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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (11/9/20)

The last spot on Team Raw must be filled!



WWE Raw Coverage 3.0

Who jumps on this second chance to join the Raw Survivor Series Men’s Team?

In a huge Triple Threat, Jeff Hardy, Elias and (Matt) Riddle will battle to join AJ Styles, Keith Lee, Sheamus and Braun Strowman on Team Raw!


  • Survivor Series Team Raw Second Chance Triple Threat: Jeff Hardy VS Elias VS Matt Riddle; Riddle wins and joins Team Raw.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Business Proposal: Drew Gulak VS R-Truth; Truth wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Lana VS Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax; Baszler wins.
  • Keith Lee & Matt Riddle VS Braun Strowman & Sheamus, Special Guest Referee: AJ Styles; Lee & Riddle win.
  • WWE United States Championship: Bobby Lashley w/ MVP VS Titus O’Neil; Lashley wins and retains the title.
  • Asuka VS Nia Jax w/ Shayna Baszler; Asuka wins, by disqualification.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Lucky 7 Way: R-Truth VS ???; Akira Tozawa wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Holy Hot Potato: R-Truth VS Akira Tozawa VS Drew Gulak VS Tucker Knight VS Erik VS Lince Dorado VS Gran Metalik; everyone wins at least once, Truth wins last to become the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Ricochet VS Mustafa Ali w/ Retribution; Ali wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Drew McIntyre & The New Day VS Randy Orton, The Miz & John Morrison; McIntyre & The New Day win.


The Miz and John Morrison head to the ring!

The Most Must-See Mr. Money in the Bank and the Guru of Greatness open tonight’s Raw with MizTV! And they welcome us to the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show to hype up the big things happening this week. First, tonight, they team with Randy Orton to face The New Day and Drew McIntyre in a 3v3 match, “where anything can happen.” Is that Miz’s way of teasing an MITB cash-in? Only time will tell. But another big thing Miz is referring to, and equally as important, is Miz and Mrs. returning to USA Network! Speaking of, isn’t there a special bonus episode airing tonight right after Raw? YES! Two episodes, one week, USA must really love Miz!

And speaking of big things- Randy Orton interrupts? He wasn’t going to be the guest for MizTV but he heads to the ring either way. Orton says Miz has the balls to say his reality show is more important than a match with Orton? They’re in the Six Man, but only because Orton wants after McIntyre. But this is a set-up because the only way Miz can take the title off him is with that case! Orton remembers when they once threw Miz out of the locker room, and Orton never wanted to let him back in. As for Morrison, he took his ball, went home, and wrestled “for the minor leagues.” And what did Miz do during that same time? NOTHING. But now he has the TV show, the movies, and that briefcase. But if Miz wants to go for it, he doesn’t have to wait until the main event. Orton dares Miz to take his shot NOW!

Miz asks Orton if he really thinks Miz is abusing his connections at USA Network to better his position in the WWE? Miz deflecting might work on someone else but this is Randy Orton! Morrison says they know who he is! He’s a legend, the current WWE World Champion! But he doesn’t need to make this about him. Tonight could be a big night for all of them. That’s why the New Day were the scheduled guests. If things go according to plan, and they as a team emerge victorious, Miz and Morrison may be in line for those Raw Tag Team Championship titles. So if that were the case- But here come Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods!

“Can you belee this here?” Doth Woods’ ears deceive him? Are two men talking about cashing in a briefcase to become WWE World Champion? And then team up and go after ya bois, the NEW~ DAY~, for the W, W, E, Raw, Tag, Team, CHAMPIONSHIPS~? Ridiculous! But wow… Being that they’re all out here going at it so haaard~ with the “Verbal Strong Style,” New Day thought it’d be a crime for them to not have a live crowd here. So they’ll laugh at them in person! Scoot please so they may have seats. Feel free to entertain ya- RKO FOR KOFI!! Miz and Morrison throw Woods out, but here comes DREW! And he brawls with Orton!!

McIntyre gets the edge but Miz CASE SHOTS McIntyre! And again! Morrison returns, he and Miz feed McIntyre to an RKO! The Viper and the Greatest Tag Team of the 21st Century worked pretty well together there. But will that hold steady at the end of tonight?


Survivor Series Team Raw Second Chance Triple Threat: Jeff Hardy VS Elias VS Matt Riddle!

“Ladies and gentlemen,” The Drifter is already in the ring with an electric guitar. He introduces himself and says that over this last week, every night, he was jolted away with premonitions. He saw himself victorious tonight to be part of Team Raw for Survivor Series. People come up and ask, “Elias, you’re a world famous WWE superstar, a chart topping musician, what else is there?” It’s this. The last few weeks haven’t gone that well inside the ring. Hardy’s latest addiction is hitting him with guitars. But that changes tonight. Tonight isn’t just for him, but for the millions of Elias fans all around the world. The ones who bout Universal Truth to put it at the top of the charts! They understand his greatness!

So to honor them, he will sing a song right now! He waits, and no one interrupts. He says he’ll start now and… Still no one. Elias starts playing, but he’s paranoid, thinking there’s still an interruption. Well okay then! But then it happens! The Charismatic Enigma heads to the ring, followed by The Bro, and this second chance begins to rock ‘n’ roll!

Elias goes after Hardy, obviously but Riddle goes after them both! Riddle fires off hands on Hardy, brawls with Elias, but Elias shoves Riddle into Hardy’s roll up! TWO, Elias drags Hardy into a roll up, TWO! Riddle rolls Elias, TWO! The three stand off and Styles is watching as hardy goes after Elias. Riddle gets in the mix again with hands, but Hardy clubs Elias. Hardy has Elias in a corner, Elias kicks back and throws forearms. Riddle goes after Elias, Elias ROCKS him with a right, but Riddle comes right back. Elias puts Riddle on the apron, Riddle hits Elisa away then ducks Hardy’s punch to drag him out. Hardy and Riddle brawl, Elias WRECKS them with a dropkick!

Elias POSTS Hardy, and then again! Elias throws Riddle hard into barriers! And then CLOBBERS Hardy! Elias is fired up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Elias throws hands on Hardy at the ropes. Elias stomps Hardy, brings him up to club him down, then he knocks Riddle off the apron to keep him out. Elias goes back to Hardy with stomps and elbow drops. Riddle gets in but Elias is on him first with a CHOP! Elias whips, Riddle blocks and breaks free to run, but into an elbow! Cover, TWO! Elias seethes and Styles is still watching while taking to Jordan Omogbehin. Hardy jawbreakers Elias back, then throws haymakers! Hardy whips, Elias reverses but Hardy runs him over with forearms! Atomic drop for Elias, atomic drop for Riddle! Trip up for Elias, but Hardy has to back drop Riddle first! Leg splitter for Elias, and the basement dropkick! Splash, cover, Riddle breaks it!

Hardy crawls to ropes, Riddle drags him up to a fireman’s carry but Hardy slips out to shove Riddle out. Elias stands, Hardy kicks but no Twist! Elias gets Hardy for DRIFT AWAY! Cover, but a BROTON breaks it! Riddle glares at Elias and he KICKS him hard in the chest! Elias blocks a kick, but Riddle elbows him back, to then FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, Hardy dropkicks it apart! Hardy drags Riddle up, Riddle gut wrenches him first! Hardy drops out of Bro Derek and boots Riddle into Elias! Hardy uses Riddle to hit POETRY IN MOTION on Elias! Hardy kicks Riddle, but still no Twist! Backslide but Hardy rolls off and they brawl! Riddle gets the edge there, but Hardy hits back!

Riddle keeps firing off, Hardy ducks a kick but swings into a PELE-, only to block it! Kick and TWIST- KNEE from Elias! Elias whips Riddle, Riddle reverses but Elias goes up! Riddle catches Elias for BRO DEREK! Cover, Riddle wins!!

Winner: (Matt) Riddle, by pinfall (joins Team Raw)

And the fifth man is a BRO! But given how he and Styles have dysfunction tracing back to SmackDown, will this superpowered team be its own Kryptonite?


Styles talks with Adam Pearce.

It would seem whatever Styles’ idea is makes “complete sense.” They shake on it, but Charly Caruso asks what that’s about. It was just them talking. Charly brings up Riddle joining the team but how does Styles feel about that? Styles says Riddle was the piece the team was missing! But Sheamus storms over to say “that shoeless Muppet” was Styles’ pick? Sheamus says that guy is nothing but an obnoxious punk! And Sheamus has no problem kicking his head off his shoulders if he steps out of line. Styles says he needs to have a winning attitude! They need to be a team! Team meeting! Styles will get the others to join in.

Right, Styles is “team captain” so how does Sheamus think he is doing? Sheamus says Styles is not his captain. Braun Strowman walks over and says Styles is NOT his captain, either. Is the ship sinking faster than “Captain” Styles can mend things?


Mustafa Ali speaks.

“Ricochet is a good man. He’ san honorable man. When he turned down an offer to join The Hurt Business, he made a conscious decision to stand alone.” Ali applauds that bravery, but also says Ricochet is a “damn fool.” One man cannot change everything. And when Ricochet accepts that, maybe Retribution will accept him.

Mia “Reckoning” Yim says it is easy to feel alone when you’re manipulated and misguided. “Where does that leave you? Barely afloat, gasping for each and every breath while some pink-green haired trash is laughing at our suffering!” Ali says no mercy was shown to then, so no mercy will be shown to them. They are the forgotten. Slapjack, T-Bar, Mace, Reckoning. “We are Retribution. And we will not rest until we shut, you, down!”


The Hurt Business talks backstage.

But then Drew Gulak comes by and says hello. The NEW 24/7 Champion says everything went to plan, but the expansion can enter in phase two. They have the United States Champion in Bobby Lashley. They have the future Raw Tag Team Champions in Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin. Now, they can add the services of the 24/7 Champion, Drew Gulak. They’d be unstoppable. So he wants in? Yes. Not a bad suit but where is the pocket square. Tada. So he’s serious? Yes. Well, on behalf of the Hurt Business, MVP says while they appreciate his offer, they are not accepting applications right now. The tie is a CLIP ON!? Gulak steps to the most stylish men in the WWE, wearing that? It’s tactical as 24/7 Champion.

Benjamin says Gulak has lost his mind. Alexander says Gulak had a point. But the decision is to beat him down! Clip on? Pff. Will Gulak be more careful trying to- Wait, R-Truth sneaks in! He and a ref are here! Cover, Truth wins!

Winner: R-Truth, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

For FORTY-THREE times, Truth has his “baby” and takes off running! And he takes Gulak’s clip-on tie, too!


WWE and Raw pay tribute to America’s veterans.

With Veteran’s Day this Wednesday, we take this time tonight to acknowledge all those that stepped forward to defend our liberties, even at the risk of their own lives.


Lana VS Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax!

If nothing else, the Ravishing Russian has no quit in her! She works up the courage to be back out in the ring, even after seven different occasions of being put through the announce desk by a Samoan Drop from the Irresistible Force. Will Lana finally prove to the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions that she deserves to be on Team Raw?

Raw returns as the Queen of Spades makes her entrance. Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke have also appeared, but as part of commentary. The bell rings and Lana leaps on with a sleeper! Shayna throws her off hard, and is mad. Shayna KNEES Lana hard in the corner! Shayna toys with Lana but Lana kicks and kicks back! Lana goes for a clinch but Shayna powers her to a corner! Shayna fires off hands but the ref counts. Shayna lets off, Lana throws hands back! Shayna clubs Lana down, then stands on Lana’s head. Shayna twists the arm, hammerlocks it and STOMPS it!! Dana and Mandy admire Lana’s determination but she’s putting it in the wrong places. Shayna runs in, Lana dodges and Shayna knees buckles!

Lana kicks but Shayna dodges to KICK back! And then gut wrench SLAM! Lana sits up, Shayna KNEES her down! Cover, but Shayna lets off! Shayna puts Lana in the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Lana taps, Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by submission

Dana and Mandy sigh but do feel a little bad for Lana. Nia clears off the desk! She tells Mandy and Dana to beat it while Shayna drags Lana over. Shayna throws Lana out and Nia picks her up. Lana begs for mercy but Nia still fireman’s carries. Dana and Mandy hit Nia! Shayna gets in to keep the peace, they argue about trying to make this team a team, but Nia says they can’t treat their “captain” like that. Lana has been spared her eighth slam through the table, but is it only a matter of time before this entire quintet crumbles?


Dana and Mandy talk backstage.

Lana finds them and thanks them for helping her with Nia. Uh they saved her butt! Yes, thanks. Mandy says she’s welcome, but it wasn’t really for Lana, it was about stopping Nia. After all, Lana cost Mandy and Dana the tag titles. Lana apologizes for that, she was trying to help them. Well maybe next time, help but staying out of the way. Dana and Mandy head off and Lana feels very, very alone.


AJ Styles heads to the ring!

The Phenomenal “captain” of Team Raw and his very large associate in Jordan are here for the team meeting he called for. Styles welcomes us all to the first official Team Raw team meeting! Raw will be triumphant over SmackDown because he is the Phenomenal Captain! With his leadership, they will be “a force to be reckoned with.” Firstly, “a man whose power is only outdone by his intellect,” Keith Lee! The Limitless One heads to the ring, rather curious about Styles’ shenanigans. Second, the Bro that Runs the Show, (Matt) Riddle! The Bro is back and even changed gear to be fresh for this meeting.

Next, the Celtic Warrior, Sheamus! Not much more to that intro but Sheamus did say he doesn’t see Styles as his captain. The same goes for the last but not least, the Monster, BRAUN! Strowman joins his team in the ring, but Styles wants to say one more thing. He knows last week was a rocky start. Maybe a bad idea. But Styles knows why: “We were missing a piece to the puzzle.” And that’s why they got all upset. But now they have that piece in Riddle! Because you see, what he sees now is a masterpiece! Keith cuts “Mr. AJ” off, by saying Styles took the cheap shot on him last week. Keith owes him a receipt. That is unfortunate, but Sheamus says it’s funny coming from the hypocritical Keith, who attacked Sheamus. Sheamus didn’t forget.

Well good, because Keith hopes Sheamus remembers that should he try to cross Keith. Sheamus gets upset but Braun talks over all of them. He oughta whoop them both, starting with Sheamus! Styles speaks up to keep the peace. As captain- NO! You’re not the captain! Sheamus is a sore loser, so he should shut up before he #GetsTheseHands again. Sheamus says Braun is all mouth! Riddle wants the bros to chill. He knows exactly what they need to do. Styles says Riddle is the voice of reason! What’s his idea? “Sick codenames!” Styles is now Skipper, Braun’s the Mongoose! Happy birthday to Keith, who is Bro Lee. And of course, Sheamus, a tough one, but he is… Fire Face. What? Keith tries not to laugh.

Sheamus says that’s a ginger joke, right? No, it’s not, bro. You just get really angry and you turn red. Keith says that’s true. Braun agrees. Like right now! Oh… Sheamus asks what Riddle’s codename is. Is it “Dopey?” How’d he guess? Yeah, man! Styles says that’s not what they need. Do they not know what they’re up against? They’re up against SmackDown’s best! Sheamus, haven’t you seen what Jey Uso has been doing? Jey’s tearing it up! If you don’t watch yourself, he might tear you apart! And then Keith, you ever been Curb Stomped? Seth Rollins will give you one! But Keith’s powerbomb’d Rollins before. Well yeah, but still. And what is Riddle laughing out? Does he want a Kevin Owens Stunner?

And Braun, the immovable object, if he doesn’t work with this team, he’ll still go down. He might even bow down to King Corbin. Braun says no way. But then tell Styles, is that what they all want? Or do they want to work together as the #BestoftheBest? They agree with that. But now with Styles as captain- And we’re arguing again. Okay, enough! This is what Styles knew would happen. Plan B! Styles talked to Adam Pearce and he already sanctioned a match> This might sound dumb- It is, whatever it is. Sigh. But it’ll be Sheamus and Braun VS Riddle and Keith, with the Phenomenal AJ Styles as guest referee! Now they’ll have no choice but to gain respect for each other! Let’s get it done! Does he even have a ref shirt? Is this only going to tear the team apart more?!


Keith Lee & Matt Riddle VS Braun Strowman & Sheamus, Special Guest Referee: AJ Styles!

Raw returns as the dysfunction is put to the test! Will the Limitless Bros make the Monster and the Fella #BaskInTheirGlory? Or will they both just #GetTheseBrogues?

The bell rings, Keith and Sheamus start, and tie up fast and furious! They go around the ring, into a corner, around the ropes, and then Sheamus headlocks. Keith powers out and collides with Sheamus. Neither falls, Keith Lee GRIZZLY MAGNUMS! Keith wrenches, Riddle tags in, they mug Sheamus and then Riddle fires off more forearms. Riddle snapmares and KICKS Sheamus, then covers. ONE, but Riddle is right after him with an armlock. Sheamus power sup to put Riddle in a corner! Tag to Braun, Braun taunts Keith before he runs in to corner splash Riddle down! Riddle flounders, Styles check son him but Braun stomps The Bro.

Braun whips Riddle corner to corner hard! Styles tells him to be more careful but he asks Riddle if he’s okay. Braun is standing on Riddle’s hair! Styles reprimands him but Braun glares. Braun drags Riddle up and throws him to the corner! Tag to Sheamus, they mug Riddle and then Sheamus throws a EuroUpper! Sheamus throws more, then chokes Riddle at the ropes! Styles counts, Sheamus lets off and argues with Styles. Styles compliments Sheamus for stopping at 4, and then Sheamus knees Riddle. Riddle blocks a whip, Sheamus throws hands but Riddle hits back! Riddle throws forearms and CHOPS! Then he hoists Sheamus up onto ropes to get the leg! Styles says to break, Riddle lets off, and Sheamus hits back!

Sheamus CLUBS Riddle, drops a knee, then keeps Riddle from Keith to drop more knees. Sheamus KICKS Riddle in the back, Styles tells him to be m ore careful. Sheamus says he doesn’t care, and Styles isn’t captain! Well he’s the ref now, so listen to him! Riddle fires off on Sheamus! Sheamus fights back but Riddle gut wrench suplexes! Both men are down, Styles compliments Riddle, and Riddle gets up first. Sheamus shoves Riddle, Riddle kicks back! Styles checks on Sheamus as Riddle runs in, the FINAL FLASH hits Styles! Sheamus rolls Riddle up but styles can’t make the count! Sheamus gets upset but Styles explains what happened. Sheamus dodges and the ROUNDHOUSE hits Styles! Not again!

Sheamus throws Riddle out but Keith gets in to PUONCE Sheamus! Braun runs in, he and Keith collide! They keep moving, Styles staggers into a BODY CHECK SANDWICH! Uh oh. Jordan gets up because he defends Styles! Keith and Braun are ready but Styles flounders up to stop this. Styles is trying to keep this team a team as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Jordan has gone back to outside the ring as Sheamus has Riddle in an armlock. Sheamus throws elbows in but Riddle fights up to fight back with forearms! Riddle jumps but into Sheamus’ IRISH CURSE! Tag to Braun and he drops a SENTON! Cover, TWO! Braun clamps onto Riddle with a chinlock and grinds him down. Riddle endures, fights up and gets ropes but Braun pulls him from ropes to suplex TOSS him away! Braun runs in but Riddle moves and Braun POSTS Himself! Keith tags in and clobbers Braun! And then Sheamus! And then Braun, and back to Sheamus with an endless string of splashes! Keith TOSSES Sheamus at Braun!

Riddle is fired up, but Keith uses him as a weapon, SPIRIT BOMB onto Sheamus! Keith then runs and builds a lot of speed to LARIAT Braun!! Cover, TWO!?! Styles says that was so close! Keith looms over Braun, drags him up but Braun back drops Keith! Both big behemoths are down and Styles asks if they’re okay. Braun and Keith each go to their corners, but Braun kicks Keith. Tag to Sheamus but Keith fights Sheamus back with elbows. Keith scoops, Sheamus slips out and KNEES Keith back! BROGUE!! Riddle tags in to get Sheamus for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!

Sheamus scrambles to a corner, Riddle dares him to get up! Riddle then runs in to forearm! Side to side and he forearms again! Side to side to hit Braun, but bad idea! Braun has a choke grip but Styles makes him let go! Riddle walks into a LARIAT from Sheamus! Sheamus fires himself up, but Braun tags in! Braun runs in to corner splash Riddle and then TOSS him to the corner! Braun runs in again to hit another splash! Braun scoops but Sheamus tags in! Styles points it out and Braun argues with Sheamus. Styles tells them to sort out, but then Sheamus BROGUES Braun! Riddle rolls Sheamus up, Riddle and Keith win!!

Winners: Keith Lee & (Matt) Riddle, by pinfall

Riddle wins two matches in one night! But while Keith and Riddle are getting along better, this is only working to make things harder on Styles! Sheamus and Braun argue with each other, and with “the captain!” Will Styles want to abandon ship before Survivor Series?


Alexa Bliss is picking flowers backstage.

Or rather, picking the petals off. Nikki Cross walks over and Alexa says it’s so great to see her! It feels like forever since they’ve talked. But they saw each other last week. Does she not remember? Did they? Sorry, Alexa’s been “meeting so many new people, it’s hard to keep track.” That’s what Nikki wanted to talk to her about. About Alexa and him. Oh so she’s been watching Firefly Fun House? Alexa’s having so much fun! Sorry not to invite her over. But she will soon for a “play date.” Nikki says she’s not playing. That’s too bad. No, Nikki means that this isn’t a game. She understands what happened to Alexa was her fault. If she was a better friend, The Fiend wouldn’t have sunk his claws into her.

Heh, claws. Rawr. Alexa, Nikki is apologizing. She’s sorry for not being there. But she’s here now. So while it might be “fun” now, The Fiend is pure evil! It’s time to make a choice. It’s time to walk away. Choose: Nikki or Bray? Oh, okay. Alexa chooses… to blow the petals in Nikki’s face and go off to find Bray! Well that’s not at all what Nikki wanted. Can she still find a way to save Alexa for The Fiend’s darkness? Or is there no going back after you’ve #LetHimIn?


Charly Caruso has BREAKING NEWS!

The Hurt Business have been in a great mood tonight because they were told that next week, The Hurt Business’ Benjamin and Alexander will be challenging The New Day for the Raw Tag Team Champions! Will the Survivor Series card change at essentially the last minute?


Bobby Lashley and MVP go to the ring!

The CEO of the Hurt Business, the Rocky Mountain Machine and WWE United States Champion, says he has a message for WWE Intercontinental Champion, Sami Zayn! We hear from the All Mighty after the break.

Raw returns and MVP has the mic to say, “Attention WWE Universe, this is an official announcement from the Hurt Business.” This is an exclusive Survivor Series preview. Spoiler alert: it will be short and painful. It won’t be New Day VS The Street Profits at the PPV, because next week, the Hurt Business get their title shot, and absolutely wreck Kofi and Woods! Then, the CEO will turn Sami Zayn “into a human rag doll,” to show the world that the US Champion and the Intercontinental Champion are nowhere near the same level. Lashley didn’t hear Sami run his mouth on SmackDown at all this week, and that’s a good thing. No way in hell is Lashley letting Sami walk out of Survivor Series with a win. The real question is, will Sami walk out of Survivor Series at all?

But here comes Titus O’Neil! The real Deal says he was just presenting an opportunity that would be mutually beneficial as he joined up with the most dominant group of men in the WWE. Titus is a businessman, but their response wasn’t business. It was disrespect. MVP disagrees. For them, it was business as usual. But as he has some respect for Titus and his charity work, MVP will do Titus the kindness of letting him walk away. Titus says he will NOT walk away. Titus tells Lashley is the US Champion, walking around here with so much pride, as he should! But here’s a question: “What’s the sense in having that title if you don’t defend it?”

Lashley tells Titus he should’ve listened to MVP. But for what it’s worth, Lashley is glad he didn’t. Lashley has NO respect for Titus. And he’ll have a little bit of fun for every second of what’s coming. If Titus wants a title shot, fine! But this will be his first, and his last. Lashley calls for a ref, and this match is on! Will Survivor Series change even more? Or will Lashley make Titus an example to “The Champion of the People?”

WWE United States Championship: Bobby Lashley w/ MVP VS Titus O’Neil!

No need for introductions, but the belt is raised. Titus and Lashley stare down, but MVP reminds Titus, this match takes place above the ring, not under it. Titus swings on MVP for that Greatest Royal Rumble “Worldslide” joke, but that gives Lashley an opening! Titus still elbows and throws hands on Lashley! The ref counts, Titus lets off in the corner but Lashley hits back! They brawl, Titus has heavy hands again and Lashley can only guard! Titus rams Lashley in the corner over and over, but lets off just long enough to throw more hands. Titus reels Lashley in, Lashley dodges and SPEARS! Lashley finishes it with the HURT LOCK! Titus flails to fight it off! They’re in the ropes, but Lashley drags Titus off to put it on! Titus taps, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission (still WWE United States Champion)

Titus couldn’t hold Lashley off forever, and the belt stays with the Hurt Business. Will Lashley only have worse in store for The Great Liberator and his big mouth?


Sheamus finds McIntyre backstage.

The Fella vents about the team being in shambles. McIntyre could’ve been on the team to hold it together with some organization, but now there’s none! McIntyre knows, he saw what happened. Just as a suggestion, don’t Brogue your partner off the apron. But you saw what Braun did! He deserved to get kicked! Sheamus despises his teammate almost as much as he does The New Day. How can he even team up with them? McIntyre just does the “New! Day Rocks!” clap. What the hell, you lunatic? Just trying to ease the tension. Power of positivity. There’s nothing positive right now! If only they could team up like they did in the day! The two of them, wrecking the UK, throwing Brogues and boots all over!

Yes, those were great times. They were just getting started, didn’t give a damn, raised hell. Their saying was “Kicking heads and drinking kegs!” There’s that smile! Sheamus does feel a bit better. But just good luck out there, alright? Wreck the place, then hit him up for some pints. Well if McIntyre gets his chance to win the title back, they won’t just go for a pint. Not just two, three, all the pints, all the Scottish whiskey AND the Irish whiskey, they’re gonna Naitch it up all night long! Courtesy of the new champion! Now, McIntyre’s gotta go. Bugger off. Alright, alright. Go kill it!


Asuka VS Nia Jax w/ Shayna Baszler!

The Empress of Tomorrow is getting ready for The Boss, but she has to be careful going against the Irresistible Force tonight. Nia is in a bad mood since she didn’t get to slam Lana through a table, will she do that to Asuka instead? Or will the Raw Women’s Champion be dangerous as ever on her way to facing Sasha Banks?

Raw returns as Dana, Mandy and Lana have returned to ringside to watch this very closely. Sarah interviews Nia on why she would want this match so close to the PPV. “Because there seems to be a little confusion in this division on who runs things.” It isn’t Asuka, Mandy or Dana, and definitely not Lana. It’s- Shayna. She runs things. See what Nia means? Everyone, even her own tag partner, thinks they can just run their mouths. But they will all see what happens when they cross “the team leader.” And after Nia continues to dominate, and singlehandedly taking out Team SmackDown, she might just come back to beat Asuka again, and be Raw Women’s Champion. Nia and Shayna head back out to the ring, but will Asuka prove no one is ready?

The bell rings and Asuka circles with Nia. They tie up, Nia shoves Asuka down then boasts. Asuka gets up to kick away on a leg but Nia shoves her away. Asuka kicks the punch away then tilt-ow0rhils to get an arm! Nia stays up and clubs Asuka away! Nia runs in but Asuka gets around to get the arm for an OCTOPUS! Nia stays on her feet but Asuka pulls on the arm! Nia powers Asuka off but Asuka throws her down with a takedown! ARMBAR! Nia moves around but gets caught to a triangle! Nia pops free but Asuka gets the other arm! Nia is in the ropes, the ref counts, Asuka lets off! Nia gets out, drags Asuka out and SWINGS her into the barriers! The Raw Women’s Champion goes down as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns as Nia grinds Asuka down with a cobra clutch! Lana, Dana and Mandy rally and Asuka jawbreakers free! Asuka jumps on with a guillotine! Nia stays up, powers up and suplexes Asuka up and down! Cover, TWO! Dana and Mandy coach Asuka but Nia kicks Asuka while she’s down! Nia pushes Asuka around, saying she runs the division. Asuka kicks back, but Nia drags her up and tosses her to a corner! Nia runs in and hits a corner splash! Nia throws Asuka down to then cover, TWO as Asuka bridges up! Nia drags Asuka up by her hair, reels her in, and lifts her, but Asuka victory rolls through! TWO! Nia shakes the cobwebs out and drags Asuka up, only to get a BACKHAND! And another! Asuka mule kicks then runs, HIP ATTACK! Cover, TWO!

Asuka keeps her focus while Nia slowly sits up. Asuka KICKS and KICKS, but Nia blocks the buzzsaw to POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO and to the ARMBAR! Shayna gets on the apron but Lana goes after her! They argue, Shayna puts Lana in a KIRAFUDA! Asuka HIP ATTACKS them both down and onto Mandy and Dana! Nia storms over, fireman’s carry, but Asuka sunset flips out! TWO, but into the ASUKA LOCK!! Nia is caught, Shayna gets in to attack!

Winner: Asuka, by disqualification

Shayna rains down fists but Mandy and Dana go after Shayna! Lana grabs Nia but is thrown down hard! Nia BARRELS into Dana and Mandy! Shayna and Nia throw Dana out then Mandy! Lana is left all alone again… Lana tries to fight back but Shayna clubs her down while Nia clears the desk again. Shayna throws Lana out to Nia, and Nia SLAPS her! Nia says she is the leader! “The sooner you learn, the better!” NUMBER EIGHT!! Lana takes another Samoan Drop through the announce desk. “You don’t belong here. You’re going to drag us down. Just quit.” Will the Ravishing Russian finally give up the fight?


Backstage interview with R-Truth.

Truth has the 24/7 title back, but now he has to defend it in a SEVEN MAN MATCH! He doesn’t know what she’s talking about, he’s heading to do his photoshoot. He has it mixed up again. Regardless of who was champion, he was one of the seven contestants for tonight. Oh… Seven people in one match? What is he going to do with his clip-on tie then? You’re not supposed to hit a man with a clip-on tie. No, wait, that’s glasses. Does she have glasses he can borrow? Sorry, no. Does he have time to look for some? Nope, his music hits. Truth has no choice but to face the music! Will Truth escape this insane scenario?


Angel Garza speaks.

“I have been known to wear my heart on my sleeve. But when I step in that ring, I am cold blooded.” Garza fights to show every woman in the world that all other men are worthless. They do not deserve women like them. But they deserve a man who can give them everything they’ve every wanted. Someone like Garza. But before Garza gives you the world, he gives you his rose.


WWE 24/7 Championship Lucky 7 Way: R-Truth VS ???

Raw returns and we find that Truth is facing down Akira Tozawa, Tucker Knight, Erik, former champion Drew Gulak, and both members of Lucha House Party in Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik! They give Truth space to get in and the bell rings. Truth is surrounded now, and they all go after him! Actually, Akira hangs back to let them all stomp Truth down. But Truth slips out, and the other five realize they’re stomping nothing. Tozawa hits Truth with the spinning roundhouse! Everyone else is brawling while Tozawa covers, Tozawa wins!!

Winner: Akira Tozawa, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Did they forget this is sudden death? But at the same time, 24/7 rules means it’s a scramble! Erik rolls Tozawa up, Erik WINS!

Winner: Erik, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

The lone Viking Raider hurries out of the ring, but he stays too long as Gulak roll shim up! Gulak wins!

Winner: Drew Gulak, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Gulak gets the belt back and gets back in the ring while LHP mug Erik. Tucker cradles Gulak, and wins!!

Winner: Tucker Knight, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Tucker finally has a singles title in the WWE! But then Gulak rolls him up in return! And wins!! So much for that.

Winner: Drew Gulak, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Gulak is already a five-time 24/7 Champion! But Tucker rocks the cradle back, and wins again!!

Winner: Tucker Knight, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

And now Tucker is a two-time 24/7 Champion! Then he BOOTS Lince, DECKS Metalik, but Truth hits the calf kick! Truth stalks up behind Tucker but Gulak gets in his way! Truth fireman’s carries but Gulak slips off to shove him into ACE TEN MAO from Erik! Gulak CLOBBERS Erik but Tozawa BOOTS Gulak! Tucker hits a Thesz Press but Lince hits a crossbody! Metalik hits a MACHO ELBOW! Cover, Metalik wins!!

Winner: Gran Metalik, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

But then Lince betrays him!! And wins!!

Winner: Lince Dorado, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Metalik asks what the heck, but that’s the rules! Truth shoves LHP into each other, then hits Lince with the ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT! Cover, Truth wins the title back!!

Winner: R-Truth, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

A whopping FORTY-FOUR TIMES!! Truth finally gets out of dodge but the chase is on again! Will this go down as the greatest night in that title’s history?


Ricochet VS Mustafa Ali w/ Retribution!

The One and Only was as shocked as anyone that a man he called friend was actually the leader of the most chaotic faction in all the WWE. But he was even more shocked when Ali would turn that viciousness against him. Will Ricochet accept it can’t all be done alone? Or will he be shut down?

Raw returns and Ricochet makes his entrance. Ali keeps his minions at bay and the bell rings. Ricochet DECKS Ali and then CHOPS him! Ricochet throws more forearms and CHOPS, and he asks, “What’s going on with you? This ain’t you!” Ricochet CHOPS Ali, whips him, then runs him over with an elbow! Ricochet scoops and slams then runs to drop an elbow! Cover, ONE! Ali gets to ropes and he wants Ricochet to listen to him. Ricochet asks if Ali thinks “this” is the right way. Ali yanks Ricochet into buckles! Retribution cheers their leader on as Ali CLUBS Ricochet down then KICKS him!

Ali seethes as he has Ricochet in a corner to CHOP back! Ricochet gets up and Ali puts Ricochet in the corner for EuroUppers! “I am saving you!” Ricochet shoves Ali away but Ali ROCKS him with a right! Ali whips, CLOBBERS Ricochet then covers, ONE! Ali grows frustrated but he stalks Ricochet. Ali drags Ricochet up, throws haymakers, but Ricochet hits back! Ali DECKS Ricochet, but Ricochet gets up to CHOP! Ali kicks low, snap suplexes then covers, TWO! Ali grows frustrated, as does the rest of Retribution. Ali wraps Ricochet up with a chinlock and leans on him. Ricochet fights his way up but Ali clubs him down!

Ali brings Ricochet around to whip to ropes. Ricochet reverses but Ali kicks back! Ricochet walks into a CHOP but he just gets angry! Ricochet whips, and back drops Ali high and hard! Ricochet runs at Ali in the corner but is put on the apron. He counter punches Ali then reels him in to suplex. Ali lands on the apron and knees Ricochet back! Ali suplexes now, but Ricochet fights it off to shove Ali away. Ricochet tilt-o-whirls and HEADSCISSORS Ali to the floor! Ricochet drags Ali up, puts him in, but T-Bar and Mace crowd him. Ricochet worries about them as he gets in the ring, Ali hits a NECKBREAKER! Ali has turned things around and Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Ali has Ricochet down with a chinlock. Ricochet endures, fights his way up, and throws body shots. Ali CLUBS Ricochet, then brings him up to whip him to a corner hard! Ricochet bounces off buckles, Ali runs to hit another neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Retribution is growing frustrated but Ali focuses. Ali stalks Ricochet and says he needs Retribution! Ali brings Ricochet up to snapmare and dropkick him down! Cover, TWO! Ali wraps on with another chinlock and he grinds him down. Ricochet fights up to his feet, Ali knees low and brings him around. Ricochet throws Ali into buckles then hits a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Both men are down and Retribution shout to Ali.

Ali and Ricochet stir, Ricochet flounders to ropes but Ali gets to the other side. Ali runs in but Ricochet counter punches him! And again! Ricochet fires off and then DISCUS LARIATS! Ricochet fires up and that angers Retribution! Ricochet waits for Ali to stand, then he runs in, but no Recoil as Ali kicks low! Ali suplexes but Ricochet slips out. Ali elbows the waistlock away, then goes up and leaps, but Ricochet blocks the DDT! NORTHERN LIGHTS, roll through to dead lift BRAIN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Ali survives and Retribution is fired up! Ricochet sits up first and aims from a corner. Ricochet drags Ali back up, puts him in the corner and then hoists him up top.

Ali hits back, Ricochet throws haymakers and then climbs up. Ali claws eyes and bumps Ricochet off buckles! Ali gets up, adjusts positions, SUPER BACKSTABBER?! Cover, TWO!?! Ricochet survives and Ali is shocked! Ali thinks on what he must do to put Ricochet down, and he shouts, “You think one man can change the world?! It takes many! Nothing will change until you’re willing to change!” Ali SLAPS Ricochet, and then drags him up. Ricochet DECKS Ali first! Ricochet gets behind Ali, POISON RANA!! Ricochet hurries to a corner, flounders up to the top rope, springboard and TORNILLO onto Retribution!! Ricochet gets back up and back in, then back up top, for a PHOENIX SPLASH that flops!! KOJI KLUTCH!! Ricochet endures, but he fades out!! Ali wins!!

Winner: Mustafa Ali, by submission

The Beacon is no longer the light, he put Ricochet’s lights out! Will Ali force Ricochet to see things his way in order to change Raw?


Adam Pearce talks with Randy Orton.

He knows Orton isn’t happy about having to team with Miz and Morrison, but Pearce assures him it was an order from the top brass. But there is something he might be happy about. Orton will defend his title against Drew McIntyre. Wait, who the hell does Pearce think he is? A messenger. Well Orton appreciates the message, and he RAMS Pearce into the wall! Pearce can tell “the staff” that they can go to hell! “You hear me?!” Pearce does. Orton lets Pearce go, pats Pearce on the cheek, then heads to the ring. Will Orton have to keep his head on a swivel even more than before with all of his hunters closing in?

Six Man Tag: Drew McIntyre & The New Day VS Randy Orton, The Miz & John Morrison!

Raw returns as Miz and Morrison make their entrance, followed by Kofi and Woods, and of course Drew McIntyre. McIntyre is of course in a great mood with the news we all just heard. But for that same reason, Orton is letting Morrison start against the Scottish Stud instead. McIntyre and Morrison circle, Morrison runs into a JAB! Morrison goes down and Woods talks smack. McIntyre TOSSES Morrison into the corner, and CHOPS him! Tag to Woods, McIntyre holds Morrison open for another CHOP! Woods swings again but into a spin and KICK from Morrison! Morrison headlocks, Woods powers out but Morrison runs him over! Things speed up, Woods hurdles but Morrison shoves. Woods keeps going, slides under and ROLLING ELBOWS!

Morrison flounders to the corner, tags to Miz, and Miz runs at Woods. Woods sends Miz into a shoulder from Kofi! Woods rolls Miz, Kofi tags in to crossbody! Cover, TWO! Kofi dropkicks Miz back to his corner but Orton refuses to tag. Miz says this is a team, but Orton doesn’t care. Tag to Morrison, Kofi sunset flips him down! TWO, Morrison KICKS back! Morrison throws forearms, whips Kofi corner to corner, but Kofi goes up and up and huricanranas! Morrison flounders up, Kofi DOUBLE STOMPS him down! Woods sees Miz coming and mule kicks! The New Day send Miz out of the ring, then coordinates. “One, two, three, we miss E!” The New Day build speed, Kofi FLIES and Woods WRECKS Miz, and McIntyre dares Orton to get in the ring! Orton refuses and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns, Miz runs but into Woods’ dropkick! Cover, TWO! Woods throws hands on Miz then whips him corner to corner. Miz reverses, runs in but Woods boots him! Woods hits the HONOR ROLL! Cover, TWO! Orton ignores what’s going on as Miz shoves Woods to the corner. Woods hits Morrison, throws hands on Miz, but Miz shoves. Woods elbows him away, Miz distracts the ref talking about his teeth, and Morrison hotshots Woods! Miz drags Woods around to put in the ropes, tag to Morrison! Morrison goes up while Miz holds Woods up in the ropes, DUMDUM STOMPS to the apron! Woods goes down in a heap and Orton paces around him. The ref tells Orton to stay back but Morrison fetches Woods up and into the ring. Morrison covers, TWO!

Morrison stomps Woods, moves around, ground ‘n’ pound, then smothers Woods with a chinlock. Fans rally on their screens, Woods fights his way up, but Morrison pulls hair to keep him from the corner! Woods throws Morrison away but is caught! Woods elbows back and clubs Morrison down! But Morrison powers up to fireman’s carry and SAMOAN POP! Tag to Miz, Morrison SHINING WIZARDS< Miz BOOTS! Miz wants Orton to get in but Orton refuses again! Miz drags Woods over, Morrison tags in 21st Century Classic! Cover, TWO! Tag back to Miz, they double gut buster! Miz sucker punches Kofi and then goes after Woods with It Kicks in the corner!  Miz runs corner to corner but Woods LARIATS first!

Both men are down, crawling for their corners! Hot tags to Morrison and McIntyre! McIntyre rallies with big clotheslines! And a whip, to a n OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Miz runs in to get an OVERHEAD suplex, too! McIntyre pushes Morrison into Miz, then gets them both for a DOUBLE OVERHEAD SUPLEX! McIntyre grins at Orton while he brings Morrison up for a neckbreaker! And KIP UP! McIntyre dares Orton to do something but Orton just smirks. McIntyre reels Morrison in, FUTURE SHOCK! McIntyre still dares Orton to do something, but Orton just crosses his arms. Morrison stirs, McIntyre drags him around and puts him in the corner. “Don’t be a b*tch.” They’re fighting next week, so give the world a preview! Make McIntyre’s day!

Orton gets up on the apron, reaches for Morrison… But hops down off the apron again. The Viper doesn’t care what McIntyre says, this is happening the way he wants it to. Orton takes the title and heads to the ramp, but Morrison rolls McIntyre up! Feet on ropes, but Woods pulls the feet of! Miz throws Woods down! Miz dodges Kofi, Morrison dodges McIntyre and FLIES out to take Kofi down! Miz runs in to a SPINE BUSTER! Morrison springboards, into the GLASGOW KISS!! McIntyre goes to a corner, takes aim again, and the countdown begins! “THREE! TWO! ONE!” CLAYMORE!! Cover, McIntyre and the New Day win!

Winners: The New Day & Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Orton avoided the fight tonight but he only has one week left! Will McIntyre take the belt back and head to Survivor Series?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good, fairly smooth flowing Raw here. Dysfunction is definitely the real subtitle of Survivor Series and I’m actually liking it. The Second Chance Triple Threat was obviously going to be Riddle’s to win with the Elias VS Hardy grudge still going on. Plus, it did make a lot of sense for the already dysfunctional Team Raw to get even wilder. They revisited history from SmackDown, but interesting that Styles shifts away from hating Riddle to accepting him for the sake of the team. I like that Styles was trying to use how they dislike the superstars from SmackDown to get them on the same page, and it almost worked, if not for him insisting he is captain. The tag match they had was great, especially with Keith using Sheamus and Riddle as human weapons. Sheamus keeps wishing he and McIntyre can be a team, but I feel like things will go sour and they’ll end up having matches against each other, which is just as good.

Poor, poor Lana. She loses to Shayna, has Mandy and Dana on her about last week, and though not right away, she eventually does get put through the announce desk again. This still obviously has to mean she’s going to help the Raw Women’s Team win Survivor Series, so the harder things are on her now, the more triumphant things will feel at the PPV. Asuka and Nia still had a really good match even with Shayna getting involved, but it seems Asuka is in a holding pattern until after Survivor Series. Lashley VS Titus was a bit more competitive than expected but not by much as Lashley still puts Titus away quickly. The 24/7 Championship hot-potato-ing was amazing, I loved it. I was hoping something like that would’ve happened at Clash of Champions but this was still great, I hope we get more at Survivor Series when SmackDown can finally get involved again.

It was a good detail for Alexa to have no recollection of Nikki talking to her, it really adds to how Alexa is being changed by The Fiend. Ali VS Ricochet was a great match, we need more in-ring reminders of how great these guys are. Ali of course wins to keep things going and perhaps even escalating. I feel like Ricochet should join up in the end, a Heel turn would freshen things up for him since WWE hasn’t done a whole lot with Face Ricochet. And the main story of the night with the world title was really good. MizTV and the brawling was a great opening segment, and the Six Man Tag was a really good main event. Orton is feeling the pressure but is still finding ways to control the pace. The rematch is going to be great, and The Fiend has to get involved somehow. At the very least, Fiend is another “guardian angel” keeping Miz from cashing in, and I think that makes for a great revisit of continuity there, as well, given Miz’s history with Bray from SmackDown and the part he played in Daniel Bryan’s feud with Fiend.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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