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Mitchell’s NJPW WrestleKingdom 15 Results & Report! (1/4/21)

WrestleKingdom 15, Night 1!



NJPW WrestleKingdom 15

NJPW gives us another massive double event to open the New Year!

Once more, NJPW WrestleKingdom is a massive TWO-DAY event! And Night One is big with the IWGP Double Championship main event, Naito VS Ibushi!


  • New Japan Rambo: Chase Owens, Bad Luck Fale, Bushi & Toru Yano are the final four, and will compete in Night Two’s KOPW 2021 Fatal 4 Way.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Contender’s Match: Hiromu Takahashi VS El Phantasmo; Hiromu wins and challenges Taiji Ishimori for the title on Night Two.
  • IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: The Dangerous Tekkers VS Guerrillas of Destiny; Guerrillas of Destiny win and become the new IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
  • IWGP United States Championship Right to Challenge Match: KENTA VS Satoshi Kojima; Kenta wins and retains the Right to Challenge contract.
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Great-O-Khan; Tanahashi wins.
  • Kazuchika Okada VS Will Ospreay; Okada wins.
  • IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Double Championship: Tetsuya Naito VS Kota Ibushi; Ibushi wins and becomes the new Double Champion, will defend the titles against Jay White on Night Two.


New Japan Rambo!

2020 is over, and Toru Yano finished as Mr. KOPW! But now with 2021, the challenge is to see who stays Mr. KOPW for an entire year! With 22 wrestlers being whittled down to four, will Yano have a shot at going back-to-back?

First out is the Crown Jewel of Bullet Club, Chase Owens! Second is Chaos’ Stone Pitbull, Tomohiro Ishii! And Ishii fires off on Owens before the bell! Ishii whips, Owens reverses but Ishii bounces off buckles only to run into a kick. Owens fires off a strike fest but Ishii dodges the Jewel Trigger. Owens dodges back to try for a backslide, but Ishii rolls off, so Owens tucks him in! Ishii avoids the package driver to spin Owens around but Owens avoids the brain buster. Owens boots, Ishii forearms and then catches Owens’ clothesline! Owens rolls out of the armlock but Ishii runs, only for Owens to avoid the sliding lariat! Fans cheer as the two stand off.

Owens and Ishii circle, Owens kicks low and bumps Ishii off buckles. Owens stomps away and even chokes Ishii, but the ref counts. Fans cheer as the third entry appears! And it’s Minoru Suzuki! Owens wants a time out and slips under the ropes to safety. The ref reprimands but Owens is taking full advantage of the rules to take a breather while Suzuki heads to the ring. On the flipside, Ishii is ready the second the Meanest Man in the World gets in, and they fire off forearms! Owens gets in to get in on it, but Ishii DECKS him! Suzuki and Ishii brawl, Owens comes back but Suzuki DECKS him!

Owens fires up and throws forearms on both of them! But neither flinches! Suzuki ROCKS Owens, Ishii DECKS him! Then they go after each other again! But another entry shows up already, and it’s Yuji Nagata! Blue Justice heads to the ring but Suzuki stomps Ishii over and over. Suzuki also BOOTS Owens, but turns his attention to Nagata as he enters. Now these two brawl back and forth! Suzuki chokes Nagata while Owens stomps Ishii! Nagata hits back but Suzuki knees low over and over! Owens CHOPS Ishii but Ishii doesn’t flinch. Owens keeps throwing CHOPS but Ishii CHOPS and forearms back!

Nagata turns things around on Suzuki only for Suzuki to rake eyes and turn things back around. Fans fire up as the CHOPS keep flying and the fifth entry appears! It’s Toa Henare! The Hammerhead hurries into the ring as Ishii fires off on Nagata and Suzuki, and Henare goes after Ishii! Ishii hits back, whips, but Henare reverses, only for the two to collide! Ishii and Henare bob ‘n’ weave with each other, Henare ROCKS Ishii and runs, only for Ishii to stop him flat! Henare suplexes Ishii and gets him up and over! Fans cheer as Henare stomps away, but Owens clobbers Henare from behind. Suzuki and Nagata brawl with each other again and fans fire up.

Entry six is here, and it’s Hirooki Goto! Suzuki dodges Nagata to get a SLEEPER! But Nagata fights out to get an elbow breaker! Goto makes his way into the ring as Suzuki drags Nagata up a corner in the sleeper! Ishii goes to push them both! Suzuki and Nagata stay on the apron and DECK Ishii! Suzuki and Nagata brawl, but Henare runs over and BLASTS them off the apron! Henare ELIMINATES BOTH Suzuki and Nagata! That’s huge for the young stud! But at the same time, Suzuki and Nagata don’t care, they just brawl with each other at ringside! Goto gets in and goes after Owens while Henare stomps Ishii.

Ishii hits back and brawls with Henare, but then Ishii just leans into Henare’s forearms. Ishii ROCKS Henare, Suzuki and Nagata brawl all the way back out of the arena, and Goto bumps Owens off buckles. Henare forearms and CHOPS Ishii in return, throws some knees, but Goto hurries over to help his teammate. Owens hits Goto, runs but Goto follows to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Goto snapmares Owens, and another entry is here! It’s Yujiro Takahashi! Bullet Club’s Tokyo Pimp hurries to reinforce Owens as Goto covers, TWO! Goto stomps Owens, Ishii stomps Henare. Goto grinds Owens’ head with a boot but Yujiro gets in and goes after him!

Yujiro throws forearms but Goto kicks. Yujiro blocks, trips Goto up and runs to basement boot! But Henare SPEARS Yujiro! Ishii comes back and brawls with Henare, and he withstands the clothesline! Ishii fires elbows from both sides, but Henare Tomahawk elbows then HEEL KICKS! Ishii wobbles, Henare runs in but Ishii tosses and ELIMINATES Henare! Owens and Yujiro work together on Goto with a double whip, mule kick, stomps and then knees. The next entry is here, and it’s YOSHI-HASHI! The NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions are all together now!

Yujiro and Owens stomp Goto and Ishii then go after Hashi as soon as he’s in! They stomp and CHOP then whip Hashi to a corner. Owens whips Yujiro in but Hashi dodges to CHOP Owens, then he comes back to CHOP Yujiro! Hashi whips Yujiro, Yujiro reverses but Hashi dodges and he hits a spinning mule kick! Goto runs Yujiro over! Now Chaos takes over and they stomp Bullet Club down! Ishii keeps Owens down while Goto and Hashi hammer away on Yujiro. Owens turns things around on Ishii, and another entry appears! It is Togi Makabe! Hashi and Goto CHOP Yujiro, double whip, then combine but Yujiro dodges the hip toss senton!

Owens BOOTS Goto down then goes after Ishii in a corner. The Unchained Gorilla gets in and throws forearms on Owens! Yujiro hits Makabe and whips but Makabe reverses to put Yujiro in a corner. Makabe goes back and forth with clotheslines and fans fire up with him! Makabe goes after Hashi and Goto, and DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES them to DOUBLE ELIMINATE them!! Ishii goes after Makabe and CHOPS! Makabe forearms back, Ishii CHOPS, repeat! Makabe ROCKS Ishii, digs his boots in, but Yujiro goes after Makabe with a rake of the eyes! Yujiro goes to the ropes but Makabe resists being thrown out. Owens helps Yujiro but Makabe still holds on. Ishii goes after Owens!

Owens hits back, and another entry is here! Tomoaki Honma heads to the ring! Owens goes after Ishii’s legs while Yujiro tries to throw Makabe out. Honma goes after Yujiro with clubbing forearms but Yujiro keeps trying to throw Makabe out. Honma keeps trying, but he uses a HEADBUTT to knock Yujiro down! Honma and Makabe see Ishii coming, Ishii clotheslines Makabe but Honma goes after Ishii. Honma CHOPS Ishii, Ishii CHOPS Makabe, repeat! Honma shows high five, but he uses that to sucker Makabe in for a kick and CHOP! Another entry is here, and it’s HIROYOSHI TENZAN! Fans cheer as Tenzan returns to action!

Honma whips Ishii, then whips Makabe. Makabe reverses, Honma gets around, Tenzan gives Makabe CHOPS! Honma HEADBUTTS, and is working with Tenzan to throw Makabe out! They ELIMINATE Makabe, but then Honma goes after Tenzan! Honma’s definitely in this for himself! Ishii puts Owens on the apron, Owens BOOTS him back and slips under the bottom rope. Honma goes to throw Ishii, but Tenzan clubs Honma on the back. Owens clubs Tenzan, runs, but into a headbutt! Tenzan CHOPS Owens down! Tenzan throws hands and CHOPS and stomps on Owens as another entry appears! It’s Rocky Romero! Rocky fires off on Owens!

Rocky whips, Owens reverses but Rocky RANAS! Fans cheer as Rocky fires off on Honma but Honma rocks him back. Tenzan stomps Ishii, Rocky picks Honma up but Honma fights him off! Honma bumps Rocky off buckles, and goes to throw him out! Rocky holds on, Yujiro slides back in after using the loopholes to catch his breath. Tenzan goes to throw Owens out, Owens holds on but he’s put on the apron again! Owens scrambles to get the bottom rope, and another entry appears! It’s Douki! Honma tries to throw Tenzan out while Rocky goes after Yujiro. Rocky and Ishii whip Yujiro to run him over! Douki gets in with the stick!

Rocky hits Douki first, kicks and uppercuts, and fans cheer as Rocky whips. Douki reverses but Rocky hits another rana! Fans fire up with Rocky as he runs in, to corner clothesline! Infinite clotheslines on just Douki! But Douki dodges to STICK SMACK Rocky! The ref DISQUALIFIES Douki! Douki ELIMINATES himself, but he just wants to choke Rocky! Owens goes after Ronma, but here comes another entry! It’s SHO! Rocky’s protege rushes in to save him from Douki! SPEAR! Douki finally leaves and Sho makes sure Rocky is alright. Owens goes after Sho while Honma and Tenzan mug Ishii. Ishii just eggs them on and CHOPS! They CHOP back!

Sho throws Owens over the ropes but Yujiro makes the save. Yujiro stomps Rocky, Tenzan turns on Honma and goes to throw him over. Honma holds on, Owens is after Sho, but Ishii storms over after Sho. The next entry is here, and it’s BUSHI! Death Mask takes his time letting the others stomp away, and Chaos gives Owens a DOUBLE SUPLEX! Honma hurries to cover, TWO! Ishii takes offense so he and Honma brawl. Bushi finally gets in but Yujiro kicks him first. Yujiro whips, Bushi holds rope then dumps Yujiro out and ELIMINATES him! Owens kicks and whips Bushi, but Bushi dodges to DIVE out onto Yujiro! That was a tope suicida so Bushi isn’t out of the match. It did take a bit out of Bushi, though.

Owens checks on Yujiro then goes after Ishii. Rocky brawls with Tenzan, Honma stomps Sho. Another entry is here, and it’s TIGER MASK! Owens mocks Tenzan’s Monglian CHOPS, Bushi gets back up, but waits as Tiger Mask ROCKS Rocky! Tiger Mask goes up top and hits a CROSSBODY! Rocky rolls out and gets Tiger by the wrists, but Tiger Mask hits a flipping mule kick! Tiger Mask covers Rocky, TWO! Sho knocks Owens down, Tiger Mask KICKS away on Rocky, but Rocky pushes Tiger Mask to a corner and throws knees. Tiger Mask gets away, Bushi helps Honma from the outside drag Ishii up onto the ropes!

Rocky goes after Bushi, but another entry is here! It’s BAD LUCK FALE! The Rogue General storms over as Tiger Mask and Rocky mug Bushi. Fale whips Ishii to a corner but Fale dodges to kick low. Ishii tries to suplex Fale but Fale suplexes Ishii! Owens helps out and gets Ishii on the apron! But Ishii dumps Owens out to join him! Owens gets up, Ishii ROCKS him, but Fale BLASTS Ishii off the apron! Fale ELIMINATES Ishii! Fale also helps Owens get back in, only for Honma to scoop slam Owens. Honma runs for the falling headbutt! Another entry is here, and it’s a Young Lion, Gabriell Kidd! Bushi is after him on the outside and they brawl!

Fale scoops and throws Honma out to ELIMINATE him! Tenzan CHOPS Fale, runs, but Fale CLOBBERS him in return! Bushi isn’t letting Kidd into the ring?! Bushi CLUBS Kidd, but Fale throws Tenzan out and ELIMINATES him! Sho goes after Fale, Sho and Rocky DOUBLE KNEE Fale, then hurry to pick him up! Tiger Mask helps out, but Owens makes the save! Bushi still keeps Kidd out with clubbing forearms and stomps. Tiger Mask gives Owens THE Tiger Driver! Sho hits a PENALTY KICK, Rocky adds a back senton! Cover, but Fale breaks it! The next entry is in, and it’s another Young Lion in Yuya Uemura!

Uemura helps Kidd fight Bushi off while Fale throws Rocky out and ELIMINATES him! Sho waistlocks Fale but he can’t lift Fale. Sho runs, into Fale’s arms! Fale tosses and ELIMINATES Sho! Tiger Mask kicks away on Fale but Fale pops Tiger Mask up! Fale throws Tiger Mask over and out to ELIMINATE him! The Young Lions finally get in and go after Owens! Kidd whips and dropkicks Owens down! The Young Lions go after Fale together with stomps in a corner. Another entry is here, and it’s another Young Lion, YOTA TSUJI! The three Lions club away on Fale! Dropkick after dropkick, and then Tsuji runs, into Owens’ LARIAT! Owens BOOTS Kidd, and waistlocks Uemura.

Fale gets up but Uemura dropkicks him away! Uemura elbows Owens, Owens kicks back and runs, but Bushi drags him out! The Lions go after Fale again! Owens RAMS Bushi into railing but fans rally as the Lions have Fale up! Fale fights off, and the last entry is here! It’s of course Mr. KOPW 2020, TORU YANO! Fale clobbers the Lions as Yano makes his way to the ring. GRENADE for Kidd! GRENADE for Tsuji! Fale dares Yano to get in as he gives a GRENADE to Uemura! Owens throws Kidd out and ELIMINATES him! Yano is very cautious as Fale throws Tsuji out and ELIMINATES him!

Bushi makes sure they have Uemura, and they throw him out to ELIMINATE him! But then Bushi slips in, and all Yano has to do is get in! They’re the final four! They’ve already made it to the next round!

Winners: Chase Owens, Bad Luck Fale, Bushi & Toru Yano (advance to Night Two’s KOPW 2021 match)

Well, one thing Owens can say is that he lasted the entire match and is now moving on to tomorrow! But with the odds in their favor, will Bullet Club make KOPW 2021 #TooSweet?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship Contender’s Match: Hiromu Takahashi VS El Phantasmo!

The Best of the Super Juniors 27 winner challenged the Super J-Cup 2020 winner, with the right to challenge The Bone Soldier Reborn on Night Two! Will the Ticking Timebomb blow #ELP away? Or will he self-destruct this close to a golden opportunity?

ELP shows little respect to his own fancy Super J-Cup jacket and mockingly applauds the winner of BOSJ 27. The bell rings and ELP bails out to disrespect the BOSJ trophy! ELP shows off his jacket but he wants to rub it in Jushin Liger’s face. But Liger isn’t around, and Hiromu leaps from the apron to missile dropkick ELP into railing! Hiromu goes back to the ring and climbs up as ELP staggers up. HIROMU BOMB! Direct hit and Hiromu mocks ELP’s hand shaking. Hiromu puts ELP in, drags him up and fireman’s carries, for a CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Fans fire up with Hiromu as he brings ELP back up. ELP slips out and scrambles away to the outside.

ELP wants a break to breath and Hiromu says “No problem.” But then Hiromu runs to sunset flip! ELP flips through and lands on his feet! Hiromu ducks but ELP uses him as a step back into the ring, and runs to come back and SUNSET BOMB HIROMU! Fans cheer that boldness of ELP to steal one of Hiromu’s favorites! The ref checks on Hiromu but ELP wants the count out! The fans rally for “HI-RO-MU!” as Hiromu stirs. The ring count is already 10 of 20 and ELP rests on the corner. Hiromu staggers up at 14, but ELP walks the tightrope to ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit at the ramp!

ELP shows how the hand signs are down and then demands the cameras stay on him as he gets up. ELP hobbles a bit, perhaps he still tweaked his ankle. ELP puts Hiromu in, rains down rights, but the ref reprimands about closed fists. ELP opens his hands to slap Hiromu around. ELP taunts Hiromu, Hiromu gets up and CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! And again! ELP spinning back kicks and Hiromu is down! Hiromu goes to the corner and claims ELP has loaded boots. The ref checks doesn’t find anything, and ELP drags Hiromu up. ELP throws Hiromu out, then Terminator kneels! He’s shouting out The Cleaner!

Fans follow along, and ELP runs to then roll and do his hand signs. Hiromu gets in to JOHN WOO ELP into a corner! Hiromu brings ELP up for a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! Hiromu clutches his ribs again as he gasps for air, and he brings ELP up. ELP breaks free to stomp a foot! Hiromu falls over as he clutches his leg and still claims something’s up. ELP stomps Hiromu’s other foot, then has a cocky pin a la Jericho. ONE, but ELP drags Hiromu up. Hiromu CHOPS, ELP CHOPS back! Hiromu falls over but ELP drags him up with a clinch. ELP CHOPS again, lets out a “WOO~!” and then CHOPS again! Hiromu CHOPS back and CHOPS again!

ELP catches the hand, puts it on the mat and STOMPS it! Hiromu clutches his fingers but ELP gets the hand again to drop knees on it over and over! ELP tortures the fingers, twists the wrist, and brings Hiromu up to put Hiromu on ropes. ELP CLAWS Hiromu’s back deep and long! ELP puts Hiromu in a Tree of Woe, and digs his boot into the groin! The ref reprimands but ELP hops off, to bring Hiromu up and onto the ropes. ELP has Hiromu recline and CHOPS him, then goes up top! TOP ROPE SENTON!? What in the world?! Cover, TWO! ELP keeps cool and fans fire up for Hiromu. ELP drags Hiromu up, knuckle locks and CHOPS to go up the corner.

ELP springboards around to show off a bit, then he goes Old School and a little more, to then have the fingers and bend them! But Hiromu BITES back! The ref reprimands, Hiromu SUPERKICKS ELP down! Or rather, back onto the corner. Hiromu climbs up, brings ELP up, and hits a SUPER VICTORY ROLL! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives but fans fire up for Hiromu again! Hiromu brings ELP up, fireman’s carries but ELP throws elbows to get free. ELP tucks Hiromu in but Hiromu resists, so ELP BITES Hiromu’s fingers! And SNAPS them! ELP tucks Hiromu back in, brings him up and wants the Clash?!

Hiromu fights out of it, fireman’s carries again, and hits the DYNAMITE PLUNGER! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives but Hiromu keeps focus. Fans rally up, Hiromu drags ELP up, hammerlocks one arm and suplexes, but ELP slips out and SLAPS Hiromu! Hiromu SLAPS ELP but that was his bad hand! Hiromu drops to his knees as he clutches the hand, and ELP shakes out the bad foot in the corner. ELP aims, Hiromu gets up, but Hiromu dodges the superkick to give a SUPERKICK! VICTORIA! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives again and Hiromu grows frustrated. Hiromu fires up and fans join in! Hiromu dragon sleepers but ELP fights that off to victory roll, TWO! SUPERKICK from Hiromu to ELP!

Hiromu dragon sleepers again, inverted suplex, but ELP slips out to half straitjacket and torture rack! But Hiromu fights out of the spin, only for ELP to fight off the sunset flip! BASTARD DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Hiromu still lives but ELP is too tired to be frustrated. Fans rally up, ELP drags Hiromu up and puts Hiromu in the corner. Hiromu pushes ELP away to SUPERKICK again! Hiromu drags ELP up, fireman’s carries, and goes up the corner!? ELP throws elbows to fight this off, but Hiromu keeps going! ELP slips off to ENZIGURI first! ELP climbs up again, brings Hiromu up, but Hiromu fights him off!

ELP drops down, and bumps into the ref! Was it on purpose? Who can say! But ELP punches Hiromu’s bad hand, then STRAIGHT PUNCH LOW BLOWS! ELP climbs up, brings Hiromu up, SUPER STEINER! ELP is right back up top, for a BIG SPLASH! Cover, TWO?! Hiromu survives and ELP is shocked! ELP drags Hiromu up, tucks him in, but Hiromu back drops and sits down! TWO!! ELP gets Hiromu up, STYLES CLASH!! Cover, TWO!?!? Hiromu survives and fans are fired up! Fans rally behind “HI-RO-MU!” as he and ELP end up on opposite ends. ELP aims and says BANG, to run in and V-TRIGGER! Another Cleaner shout-out, followed by the Electric Chair! ONE WINGED-

NO! Hiromu rolls through, rolls to fireman’s carry and CORNER DEATH VALLEY! Hiromu powers up, drags ELP back up, fireman’s carry to- ELP sunset flips and bridges! TWO!!! Hiromu narrowly escapes but ELP stomps the bad hand then BUZZSAWS! ELP drags Hiromu back up, reels him back in, and again wants his take on the Clash, but Hiromu RANAS and covers, HIROMU WINS!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by pinfall (advances to Night Two’s IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship match)

BOSJ 27 beats Super J-Cup 2020, and now the Timebomb has a rematch with the Bone Soldier! Will Hiromu sweep WrestleKingdom to prove he is THE Best of the Super Juniors?


IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: The Dangerous Tekkers VS Guerrillas of Destiny!

Zack Sabre Jr. and Taichi have a chance to avenge the loss during World Tag League 2020, but Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa look to finally prove they can go from WTL champions to tag team champions. Will the Submission Master and Sliest Wrestler in the World make GoD #JustTapOut?

The Tekkers are prepared as they come out. To counter GoD having Jado, they’ve brought Douki! GoD give the Low Sweet, the title belts are finally given over and raised, and then the teams sort out. Taichi shows off the dancing pecs as he steps up. Tama wants the ref to be wary of that pouch Taichi has, and then he snatches it from Taichi! The teams brawl, Douki goes after Jado, and the bell rings as Taichi chokes Loa! Tama goes after Taichi, hits and whips, but Taichi dodges in the corner for ZSJ to EuroUpper! Taichi chokes Loa again, then sees Tama coming, to CHOKE! The ref reprimands, counts, and Taichi stops at 4, only to choke more!

Taichi stops at 3 to then drag Tama up and put in the Tekker corner with a choke! ZSJ adds on, the ref counts but only ZSJ lets off. The ref pulls Taichi away, Taichi tags ZSJ, and the Tekkers use their boots to choke Tama. The ref counts, Tekkers put their hands up. That’s not the problem! The ref counts, the Tekkers put their hands up again, but the ref pulls their feet away from Tama. Taichi chuckles and acts like he doesn’t see what’s wrong. ZSJ drags Tama up, spins him around, snapmares and ghost pins, TWO! ZSJ is right on Tama with an armbar! Tama clasps hands and gets the ropebreak with his feet!

ZSJ lets go at the count of 4, but he brings Tama back up to EuroUpper to a corner! Taichi grabs Tama’s hair, ZSJ throws more EuroUppers, but Tama throws forearms back! Taichi grabs Tama by his hair again and ZSJ runs in to BOOT Tama down! Taichi tags in, he snapmares Tama to CHOKE! The ref can tell the difference and has Taichi stop. Taichi chokes again, the ref counts but Taichi lets off at 4. The ref warns Taichi as he chokes yet again, and Taichi lets off, Taichi kicks at Tama, runs, but Jado swipes at him! Tama drags Taichi back into a TONGAN TWIST! Douki and Jado go after each other but Jado gets the edge with his kendo stick SMACK!

Loa RAMS ZSJ into the apron and Tama hits a DDT! Tama crawls to his corner, tag to Loa! Loa rains down rights on Taichi then stomps him! Loa drags Taichi up, scoops and slams him, then drops a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer but Loa grins as he drags Taichi back up. Loa whips Taichi into the corner then hits a big clothesline! Tama CLUBS Taichi, Loa stomps, but the ref has to keep ZSJ from leaving his corner. The ref reprimands GoD but Tama tags in. Tama drags Taichi up, throws fast hands from all sides and even some stomps! ZSJ protests but the ref has to keep him back again. Tama gives back the choking with his boots, then lets off to loom over him.

Fans rally but Loa tags in. Tama scoop slams Taichi, Loa slingshot sentons! Tama slingshot sentons, Loa comes back to cover, TWO! Loa taunts Taichi to go tag ZSJ and Taichi crawls, but Loa drags Taichi away. Loa back suplexes Taichi, carries him around, then slams him down! Cover, TWO! Loa drags Taichi up into a chinlock and squeezes tight. Taichi endures, fans rally up and Taichi fights up. Taichi pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but Taichi gets to the ropebreak. Loa brings Taichi right up to ROCK him with a right! Tag to Tama and Tama talks trash to ZSJ. Taichi kicks from below but Tama chokes him!

The ref counts, Tama lets go and Loa says it’s only fair since Taichi did it to them. Taichi kicks Tama again so Tama CHOKES Taichi! The ref counts, Tama lets off at 4 and then he stalks Taichi to a corner. Tama drags Taichi up and throws body shots and haymakers. Taichi eggs Tama on so Tama headbutts and whips! Tama runs in but Taichi boots from the corner! Taichi chokes Tama, Tama breaks free to forearm! Taichi dodges the corner splash to GAMANGIRI! Fans fire up as both men crawl for their corners. Hot tag to ZSJ! Loa runs in, fireman’s carries ZSJ and spins, but ZSJ slips out to wrench and PELE the arm!

ZSJ runs in to EuroUpper Loa, then corner to corner to EuroUpper Tama! ZSJ goes back to Loa and tornado DDT Loa down! Tama runs in but into a shoulder. ZSJ headlocks, Tama powers out, things speed up and ZSJ snatches Tama out of the air! EURO CLUTCH! TWO!! ZSJ is fired up as he brings Tama up for more EuroUppers! Tama fires up but swing sinto a spin, and the IRON OCTOPUS! ZSJ digs his elbows in, bends the fingers and arm, but Tama endures! Tama works his way to ropes for the ropebreak! ZSJ lets go and calls to Taichi. The Tekkers loom over Tama, talk trash to Jado, then double whip Tama.

Tama slides out and Loa gets in to BLINDSIDE LARIAT both Tekkers! Loa drags ZSJ up and holds him as Tama gets back in. They mug ZSJ with a big dropkick! Tama crawls to his corner and tags in Loa. Loa chokes ZSJ in return for what Taichi did, but lets off at 4. Loa clubs ZSJ, whips him, and Tama comes in, body shot and uppercut to leaping neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Loa looms over ZSJ, drags him up, and ZSJ eggs him on so Loa DECKS him! ZSJ says that’s not good enough so Loa brings him up to DECK him again! Loa taunts ZSJ, brings him up, scoops, but ZSJ slips around to a sleeper hold!

Tama clubs ZSJ off Loa, whips ZSJ to ropes, and back drop tosses ZSJ to Loa’s POWERBOMB! High stack, but Taichi breaks it in time! Taichi kicks away on GoD, but Tama spins him around, Loa helps out, TONGAN TWIST! Fans rally up as GoD focuses on ZSJ. Jado says Super Bomb so that’s what they’ll go for. Loa hoists ZSJ up and rams him into a corner, and Tama corner splashes! Loa goes up, Tama drags ZSJ up and suplexes him to Loa, for the SUPER- No! ZSJ guillotines on the top rope! Taichi gets Tama with a dragon sleeper cobra twist! ZSJ adjusts, calls to Taichi, and they argue just a bit, but they combine for a TOWER OF DOOM!! SUPERPLEX BOMB takes down Loa!! Cover, TWO?!? Loa survives but the fans rally up!

ZSJ tags Taichi but Tama is there! Taichi BOOTS Ttama, back kicks and clotheslines! Then a clothesline for Loa! Tama dodges the lariat, but Taichi DOUBLE AX BOMBERS GoD! Taichi fires up, circles Loa, and BUZZSAWS! Cover, TWO! Taichi keeps his focus as fans rally up again. Taichi drags Loa up, reels him in, but Tama goes after Taichi! ZSJ sleeper holds Tama, then feeds him to Taichi’s BOOT! EuroUpper, BIG forearm, and then TENSHO- No! Loa intercepts Taichi, Tama suplexes ZSJ but ZSJ fights out of Magic Killer! ZSJ CRANKS Tama’s neck! Loa CLOBBERS ZSJ, but Taichi GAMANGIRIS Loa! All four men are down and the fans fire up!

ZSJ rolls out of the ring, as does Tama. Loa and Taichi get up on opposite ends, and Loa calls Taichi out! They collide with clotheslines! But neither falls, and Taichi eggs Loa on! Another double clotheslines but only Loa stays up! Taichi rises back up, but he side steps Loa into the corner! ZSJ BOOTS, Taichi ROUNDHOUSES! PENALTY KICK from ZSJ, and then fans fire up as Taichi drags Loa up. Taichi reels Loa in, Alabama lift, but Tama hits ZSJ with GUN STUN! Loa lifts Taichi, Taichi fights out of the bomb, and fights off the Gun Stun!

Taichi gives a ROUNDHOUSE to Tama! Loa gives a ENZIGURI to Taichi! Loa runs but Taichi gets around to hit DANGEROUS SAIDO! Cover, TWO!?! Loa lives and Taichi can’t believe it! Off come the pants!! Taichi aims, but Jado gets in! Taichi shoves the ref out of the way to LOW BLOW Jado! Douki drags Jado out but Tama has the iron fingers! Douki tries to warn Taichi but Tama CLOBBERS Taichi with the iron fingers!! Loa scoops Taichi for APESHIT!! Cover, GoD wins!!

Winners: Guerrillas of Destiny, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

First World Tag League, and now the entire Heavyweight Tag Division! Tama and Loa are truly the GOD of NJPW Heavyweight Tag Team wrestling! “We told you! By any means necessary!” Now they’re SEVEN-TIME champions! Will 2021 become the Year of Guerrilla?


NJPW hears from JON MOXLEY!

The Death Rider has a message from NJPW Studios in America! “Many men have vied for that US title contract. They all thought they were gonna get off easy. They all hoped and prayed that the United States Champion would never return. But I am the Bogeyman, and NJPW, I will get you eventually. So whoever walks out of the Tokyo Dome with that contract, make no mistake about it. I’m coming for ya.” Have the stakes just been raised on the next match?

IWGP United States Championship Right to Challenge Match: KENTA VS Satoshi Kojima w/ Hiroyoshi Tenzan!

Jon Moxley still has the IWGP US title and The Fang Revived wants it! But the King of Cozy Style does, too, and sticking it to Kenta at the same time is just the cherry on top. Who will have the briefcase and be headed for a head-on collision with the champion in the new year?

The contract briefcase is presented, the bell rings, and Kojima is ready but Kenta uses ropes for defense. Kojima backs off but approaches, then backs off again. Kenta goes from one corner to another, then circles with Kojima. Kenta still stays close to ropes to keep Kojima back, then he circles with him again. But then Kenta bails out and goes around the ring. Tenzan is there and Kenta tells him to go away. Kenta gets in the ring but Kojima stomps him down! Kojima stomps Kenta to a corner, brings him up and headlocks to grind him down. Kenta endures, fights up, and tries to power out but Kojima holds on tighter! Kenta tries again but Kojima still holds on.

Kenta pulls hair, powers out this time, but Kojima runs him over! Fans cheer for the dancing pecs as Kenta bails out. Kojima waits on Kenta as the ring count climbs. Tenzan tells Kenta to get in the ring but Kenta tells Tenzan to shut up. Kenta shoves Tenzan but Kojima goes out to attack Kenta! Kenta knees low and throws Kojima into Tenzan! The ref reprimands but Kenta kicks and DDT’s Kojima to the floor! Kenta says this is Tenzan’s fault, then he stomps Kojima and puts him in the ring. Cover, but the ref sees Kenta’s knee is on Kojima’s throat so he stops. Kenta stomps Kojima, drags him up and turns him for a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer but Kenta tells Tenzan to shut up.

Kenta stomps Kojima, brings him up and throws elbows in. Kenta snapmares and KICKS Kojima in the back! Kenta mocks the fans applauding before he drags Kojima into a headscissors hold! Kojima moves around, reaches out, rolls around, and gets the ropebreak! Kenta claims he can’t untie the hold so the ref does it for him. Kojima gasps, Kenta tells Tenzan to go away and then he gives toying kicks to Kojima. Kojima gets up and grinds foreheads with Kenta. Kojima CHOPS, Kenta rakes eyes and KICKS Kojima down! Kenta roars, glares at Tenzan and tells him to shut up and go away again. Tenzan tells Kenta to just worry about Kojima.

Kojima kicks Kenta and gives him Mongolian CHOPS like Tenzan! And shouts “TENZAN!” as he hits Kenta again! Kenta is down, Kojima stalks him to a corner and CHOPS him! And then he unleashes the MACHINE GUN CHOPS! Kenta withstands those to fire off machine gun forearms! Kenta whips, Kojima reverses and runs in to forearm smash! Fans fire up with Kojima and he goes up top. Kenta runs in to ROCK Kojima with rights first! Kenta climbs up, brings Kojima up, but Kojima resists the superplex. Kojima throws body shots but Kenta resists the gourd buster. Kenta RAKES eyes, then SUPERPLEXES Kojima down!

Fans rally up as both men are down and Kojima goes to a corner. Kenta runs in to forearm smash! Kenta rolls Kojima and shouts that he’s going up! Kenta climbs, leaps, FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, TWO! Kenta kicks Kojima to a corner then stomps him on the apron. The ref reprimands, Kenta drags Kojima up and through ropes, then SLAPS Kojima on the head. Kenta goes out to join Kojima, but Kojima blocks the suplex for dear life! Kojima throws body shots, knees, and brings Kenta in for an APRON DDT! Fans are fired up as both men are down on the outside! A ring count starts, and it reaches 9 of 20 before Kojima is up.

Kojima drags Kenta up and in at 13 and fans cheer. Kojima drags Kenta up, cravats, but Kenta throws body shots. Kenta spins Kojima around to a DDT! Both men are down again and fans rally up. Kojima goes to the corner, Kenta runs corner to corner, for a FLYING BOOT! Kenta keeps moving, HESITATION DROPKICK! Kojima is in the drop zone, Kenta climbs back up top, for the DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! Kojima survives the coup de grace but Kenta won’t stop here! Kenta fireman’s carries but Kojima fights that off with elbows. Kenta boots, spins, but Kojima swats the clothesline to hit the COZY CUTTER! Fans fire up as Kojima powers up the arm!

Kenta rises, Kojima runs, but Kenta hits a POWERSLAM! Both men are down again as fans rally up. Kenta bails out, grabs the briefcase, and slides inside. The ref warns Kenta, grabs at the case, but Kenta shoves the ref away. COZY LARIAT swats the case away! Kojima keeps moving, Kenta boots the lariat away, but Kojima LARIATS from the other side! Cover, TWO!! Kenta survives but Kojima is too tired to be frustrated. Kojima gets up, fans fire up with him, and Kojima brings Kenta up. Kojima whips, Kenta dodges, SHOTGUN BOOT! Both men are down again and fans fire up.

Kenta fires himself up, drags Kojima to the fireman’s carry, but Kojima fights out with forearm after forearm! ROLLING ELBOW! Kenta is down, Kojima powers up! Kojima stands Kenta up but Kenta ROCKS him with counter palm strikes! Kenta runs from a corner, to PSYCHO KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Kenta drags Kojima up, fireman’s carries, GO TO SLEEP!!! Cover, Kenta wins!

Winner: Kenta, by pinfall (retains the US Championship Right to Challenge Contract)

And so now we know who is aiming for Moxley! Will the Fang Revived sink his teeth into some real gold when he finally gets his shot at the title?


Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Great-O-Khan!

The Ace owes The Dominator a beating for the way World Tag League went down! Will he get revenge on the biggest stage on NJPW’s calendar? Or will he be conquered for the glory of The Empire?

The bell rings and fans rally already. Tanahashi and Khan circle, feel out the grapple, and Tanahashi avoids Khan shooting in. Khan sits down to use a leg guard, but then stands up as Tanahashi reaches for him. Tanahashi baits Khan to go after the leg and still gets away as Khan reaches in. They circle, tie up with an elbow ‘n’ collar, and Khan resists Tanahashi going around. Khan wants the leg but Tanahashi floats to a headlock. Khan slips out, gets the leg, but Tanahashi blocks and moves around. Khan scrambles to avoid the facelock and fans cheer as the two stand off. Tanahashi and Khan reset, circle, and Khan uses a unique stance to both bait Tanahashi in but also reach for a leg.

Tanahashi stays back, goes for a foot but Khan slips out. They knuckle lock, Tanahashi gets around but Khan rolls to thook a leg. Tanahashi stays up, lateral press, ONE, and Tanahashi headlocks. Tanahashi grinds but Khan powers up, only for Tanahashi to hold on as he powers out. Khan tries again but again Tanahashi grinds him down. Khan pulls hair, the ref counts and they end up on ropes. Khan powers out this time and runs Tanahashi over! Tanahashi is up right away but Khan CHOPS him down! Tanahashi is back up but Khan scoops and SLAMS him! Fans cheer the showing of strength as Khan roars. Khan stomps Tanahashi’s face, drags him up, but Tanahashi throws forearms!

Tanahashi runs, but Khan side steps him to throw him out! Tanahashi skins the cat, but Khan Mongolian CHOPS his hands away! Khan goes out after Tanahashi and stomps him down. Khan drags Tanahashi up, and POSTS him! Fans rally for “Let’s Go, Ace!” but Khan bumps Tanahashi off the apron. Khan walks around, brings Tanahashi up and around to the ramp. Khan CLUBS Tanahashi down and soaks up the heat. Khan stands Tanahashi up to scoop SLAM him to the ramp! Khan leaves Tanahashi behind and a ring count begins. Tanahashi slowly stirs but Khan also fetches a chair? The count is past 10 of 20 as Tanahashi crawls towards the ring! Then past 15!

Tanahashi gets up and hobbles over to get in at 19! Fans cheer and Khan nods as the “Let’s Go, Ace!” returns. Khan drags Tanahashi up, pulls on his ear then CLUBS it! Khan drags Tanahashi up, but Tanahashi fires off forearms! Khan Mongolian CHOPS then picks the leg to get a KNEEBAR! Tanahashi grits his teeth as he crawls and drags Khan with him, to the ropebreak! Khan lets go at 4, looms over Tanahashi and stomps him down! Khan mockingly asks what’s wrong, then eggs Tanahashi on. Khan digs Tanahashi’s face into his boot, but Tanahashi powers up! Khan grabs hair to smash his knee off Tanahashi’s face! Tanahashi blocks the boot to DRAGON SCREW!

Fans rally with “Let’s Go, Ace!” stronger and stronger as Tanahashi gets back up. Tanahashi drags Khan up, throws forearms and has Khan in a corner. Tanahashi whips corner to corner, Khan reverses but Tanahashi comes back with flying forearms! And then more! Tanahashi keeps moving, and fans fire up with him! Tanahashi drags Khan up to scoop and slam him down! Tanahashi hops up the corner for the sunset senton! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Tanahashi watches Khan rise. Tanahashi runs, but Khan turns the Slingblade into an atomic FACEBUSTER! Both men are down, fans build to another rally, and Khan drags Tanahashi up.

Tanahashi throws a forearm, Khan throws it back and they brawl faster and faster! Fans rally up as they go back and forth, neither man backing down! Tanahashi gets the edge, but Khan knees low! And uppercuts, then BOOTS! Tanahashi is down but Khan drags him up. Khan hits another Mongolian CHOP! And another! Khan powers up to Mongolian SHOVE Tanahashi down! Khan fires up more as he drags Tanahashi up and reels him in, for a LIFTING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Khan gets the leg for a standing kneebar! Tanahashi endures and gets the ropebreak! Khan lets go at 4, fans rally up, but Khan toys with Tanahashi.

Khan whips, reels Tanahashi in, and OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Tanahashi! Tanahashi holds onto ropes, and skins the cat! Tanahashi blocks the chops to throw palm strikes! Khan kicks low, but Tanahashi gets around the chop to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Both men roar, Tanahashi dodges Khan to SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO! Khan lives but Tanahashi fires up more! Fans rally as Tanahashi goes to a corner and climbs up top! Khan clamps on the CLAW! Khan drags Tanahashi off the corner, but Tanahashi resists the lift! Khan waistlocks, then changes it to a cobra twist with the claw! Tanahashi endures, fights to move around, but Khan INVERTED EXPLODERS Tanahashi away! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi is still in this and fans fire up!

Khan drags Tanahashi up in a dragon sleeper, but Tanahashi resists, only for Khan to still get him up in the inverted suplex! Khan grabs the chair he brought in earlier, but the ref reprimands. Khan puts the chair down and says that’s the target! Khan clamps on the claw and drags Tanahashi up! The ref reprimands but this isn’t about winning anymore! Khan lifts, Tanahashi slips out to get a sleeper hold on! Khan fights free, but Tanahashi TWIST ‘N’ SHOUTS him down! Tanahashi sees the chair, and picks it up! The ref reprimands Tanahashi now, and Tanahashi puts the chair away. Tanahashi brings Khan up, full nelson, DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Tanahashi hurries up top, leaps, HIGH FLY FLOW to Khan’s back!! But Tanahashi isn’t done! Tanahashi goes back up top, aims again, HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, Tanahashi wins!!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall

The Ace is high and the Dominator could not dominate him! Will Tanahashi rise back up to former glory in 2021?


Kazuchika Okada VS Will Ospreay!

The Rainmaker has just about had it with people betraying him, and the Aerial Assassin’s was perhaps the worst of them all! Will Okada crush Ospreay’s hopes of being NJPW’s new alpha?

The bell rings and Okada already gets fans rallying with his claps. Ospreay and Okada stare down from their corners as fans rally up more. They approach but still stare down. They tie up and are in a deadlock, but Okada finds a point of leverage to push Ospreay to ropes. Red Shoes calls for the break, Okada and Ospreay are wary of the other was they do, and Okada fakes the hit to pat Ospreay on the shoulder. Ospreay throws a forearm but Okada gives it back, and they’re fast and furious already! Fans fire up as they get 2fast2furious! Ospreay bumps Okada off buckles, rains down fast hands, then lets off as Red Shoes counts.

Okada comes back with forearms, Ospreay throws more then knees low. Ospreay whips, Okada dodges and ducks to elbow Ospreay down! Okada whips Ospreay to a corner, runs in and back elbows to then kick and DDT! Fans cheer while Ospreay scrambles away and to the outside. Okada pursues, kicks Ospreay and clubs him, then throws forearms at the railing. Ospreay CHOPS back, elbows Okada but Okada ROCKS him in return! Ospreay kicks and clubs Okada, CHOPS him again, then smirks at commentary. Okada RAMS Ospreay into railing and Bea Priestly has to get out of the way before Okada puts Ospreay in. Ospreay BOOTS back, runs, but into a BOOT!

Ospreay bails out again and Okada runs to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up with Okada but he does take a moment to catch his breath. Okada brings Ospreay up as fans rally, and he throws more elbows. Okada puts Ospreay in, but Bea talks smack to Okada. Ospreay BOOTS Okada down in the distraction, then runs to WRECK Okada off the apron! Red Shoes reprimands Bea and tells her to stay far away. Ospreay pulls up floor mats at ringside?! Ospreay is exposing bare wood of the Tokyo Dome! Ospreay brings Okada over, reels him in and lifts, but Okada fights off the bomb to put Ospreay on the apron!

Ospreay avoids the draping DDT to RAM Okada into railing, then whip him into more railing! Ospreay reels Okada in for a NECKBREAKER to the floor! But not bare floor, so what padding there is spares Okada. Red Shoes reprimands and wants this to get in the ring, and fans rally up as Ospreay drags Okada up and into the ring. Ospreay puts Okada on the apron to elbow away on neck and shoulders! Fans still rally for Okada as Ospreay stands on him, then drops a GUILLOTINE KNEE! Okada flops down and Ospreay grins as he looms over him. Ospreay puts Okada in, covers, but Red Shoes refuses because of the extracurricular activity.

Ospreay is annoyed but he brings Okada up. Okada throws forearms back, but Ospreay gets around to back suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO! Ospreay is annoyed but he keeps on Okada with bumps off buckles. Ospreay CHOPS Okada, then makes Okada looks him in the eye before he CHOPS again! Okada leans against ropes but Ospreay stomps him down! Ospreay stands on Okada’s head while talking trash but fans still rally for Okada. Ospreay drags Okada up, scoops him and hits a BIG BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ospreay sits Okada up for a chinlock and digs his knee in his back. Okada fights up and throws elbows, but Ospreay CLUBS Okada on the back!

Ospreay whips Okada corner to corner, then runs in, but Okada boots back! Okada runs, but Ospreay follows to elbow him at ropes! Ospreay runs, but into a BIG BACK DROP from Okada! Bea is worried about Ospreay but the fans cheer! Okada and Ospreay are both down as fans rally up, and Okada glares at Ospreay. Okada rallies with big forearms and elbows, then dodges Ospreay to FLAPJACK him almost as high as that back drop! Cover, TWO! Okada rallies the fans with clap-clap-clap-stomp, then he Alabama lifts Ospreay. Ospreay fights out and kicks but Okada blocks to BOOT! Alabama lift and tuck, REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Okada keeps his cool while fans rally. Okada wants the Money Clip but Ospreay powers him to a corner! Ospreay is free, runs back in but is put on the apron. Ospreay ROCKS Okada with a forearm, springboards and hits PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay grits his teeth but he gets up and looms over Okada. Ospreay dragon sleepers, but Okada fights free! Okada walks into a stiff body shot! GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Okada escapes but Bea coaches Ospreay up. Ospreay drags Okada up, reels him in and underhooks the arms, but Okada back drops free! Ospreay gets up and elbows Okada away, but he springboards into Okada’s fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY BOMB!

Both men are down and fans rally up while Bea coaches Ospreay again. Okada and Ospreay slowly rise, and Okada throws a forearm from the mat. Ospreay throws the forearm back, but Okada forearms again. The two get to their feet and the forearms continue to fly! Ospreay CHOPS, Okada ROCKS him with a forearm! Ospreay CHOPS, and then he eggs Okada on! Okada EuroUppers and Ospreay wobbles! Okada whips, runs in but Ospreay boots! Ospreay hops up but Okada dropkicks him down to the floor! Fans fire up while both men are down again! Bea coaches Ospreay up but Okada goes out to fetch him.

Okada whips Ospreay into railing hard and commentary has to watch out! Okada runs in but Ospreay blocks the boot! Ospreay BOOTS back, then BOOTS again! Ospreay uses the railing as a springboard but Okada gets under, to SHOTGUN DROPKICK Ospreay down! Fans fire up as both men are down yet again! Red Shoes checks on both men but they’re okay to continue. Okada is up and he puts Ospreay in before a ring count starts. Okada takes a moment to steady himself, then climbs up and aims at Ospreay for a BIG shotgun missile dropkick! Bea shouts for Ospreay to get up but Okada is on him first. Okada gut wrenches but Ospreay resists!

Ospreay fights out, gets to a corner, and Okada runs in only to be put up top! Ospreay tucks Okada in, CHEEKY NANDOS! And then dragon sleeper to BLOODY SUNDAY! Cover, TWO! Okada survives but Ospreay keeps his focus. Fans rally up as both men rise. Ospreay glares at Okada, and he SUPERKICKS! Then HOOK KICKS! Ospreay drags Okada up to underhook and rack, but Okada slips out to dropkick! Okada whips but Ospreay holds ropes! Okada didn’t commit to the dropkick, so he’s ready for Ospreay’s return! Okada gets around to GERMAN, but Ospreay lands on his feet! SUPERKICK! Ospreay whips, Okada reverses, dropki- POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!!

Ospreay was so close and neither he or Bea can believe it! Okada gets to ropes and drags himself up, and Ospreay runs in to CLOTHESLINE Okada and himself out! And they’re back at the bare patch Ospreay made earlier! Ospreay likes that, and he hurries to bring Okada up and in. Okada resists the lift but Ospreay throws body shots. Ospreay gets Okada up but Okada fights free of the bomb to UPPERCUT! Okada gut wrenches but Ospreay flails and Ospreay ends up in the timekeeper’s area! Ospreay clubs Okada, and decides to go for the next best thing! But Okada fights off the suplex, scoops Ospreay, but Ospreay slips down and shoves him away.

Ospreay ROUNDHOUSES Okada, brings him back up and suplexes, to SLAM him on the table!! Ospreay doesn’t have the best landing, either, but far better than Okada’s! Bea checks on Ospreay while Red Shoes checks on Okada. Okada is somehow okay to continue, as is Ospreay, and the fans rally up. Ospreay grabs at Red Shoes but Red Shoes tells him to let go. Red Shoes goes back to the ring to start a count. Ospreay sits up and starts heading to the ring, but he reconsiders and goes back to Okada. Ospreay drags Okada up at 9 of 20, brings him around to ringside at 13, then puts himm in at 16. Ospreay goes up top, because he wants to end this properly.

Okada stands, Ospreay leaps, BLINDSIDE PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO!?! Okada barely survives but Ospreay isn’t going to stop! POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO!! Okada survives that nasty bomb (that’s not a nickname) and that infuriates Ospreay. Ospreay kicks Okada to the apron, and brings him up. Ospreay underhooks and Red Shoes says not to do this, but Okada holds onto ropes for dear life. Ospreay kicks away on Okada’s face then CHOPS him! Ospreay uses the post to launch, but Okada blocks the cutter! Okada gut wrenches, for an APRON TOMBSTONE!!! Both men go down again as Okada has evened things with Ospreay!

Fans rally up as both men are down and a new ring count begins. The count is 10 of 20 before either even sits up! Okada is first to use railing to stand, and he is in at 15. Ospreay finally starts to sit up here, Bea shouts at him to move, and Ospreay is in at 18, for a LARIAT! Okada has the wrist, and he drags Ospreay back up, only for Ospreay to BOOT and BOOT and SUPERKICK! Okada swings, Ospreay dodges, but he runs into a DROPKICK! Then the MONEY CLIP!! Okada wants to make Ospreay suffer! Ospreay flails and claws, but Okada gut wrenches to the JUMPING TOMBSTONE! MONEY CLIP!!

Ospreay endures, Bea shouts for him to fight, but Okada leans on the hold as much as he can! Bea gets on the apron, Ospreay fights up but Okada shoves Ospreay into Bea! BACKBREAKER, to MONEY CLIP!! No mercy for the Empire! Ospreay is fading as he’s fighting, but Okada CRANKS on the hold! Ospreay grabs at Red Shoes, but he’s turning red himself! Okada CRANKS harder! Ospreay grabs at Red Shoes more, reaches with his feet, and somehow gets the ropebreak! Okada lets go in frustration but the fans are cheering the resilience! Okada gets up and looms over Ospreay as he dares him to get up. Ospreay sits up but Okada stomps him down.

Okada again eggs Ospreay on, and Ospreay throws hands, but they don’t do much. Okada DECKS Ospreay, then dares him to get back up. Ospreay rises again, tries to hit Okada but he barely has anything. Okada ROCKS Ospreay, and he didn’t even hit that hard. Okada clubs and stomps Ospreay, then drags him up again. Ospreay SLAPS Okada but that just amuses Okada. Okada EuroUppers, scoops and slams Ospreay! Okada goes back to the old formula and climbs up top. Ospreay hurries over to intercept but Okada throws more forearms. Ospreay grits his teeth and both men growl at each other. Ospreay forearms, Okada throws them back, and they brawl up top!

Okada sends Ospreay down but Ospreay comes back to BOOT Okada! Ospreay fires himself up and he climbs to bring Okada around. SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!?! Ospreay almost had Okada but he won’t give up yet! Ospreay runs, springboards, OS- NO! MONEY CLIP, but Ospreay arm-drags free! Okada EuroUppers, but Ospreay dodges to ROLLING ELBOW! Springboard, OSCUTTER!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ospreay is beside himself as even his old tried ‘n’ true doesn’t end it. Ospreay mounts Okada to SLAP away, then grabs wrists for DANIELSON STOMPS! Red Shoes wants Ospreay to stop but Ospreay shoves him away to just STOMP away more!

Ospreay drags Okada up, turns him, and then BLINDSIDE FOREARMS! Ospreay tells Red Shoes to move from the corner so Ospreay can take aim. Ospreay prepares the arm, Okada slowly sits up, but Okada dropkicks Ospreay first! Fans fire up as Okada goes back to bring Ospreay up and in. ROLLING- NO! Ospreay dodges, goes up and up, SUPER- DROPKICK! Okada spins for ROLLING RAINMAKER! Okada brings Ospreay back in, for MONEY CLIP!! Ospreay reaches desperately, but Okada flips him, only for Ospreay to ROLLING ELBOW! Okada runs in, into a gut wrench! TOMBSTONE!!

Ospreay steals the Rainmaker Pose?! And the RAINMAKER!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? Okada survives his own move!! Ospreay is losing his mind, but he has one more thing to try! Double underhooks, lift, but Okada fights out again! Okada lifts, gut wrenches, MICHINOKU DRIVER! And then THE RAINMAKER!!!! Cover, Okada wins!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall

No one does the Rainmaker like the Rainmaker!! Okada is still the top of the mountain, will there ever come a day when he’s knocked down from his throne?


IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Double Championship: Tetsuya Naito VS Kota Ibushi!

The Switchblade didn’t win the G1 Climax but he did cheat the Right to Challenge contract out of the Golden Star’s hands. But joke’s on him, the Double Champion is still giving Ibushi the title match he earned! Will Ibushi make Naito regret his generosity to go after Jay White? Or will Naito settle the score with one rival to then go after another?

As is Naito’s way, he takes his time going to the ring, and taking off his entrance attire. The introductions are made, the belts are presented, and fans cheer as Naito finishes his routine so that the Double Gold Double Header can finally begin!

Naito and Ibushi stare down as fans rally up. Naito loosens up and circles with Ibushi. They approach, but Naito backs off, as is also his way. He and Ibushi circle more, feel out the grapple, settle on knuckle locks, and Ibushi shots in. Naito gets the arm, then the waistlock, but Ibushi pries at the hold. Naito rolls him, hooks the leg, but Ibushi gets up to bend Naito’s leg in a toehold. Ibushi shifts positions, has the toehold with his legs but Naito counters with a chinlock. Ibushi fights out, Naito floats over but Ibushi slips around to hammerlock. Naito rolls and has Ibushi’s arm to wrench. Ibushi rolls, trips Naito but Naito tries to headscissor.

Ibushi still gets a toehold but Naito wants the full nelson. Fans cheer the exchange as Ibushi lets go of the leg and Naito rolls to a cover. ONE, and Naito has a waistlock. Ibushi fights up, switches, but Naito wrenches to headlock and hit the takeover. Ibushi headscissors, Naito pops out and Tranquilo! Fans cheer and Ibushi shrugs it off to reset with Naito. They circle, fans rally up, they approach and Naito kicks low. Naito throws forearms and elbows, headlocks again, then grinds Ibushi down. Ibushi tries to power out but Naito holds on tight. Naito grinds the headlock more, Ibushi fights up but Naito hits a takeover.

Ibushi keeps his shoulders up, Naito grinds the hold, and they stand up. Ibushi powers out this time, hurdles then drops to RANA Naito to the outside! Fans rally up as Ibushi builds speed to the corner, GOLDEN- No, Naito goes in. Ibushi bails out of the jump but Naito sweeps legs! Naito has Ibushi on the apron for a draping- NO! Ibushi flips out of the neckbreaker, but Naito blocks his boot. Ibushi dodges the back hand but Naito yanks Ibushi off the apron! GERMAN SUPLEX to the ramp! Naito takes a moment before he goes to the ring. Red Shoes starts a ring count and Ibushi stirs at 3. Ibushi gets up at 10 of 20, hurries over, and is in at 15.

Naito keeps cool as he stomps Ibushi down at the ropes. Naito drags Ibushi up, snapmares him then puts on the headscissor hold. Naito uses leverage to squeeze tighter but Ibushi fights. Naito squeezes more, Ibushi moves around and gets the ropebreak. Naito adds all the squeeze he can but lets go at the count. Ibushi crawls but Naito brings him up to RAM him into a corner. And again! And again! Naito throws back elbow after elbow, then brings Ibushi out for a scoop, into the reverse DDT! Cover, ONE!! Naito is annoyed but he drags Ibushi back up. Naito cravats, Ibushi endures, then Ibushi throws body shots! Naito fakes Ibushi out to kick low!

Naito smirks as he whips, but Ibushi reverses, only for Naito to reverse back! Ibushi fights off the tornado DDT, Naito kicks low but Naito runs into a dropkick! Both men are down, Ibushi grits his teeth and gets up. Fans rally, “I-BU-SHI!” “NA-I-TO!” as Ibushi brings Naito up. Ibushi fires off forearms, whips, but Naito reverses, only to run into the FLYING KICK! Fans fire up and rally behind Ibushi, and he hits a standing moonsault! Cover, TWO! Ibushi keeps his cool and he waistlocks. Naito resists the lift, throws elbows and backs Ibushi into the corner, for MORE elbows! Ibushi runs but Naito whips him to elbow him down, then basement dropkick!

Naito puts Ibushi in a corner, whips him corner to corner, then runs in to rocket kick! But Ibushi CLOBBERS Naito out of Combinacion Cabron! Naito lands off the apron and to the floor but Ibushi goes out to fetch him. Ibushi drags Naito up, reels him in, and lifts, but Naito fights off the bomb. Naito spins Ibushi around to hit a neckbreaker to the floor! Fans cheer while both men are down and Red Shoes checks on them. Red Shoes starts a ring count, Naito and Ibushi stir but Naito is the one up at 6. Naito brings Ibushi up at 10 of 20 to put him on the apron, DRAPING NECKBREAKER!! And then back into the ring, for a BACKBREAKER, and leg hook nelson!

Ibushi endures as Naito hammers his own leg to add pressure. Ibushi fights up, moves around, kicks and reaches, and manages the ropebreak! Fans cheer, Naito claims he needs help so Red Shoes frees Ibushi. Naito drags Ibushi up, Ibushi throws feeble forearms, but Naito hammerlocks and lifts. Ibushi fights off Gloria, but Naito back elbows and whips. Ibushi reverses, gets around Naito to GERMAN! But Naito is right up, only to run into DOUBLE STOMPS! Fans rally as both men are down again! Ibushi and Naito go to opposite corners, and Ibushi shouts at Naito as he runs in.

Naito boots Ibushi away, then boots him again, but runs into the POWERSLAM! Ibushi rolls to MOONSAULT, but Naito catches him to the PLUMA BLANCA!! Ibushi endures the modified Koji Klutch, throws fists where he can, and moves around again. Naito cranks on the hold, Ibushi reaches and gets the ropebreak! Naito lets go in frustration but fans cheer. Ibushi gasps for air but Naito is on him first. Ibushi throws a forearm, then another, and another. Naito eggs him on then throws the vicious back elbows! Naito brings Ibushi back up for more elbows, then even more elbows! Ibushi staggers, Naito hammerlocks and lifts, GLORIA! Cover, TWO! Ibushi survives but Naito keeps his cool.

Naito steadies himself as he stalks Ibushi to a corner. Naito brings Ibushi up, hoists him to the top rope, then climbs up to join him. Ibushi resists so Naito clubs away on his back. Ibushi throws body shots, Naito clubs more, but Ibushi ROCKS Naito with that shot! To then PELE Naito down from the top! Naito is on the apron but Ibushi goes out to join him. Fans rally up as Ibushi brings Naito up. Red Shoes says not to but Naito resists Ibushi’s lift. Fans rally up as the struggle continues, and Naito back drops Ibushi to the apron! Ibushi grits his teeth and shakes his head as he gets back up, but Naito elbows him again, only to walk into a RANA OFF THE APRON!!

Fans fire up as Red Shoes checks on Naito. Naito’s leg somehow ended up in the railing and he gets it free. The ring count starts again and the two stir at 6, then start to stand at 8. Ibushi is in at 11 of 20, Naito uses railing and the table to get up at 17. Naito is hobbling and in at 19.9! But Ibushi is after him with kicks and stomps at the ropes! Ibushi drags Naito up from the apron and waistlocks, for the DEAD LIFT- No, Naito fights out with uppercuts! Naito throws more uppercuts until Ibushi is stuck up top, then he clubs away with forearms! Naito hurries inside, and CLUBS Ibushi from behind. Naito climbs up and brings Ibushi into a SUPER POISON RANA!! Cover, TWO!?!

The fans are thunderous as both men are down again! Naito aims from a corner as Ibushi flounders up. Ibushi looks for Naito, but Naito runs in, into a ROUNDHOUSE! BUZZSAW! Ibushi fires up and brings Naito up by the wrists. Naito avoids Kami-Goye to tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ibushi survives but Naito won’t let that deter him. Naito drags Ibushi up, wrenches and tilt-o-whirls, but into Ibushi’s BASTARD DRIVER!! Ibushi can’t hold the cover and fans are fired up as both men are down! Fans rally with “NA-I-TO!” “I-BU-SHI!” as the two slowly sit up. Naito heads for a corner but Ibushi grits his teeth as he follows.

Ibushi sits Naito up to throw a forearm, but Naito gives it back! Ibushi forearms again, and eggs Naito on. Naito forearms Ibushi, and Ibushi gives it back. Ibushi smirks and Naito forearms again! The two are starting to enjoy this, and they stand as they keep giving forearms back and forth! Ibushi forearms, Naito forearms, repeat! They pick up speed, fans rally behind them, then Ibushi gets the edge! Naito SLAPS Ibushi, then ROLLING KICKS! But Ibushi LARIATS in return! Ibushi drags Naito up, reels him in, but Naito fights, only for Ibushi to still LAST RIDE! KAMI-GOYE!! Cover, TWO?!!? Ibushi is stunned but the fans are loving it!

Ibushi drags Naito around to a drop zone and he goes up top! Ibushi PHOENIX SPLASHES, but FLOPS as Naito moves! DESTINO!! Cover, TWO?!?!?! That was 2.99!! Both men are down but the fans are thunderous again! Naito grabs Ibushi’s wrist, brings him up, wrenches again but Ibushi goes to gut wrench! Naito fights that off so Ibushi throws elbows. Naito throws elbows, suplexes, but Ibushi slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Ibushi sits Naito up, has the wrists, KAMI-GOYE!!! Cover, TWO!?!?!? More like 2.999!! Ibushi and Naito have survived each other’s best, but Ibushi isn’t going to give up because of that!

Naito resists the wrist hold, and throws elbows, then an ENZIGURI! Scoop, VALENTIA!! Naito fires up, aims at Ibushi, wrench and tilt-o-whirl- NO! Ibushi blocks the rest, and V-TRIGGERS! KENNY! KAMI-GOYE!!!! Cover, Ibushi wins!!!!

Winner: Kota Ibushi, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Champion)

INCREDIBLE! No, that’s not even enough to say what this was! Ibushi has reached a new level and is now on top of NJPW! Ibushi is in such a daze he isn’t even sure he’s won, he tries to pin Naito again. Red Shoes tells him that he HAS won, and the emotions finally start to pour in! Ibushi manages to get up slowly with the ropes, and the title belts are brought into the ring.

But Naito gets up to grab the belts from Red Shoes first. The former, first and only two-time Double Champion holds onto these belts for one last moment, before he officially hands them over to Ibushi! And he even raises Ibushi’s hand in victory! Fans cheer this amazing display of respect for his rival! When and where will Naito come back for at least one of those titles?

Ibushi looks at the Heavyweight and Intercontinental titles, and fans cheer as he raises them both high over head! But to rain on the parade is Jay White! He grabs a mic to say, “Hey, congratulations, huh? How about a round of applause? Should we get him some ice?” Even though we all know Ibushi isn’t the real champion, Ibushi should enjoy his moment! It’ll only last 24 hours! Tomorrow, White takes the titles and everything from Ibushi! Ibushi say she’ll become a wrestling god? No, White exposes Ibushi as the fraud that he is! “Every time that you are about to reach the heights that you so desperately aim for, I will always, I promise you I will always be there, to pull you back down.”

But tomorrow, Ibushi has a vital role to play in White fulfilling HIS destiny of becoming a wrestling god, aka becoming IWGP Heavyweight & Intercontinental Champion. Tomorrow, Ibushi breathes with the Switchblade forever. White drops the mic and Ibushi applauds what he had to say. White takes his leave, and Ibushi takes his turn with the mic. “Excuse me, Jay… I will not be just a single-day champion. But before I continue, hold on. Naito, thank you very much.” Back to Jay, Ibushi can picture himself “standing victorious in the red corner after the match tomorrow.” Tomorrow, Ibushi ends White.

Ibushi knows times are tough but he thanks the fans for being here. But he is NOT a one and done. He will absolutely defend both titles! He is holding the greatest and strongest titles right now, and he will KEEP them! Does everyone understand? They cheer, as he again says he will never run away, quit or betray the fans. Ibushi will beat White and become a wrestling god! Ibushi again holds the belts up high, then goes up the ramp, to the stage, and lets the pyro fly in celebration! But is this the beginning of Ibushi’s ascension? Or the beginning of the end?

My Thoughts:

This was great stuff and for only the first night! The New Japan “Rambo” was pretty unique in that eliminations could be by throwing opponents out or by pinfall, but clearly it was going to be more by over the ropes. It was hilarious for Yano to be part of the winning four and not even have to do anything. Yano, Fale, Owens and Bushi make for a fun combination, but anyone could be the first Mr. KOPW 2021 at this point. Hiromu VS ELP was a very good match, but considering ELP and Ishimori are both Bullet Club, it just seemed obvious that Hiromu was going to win. I’m surprised NJPW didn’t consider that when putting Super J-Cup together, but perhaps they wanted someone fans in Japan were already familiar with to win and give Hiromu a strong match.

Dangerous Tekkers VS Guerrillas was a really good match, too, and I like that Douki accompanied his Suzuki-Gun teammates. Sucks that he didn’t really cancel Jado out, though. GoD winning makes some sense, as they’ve been a team for longer, and are a bit more united than Tekkers seemed to be by this point. ZSJ had to keep shouting to Taichi to help with coordinated moves, maybe the Tekkers are going to take a break to go back to singles title pursuits. Maybe they go back to feuding with Chaos’ trio to go after the Six Man Tag Championships. I like that we got a message from Moxley, and Kenta retaining the contract just makes sense, as those two could have quite the physical match.

Both grudge matches were great stuff. Tanahashi beats Khan to prove he’s still got it, and similarly so does Okada, but I feel like Ospreay should’ve won this time. I know Okada isn’t on his way out or anything, but The Empire should feel formidable, and that namely means their leader should be the one to watch out for. Ospreay may not be the kind of Heel that cheats, but he should have found some way to sneak that win. Some kind of secret he knows because of how well he knows Okada, or maybe something Okada knows about Ospreay that Ospreay then turns around to surprise Okada. There can still be a lot to the rise of Ospreay’s faction in the coming years, but winning here would’ve already cemented that group in NJPW.

Naito VS Ibushi certainly cemented both men’s legacies in NJPW as far as I can tell. They each gave as good as they got, with maybe just a little bit of reference back to previous match-ups between them. What was most powerful, aside from the false finishes, was Naito wanting to be the one to present the belts to Ibushi. Naito is top tier in NJPW, but he acknowledges on screen that so is Ibushi. Of course, it’s fitting that White has to get his part in this, but I would really think that Ibushi does win out on Night Two. That match will put it beyond shadow of a doubt that Ibushi is deserving of the belts, and that he could be the one to carry out Naito’s plan of defending both belts separately, as opposed to simultaneously. If NJPW wants 2021 to be the feel good year compared to the literal feel horrible year of 2020, Ibushi needs to retain and White needs to get his comeuppance.

My Score: 9.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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