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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/7/20)

Look who’s back to take over!



NEW NXT Coverage

NXT, witness the return of the SHENOM!

TakeOver has come and gone, but someone made their return! Former NXT Women’s Champion, EMBER MOON, is back and wants that title back! What will Io Shirai, Rhea Ripley and even Toni Storm have to say about that?


  • KUSHIDA VS Tommaso Ciampa; Ciampa wins, by disqualification.
  • Ever-Rise VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick; Dain & Maverick win.
  • Austin Theory VS Leon Ruff; Theory wins.
  • Austin Theory VS Dexter Lumis; Lumis wins.
  • Ridge Holland VS Danny Burch; Holland wins.
  • Shotzi Blackheart VS Xia Li; Shotzi wins.
  • Ember Moon & Rhea Ripley VS Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez; Moon & Ripley win.


KUSHIDA VS Tommaso Ciampa!

The Timesplitter showed no mercy to Velveteen Dream at TakeOver, because he is finally ready to take over NXT! But someone who knows all about showing no mercy is standing across the ring from him! Will Kushida survive the Psycho Killer in this first ever encounter?

The bell rings and these two tie up right away! They’re in a deadlock so they separate, and Kushida SLAPS Ciampa! Ciampa SLAPS back, Kushida gets a leg and drags Ciampa down to hit and facelock. Ciampa rolls but Kushida holds on. Kushida floats all over Ciampa then pats his head. Ciampa hits a fireman’s carry takeover to the ghost pin, TWO! Ciampa reels Kushida in but Kushida slips under, but the O’Conner roll is denied, so Kushida hip tosses and handspring dropkicks! Kushida pursues as Ciampa bails out to put him back in. Kushida KICKS the arm, wrenches and traps the arm for the BULLDOG! Kushida goes after the arm more as fans rally up.

Ciampa endures as Kushida wrenches, and he ROCKS Kushida with a forearm! Ciampa whips, Kushida ducks and handsprings, into a basement dropkick! Ciampa shakes out the bad arm while he grins, and Kushida writhes as Ciampa looms over him. Ciampa stomps Kushida’s head, clubs him in the back then clamps on with a chinlock. Ciampa grinds Kushida down, fans rally up and Kushida moves around. Kushida fights up, Ciampa cravats and turns him into a backbreaker! Fans rally as Ciampa pats himself on the back. Ciampa drops a leg on Kushida fast, covers, TWO! Ciampa keeps his cool as he stomps Kushida around.

Ciampa brings Kushida up to throw forearms and he DECKS Kushida! Fans rally up as Ciampa looms over Kushida. Kushida gets to a corner, Ciampa throws haymakers but Kushida hits back! Kushida ducks the chop to throw more forearms but the ref counts. The ref has to pull Kushida off Ciampa, but Kushida goes back for more! Kushida whips corner to corner, Ciampa reverses HARD and Kushida bounces off the buckles! Ciampa drags Kushida up into a chinbar and he CLUBS away on Kushida’s chest! Fans rally as Kushida endures, and Kushida fights back. Ciampa stomps Kushida down then drags him back up, for a neckbreaker! Ciampa talks some trash before he drops ax handles.

Ciampa drags Kushida up to put him back in the chinlock and fans rally as Kushida endures. Kushida pulls at Ciampa’s face but Ciampa grabs that arm to lace around the hold. Kushida fights up, gets to his feet and throws elbows but Ciampa knees him. Kushida spins out of the neckbreaker and is after the arm! Ciampa ROCKS Kushida, puts him through ropes, but Kushida resists the DDT to drag Ciampa down. Ciampa boots Kushida into the announce desk! But Kushida gets right into the ring and handspring kicks Ciampa down! Fans fire up as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Ciampa CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Kushida in the corner! The ref counts, Ciampa lets up at 4 but Kushida throws forearms back! Ciampa throat chops Kushida! Ciampa hoists Kushida up top, climbs up to join him and brings him up, but Kushida fights back with elbows! Kushida knocks Ciampa down but Ciampa CHOPS right back! Kushida ends up on the apron, Ciampa has a nasty idea and he ROCKS Kushida with a forearm. Ciampa climbs up, drags Kushida to the top, but Kushida wrenches the arm for an ELBOW BREAKER against the crossbar! Kushida gets Ciampa in the ring to PENALTY KICK the arm! ENZIGURI! Ciampa is down, but he avoids the stomps to roll Kushida and reel him in! Kushida resists the underhooks, gets the bad arm and stomps it!

Kushida baits Ciampa into a BUCKLE SHOT! GERMAN SUPELX! BUZZSAW to the bad arm! Kushida is all over Ciampa with a BIG takedown! Ciampa clasps hands to fight off the armbar but Kushida keeps trying! Ciampa makes it a cover, ONE as Kushida has Ciampa in a triangle hold! Kushida throws elbows but Ciampa dead lifts for a POWERBOMB! Both men are down and the crowd is thunderous! A standing count begins but Kushida rises first, Ciampa follows, they’re up at 5 and throwing forearms! They go back and forth, Ciampa gets the edge but Kushida KICKS the bad arm! Ciampa BOOTS Kushida, fisherman BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Kushida survives and Ciampa can’t believe it! Fans rally up as Ciampa looms over Kushida.

Ciampa drags Kushida up, reels him in and wants those underhooks. Kushida resists again, wrenches the bad arm, but Ciampa SLAPS him! Kushida gets around to backslide, ONE, Ciampa kicks Kushida first! Kushida lets go but comes back with the FAST BALL! Kushida stands on Ciampa, gets the bad arm, then the other arm! INVERTED DANIELSON STOMPS!! Kushida has the bad arm, and wrenches to the HOVERBOARD!! Ciampa scrambles around, kicks and flails but Kushida has him! Wait, is that DREAM!? Dream leaps in with flying ax handles!

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa, by disqualification

Dream realizes he missed Kushida and got Ciampa, and now Kushida is after him with haymakers! Kushida throws Dream out then builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Dream on his own bad arm! FAST BALL sends Dream flying over the barriers! Dream runs away but Ciampa is upset! He didn’t want to win this way, will he and Kushida get a fair rematch? Will it only be a matter of time before Kushida gets after Dream again?


NXT returns to Ember Moon in the ring!

The Prophecy of Flame is back in the black ‘n’ gold and the crowd is fired up to see her! “Thank you! To be honest, if we’re amongst friends here, I’m a little shocked they let me talk on the mic tonight. It’s been awhile.” But in all seriousness, Ember has been in isolation for 14 long, hard months. It sucks! But she’s back and sees a lot has changed in NXT. But she knows this. She took her bike, drove on a long, long road, miles and miles and miles, and found clarity. She found the REAL Ember Moon. She calls it “Ember’s Law.” It’s corny, yes, but what it is is that no one tells her what she wants to do, she does what she wants to do because she IS Ember Moon! But what stays the same is “momma wants some gold, baby!” And speaking of, here comes Io Shirai!

The NXT Women’s Champion joins Ember in the ring, finally getting to be up close after that surprise at TakeOver. Shirai gets a mic, but then here comes RHEA RIPLEY! The Nightmare told the world she was going to be waiting on the other side of Shirai VS LeRae, but she tells Ember that she loves the new attitude. Yeah, Ember deserves a title shot, but- Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez attack Rhea! Ember backs Rhea up and it is a brawl on the ramp! Referees hurry and so does Mr. Regal! Regal tells the ladies that if they all want to fight, they can do that in a tag team match! Tonight’s main event has been set! Will the Nightmare and the Shenom be able to coexist long enough to put #CobraKai and Raquel in their place?


NXT Media catches up with Drake Maverick.

He and Killian Dain have been gone, but what have they been doing? What great tag teams do, and preparing strategy! Maverick has been sending messages, ideas, from tag team moves to entrances. But Dain shows up and asks Maverick what he’s doing. Maverick says big things are coming for their team. Dain already said, they’re not tag partners and they’re not friends. Well they are. No they’re not. But if Dain had read the messages Maverick was sending, Dain would know they are in a tag match! Dain and Maverick VS Ever-Rise! What? Why!? Because they’re a team! Dain is frustrated mostly that Maverick isn’t getting it! But will he show up for the match since it’s coming up next?


NXT returns with a backstage interview with Io Shirai.

When Ember helped Rhea against Dakota and Raquel, why didn’t she also help? “Ember Moon, not my problem. Rhea Ripley, not my problem. This? This is my problem.” The title is her concern, nothing more. But will one of those four women in tonight’s tag match become her problem?


The Undisputed Era speaks.

“I said a couple of weeks ago that if you mess with the Undisputed Era, we will make you pay.” Ridge Holland didn’t get that memo. Sunday was not the best. The worst even! Kyle O’Reilly is still down on himself but the others tell him he did incredible! Performance of a life time at TakeOver! Kyle has nothing to be ashamed of. Kyle says that’s fine for them to say, but let’s focus on Ridge. Right, right. Ridge, Cole has no idea why you did what you did, and he doesn’t care. Ridge broke Cole’s ribs, so now they will make him a dead man! THAT is Undisputed!


Ever-Rise VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick!

Unlike the Belfast Beast and Rockstar Spud, Chase Parker & Matt Martel are actually friends, which is why they like teaming together as a true tag team. Will Ever-Rise help Dain get that through to Maverick? Or will Dain hate having a loss on his record more?

But as they make their entrance, “Drake & Killian” have a theme song! One clearly chosen by Drake because it’s far too upbeat for Killian. Killian tells Drake needs to stop skipping and whistling already. They get in the ring, teams sort out and Dain tells Maverick to stay in the corner. Parker starts against Dain but Maverick is fired up! Maverick wants in, so Dain tags him in! That hurt Maverick’s hand! Maverick gets in, ties up with Parker, and Parker gets the arm. Parker wrenches, wrenches and knuckle locks to the wristlock. Tag to Martel, Martel takes the hand-off but Maverick throws body shots! Martel knees low, whips Maverick but Maverick holds ropes., Maverick boots Martel, dodges and dropkicks Martel down!

Maverick gives thumbs up but Dain tells him to focus and cover! Maverick does cover, ONE! Martel reaches for Parker but Maverick reaches for Dain. Dain doesn’t try that hard in return and Martel CLOBBERS Maverick! Martel tells Maverick is a loser and Dain doesn’t even like him! Dain agrees, he doesn’t like Maverick. Martel rains down rights and soaks up the heat, then he sucker punches Dain! That was a mistake. Parker tags in, Ever-Rise flapjack Maverick on buckles! Cover, Dain gets in to kick Parker! Martel gets in and is upset, and tells Dain he’s a “Fat bozo.” Another mistake! Dain shoves Martel into Parker, drags Maverick away and tags in!

Dain rallies on Ever-Rise with big clotheslines! Dain whips Martel, and hits the DIVIDE! Parker flounders into a fireman’s carry, for the WASTELAND! BACK SENTON! Dain climbs up top, Maverick tags in! Dain is upset with Maverick because he was going to end it! Maverick wants to climb up but Dain drags him down. Parker rams them into each other, O’Conner roll! Dain BOOTS Parker off! Dain POWERBOMBS Maverick onto Parker! It ends up a cover, Drake and Killian win!!

Winners: Drake Maverick & Killian Dain, by pinfall

Well, that counts, right? Dain and Maverick are a team because they won a tag match! Dain still isn’t into the song, and he DECKS Maverick! Team? Maybe. Friends? Not at all likely. But he does help Maverick out of the ring. Will these two become the most unlikely of contenders in the tag team division?


NXT chronicles Toni Storm’s journey back.

It was three weeks ago in Cancun, Mexico. “This is the place that I knew I could come to and focus and escape.” It’d be the last place anyone would find her. She was preparing. This was the longest time she’d been off in 10 years, and she’s been doing this since she was 13. Just two years ago, Toni was on top of the world. She won the Mae Young Classic and beat Io Shirai at WWE Evolution. She won the NXT UK Women’s Championship. All those accomplishments, and now look at her. When was the last time someone even mentioned her? This isn’t an accident, it was calculated. She’ll start again, strive for new goals and new opponents. It will be a change of scenery, “and this Toni Storm will be like nothing you’ve ever seen before.”


NXT returns and catches up with the Garganos.

Candice comes out and says it: “Sunday sucked.” Gargano agrees. Candice had her match won, and Johnny was there. It was meant to be the best night of their lives but it was an embarrassment. Candice says they deserve rematches. Johnny agrees again. They can delay it as much as they want, but destiny is still inevitable. They just need to take a step back and reassess things. Candice agrees, they need to change things. Gargano says they need a plan. But then look! Their brand new 65 inch television is here! From Indi Hartwell? Indi? Whoever even talks about that goof? Well she got them this television. Oh, Indi! Johnny loves Indi, she’s the future! But why did she do this? Who cares? Free TV! Help him get this in! Indi is clearly all for #TheJohnnyGarganoWay, but will they let her join up?


Austin Theory VS Leon Ruff!

#AllDay is hoping to recover from some rough losses. He did still look great up until losing, so will he look even better winning?

The bell rings and Ruff talks trash to Theory but Theory pie faces him. Ruff RANAS and covers, TWO!! Ruff mocks Theory then dodges his lariat! But Theory comes back to BODY CHECK Ruff! Theory drags Ruff up, CHOPS him to a corner, then gets in Ruff’s face. Theory whips Ruff corner to corner, Ruff slips out and throws a forearm! Ruff springboards but fakes Theory out to hop around the corner! Ruff slides under and dropkicks Theory back! Then hits a leaping neckbreaker! The crowd fires up for Ruff as he whips but Theory reverses. Ruff has a unique rebound to then LARIAT Theory down! Cover, TWO!!

Ruff cools off and drags Theory up to wrench the arm. Ruff CHOPS Theory, goes up the corner and jumps around, but has a bit of a stumble! Theory drags Ruff off, ATL!! Cover, Theory wins!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall

Theory proves Ruff wasn’t ready, and he gets a mic to say, “That’s exactly what happens when I’m given the proper time to warm up.” Last week, Cole got Theory cold. But as Cole is with his buddies right now, Theory could be proving why he is the future of NXT. But oh, Cole has broken ribs~! But this is a warning to everyone else! Theory is the FUTURE of NXT! He’ll say it twice: Theory is the FUTURE of NXT! And there ain’t a damn thing anyone can do about it! But wait! Here comes Dexter Lumis! The Tortured Artist walks out and his ankle is much better! Lumis slithers into the ring, and he wants a match?! Theory has no choice but to man up, but can he back up those bold claims?

Austin Theory VS Dexter Lumis!

The bell rings, Theory moves around but Lumis keeps his eyes locked. Theory kicks, Lumis blocks and pushes Theory back to ROCK him with an uppercut! Lumis stomps Theory in the corner, drags him up and bumps him off buckles! Lumis throws body shots but the ref counts. Lumis lets up, drags Theory up but Theory blocks the buckle bump to club Lumis back. Theory drags Lumis up to whip but Lumis reverses. Theory ducks and dodges, but runs into Lumis’ THESZ PRESS! Lumis throws down fast hands but Theory gets away. Lumis pursues and ROCKS Theory again! Theory tumbles, Lumis throws him back in the ring.

Lumis whips Theory corner to corner then follows to BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Lumis stares into the souls of everyone around as NXT goes picture in picture.

Lumis slithers and stalks Theory to a corner, freaking Theory out. Theory wants a timeout but Lumis isn’t giving him one! Lumis stomps away on Theory, drags him up and into a chinlock to then club away with crossface forearms! Lumis paces, brings Theory up again but Theory throws body shots and ofrearms! Lumis knees hard and low and Theory falls! Lumis drags Theory back up to scoop and slam! Lumis runs to drop a leg, brother! Theory gasps but Lumis covers, TWO! Lumis clamps onto Theory’s shoulders with nerve hold claws! Theory endures as Lumis grips harder and leans on him. Theory fights up, Lumis throws him down! Lumis COHKES Theory! The ref counts, Lumis stops at 4 and drags Theory back up to throw him out!

Theory tumbles and Lumis watches him from the ropes. The ring count climbs as Theory stirs. Theory gets to his feet at 5 and up onto the apron at 8, but Lumis joins him. Theory drops down and trips Lumis up! Lumis hits apron then the floor, and Theory RAMS Lumis into steel steps! Theory is frustrated but he paces and drags Lumis up and into the ring. Theory talks trash, kicks Lumis around, but Lumis just glare at him. Theory DECKS Lumis, then stomps an arm. Theory drags Lumis up for forearms, whips him and elbows him down! NXT returns to single picture as Theory stalks Lumis to ropes. Theory brings Lumis up for a back suplex! Cover, TWO!

Theory keeps his cool and his arrogance while he mocks Lumis’ slithering. Theory slaps Lumis around, puts on a chinlock and armlock and he grinds Lumis down. Lumis endures, fans rally up and Lumis pries at the chinbar. Theory shifts to grind his forearm in Lumis’ face, but Lumis fights up to his feet and throws haymakers. Theory lets go, blocks the hip toss and LARIATS! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Lumis survives but Theory just shrugs. Theory stomps Lumis, kicks him to ropes, but Lumis pushes him away. Theory talks trash but Lumis throws body shots. Theory clubs away on Lumis then clamps on a facelock. Fans rally as Lumis endures and Theory cranks hard on his head.

Lumis gets up, throws body shots but Theory CLUBS him down! Theory brings Lumis back up, suplexes, but Lumis resists! Theory CLUBS Lumis again, snap suplexes and talks trash as he covers, TWO! Lumis gets to a corner and Theory keeps his cool. Theory digs his heels into Lumis’ head but the ref counts. Theory lets off at 4 to KICK Lumis while he’s down! Theory talks trash, brings Lumis up but Lumis ROCKS him with the uppercut! And another! And another! Theory cravats, snapmares and STOMPS Lumis down! Cover, TWO! Theory grows frustrated but he laughs it off as he brings Lumis up. Theory suplexes but Lumis resists again.

Theory throws body shots, Lumis blocks the suplex and suplexes theory. Theory resists, they fight for control, Lumis gets Theory up but Theory slips out. Theory runs, into a SPINE BUSTER! Fans fire up as Lumis gets to a corner. Lumis adjusts the gloves and goes back to Theory. Lumis stalks Theory, and ROCKS him with more uppercuts! Theory flounders, Lumis runs corner to corner for a SOMERSAULT MONKEY FLIP! Lumis drags Theory back up, suplexes him onto the ropes, SLINGSHOT SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Theory still lives but Lumis doesn’t show even a hint of frustration. Lumis walks over but Theory shoulders back! Theory somersault shotgun dropkicks back! Theory has his confidence again as Lumis flounders to ropes. But Lumis turns around and glares at Theory.

Theory is freaked out again, tries to retreat but Lumnis drags Theory back in! Lumis has the foot, reels Theory in but Theory fights off the urenage! Lumis whips and gets Theory for the URENAGE! THE SILENCE!! Theory flails, endures, fades and is OUT! Lumis wins!!

Winner: Dexter Lumis, by submission

But Cameron Grimes hits a CAVE-IN!! This is for Lumis looking at him funny last time! “When I ask you a question, you answer me, freak.” The Technical Savage takes his leave and heads “TO~ THE~ MOOOON~!”


Backstage interview with Dakota and Raquel.

They’re preparing for a match, but why attack Rhea in the first place? “As far as we’re concerned, Rhea involved herself in our business last week.” Tonight, Raquel takes care of Rhea once and for all. And as for Ember acting like she owns the place, get in line BEHIND Dakota when it comes to the title! Will these two assert their dominance in the NXT Women’s Division tonight?


NXT returns to a backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

Why did he attack Lumis right after his match? “When I ask you a question, you answer. You don’t just there and stare at me like some kind of a freak.” Lumis, Holland, and whoever else will learn you do not mess with Cameron Grimes! Now excuse him while he goes, TO THE MOON~! Will someone bring Grimes back down to earth soon enough?


NXT presents Prime Target: TakeOver Epilogue!

The Bump before Sunday had Kyle O’Reilly on as a special guest. Does he feel it is finally his time? Kyle knows this is a huge opportunity for him. Every single moment in the last 15 years have built to this. Adam Cole said Kyle is one of the best in the world, and Wade Barrett on commentary said “This moment will change the trajectory of Kyle O’Reilly’s career and indeed his life.” Finn Balor said 99 times out of 100, TakeOver goes off the air with Kyle being champion. But Balor is that one time he doesn’t.

The match in itself was certainly TakeOver worthy, title worthy, and one for the ages! Kyle says he took his shot at the Prince. He didn’t miss, but he also got hit first. The mule kick to the liver was a definite game changer. He wasn’t going to stop fighting, but he had to admit there wasn’t much hope after. “That’s what makes a champion. Someone who is willing to continue despite there being no hope.” Kyle gritting it out alone made the match so compelling, but even Balor’s possibly broken jaw wasn’t enough to stop him. Blood from the mouths of both men, but respect was won. “Every once in awhile, you come across an opponent in this industry that brings out the best in you.”

Triple H says this exemplified NXT: Balor needing to go to the hospital, Kyle himself needing to recover and be off television. Balor will be able to talk only sparingly, but he is able to tell us that Kyle has that fire. Will this title reign be as good as the last? Just look to this match as the answer.


NXT Media catches up with Ridge Holland.

He attacked Adam Cole unprovoked, but why? “Last week, I didn’t have a Mercedes. This week I do. You can thank Adam Cole for that.” What does that mean? And what damage is the Northern Grit going to do in the ring tonight?


NXT returns with a backstage interview with Damian Priest.

He is still NXT North American Champion, and he has comments on his after party, so they get to that first. McKenzie, you know him too well these days. But yes, Priest’s after party was great. Great drinks, great people, great music, great times. Going into tonight, Priest has talked about his reign and his about living forever. But those aren’t phrases or empty words. Priest burned Gargano’s name into the title. So who’s next? There are plenty who want a shot, but if they want it, they have to come get it. If they want the title, they’ll get a Reckoning. Who steps up next to live in infamy?


Ridge Holland VS Danny Burch!

We’ve seen what Holland can do in the ring, and what he can do out of the ring judging from Adam Cole. But will the Gov’nah show Holland what he can do in the ring?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Holland spins Burch to clamp onto a shoulder and digs his fingers in. Holland then spins Burch to throw European Uppercuts! Holland snapmares Burch but Burch catches the crossface into a wrench! Burch wrenches again and manages to wrangle Holland down! Burch stands on Holland, Holland gets up and breaks free to ROCK Burch with a forearm! Burch throws forearms back, then haymakers! Holland swings into Burch’s EuroUpper! Burch puts Holland in a corner for stomps and haymakers! The ref counts, Burch lets up at 4 to then come back, into Holland’s forearm!

Burch and Holland brawl, Holland puts Burch in a corner but Burch ROCKS him again! Burch hops up, leaps and missile dropkicks! Holland staggers into a waistlock! Holland resists but Burch CLUBS him! Holland elbows Burch, away, swings but into Burch’s GERMAN SUPELX! LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!! Into a CROSSFACE! Burch holds on as Holland powers up, and Holland pries free to CLOBBER Burch! Holland scoops Burch for NORTHERN GRIT!! Cover, Holland wins!

Winner: Ridge Holland, by pinfall

Now that was a fight! Burch gets up to SLAP Holland! Holland HEADBUTTS and puts Burch in the corner, for MORE headbutts!! The fans boo but Holland won’t let up! Here comes Oney Lorcan, he dodges Holland to BLAST him with a EuroUpper! The Boston Brawler checks on Burch but Holland returns to CLOBBER Oney! Holland rains down furious fists and the ref shouts for help! More refs get in as Holland stomps Oney! Holland stops but tells the refs to stay back. Oney rises?! Oney fires up, runs and FLIES!! Direct hit and down goes Holland! Oney brings Holland up but Holland RAMS Oney into the apron!! Holland throws Oney in, Oney fires off SLAPS! Oney runs, into a LARIAT from Holland!! Holland rains down right hands on Oney then finally leaves!

But Oney still rises up?! Oney PLANCHAS and takes Holland down again! The refs throw up an X, there was something bad in that landing! Has Oney’s fury alone downed the mountainous man from Yorkshire? Oney goes back to Burch. The damage has been done to both sides, what is to come from all of this brutality?


Johnny Gargano tries out the new television.

“Impressive. Most impressive.” He calls Candice in and she sees he got this set up real fast. Wait, is he rewatching the Women’s Battle Royal? Why? There was a USB that came in the mail with the TV, and clearly, Indi is pointing herself out in that match. She was saving Candice a lot in the match. Candice didn’t really pay attention but this is interesting. Gargano knew he liked Indi for a reason. She has a bright future. Candice is starting to see what he means. Has #TJGW just found it’s first follower?


NXT returns to Thatch As Thatch Can.

The Professor of Pain, Timothy Thatcher, tells his students that tonight is a life lesson. They have learned, “Life will grind you down, until you quit.” But it’s also full of peaks and valleys. Just when you think you have the upper hand, it turns on you. So when opportunity presents itself, strike first! Thatcher snatches a student and drags him down to a Fujiwara! A title is like an arm or a leg. You can’t let it slip through your fingers! Victory is always at hand, and he shifts to a crossface. His victim- Er, student, taps out as Thatcher says, “A man is not defined by his losses. He’s defined by the everlasting pain that he inflicts.” Show discipline, this is life! Life grinds you down until you quit. That is why Thatcher will be damned if he lets it do that to him! He refuses to lose the fight, but will he be fighting for a title in the near future?


NXT has a medical update on Ridge Holland.

Oney stopped Holland’s path of destruction because the Plancha got his leg in an awkward position. The leg is wrapped, Holland is on a stretcher, but other than that, Holland is alright. Fans cheer in hopes he will recover. Scary as he is, Holland is still a bright star in NXT, hopefully he will return.


Shotzi Blackheart VS Xia Li!

The Wild Child already has her tank decked out for October 28th, because she’s going to host NXT’s resurrection of Halloween Havoc! But before all the fun, will Shotzi #TCB in the ring tonight?

The bell rings and Shotzi dropkicks Xia down! Xia gets up, Shotzi runs in again for a splash! Shotzi sends Xia out for a SLING DOG! Shotzi howls to the moon and KNEES Xia! Xia stays up and counters the kick to throw hands! Xia BACK HANDS and powers up to fire off knees! Xia back kicks Shotzi to a corner, storms over and rams into her! The ref counts, Xia lets off to bring Shotzi up for more shoulders! Xia is fired up as she puts Shotzi up top. Xia climbs to join Shotzi, fans rally up as Shotzi fights back! Shotzi clubs Xia, sends her down with  GOURD BUSTER, then adjusts for the SUPER SENTON!! Cover, Shotzi wins!

Winner: Shotzi Blackheart, by pinfall

Shotzi is rolling into Halloween Havoc, but wait. Boa is here and hands Xia a letter? She reads it and… She leaves with Boa, but what for? What is developing behind the scenes for the Spicy One?


Ember Moon & Rhea Ripley VS Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez!

The Shenom was very cryptic about her return but was far more clear about her intentions. Of course, so was the Nightmare when she crashed Triple H’s Facebook Live preshow before TakeOver 31. At the same time, it’s clear everyone wants after the NXT Women’s Championship, but there can only be ONE #1 contender! Who shows they’re most deserving of being that one here tonight?

The teams sort out and Ember starts against Dakota to make her return official! They tie up, Ember wrenches the wrist and sweeps the legs! Ember runs and BOOTS Dakota down! Then she runs to drop a back senton! Cover, TWO! Ember keeps her cool as she drags Dakota up and suplexes her hard! Ember pushes Dakota around and talks some trash. Ember brings Dakota up, wrenches the arm again with some authority, but Dakota pulls hair to throw her down! Tag to Raquel but Ember gets around to try a sunset flip. Raquel drags Ember right up and shoves her away. Ember comes back, but her huricanrana is blocked! Raquel brings Ember up for a pop up but Ember lands on her feet! Ember dynamic dropkicks Raquel, and then again!

Raquel reverses the whip, corner splashes and tags in Dakota. Dakota clubs away on Ember, trips Ember up and covers, TWO! Dakota grins as she drags Ember up and SLAPS her! Ember scowls and ROCKS Dakota with forearms from all sides! Dakota bails out, Ember runs and DIVES! The LOWPE takes Dakota out at the ramp! Raquel runs over but Rhea CANNONBALLS onto her! Ember and Rhea high five and Ember puts Dakota in the ring. Tag to Rhea, she drags Dakota up and fireman’s carries. Dakota fights out, Raquel tags in but Rhea BOOTS Dakota down! Rhea chases after Dakota but Raquel BOOTS Rhea down to the floor! The ref reprimands as NXT goes picture in picture.

Ember checks on Rhea and coaches her up but that was a rough landing. Raquel fetches Rhea and CLUBS her, then brings her around to RAM her into the barriers! Those are solid and Rhea writhes, but Raquel puts her in the ring to cover. TWO, but Raquel reels Rhea into a chinlock. Raquel thrashes Rhea around but Rhea endures. Rhea fights up, throws body shots but Raquel throws her down by her hair! Raquel tags Dakota, they bring Rhea up and whip her into the corner. Dakota stomps Rhea, tags Raquel and Raquel throws haymakers! Tag back to Dakota, she stomps Rhea more, then smothers Rhea in the corner. Raquel tags in, the mugging cycle continues! Raquel runs in to splash and let Rhea flop down! Cover, TWO!

Rhea sits up but Raquel looms over her. Raquel brings Rhea up but Rhea throws body shots. Raquel CLUBS Rhea, brings her up and gut wrenches to a Canadian rack, then a modified Gory Especial! Rhea endures the stretching and bending as Raquel cranks on the arms! Raquel shifts to a crossface hold within the Especial! Rhea endures more, pushes and elbows Raquel in the face, and then arm-drags free! Dakota panics but Raquel stops Rhea and throws her away from Ember! Raquel and Ember talk smack on each other, Rhea KICKS from below! Raquel wobbles, Rhea dodges her but Raquel reels her in for a LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Raquel and Dakota are frustrated but Dakota tags in. Raquel stands on Rhea’s leg and Dakota STMOPS Rhea down! Cover, TWO! Dakota cravats and wrenches the neck! Rhea fights up, arm-drags free again, and caches Dakota, only for Dakota to make it a guillotine facelock! Dakota tries to keep Rhea back but Rhea is powering her way towards the corner! Dakota shoves Rhea away but runs into a FLAPJACK! Both women are down, fans rally up as they crawl! Rhea kicks Dakota away, hot tag to Ember! Ember shotgun dropkicks Dakota! And spins her for a back kick, front kick, and then fires off on Raquel! Dakota goes after Ember but gets an uppercut! Ember sends Dakota into Raquel! Fans fire up as Ember SLIDING COMPETE SHOT on Raquel!

Ember runs at Dakota, dodges and goes around, FLYING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Dakota survives Ember’s fury but Ember brings her back up. Ember whips Dakota to a corner, runs in but Raquel gets Dakota out of the way! Dakota BOOTS Ember back, tags Raquel in and Raquel drags Ember up. Dakota runs to BOOT Ember into the POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Ember survives and Raquel is frustrated. Raquel drags Ember up, Ember fights out of the scoop and ROUNDHOUSES! Raquel wobbles, Dakota tags in but so does Rhea! Rhea ducks a kick, Electric Chairs Dakota and FACEBUSTERS! Cover, TWO! Dakota lives but Rhea has the legs! Raquel reaches for Dakota but Rhea kicks her down! Dakota is up and she kicks rhea’s leg out! She hops on, KAI-ROPRACTOR!! Cover, TWO!!

Fans are thunderous as Dakota loses her cool. Dakota brings Rhea up, Rhea gets around to SUPERKICK! Rhea DECKS Raquel, brings Dakota over and Ember tags in! Rhea feeds Dakota to Ember’s DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, Raquel breaks it! Raquel suplexes Ember, Rhea pushes Ember so that it becomes a DDT! Raquel staggers up, Rhea clotheslines her out! Dakota BOOTS Rhea out, then runs at Ember, but is popped up for a BOMB!! Ember gets to a corner while Dakota rises, but Raquel CLOBBERS her! But Rhea KICKS Raquel back and hauls her off in a fireman’s carry! Dakota BOOTS Rhea and that sends Rhea and Raquel into the announce desk! Ember is back up, aims, ECLIPSE!! Cover, Ember and Rhea win!!

Winners: Ember Moon & Rhea Ripley, by pinfall

Ember’s new energy gives her old finish new impact! The Prophecy of Flame is looking to burn up NXT and make it hers once again, but will the Mosh Pit Kid have something to say about that?

My Thoughts:

A great episode but there was some rough stuff. It looked like we were about to get some great developments with the Undisputed Era and Holland story, but then things were a little too wild and aggressive with Burch and Lorcan. Lorcan was fine on his timing, but clearly Holland wasn’t ready in his positioning because that leg gets caught under him and squashed. Given the leg brace and stretcher, it does not look good at all, and I’m assuming he’ll be out until WrestleMania season. The story can continue, since Holland teased someone paid him to attack Cole. It can still be revealed as a member inside Undisputed Era who wanted Cole to be hurt, and we can still get whatever rumored split, it’s just a damn shame Holland can’t be part of it as far as in-ring.

According to commentary, Kushida VS Ciampa was moved up because they were brawling in the back before the show began. That’s good kayfabe, since it was advertised Ember would open the show. The match was great as both men have new mean streaks, but I didn’t not expect Dream to interfere. I wouldn’t mind if things shifted to Dream VS Ciampa so that Ciampa could also get a win off a major opponent, and a Triple Threat wouldn’t be bad either. Priest had a good promo putting forth he wants challengers, so maybe the Triple Threat of Dream, Ciampa and Kushida determines that contender. At the same time, Thatcher has a really good promo of his own to keep himself in the running for a title match of some kind. The Prime Target we got was a nice surprise, and it seems Balor will be just fine. Balor VS Thatcher in a prolonged story sounds great to me. Balor and Kyle proved they can get gritty, Thatcher is himself very gritty, so that’d be an incredible match.

Ruff got to have a good showing against Theory in that “warm-up,” and Theory had a really good match with Lumis right after. Grimes attacking out of nowhere was a great way to get his story with Lumis going, and that is going to be a great feud. Shotzi VS Xia was good but quick. I spotted people taking Shotzi’s tank away and I thought that was the new story development, but commentary didn’t say anything about it so I didn’t write anything about it. The real story is Boa apparently notifying Xia of something. That duo might be forming on television for a bigger story, which is great. I also like that there’s follow-up on Indi Hartwell helping Candice in the battle royal, and that she could end up a sidekick of sorts. Dakota has a sidekick, so why not Candice?

Toni Storm has a great vignette to give some context to her time away, and her return to the ring is going to be great. Dakota and Raquel VS Rhea and Ember was great, but of course Ember and Rhea win with Ember getting the pin. It makes Ember the clear frontrunner to challenge Shirai, but there has to be a match. Ember VS Rhea is good on its own, but if you throw Toni in to give us a Triple Threat there, that’d make it amazing! At this rate, and not to be mean to her, but Rhea seems to only be in the story to add some star power since she’s already such a big name in NXT. But in the end, she might be the one taking the Eclipse or Storm Zero to end the contender’s match.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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