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Mitchell’s NJPW Summer Struggle Results & Report! (8/26/20)

It’s time for KOPW 2020!



NJPW Summer Struggle

The Summer Struggle returns with a special treat!

NJPW is on the road to Jingu Stadium! And that means beginning the inaugural KOPW tournament! What wild match types won and now dictate NJPW’s fate?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • KOPW 2020 No Finishers Match: Satoshi Kojima VS El Desperado; Desperado wins, by disqualification, and advances to KOPW Fatal 4 Way.
  • KOPW 2020 2-Count Pinfall Match: Toru Yano VS BUSHI; Yano wins and advances to KOPW Fatal 4 Way.
  • KOPW 2020 Submissions Match: SHO VS SANADA; Sanada wins and advances to KOPW Fatal 4 Way.
  • KOPW 2020 3v1 Handicap Match: Yujiro Takahashi, Gedo & Jado VS Kazuchika Okada; Okada wins and advances to KOPW Fatal 4 Way.


KOPW 2020 No Finishers Match: Satoshi Kojima VS El Desperado!

The first match of this unique tournament’s maiden voyage is perhaps one of the more uniquely stipulated matches ever! No Cozy Lariat or Cozy Crush Dynamite for Kojima, and no Guitarra de la Muerte or Pinche Loco for Desperado! What will these two pull out with their best cards off the table?

The bell rings and fans rally already. Desperado tunes it out as he and Kojima circle. They tie up, Kojima pushes Desperado back to ropes, but Desperado turns it around. The ref calls for the ropebreak, Desperado pats Kojima on the shoulders. Then he kicks low and fires off forearms! Kojima forearms back and Desperado staggers! Desperado comes back with more forearms, Kojima ROCKS him again! Desperado stomps Kojima’s foot! Desperado headlocks, Kojima powers out, and the two ram shoulders but Kojima doesn’t fall. Kojima dares Desperado to try again, so Desperado does, and they ram shoulders again, but still Kojima stays up. Desperado dares Kojima to try, Kojima does, and Kojima runs Desperado over!

Kojima flexes the pecs before he stomps Desperado down! Kojima brings Desperado up for forerams, runs but Desperado uses the ref as a shield! Kojima stops in his track, Desperado dropkicks the legs out and down goes Kojima! Desperado drags Kojima out and whips him into railing! Desperado stomps Kojima’s legs then bumps him off the post! The ref reprimands but Desperado kicks Kojima in the leg! Fans rally up as Desperado brings Kojima around. Kojima fights back with forearms and elbows but Desperado hits him back! The ring count begins, Desperado whips Kojima hard into railing again! Desperado goes into the ring at 7 of 20 but Kojima stands up at 12! Kojima hobbles around and slides in at 17!

Desperado stands on the bad leg! Desperado taunts Kojima but Kojima gets the ropes. Desperado just puts the bad leg on the ropes to drop down on! The ref reprimands but Desperado stands on Kojima’s head now. Desperado mocks the weak heavyweight but fans rally up. Kojima gets up to hit back! Desperado kicks the bad leg, trips Kojima up and splashes down on the leg! Then a toehold and leg lock for a butterfly deathlock! The fans rally, Kojima endures, but Desperado drags Kojima in for a butterfly stretch! Kojima endures so Desperado keeps pressure on the legs. But that allows Kojima to get a ropebreak! Desperado gets help from the ref in undoing the leglock and he paces about.

Desperado drags Kojima from the ropes, but Kojima kicks the second try away! Both men end up in opposite corners, Desperado runs in but Kojima dodges! Kojima unleashes the machine gun CHOPS! Kojima whips but Desperado reverses to kick and uppercut back! Desperado throws forearms, runs but Kojima dodges to spin for a Cozy CUTTER! That’s still allowed! Fans rally up as Desperado gets to a corner. Kojima hobbles over to stomp and CHOP again! And CHOP! And CHOP! Kojima whips corner to corner, runs in and corner forearms! Kojima fires up and the fans fire up with him! Kojima climbs up, Desperado gets to the opposite corner, so Kojima has to hop down.

Desperado baits Kojima into the corner, blocks the boot then puts it on the ropes. Desperado runs side to side to dropkick the other leg! Kojima flops out of the corner, Desperado reels him in, but Kojima blocks the lift. Kojima fights free, swats Desperado’s clothesline away, but wait! There’s question if that was a haymaker or a lariat! The lariat is banned from Kojima’s move set! Kojima defends it was a punch, but then he kicks and DDT’s Desperado! Too late to make a ruling now as fans rally and Desperado rolls. Kojima stomps Desperado, drags him to the apron, and hits an APRON DDT! Desperado is down in a heap and the ref checks on him. Desperado is in pain but he’s okay to continue.

Kojima drags Desperado up and into the ring and fans cheer as Kojima climbs up top. Kojima leaps for an ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Kojima keeps his cool and the fans rally up again. Kojima brings Desperado up for forearm after forearm, then spins, but Desperado ducks the rolling elbow for a SPEAR! Desperado drags Kojima up, Guitarra del ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Into NUMERO DOS!! Kojima endures the modified Stretch Muffler as the fans rally. Kojima drags himself and Desperado over, to the ROPEBREAK! Desperado lets go at the ref’s count and fans continue to rally up. Kojima gets to a corner, Desperado slowly gets to his feet and goes to the other. Desperado runs corner to corner but is put on the apron.

Desperado grabs Kojima by his hair and brings him into the corner. Desperado talks trash as he climbs up, but Kojima powers up to break free! Kojima CHOPS Desperado, positions him up top and CHOPS again! Kojima climbs up now, cravats, SUPER COZY CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Desperado survives Kojima’s powered up signature but Kojima keeps his cool. Kojima takes off the armband out of habit, but he remembers he can’t lariat! Desperado pokes him in the eye and drags him into a Mouse Trap! TWO, and Desperado drags Kojima up. Desperado tries to figure out what move he should do since he can’t use his finisher. Kojima breaks free first and fires off forearms! From all sides! ROLLING ELBOW! Kojima drags Desperado up, SNAP BRAIN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Desperado survives but Kojima keeps on him with an armlock. He puts on the KAWADA KOROSHI! The seated arm triangle twists Desperado up but he reaches with his legs! ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kojima lets go but keeps close to Desperado with the armlock. But Desperado drags the ref into it, and as Kojima drops, the ref gets tossed! The ref is down, Desperado is tapping but it doesn’t count! Kojima lets go in frustration but goes back after Desperado. Desperado DECKS Kojima with that punch! And with the ref down, Desperado hurries to use the forbidden finisher! But Kojima back drops out of Pinche Loco!

Desperado uses the lariat since Kojima can’t, but Kojima just tanks it! And then another one! Desperado taunts Kojima and tries again, but KOJIMA LARIATS!! Kojima gets disqualified!!

Winner: El Desperado, by disqualification (advances to Jingu Stadium)

Kojima doesn’t seem to care that he lost, because he at least got to clobber the arrogant Suzuki-Gun member. Will Desperado use this stroke of luck to take the KOPW trophy?


KOPW 2020 2-Count Pinfall Match: Toru Yano VS BUSHI!

Well, this is also a very uniquely stipulated match! You can’t wait until two for the pinfall, no matter how tired you are! Will this match be over in the blink of an eye?

Yano looks like he’s in a rush already just making his entrance and everything else. The bell rings, Yano has his spray bottle but the ref wants him to put that down. Bushi rolls Yano up! ONE!! Bushi swings on Yano, Yano dodges and SPRAYS Bushi in the eye!! Roll up, ONE! The ref reprimands Yano for still having the bottle so he tosses it to Bushi. Yano rolls Bushi up again, ONE!! Yano bails out, but he hasn’t won yet. The ref tells him to come back so Yano does. Fans rally up, Yano paces around the ring and Bushi waits. Yano gets on the apron and says Bushi has the bottle. Bushi hides it from the ref but Yano says he wants his bottle back. So Bushi SPRAYS Yano! Roll up, ONE!!

The ref finally grabs the bottle and puts it away while Bushi stomps Yano. Yano gets up to rake Bushi’s eyes! Yano unties the buckle pad but Bushi stops him part way. Bushi whips corner to corner, Yano reverses and finishes untying the pad! Yano dodges, Bushi runs into bare buckles! Roll up, ONE!!! Bushi bails out, Yano gives chase and clubs Bushi down. Yano puts Bushi in, covers, ONE! Another try, ONE! Another, ONE! Yano is shocked but he keeps on Bushi with a whip. Bushi reverses, Yano hits bare buckles and staggers into Bushi’s inside cradle! ONE!! Yano bails out but Bushi follows as the fans rally up. Bushi stomps Yano, drags him up and puts him back in the ring. Yano just rolls all the way to the other side.

Bushi runs around the way but into Yano’s atomic drop and shove! Yano has the tape! Yano used this to get a ring-out win on Bushi, but Bushi kicks him away to railing! Bushi gets back in the ring, builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit sends Yano into railing! Bushi has the tape now, and he ties up Yano’s feet! The ref reprimands but Bushi’s already strapped Yano’s feet together! Bushi stomps Yano, Yano apologizes but Bushi drags him up. Yano hops around as he’s put in the ring! Yano still apologizes but Bushi dropkicks the legs out! LA MAGISTROL, but Yano rolls it back, YANO WINS!!

Winner: Toru Yano, by pinfall (advances to Jingu Stadium)

Bushi can’t believe it! Using Yano’s tricks backfired and now Yano is going to Jingu! But can Yano get there with his feet tied up like that? Will Yano be able to win when it’s a Fatal 4 with normal pinfall counts?


KOPW 2020 Submissions Match: SHO VS SANADA!

The High Voltage half of Roppongi 3K has been quite the shock master but this match heavily favors Cold Skull! Will Sho have another trick up his sleeve to shock the world? Or will is his summer hot streak coming to a Skull End?

The bell rings and the fans rally as Sanada and Sho circle. They approach slowly, feeling out the grapple. Sho goes for a leg, Sanada facelocks to block but Sho slips out. Sho waistlocks and rolls, Sanada switches and gets a facelock. Sho switches, Sanada switches and facelocks again. Sho powers out to waistlock back and shifts around. Sho gator rolls then waistlocks but Sanada slips aorund and gets to his feet. Sanada goes for a leg, Sho facelocks, they move around and Sanada has a headlock. Sho powers up but Sanada hits a headlock takeover. Sanada grinds but Sho pops out to get a headlock. Sanada slips away, the two stand off and the fans cheer that technical exchange. Sho and Sanada reset as fans rally up.

The two tie up again, Sho tries for an armbar takedown but Sanada stays on his feet. Sanada drops Sho down, they knuckle lock and roll, Sho pushes Sanada down with his weight. This won’t be a cover but it’s an effective way to wear Sanada down. Sanada bridges up! Fans cheer as Sho hops off, Sanada blocks and monkey flips! The two are down, Sanada rolls back, blocks Sho’s monkey flip and hops on for his own attempts at a takedown. Sho powers through to suplex! Sanada lands on his feet and waistlocks but Sho standing switches. Sanada elbows Sho, runs, but into Sho’s hip toss to armbar! But Sanada moves fast to reverse the armbar! Sho gets the armbar back but they’re in the ropes! Red Shoes calls for the break while fans cheer this second technical exchange.

Sanada bails out to cool off but Sho keeps his eyes on him. Sho lets Sanada return, and the two go around again. Sanada and Sho feel out the knuckle lock, Sho breaks one to roll and wristlocks. Sanada drops, rolls but Sho spins through to wrangle Sanada down for a high keylock. Sanada moves around as Sho cranks the arm. Sho shifts to have a cording hold, Sanada kips up to arm-drag! Sho arm-drags right back to have the arm again but Sanada reaches up to headscissor! Sho pops out, Sanada hits another headlock takeover, but Sho headscissors! Sanada tries to pop out but Sho holds tight. Sanada keeps kicking but Sho squeezes tighter. Sanada bridges, moves around, Sho tries to keep him stuck, but Sanada rolls more to turn Sho over. Sanada has the legs for a Bow ‘n’ Arrow lock!

Sho pops out and gets up to boot, but into Sanada’s DRAGON SCREW! Sho gets to the apron to shake out the leg and fans rally up. Sanada hurries after Sho, gets the leg through the ropes but Sho fights back! Sho wrenches the arm for a hotshot shoulder breaker! Sanada falls down as he clutches the arm but Sho returns to go after it. Sho twists the wrist, pushes against the elbow and shoulder, but Sanada endures. Sanada stands, Sho cording holds again and cranks on the shoulder. Sho crisscrosses the arms and sweeps a leg for a modified STO! Sho goes right after the arm to hammerlock and crank on that arm. Sanada endures, reaches back but Sho bridges over to slip around again. The fans rally as Sanada endures.

Sanada tries again but Sho headstands, bridges and slips around again! Sanada gets up, Sho wraps both arms around Sanada and bumps Sanada’s shoulder off buckles! Sanada hobbles into Sho’s hammerlock again for another bump of buckles! Sho runs, Sanada elbows him down with the good arm and standing moonsaults! But Sho catches it into an armlock! Sho cranks on the Kimura but Sanada moves around. Sho turns Sanada over for an ARMBAR! Sanada clasps hands, Sho pulls on the arm and gets a short arm scissor instead. Sanada grows frustrated, the fans rally up and Sanada moves around. Sanada reaches for ropes but Sho throws him over! Sho cranks on the arm, Sanada moves around, they go around and around with armbars and school boys, and Sho still ends up on top!

Sho cranks on the arm, Sanada has the fans rallying more, and Sanada moves back to roll Sho up, for a dead lift ELECTRIC CHAIR! Both men are down and the fans fire up as they stir. Sanada stands first, throws forearms on Sho, then whips him to ropes. Sho reverses to forearm, but runs for Sanada to dropkick the legs out! Sho bails out but Sanada slingshots for a BIG PLANCHA! Direct hit and Sho goes down! Sanada fires the fans up and feeds off that energy. Sanada brings Sho up, puts him in and aims from the apron. Springboard but Sho gets under! Sanada runs back but gets buckles. Sho waistlocks, Sanada elbows out but Sho dodges the clothesline to SPEAR- No! Sanada tanks the Spear to facelock. But Sho suplexes instead!

Both men are down, fans fire up again and Sho rises first. Sho drags Sanada around by the bad arm, wrenches it and kicks away on all sides! SUPE- No! The superkick is blocked to a DRAGON SCREW! Sanada gets even with Sho by going after that leg! The fans rally as Sanada and Sho both sit up. Sanada heads over to Sho, drags him up, and puts the leg on the ropes. Sanada dropkicks the leg! Then he dropkicks Sho! Sho is still stuck in the ropes so Sanada LIONSAULTS him down! Sanada gets the leg, steps through, but Sho counters to a KIMURA! Sanada endures, Sho cranks harder, but fans rally again. Sanada gets to the ropebreak!

Sho lets go quick, but then drags Sanada back up and wrenches the arm, SHOULDER BREAKER! But not just once, but twice! THRICE! Three Shoulder Breakers in a row! Sho lines it up, Penalty Kick to the arm! Sanada staggers to ropes, Sho runs around to dropkick the bad arm! Sho runs, Sanada follows to elbow him at the ropes! Sanada runs but Sho follows to clothesline him at the ropes! Sho runs, sees Sanada following but Sanada ducks his clothesline! Sanada waistlocks, Sho standing switches, GERMAN SUPLEX! But Sanada lands on his feet! Sanada runs, Sho boots him away, but Sho runs into the huricanrana! Sho blocks it! And he swings Sanada up for a POWERBOMB! But Sho isn’t done, he dead lifts Sanada back up for the POWER BREAKER!

Both men are down again as fans fire up. Sho gets up first, drags Sanada up and reels him back in, crisscrosses the arms, but Sanada resists the lift. Sanada spins out, gets around and lifts like a back suplex, but for a DOUBLE SHIN BREAKER! Sho hits the mat and clutches his legs, but Sanada sets him up in the drop zone. Sanada goes up top, MOONSAULT but onto knees! Sho saves himself but it was double-edged given the state of his legs! Sanada grits his teeth as he sits back up. Fans rally as Sanada stands and Sho follows. Sho throws a forearm, Sanada forearms back. They trade more forearms, Sanada gets the edge, but spins into a KNEE! Sanada dropkicks the legs out again!

Sho wobbles, Sanada throws a European Uppercut but Sho counters to a backslide that he obviously gives up on, to reel Sanada in! Crisscross underhook, and SHOCK ARROW! Sho keeps on Sanada with a dead lift waistlock GERMAN! And another GERMAN! Then the third becomes the armbar takedown!! Sanada flails but doesn’t give up yet! The fans rally as Sho cranks harder on the arm! Sanada endures, reaches, moves around, but Sho uses a Triangle Hold. Sanada powers up to dead lift Sho for a POWER CUTTER!! A powerbomb turned into a cutter!! Sanada sets Sho up again, for a MOONSAULT to his back!! Then the FIGURE FOUR!!

Sho endures a different hold than he expected, but he pries at the legs! Sanada powers through to keep Sho locked up! Sho works to turn things over, but Sanada rolls through! Sho reaches for ropes, Sanada cranks harder, SHO TAPS! Sanada wins!!

Winner: Sanada (advances to Jingu Stadium)

Sho showed a lot of skill and heart, but he’s not where Sanada is in the submission game! Will Sanada be able to play that game when it’s a Fatal 4 Way?


KOPW 2020 3v1 Handicap Match: Yujiro Takahashi, Gedo & Jado VS Kazuchika Okada!

The Rainmaker knows Tokyo Pimp doesn’t roll alone, so he put this stipulation forward to at least have the Bullet Club back-up front and center. Will Okada regret stacking the deck against himself in the very tournament he suggested? Or will he defy the odds and put someone #DeepInDebt?

In this kind of handicap match, Bullet Club has to send one in at a time. After a Low Sweet, Yujiro steps up to start. Fans rally, Okada and Yujiro stare down then circle. Jado starts to sneak in and Okada is distracted. Yujiro kicks, clubs and whips Okada, but Okada grabs ropes. Okada boots Yujiro, scoop slams him then slingshot sentons! Cover, but Gedo breaks it! Red Shoes reprimands and Gedo goes back to the corner. Okada drags Yujiro up, turns him around and hits a neckbreaker! Cover, Okada keeps his eyes on Gedo and Jado this time, TWO! Okada cranks on Yujiro with a chinlock, but Yujiro BITES Okada’s hand! Okada doesn’t learn. Yujiro runs but Okada boots him!

Okada snapmares, runs, but Jado is there with his kendo stick! Red Shoes reprimands but Yujiro rakes Okada’s eyes! Yujiro distracts Red Shoes and Gedo has a belt strap! Gedo LASHES Okada! Bullet Club wanted a strap match, and Gedo gets to use it now! Gedo LASHES Okada again and Okada bails out. Jado goes after Okada with clubbing forearms and CHOPS! Jado whips Okada into railing hard! Okada is down, Gedo and Jado taunt him while Yujiro grins. Jado brings Okada up and Gedo LASHES him more! Yujiro keeps Red Shoes busy but Red Shoes at least heard that one! Red Shoes goes out to reprimand them, so Gedo “apologizes.” They put Okada in, Yujiro covers but Red Shoes refuses to count given the foul play.

Yujiro brings Okada up, snapmares and runs to basement dropkick Okada down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Okada as Yujiro drags Okada back up. Yujiro feeds Okada to Jado’s boot and Jado tags in. Jado drags Okada up, brings Okada around to headlock and scrape Okada’s face on the ropes! Jado drags Okada up to chinlock and punch away on Okada’s head! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Jado gets in about a dozen punches before 4. Jado drags Okada up and clubs him on the back. Tag to Gedo, Gedo brings Okada up to rake his eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Gedo whips Okada into the corner, that is now exposed! Bullet Club loves that trick, don’t they?

Gedo eggs Okada on but then stomps him down. Fans rally up for Okada but Gedo stands on Okada’s head. Red Shoes reprimands but Gedo raors like he’s already won. Gedo stomps Okada more then tags in Yujiro. Yujiro taunts Okada and slaps him around. Okada throws a forearm! And another! Yujiro rakes Okada’s eyes, has him on ropes, and BOOTS him! Okada flops down, Yujiro covers, TWO! Yujiro grows annoyed, but he bumps Okada off bare buckles! Tag to Jado, Jado and Yujiro double whip, and Yujiro mule kicks. Jado front kicks, and they double back suplex Okada! Cover, TWO! Jado grows frustrated now, tags Gedo, and Gedo toys with Okada as he kicks him around.

Gedo slaps Okada, Okada gets up to ROCK Gedo! Gedo rakes Okada’s eyes again, hits a jawbreaker, and powers up from a corner. Okada blocks the superkick to spin Gedo for a BOOT! The fans rally up but Gedo tags in Jado. Okada dodges Jado to fire off forearms and whip. Jado reverses but Okada elbows him down! Okada fires up for “K O P W!” as he DECKS Yujiro off the apron! Okada goes after Jado in the open corner and hits a big back elbow! Okada kicks, DDTs and covers, TWO! DEEP IN DEBT!! Gedo gets in to fish hook Okada’s face! Red Shoes counts, Gedo stops at 4. Yujiro tags in, he and Gedo double whip Okada to the other corner. Okada throws Gedo out to the apron, forearms him, then dodges Yujiro to send him into Gedo! Okada scoops Yujiro for REVERSE NECKBREAKER!

Yujiro writhes from the modified Air Raid and the fans fire up! Okada drags Yujiro up but Yujiro throws a forearm. Okada fires it back! Yujiro forearms, Okada hits back. They keep going back and forth, Okada gets the edge but Yujiro rocks him! Yujiro runs, into Okada’s scoop! Yujiro fights off the Tombstone and waistlocks but Okada elbows free. Okada runs into a SMACK from Jado’s kendo stick! Yujiro SPEARS Okada! Cover, TWO!! Okada survives and the fans cheer! Yujiro drags Okada up again to a fireman’s carry, but Okada slips off to throw forearms. Yujiro boots, Okada boots back! Okada spins Yujiro for an arm-drag, and DEEP IN DEBT!! Gedo gets in but Okada DECKS him! Okada elbows Jado down, dodges Yujiro to reel him in for DEEP IN DEBT!

Yujiro is caught, but Jado returns. Okada DECKS him, fires off on Gedo and EuroUppers him down! Okada runs at Yujiro, but into fireman’s carry, MIAMI SHINE!! Cover, TWO!?! Okada survives and Yujiro can’t believe it! Yujiro drags Okada up, Gedo and Jado return, and they whip Okada to the open corner. Gedo back elbows, Yujiro BOOTS, and Jado clotheslines! Jado calls for the Super Bomb, and Yujiro goes up. Gedo and Jado suplex Okada to him, for the SUPER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?!? Okada survives the elevated triple bomb and Bullet Club is furious! Yujiro has Gedo go back while he and Jado drag Okada back up. Yujiro holds Okada up for Jado’s LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Okada still lives and the Bullet Club can’t believe it!

Jado tags Gedo and all three stomp Okada down. Red Shoes reprimands but Gedo climbs up. Yujiro scoop slams Okada and Gedo leaps, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Gedo is pissed and Yujiro gets in Red Shoes’ face. But this is all so Gedo can get his brass knuckles! Gedo loads up, waits for Okada to stand, but Okada uppercuts Gedo down! The knuckles go flying but Jado has the kendo stick! Okada dropkicks Jado down! Yujiro kicks and whips, Okada reverses and dropkicks! Gedo staggers around, pokes Okada’s eyes and whips. Okada ducks and FLIES out to take down Jado and Yujiro! Gedo realizes he’s alone now as Okada gets back up.

Okada shoulders into Gedo, but Gedo mule kicks the legs out! GEDO CLUTCH!! TWO!?!? Okada narrowly escapes and Gedo can’t believe it! Gedo powers up, SUPER- NO! Okada reels Gedo in, TOMBSTONE! Wristlock, DEEP IN DEBT!! Gedo taps out, Okada wins!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by submission (advances to Jingu Stadium)

The Rainmaker succeeds in winning the gamble he put forward, and now advances to the finals of his invention! Will Okada also be the winner of KOPW 2020?

Okada takes the mic to address the fans as they rally behind him. He encourages them to keep it going so they do. Okada says he likes the rhythm they use to represent “O-KA-DA” in clapping since vocal cheering isn’t allowed. And then, for “KORAKUEN HAAALL~!” Okada asks if they liked the start of KOPW, and they applaud to show they did like it. He thanks the fans for being here for it, as well as the automated audio representing the NJPW app users liking it. The fans clap again and Okada soaks it up. And as for Jingu’s Fatal 4 Way, with Desperado, Yano and Sanada, “a bunch of villains and me.” The “Krooks of Pro-Wrestling.”

Of course, he promises to deliver “Kazuchika Okada’s Pro-Wrestling,” and that he will become the King Of Pro-Wrestling. KOPW is possible in part thanks to the fans, and Okada promises one way or another, it’ll be a lot of fun. And of course, he hopes to win and defend that “new kind of title” that truly includes the fans. If there are any problems, feel free to tell him. It is up to the wrestlers to make the KOPW worthwhile. So please, everyone here and watching at home, keep cheering and watch what they do next! That includes tomorrow’s return to Korakuen, and the finals in Jingu. Be ready to see who becomes the first ever KOPW winner, and thank you for today!

My Thoughts:

Summer Struggle returns to give us NJPW KOPW 2020 for a great event. An obvious great part of this KOPW tournament is the crazy stipulations. It’s rare there’s such a thing as a “No Finishers” or “2-Count Pin” match, so how great of NJPW to have those even be options. And it was actually very clever on that first one to use the ruling against one of the wrestlers. Kojima wins the battle but loses the war in a great match with Desperado, all because Kojima lost his cool. In a way, it keeps Kojima strong and Desperado basically gets lucky. Yano also technically gets lucky, a two count pin doesn’t give Bushi time to think after that reversal, and Yano wins. I do like the character work of Yano acting like there’s no time to waste. There wasn’t a short time limit, he just wanted to stay at a fast pace because of the shorter pins.

Sanada and Sho for being a Submission match, that was just a great match either way. Sho looks great but Sanada gets the win, and NOT with Skull End. And of course Okada wins his 3v1 handicap match. For one, that’s how his story with Yujiro was going to end, even without KOPW. But with KOPW on top, of course Okada as its inventor was going to win to qualify for the Fatal 4 Way finals. And in a way, 3v1 was a great way for him to prepare for such a match. I also like that in his promo, he plays with the acronym of KOPW, especially the two obvious ones of Kazuchika Okada Pro-Wrestling and King Of Pro-Wrestling. Though, I’m not sure Okada wins the Fatal 4 Way, that might be too obvious. I think it’d be great if Sanada, who is without title or story right now, became the inaugural Mr. KOPW, since he and Okada consider themselves rivals.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

Powered by RedCircle

Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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