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Mitchell’s NXT TakeOver 31 Results & Report! (10/4/20)

Will we see everything change in NXT?



NXT TakeOver 31

Will the Johnny Gargano Way take over?

Mr. & Mrs. Wrestling could end up Mr. & Mrs. CHAMPION! Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae both go for titles in NXT’s 31st TakeOver!


  • NXT North American Championship: Damian Priest VS Johnny Gargano; Priest wins and retains the NXT North American Championship.
  • Kushida VS The Velveteen Dream; Kushida wins.
  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Santos Escobar VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott; Escobar wins and retains the NXT Cruiserweight Championship.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Io Shirai VS Candice LeRae; Shirai wins and retains the NXT Women’s Championship.
  • NXT Championship: Finn Balor VS Kyle O’Reilly; Balor wins and retains the NXT Championship.


It’s the TakeOver Preshow!

Join Scott Stanford and Sam Roberts in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action on this surprisingly historic TakeOver!


TakeOver 31 will be in the Capitol Wrestling Center!

Yes, a brand new arena to usher in what will be a brand new era of NXT! Steel ramp, steel fencing and just a sampling of the ThunderDome screens for fans to watch and be seen! Every match, all the blood, sweat, tears and titles will christen this new venue’s maiden voyage!


McKenzie Mitchell has BREAKING NEWS!

From what she saw, Damian Priest was NOT happy with how NXT ended last Wednesday, and he went to William Regal with a special request. The request was granted, and now the North American Championship match will kick off the night! On the flipside, the Garganos are very happy with themselves, and feel #TheJohnnyGarganoWay will get its way in both the North American and Women’s Championship matches. Will they still be in a good mood after tonight?


NXT takes a look at the NXT Women’s Championship match.

Candice LeRae has us rewind back to April. A #1 contender’s ladder match. What did Io Shirai do as Candice almost had it won? Shirai clawed Candice’s eyes and shoved her down. But Shirai did her a favor. That moment opened Candice’s eyes to all the mistakes. For so long, she was the big sister to every woman in NXT. And she never got a thank you. Just attacked again and again and again. She could only count on Johnny Gargano. They only need each other. And now it’s time to do things their way. The Gargano Way. Candice has confidence in herself. She realized she doesn’t need friends. She has everything she needs, and will have everything to gain.

But Shirai is no stranger to Candice. Now, this is a new Candice. But this is a Candice that takes shortcuts. Candice says Shirai did the same thing to her. So thanks, Shirai, for showing Candice how to do things. Candice will thank Shirai by taking the NXT Women’s Championship. Shirai says she’s already beaten the best, and while Candice is good, the Gargano Way is not enough. Will the Evil Genius be ready for the Poison Pixie’s plans to take over?


NXT shares Rhea Ripley joining Triple H on Facebook Live.

The Aussie Nightmare points out that she still owes Shirai for In Your House. Shirai got the best of her and is the champion, but Rhea wants it back. If Shirai wins, Rhea will be waiting for her. HHH says that Candice might win, and she’ll know the same. HHH looks across the board and asks, “Three years from now, five years from now, what is the layout at the top?” Rhea is his #1 pick. Rhea appreciates that, and hopes to prove herself worthy of that. So if it’s Shirai, Rhea wants Shirai. If it’s Candice, then Candice will have the shortest reign in NXT history. Rhea wants the champion. Who will she get after the TakeOver?


It all started with The Capitol Wrestling Corporation.

Vincent J. McMahon and Phil Zacko founded it in none other than Washington, D.C. in 1977. It brought wrestling to the world from the capital of America. “You’re looking at some of the most remarkable athletes in the world today. Professional wrestlers are a rare breed of athlete, possessing gargantuan proportions, enormous strengths, unique coordinate and agility, a high threshold of physical tolerance, pulverizing power, and the ability to withstand the rigors of one of the most taxing sports known to man, professional wrestling.” – Vincent K. McMahon, 1977. CWC lives again, in NXT!


NXT North American Championship: Damian Priest VS Johnny Gargano!

The Archer of Infamy didn’t appreciate Mrs. Wrestling help her husband by trying to break his “arrow” last Wednesday! He’ll make sure Johnny TakeOver pays for it by being denied his second reign as North American Champion! But will Priest be able to #LiveForever now that the Wednesday Knight is doing things his way?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this incredible opener begins!

Gargano rushes Priest but Priest sees him coming, so Gargano backs down. Gargano dodges priest to fire off hands, and he avoids every kick! Gargano bails out but gets back in as Priest chases after. Priest still chases but Gargano stomps and clubs and punches him to a corner! The ref counts, Gargano lets up to whip, but Priest reverses. Gargano goes up and over and dodges again. Gargano ducks one kick, but not the SPINNING HEEL KICK! The live crowd is fired up as Priest ROCKS Gargano with that right! Gargano flounders, Priest KICKS him in the side then drags him back up. Priest puts Gargano in to throw more haymakers. The ref counts, Priest lets up and whips Gargano corner to corner hard! Gargano staggers into a scoop and tilt-o-whirl, but Gargano lands on his feet!

Gargano wants the arm, Priest powers out, but Gargano escapes the dragon sleeper to CHOP! Priest shrugs it off to BOOT Gargano down! Priest whips Gargano to ropes and leaping back elbows! Cover, TWO! Priest keeps on Gargano with a knuckle lock and keylock. Priest drags Gargano up, twists the wrist and goes up the ropes. Gargano trips Priest up before he could go Old School but Priest lands on his feet. Priest ROCKS Gargano, steps up but Gargano kicks his legs! Gargano swings and slips under but Priest holds on to block the bomb! Priest reaches down for Gargano, but Gargano YANKS him for a twisting fall! Gargano grins as he sits on the apron looking down on Priest. Priest growls as he gets up but Gargano builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Priest goes into the fencing!

Gargano also RAMS Priest into the steel steps! Priest is down in a heap and Gargano moves the steps around. Perhaps Gargano wants Priest to relive In Your House in some way, because he brings Priest over. Priest ROCKS Gargano back but both men wobble into the ring. Gargano kicks Priest through the ropes, clubs away and hooks him up to throw forearms! Gargano runs, and dropkicks Priest right in the chest! Priest is stuck, Gargano goes up and CANNONBALLS onto Priest! Cover, TWO! Gargano grows frustrated but he omoplatas an arm to get a leg, modified Half Boston Crab! Priest endures, Gargano pulls on the leg, but Priest powers up and out of the hold! Gargano bails out, comes back but Priest throws body shots! Gargano kicks the leg, Priest throws Gargano into a corner!

Priest runs but into a boot, Gargano hops up but his tornado is denied. Gargano goes after a leg but Priest uses that to STOMP Gargano down! Priest backs off to get his bad leg moving, and he fires himself up. Priest glares at Gargano as he swats away the forearms and elbows! Priest kicks and kicks then BELL CLAPS, to the LIFTING COMPLETE SHOT! The crowd is fired up and the fans on screen clap and give thumbs up. Gargano is in a corner, Priest runs to hit a BIG leaping elbow! And then another! Priest has the crowd fire up as he runs to hit a third! BROKEN ARROW! Cover, TWO! Gargano survives but he’s a Triple Crown for a reason! Priest gets up, the crowd rallies up and Priest vows to end it. Priest lifts but Gargano slips under.

Gargano elbows back then dodges Priest to roll him up, SCHOOL BO- NO! No kick! Priest DECKS Gargano! Priest hauls Gargano, Full Nelson SLAM! A unique forward slam as opposed to a side, and that helps Priest haul Gargano back up into the crucifix! RAZOR- NO! SUNSET BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Priest survives and Gargano can’t believe it, but the crowd is loving this! Gargano goes after a leg with a splash! A little double-edged but Gargano is willing to do anything to win. Gargano sits Priest up to throw haymakers, then runs, into a RIGHT! Gargano rebounds, DISCUS LARIAT! Priest throws more forearms, Gargano returns them. Gargano enziguris, runs, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Priest runs, springboards, fakes Gargano out to DECK him with a flying forearm!

Priest fires up, takes aim and spins, but Gargano ducks the kick to POST Priest! Gargano clotheslines Priest out of the ring, builds speed again, and DIVES, into Priest’s hands! Priest lifts but Gargano hops onto the apron! SUPERKICK! But Priest spins and SWEEPS Gargano’s legs! Gargano crashes down, Priest catches his breath and the ring count begins. The live crowd is fired up again as Priest drags Gargano up. Priest lifts, Gargano is in the crucifix for an APRON RAZOR’S EDGE! Gargano rolls into the ring, Priest covers, TWO!?!? The superhuman heart is still there, even if there’s no soul! Gargano drags himself to the far corner and Priest is in the other. Priest runs corner to corner but Gargano chop blocks him! Gargano runs, into a LARIAT!

Priest grits his teeth again and roars! But Gargano kicks away at him from below! Gargano gets up, has the arm but Priest resists the takedown. Priest rolls, Gargano BUZZSAWS! Gargano runs, tilt-o-whirls, but Priest spins Gargano through to the dragon sleeper! Gargano escapes the Reckoning to STANDING SLICED BREAD! BLINDSIDE FOREARM! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives, because how else can he #LiveForever? The crowd rallies for “NXT! NXT!” as Gargano goes to a corner. Gargano is frustrated but he powers up and mocks Priest’s bow ‘n’ arrow. Gargano runs in, Priest blocks the superkick! Priest lifts, Gargano wheelbarrows to a victory roll, TWO!! Priest escapes but Gargano doesn’t slow down! Gargano goes to the apron, aims as Priest hurries over, shoulders in and slingshots up, into a choke grip!

Gargano enziguris free, slingshots again, but Priest blocks One Finial Beat into an Alabama, and SOUTH OF HEAVEN!! Cover, TWO?!?! Gargano still lives?! The crowd hopes they “Fight Forever!” at this rate! Priest goes to a corner, climbs up top, but Gargano rolls as far away as he can. Priest hops down as Gargano bails out, but Priest still runs! Priest FLIES over the corner, but onto security staff! Gargano used them as shields! The ref calls for medics, Gargano LOW BLOWS Priest!! Gargano puts Priest in, SUPERKICKS, covers, TWO!?!? Priest survives and Gargano is in shock! Gargano just gets angry now and he runs again, into a tilt-o-whirl takedown! Gargano gets the arm up and over, GargaNO Escape! Priest reaches for ropes, Gargano drags him away, STF GargaNo Escape modification!!

Priest endures, reaches, powers up and gest his leg free! Priest uses all his strength to get the ropebreak! Gargano lets go at 4 and Priest looks out as it is! Gargano drops knees on the bad arm over and over! Gargano smirks as Priest writhes towards the ropes. Because Priest is on the side of the ring where the steps are! Gargano definitely wants Priest to revisit In Your House as he throws haymakers. Priest teeters on the edge, Gargano gets space and runs back in, but Priest ROCKS him back! Priest brings Gargano up, suplexes but Gargano fights free! Gargano hits and runs and hits a big forearm! Priest wobbles, Gargano tries again but runs into a ROUNDHOUSE!

Priest climbs up and leaps, into a SUPERKICK! Gargano SUPERKICKS again! Gargano is on the apron as Priest flounders up, ONE FINAL- NO! Priest puts Gargano in the ropes, for a DRAPING RECKONING!! Cover, Priest wins!!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Now THAT is how you live in infamy! Will Priest continue to reign forever as North American Champion?


Kushida VS The Velveteen Dream!

The Timesplitter and the Experience. Two shining stars with bright futures in NXT, but only one can shine in the spotlight tonight! Dream has tried to overshadow Kushida but he has only unleashed Kushida’s aggression! Who takes over the spotlight to shine brightest?

Dream tries to be Doc to Kushida’s Marty, but that’s not gonna fly with the Super Junior! Kushida attacks before the bell! And CLOBBERS Dream with his jacket! The crowd is fired up for Kushida as he whips Dream but Dream reverses. Kushida KICKS Dream down, throws his jacket at him again, and Dream bails out to throw a fit. And a chair, too! Dream puts the chair in the ring, Kushida gets it first and swings on Dream! Dream bails out, is furious all over again and shakes out his left arm. The bell rings to get this all on record and Dream gets in the ring. Kushida gets around him, gets a leg but Dream drags Kushida down. Kushida facelocks, hooks an arm and rains down elbows! Kushida floats all over Dream to get another opening for hammering fists.

Dream resists the armbar and gets a waistlock but Kushida cranks the arm! Dream gets the ropebreak, Kushida lets go at 3, but he avoids the back elbow to ROCK Dream with that right! Dream rushes Kushida, Kushida ducks under and then mocks Dream back with the slither! Dream is furious and he gives chase as Kushida slides out of the ring. The chase goes around the ring, Kushida stops and mule kicks Dream hard! Kushida gets in the ring, builds speed and handspring kicks Dream off the apron! Dream flounders, Kushida drags him in and wrenches the arm as the fans fire up. Kushida hits a bulldog on the bad arm! Dream clutches that arm but Kushida threatens to break it! Dream backs off to a corner and begs for mercy, but he dodges Kushida to get a leg.

Kushida enziguris back, then atomic drops Dream for a whip and drop toehold! Dream resists the takedown but Kushida just gets the bad arm! Kushida rolls to get the hammerlock, traps that arm with a leg, and then uses his body to capture Dream’s other arm! Double omoplata SNAP! Dream writhes, flails but BOOTS Kushida right down! Dream drags Kushida up, throws him out of the ring, then climbs up top. Dream leaps to ax handle Kushida down! Dream poses for just a moment before wincing with pain. Dream drags Kushida back up to throw into boards! Dream returns to the ring just to refresh the count, and he drags Kushida up again. “Get up, Marty!”

Dream puts Kushida in the ring, clubs him on the back with double ax handles, then brings him back up for a European Uppercut! Cover, ONE! Dream is annoyed with Kushida but he stalks Kushida to a corner. Kushida gets up to throws forearms, Dream EuroUppers! Dream sits Kushida up, runs in and hits a BRONCO BUSTER! “Boo me now!” The crowd is fired up while Dream soaks up all the heat. Dream drags Kushida up, puts him back in a corner, but Kushida boots back! Dream blocks it but Kushida throws haymakers! They brawl, Kushida whips, Dream reverses, and Dream catches the handspring into a sleeper hold! Dream leans on Kushida and Kushida fades! The ref checks but Kushida stays awake, only for Dream to squeeze tighter.

Fans rally up for Kushida as he fights up to his feet. Kushida backs Dream to a corner, Dream stays in the ropes but lets go at 4. Kushida ROCKS Dream with that elbow! Dream throws haymakers, Kushida gives back forearms! Kushida rocks Dream, Drema shoves him but Kushida TACKLES Dream! Kushida rains down fists, then hip tosses and handsprings to basement dropkick! Dream flounders, Kushida gives him DANIELSON- NO! Dream rolls Kushida, Kushida rolls through, FAST BALL SPECIAL! Kushida gets both arms as Dream is on his stomach, for INVERTED DANIELSON STOMPS! Kushida flips Dream over to stomp him properly! The ref counts, Kushida lets up fast and Dream flounders to a corner. Kushida fires up, runs in but Dream puts him on the apron.

Kushida gets Dream’s arm, Dream flails but Kushida POSTS him! Fans are thunderous as Kushida gets on the apron. Dream apologizes but the fans want “One More Time!” So Kushida POSTS Dream again! And then BOOTS the steel steps into the arm!! Dream screams in agony as he flounders about. Kushida gets in but Dream SUPERKICKS him down! Dream manages to make it to his corner, climbs up top, and leaps, into an ARMBAR!! Kushida holds on tight as Dream flails and rolls, and Dream gets a ropebreak with a leg! Kushida holds on, Dream throws haymakers, but the ref separates them. Dream thumbs Kushida in the eyes! Then throws haymakers and POWERBOMBS! High stack, TWO, into the ARMBAR! Dream clubs away on Kushida until he’s free!

Dream throws off the gloves, slaps the bad arm to get it working, and he fireman’s carries, DREAM VALLEY DRIVER! Dream heads up top again, his bad arm slows him down a bit, but he leaps for the PURPLE RAIN MAKER! But his left arm bothers him so bad that he can’t cover right away! TWO!! Kushida survives and Dream is shocked! Dream argues with the ref but Kushida grabs the bad arm. Dream glares at Kushida, drags him up and reels him in for a LARIAT! “Dream Over. Call your mama and tell her about it!” Dream climbs up back up again, takes time to pose, but Kushida is up and after him! Kushida throws forearms, gets the arm, FLYING HOVERBOARD ARMBAR!!

Dream endures, reaches, flails, and gets the ropebreak, but Kushida rolls him away! Kushida cranks on the arm, Dream stands up and fireman’s carries, but Kushida fights to keep the arm! DREAM VALLEY, but the HOVERBOARD is still on! Dream TAPS, Kushida wins!!

Winner: Kushida, by submission

Dream feels the true agony of defeat! Kushida’s new edge shines in the spotlight, but is his future going to be golden? Wait, Kushida keeps going after Dream! Winning wasn’t enough, he wants Dream to feel regret! Kushida puts the bad arm in an armbar, Dream taps but it won’t stop the pain! Kushida bends fingers until more referees rush out to pry him off Dream! Kushida paces, but goes right after him again! OMOPLATA! Dream taps and taps but Kushida holds on until the ref’s pry him off again! Will Dream wish he could travel back in time to stop himself from ever angering Kushida?


NXT Universe beware, you’re in for a scare!

The wild child, Shotzi Blackheart will host a very special NXT on October 28th as NXT brings back HALLOWEEN HAVOC!! Trick or treat, get ready to be on the edge of your seat!


NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Santos Escobar VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott!

El Hijo del Fantasma won the title at the end of the Cruiserweight Championship Round Robin finals, but there was one man who did defeat him along the way! Swerve got his shot but was screwed over by El Legado and a loaded lucha mask! But the house still stands and Swerve has a chance at redemption on top of the title! Will he be ready for anything and everything? Or does Escobar have a trick up his proverbial sleeve that no one could expect?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and the Cruiserweight Division finally gets to TakeOver!

Escobar and Swerve circle as the crowd rallies up already. They approach, tie up, and Escobar gets the arm. Swerve hooks a leg to trip Escobar, cartwheels over but Escobar arm-drags Swerve away. Escobar runs but Swerve dodges, Escobar huricanranas but Swerve handsprings through! Swerve says HE is Cruiserweight wrestling, and that upsets Escobar. Escobar rushes Swerve, Swerve dodges and Eddy Gordo headscissors Escobar away! Escobar gets up and Swerve smirks. Swerve then trips Escobar, turns him over with leg hooks and goes to dead lift, but Escobar victory rolls through, TWO! Escobar sweeps the legs to cover, ONE! Swerve sweeps the legs to cover, ONE! The two stand off in fighting stances and the crowd loves it!

Swerve blocks Escobar’s punch, fakes him out to mule kick, and then runs, into a forearm! Escobar runs into a monkey flip! Escobar just barely gets his feet under him but Swerve handsprings and MOONSAULTS him down! The crowd is fired up as Swerve watches Escobar flounder. Escobar leans against the post, and pulls down the crossbar cover. Swerve gets in the ring to refresh the ring count, and he goes to the corner to CORKSCREW SENTON! Down goes Escobar and the crowd fires up again! Swerve puts Escobar in the ring but Escobar bails out the side. Swerve runs and FOSBURY FLOPS Escobar down! The fans are thunderous as Swerve is showing he can do it all! Swerve puts Escobar in, covers, TWO! Escobar bails out again but Swerve pursues.

Swerve drags Escobar up to go after the arm. Swerve wraps the arm around the very crossbar Escobar exposed! He’s showing Escobar what bending the rules gets you as he bends the arm! The ring count is at 7 but Swerve puts Escobar in at 8. Cover, TWO! Swerve grows annoyed with Escobar and he pulls Escobar around to go after the bad arm! Escobar endures as Swerve pulls it way back to drop down on it! Escobar puts a leg on the rope, Swerve stomps him anyway! Swerve brings Escobar up to Northern Light takeodnw into an ARMBAR! Short Arm Scissor, even, as Escobar resists. Escobar gets legs under the ropes, Swerve lets off but goes to the apron. Swerve drags Escobar up to hotshot the arm!

Fans rally as Swerve brings Escobar up again, but now Escobar hotshots Swerve! And KICKS him off the apron! Escobar runs and builds speed to DIVE! ARROW FROM HELL!! Swerve gets sent into the fencing, Escobar puts Swerve back in, covers, ONE?! Escobar is furious that Swerve kicks out so he KICKS Swerve in the face! Escobar waits for Swerve to stand and he LARIATS Swerve back down! Swerve gets to a corner, Escobar runs and DOUBLE KNEES! Escobar puts Swerve up top and SLAPS him! Escobar climbs up and SUPER STEINERS! Then somersault and elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Swerve still lives and the fans stay fired up! Escobar stomps away on Swerve at the ropes but the ref counts. Escobar stops at 4 because he still doesn’t want to be disqualified.

Escobar stands Swerve up and tells him, “Yo soy Lucha Libre!” Escobar SLAPS Swerve, kicks him, and says maybe if he spits in Swerve’s face will make him understand. Escobar reels back but Swerve puts a hand on Escobar’s mouth! No spit flies, but the fists do! Escobar clubs Swerve, reels him in, but Swerve frees himself to ROCK Escobar! And again! Swerve fires off heavy haymakers in the corner! The ref counts, Swerve stops at 4 to throw Escobar down, for a DISCUS! The crowd is thunderous as Escobar flounders up. Swerve runs in to uppercut! Swerve snapmares Escobar for the falling EuroUpper! Escobar bails out but Swerve BOOTS him from the apron! And then again! Escobar goes down in a heap, Swerve puts him in, slingshot to somersault, ROLLING THUNDER SHOT! Cover, TWO!!

Escobar survives but Swerve doesn’t lose focus. Swerve aims from the corner, hops up again and waits for Escobar to stand. Escobar is up but he climbs up to join Swerve! So Swerve slips under, only for Escobar to kick him away. Escobar turns around, Swerve dropkicks the legs out! DRAPING DDT! Cover, TWO!! Escobar survives again but Swerve grits his teeth. Swerve drags Escobar up with a half nelson but Escobar gets the ropes! The ref counts, El Legado returns! The ref stops Wilde from getting in, Escobar shoves Swerve and Mendoza trips him up! Gut wrench, SHOULDER BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Swerve survives the screw job attempt! Escobar goes to the apron to follow Swerve, runs side to side, but into a pop-up that puts Escobar on the ropes!

Escobar is stuck on his fantasma, Swerve throws haymakers! Swerve then hops up, and STEINERS Escobar onto Legado!! They catch him, help him up, but here comes ASHANTE “THEE” ADONIS!! From what’s been happening on 205 Live, Adonis isn’t a fan of Legado del Fantasma, either, and he goes up to TORNILLO! Adonis wipes out Mendoza and Wilde! The crowd is thunderous as Escobar is in shock! Adonis and Swerve run off the henchmen before Swerve hurries into the ring. Escobar runs over, gets a back elbow, and Swerve goes up and in to somersault, into a CALF KICK! Fireman’s carry, PHANTOM DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!??! How?!!? Escobar doesn’t know how, but the crowd is electric!

Escobar is fuming as he stomps away on Swerve over and over! Escobar drags Swerve back up, suplexes, uno amigo! Then a roll over, dos amigos! Fans boo, they don’t think Escobar isn’t worthy of Eddie Guerrero but he still hits all three amigos! Escobar goes up top, FROG SPLASH FLOPS!! Swerve evades and denies Escobar his Latino Heat! Swerve gets the arm, POP CULTURE!! Escobar clutches his arm but Swerve gives him a HOUSE CALL!! But that’s not it, Swerve goes up for the 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!?!?! Escobar survives all of that and Swerve is losing his mind! The crowd hopes they “Fight Forever!” because “This is Awesome!” But this will end somehow, and Swerve drags Escobar up.

Escobar flounders, throws Swerve out and hurries back up. Swerve hurries after him, half nelsons him, but Escobar holds ropes for dear life! Escobar pushes Swerve back, Swerve falls and hits the bare crossbar!! It comes into play after all!! Escobar drags Swerve in, brings him up, underhooks and lifts, BUTTERFLY FACEBUSTER ACROSS THE KNEE! Cover, Escobar wins!!

Winner: Santos Escobar, by pinfall (still NXT Cruiserweight Champion)

So much fight from Swerve, and he even had a new ally fight against the minions, but Escobar always has a back-up plan! Was this Swerve’s last chance at the championship? Will Escobar truly remake the Cruiserweight Division to reflect HIS image?


NXT Women’s Championship: Io Shirai VS Candice LeRae!

As said time and again, there was a time when these two were on friendly terms. But somewhere along the way, both of them found themselves on darker paths. The Wednesday Knight failed to grab some gold, will the Evil Genius make sure the Poison Pixie’s story also has a bad ending?

The introductions are made with extra special spotlight and a mic lowered from the ceiling! The title is raised and the fans are fired up already as this twisted tale of treachery and woe writes a new chapter!

Fans already cheer for “Women’s Wrestling” at the bell but Candice talks trash. She shoves, Shirai shoves back and Candice gets a headlock. Shirai powers out, follows through and redirects Candice. Candice drops down, Shirai handsprings, hip tosses and basement dropkicks! Candice bails out as Shirai kips up and dares her to come back. Candice takes her time to cool off, and then gets in. Candice waistlocks, Shirai switches but Candice bucks her off. Shirai comes back to crucifix swing but Candice blocks. Candice swings Shirai, Shirai arm-drags her to a corner. Shirai runs, Candice dodges and runs back in to monkey flip, but Shirai lands on her feet! Fans fire up as Shirai runs back in but Candice moves!

Shirai is denied her trip on the Shinkansen, and Candice tells the ref to give her a second to catch her breath. Candice gets on the apron, Shirai rams a shoulder then sunset flips! Candice holds on for dear life, knocks Shirai away and springboard crossbodies Shirai down! Candice brags like she just won the match, and she throws Shirai at the apron. Shirai tiger feints and kicks! Shirai springboards, ASAI MOONSAULT! Down goes Candice and Shirai is fired up! Shirai drags Candice up and in, Candice crawls but Shirai is after her with a cover, ONE! Shirai kicks Candice to a corner, stomps a mudhole into her but lets up at 3. Shirai digs both boots in, swings and double knees! Shirai drags Candice to a cover, TWO! Candice crawls away but Shirai is after her again.

Shirai brings Candice up to whip to a corner, Candice reverses and runs in, but Shirai slips out to the apron. Shirai swings but Candice blocks the kick! Candice pushes Shirai right-side-up to DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO!! Shirai survives and Candice is frustrated. Candice drags Shirai around, puts on a chinlock and digs a knee into her back. Shirai endures the modified camel clutch as the fans rally up. Shirai gets to her feet, throws elbows and is free, but Candice clubs her back. Candice runs, tilt-o-whirl headscissors but Shirai lands on her feet again! Only for Candice to CLOBBER her! Cover, TWO! Shirai survives again and Candice is getting angrier. Candice kicks Shirai around, scrapes her face on the ropes, but lets up at the ref’s count. Fans boo but Candice just soaks it all up.

Candice snapmares and neck snaps to a jackknife cover, TWO! Candice keeps her cool this time and she clamps onto Shirai with a high keylock. Shirai endures, fans rally up, but Candice traps the other arm. Shirai reaches with a leg but fights up to her feet, only for Candice to throw her down by her hair! Cover, TWO! Candice gets frustrated again as she stomps Shirai to ropes. Candice scoops Shirai for a backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Candice drags Shirai back up, rams her into buckles and again, but lets off at the ref’s reprimand. Candice soaks up the heat, then runs in to uppercut at the corner! Shirai flounders against ropes and Candice talks smack, so Shirai SLAPS her! Candice clubs Shirai back, bumps her off buckles and brings her out of that corner to bump her off buckles in another corner.

Candice stomps a mudhole then backs off to soak up more heat. Candice mockingly asks Shirai if she’s okay, then brings her up to throw her by her hair! Shirai flounders to a corner, Candice brings her up to throw her back the other way! Candice clubs Shirai, suplexes to a BRAIN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO!! Candice scowls as she sits Shirai up and knees her in the back! And again! Candice clamps on with a neck wrench but Shirai endures. The crowd rallies up, Shirai stands but Candice knees low. Candice shoves Shirai to a corner, runs in but only gets buckles! Shirai is still down, Candice uses her as a step, but Shirai moves and the senton flops! Shirai victory roll STOMPS Candice down! The fans fire up as Shirai and Candice stir.

The ref starts a standing count but Candice and Shirai are up at 4. Shirai runs Candice over with shoulders, and then again! FLAPJACK! Candice flounders to ropes, Shirai runs in to 619! Candice flounders more, Shirai springboards, missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Shirai keeps her cool as Candice survives. Shirai drags Candice up to underhook, but no Tiger Driver as Candice pops out. Candice blocks the wheelbarrow to make it a facebuster! Step-up senton! LIONSAULT, into a BOOT! Shirai underhooks again, TIGER BACKBREAKER! Candice is down in the drop zone and Shirai walks all over her. Shirai is up top but Candice gets up to stop her! Candice brings Shirai off for a POWERBOMB, but Shirai is right back up to hit SHINKANSEN! Shirai Alabama lifts, Candice sunset flips, TWO!

SHOTEI! GERMAN SUPLEX! Candice flounder but dodges a 619 to SNAP GERMAN! Shirai flounders up, into a BACKSTABBER! LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Shirai barely survives and Candice is beside herself! The crowd is thunderous and Candice goes back to Shirai. Candice slaps and pushes Shirai around, but Shirai catches her for a CROSSFACE! Candice flails, reaches, endures but Shirai cranks back! Candice manages to roll Shirai, TWO! Candice gets the GargaNO ESCAPE! Shirai endures now, crawls around, reaches, but Candice cranks as far back as she can! Shirai powers her way forward but Candice digs her heels in to slow her down! Shirai still gest the ropebreak! Candice lets go and CLOBBERS the ref by accident!

Candice tries to take advantage, but she runs into an AIR RAID CRASH! Shirai heads to the corner and up top, for the MOONSAULT onto BOOTS! And Shirai crashes into the ref! The ref is sent out of the ring, Candice BOOTS Shirai! Candice gets the leg, Queen Angelito STOMP!! The Wicked Step Sister hits but the ref is OUT! Candice would’ve won twice over, but here comes… Johnny Referee?! Fast count, TWO!?!? Shirai won’t be screwed out of her title like this! Gargano throws a fit on Candice’s behalf but he gets an idea. Gargano hurries out to get the belt from the timekeeper. As far as Gargano is concerned, it’s Candice’s belt! But the actual ref gets back in and questions what Gargano’s even doing!

Gargano manages to slip the belt to Candice as he argues with the ref! Candice aims at Shirai, BELT SHOT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Gargano is losing his mind but so is Candice! The fans are thunderous as Candice climbs up top. Shirai SHOTEIS her first! Shirai climbs up to get Candice for a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! And then up, up and away for the OVER THE MOONSAULT! Cover, Shirai wins!!

Winner: Io Shirai, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

The Johnny Gargano Way did NOT have its way tonight! Try as they might, Mr. & Mrs. Wrestling could not take over at TakeOver! But with Rhea Ripley waiting on the other side, will the Evil Genius reign for much longer?

But wait! Someone speaks to “Io-chan” via the screen wall! It’s TONI STORM! Good to see you, Shirai. Don’t mind her, she’s just congratulating Shirai on the victory. Oh and also, she wants us all to keep their head on a swivel. Because Toni is BACK in NXT! And it goes without saying she’ll turn the place upside-down and inside out. This always has and always will be #ToniTime. But when will the Lightning Down Under strike the Capitol Wrestling Center? And what does this mean for Rhea’s opportunity at the title?


NXT spots the mystery invader!

They ride in on their motorcycle, night vision helmet still active as they drive around to a side door. They go inside the Capitol Wrestling Center, but who are they? Who are they after? They’re ON STAGE! And it’s… EMBER MOON! The Shenom has returned to NXT and everyone is fired up! Shirai is excited, too, because this just adds on to the fun she and the Women’s Division are going to have! But again, what does this mean for Rhea’s opportunity? Will the Nightmare have to deal with champions of the past and present to be the champion of the future?


Backstage interview with Ashante “Thee” Adonis!

He got involved with Swerve and Legado, but why? He has a lot of respect for Swerve, and just trying to help a brother out. But he is sick and tired of Legado jumping guys, so he jumped them faster than Amazon delivers! But enough about them, this is all about him! You see Adonis’ swagger is 1000, and he is drippin’, drippin’, drippin’! Because this is his #RICHual! When the money speaks, no one checks the grammar! He’s gonna hit you with the hammer! 205 from the 215, you know what time it is! Showtime! Will Adonis show El Legado what happens when you try and hold people down?


NXT Championship: Finn Balor VS Kyle O’Reilly!

As the Prince said himself, “Life comes full circle in this business.” At one time, the longest reigning NXT Champion in history was also the inaugural WWE Universal Champion and a bright star on Raw and SmackDown. But he felt the need to go back to his roots in more ways than one. Now he is back on his throne as a TWO-TIME NXT Champion. But his challenger is the only THREE-TIME NXT Tag Team Champion, and that is Undisputed! Will Kyle usher in “the second wave” of the Golden Prophecy? Or is Balor too rrrreeeal for him?

The crowd chants “This is Awesome!” and we’re just at the special spotlight introductions! Then the belt is raised, and the moment of truth for both these long-standing veterans begins!

Kyle and Balor circle, feel things out and Kyle gets a testing kick in. Balor stays up as the fans are thunderous already. They tie up, Balor gets around to a waistlock but Kyle pries free to wrench to a hammerlock. Balor slips out quickly, waistlocks and slams Kyle down, but Kyle scrambles to turn Balor over. Kyle is after Balor with the mount, covers, but Balor headscissors before a count! Kyle pops out and the two stand off as fans cheer again. Balor and Kyle circle, tie up, and Balor headlocks. Kyle endures the grind, powers up but can’t power out as Balor holds tight. Kyle fights up to his feet as Balor grinds the headlock harder. Kyle stomps a foot and power out but Balor runs him over! Cover, ONE, Balor headlocks to a takedown!

Kyle tries to headscissor but Balor shrugs that off as he grinds the headlock. Kyle rolls to a cover, ONE, and then Kyle hits a back suplex! But Balor holds on! Balor grinds Kyle down but Kyle fights his way up. Fans rally as Kyle pries at the hold. Kyle still can’t power out but he stays on his feet. Kyle gets a leg and lifts but Balor anticipates the shin breaker to sunset flip! Kyle drops down on Balor for an ARMBAR! Balor gets up and around to get the ropebreak! Kyle lets go but kicks Balor and clubs the arm. Kyle yanks the arm, reels Balor in for a shoulder to shoulder collision, then he wrenches Balor down to his knees. Balor endures as Kyle grinds the shoulder. Fans rally as Balor gets up but Kyle wrenches. Balor rolls, tries to hook Kyle’s chin but Kyle wrangles Balor down.

Kyle cranks on the arm but Balor kips up! Kyle still gets a hammerlock, spins Balor around and sweeps the legs! Balor lands on the arm, Kyle is after it with another hammerlock and drops knees. Kyle drives elbows into the side, then throws a knee in. Kyle runs to knee Balor hard in the side! Kyle sits Balor up and is after the arm again but Balor clasps hands. Kyle still cranks on the hammerlock but Balor reaches back. Balor spins, trips Kyle and drops on him but Kyle slips right out to get the arm again. Fans continue to rally as Kyle leans on Balor. Balor moves around, gets another ropebreak, and Kyle lets go. Kyle brings Balor up, hammerlock takedown, but Balor knees him over and over to avoid a cover. Kyle cranks on the arm again, but Balor back drops!

Kyle sunset flips through but Balor rolls through that to basement dropkick! The legs still work! Balor shakes out the bad arm before he KICKS Kyle in the back! Cover, TWO! Balor has Kyle’s arm now and he stomps it! Balor has a standing armbar and pulls but Kyle endures. Fans rally again as Kyle endures. Balor mocks Kyle’s air guitar by using Kyle’s arm. Kyle tries to power up but Balor stomps him again! Balor hammerlocks and wrangles Kyle down, and even gives it some snap. Kyle moves around, Balor stands on him and drops knees on the hammerlock. Fans rally, Balor gives another snap, but Kyle endures. Kyle reaches back but Balor cranks the arm to avoid the headlock. Kyle keeps trying so Balor wrenches his arm more. Fans rally, Kyle stands and backs Balor but Balor sends him into buckles!

Balor elbows the arm and CHOPS Kyle in the chest! Balor wraps the arm on the rope to pull it! The ref counts, Balor lets go at 4 to CHOP Kyle again! Kyle leans on the ropes as he goes to another corner, but Balor CHOPS him there, too! Balor stomps Kyle, whips him corner to corner then runs in to CHOP again! Balor whips Kyle the other way for another CHOP! Kyle leans against ropes again but Balor won’t let him rest. Balor whips Kyle again, Kyle comes back with a BIG kitchen sink knee! Kyle and Balor both hobble, but Balor CHOPS again. Balo rruns, into a pop-up KICK! Kyle throws muay thai knees then a strike fest! Leg sweep and down goes Balor! Fans fire up as Kyle catches his breath. Balor gets to a corner, Kyle runs in for a forearm smash!

Kyle has the arm, ELBOW BREAKER! Balor throws forearms, Kyle throws knees, BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Kyle holds on, another BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! And a third! Cover, TWO! Balor survives that underhook hat trick and the fans fire up. Kyle stalks Balor, brings him up and goes for a lift but Balor elbows free. Kyle KICKS the leg and Balor drops to a knee! Balor is on the ropes, Kyle fires off more stirkes! Kyle throws knees, elbows but Balor pushes him away. Balor throws a BIG forearm! Kyle throws another! Balor back kicks HARD and Kyle falls! The ref checks on Kyle but Balor won’t let up! Balor stomps away at the ropes but the ref backs him off. The ref checks Kyle but Balor KICKS Kyle while he’s down!

Balor shows no mercy but the ref counts! Balor stops at 4 and Kyle is still down. Fans rally up for Kyle but Balor drags him up to bump off buckles. Balor rams his shoulder in over and over, then whips corner to corner HARD! Kyle bounces off buckles chest first and he might only be in worse shape! Balor drags Kyle back up and CHOPS him against the ropes! Balor puts Kyle throw the ropes and CLUBS him on the back. Balor goes side to side to kick Kyle in the kidneys! Kyle is down in a heap but he refuses to let this end the match. Balor stomps Kyle as he crawls around then drops down for a chinlock. Not quite a camel clutch but it still stretches the abs! Kyle endures, Balor leaps to drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Kyle grits his teeth as he gets to a corner and the fans rally up even harder.

Balor heads after Kyle, CHOPS him again, then whips him corner to corner. Kyle stops himself, tries to get under but Balor KICKS him in the side! Balor brings Kyle up for the cobra twist! Kyle pops right out to hip toss Balor down! Kyle gets up, Balor runs and CHOPS him again! Balor runs but into a KNEE from Kyle! Kyle fishermans, REGAL PLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Balor survives but the fans are still rallying for Kyle! Kyle grits his teeth, drags Balor up and wrenches, but Balor CLUBS him and dragon sleepers! ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO!! Kyle is still in this but Balor grits his teeth now. Balor watches Kyle rise, runs in, SLING BLADE! Kyle flounders as Balor aims from the corner again. Balor wants Kyle to rise, and Kyle does, but Kyle dropkicks Balor’s legs out first!

Balor hobbles up, Kyle kicks his leg from the mat! Balor hobbles up again, Kyle has the leg, but Balor uses that to get the COBRA TWIST! Kyle endures, blood in his mouth! Balor CLUBS Kyle, dragon sleepers, but Kyle slips around, SHIN BREAKER! HEEL HOOK! Balor manages to stay up on one foot but Kyle cranks harder. Balor turns things around, into a SHARPSHOOTER! Kyle endures as his body is stretched again! Balor sits DEEP, drags Kyle from ropes, but Kyle refuses to quit! Kyle grits his teeth and gets the ropebreak! Balor lets go but how much does Kyle even have left?! Balor hobbles up as the fans are thunderous! Kyle gets to a corner, Balor heads over and tells him, “I am Finn Balor!” Balor stomps Kyle as he says, “I do this every night!”

Kyle crawls, Balor follows to stomp him more. Balor KICKS Kyle in the side but Kyle still manages to move. Balor stomps him into the corner and keeps going but the ref backs him off. Fans rally up for Kyle as Kyle grits his teeth. Balor stomps but Kyle grabs the foot! Kyle stands up, and ROCKS Balor! Kyle throws more forearms, Balor kicks the gut! Kyle kicks back! AX ‘N’ SMASH! PELE! YOYO LARIAT!! Both men are down and the fans fire up! “This is Awesome!” but far from over! The fans build to a rally as Balor and Kyle slowly rise. Kyle KICKS Balor in the chest! Kyle wants Balor to get up, he does, and Balor blocks the kick! Balor SLAPS Kyle, half hatch, but Kyle suplexes! Balor fights out of that but Kyle has the GUILLOTINE FACELOCK!

Kyle squeezes tight, Balor fades fast! Kyle lets go to KNEE Balor in the stomach! Then BRAIN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO! Short Arm Scissor! Balor clasps hands as Kyle wants the armbar, and is even using Balor’s own leg as leverage against him! Balor’s grip pries apart and Kyle has the ARMBAR! Balor hurries up to stomp away on Kyle’s face! Balor is free, both men are down and the fans are still thunderous! Balor gets up, CLUBS Kyle on the back then CLUBS him again! Balor smothers Kyle into the dragon sleeper, drags him up, BLOODY SUNDAY! Cover, TWO!?! Kyle survives and the crowd is fired up all over again! Balor hobbles up with Kyle in the drop zone, and he climbs up top. Balor grits his teeth as he looks down at Kyle, but Kyle is up top and sweeps the legs!

Balor is stuck, Kyle has the legs for a DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Balor tumbles down but Kyle drags him up again, for another DRAGON SCREW in the ropes! Kyle hurries to a corner as Balor is stuck again! FLYING KNEE DROP! Balor is down now but Kyle heads up top!? ANOTHER FLYING KNEE! And the KNEEBAR!! Balor endures as Kyle has the Achilles Lock!! Balor hurries to pry the hold apart but Kyle just shifts to another angle! Balor endures, kicks at Kyle, but that leg gets caught! DOUBLE HEEL HOOK!! Fans are electric as Balor punches Kyle! Kyle just wrenches both ankles again! Balor turns over, crawls and reaches, ROPEBREAK! Kyle has no choice but to let go! The crowd chants for “NXT! NXT!” for another incredible main event!

Kyle throws off the wrist tape in frustration as he grits his teeth. Kyle KICKS Balor in the leg and Balor falls over! Kyle hobbles and Balor flounders up, but Balor drops down to avoid another kick! Balor suckers Kyle into a trip up and DOUBLE STOMP! Kyle clutches his stomach, but he still runs in to KNEE Balor in the corner! GERMAN SUPLEX! But Balor’s right up to DOUBLE STOMP again!! Both men are down and the crowd is still fired up! Balor hobbles over to a corner and he drags himself up the ropes. Balor leaps, COUP DE GRACE!!! Cover, Balor wins!!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall (still NXT Champion)

You wouldn’t think he won from the blood in his mouth, but the Prince still sits on the throne atop NXT! If Balor survived even this much, what will it take for anyone to take the title from him? As for Kyle, he seems to have won something from Balor: his respect! Balor offers a hand, Kyle takes it, and the champion helps his challenger up. Will Kyle be back for another shot at the title?

Wait, what the hell?! Ridge Holland is at ringside, carrying an unconscious Adam Cole!! And he dumps Cole over the barriers! Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish hurry out to check on Cole and shout for medics to hurry! How did this happen?! Only Cole and Holland know, but Cole’s in no shape to tell his side of the story. Will the Undisputed Era make Holland answer for what he’s done?

My Thoughts:

For this being only a TakeOver with a number, not a subtitle, this TakeOver blew me out of the water! No titles changed but that’s never a reason to complain because all the matches were amazing! Priest VS Gargano opening the show was a great surprise in itself, and it was an incredible match to open with! A lot of new takes on moves, like Priest using his height advantage for more of a full nelson dunk than slam on Gargano, and it really did feel like it could go either way. Priest retains, so it was put on Candice to try and get something. Shirai VS Candice was itself incredible, and with all the screw job attempts, I almost thought that was going to do Shirai in. Shirai finds a way, but wow, the Women’s Division is top loaded again.

Everyone was fairly certain Ember Moon was the mystery return, but it seems almost anticlimactic after they also gave us Toni Storm’s little titantron message. Will Rhea have to compete for the shot she wants? Obviously that’s how things tend to go, but I feel like since she, Shotzi, Dakota and Raquel are all entangled, that story will again quite literally interfere with whatever contenders match Rhea is in. Ember VS Storm is great just saying it, and whether it’s Ember VS Shirai or Storm VS Shirai, those are both great. The latter being a rematch from the second May Young Classic makes it seem like it could wait for a real big stage, like WrestleMania 37 (wherever it ends up), for the second NXT Women’s Championship match to be part of that PPV.

Kushida VS Dream was good but it seemed rather one sided in the end. Given the outside issues that already shot down Dream’s chances of being NXT Champion in that Parking Lot Brawl with Cole, don’t expect Dream to win anything big any time soon. For that matter, Kushida going after him so brutally, he might be off TV entirely to let the heat die down. Kushida should go after a belt after this now, and while we’d hope it’s the North American Championship, it might be the Cruiserweight Championship since he is in the 205 Live intro video. Escobar VS Swerve was a great match, better than their round robin one, and what strong heat with copying Latino Heat. Tehuti/Adonis joining this is interesting, but I did say a month or so ago that he and Swerve would make a great duo, so maybe we see that starts now.

NXT bringing Halloween Havoc back this year is great (and probably just a way to stick it to AEW) and I love that Shotzi Blackheart will be the host. She used to host horror movie drive-in type events, she’ll certainly have a lot of fun with this and make it that much more fun, I can’t wait to see what happens. Balor VS O’Reilly, what an incredible match! They were both going really hard, but maybe too hard, because I’m fairly certain someone was spitting real blood, not just movie effect blood. Hopefully it isn’t so bad that we again have to see the title vacated. But what a twist for Holland to be there with a brutalized Cole. Was that story about him beating the hell out of four bullies foreshadowing for this? Is he going to take on the UE alone? Is this a red herring so we don’t suspect someone within the UE? I’ve said before that mystery and unpredictability is best for wrestling, and that’s where we are right now!

My Score: 9.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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