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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL x BOSJ Results & Report! (11/28/20)

World Tag League tags back in!




World Tag League starts round six!

As World Tag League starts its second half, only ONE team stands at 4-1! Will LIJ be able to beat the 2019 WTL winners to keep things rolling?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • World Tag League 2020: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS The Empire; Yano & Ishii win.
  • World Tag League 2020: HenarACE VS Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens; Fale & Owens win.
  • World Tag League 2020: Dangerous Tekkers VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi; Dangerous Tekkers win.
  • World Tag League 2020: FinJuice VS SANADA & Shingo Takagi; FinJuice wins.
  • World Tag League 2020: Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI VS Guerrillas of Destiny; Goto & Hashi win.


Here are the current World Tag League standings!

SANADA & Shingo Takagi: 4-1
Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii: 3-2
The Dangerous Tekkers: 3-2
Guerrillas of Destiny: 3-2
The Empire: 3-2
EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi: 3-2
FinJuice: 2-3
YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto: 2-3
Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens: 1-4
HenarACE: 1-4


Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS The Empire!

The Producer and the Stone Pitbull are still in this, but so are the Dominator and the Hawaiian Hulk! Will Chaos conquer the Great-O-Khan and Jeff Cobb on behalf of the Rainmaker?

By the way, Yano fixed up the broken KOPW trophy, and has made it look a little more like him now. It even wears a little red and gold robe like he does. That aside, as soon as the introductions are done being given, the Empire attacks! Khan goes after Ishii and Cobb goes after Yano and the bell rings. The Empire puts Chaos against the ropes to choke, then forearm! And then DOUBLE BELLY2BELLY SUPLEX! Fans cheer the show of strength while Khan kicks Ishii out. Cobb drags Yano up to headbutt and whip. Yano holds ropes, dodges Cobb and then goes for the buckle pad! Yano has it loose and then dodges Cobb, but Cobb keeps from running into the buckles.

Ishii whips Khan into railing while Yano SMACKS Cobb with the pad! But it’s just a pad, and it’s Jeff Cobb, so Cobb doesn’t even flinch. Yano curses his bad luck and runs, only for Cobb to run him over! Ishii runs in but Cobb runs him over, too! Cobb runs but Chaos kicks low and double suplex, but Cobb is too big for that! Cobb DOUBLE SUPLEXES Chaos! Ishii and Yano tumble out, and Khan gets Yano with the iron claw! Khan rams Yano into railing then drags him back up. Ishii storms over and clubs Khan. Khan uppercuts Ishii and kicks him at railing. Yano stumbles, Khan puts Yano in, and Cobb stands on him for a cocky cover. TWO, and fans cheer.

Khan stomps Ishii while Cobb drags Yano up. Cobb scoops and then carries him to the corner. Khan tags in and Cobb gives Yano a BACKBREAKER! Khan stomps Yano over and over, then clamps on the iron claw! Yano flails and kicks but Khan lets off, to drag Yano back up and waistlock. Khan RAMS Yano into the corner, then climbs up to sit on Yano’s head! Ishii protests but the ref keeps him back. Khan pulls on Yano’s arms and Cobb keeps his eyes on Ishii. The ref counts, Khan jumps off at 4, and he taunts Ishii. Fans rally for Yano but Khan digs his boots into Yano’s head. The ref counts, Khan stops, to sucker punch Ishii!

Khan tags Cobb in and Cobb gives toying kicks to Yano. Yano stirs and Cobb drags him up. Cobb whips Yano but Yano tries to reverse, only for Cobb to send him the other way! Tag to Khan and the Empire mugs Yano. Khan clamps onto Yano with a chinlock but fans rally up. Yano endures, Khan shifts to have more leverage, and even pulls on Yano’s hair to keep him up. Yano fights his way up but Khan drags him to the corner. Cobb tags in and he headbutts Yano in the ribs! Yano fires back forearms, but Cobb ROCKS him with one! Cobb runs but Yano pulls hair! Cobb whips, Yano reverses and pulls hair to throw Cobb down! Tag to Ishii!

Ishii rams Cobb, and again, and again! Ishii staggers and Cobb whips him, but Ishii comes back to ram again! Ishii suplexes but Cobb fights it off. Cobb suplexes, Ishii slips out but Khan gets in to ROCK Ishii with a right! The Empire whips Ishii to a corner, Ishii dodges Khan but not Cobb! Cobb grabs Ishii and Khan runs in but Ishii boots Khan away. Ishii whips Cobb into Khan then runs Khan over! Fans fire up as Ishii drop toeholds Cobb onto Khan! Ishii keeps moving and he runs Cobb over! Ishii drags Cobb up to waistlock but Cobb resists the lift. Cobb elbows but Ishii ducks to forearm. Ishii runs but into Cobb’s dropkick!

Fans cheer the athleticism, and Cobb drags Ishii back up in a dead lift waistlock! Ishii elbows and elbows, but spins into the OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Cobb aims from a corner as Ishii gets up. Fans fire up, Cobb runs corner to corner but Ishii dodges! Ishii suplexes but Cobb resists! Cobb wrenches out but Ishii throws forearms. Cobb swings into Ishii’s suplex, but it takes a second try, and Ishii gets Cobb up and over! Cover, TWO! Cobb rolls and scoops Ishii up, for a pop up SUPLEX! Fans fire up as both men are down! Cobb sits up first and he aims at Ishii. Ishii avoids the kick, Cobb swats the clothesline away but so does Ishii! Cobb SUPERKICKS! Ishii staggers but stays up, he ducks a clothesline and GERMANS Cobb down! Fans rally and Ishii crawls, but so does Cobb. Hot tags to Yano and Khan!

Yano dodges Khan and slaps him on the head! Yano runs, but Khan BOOTS him down! Khan drags Yano back up, to Mongolian CHOP! And again! And again! Yano ends up in the exposed corner, but he dodges! Khan stops himself from hitting buckles, then dodges Yano to send him into the buckles! Mongolian CHOP! Ishii gets in, dodges the boot but gets caught in a sleeper! Khan feeds Ishii to Cobb’s ATHLETIC PLEX! Khan drags Yano up and the Empire whips him to the safe corner. Cobb runs in and hits the leaping uppercut! Cobb gut wrenches and SUPLEXES Yano, for Khan to gut wrench and SUPLEX back the other way! ARM TRIANGLE!!

Yano fades but Ishii makes the save! Cobb kicks Ishii out of the ring and Khan looms over Yano. Fans fire up but Khan grabs at Yano. Khan blocks the low blow! But Yano sends Khan into bare buckles! Roll up, TWO!! Yano hurries to get the takedown for the M U! TWO! Khan hits a judo throw! Khan looms over Yano and clamps on the iron claw! He drags Yano up, for the ELIMI- NO! Yano grabs Khan’s beard! Ishii runs in to waistlock Khan but Khan elbows free. Yano shoves Khan into Ishii and then shoves the ref away! Ishii ROCKS Khan, Yano LOW BLOWS! Roll up, CHAOS WINS!!

Winners: Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii, by pinfall; now 4-2, The Empire is now 3-3

Khan is furious! But he also can’t do much from the pain Yano inflicted. Cobb and Ishii egg each other on because this battle is far from over. Will the Empire get their revenge on Chaos one way or another?


HenarACE VS Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens!

Hiroshi Tanahashi and Toa Henare finally got on the board, but so did the Bullet Club’s third stringers! Will the Once in a Century Talent and the Hammerhead keep the roll going? Or will they be trumped by the Rogue General and Crown Jewel?

After HenarACE shows off the muscles and Bullet Club Low Sweets, Owens calls out Tanahashi and these two start. Fans rally, “Let’s Go, Ace!” and Tanahashi circles with Owens. They approach, tie up, and Tanahashi waistlocks. Owens wrenches free to a wristlock but Tanahashi spins through to wristlock back. Owens spins, steps through and gets the wristlock again. Tanahashi drop toeholds and gets the legs for a deathlock. Tanahashi shifts to the headlock and takeover but Owens headscissors. Tanahashi pops out and he strums the air guitar. Owens applauds and offers a handshake.

Tanahashi isn’t sure but fans cheer, and Tanahashi shakes hands. But he blocks the cheap shot kick! Owens apologizes but Tanahashi throws forearms! Tanahashi whips Owens corner to corner but Owens reverses, only to run into an elbow! Tanahashi leaps off the corner for the crossbody! Fans fire up as Tanahashi strums the air guitar, passes it to Henare, then tags him in. HenarACE double whip and double elbow Owens, for the Tomahawk elbow drop combo! And flex! Fans cheer as HenarACE gives Owens the Double Half Crab! Fale gets in but they attack first! Fale blocks the double whip but HenarACE kick low and whip. Fale runs them both over!

Fans cheer the power on display, and Owens stomps Henare. Owens clubs Henare, kicks him in the side, and has Henare on the ropes as he brings him up. Owens whips Henare to a corner, runs in to forearm, then reels Henare in to clothesline! Cover, TWO! Owens tags Fale, Owens stands on Henare’s head and Fale stands on Henare’s back! The ref counts, Bullet Club lets off at 4, and Owens jokes, “That’s how you give a message.” Fale drops an elbow on Henare’s back, then digs his elbow in! Henare endures the sadistic “shiatsu” and Owens tags in. Owens looms over Henare but fans rally up. Owens CLAWS Henare’s back!

Henare swings but Owens catches him for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Owens keeps his cool as he mocks the applause for Henare. Owens slaps Henare around, kicks him, but Henare leans into the taunting! Owens throws forearms as fans rally up but Henare doesn’t budge! Henare fires up but Owens pokes his eye! Owens whips Henare to ropes but Henare shoulder tackles him down! Fans fire up as Henare crawls and Tanahashi reaches out! Owens anchors a foot but Henare still gets the hot tag to Tanahashi! Tanahashi fires off on Owens, whips but Owens reverses, only for Tanahashi to come back with flying forearms!

Tanahashi dropkicks Fale down, then catches Owens’ kick to a DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up with Tanahashi as he scoops and slams Owens to a drop zone! Tanahashi goes up, second rope somersault senton! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi keeps his cool as he watches Owens rise. Fans rally up, Tanahashi runs, but Owens gets around to a waistlock. Tanahashi elbows free but Owens unleashes a strike fest! Tanahashi still ROCKS him with a palm strike! Owens returns to LARIAT! Both men are down, Owens flounders to his corner and tags in Fale. Fale drags Tanahashi up while fans rally, and Tanahashi fires off forearms! Tanahashi tries to scoop but Fale is too big for that!

Fale clubs away on Tanahashi’s back and scoops him! Tanahashi slips out, kicks low and tries again, and manages to get Fale up! But then he topples over! Fale has the cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Fale runs, and drops an elbow, only to miss! Tanahashi crawls, hot tag to Henare! Fans rally as Henare aims at Fale. Henare fires off forearms over and over, but again Fale blocks the whip. Fale whips, Henare dodges and ducks to flying shoulder tackle! Henare runs in at the corner to clothesline! Henare fires up but he still can’t suplex Fale up. Fans rally for Henare, and Tanahashi returns! HenarACE DOUBLE SUPLEXES Fale!

Fans fire up with HenarACE, Tanahashi runs, SLING SWEEP! Cover, but Owens breaks it! Owens goes after Henare with hammering fists and stomps, but Tanahashi goes after him! Tanahashi blocks a kick but Owens breaks free. Owens blocks a kick and hits a DRAGON SCREW! Owens drags Tanahashi to a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi bails out and Bullet Club regroups. Bullet Club has Henare but Henare throws forearms and CHOPS! Henare blocks a kick to elbow and HEEL KICK Owens down! Fans fire up but Fale grabs Henare! Henare breaks free, bobs ‘n’ weaves to HAMMERHEADBUTT!

Henare fires up and fans do, too, as he LARIATS Fale down! Cover, TWO! Fale survives but Henare fires up more! Henare brings Fale up but Owens shoves the ref before he hits JEWEL TRIGGER! Henare is down and Bullet Club coordinates. Fale runs, Owens has Henare, STRAITJACKET GRENADE! Cover, Bullet Club wins!

Winners: Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens, by pinfall; now 2-4, HenarACE is now 1-5

Fortunes went the other way for Tanahashi and Henare! The Rogue General and Crown Jewel have just spoiled everything for them! Will Fale and Owens be spoilers for the rest of the teams they’re set to face?


Dangerous Tekkers VS EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi w/ Dick Togo!

The IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions may only be 3-2, but they’re determined to take the block by any means necessary! Of course, the King of Darkness and Tokyo Pimp know a bit about sly tricks. Will the Sliest Wrestler and the Submission Master learn a thing or two about bending the rules?

Before ZSJ can make his entrance, Evil and Yujiro jump Taichi! ZSJ hurries and the bell rings to get this on the record! Yujiro goes after ZSJ while Evil has Taichi on the outside. ZSJ throws Yujiro aside to go after Evil with European Uppercuts! The jackets are finally taken off and ZSJ digs his boots into Evil’s head. ZSJ drags Evil up and in while Taichi goes after Yujiro. Taichi whips Yujiro into railing then goes after Evil. Taichi claws Evil’s face and ZSJ adds his boot. The ref counts, the Tekkers put up their hands, but that’s not the problem! The ref keeps counting, Taichi laughs as he finally lets off. Evil protests but Taichi tags ZSJ. They stomp Evil then ZSJ goes after an arm.

ZSJ wrenches the arm around, Taichi pulls hair and ZSJ wrangles Evil down to STOMP the arm! ZSJ brings Evil around to wrench the arm and wrench it again, then again, to wristlock. ZSJ tortures the limb but Evil pulls on ZSJ’s nose! Evil whips ZSJ to the corner, and Yujiro pulls the pad away! ZSJ hits bare steel! Taichi gets in but Evil whips Taichi in! Taichi also gets bare buckles! The ref reprimands Bullet Club but the damage is done. Yujiro drags ZSJ up while Evil stomps Taichi. The ref has his hands full as Yujiro stomps ZSJ and Evil whips Taichi into railing. Yujiro RAMS ZSJ into railing, Evil gets in the ring, and Yujiro puts ZSJ in.

Evil drags ZSJ to a cover, but the ref won’t count because he saw everything. ZSJ reaches for his corner but Taichi is still down. Evil wrenches ZSJ and whips him back into bare buckles! ZSJ writhes, Yujiro tags in, and Yujiro taunts ZSJ. Yujiro drags ZSJ up, snapmares and runs, to basement boot! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for ZSJ and Taichi is finally back but Yujiro brings ZSJ away, to whip into bare buckles! Tag to Evil and Evil has ZSJ on the outside. Evil drags ZSJ up to RAM Into the timekeeper’s area! What does Evil have against Abe?! Evil kicks ZSJ and clubs Taichi, and then Evil RAMS Taichi into the timekeeper’s area! Yujiro and Dick add on while the ref is busy helping Abe-san.

Evil taunts ZSJ as he mockingly kicks at him. The ref reprimands and tells them to get this in the ring. Evil ignores that to dig his boots in, and rake ZSJ’s eyes! The ref starts a ring count, Evil stops clawing ZSJ’s face to drag him up and in at 9 of 20. ZSJ scrambles but Evil keeps him from Taichi! Evil wrenches and brings ZSJ into the cobra twist! ZSJ resists but Evil pulls hair to complete the hold! Fans rally as ZSJ endures, but Bullet Club use their newest trick of being a chain! Evil holds Yujiro’s hand, Yujiro holds Dick’s hand and Dick holds railing! ZSJ shouts to the ref and the ref sees that! The ref counts, Yujiro and Dick let go, and Evil drops ZSJ.

Evil looms over ZSJ, slaps him around, but ZSJ throws EuroUppers! Fans fire up as ZSJ throws more! Evil rakes ZSJ’s eyes! The ref counts, Evil stops and runs, but ZSJ catches him to a cobra twist of his own! Fans fire up but Evil hip tosses free! ZSJ reaches up to snapmare and NECK TWIST! Fans cheer as ZSJ rolls away and tags Taichi! Taichi chokes Evil into the corner! Yujiro gets in, Taichi chokes Yujiro! Evil grabs Taichi, Taichi chokes Evil! The ref reprimands but Taichi sees Dick get on the apron! Taichi chokes Dick! Evil and Yujiro attack Taichi but he chokes them both! The ref reprimands, Bullet Club rakes eyes, and Taichi is in the corner.

Bullet Club whip him corner to corner, Evil runs in but misses! GAMANGIRI for Evil, AX BOMBER for Yujiro! Fans fire up for Taichi as OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi aims at Evil as he powers up, but Evil grabs at the ref. Dick anchors Taichi then Evil corner clotheslines! FISHERMAN BUSTER! Tag to Yujiro and Yujiro drags Taichi up to whip him to the corner. Yujiro runs in and BOOTS! Yujiro runs to BOOT again, but Taichi just gets pissed! Taichi chokes Yujiro, the ref reprimands but Taichi lets off. Just to CHOKE Yujiro more! ZSJ adds his boot, tags in, and ZSJ brings Yujiro around for EuroUpper after EuroUpper!

Yuijro counters, backslides but ZSJ slips out! Yujiro runs but ZSJ dodges the basement dropkick. Yujiro avoids the Penalty Kick, ducks the roundhouse but ZSJ hits the leg sweep! Fans fire up with ZSJ as he goes to the corner. Yujiro sits up, but he blocks the PK! Yujiro throws ZSJ down and hits the basement boot! Yujiro brings ZSJ up, ZSJ throws a punch but into Yujiro’s reverse DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up for ZSJ but Yujiro drags him back up. Yujiro hooks the leg but ZSJ fights the fisherman off to PELE the arm! ZSJ runs but Dick trips him! Yujiro aims at ZSJ, runs in, but ZSJ dodges! Taichi runs into corner AX BOMBER! Taichi snapmares Yujiro for ZSJ’s PK! Cover, Evil breaks it!

Taichi goes after Evil, DANGEROUS- No, Evil fights that off! Evil ducks Ax Bomber, but ZSJ blocks Everything is Evil! ZSJ has the guillotine, swings Evil around, but Evil fights out of the scoop to shove ZSJ into the ref! Evil LARIATS ZSJ, but Taichi BOOTS Evil! Yujiro has the pimp cane! Taichi ducks that to sobat! Taichi has the pimp cane and CHOKES Yujiro with it! Dick uses the SPOILER CHOKER on Taichi! ZSJ puts Dick in a sleeper! Evil LOW BLOWS ZSJ! Evil glares at Taichi while fans rally up. Evil runs but Taichi blocks the boot to LOW BLOW back! Yujiro uses Taichi’s MIC STAND!!

Yujiro drags ZSJ up while Taichi flops out. INCOLLE SLAM! Yujiro tells the ref to get up and he brings ZSJ around. PIMP- NO! ZSJ turns around, trips Yujiro, leg roll and EUROCLUTCH! TWO!! Yujiro escapes, Taichi returns to Alabama lift! ZACK MEPHISTO!! Cover, the Tekkers win!

Winners: The Dangerous Tekkers, by pinfall; now 4-2, Evil & Yujiro are now 3-3

The IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions win again! But they still have a ways to go, can they take the World Tag League?


FinJuice VS SANADA & Shingo Takagi!

The 2019 World Tag League winners are just as determined to win again as the Cold Skull! But will the flamboyant friends find the fury and the calm is too hot to handle and too cold to hold?

The entrance attires are set aside, the teams sort out, and Juice steps up against Sanada. Fans rally and clap “L I J!” as Sanada and Juice circle. Sanada and Juice tie up, Juice gets the arm and wrenches. Sanada spins through, wrenches back, and has the wristlock. Juice drop steps to waistlock but Sanada switches out to hammerlock. Sanada holds off Juice’s reach attempts, then shifts to a headlock. Juice powers up and powers out as he tags in Finlay. Finlay scoops and slams Sanada, then Juice scoop slam sentons Finlay onto Sanada! Cover, TWO! Finlay wrenches the arm, tags Juice and Juice climbs to drop ax handles on the arm.

Juice brings Sanada up, snap suplex and float to the cover, TWO! Juice brings Sanada back up, wrenches again, and tags Finlay. Finlay goes up to drop an ax handle. FinJuice whip Sanada, double kick and run to double BULLDOG! Juice DECKS Takagi while Finlay covers, TWO! Finlay keeps on Sanada with a rear bearhug while fans cheer. Sanada endures the squeeze, fights up, Finlay German Suplexes but Sanada lands on his feet! Finlay runs at Sanada but Sanada dodges, Takagi hits a corner clothesline! Takagi snapmares Finlay and Sanada basement dropkicks! Takagi DECKS Juice in return and heads out after him while Sanada stays with Finlay.

Red Shoes reprimands but Takagi whips Juice into railing! And then JABS him down! Sanada stomps Finlay, stalks him to the corner, and brings him up for haymakers! Tag to Takagi, LIJ double whip Finlay and double elbow him down! Takagi drops another elbow, then the back senton! Finlay gets to ropes but Takagi stands on his chest! Red Shoes counts, Takagi lets off, and he tells Juice to shut up. Takagi brings Finlay up, wrenches to a wristlock then tags Sanada. Sanada climbs up and LIJ copies FinJuice with the ax handles to the arm! Sanada brings Finlay up, wrenches and whips him corner to corner, then runs in to back elbow. Sanada snap suplexes Finlay, covers, TWO!

Fans cheer as Sanada drags Finlay back to the LIJ corner. Takagi tags in, he climbs up and again copies FinJuice with dropping ax handles! Juice taunts Takagi that he only did the second rope, not the top. Takagi tells Juice to shut up again as he whips Finlay and runs him over! Takagi drags Finlay back up, suplexes him high and hard, then covers, TWO! Fans cheer and Takagi talks more trash with Juice. Takagi drags Finlay from Juice and has a cravat. Fans rally with “L I J!” as Takagi snapmares, runs and hits Juice! Juice seethes, gets in, but Red Shoes reprimands! Sanada goes after Juice in return, LIJ whip and knee Juice down to basement dropkick!

Juice bails out and Sanada follows as Takagi goes to Finlay. Takagi grabs Finlay for a facelock, pulls hard, but Finlay fights up. Fans rally for Finlay as he throws body shots. Takagi lets go to throw forearms with Finlay! They go back and forth, Finlay gets the edge, but Takagi JABS! And JABS! Takagi is copying Juice more as he winds up the left, but Finlay ducks the lariat to waistlock. Takagi holds off the suplex and throws punches. Takagi whips, Finlay holds ropes and kicks back! Finlay hurries to Juice but Takagi back suplexes! Finlay lands on his feet, dodges Takagi and hot tags Juice! Juice rallies on LIJ but Takagi kicks and whips. Juice reverses to SPINEBUSTER! Sanada runs in to get a LEG LARIAT!

Fans fire up with Juice as he aims at Takagi in a corner. Juice runs in to clothesline! Juice keeps going to LEAPING LARIAT! Fans fire up with Juice more as he reels Takagi in. Takagi fights off the full nelson slam, but Juice CLUBS him on the back. Juice runs into an elbow! Juice JABS! JABS! JABS! Juice powers up but Takagi JABS and LARIATS! Fans fire up as both men are down! Takagi tags Sanada in, Sanada runs at Juice in the corner but blocks the boot. Juice boots Sanada away to sunset flip but Sanada slips out! Sanada gets Juice’s limbs to put him in Paradise! Fans cheer and Sanada encourages them to get louder. The fans get louder, Sanada wants more! The fans get even louder, and Sanada dropkicks Juice out of Paradise! Cover, TWO!

Sanada keeps his cool as he drags Juice up and fireman’s carries. Juice slips off to shove Sanada to a corner. Sanada Quebrada to get the dragon sleeper! Juice flails, Finlay gets in but Takagi intercepts! Takagi gets Finlay for a normal sleeper, then shifts to dragon sleeper! FinJuice endures Double Dragon Sleepers! Finlay fights free but Sanada kicks him and throws him out. Sanada goes back to Juice and drags him up. Sanada whips, Juice reverses but Sanada tumbles out to springboard in. Juice gets clear and blocks the rana to a POWERBOMB! Fans fire up as both men are down! Juice and Sanada stir and fans rally up. They both crawl, hot tags to Finlay and Takagi!

Finlay dodges to fire off forearms! Finlay whips, Takagi reverses but Finlay hits a leaping uppercut! And then a corner uppercut! Finlay goe sup to hit a flying uppercut! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer while Finlay grows frustrated. Finlay drags Takagi up but Takagi fights off the exploder. Finlay runs but his spear is blocked to a facelock! Takagi throws knees, then suplexes, but Finlay slips out. Takagi elbows, into the URENAGE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer as Takagi survives but Juice returns. Finlay hits a corner uppercut, Juice hits a corner clothesline! Electric Chair lift and Finlay goes up!

Takagi fights out, Juice switches to full nelson! Takagi boots Finlay away, breaks the nelson and then DOUBLE LARIATS FinJuice down! Fans fire up again as Takagi shouts, “OI! OI! OI!” Sanada returns and LIJ coordinates. LIJ double whip Finlay to a corner, Sanada hits a back elbow and Takagi hits a clohtesline. Boot, lariat and dropkick, to the PUMPING BOMBER! Cover but Juice breaks it! Sanada throws Juice out as Takagi powers up! Takagi has the Gory Especial, Sanada comes over, NOSHIGAMI CUTTER! LIJ calls that the #SkullCrusher! Sanada sits Finlay up for Takagi’s SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Finlay survives but Takagi keeps his focus.

Fans rally up and Takagi brings Finlay into the pump handle and torture rack. But Juice saves Finlay, and full nelson SLAMS Sanada! Takagi and Juice collide with clotheslines! Neither falls so they go again! Takagi swats Juice’s lariat away then fires off forearms from all sides! Takagi runs, into Finlay’s SPEAR! FinJuice coordinates and Finlay hoists Takagi up top. Finlay climbs up, so does Juice, SUPERPLEX and FROG SPLASH! Cover, Sanada breaks it! Juice goes after Sanada with a whip, then the DOUBLE FLAPJACK from FinJuice! They bring Sanada back up, SHOTGUN LEG SWEEP! Finlay slashes the throat to say this is it! But Takagi shoves him away, only for Finlay to knee him back.

Finlay wants to try again but Takagi still holds off Sliced Bread. Finlay elbows out of the waistlock, runs, but Takagi clotheslines him at ropes! Takagi runs but Finlay LARIATS! But Takagi is right up to LARIAT back! Takagi pump handles and lifts but Finlay fights out to roll Takagi to a cover, TWO!! Finlay and Takagi hurry up, Finlay gets around to shove Takagi into Juice’s LEFT HAND O’ GOD! Finlay hits a STUNNER, Juice chicken wings Takagi for the PULP FRICTION!! Juice DECKS Sanada and then apron CANNONBALLS! Direct hit and down goes Sanada! Finlay vows to end it now, with PRIMA NOCTA!! Cover, FinJuice wins!!

Winner: FinJuice, by pinfall; now 3-3, LIJ is now 4-2

The 2019 WTL winners are still alive in this year’s tournament! Do they still have a chance at going back-to-back? As for Sanada and Takagi, is this bad start to the second half going to completely cool them off?


Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI VS Guerrillas of Destiny!

The Fierce Warrior and Head Hunter could not #GetBackUp after facing Los Ingobernables de Japon, and are now the bottom of the block! Will Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa only grind them back down to put a pin in round six?

After GOD and Jado Low Sweet, the teams sort out and fans rally as Goto starts against Loa. Loa and Goto circle and Goto is wary of Tama. Goto and Loa tie up, Goto waistlocks but Loa blocks the lift. Loa wrenches out to a wristlock and then hammerlock. Goto slips around to put the hammerlock on Loa, then shifts to a headlock. Loa powers out to headlock Goto but Goto puts Loa on ropes. Red Shoes counts and Goto lets off cleanly. Loa swings on Goto but Goto kicks low. Goto headlocks, Loa powers out and things speed up. Loa hurdles but Goto counters the hip toss to a hip toss! Goto runs to run Loa over with a shoulder!

Tag to Hashi and Chaos double whips Loa, to double shoulder! Hashi runs, hip toss senton! Hashi and Goto see Tama coming and they double kick him. They hammer away on Tama, then go after Loa to hammer away on his back! Fans fire up with Chaos as Hashi stomps Loa down. Hashi brings Loa up with a cravat, snapmares him down then brings him into a chinlock. Loa endures the knee in his back and pries free of the chinlock. Loa bridges up to his feet and elbows low. Hashi CHOPS but Loa doesn’t budge. Hashi throws forearms and elbows then whips, but Loa reverses. Tama gets in to body shot, Loa uppercuts, Tama neckbreakers! Loa DECKS Goto and Tama drags Hashi up to throw him out!

Red Shoes is busy with GOD while Jado whips Hashi into railing! Tama lets off Goto and argues with Red Shoes while Jado stomps Hashi down! Jado and Tama Low Sweet and Loa fetches Hashi. Loa bumps Hashi off the apron, CLUBS him, then puts him in at the ring count of 17 of 20. Loa drags Hashi back up, tags in Tama then scoop slams Hashi! Tama slingshot sentons, Loa adds his own slingshot senton, then Tama drags Hashi back up. Tama throws clubbing forearms over and over then tops it off with an elbow. Goto coaches Hashi as Tama covers, TWO! Fans cheer and rally for Hashi but Tama drags him up.

Tag to Loa, GOD double whip and double elbow for double elbow drops! Loa covers, Goto breaks but Loa shoves him! Loa throws hands on Goto then kicks him out of the ring. Loa drags Hashi back up and RAMS him back into the corner! GOD mug Hashi, then Tama tags in just to club Hashi more! Fans rally for Hashi while Tama takes his time entering. Tama is annoyed at the clapping for “YO-SHI-HASH!” and he snap suplexes Hashi down! Cover, TWO! Hashi roars and fans fire up with him but Tama tags Loa back in. GOD mug Hashi more, Jado has his kendo stick just in case, but Loa snapmares to a cover, TWO!

Loa keeps Hashi down with a tight chinlock but Goto and the fans rally up. Hashi fights up, fights out but Loa pulls hair. Hashi swings into the backbreaker and Complete Shot, to CROSSFACE! #OGK! Hashi endures, crawls for ropes but Jado is there to taunt him. Fans rally and Hashi keeps fighting, to get the ropebreak! Loa lets off but Jado gets in Hashi’s face. Loa stomps Hashi, then taunts him, “Why you not quit?!” Loa whips, Hashi dodges and WRECKS Jado with a dropkick! Tama grabs at Hashi but he gets kicked into railing! Loa drags Hashi up, Hashi slips out of the suplex to waistlock. Loa elbows free, powers up and swings, but Hashi dodges to hit the HEAD HUNTER!

Fans fire up and Hashi crawls, hot tag to Goto! Goto sees Tama and runs him over! Goto fires forearms back and forth with Loa, Loa gets the edge but he runs only for Goto to follow and LARIAT! Fans fire up with Goto as he throws more forearms on Loa. Goto whips corner to corner, runs in and MURAMASA! Then BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Goto keeps on Loa with a fireman’s carry. Loa slips out to waistlock, but Goto throws elbows. Loa keeps hold, Goto bucks him off, but Goto runs into a spin, kicks and an enziguri! But Goto fires up to LARIAT! Loa stays up!? They collide with clotheslines. Loa shakes it off and they collide again! Both men fire up, run and DOUBLE LARIAT!! Fans fire up as both men are down!

Loa stirs, Goto crawls, hot tags to Hashi and Tama! Hashi dodges and throws forearms and body shots and a CHOP! Hashi runs to CHOP Tama in the corner! Then whip and CHOP! Mule kick, suplex, and he hangs Tama out to dry! Hashi runs to dropkick Tama down! Hashi keeps going, basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Tama survives the onslaught but Hashi has the fans rallying behind him. Hashi brings Tama up, suplexes and turns but Tama fights out of Head Buster to throw furious fists! Tama whips Hashi to a corner and hits a big splash! Tama stalks Hashi with a grin and pulls hair to reel him in. Hasih slips out to suplex but Tama slips out.

Hashi ducks the forearm to hit the spinning back kick! Goto is in fast, fireman’s carry, SUPERKICK USHIGOROSHI! Hashi hits Jado then runs, for METEORA! Cover, TWO! Goto and Hashi stay fired up as they drag Tama back up. Dragon sleeper and lift, but Tama fights free! Tama spins Goto around, Loa distracts Red Shoes and Jado SMACKS Hashi with the kendo stick! Loa slips in, helps Tama give Goto the TONGAN TWIST!! Hashi staggers into the back suplex neckbreaker! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and shocks GOD! Jado calls for the finish and GOD drags Hashi up. MAGIC KILLER!! Cover, Goto breaks it!

Loa goes after Goto and throws him out, they brawl and fans rally for Hashi as Tama stalks him. Tama waits for Hashi to rise, loads up and GUN- NO! Hashi slips around to get the arm for a La Magistrol! CHAOS WINS!!

Winners: Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall; now 3-3, GOD is now 3-3

A shocker for sure! Tama argues with Red Shoes but that was a full three! Is this a sign Tama and Loa aren’t going to make it to the finals? Hashi gets the mic to say that “You all just saw it. It only takes an instant to pull off a victory from the brink. And, me and Goto will win World Tag League 2020!” About those WTL 2020 trophies, it’ll only take an instant for he and Goto to take them! Hashi and Goto are ready to #TurnItAllAround, but is there still time for them to #GetBackUp?


Here are the NEW World Tag League standings!

Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii: 4-2
The Dangerous Tekkers: 4-2
SANADA & Shingo Takagi: 4-2
FinJuice: 3-3
Guerrillas of Destiny: 3-3
The Empire: 3-3
EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi: 3-3
YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto: 3-3
Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens: 2-4
HenarACE: 1-5

My Thoughts:

A really good round for World Tag League, though perhaps with some rather odd upsets. For one, I continue to be surprised that HenarACE is in last place, but perhaps it is to lend to a bigger story for Tanahashi. Having a hard time holding onto the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships with Kota Ibushi, a fairly tough time in the G1, and then this run in the WTL, is he going to have some kind of crisis of confidence story going into WrestleKingdom? Will he even have a match for WrestleKingdom?

Then, I find it a bit strange they’re trying to keep the block so close together by having three 4-2 teams and four 3-3 teams. I suppose FinJuice winning helps keep the possibility of them going back-to-back from 2019 to 2020 alive, but I felt like LIJ having the hot hand works out better. Tekkers VS Bullet Club was a great match, especially given it was Heels VS Heels. But the champs needed to win so that they wouldn’t owe more matches. At the same time, Taichi and ZSJ seem to be winning fans over to where they’re Tweeners on their way to being Faces. It’d be great if the Tekkers had an Eddie Guerrero style “Faces that cheat” way of doing things.

Goto and Hashi all but spoiling GOD’s run was wild, and that could start something for a NEVER Openweight Six Man Championship, if GOD got someone to team with them. That itself could be telling as to how this new Bullet Club Civil War turns out.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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