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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (6/10/20)

What happened to the Undisputed Era?!



NEW NXT Coverage

The NXT after In Your House!

Adam Cole is still NXT Champion, but Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish were taken! They’re fine now, but will Cole avenge them against Dexter Lumis?


  • Keith Lee & Mia Yim VS Johnny Gargano & Candice LeRae; Gargano & LeRae win.
  • Indus Sher w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Mikey Delbrey & Mike Reed; Indus Sher wins.
  • Finn Balor VS Cameron Grimes; Balor wins.
  • Kacy Catanzaro VS Dakota Kai w/ Raquel Gonzalez; Kai wins.
  • Adam Cole VS Dexter Lumis; Cole wins.


The Undisputed Era heads to the ring!

The “tortured artist,” Dexter Lumis, abducted Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish, but he let them go free in the end. Adam Cole still reigns as THE NXT Champion and has shut The Velveteen Dream out. The era continues, and will continue as everyone thought it would. NO one in their right mind believed Dream was going to beat Cole for the title. And that’s not a knock. Dream proved he is one of the very best. The problem is, he’s not Adam Cole Baybay. No one is! And as long as this title is on Cole, Dream cannot challenge for it. SO that begs the question: What is next for Adam Cole? The answer is simple: “It doesn’t freakin’ matter.” Cole has run roughshod on the brand as the MOST DOMINANT champion in history! No one has held the NXT Championship the way he has, no one in NXT or even all of WWE can beat him for this title!

So now that Dream is in the rear view, the Era shifts focus to Lumis. Lumis is crazy, psychotic, and a freak that always gets in their business. Is he obsessed with Cole? Is he obsessed with the title? Either way, what he did to Roddy and Bobby is despicable! Fish says “that creep” is obsessed with all of them. He shoved Fish and Strong into a car trunk! Strong hates being stuffed in car trunks! Has it happened before? Well uh… Anyway, Fish is convinced Lumis is scared of them, too! They got out of there and that goof was nowhere to be found. Strong points to Lumis in the crowd! But when the others turn around, he’s gone!? Cole wants Strong to take a breath. Cole tells Lumis, wherever he is, listen very closely. He’s there again!! But then he’s gone again.

Guys, just stop! Pump the brakes! Adam Cole speaking right now is not Adam Cole the greatest NXT Champion. This is Adam Cole, the man who has his best friends’ back. Cole says Strong and Fish are two of the greatest men he’s ever known. You mess with one of them, you mess with all of them. Cole and Lumis have a match, and everyone and their mom knows Cole went through war and is not 100%. But that’s just a day in the life of a champion. Cole and Lumis will fight, and Cole will beat Lumis. He will not only beat Lumis, Cole will send Lumis back to the drawing board where he belongs. And that is Undisputed. Strong is still a bit worried but both Cole and Fish calm him down as they make their exit. Will Cole learn Strong’s fears are justified when he faces Lumis head on? But wait! Lumis is in the crowd and staring at them! Strong runs away, but is there no escaping Lumis’ gaze?


The Undisputed Era talks backstage.

Cole and Fish calm Strong again. He takes deep breaths and Cole says that Strong being this anxious makes Cole anxious. Cole needs Strong to stay calm. But here comes Keith Lee and Mia Yim. “Sup, champ.” Keith Lee has been wondering what’s next for himself, and has an idea looking at the NXT Championship. Strong gets defensive but Cole tells him that now isn’t the time. The Era heads out and Cole tells Keith, “In your dreams, big man!” Will Keith’s dreams become a reality alongside Strong’s nightmares of Lumis?


Keith Lee & Mia Yim VS Johnny Gargano & Candice LeRae!

#Yimitless may have lost last week’s Mixed Tag Match, but they prevented #TheJohnnyGarganoWay from taking over at TakeOver. With things far from over, who wins to take the lead in the war for NXT?

The teams sort out but the couples argue with each other. The ref tries to keep the peace but Mia gets at Gargano and Candice gets at Keith? Keith carefully picks up little Poison Pixie, but Gargano blindsides him! Candice goes after Mia and it’s a brawl both ways! Candice and Gargano have the edge but Keith and Mia each turn it around. Mia throws hands on Candice while Keith CHOPS Gargano! But that’s his bad hand again. Mia and Keith run into boots, the Garganos leap, but their double huricanranas are blocked with strength! Mr. & Mrs. Wrestling reach out for each other, but Mia and Keith keep them apart, to hit a SUPER COLLIDER! Kith LARIATS Gargano, Mia clobbers Candice!

Mia keeps on Candice at the ropes as the crowd rallies up. The bell finally rings and Mia dodges Candice’s clothesline to fire off forearms! Mia tosses Candice to a corner while Gargano clubs Gargano down on the outside. Mia pulls hair to SLAP Candice, then whips her to the ropes. Gargano saves Candice but Keith keeps them close. Mia builds speed to DIVE, but the Garganos get clear! Keith catches the Head Baddie and holds her close. They smile at each other, and are still ready to elbow Johnny and Candice away! Keith trophy lifts Johnny and Mia scoops Candice. They double SNAKE EYES the Garganos off the apron! #Yimitless is standing tall as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Candice has Mia down with a straitjacket stretch. Mia endures as the crowd rallies up, but Candice digs the knee in deeper. Mia works her way up and she arm-drags Candice off, but Candice clobbers her back down! Candice throws forearms and CHOPS and has Mia in the Gargano corner. She fires off hands all over but the ref counts. Candice lets up at 4 and Johnny talks trash. Mia dodges, Candice stops short of running into Johnny, and Candice quickly stops Mia from getting to Keith. But Candice eats SOLE FOOD! Both women are down and the crowd rallies up as they crawl. Hot tags to Keith and Gargano! Keith runs and runs Johnny over! Keith has Johnny in the corner for a splash, then a GRIZZLY MAGNUM!

Gargano flounders all the way around but Keith is on him again. Keith brings Gargano up to TOSS him back the other way! Keith keeps Gargano away from Candice and brings him up for a scoop. Candice reaches out and makes the tag! Candice goes after Keith but gets added to the scoop! Keith carries both Garganos around, but Candice claws his eyes! Johnny gets loose, give Candice a push start, but Keith blocks the tornado DDT! Keith powers Candice back up but Gargano enziguris! Candice hits the DDT! Mia returns to shotgun dropkick Candice down! And then rallies with clotheslines, a BOOT, and a dropkick! Mia CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Candice, bu Candice pushes back. Candice swings, into a DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, but Gargano breaks it up!

The ref reprimands Johnny but Mia fires off strikes on Gargano! This is technically against the rules, but Mia suplexes. Candice saves Johnny but gets a forearm for it. Mia ROUNDHOUSES Johnny and GERMAN SUPLEXES Candice! And then GERMANS Johnny! Mia drags Candice up, but Candice spins around to SOLE FOOD back! LIONSAULT!! Cover, TWO!! Mia survives and Candice can’t believe it! Candice tags to Johnny and he goes right after Keith on the apron. Keith wobbles and Johnny runs, but Mia dumps him out! Candice goes after Mia but Mia throws forearms. Mia has Candice between the ropes and she kicks away on her! Mia drags Candice back up and around, but Candice resists the dragon suplex!

Keith runs in and POUNCES Johnny into Candice and Mia! Mia goes down to the ground and Keith realizes what happened! He checks on Mia but Johnny SUPERKICKS him down! Johnny slingshots, and hits the #OneFinalBeat DDT, but Keith lands on Candice!! Did Johnny and Keith just crush Candice?! Keith tries to sort out what happened and he checks on Candice. He holds her up, but Gargano rolls Keith up!! The Garganos win!!

Winners: Johnny Gargano & Candice LeRae, by pinfall

#TJGW wins, but does Johnny not understand what happened to his own wife?! If this is what #TheJohnnyGarganoWay is, will Candice start to reconsider?


NXT shares the exclusive post TakeOver interview with Damian Priest.

The Archer of Infamy took aim at the Prince but just missed the mark. However, he didn’t miss the steel steps when he fell off the apron. Does Priest feel he should’ve approached things different? Hell no. We all know Priest wanted this match because Finn Balor is one of the best. There are no excuses here. But this match wasn’t about a win or a loss, but about the next step in Priest’s name living on. Priest accomplished that, and he will definitely #LiveForever. What does Priest mean by that?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

The Technical Savage is still riding high because he’s having a rematch with Finn Balor, who he already has a win over. Cameron Grimes has already beaten Balor, but how confident is he this week? Does no one know his full name? It’s Cameron Confident Grimes! Do you think he’s going to lose? All because last time, he had Priest’s help? No, because last Grimes checked, he’s looking great. Grimes isn’t sure why William Regal booked this match, other than Grimes going up 2-0. It’s so nice, he’ll just do it twice! Look at these eyes. There’s one thing you don’t see in the eyes of Grimes, and that’s fear.

Priest walks over and Grimes says hey. What’s going on? They were just talking about how good Priest did at TakeOver. Priest was so close to beating Balor. So close, really. Priest DECKS Grimes, and then tells him to continue those thoughts. Will Grimes learn not to run his mouth so much? Or can he back up all those words when he faces The Prince again?


The world celebrates with Io Shirai!

Fans from all over, but especially the Full Sail Faithful, were watching TakeOver and the NXT Women’s Championship Triple Threat. The Evil Genius dethroned the Queen and denied the Nightmare, and both Shinsuke Nakamura and Asuka sends their own messages of congratulations! Shirai vows to take the title to new heights, because this is her division. Who will be the first to challenge the #DescentIntoDarkness?


Indus Sher w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Mikey Delbrey & Mike Reed!

Rinku & Saurav want to dominate the NXT Tag Team Division on behalf of Bivens Enterprises, but it is Breezango getting first crack at Imperium. Will these tigers of war make light of the… Grand Marshall of the Spandex Parade… and the #HotShot?

Teams sort out and Delbrey starts against Saurav, the taller of the two behemoths. And right at the bell, Saurav BOOTS Delbrey down! Saurav looms over Delbrey and brings him up to throw at the corner! Delbrey writhes from hitting the buckles, and before Reed can react, Saurav BOOTS him off the apron! Reed crashes into barriers while Saurav drags Delbrey over. Tag to Rinku and he runs corner to corner to SPLASH Delbrey! Then he runs side to side for another! Tag to Saurav, and Delbrey is fed to a scoop. Indus Sher combines, FLYING ELBOW SIDEWALK SLAM!! Cover, Indus Sher wins!

Winners: Indus Sher, by pinfall

Imperium may be efficient and Breezango may be fashionable, but these two are proficient in destroying their targets! Will it even matter who has the NXT Tag Team Championships when Rinku & Saurav come for them?


What is the status for Balor VS Grimes II?

Because Priest hit him so hard in the jaw, Grimes will not be able to compete tonight. At least, Grimes thinks so anyway. In a talk with GM William Regal, Drake Younger explains the situation. Grimes is convinced he has a broken jaw. Regal says to get Grimes on the line, and we’ll get to the bottom of this. Will the Prince have to wait for his chance at payback? Or did Priest just do Grimes a favor with that forearm shot?

NXT returns and finds Grimes talking it up with some female superstars. Grimes tries to brush Drake off and he says he’s totally fine. But Regal is on the line, so… Grimes plays up being hurt but he isn’t even holding the right side. Regal is pretty sure Grimes was talking real easy to the ladies. Go get ready for your match! Grimes reluctantly obeys and then gets upset at Drake for being a “stooge.” He tells the girls to get gone, there’s no going downtown tonight. Grimes is upset that he still has to put up or shut up, but will Balor make sure he does them both?


NXT takes a look at Breezango.

Fandango and Tyler Breeze admit, they dressed up as a lot of different things. Fighter pilots straight out of Top Gun! But they both insist they’re Maverick and the other is Goose. Then they were construction workers building stuff, and then they were doctors saving lives. Fans seem to love it, because fans love to be entertained. It’s why they were the Fashion Police in the first place. They like making people laugh, but realize they got too caught up in it. They handed out fashion violations as punchlines. It’s not that Fandango can’t get it done in the ring. His debut was at WrestleMania, and he WON! And you forget that this 32-year-old kid- Wait, he’s 32? Wow. Fandango thought he was 27. But the point being is that Breeze built NXT! TakeOver matches with Balor, Apollo Crews, THE Jushin Thunder Liger!

Prince Pretty and the Lord of the Dance admit they lost focus while on SmackDown. But back in NXT, the caliber of the tag division is so high, if you don’t kick it up a notch, you’re not going to be here long. It’s been fun, such as coming out as astronauts, but they need to leave the comedy at the ropes. They can bring it, and did so last week in that Triple Threat Tag. Fandango and Breeze won, have changed the game forever, and are the NEW #1 Contenders! They’re going up against Emporium. No, it’s Imperium. Fabio and Marsupial? Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. There are two guarantees: they will entertain the fans right up until that first bell, then bring it so hard that when that second bell rings, you’ll be looking at NEW NXT Tag Team Champions. That match happens next week! Will Breezango finally add gold to their wardrobe? Or will the mat stay forever sacred?


NXT shares the exclusive post TakeOver interview with Tommaso Ciampa.

After a rough loss to Karrion Kross, Ciampa lingered at the arena. What’s going through his mind right now? Ciampa doesn’t say a word as he goes to his car. Was Kross tougher than expected. Was Ciampa ready for him? Ciampa still refuses to say a word as he gets in the driver’s seat. Ciampa drives away, but is he coming back?


Backstage interview with Rhea Ripley.

The Nightmare lost the same as Charlotte Flair at TakeOver, but Rhea was the one to take the pinfall. How does she plan to bounce back for another chance? Rhea left it all in the ring, but Shirai saw an opportunity and took it. Rhea respects that. But what is Robert Stone doing walking over? He has business with Rhea. The Robert Stone Brand takes off his glasses but puts them back on to ask if Rhea can “feel it.” Can she feel this client-manager chemistry? Last Sunday, they were both losers. In 2020, Rhea has been a huge loser! But he asks she listen before getting physical. Stone is the biggest loser. Where was he going with that? Oh, right! Together, they could be a phoenix rising from the ashes! He’ll do everything for Rhea, and he means everything. Together, they can make the Robert Stone Brand bigger than ever!

Rhea says the chances of her joining his brand are 1 in a million. So there’s still a chance? That’s good enough for him! Rhea leaves, he follows, and wants a handshake. Instead, she hits him low, scoops him, and slams him into the trash! Will Stone move on to someone as desperate as he is with his sales pitch? Will he at least change his clothes and clean himself up?


Finn Balor VS Cameron Grimes!

The Carolina Caveman came away with a win on The Prince thanks to the Archer of Infamy’s assist. But now he’ll have to face facts and see if he can actually get it done 1v1. Will Grimes go 2-0 or be hit with reality instead?

The bell rings and Grimes circles with Balor. Grimes backs up to a corner and Balor has to wait. They circle again and Grimes again backs off to a corner. Balor swipes at Grimes but Grimes tells him to get back. The ref has Balor back up and then tells Grimes to come out of the corner. Grimes and Balor tie up, Balor wrenches to a hammerlock but Grimes headlocks back. Balor puts Grimes in a corner and wants a leg but Grimes pushes him away. Grimes then CHOPS low and clubs Balor down. Grimes says he’s not afraid and he throws European Uppercuts. Balor ends up on the ropes, Grimes runs, but into a back elbow! Balor trips Grimes up then boots him while he’s down! Grimes flounders to a corner but puts Balor in the corner with shoulders. Grimes backs off and grimaces as Balor goes to another corner.

Grimes goes after Balor with his shoulder but the ref backs him off. Balor knees low then snapmares and Penalty Kicks! Cover, TWO! Balor keeps on Grimes with a chinlock and he cranks on the neck. Grimes complains that Balor is pulling his hair but he’s clearly not. Balor shifts position but Grimes fights his way up. Grimes pushes Balor back to the corner and lets up, to CHOP! But Balor just CHOPS back! Balor CHOPS Grimes again, then whips him corner to corner for another CHOP! And then back the other way, CHOP! Balor whips again, CHOPS again and Grimes falls to the mat! Balor kicks but Grimes catches it for a SLAM! Grimes KNEES Balor while he’s down then goes to a corner. He stomps Balor down then drags him up for a CHOP! Balor falls back and gasps for air but Grimes stands on Balor’s hand. The ref counts and Grimes lets off, still bragging.

Grimes whips, Balor reverses, Grimes sunset flips but Balor slips out to basement dropkick! The crowd rallies as Grimes bails out of the ring. Balor pursues and CHOPS him against the barriers! Balor brings Grimes up to CHOP again! And then throw him into more railing! The count passes 6 so Balor puts Grimes in. Grimes rebounds to LARIAT Balor down! Both men are on the mat as the crowd duels. Grimes clamps on with a chinlock and grinds Balor down. The crowd rallies up, Balor fights to his feet, but Grimes wrangles him back down. Grimes grabs an arm to add onto the hold, but Balor fights his way back up. Balor elbows free and throws forearms. Grimes whips HARD and Balor bounces off buckles! Grimes might make this 2-0 as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Grimes has Balor in a chinbar and armlock. The crowd rallies up as Balor endures. Balor fights up, fights back, but Grimes whips to kitchen sink knee! Balor is down and gasping for air as Grimes brags he’s one step ahead. “You honestly thought that Cameron Grimes would be scared of you? You lost your mind!” Grimes runs into BOOTS! Balor rallies with forearms, a takedown and DOUBLE STOMP! Grimes staggers to his feet, to get the SLINGBLADE! Balor takes aim from the corner, to shotgun dropkick! Grimes is in the drop zone and Balor goes up top. The crowd gets rowdy as Balor aims, for the COUP DE- NO! Grimes moves, Oklahoma Rolls Balor up, TWO!! SUPER FOREARM! Balor flounders into a ROUNDHOUSE! Grimes dead lifts Balor to a lift, but Balor spins around to get the facelock! Grimes cradle counters, TWO!

Grimes wings, into the dragon sleeper, elbow drop DDT! The crowd is loud again as Balor looms over Grimes. Balor drags Grimes up but Grimes reverses to a GUNN SLINGER SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Balor survives and Grimes is losing his mind! Grimes talks to himself that this is his chance. Grimes runs but Balor gets under the Cave-In! Dragon sleeper, BLOODY SUNDAY!! Cover, TWO!?! Grimes survives but Balor heads to the corner. “This is Awesome!” as Balor aims again. COUP DE GRACE HITS! But Balor isn’t done, he drags Grimes up again for the 1 9 1 6!! Cover, Balor wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

The series is 1-1 now, but Balor’s one is stronger than Grimes’. Will Grimes even want the tiebreaker after this one?

But wait! Balor speaks to the camera about his plans. “I’ve won a lot of titles. But the North American Championship? Never. Keith Lee, when you’re done playing house, come see me.” The Prince has just called out the Limitless One! Will Balor look to add to his legacy?


Kacy Catanzaro VS Dakota Kai w/ Raquel Gonzalez!

#CobraKai and the Daughter of the Desperado were on the losing side alongside Candice LeRae on Sunday, but things keep moving forward. With a NEW NXT Women’s Champion, can Dakota get back on track against the American Ninja Warrior?

The bell rings and KC steps to Dakota. Dakota pie faces KC away, but KC shoves back! Dakota powers KC to a corner but the ref counts. Dakota lets up at 4 to pie face KC again. KC slips out and pie faces Dakota back to then sweep the legs and slingshot senton! Dakota bails out, trips KC up and spins her around. KC avoids the boot to then huricanrana Dakota down! KC puts Dakota back in and handspring ax kicks her down! Cover, TWO! Dakota gets to a corner but KC is right on her, only to get a buckle shot! Dakota stomps KC down then brings her up for more stomps. Dakota goes side to side, for the BOOT! She dumps KC down, covers, TWO! KC survives and Dakota grows frustrated.

Dakota throws KC to a corner then taunts her. Dakota runs in, KC goes up and sunset flips, TWO! KC almost had Dakota but she gets back to a corner. Dakota runs in, KC dodges her, and fires forearms over and over! She fires off on Dakota with fury but the ref backs her off. KC comes back with an A-List Lariat! But she walks into the scorpion kick! Dakota fireman’s carries for the GTK, Go To Kick! Cover, Dakota wins!

Winner: Dakota Kai, by pinfall

The Captain wins and all without Raquel interfering! But she’s not done with KC as she stomps away on her! Dakota puts KCY in the corner then lets Raquel have a turn. But the other KC, Kayden Carter, runs out to trip Dakota up! Raquel notices Kayden and chases her around the ring. Kayden BOOTS Dakota then spins around to use Dakota to tornado off Raquel. Raquel stops the DDT and grabs Kayden for the fisherman POWERBOMB! Dakota seethes but standing tall with Raquel does make her feel better. Will Dakota take the title from Shirai? Will Raquel make sure no one gets in her way?


NXT hears from Timothy Thatcher.

He addresses some prospects in the ring. He congratulates them on attending “orientation” for #ThatchAsThatchCan Wrestling School. This is his style of wrestling. Grab the liability waivers, have your lawyers look it over, and bring them back signed and notarized. But leave the tears at home. This training is not for the faint at heart. It will be brutal, barbaric and begin next week. Who will survive and graduate Thatcher’s school of hard locks?


El Hijo del Fantasma heads to the ring!

The second generation lucha libre icon is the NEW NXT Cruiserweight Champion after he won the round robin tournament finals! Drake Maverick gave him quite the fight, but the gold masked luchadors did play a factor. Fantasma takes up the mic and starts to speak, but Maverick interrupts! Maverick applauds Fantasma while heading down to the ring. Maverick grabs a mic of his own and says that he finally wants to congratulate Fantasma. Fantasma is a phenomenal competitor, and their match last week was incredible. Thank you for that match. And Maverick can’t help but hear people talk about his situation. Everyone should’ve been talking about Fantasma’s journey. The fact he made his WWE debut in this tournament, and then went all the way to win the title, Fantasma deserves it. The crowd agrees as they chant, “You Deserve It!”

Maverick says he’s had a lot on his mind, and can’t help but think what would happen if he had a clear head. So now that Maverick is a full-time, contracted member of NXT, he wanted to come out here, man to man, and say that he knows he can beat Fantasma. If Fantasma will accept a rematch, that is. Fantasma says if that’s what Maverick wants, he’ll get it. But before they can shake on it, the golden luchadors show up again! They flank the ring, but Fantasma turns around to stare at Maverick?! Maverick feels it, and turns around into a HEADBUTT! The luchadors mug Maverick 3v1! Fantasma has the luchadors back off, and reveal themselves. It’s RAUL MENDOZA AND JOAQUIN WILDE?! They weren’t kidnapped at all, but were cohorts in Fantasma’s long game! And Fantasma drags Maverick up for a PHANTOM DRIVER!

Mendoza and Wilde climb up on either side, and Fantasma takes off his own mask! “I am Santos Escobar! I am the NXT Cruiserweight Champion. And no one can touch me.” Wilde and Mendoza DOUBLE FROG SPLASH Maverick!! Fantasma sheds his persona to become his true self, and has shown his true colors! Will he, Mendoza and Wilde stand atop the Cruiserweight Division with iron fists?


The Undisputed Era finishes preparations backstage.

Adam Cole says, “Time to set an example.” Dexter Lumis is a freak, but this will be a message to anyone that wants to get in the Era’s way. Wait, Strong finds a piece of paper. It has a drawing on it! Lumis was here! He signed the paper! It’s a drawing of the Era down and out, all beat up and bloody! It’s a warning! Cole and Fish say it’s just a doodle. But the last time Lumis drew something, he put Strong and Fish in the trunk! Cole tells Strong to just calm down and breathe. Because right now, Cole is going to go out there and beat the crap out of Lumis. Fish says it’s what they do every time. Don’t forget they are the Undisputed Era. Strong puts the paper down, but then he sees Lumis staring at him through a door window! Lumis looks to paint a masterpiece of pain and torment, will he do it using Cole’s blood, sweat and tears?


NXT has a HUGE announcement for next week!

With Backlash holding a WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Triple Threat, the titles could be going to either Bliss-Cross, The IIconics, or staying with Sasha Banks & Bayley. But either way, the winners of that match will have little time to rest! NXT puts up Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart as contenders to the tag titles! Who will the Shiniest Wizard & Wild Child “welcome back” to Full Sail next Wednesday?


Adam Cole w/ The Undisputed Era VS Dexter Lumis!

The longest reigning NXT Champion ever crossed off The Velveteen Dream from his list of contenders for good! But now, he might be the one crossed out if he isn’t careful. Will Lumis stare into Cole’s soul and expose that it is anything but Undisputed?

The bell rings and the crowd is loud for Lumis. Lumis stares at Cole and Cole rushes him. They tie up, Lumis powers Cole back to the corner, but lets up. Cole pie faces the “freak,” then dodges the counter attack to stomp and forearm away. Cole stomps the legs, backs off, but comes back to get tossed! Lumis fires off body shots of his own! Lumis stalks Cole along the ropes and whips him across the way to elbow him down! Cole bails out fast and regroups with Fish and Strong. Lumis pursues but Cole gets around the way. Cole goes back into the ring and Lumis follows, so Cole stomps him down. Cole warps on a chinlock but Lumis doesn’t even seem bothered. Lumis powers up and lifts Cole for a TOSS! Cole flounders onto ropes and Lumis runs to slide, slither and UPPERCUT!

Lumis just stares as Cole crawls away. Lumis slithers back in, blocks the boot, and DECKS Cole with a right! Cole gets to the apron but Lumis pursues. Lumis brings Cole up but Cole BOOTS back! Lumis falls and Strong taunts him from way far away. Cole catches his breath in the ring while NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Cole grind Lumis down with a chinlock. The crowd rallies and Lumis fights his way up. Lumis punches free but swings into a BACKSTABBER! Cole covers, TWO! Cole argues with the ref about the count, but he goes back to Lumis to rain down right hands. He walks off in a huff but only the Era cheers. Lumis sits up and stares at Cole but Cole pie faces him. “You’re nothing more than a freak! You’re a weirdo!” Lumis just smiles?! Cole throws forearms on Lumis to try and wipe that smile away, then he hits a neckbreaker! Lumis sits up while the Era talks trash again. Cole drags Lumis to the ropes to choke him! The ref counts, Cole stops to stomp, then backs off at the ref’s count of 4.

Cole drags Lumis up for another neckbreaker! Fish says to finish it off but Lumis sits up again. Cole says Lumis is not in the same league, but Lumis just stares wide eyed. He smiles as Cole keeps punching him! Lumis eggs Cole on, then gets up to give haymakers back! Lumis rallies and uppercuts! Cole flounders, Lumis runs in to corner clothesline and bulldog! The crowd fires up and Lumis drags Cole up. Lumis suplexes, rebounds and finishes the suplex! Cover, TWO!! Cole survives but Lumis keeps on him. Lumis fireman’s carries but Cole fights out. Cole goes to superkick but is caught and turned around for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Lumis is still ice cold as he brings Cole back up. Cole breaks free to mule kick the legs out! He brings the knee pad down and runs, but Lumis catches Cole!

Cole fights off the Anaconda Vice and SUPERKICKS Lumis down! Cover, TWO!! Cole can’t believe it but Lumis lives! The crowd rallies behind Lumis but Cole brings him up. Cole takes aim, runs, but the Last Shot misses! Lumis SPINE BUSTERS Cole down, then rains down rights of his own! Lumis lets up and tightens his gloves. He heads after Cole but Cole sends him out of the ring. Cole tells Fish and Strong to go after Lumis, but he’s disappeared again! Lumis reappears around the other side, having slithered underneath the ring! Cole turns around into another SPINE BUSTER! And then a cover, TWO!! Lumis grows mildly frustrated but the crowd is fired up as ever. Lumis drags Cole to a drop zone and climbs up top. Fish and Strong shout for Cole to get up, but Lumis SWANTONS onto knees!

Cole hurries to the corner, hops up top, and leaps, but into the arm triangle!! Lumis can’t bring Cole down, Cole tries to use the corner, but that only helps Lumis with a swinging takedown! Fish distracts the ref on the apron and Cole gets to his feet, Strong enziguris Lumis off the hold! LAST SHOT!! Cover, Cole wins!!

Winner: Adam Cole, by pinfall

The longest reigning NXT Champion shuts out another contender thanks to his best friends. They start to leave, but Cole wants to add insult to injury. He tells Lumis he will never be champion, and that he is a joke. But LUmis revives and gets the vice! Strong and Fish go after Lumis but Dream appears! Dream throws Strong into steel steps and ROCKS Fish! Dream throws Fish into Plexiglas! Lumis stalks Strong and Strong runs away! Cole flounders and grabs his title belt, but he finds he’s all alone. Cole smiles, because he is still champion.

But wait! The lights drop and… Scarlett appears! The heartthrob harbinger of doom walks to the ring as the crowd chant, “Fall and Pray!” Cole looks around for Kross but doesn’t see him anyway. Scarlett presents Cole with an hourglass, and turns it for him. Ticktock, Cole’s reign is on the clock. Is it only a matter of when, not if, it will finally end?

My Thoughts:

A great episode to follow TakeOver: In Your House! For one, I am very excited to hear next week is tag team championship night. Breezango had a good promo to finally give us motivation behind their serious in-ring style. This is a story that was surely meant to be set up by that match with the Singh Brothers months ago before all the pandemic panic, and they’re getting to give us that now against the perfect foils in Imperium. Then, off the heels of WWE Backstage talking about the Women’s Tag Division needing to be taken seriously, we’re getting a Women’s Tag Title match! Given Shotzi & Tegan are Faces, this is even more reason to say Bayley & Banks are retaining at Backlash. They’ll finally give us the promise of coming back to NXT to defend the titles, and it’ll be a great match.

Indus Sher had a great return to action, and it seems jobbers can go anywhere they like. Mike Reed was getting squashed for AEW Dark, now he got squashed for NXT live. Thatcher is apparently moving into a leadership role, giving us his version of Drew Gulak’s Catchpoint in Evolve wrestling. That might be an interesting angle for him going forward. #Yimitless VS #TJGW was great, especially the co-ed spots like Keith Lee squishing Candice! The Garganos win to apparently leave Keith and Mia behind for the moment. Keith teases wanting the top title but he’s got Finn Balor aiming for him and that is a twist I didn’t see coming. But that will be a great match one way or another, just like Balor VS Grimes was tonight. Grimes was hilarious throughout the night but obviously he was going to lose the rematch. He can bide his time and maybe come back around should Balor become champion.

Dakota wins and wants after the title, but it looks like she and Raquel will have a small program with Kacy and Kayden at the same time. I don’t see KC and KC winning but they’ll have a good showing. Rhea dumping Robert Stone in the trash was great. I’m pretty sure this means Stone has no choice but to go with Aliyah the next time she comes around. Fantasma turning tonight was executed perfectly, but the real twist was that Mendoza and Wilde were in on it from the beginning. Fantasma dropping his mask and becoming Escobar was also a great move, as it gives the impression that the Fantasma persona is still the Face but Escobar is the Heel.

Then we get a lot of great little moments between Lumis and the Undisputed Era. Cole VS Lumis was great and it makes a lot of sense for Dream to show up and help him out. I did not expect Kross to come after Cole, but with as big as they’ve already made Kross, where else was he going to go? I suppose this makes Kross the Face since Cole is still strongly Heel. No offense to Kross, but I hope he doesn’t become champion right away. It should be a trilogy of matches at least, like Cole and Gargano had. Maybe Dream and Lumis become Kross’ allies in a roundabout way to counteract Fish, Strong and eventually O’Reilly being around Cole. That’s quite the eccentric trio but I feel like that’s why it’d work, even for just a Six Man Tag match.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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