scarlet mocks Ciampa’s pain while Kross stalks him.

Ciampa slips away to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! Kross grabs Ciampa’s neck but Ciampa fires off palm strikes! Ciampa enziguris Kross down, then runs to KNEE him out of the ring! Scarlet is worried now as Ciampa hits WILLOW’S BELL!! Cover, TWO!?! Ciampa was so close and he knows it. But Ciampa aims to KNEE Kross down again! Kross gets up, only to get another KNEE! Ciampa drags Kross up, underhooks, but Kross powers out to an F10 TOSS!! Kross drags Ciampa into the KROSS-JACKET!! Ciampa flails, reaches, but he’s trapped! Ciampa fades out, Kross wins!!

Winner: Killer Kross, by submission

The end is near, and Ciampa has fallen! Scarlet raises Kross’ hand in celebration, will she follow Kross down the road to total dominance of NXT?


Renee Young is here!

What a fun retro vibe! But the party doesn’t stop with the show. Renee will interview the man behind NXT, Triple H, on Facebook Live!


NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Charlotte Flair VS Rhea Ripley VS Io Shirai!

The Queen is back atop the division after dethroning the Nightmare at WrestleMania 36. And since then, “the hardest working woman in any industry” has made sure every woman in the WWE understands their place on the food chain. But after throwing the match against the Evil Genius, and ruining the match between Shirai and Rhea, it comes to this! Will Charlotte still reign when she has two opponents to worry about? Is Rhea going to again be the future of NXT? Or will Shirai drag them down into the darkness so that she can finally shine?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this battle for true dominance begins!

Shirai, Rhea and Charlotte stare down as the crowd rallies up. The three circle, but Charlotte bails out to let Rhea and Shirai have it out. Rhea is already annoyed, and the crowd chants, “You Don’t Go Here!” Charlotte shouts back, “I MADE here!” Shirai and Rhea do tie up, Rhea powers Shirai down, but Charlotte returns to throw Rhea down! Charlotte runs away, Shirai rolls Rhea, ONE! Rhea ROCKS Shirai, Charlotte kicks Rhea low! Charlotte bumps Rhea off buckles and then stomps away. Shirai runs over to pull Charlotte off, but Charlotte kicks her back. Charlotte scoops,. Shirai slips out and hits an Edge-o-matic! Shirai runs into Rhea’s BOOTS, but Rhea runs into Charlotte’s neckbrekaer! Charlotte catches Shirai’s leap for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Charlotte kips up and the crowd lets out a “WOO~!”

Charlotte says this is her house and the others are guests. She CHOPS her “guests” over and over, back and forth, then soaks up the heat. Charlotte brings Rhea and Shirai up and says they’re never leaving. But they both hit her with CHOPS! And fast hands! They stomp Charlotte to a corner but Rhea headbutts Shirai down. Rhea clubs Charlotte over and over, then whips her to a corner. Charlotte tumbles up and out, forearms Rhea away, but Shirai runs in. Charlotte shoulders Shirai away but Rhea trips Charlotte up. Rhea cannonballs from the apron but misses! Charlotte RAMS Rhea into barriers! Charlotte smiles but turns around into Shirai’s huricanrana! The crowd fires up with Shirai as she brings Charlotte up. Charlotte POSTS Shirai, then RAMS her into Rhea! The contenders are down and the Queen tells the crowd to kiss her ass.

Charlotte drags Shirai up to put her in the ring. Charlotte takes her time stalking Shirai and even toys with her. “You’re the best?!” Shirai fights back but Charlotte clubs her down. Charlotte drags Shirai up and whips, but Shirai hops up! Charlotte catches her, back suplexes but Shirai lands on her feet! Shirai runs, handsprings, dropkicks but into the BOSTON CRAB! Shirai endures as Charlotte sits deep! Shirai crawls for the ropes but Charlotte shifts to a Lion Tamer! Shirai kicks free and Rhea returns to LARIAT Charlotte! Rhea rallies on Charlotte, spins her and hits cravat knees! Rhea runs to BOOT Charlotte down! The crowd is fired up with Rhea as she hits the basement dropkick! Shirai runs in and flapjack dropkicks Rhea! Charlotte is on the ropes, she gets the Tiger Feint!

Shirai climbs up and leaps but Charlotte gets under. Shirai comes back, victory roll to STOMPS! Shirai keeps moving, basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Charlotte survives the onslaught but Shirai keeps her focus. Shirai fires up and goes corner to corner, but Rhea intercepts to O’Conner roll, and dead lift! Shirai elbows out, a HEADBUTT takes them both out! The crowd rallies up as all three women are down. Charlotte sees her contenders stirring and going after each other. Shirai and Rhea grab each other’s hair, but Charlotte SPEARS them both! Cover on Shirai, TWO! Cover on Rhea, TWO! Charlotte just grins as the match continues. Charlotte drags Rhea over to a corner and says “SUCK IT” a la DX. Charlotte places Shirai next to Rhea before going up top. She hit this before, and wants it again, MOONSAULT, but she gets KNEES!

Shirai rolls Charlotte, but Rhea rolls Shirai, to a pump handle and RIP- NO! Crossbody counter! Shirai tilt-o-whirls Charlotte to a CROSSFACE!! Charlotte endures, reaches out, but Rhea BUZZSAWS Shirai off! Charlotte BOOTS Rhea, covers, TWO! Rhea lives and Charlotte is losing her cool. “This is Awesome!” as Charlotte aims from a corner. Rhea sits up, but she avoids Natural Selection to SUPERKICK and Atomic SLAM! Shirai springboards to missile dropkick Rhea down! The crowd is thunderous as Shirai gives Rhea a corner METEORA! Charlotte hits NATURAL SELECTION on Shirai!! Cover, TWO!?! Shirai survives and Charlotte is shocked! Charlotte thinks of what she has to do, but Shirai ghost pins! TWO and Charlotte has the legs! Figure Four and the bridge, but Rhea drags Charlotte out! Rhea clubs and hammers away on Charlotte but Charlotte gives it back!

Charlotte bumps Rhea off steps, but Rhea kicks back. The two brawl towards the “lawn”, and Shirai DIVES! Direct hit on Rhea! The crowd is thunderous again but Charlotte clips Shirai! Charlotte throws Shirai THROUGH THE WINDOW! Rhea stalks up and SMASHES Charlotte with a potted plant! Charlotte tackles Rhea and the two scrap right by the “garage!” Rhea slaps Charlotte around while the ref says they need to end this in the ring. Charlotte slaps and clubs Rhea back, then smooshes her into the Plexiglas! Charlotte and Rhea keep brawling, but Rhea staggers. Charlotte aims from the door, but Shirai’s on the “roof!” “Please Don’t Die!” Rhea and Charlotte brawl more, and Shirai is like a cat as she drops in on them! DOUBLE CROSSBODY! All three wipe out and the crowd loses their minds!

Shirai gets up first and she puts Charlotte in the ring. Shirai hurries up to the corner and the top rope. Rhea rises and hurries over and she ROCKS Shirai with a right! Rhea gets in, Charlotte runs in but is sent into the POST! Charlotte flops out and Rhea goes after Shirai with CHOPS and haymakers! Rhea climbs up, brings Shirai up, but Shirai resists! Shirai fights Rhea back, slips under, and pushes Rhea into the buckles. Shirai climbs back up, clubs away on Rhea, then brings her up for a SUPER STEIN- NO! And Charlotte returns to BOOT Shirai down! Rhea BOOTS Charlotte, but Charlotte throws forearms and CHOPS! Charlotte CHOPS and CHOPS and climbs again. Rhea resists and headbutts back! Rhea pump handles for a SUPER RIPTIDE!! Cover, but Shirai breaks it! That was so close!

The crowd is at a fever pitch but Rhea is furious. Rhea boots, misses, and the SHOTEIS land from all sides! Shirai runs, pops up, but the victory roll is blocked to the INVERTED CLOVERLEAF! Or as she calls it, the Prism Trap! But Charlotte has a kendo stick! Rhea spanks Shirai, Charlotte SMACKS Rhea! And then Shirai! And then Rhea again! And then Shirai more! Rhea, again! Charlotte says she’s going to beat Rhea again! She tosses the kendo stick away, and SPEARS Rhea again! Charlotte grabs the legs, Figure Four! Bridge to the Figure EIGHT!! Rhea endures, but Shirai ASAI MOONSAULTS RHEA!! Cover, SHIRAI WINS!!!

Winner: Io Shirai, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Champion)

The Evil Genius found a brilliant solution to this problem! And finally, she has the title! The confetti rains down and the streamers fly! What does this change in power mean for the future of NXT?

My Thoughts:

An incredible night for what felt like a rather oddly placed TakeOver event. One odd thing was that we didn’t get a tag title match. I don’t remember them saying Imperium VS Breezango wasn’t for TakeOver, but maybe that’s why Indus Sher showed up at the end of last Wednesday’s NXT. There might be more build for that match before we get it, which would actually help things just a little bit. I still feel like it should’ve been Oney Lorcan and Imperium, but maybe that is being saved for what would’ve been TakeOver: Boston in a couple months. Instead, the Six Woman Tag opens and it was really good. I was surprised the Faces won, but it didn’t feel like the many feuds in that match are over. For one, Mia and Candice brawl during the North American Championship match, and I almost thought it was going to cost Keith the title.

Keith VS Gargano was great, with or without the brawling, but it makes a lot of sense for Keith to win. The Johnny Gargano Way can’t get its way just yet. He and Candice haven’t shown us enough just yet, and their goal of reigning together might make more sense if Gargano has the NXT Championship again. On top of no tag titles, I was surprised the NXT Championship was the middle of the show. Dream cosplaying Negan from The Walking Dead was a great surprise but that bat wasn’t much help. It barely dented the car Cole tried to escape in and didn’t come into play later. Lumis kidnapping Strong and Fish was a great bit, but it didn’t help Dream win. I’m rather surprised, I would’ve thought this was Dream’s time, but maybe WWE wants to give reason Cole to stay since there’s concern he might go to AEW. At the same time, this could mean Dream will help just about anyone in defeating Cole now, so as to undo the clause of being kept from future opportunities.

Finn Balor VS Damian Priest was an incredible match, definitely worth of a TakeOver. That steel step spot alone was so rough. I’m surprised Priest was able to get up after that. But I figured Balor would win, he needs to stay strong to head for a title story of his own. I hope Cole VS Balor is next, I don’t think we got a proper “Who is THE BEST NXT Champion ever?” story out of them. And it would be great if Balor got the NXT Championship back before going back after Walter and the NXT UK Championship. Having a truly undisputed champion in NXT might be a bit much, but someone of a Cole, Balor and Walter level is definitely worthy. Ciampa VS Kross definitely had a great match, but of course Kross was going to win. He dominated Ciampa here, but I preferred his character work from Lucha Underground as the White Rabbit. Either way, Kross definitely has a title in his future, and it might be the North American Championship.

And finally, for the first time in a long time, the women main event TakeOver! This match was amazing, above and beyond expectations, but with the outcome I was most hoping for. Io Shirai is finally on top of the NXT Women’s Division! She probably should’ve been champion sooner, but better late than never. Charlotte might be back to give us a proper match with Shirai, but I would hope Shirai retains in that match. And while Charlotte beat Asuka again on Raw, it was via count-out thanks to Nia. I’m sure Charlotte can come back around as I don’t see Nia winning at Backlash next Sunday, but I would hope Charlotte loses to Asuka. What would be creative for Charlotte is if she had to struggle and work harder than ever before, all the while giving us some dream matches between Raw and NXT.

My Score: 9.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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