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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL x BOSJ Results & Report! (12/5/20)

There’s a special bonus to BOSJ Round 8!




Round 8 is going to be great for Best of the Super Juniors!

BOSJ 27 enters round 8, but there’s a special Six Man Tag, featuring IWGP Double Champion, Tetsuya Naito, and G1 Climax winner, Kota Ibushi! Will all of Los Ingobernables de Japon win today?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: Yuya Uemura VS SHO; Sho wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: BUSHI VS DOUKI; Douki wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: Robbie Eagles VS El Desperado; Desperado wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Honma & Satoshi Kojima; LIJ wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: Master Wato VS Taiji Ishimori; Ishimori wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 27: Ryusuke Taguchi VS Hiromu Takahashi; Hiromu wins.


Here are the current Best of the Super Juniors 27 standings!

El Desperado: 5-2
SHO: 5-2
Hiromu Takahashi: 5-2
Taiji Ishimori: 5-2
BUSHI: 4-3
Master Wato: 4-3
Ryusuke Taguchi: 3-4 [ELIMINATED]
Robbie Eagles: 3-4 [ELIMINATED]
Yuya Uemura: 0-7 [ELIMINATED]


Yuya Uemura VS SHO!

The Young Lion is done at 0-7, but High Voltage is still charging up towards the finals! Will Sho keep going or end up running into a spoiler?

The bell rings, fans rally and the two circle. They feel out the grapple, go around and Sho facelocks only for Uemura to waistlock. Sho facelocks again, Uemura slips out to clinch with Sho, but Sho fights off the arm-drag to wrangle Uemura down. Uemura spins but Sho facelocks then waistlocks then floats back to a facelock. Sho drags Uemura down again, Uemura slips out to facelock, and the two get up. Sho waistlocks, Uemura sits to break it and they clinch again. Uemura holds off the judo throw so Sho facelocks. Sho underhooks to wrangle Uemura down but Uemura gets out to gut wrench. Uemura works to get Sho up off the mat but Sho gets ropes before the suplex.

Fans cheer as the two are wary of the other at the break. Uemura CHOPS Sho to show him this Young Lion isn’t going to be a pushover. Fans cheer that as Sho and Uemura reset. Uemura and SHo tie up, Uemura headlocks but Sho powers out. The two ram shoulders but neither falls and fans cheer. Uemura goes again, they ram shoulders again then the forearms start flying! Uemura runs but Sho elbows him! Sho runs but Uemura dodges and runs Sho over! Uemura gut wrenches again but Sho fights off the suplex! Sho goes to gut wrench but Uemura fights it off. The two go around, struggling for suplex control. Sho scoops instead, and POWERSLAMS Uemura down! Fans cheer as the senpai shows his strength!

Sho drags Uemura back up, whips him, and elbows him down! Sho sits Uemura up to KICK him in the back, then covers, TWO! Sho keeps his cool as he sits Uemura up into a chinlock. Uemura endures the knee in his back, fights towards ropes but Sho turns him over for a Camel Clutch! Fans rally as Uemura continues to endure. Uemura gets one arm free but Sho cranks tighter to keep the other trapped. Uemura gets both arms free but Sho goes way, way back! Uemura uses that to slide back and he gets the ropebreak! Sho lets off and fans cheer the kouhai’s toughness. Sho bumps Uemura off buckles, stomps and forearms him down, then brings him up for more forearms and stomps.

Sho digs his boots in, staring Uemura in the eye as he does. The ref counts and Sho lets off for Uemura to get up. Uemura throws forearms but Sho just eggs him on. Uemura keeps throwing forearms, Sho eggs him on more, then ROCKS him with a forearm of his own! Sho brings Uemura up, suplexes, but Uemura slips out to waistlock. Sho fights that off with elbows then runs, but Uemura dropkicks him down! Fans cheer as both men are down! Sho gets to a corner, Uemura runs corner to corner, and hits a big back elbow! Uemura throws forearms on Sho, over and over and over, and fans rally up behind him!

The ref reprimands because Sho is on the ropes, so Uemura whips Sho corner to corner. Uemura runs back in to dropkick Sho down! Cover, TWO! Uemura keeps focus as he grabs Sho’s legs! Sho resists the Boston Crab to get the arm, but Uemura makes it a cover! TWO and Uemura knees low. Uemura runs, Sho drops then runs to run Uemura over! Sho drags Uemura back up, whips him to a corner, and hits a clothesline! Sho whips, wrenches and kicks away, to KICK Uemura down! Uemura slowly rises and Sho takes aim, but Uemura blocks that kick! Uemura fires up, gets up and under Sho in a modified Alabama Slam! To the HALF CRAB!

Sho endures, crawls, reaches, but Uemura drags him away from ropes! Uemura stomps Sho, gets both legs and has the FULL CRAB! Sho endures, fans rally, and Sho powers up! Sho crawls for ropes but Uemura sits back deeper! But Sho keeps going, and he gets the ropebreak! Uemura lets go, and grows frustrated, but he drags Sho back up. Uemura wrenches, cording holds, but Sho throws forearms to get free. Uemura throws a forearm back, so Sho gives another forearm. Uemura forearms, Sho forearms, and fans rally as the two pick up speed! Sho gets the edge, eggs Uemura on, and Uemura throws a forearm back!

Sho throws another, Uemura wobbles but roars, and Uemura throws several forearms in a row! Sho throws forearms from all sides! Sho gives Uemura about a dozen, then one more to top it off! Sho isn’t done, he just keeps throwing forearms! Uemura flops over, Sho drags him back up and KICKS him! And KICKS! And KICKS! Sho makes sure Uemura sits up to take the KICKS! The ref wants Sho to hold off for a moment to check on Uemura. Fans cheer as Uemura is okay to continue, so Sho fires off more forearms! Sho runs, but Uemura spins him to the TRAPPED ARM SUPLEX! Where did that come from!? Uemura crawls to cover, TWO! Both men are down but fans fire up!

Uemura staggers to his feet, roars, and brings Sho up. Sho fights off the arm traps this time, but Uemura throws headbutts! But then SHO suplexes Uemura up and over! Sho drags Uemura back up, and hits a LUMBAR CHECK! Sho has the legs, turns Uemura over and uses the BOSTON CRAB! Fans rally as Uemura endures his favorite hold! Uemura powers up, crawls and reaches, but Sho drags him away! Sho sits deep but Uemura refuses to give up just yet! Uemura powers up, crawls and reaches, but Sho sits so deep!! Uemura grabs at the ref to keep from giving up, and he gets the ropebreak! Fans are thunderous as Sho lets Uemura go.

Sho drags Uemura back up, waistlocks, but Uemura victory rolls! TWO!! Sho escapes, Uemura dodges the to ROCK Sho with a forearm! And another! And then the PALM STRIKE! Sho staggers, Uemura runs corner to corner, but into a JUMPING KNEE! Sho runs, and he LARIATS Uemura down! Sho drags Uemura back up, reels him in, but Uemura fights off Power Breaker! Sho tries again, gets Uemura up, POWER BREAKER HITS! Cover, TWO!?! Uemura shocks Sho! Sho aims his bow, drags Uemura back up and reels him back in for the double pump handles! SHOCK ARROW!! Cover, Sho wins!

Winner: Sho, by pinfall; now 6-2, Uemura is now 0-8

And High Voltage is still running hot! The Young Lion gave it his all, but is he going to go completely winless in the tournament? Is Sho going to be a lock for the finals?



Death Mask is still on the edge but Japones de Mal is creeping as a spoiler in the making! Will Douki ruin both Bushi’s run and LIJ’s hopes of sweeping the night right here and now?

Bushi is on the corner and Douki tries to attack but Bushi jumps over!  Bushi kicks and whips but Douki reverses with the bell. Bushi huricanranas Douki out and fans cheer as Bushi SLINGSHOT RANAS! Bushi gets up and finally undoes his tie. Douki stirs but Bushi stomps him down. Bushi brings Douki up to whip him into railing! Douki stumbles and writhes while Bushi finishes taking off his entrance attire. Bushi stomps Douki, puts him back in the ring, and fans cheer as he stomps Douki more. Bushi drags Douki up to drop him with a neckbreaker. Cover, TWO!

Bushi keeps his cool as he stomps Douki to the ropes. Douki eggs Bushi on so Bushi elbows him. Bushi runs, but Douki flapjack hotshots him down! Douki drags Bushi up by his mask and throws him out. Douki then brings Bushi up to whip him into railing! Bushi writhes now, but Douki takes Bushi’s shirt off to choke him with it! That’s Bushi’s move! The ref counts, Douki stops at 3 and argues with the ref, but then goes back to Bushi. Douki drags Bushi up, and picks him up to POST Bushi’s nuts! Bushi is down and Douki leaves him to the mercy of the ring count. The count is already 10 of 20 before Bushi sits up. Bushi stands up at 15, hobbles and flounders but gets in at 19!

Douki stomps Bushi down, digs his boot into Bushi’s head and talks trash! The ref reprimands and Douki lets off, to then drag Bushi back up. Douki hoists Bushi onto the top rope backwards, then goes up behind him. Douki pulls at Bushi’s mask strings! The ref reprimands, Bushi holds onto his mask desperately, but Douki keeps clawing at the strings! The ref counts, Douki stops at 4. Bushi tumbles down, quickly fixes his mask, but Douki is on him to scoop and slam him. Douki runs to DOUBLE STOMP Bushi down! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer as Bushi crawls. Douki taunts Bushi more and slaps him around!

Douki brings Bushi up but Bushi throws a forearm! Douki forearms back, but Bushi gets the edge. But Douki rakes Bushi’s eyes! The ref reprimands but Douki brings Bushi up and whips him corner to corner. Douki runs in but Bushi boots him! Bushi hops up to hit a FLYING RANA! Fans cheer as both men are down again. Bushi gets up first and fans rally up. Bushi brings Douki up to throw forearms, then whips him, but Douki reverses. Douki runs in but Bushi swing kicks! Bushi goes up top, leaps, and missile dropkicks Douki down! To then Bushirooni! Bushi dropkicks Douki’s legs out, and hits a DDT! Cover, TWO!

Fans cheer and rally as Bushi keeps his cool. Bushi drags Douki up, hangs Douki out to dry then goes to the corner. Bushi hops up for another missile dropkick! Douki flops down, Bushi drags Douki through the ropes, APRON DDT! Douki is stuck and Bushi gets back in. Bushi drags Douki out of the ropes, and hits FISH- NO! Douki slips out to get the ITALIAN STRETCH #32! Bushi stays up, moves around, and manages the ropebreak just as he falls over! Douki lets go but he vows to end this! Douki goes to the apron, dares Bushi to stand, and then slingshots, into CODE BREAKER! Fans fire up for that counter!

Bushi brings Douki up, sticks him in the corner, DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Fans fire up, Bushi aims from a corner, and Douki stands, to get the RUNNING- NO! Douki fights the Code Breaker off to get the ITALIAN STRETCH! Fans rally as Bushi endures, but Douki pulls harder! Then he drags Bushi from ropes, to reapply the Italian Stretch! Bushi gets a second wind, moves around, but he’s fading again! Bushi gets the ropebreak again as he’s falling over! Douki fires up as he goes back to the apron. Douki aims, slingshots, DAYBREAK! Cover, TWO!! Bushi survives and fans rally up, and Douki vows to end this!

Douki drags Bushi into the wheelbarrow, suplexes, but Bushi victory rolls! TWO!! Douki escapes, and ROCKS Bushi with the uppercut! Douki runs, into an enziguri! But Douki enziguris back! Douki runs, but Bushi dropkicks him down! Fans fire up as Bushi goes back to a corner. Douki flounders up, Bushi runs at him, RUNNING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Douki survives but Bushi goes to the corner. Fans fire up as he calls for it, M- NO! Douki drags Bushi down to the Dragon’s Lair! DOUKI WINS!!

Winner: Douki, by pinfall; now 2-6, Bushi is now 4-4

And the spoiler is in! Bushi can’t make the finals now and all because of Douki! Will Douki rub this in Bushi’s face until the next Best of the Super Juniors?


Robbie Eagles VS El Desperado!

The Sniper of the Sky has already made sure the Funky Weapon misses the finals, and he could take down an even bigger target this round! Will Eagles outdraw Desperado and hurt his chances at the finals?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. Desperado laughs and then bails out to quiet the fans down. But the fans still clap, “EA-GO-SU! EA-GO-SU!” Desperado gets in out of annoyance and circles with Eagles. They tie up, go around, and Eagles wrenches to a wristlock. Desperado rolls, wrenches back, but Eagles rolls, rolls and handsprings to wrench to a wristlock. Fans cheer the exchange, but Desperado rolls and trips Eagles up to a toehold. Desperado cranks on the leg but Eagles uses his other leg to bring Depserado down. Eagles wants the armbar but Desperado fights that and the leg guard to get a headlock.

Eagles gest up, puts Desperado on ropes, and the ref calls for the break. Eagles honors the break cleanly and fans cheer again. Desperado just sneers and circles with Eagles again. They approach, Eagles rolls to get the leg and makes Desperado do a standing splits, to then trip him up! Ron Miller Special but Desperado gets the ropebreak fast! Eagles lets go and says it was that close. Desperado nods but then pokes Eagles in the eye! And clubs him on the back! Eagles holds ropes to block the whip, so Desperado stomps Eagles’ foot. Eagles reverses the whip to go up and around and arm-drag! Eagles keeps moving, ducks and dodges to headsicssors! And windmill kick! Eagles kips up an dfans fire up!

Desperado bails out, Eagles builds speed but Desperado runs out of range. Desperado dares him to dive to the ramp. Eagles goes out after him, dodges and CHOPS! Eagles CHOPS Desperado more but Desperado rakes Eagles’ eyes! Desperado clubs Eagles, wrenches the arm, then goes for the post. Eagles goes up the apron and flips over to arm-drag Depserado down! Fans cheer for that amazing escape! Eagles rallies the fans up as he brings Desperado up. The count climbs to 8 of 20 but Eagles puts Desperado in. Eagles then gets in, but Desperado kicks the rope! Eagles tumbles down from getting hit in the nest eggs! Desperado tauntingly asks what’s wrong as he covers, TWO!

Desperado continues to taunt Eagles and mockingly ask what happened. Desperado has the legs, Eagles guards the groin but Desperado stomps him in the stomach! Eagles grits his teeth but Desperado JAMS his knee! And then drops knees on the knee! Eagles crawls as Desperado again mockingly asks what’s wrong. Desperado stomps the leg, stomps Eagles at the ropes and digs a boot in. The ref counts, Desperado stops at 4, but then drags Eagles for the toehold leg drop! Desperado finishes up with the butterfly deathlock! Fans rally as Eagles endures but Desperado puts more pressure on the legs!

Eagles keeps his shoulders up, reaches for ropes but Desperado puts more pressure on! But Eagles still gets the ropebreak! Desperado “needs help” getting free and then “GOMEN!” he drops a knee on the knee! Desperado again mockingly asks Eagles what’s wrong, while slapping him around. Eagles throws forearms back and fans rally, but Desperado knees low. Desperado back suplexes, Eagles lands on his feet, rolling chop bock to blindside lariat! Fans cheer as both men are down now. Desperado works to get his bad leg moving and Eagles stands first. Eagles KICKS and KICKS Desperado in the chest, but Desperado blocks the third, to kick the bad leg. Desperado runs, into a calf kick!

Fans fire up as Eagles aims from a corner. Desperado is in the other so Eagles runs corner to corner, but misses the double knees! Eagles hits buckles, Desperado throws a forearm but Eagles SWEEP-1-9’s! Then Eagles builds speed to TOPE CANNONBALL! Direct hit at the ramp and both men are down! Fans rally as the ring count climbs. Eagles sit up at 6 of 20, drags Desperado up at 11, and puts him in at 14! Fans cheer and Eagles keeps close. Eagles CHOPS Desperado, CHOPS again, and CHOPS again! Eagles whips corner to corner, then runs in for double knees! Desperado sits down, Eagles hits METEORA! Cover, TWO!

Eagles keeps his focus and he rallies the fans up. Eagles climbs, even with one good leg, WARP 4- No! He has to roll through as Desperado moves, and the leg gives out! Eagles runs back at Desperado but is put on the apron. Eagles forearms Desperado away and springboards, but the leg gives out again! Eagles falls, the ref checks with him, but Desperado doesn’t give him time! Desperado stomps the leg, drags Eagles around, but Eagles cradles! TWO and Eagles tries to schoolboy bridge! TWO, Eagles cravats but no Sliced Bread! The leg jams, Desperado dropkicks it out! STRETCH MUFFLER!

Eagles shouts in pain and fans rally, but Desperado cranks on the leg! He gets the arm, NUMERO DOS! Eagles continues to endure and fans continue to rally, but Desperado keeps him from ropes! Eagles rolls Desperado to a cover, TWO!! Eagles runs into a roll up, and STRETCH MUFFLER! Desperado has the arm, NUMBER DOS! Eagles endures but Desperado gets BOTH arms! Eagles gets one free, reaches, crawls, and manages the ropebreak!! Desperado lets go and is frustrated. Fans rally for Eagles but Desperado says he’ll end this now. Desperado brings Eagles up but Eagles back drops to bridge, TWO!! Desperado has the underhooks, PINCH- But Eagles huricanranas to a cover, TWO!!

Eagles ROUNDHOUSES, HEEL KICKS, and PELES! Desperado drops to his knees and Eagles fires up to run, into a pop-up! Eagles fights the waistlock but Desperado rakes eyes! GUITARRA- Eagles slips out, avoids the mule kick and hits a DRAGON SCREW, into the RON MILLER SPECIAL!! Desperado endures now and fans fire up! Eagles cranks as hard as he can, Desperado crawls but Eagles drags him from ropes! Desperado slams the mat but that wasn’t at tap! Desperado reaches back to rake Eagles’ eyes! The ref reprimands but Desperado is free! Both men stand up, Desperado runs into a dropkick to his legs!

Eagles fires up and the fans follow with him! Eagles makes sure the bad leg is working, and he kicks, but Desperado gets under! Desperado pushes Eagles into the ref, then turns Eagles around, STRAIGHT RIGHT!! Desperado underhooks, PINCHE LOCO!! Cover, Desperado wins

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall; now 6-2, Eagles is now 3-5

And the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion is still in the running! But damage was done, will Desperado make it through round 9 in one piece?


Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Honma & Satoshi Kojima!

Jay White may have robbed the Golden Star of his G1 Climax Right to Challenge contract prize, but Tetsuya Naito makes it up to Ibushi by giving him a match for the titles on night one of WrestleKingdom 15! As such, this is the last chance to tune up! Will Naito, Sanada and Takagi gain momentum together against Ibushi, The Innovator of Lighttube Deathmatches and the Cozy Strong Arm?

LIJ waits until all three are together on stage before going to the ring. LIJ also take off their elaborate entrance attire, with Naito taking his time as always. Ibushi’s team waits as patiently as possible, and then the trios sort out. LIJ gives the fist bump, and Naito starts with Ibushi to give us a WK15 preview!

Fans fire up as Naito and Ibushi circle, and the clapping is “I-BU-SHI!” “NA-I-TO!” Naito and Ibushi circle, Naito backs up but then approaches, but then backs up again. Ibushi keeps calm as the fans change to regular clapping, and the two tie up! Naito headlocks, Ibushi powers Naito to ropes but Naito turns things around. Naito still has the headlock but the ref reprimands and counts. Naito lets go cleanly, and gives Ibushi pats ont he shoulder. To then kick low! Naito fires off elbows, whips Ibushi to ropes, but Ibushi reverses. Naito sunset flips, Ibushi rolls through but Naito avoids the Penalty Kick to arm-drag! But Ibushi headscissors and Naito pops out, and the fans cheer as the two stand off. Ibushi smirks but Naito says he’s watching him.

The claps return to “I-BU-SHI!” “NA-I-TO!” but Naito tags out to Takagi. The rhythm still works, but not Kojima tags in! Well, that also still works. Fans fire up as Takagi and Kojima tie up and Takagi headlocks. Kojima powers out and the two ram shoulders, and Takagi dares Kojima to try again. Kojima does, and they ram shoulders again. Neither falls, and Kojima CHOPS! Takagi CHOPS, they go back and forth with CHOPS, but then Takagi JABS, JABS and JABS! Takagi whips, Kojima runs him over! Kojima makes the pecs dance and fans cheer. Kojima stomps Takagi, tags in Honma, and they double whip to double shoulder Takagi down! Honma runs, falling headbutt! Naito gets in, Honma knocks him over and runs, falling headbutt!

Fans fire up more as Honma goes back to Takagi. Honma throws forearms, then CHOPS Takagi in the corner. Honma whips corner to corner, Takagi reverses and runs in, but Honma elbows him away. Honma goes up and leaps, but Takagi dodges the flying headbutt! Sanada basement dropkicks outta nowhere! Takagi elbows Kojima and Ibushi off the apron! Honma shakes out the cobwebs but Takagi wrenches his arm and tags Sanada in. Sanada goes up and drops ax handles on Honma’s arm. Sanada wrenches now, clubs the arm, and brings Honma back up to wrench the arm again. And again, and again! Tag to Takagi and Takagi Tomahawks the arm!

Honma gets to ropes and LIJ double whips him to double elbow! Then they drop elbow after elbow, and Takagi drops the senton! Naito keeps guard as Takagi covers, TWO! Naito stomps Honma on his way back out, and Takagi drives elbows into Honma’s shoulder. Takagi suplexes Honma up and over! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer but Takagi drags Honma to the LIJ corner. Tag to Naito, and Naito stares Ibushi down a moment before going to Honma. Fans rally up as Naito gives toying kicks. Honma throws forearms but Sanada clubs Honma down! The ref reprimands LIJ but he keeps Kojima and Ibushi in their corner.

LIJ whips Honma to the open corner and Sanada runs in but Honma boots him away! Naito catches Honma and Takagi runs in, but Honma boots Takagi away! Honma slips out to get Naito and Takagi, COMPLETE SHOT DDT IN STEREO! Fans fire up as Honma crawls, hot tag to Ibushi! Fans fire up as Ibushi fires off on Naito! Naito reverses the whip but Ibushi FLYING KICKS himdown! Ibushi hits Sanada for good measure then goes back to Naito. Naito swings, Ibushi fires off a strike fest and then KICKS Naito down! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Ibushi stalks behind Naito and reels him in.

Naito fights off the waistlock with elbows, blocks a kick and spins Ibushi for the backbreaker and basement dropkick! Fans rally as Ibushi goes to a corner. Naito kicks at Ibushi, then whips him corner to corner. Naito runs in to rocket kick, sweep and dropkick, Combinacion Cabron! Naito keeps on Ibushi with a neckbreaker, cover, TWO! Ibushi rolls away but Naito catches up to him. Naito throws elbows in the corner over and over, then hoists Ibushi up top. Naito climbs up to join Ibushi but Ibushi resists. Ibushi and Naito brawl with big forearms and Ibushi sends Naito down! Naito staggers up, runs back in but Ibushi goes up and over and SNAP RANAS! Fans fire up as both men are down!

Ibushi and Naito head for their corners, hot tags to Sanada and Kojima! Sanada kicks and whips Kojima to a corner but Kojima dodges! Kojima fires off the MACHINE GUN CHOPS!! Kojima whips Sanada corner to corner, runs in and forearms Sanada down! Fans fire up and Kojima climbs up, for the DIVING ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Kojima keeps his focus and he drags Sanada back up. Kojima fires off forearms, but Sanada ducks the discus. Kojima elbows out of the waistlock and runs, but Sanada dodges to dropkick the legs out! Kojima bails out, Sanada takes aim, and PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up! Sanada encourages them to get louder and the fans oblige.

Sanada drags Kojima up and in, goes to the apron and springboards but Kojima dodges! Kojima kicks and DDT’s! Ibushi gets in to intercept Takagi! Honma drags Sanada up and headbutts! Ibushi ROUNDHOUSES! COZY CUTTER! Cover, but Naito slips in to break it up! Honma keeps Takagi out, Ibushi throws Naito out, and they keep LIJ down against the railing! Kojima runs but into a dropkick! Kojima stays up but Sanada deflects the lariat! Sanada ducks, O’Conner, TWO, into the dragon sleeper! But Kojima slips out to BRAIN BUSTER! Naito fights Ibushi off but Kojima covers, TWO!

Kojima keeps his focus then fires up! Kojima runs, but Sanada ducks the lariat to full nelson, then shiranui, to dragon sleeper! Sanada feeds Kojima to Naito’s atomic drop! Naito enziguris and Sanada dropkicks, then Takagi PUMPING BOMBERS! Sanada hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, but Ibushi and Honma both break it! Naito throws Ibushi out and Takagi is after Honma. Sanada has Kojima for a scoop and backbreaker! Sanada goes up top, for the ROUNDING BODY PRESS MOONSAULT! Cover, LIJ wins!

Winners: Los Ingobenables de Japon, by pinfall

Naito taunts Ibushi about the win, but a Six Man Tag is far from 1v1. Will Naito still be on the winning end against Ibushi, only to then face Jay White on WK15 Night 2? Naito also insists he raise Sanada’s and Takagi’s hands, and then he kicks the ref out of the ring, literally! As for Sanada and Takagi, will they use this momentum to help in World Tag League’s 9th and final round?


Master Wato w/ Hiroyoshi Tenzan VS Taiji Ishimori!

The Way of the Grandmaster may be just off course of the top spot, but he could jump the line with a win against THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion! Will Bone Soldier Reborn make sure to stop Wato’s rise before it begins?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. Ishimori taunts Tenzan and Tenzan gets on the apron, but then Ishimori sucker punches Wato! Ishimori bumps Wato into Tenzan as he whips him away! Ishimori drops then hurdles, but Wato leaps over to shotgun dropkick Ishimori out! Fans fire up as Wato builds speed, but Ishimori avoids the baseball slide. Ishimori goes in and baseball slide dropkicks Wato back! Ishimori drags Wato up to whip him into railing! Wato drops to his knees but Ishimori brings him up to whip again. Wato leaps over the railing! And forearms back, to use the railing to springboard, flying uppercut!

Fans cheer Wato as he puts Ishimori back in the ring. Wato stomps Ishimori then drags him back up for a cravat and snapmare. Wato KICKS Ishimori in the back, covers, TWO! Wato keeps his cool as he brings Ishimori up and wrenches. Wato clubs the arm, cravats again then clubs Ishimori again. Wato has Ishimori in a corner, whips him corner to corner, then runs in only to be put on the apron. Wato forearms Ishimori away but Ishimori trips up the springboard! Ishimori looms over Wato, clubs him down, then drags him up. Fans rally as Ishimori wrenches and clubs the arm again. Ishimori drags Wato down and keeps on the arm, and drops knees on the shoulder!

Ishimori pulls on the arm, Wato moves around and fans rally up. Wato reaches with his legs but Ishimori hammerlocks and stands Wato up. Ishimori RAMS the arm into buckles! Wato clutches that arm but Ishimori gives toying knees to the shoulder. Wato CHOPS, Ishimori clubs Wato and wrenches the arm to snapmare Wato down. Ishimori pushes Wato down and rolling wrings out the arm! Ishimori drags Wato around to put on the double wristlock. Fans rally as Wato endures and moves around. Wato fights up and throws body shots. Ishimori throws Wato down and keeps on the arm, but Wato gets the ropebreak with a leg!

Red Shoes counts, Ishimori lets off. Ishimori drags Wato back up, and throws Wato shoulder first into buckles! And then again! Ishimori drags Wato back up to wrench the arm and clamp onto the shoulder. Ishimori drives elbows in, but Wato tries to fight his way up. Ishimori drives in more elbows, then drags Wato into a ghost pin, ONE! Wato is on his stomach and Ishimori pulls the arm back, and YANKS on it! Wato clutches the shoulder, but Ishimori looms over him. Ishimori brings Wato up, Wato throws forearms, but Ishimori CHOPS him off his feet! Fans cheer that chopping power, and Ishimori drives elbows in. Wato back elbows, back hands and SOBATS!

Both men are down and fans rally up! Wato and Ishimori rise at opposite ends, and Ishimori runs in, but Wato dropkicks him down and out! Wato fires up and builds speed, to TORNILLO! Direct hit at the ramp! Wato fetches Ishimori and throws elbows before he puts Ishimori back in the ring. Wato aims from the apron, fans rally again, and Wato springboards for the flying uppercut! Cover, TWO! Wato grits his teeth and shakes out the bad arm as he drags Ishimori back up. Wato wrenches, reels Ishimori in but Ishimori fights off the Mouse Trap. Wato knees Ishimori but Ishimori blocks a kick. Wato dodges the jumping knee and only gets Ishimori with a glancing blow on that sobat.

Wato KICKS Ishimori off his feet, covers, TWO! Wato kicks Ishimori’s right side from both front and back, then kicks Ishimori’s left side from front and back. Ishimori ducks the buzzsaw, rolls Wato up, TWO! Wato rolls Ishimori, Ishimori slips out but Wato KICKS him down! Fans fire up with Wato as he drags Ishimori back up. Wato scoops, but Ishimori slips out to waistlock. Wato elbows free, runs, but into a scoop! SHOULDER BUSTER! Ishimori is after the arm and rolls into the YES LOCK! Wato endures, reaches and crawls, and gets the ropebreak! Ishimori lets go and catches his breath. Fans rally up, Ishimori stalks Wato and drags him back up.

Ishimori kicks low then rakes eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Ishimori aims from a corner. Ishimori runs to JOHN WOO SHOTGUN! Wato ends up in the corner, Ishimori runs in to METEORA! Cover, TWO!! Wato survives but Ishimori keeps his focus. Fans rally as Ishimori drags Wato up again. Ishimori gut wrenches but Wato slips out and ROUNDHOUSES Ishimori down! Wato fires up and drags Ishimori into a lift, but Ishimori counters the bomb to a DDT!! Both men are down, fans fire up and the two crawl at each other. Wato fires off a forearm but Ishimori gives it back. Wato gives another forearm, so Ishimori gives it back again.

Fans rally as they pick up speed and get to their feet! Ishimori fires off several but Wato KICKS back! Ishimori BOOTS and throws elbows over and over! Ishimori runs but into Wato’s tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Wato drags Ishimori up into an ANACONDA CROSS! Another move Tenzan has passed down to Wato! Ishimori endures the hold, and arm-drags out of the slam! Ishimori KNEES, Wato DREAMCAST KICKS! Both men are down and fans fire up! Wato gets up first and he drags Ishimori up to wrench the arm. Wato reels Ishimori in, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO!?! Ishimori escapes at perhaps 2.9 because Wato thought he had it!

Wato drags Ishimori back up, scoops him, but Ishimori fights off TTD to gut wrnech and CIPHER UTAKI! Both men are down again and fans fire up more! Ishimori throws off his own KT tape on his shoulder as he gets up with the ropes. Ishimori aims at Wato and says BANG before he drags Wato back up. BLOODY- NO! Wato slips out, tilt-o-whirls and rolls Ishimori, but gets caught into the omoplata! Ishimori shifts sides to get the BONE LOCK!! Wato crawls, reaches, but Ishimori rolls him away! And drags him up for BLOODY CROSS!! Cover, Ishimori wins!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall; now 6-2, Wato is now 4-4

The Bone Soldier is still going strong! But those two losses are going to hurt him. Can he stay strong to the end and be a finalist?


Ryusuke Taguchi VS Hiromu Takahashi!

The Funky Weapon won’t have a spot in the finals, but the Timebomb hasn’t punched his ticket yet, either! Will Taguchi spoil things for Hiromu this close to the end?

The bell rings and Taguchi’s using his fancy footwork again. Taguchi tests the waters with a spinning hip attack, but Hiromu copies him! Taguchi sees if Hiromu can keep up, and Hiromu can. It’s becoming a dance contest now, and the fans don’t mind! Hiromu copies Taguchi’s wave hand two step, and then feels like he just took critical damage. Fans cheer as Hiromu gets up, and both he and Taguchi want Red Shoes to do the dancing. Red Shoes politely declines so Taguchi starts running the ropes. Hiromu runs the ropes, too! They keep going and going, but then Taguchi starts passing Hiromu on faster and faster.

Hiromu keeps going, and going, and now Taguchi is the one lost. Hiromu SHOTGUN DROPKICKS Taguchi! Taguchi ends up on the apron and Hiromu finally catches his breath. Hiromu runs and sunset flips! Taguchi holds onto ropes, then drops down on Hiromu! Hiromu staggers away from that funky drop, and Taguchi pursues at the rope, BIG hip attack! Fans cheer and clap “TA-GU-CHI!” as a ring count starts. Taguchi drags Hiromu up at 7, but puts on OH MY ANKLE LOCK! Hiromu endures, the count climbs to 12 and Taguchi hurries to the ring! Taguchi is in at 15 and thinks he’s won! Hiromu hobbles and gallops to the apron! Hiromu is up at 18 but Taguchi hip attacks him down!

Taguchi wants the last two counts to go but Red Shoes says that was a reset. The count starts from 1 and climbs to 7 before Hiromu gets up. Taguchi hip attacks Hiromu down, but he’s stuck in the ropes! The count is 15! Hiromu flounders up at 18, in at 19, and yet Taguchi is still stuck! Red Shoes points out one of Taguchi’s feet is hooked on the bottom rope, and Hiromu sees this for himself. Hiromu asks what the heck. Hiromu goes out to the apron and dropkicks the funky weapon! And then he unhooks Taguchi, drags him out and whips him into railing! And more railing!

Hiromu gets space and Taguchi slowly sits up. Hiromu runs back in and JOHN WOO SHOTGUNS Taguchi into railing! Taguchi slumps down and Hiromu drags him up. Hiromu puts Taguchi in, covers, TWO! Fans cheer but Hiromu keeps his cool. Hiromu stands Taguchi up to CHOP to a corner, then whip him corner to corner. Hiromu hits a clothesline, rolls Taguchi and basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Hiromu puts on the headscissor squeeze! Taguchi endures and fans rally up. Taguchi moves around but Hiromu squeeze tighter. Taguchi keeps reaching and gets a ropebreak with a foot. Hiromu holds on until Red Shoes counts.

Hiromu keeps cool, paces and has Red Shoes check on Taguchi. Taguchi sputters but he’s okay to continue. Hiromu drags Taguchi up, but Taguchi CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Taguchi runs, but the hip attack gets an atomic drop! Hiromu runs, and atomic drops the hip attack again! Taguchi goes to a corner, Hiromu runs in but Taguchi boots him! Taguchi runs, dodges and ducks to hip attack, and miss! Hiromu lets Taguchi crash ‘n’ burn and fans cheer. Hiromu drags Taguchi back up and CHOPS him! Hiromu whips, Taguchi reverses but Hiromu avoids the spinning hip attack! Only to run into a spinning hip attack anyway!

Fans fire up as Hiromu bails out and Taguchi TRIANGLE PLANCHAS! Direct hit and Taguchi gets Hiromu in. Taguchi springboards for a missile hip! Hiromu flounders out of the ring and Taguchi FLIES!! Direct hit with the tope conjilo! Fans fire up and Taguchi gets to his feet. Commentary lets Taguchi know that was amazing. Taguchi brings Hiromu up and puts him in the ring. Taguchi suplexes Hiromu for a gourd buster, then rolls to the corner! Taguchi powers up, “ORAYO!” BUM- NO! Hiromu rolls it away, but it comes back! BOOMERANG BUMAYE! Cover, TWO! Hiromu survives but Taguchi takes aim again.

Taguchi runs in but he fakes out the overhead throw! And then gets OH MY ANKLE LOCK! Hiromu has the ropebreak already so Taguchi lets go in frustration. Taguchi brings Hiromu up, chicken wings but Hiromu elbows free. Taguchi deflects the superkick and dropkicks the leg out! OH MY ANKLE LOCK! Hiromu endures, fans rally, and Hiromu rolls to throw Taguchi away. Taguchi comes back, but Hiromu sees the feint coming this time. Taguchi still dodges the clothesline, but then Hiromu fakes Taguchi out on trying to steal the overhead throw! Hiromu asks if Taguchi is okay, and then drags him up. Taguchi CHOPS, runs, but into the POP-UP BOMB! Cover, TWO!

Taguchi survives and fans cheer! Hiromu keeps his cool and brings Taguchi back up. Hiromu fireman’s carries, for a CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Fans fire up with Hiromu and he drags Taguchi back up. Hiromu fireman’s carries again, but Taguchi does some kind of Superman planking to get free. Hiromu just lets him hit the floor and then he stomps Taguchi down. Hiromu drags Taguchi up, fireman’s carries again, but again Taguchi goes Superman to escape! Taguchi says he’s got the perfect counter strategy! Hiromu suplexes but Taguchi blocks and suplexes back! Uno amigo! Dos amigos! Hiromu slips out of the third amigo to waistlock but Taguchi rolls, to OH MY ANKLE LOCK!

Hiromu rolls but Taguchi holds on tight! Hiromu turns over, kicks Taguchi away, but Taguchi runs in, but into the fireman’s! Taguchi slips out, ducks the elbow and gets a leg for a DRAGON SCREW! To OH MY ANKLE! Fans rally and Hiromu crawls and gets up, to reel Taguchi into D! The triangle hold brings Taguchi down! Taguchi endures, fans rally up, and Taguchi fights up. Taguchi tries to dead lift but Hiromu wrangles him back down. Hiromu holds tight but Taguchi gets the ropebreak! Hiromu lets go and Taguchi stays put. Hiromu slaps Taguchi around and eggs him on. Does Taguchi not take this serious?

Hiromu slaps Taguchi again, Taguchi SLAPS Hiromu! Taguchi’s getting serious for once as he slaps and kicks Hiromu to a corner then stomps away! Taguchi stands on Hiromu’s head, Red Shoes reprimands but Taguchi asks who isn’t taking this serious now?! This “Scary Taguchi” keeps standing on Hiromu’s head! Taguchi stomps Hiromu in the chest! Red Shoes finally gets Taguchi to let off and fans rally up. Taguchi waits for Hiromu to get up, and he reels Hiromu in. Hiromu CHOPS, runs, but Taguchi dropkicks! Taguchi drags Hiromu up, Hiromu SUPERKICKS! Taguchi stays up, Hiromu runs, and Taguchi dropkicks Hiromu again!

Taguchi drags Hiromu back up, chicken wings, DODON- No, Hiromu victory rolls but Taguchi holds it off! Hiromu pulls Taguchi’s tights down! Taguchi stays standingand he SITS on Hiromu! Cover, TWO!! Hiromu survives and Taguchi reveals it’s a FUNDOSHI he’s wearing! A black fundoshi?! Taguchi tucks it all back into his tights as fans cheer. Taguchi drags Hiromu up, and torture racks! But Hiromu victory rolls, only for Taguchi to sit on it again! TWO, OH MY ANKLE!! Hirom screams, reaches for the ropes, but Taguchi drops an elbow on the leg! OH MY ANKLE! Hiromu claws his way over as fans rally up but Taguchi brings him away.

Taguchi ducks the enziguri and cranks on the hold! Hiromu pulls at his hair, even as Taguchi twists the ankle! Hiromu claws, and gets the ropebreak! Fans are thunderous as Taguchi lets Hiromu go. Taguchi looms over Hiromu, drags him up and brings him in to chicken wing. DODON- NO, Hiromu pops out to suplex. Taguchi slips out, wrenches but Hiromu forearms! Taguchi hip attacks, bops and hip attacks! Hiromu fires up and fires off forearms! Hiromu runs, into a hip attack! Taguchi runs, and hip attacks into a GERMAN! But Taguchi pops right up! Taguchi watches Hiromu rise and the fans fire up. Thumbs up, but he plans to use it as a weapon!

Hiromu dodges the thumb lariat, but then runs into a LEFT LARIAT! Taguchi drags Hiromu up, chicken wings but Hiromu counters again to a WHEELBARROW COMPLETE SHOT! Fans fire up, Hiromu and Taguchi rise, and Hiromu runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Hiromu drags Taguchi up, VICTORIA! Hiromu fires up more and dragon sleepers, inverted suplex, but Taguchi slips out to hit a reverse DDT! Fans fire up as both men are down again! Taguchi rises, drags Hiromu up but Hiromu throws a forearm. Taguchi throws a forearm back, but Hiromu gives another. Fans rally as the forearms fly back and forth, faster and faster!

Taguchi ROCKS Hiromu, then drags Hiromu up again, but Hiromu fires off furious forearms! Taguchi blocks the superkick but Hiromu ducks the enziguri! Hiromu runs into an ENZIGURI! But he SUPERKICKS! And SUPERKICKS! Taguchi stays up but wobbles, Hiromu runs into Taguchi’s THUMB BOMBER! Taguchi drags Hiromu up, DODON- No, it’s a TIGER SUPLEX! Taguchi knew Hiromu was expecting the Dodon so he changed it! Taguchi drags Hiromu up and chicken wings, to DODON BUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Hiromu survives and fans are thunderous again!

Taguchi keeps his focus and he drags Hiromu back up. Taguchi fireman’s carries, for a CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Taguchi used Hiromu’s move! But then he calls he’s going to steal! Fireman’s carry, TIME- SUNSET FLIP! HIGH STACK, Hiromu wins!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by pinfall; now 6-2, Taguchi is now 3-5

Maybe Taguchi shouldn’t have given away his plan. Taguchi was so close to blowing up Hiromu’s chances, but now it all blows up in his face. Hiromu gets the mic before Taguchi leaves and says, “Taguchi-san, I was wrong about you. You aren’t just an ordinary pervert. You’re a fantastic pervert.” Thta’s a compliment? Hiromu does say he has learned a lot from Taguchi in this match. Or not. But please, go. Please go. Please, be on your way. Yes, thank you. So he’s just a normal pervert after all.

Hiromu says now that it’s just him, he’ll let us in on something: yesterday was his birthday! He knows the fans can’t sing a birthday song for him, so he’ll sing it himself. “Happy Birthday to me~! Happy birthday to me~! Happy birthday dear Hiromu-chawawawawawan~ awoo~! Happy birthday to meeeeeee~!” Thanks, everyone! The Super Juniors are almost over, and Hiromu just needs to win two more times! So let’s have more, more, more, more, more, MORE, MORE, MORE FUN TOGETHER! Will Hiromu get himself the best birthday present of all in the BOSJ 27 trophy?


Here are the current Best of the Super Juniors 27 standings!

El Desperado: 6-2
SHO: 6-2
Hiromu Takahashi: 6-2
Taiji Ishimori: 6-2
Master Wato: 4-4 [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 3-5 [ELIMINATED]
Robbie Eagles: 3-5 [ELIMINATED]
Yuya Uemura: 0-8 [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

A great round eight and there are FOUR at 6-2! Naturally the champion, Ishimori, is still in the running, but with Hiromu and Desperado also in the running, he’d basically have to be the only one to win to be a finalist. And as I said last round, I feel like WrestleKingdom 15’s IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship match(es) have to come down to combinations of Ishimori, Hiromu and Desperado. Ishimori faces Sho, and I feel he will win that to put pressure on the other two. Hiromu faces Wato, who just lost to Ishimori and could try to be a spoiler. El Desperado faces Bushi, and to help Hiromu, Bushi will definitely give it his all so that Hiromu has a chance.

Uemura looked strong even in defeat again, but he might be Eagles’ last win of the BOSJ.  It was also fun to have the Six Man Tag to act as the closest thing to a “go-home” for Naito and Ibushi. They of course weren’t involved in the finish, keeping the math for their WK15 match even. It mostly gave more momentum to Takagi and Sanada as they go for the World Tag League win. And Taguchi VS Hiromu was great stuff for a great main event. I feel I was proven right from last round that Taguchi is a master of doing both the comedic and the serious. He literally did both in that match with Hiromu! Taguchi’s last match is with Douki, so he should end his BOSJ 27 with a win.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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