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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (6/12/20)

Cruiserweights wage war once again!



NEW 205 Live Coverage

Swerve’s House welcomes the BritAm Brawlers!

In order to settle things with Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher and Tehuti Miles all at once, Swerve joins forces with Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch! Which trio will be triumphant in this new era of the Cruiserweight Division?


  • Ever-Rise VS Leon Ruff & Adrian Alanis; Ever-Rise wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher & Tehuti Miles; Swerve, Lorcan & Burch win.


Ever-Rise VS Leon Ruff & Adrian Alanis!

Chase Parker and Matt Martel are back again, hoping to finally get on the board with a win! Will tonight finally be that night?

The teams sort out and we begin with Martel and Ruff. The two circle as the crowd rallies behind Ever-Rise. Ruff and Martel tie up, Martel arm-drags Ruff away and gets pumped up. Ruff smiles and nods as he and Martel circle again. They tie up, Martel arm-drags again and still boasts. “That’s two!” Ruff keeps his cool but Parker tags in. Parker wants “pretty boy” Alanis so Alanis tags in. They tie up, Parker wrenches to a hammerlock and cranks on it. Martel is pumped for Parker as Parker slaps Alanis on the head over and over. Parker wrenches to a shoulder breaker but Alanis arm-drags free to get an armlock. Parker powers up to his feet but Alanis arm-drags him again! Alanis has the arm but Parker gets to his feet. Parker knees Alanis low and tags in Martel. Martel swing son Alanis but swings into an arm-drag! Martel is mouthy as he gets to his feet but Ruff tags in.

Alanis whips and atomic drops for Ruff’s slingblade! Cover, TWO, but Ruff is on the arm right away. Ruff wrenches and Martel shouts. Martel powers his way to his corner, Parker tags in, and Ruff is fed to a knee! Parker rains down rights on Ruff while taunting Alanis. Ruff flounders but the ref keeps Martel from hitting him. Martel “apologizes” while Parker whips Ruff for a leaping calf kick! Parker stalks Ruff to a corner and tags in Martel. Parker whips Martel for Martel to whip Parker for a corner clothesline! Martel drop toeholds Ruff for Parker to leap over and drop an elbow! Ever-Rise is fired up as Martel drags Ruff back up. Martel scoops Ruff for a backbreaker! Martel wraps on a high keylock and leans on the hold. Ruff endures as the crowd rallies up.

Martel talks trash but Ruff fights his way up. Martel back suplexes but Ruff lands on his feet to tag in Alanis! Alanis unleashes forearms but Martel runs him over! Tag to Parker, Ever-Rise combine for a wheelbarrow CODE BREAKER! Cover, Ever-Rise wins!

Winner: Ever-Rise, by pinfall

“Our road to promised land starts now!” Ever-Rise finally rises, but will they reach that promised land that is a pair of tag team championships?


Six Man Tag: Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Tony Nese, Jack Gallagher & Tehuti Miles!

The confidence of Swerve is being questioned as his words are coming back to haunt him. The Premier Athlete and gentleman turned jackal are looking to tear down Swerve’s House, but he won’t go down without a fight. And speaking of fights, the BritAm Brawlers have split even with the newest Cruiserweight star, so they going to add their own feud on top! Who breaks even, and who just gets broken?

The trios sort out and we start with Burch and Gallagher. But then Tehuti tags in of his own volition. Tehuti wants payback on the Govenah, but he just toys with him as he dodges the grapple. The crowd chants “One Two!” for Burch as he tires up with Tehuti. Burch pushes Tehuti to a corner and laughs at the cocky young gun. Things speed up and Burch runs Tehuti over! Tehuti scrambles away to tag to Nese. Nese runs at Burch but Burch drop toeholds and stomps the arm! Burch drags Nese up to wrench and tag in Oney. Oney tags Swerve, and the One Two double wrench Nese to serve him up for Swerve’s CHOP! Swerve brings Nese up and around to wrench to a wristlock. Swerve drops down on the arm as the crowd chants, “Whose House? Swerve’s House!”

Tag to Burch and Burch takes the hand-off to wrench Nese for a shoulder breaker. Tag to Oney and they double whip Nese for an atomic drop! Tag to Swerve and he takes the hand-off to a takedown and short arm scissors. Swerve also has a headlock and grinds Nese down. Nese endures but Swerve rolls to bring him up. Tag to Oney and Oney takes the hand-off to wrench to an armlock takedown and headscissors! Oney squeezes Nese but Nese moves around . Oney squeezes harder to keep Nese down, but Nese pops out, only for Oney to headlock. Nese backs Oney up, Gallagher tags in, and Nese powers Oney off. Gallagher headbutts low and Nese adds the bulldog hotshot! Gallagher splashes for a cover, TWO! Gallagher clubs Oney at the ropes then stomps him in the corner. The ref wants Nese and Tehuti to leave Oney alone so they stay back. Gallagher stomps Oney more but Oney CHOPS back!

Gallagher gets mad and fires off strikes on Oney in the corner. The ref counts and Gallagher lets up at 4. Now Nese and Tehuti get cheap shots in! Gallagher covers, TWO! Tag to Nese, Nese CHOPS Oney while he’s down! Gallagher tags back in and Nese suplexes Oney for Gallagher to missile dropkick down! Gallagher hits Swerve and Burch then covers, TWO! Gallagher is furious but Tehuti tags in again. Tehuti and Gallagher argue, and Oney BLASTS Tehuti with a European Uppercut! And another! Oney has Tehuti in a corner, goes corner to corner, but Tehuti LARIATS Oney inside out! Cover, TWO! Tehuti clamps onto Oney with a chinlock but the crowd rallies up. Oney endures then fights his way up. Oney pries at the hold but Tehuti knees low. Tehuti whips and flapjacks Oney! But Tehuti takes his time dropping elbows, then smooths his hair back. “This is how you do it! I’m taking care of business right here.”

But Oney avoids the third elbow drop! Hot tag to Swerve! Swerve rallies on Tehuti then hits Gallagher for good measure. Swerve whips Tehuti, Tehuti reverses, but Swerve holds ropes to deny the dropkick. Swerve hooks a leg, turns Tehuti over and dead lift GERMAN SUPLEXES him! Nese runs in but is sent out! Swerve goes to the apron but Nese avoids the boot. Only for Burch to DECK him! Swerve goes up and in to somersault COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, but Gallagher breaks it! Swerve keeps his cool while Tehuti gets to a corner. Swerve tags in Burch and whips him in to corner clothesline and enziguri! Burch has Swerve run in, assisted shotgun dropkick! Cover, TWO!! Tehuti toughs it out and Burch can’t believe it! Burch fires himself up and brings Tehuti up.

Burch calls to Swerve to help out but Nese trips Swerve up! The ref reprimands Nese and Burch dares him to fight. But Tehuti clobbers Burch from behind! Nese tags in, he side steps Burch but Burch sunset flips. Nese rolls through to mule kick! Cover, TWO!! Nese grows frustrated and he calls for someone to tag in. Gallagher reaches but Tehuti takes the tag! Gallagher and Tehuti argue again, but Gallagher just gives up on Tehuti. Nese follows Gallagher because “The Captain” doesn’t “babysit kids.” Tehuti tells his partners to get back but they said if he’s got this, then it’s fine. Tehuti turns around into a HEADBUTT! Swerve tags in and he brings Tehuti up for the CONFIDENCE BOOST! Cover, Swerve and the brawlers win!

Winners: Isaiah “Swerve” Scott & The BritAm Brawlers

Whose House? Swerve’s House! He helped One and Burch take care of Tehuti, but it seems things are only getting more complicated for Nese and Gallagher. What will it take to settle that side of the board?

My Thoughts:

This was an alright episode of 205 Live. Ever-Rise finally moves up from being jobbers to being guys who face jobbers and win. They’ll move up the ladder as the weeks go by, but it’ll be some time before they’re really anywhere near title talks. If only there were Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships… But then the Six Man was a lot of fun, though maybe could’ve been much longer to really play up the dysfunction between Tehuti and the 205 Live OG in Gallagher and Nese. But it made a lot of sense for Gallagher to get fed up and ditch Tehuti. Not sure if it made sense for Nese to follow Gallagher, because I honestly thought and was hoping it’d stay a Triple Threat feud between them and Swerve. I had half a feeling that Tehuti and Swerve were going to come to some kind of understanding of swagger and become a team in this match, but maybe that comes later. It just seems odd that two feuds that were 2v1 melded together out of nowhere and then didn’t result in something more.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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