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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (1/14/21)

Are we in for another instant classic?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Who will reign supreme over NXT UK?

The Ring General will NOT let A-Kid think he represents wrestling’s great heritage! Will Walter still be atop the mountain as NXT UK Champion?


  • Joe Coffey VS Ed Harvey; Coffey wins.
  • Tyler Bate VS Sam Gradwell; Bate wins.
  • NXT UK Championship: WALTER VS A-Kid; Walter wins and retains the title.


Joe Coffey VS Ed Harvey!

The Iron King still wants to make NXT UK his kingdom, but he has to work his way back up to go after the title! Will he use the newest recruit to the brand as a stepping stone on this new road back?

The bell rings and Harvey is talking trash on Coffey but Coffey gives it back. They tie up, Coffey headlocks, Harvey powers him to ropes and powers out, and they collide with shoulders! Harvey eggs Coffey on and Coffey gives it back. Harvey rams Coffey, Coffey rebounds to crossbody but into a scoop slam! Coffey avoids the elbow slam, whips Harvey then goes the other way to RAM him down! Coffey has Harvey in a corner, whips him corner to corner, but Harvey reverses. Coffey goes up, headscissors and throws Harvey! Harvey staggers to ropes, Coffey clotheslines him out, then keeps him out as he tries to get back in! Harvey is furious and he grabs a mic!

“I’m not having this! I’m NOT Ed Harvey! I didn’t come here to be called ‘Ed Harvey!’ I’m Sha Samuels!” Everyone knows who Sha Samuels is, but Coffey doesn’t care! Coffey throws hands on Harvey/Samuels the second he gets in, then whips him and runs. Samuels swings, Coffey ducks but comes back to a SPINEBUSTER! Coffey hobbles to a corner, Samuels whips him corner to corner and then back drops him on the rebound! Samuels drops an elbow, covers, TWO! The BT Sports Studio audience is fired up as Harvey/Samuels drops elbows over and over on Coffey! Samuels clamps onto the arm, grinds the shoulder, but Coffey fights up to throw body shots.

Samuels keeps on the arm, Coffey throws forearms, body shots, but Samuels wrenches and whips. Coffey goes up and then hits a body scissor takedown! Cover, TWO! Coffey hits buckles, Samuels CLOBBERS him! Samuels steps on Coffey to then KICK him in the back! Samuels rains down rights then clamps on with a chinlock. Samuels grinds Coffey, Coffey fights up but Samuels wrangles him down! Coffey endures as Samuels thrashes around. Coffey fights up again but Samuels hops on as a backpack! Coffey fights free, throws hands but Samuels whips, only for Coffey to whip him and back drop back! Both men are down, Coffey says, “Remember whose kingdom this is!”

Both men get up, Coffey rallies with big shoulders, then breaks through the clothesline to FLYING TACKLE! Coffey whips, catches and OVERHEAD SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Coffey seethes as Samuels gets up. Coffey blocks punches to give punches! The ref has Coffey back off but Samuels dodges, only for Coffey to elbow back! Coffey leaps, into Samuels’ arms! POWERSLAM! cover, TWO!! Samuels can’t believe it and the BT Sports Studio is fired up again! Samuels stalks Coffey and gets a cobra clutch! Coffey throws Samuels but Samuels holds on! Samuels brings Coffey up but Coffey throws him off! Samuels runs into a boot, Coffey goes up, up and CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!!

Samuels survives but Coffey keeps his focus. Both men slowly rise, Coffey cording holds for body shots, then turns Samuels around, and uses those suspender straps for the HEADBUTT! GLASGOW SENDOFF!! ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS!! Cover, Coffey wins!

Winner: Joe Coffey, by pinfall

It doesn’t matter if the man’s name was Ed Harvey, Sha Samuels or Big Ben, he and Coffey had quite the fight here! But Gallus Boys are still on top! Will the Iron King be on his way back to another title opportunity in the new year?


NXT UK Media shares a development from earlier this week.

Assistant GM Sid Scala has exciting news for the UK Tag Division. He gets a call from Johnny Saint, but then Pretty Deadly barges in. Gallus boys are scared, Sid. Surely it’s time for their tag title opportunity. Sid says there are many great tag teams in the division, they all deserve an opportunity. But it’s good that Pretty Deadly is here. In two weeks, hey will be facing Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith, but also The Hunt, and also South Wales Subculture, in a FATAL 4 WAY ELIMINATION TAG TEAM MATCH, to name a #1 contender to the titles. Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley say that’s good managing. Sid finishes his call with Saint to let him know the announcement has been made. Which dynamic duo will take on Mark Coffey & Wolfgang for those golden prizes?


Dave Mastiff sees Rampage Brown working out.

Brown finishes with squats and Mastiff takes a turn. What Brown can do, Mastiff does easier. But Brown has impressed a lot of people, including Mastiff. But Brown needs a real challenge. And what does he mean by that? Him and Mastiff here on NXT UK, of course. Brown couldn’t think of anything better. Then this rep’s for you. Will the Proper British Heavyweight actually break a sweat taking on the Rampage?


Tyler Bate VS Sam Gradwell!

The Big Strong Boy’s words of wisdom didn’t quite land with the Thunderstorm, and he shot back some words of his own, calling Bate a “plant based yogurt” that communes with nature and thinks he’s an acorn. But now it’s time to put money where mouths are as these two face off for the first time ever! Will Bate make Gradwell eat his words tonight?

The bell rings and the two approach. They circle, tie up, Gradwell goes after the arm and he has the wrist to push on the shoulder. Gradwell steps over, uses his leg to bring Bate to the mat, but Bate keeps his shoulders up. Bate kips up, rolls and uses his leg to pry free. Bate knuckle locks, reels Gradwell in and wrings him out! Gradwell gets up fast and the two go again. They tie up, Bate cravats and cranks but Gradwell powers out. Bate goes up, under, all the way to the other corner, and fakes Gradwell out to kick him and roll him up! TWO, Bate keeps moving, and crossbodies! TWO, and Bate arm-drags Gradwell to an armlock!

BT Sports Studio loves the technical display as Gradwell gets up and Bate wrenches. Gradwell whips, Bate goes up and over and arm-drags again! Bate keeps on the arm with a double wristlock, but Gradwell endures as Bate shifts to a cording hold. Gradwell gets up, chinbars, but Bate fights that off, only for Gradwell to scoop slam him hard! Gradwell brings Bate back up by an ear and CHOPS him down! The ref reprimands but Gradwell rams in knees and elbows! Gradwell drags Bate up to CLUB him and stomp him down! Gradwell kicks Bate, stands on Bate’s head, but the ref counts. Gradwell backs off but talks trash as he scuffs Bate.

Bate kicks back from below, and again, but Gradwell stomps him. Gradwell brings Bate up for a butterfly suplex! Cover, TWO! Gradwell keeps on Bate with more knees to the back, then he drags Bate up by his hair. The ref reprimands but Gradwell DECKS Bate with a haymaker! Cover, TWO! Gradwell talks trash on Bate about being Zen, then digs claws into Bate’s shoulders! Bate endures, Gradwell leans on the clamping hands, but Bate fights up, only for Gradwell to CLUB him on the back! Gradwell bumps Bate off buckles but Bate headbutts and uppercuts! Gradwell ROCKS Bate, stomps him, then digs his boot in at the rope.

The ref counts, Gradwell stops at 4 and drags Bate up by his nose. The ref counts again, Gradwell stops at 3 and “apologizes” to the ref. Gradwell toys with Bate as he scuffs him again. Gradwell stomps, Bate kicks from below! And KICKS a leg! Gradwell hobbles, Bate KICKS the leg again! Gradwell stomps Bate down, drags Bate up, and whips him to ropes, only for Bate to sunset flip! Gradwell stays up, grabs an ear and drags Bate up, but Bate puts up Bop for BANG to hit! Bate fires off body shots and boxing blows! Bate bobs ‘n’ weaves and ROCKS Gradwell! Gradwell puts Bate in a corner, blocks a boot but not the knee! Bate leaps for a FLYING UPPERCUT!

BT Sports Studio fires up as Bate runs corner to corner to uppercut again! Bate keeps moving but Gradwell follows, only to get caught for an EXPLODER! Bate kips up and STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Cover, TWO! Bate keeps his cool, showing that new Zen teaching is working. Bate drags Gradwell up, underhooks, but Gradwell back drops out! Bate lands on his feet, fires off heavy hands, but Gradwell STO’s through the lariat!! Cover, TWO!! Gradwell rains down furious fists on Bate and then lets off to dare Bate to stand. Bate rises, Gradwell waistlocks but Bate elbows, uppercuts and ROLLING KICKS! Bate drags Gradwell in, underhooks, TYLER DRIVER ’97!! Cover, Bate wins!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall

The Big Strong Boy is still strong! Is he far from done, and simply on a longer journey back to former glory?


NXT UK Media watches some tag teams training at the Performance Center.

Ashton Smith and Oliver Carter are on standby, but Smith mocks Carter’s “loud” trousers. Sid Scala comes in and gives them the formal news that they’re in the Fatal 4 Way Elimination contender’s match. Well it’s about time! History is watching, it’s time to go make it! That’s so cheesy, man, you can’t say stuff like that. Just say the line, man. Ready and Forward! Always Forward! But can Smith & Carter find their way to the tag titles through this incredible challenge?


Ilja Dragunov talks with Jack Starz.

It’s been some time since they’ve talked, and Ilja is pretty sure everyone has had something to say about Walter VS Dragunov for the title. Ilja just wants to focus on what he needs to do now, and that’s start from scratch. So he wants Starz to be his first opponent back. Starz was his first opponent in NXT UK, he’s practically a gatekeeper here. Starz is a tough guy, so is he up to it? Starz is, but he says this time won’t be the same. Ilja and Starz shake hands, will Ilja still be #UNBESIEGBAR in the new year?


Jinny heads to the ring!

The Spoiled Princess, with Joseph Conners beside her, is here to have a face-to-face with NXT UK Women’s Champion, Kay Lee Ray, before they face off for the title! And it’s of course thanks to Conners that Jinny has the title match as he appeared ringside to take a devastating cannonball from Piper Niven. Conners fetches Jinny a mic and she says that she beat Piper Niven. “And that lovely little victory resulted in me becoming the new #1 contender.” Jinny will give some recognition to “Joseph.” But why is it he’s associating with her? Because she is a woman of wealth. With wealth comes power, and with power comes connections.

Now back to Jinny, THE #1 contender to the NXT UK Women’s Champion. Next week, she becomes the NEW NXT UK Women’s Champion, and she guarantees it. But here comes the champion herself! The longest reigning NXT UK Women’s Champion ever gets a mic of her own and tells Jinny, “you are funny.” KLR is the champion because she has beaten everyone that has been put in front of her. “And you, sunshine, are not going to be any different.” Jinny says KLR beat everyone put in front of her, but she hasn’t been in the ring with Jinny. And what’s actually funny is that KLR is representing this brand! KLR thinks she’s championship material? No, she’s not. Queen Jinny is.

Maybe Jinny should come closer to say that to her face. Because there is not enough money in the world to fix Jinny’s face after what KLR does to it. Conners keeps the peace, and Jinny tells KLR that she owes her this. The only reason KLR is the champion is because Jinny helped her keep it. “You’re very welcome.” But next week, the Queen will reign, and KLR can’t do a thing about it. So enjoy this last week of being champion. KLR holds up her title to show it is still hers, but will it stay hers after she and Jinny battle for the throne?


Eddie Dennis speaks.

“Chaos. Some people survive in chaos. Flash, Mark, I really thought our issues were resolved, but you just wouldn’t stay out of my business. And now, I find out that if The Hunt are going to get back to where they belong, they need to beat you and two other teams in some Four Way Elimination Tag. Talk about chaos.” But as he was saying, some survive in chaos, while others thrive “because it’s all that they know.” They are The Hunt, you are the hunted! Will Primate and Wild Boar make Dennis proud by mauling three other contenders?


NXT UK Championship: WALTER VS A-Kid!

Even though the Austrian Anomaly commended the Spanish Ace on winning the NXT UK Heritage Cup tournament, he will NOT allow A-Kid to think he represents all of European wrestling. For Walter, that only happens when you are THE NXT UK Champion! Will A-Kid be the one to triumph where so many others have failed? Or will he be just another notch on Walter’s belt?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this already historic match begins!

AK and Walter circle, AK testing the waters with kicks. Walter stays up, AK keeps him at a distance before they tie up. Walter puts AK on the ropes, the ref calls for a break, and AK avoids the chop! AK and Walter circle, feel things out, and AK gets kicks in where he can. Walter gets the leg but AK leaps to drag Walter down! AK wants an arm but Walter gets a leg! Walter wants a Half Crab but AK holds that off. AK still wants the arm, Walter pushes the legs away and then drops onto AK. AK wriggles around to get a leg, then a lateral press but Walter is right up. AK facelocks, Walter puts him in the corner, but AK avoids the chop again to KICK!

Walter is fired up and he corners AK, but AK gets around, only to be put back in. AK slips out to CHOP Walter! That’s a daring move in itself! AK and Walter circle, feel out the grapple, knuckle lock and Walter wrenches but AK cording holds. AK gets around to a waistlock, Walter pries free and throws AK down with a headlock. AK tries to headscissor but Walter shakes that off. Walter cranks on the headlock, AK bridges to keep his shoulders up then gets the headscissor hold! AK holds tight and Walter reaches out with a leg for the ropebreak! AK lets go and the two reset again. They knuckle lock, AK kicks away on the leg and Walter hobbles!

AK tries to kick more but now Walter keeps his distance. They tie up with knuckle locks and AK bridges as Walter pushes him down. Walter still gets the cover, TWO as AK gets an arm up. Walter pushes that arm down, TWO as AK bridges. Walter tries to break the bridge with his body weight, TWO as AK manages to get up again! AK avoids the big stomp and he’s at the ropes. Walter and AK reset, circle, and AK gives palm strikes to the chest! Walter stays up so AK palm strikes then kicks the leg! Walter hobbles but he kicks back, puts AK in a corner and puts him up top, to CLUB him to the apron! But AK also gets the arm!! Hanging armbar!

The ref counts, AK lets off at 4, and Walter is getting frustrated. AK smirks as he gets back into the ring and circles with Walter again. They circle, feel things out, and AK KICKS away on the leg! AK gets Walter to fall over! AK goes after that leg and wants the Half Crab! Walter resists, AK CLUBS the leg then steps over! Walter endures, stays on his side, and kicks AK away. AK is in a corner, but he BOOTS back! Walter eggs him on so AK BOOTS again! And a shotgun dropkick! Walter CHOPS AK off his feet!! AK is gasping, staggers up but manages to throw palm strikes. Walter blocks the kick, CHOPS AK off his feet again, but AK ends up kicking Walter on the way down!

Both men are down but Walter is right on AK with a FULL BOSTON CRAB! Walter sits deep, then shifts right to an STF! AK endures, Walter pulls back, but AK claws and crawls for ropes. AK slips out of the leg lock to wrench the arm but Walter CHOPS him and BOOTS him down! The ref checks on AK as AK sits up but AK is still in this. Walter looms over AK, kicks at him, then stands on AK’s head. The ref counts, Walter drags AK up and scoops him for a slam! AK sits up and Walter eggs him on. AK gives kicks from below! And then headbutts low! And KICKS again! AK throws big forearms but Walter BOOTS him back down! Cover, TWO!

Walter keeps on AK with a smothering chinlock, and he leans on AK’s body! Walter traps an arm as he grinds harder on the chinlock, then clamps on for a neck wrench. AK SLAPS from below so Walter goes back to the smothering chinlock! AK fights up, moves around and wrenches through to CHOP Walter! Walter scoops AK to ram him into the corner! Walter puts AK on the top rope to CHOP him down! AK tumbles to the apron, Walter drags AK up and CLUBS him! Sheamus’ Bodhrain would be jealous as Walter CLUBS again! But AK gets the arm! Walter tries a sleeper but AK DRAGON SCREWS in the ropes, then dropkicks the leg out!

Walter is down again as AK springboards, missile dropkick to the leg! Walter writhes but AK goes after an arm! AK wants a Fujiwara but Walter reaches out. AK wants the other arm now, but Walter still reaches with legs for a ropebreak! AK lets off, but he PENALTY KICKS Walter in the back! And then KICKS him again, and again! Walter gets up, AK SLAPS him, Walter CHOPS AK down! Walter walks off the pain in his leg to KICK AK in the back! Walter drags AK up with a sleeper but AK arm-drags free! AK dropkicks Walter to a corner, then runs corner to corner, into Walter’s SHOTGUN DROPKICK!! Walter hauls AK up, WALTER BOMB!! High stack, TWO?!?

AK survives two powerful impacts and BT Sports Studio is thunderous! Walter stirs and crawls over to AK. Walter facelocks AK, drags him up and eggs him on. Walter CHOPS AK back down and AK flops to ropes! AK sits up and Walter kicks at him again. Walter CLUBS AK but AK gets up with a clenched jaw. AK SLAPS Walter, then catches the chop to a takedown! AK locks up one arm, wants the other, but Walter resists! AK shifts to an ARMBAR! Walter clasps hands, moves around, but AK keeps his shoulders up in the triangle hold! Walter moves around, rolls them both to the ropes then out of the ring! Walter APRON BOMBS AK down!!

AK crumples to the floor but Walter drags him back up to put him in. Walter stalks AK but AK fires off palm strikes! Walter grabs AK for a sleeper but AK pries it off to PELE! Walter staggers, AK runs, into a LARIAT!! Walter CHOPS AK on the back! And POINT-BLANK LARIATS!! Cover, Walter wins!!

Winner: Walter, by pinfall (still NXT UK Champion)

El Nino Anonimo gave the Austrian Anomaly the toughest match since, well, the previous title match with Ilja Dragunov! At the very least, Walter nods some respect to A-Kid before taking his leave. Will AK take this as motivation to defend the Heritage Cup as tough as Walter does this title?

My Thoughts:

What a great NXT UK! For one, it was a great move for “Ed Harvey” to shake off the jobber name to be himself, Sha Samuels. I am surprised no “jobber” has done this before, but it’s a great way for Sha Samuels to join NXT UK. He can be the jobber trying not to be a jobber and it could actually work given some time. Joe Coffey still wins because that was going to happen even if Samuels stayed Harvey, because Coffey needs to stay strong if he’s to ever hold anything remotely close to a title.

Then that Fatal 4 Way ELIMINATION tag match is going to be great stuff. We got good promos from Pretty Deadly, Smith & Carter, and Eddie Dennis with The Hunt. I’m thinking rivals take each other out, meaning SWSC and The Hunt cancel out, and then Pretty Deadly cancels out with Smith-Carter. Pretty Deadly has been the one being built up so I think Pretty Deadly finds a way to win to finally have their shot at Gallus. Bate VS Gradwell was a very good match, and it still makes sense for Bate to win, but Gradwell is such a good talker. He effortlessly made the insult of Bate being vegan with the whole yogurt and acorn stuff. Bate wins to stay strong, similar to Joe Coffey, but I’m sure Gradwell is a champion in the making since he already has everything he needs other than time on screen.

KLR and Jinny had a decent face-off, and Jinny made good points about KLR only being champion thanks to her interfering in the Falls Count Anywhere match. Conners did his part as Jinny’s bodyguard well, and I’m sure he’ll try to get involved. Maybe Piper Niven counters him and oddly enough helps her bitter enemy retain. Mastiff and Rampage setting up a match is cool, and I expected it to happen at some point. This could finally give Rampage his direction in NXT UK. Ilja and Starz setting up their rematch is cool, too, and I can’t wait to see what a less theatrical Ilja is like in the ring.

Then of course, the main event, what an incredible match! All the UK Championship matches have been great but this was a lot like Walter VS Dragunov, just taken a notch down because there was a lot more animosity in that story, and we’d been waiting much longer for it to happen because of the 8 months delay from COVID. But AK is clearly a young star who will only get better, he is going to help put that Heritage Cup and its British Rounds rules on the map in the mainstream here.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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