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Mitchell’s WWE Royal Rumble Results & Report! (1/31/21)

Let’s get ready to rumble~!



WWE Royal Rumble 2021

The Royal Rumble enters the ThunderDome!

It’s that time of year again! The Road to WrestleMania starts with pro-wrestling’s most unpredictable match possible, the ROYAL RUMBLE! Who will win those golden tickets to the Showcase of the Immortals?


  • Kickoff Show – WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Charlotte Flair & Asuka VS Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler; Jax & Baszler win and become the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • WWE World Championship: Drew McIntyre VS Goldberg; McIntyre wins and retains the title.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Sasha Banks VS Carmella w/ Reginald; Banks wins and retains the title.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Rumble Mix-Up: Alicia Fox wins and is the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Rumble Mix-Up Remix: R-Truth wins and is the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • 2021 Women’s Royal Rumble Match: Bianca Belair wins and will challenge for a title at WrestleMania 37.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Talk is Cheap: Peter Rosenberg wins and is the WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE Universal Championship Last Man Standing Match: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Kevin Owens; Reigns wins and retains the title.
  • 2021 Men’s Royal Rumble Match: Edge wins and will challenge for a title at WrestleMania 37.


It’s the Royal Rumble Kickoff Show!

Join Charly Caruso, Jerry “The King” Lawler, Booker T, John Bradshaw Layfield and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action!


Sonya Deville joins the panel!

The SmackDwn Women’s Championship is the Credit One Bank’s One to Watch, so new WWE Official, Sonya, is here to analyze. She’s spent a lot of time around both Sasha Banks and Carmella, what are her thoughts? First, long time no see for a lot of these great legends, and she’s happy to be here. Charly compliments Sonya’s suit, she’s always so well-dressed. But to the title match, and not being biased here, but Sonya loves Reginald’s stuff, but also Sasha beating him. That’s evolutionary for the WWE. Booker says who couldn’t beat Reggie? Sasha is seasoned, excels at it all, but Sonya would like to say Sasha isn’t the only boss in town.

Is that about Mella or herself? Herself, but Sonya is proud of the Women’s Division. She knows about as much as we do, but she’s betting on Mella. Booker is a bit surprised. Mella’s comeback has been mostly talk, and her in-ring IQ is not where Sasha’s is. It’ll be a great match but #LEGIT takes the win. Jerry says yes, Sasha has the experience and savvy, but Reggie could be Mella’s ace in the hole. JBL goes with Jerry about Reggie. Charly says it’s Cirque du Sommelier out there. Sonya agrees, not everyone has a sommelier, he has to be an advantage.

Booker asks what that is and Charly says it is an expert in wine. So an alcoholic? Burn! Charly thanks Sonya for stirring not shaking the panel. Will Sonya’s bet be the one that wins?


R-Truth joins the panel.

Why is he in plaid? Truth’s friend, Booker T, wrote a song, and now wants Truth’s baby. Truth is ready for Bugs Bunny! No, not Bugs, it’s Bad Bunny. Oh so this is an Elmer Fudd cosplay. Okay. Not the right bunny, anyway. Truth says he has respect for Bugs cuz he and Michael Jordan saved Earth from the Monstars, but the 24/7 Championship is Truth’s! Doesn’t Truth get worried that showing up here gives away that he’s here? No one knows it’s him, he’s in disguise! Right, King! Wink wink. So no one but the panel knows? Of course, they all know him and stuff. But Truth isn’t going to let Booker’s buddy, Bugs, take the title! No, again, it’s BAD Bunny. Different bunnies. That’s all folks! Truth heads off, will he keep that title on the Road to WrestleMania?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Charlotte Flair & Asuka VS Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler!

The Queens of Tomorrow give the Irresistible Force and Queen of Spades a rematch for these titles to kickoff the night! But with Lacey Evans hanging all over the Nature Boy and the Women’s Rumble match later tonight, will Charlotte be able to focus and help Asuka stay the Two Belt Empress?

Before going out, the champions are asked about those very distractions. Charlotte knows she’s had obstacles in her life but she’s overcome them all. And no one wants to face Charlotte head-on because they lose. So the challengers are surely hoping for a distraction. Asuka is fired up and says no one is ready for Charlotte & Asuka~! With that, the champions make their entrances! The introductions are made, the tag titles are raised, and this golden kickoff match begins!

The teams sort out, and Charlotte starts against Shayna. They circle, tie up, and Charlotte gets a headlock. Charlotte grinds but Shayna pops out to a waistlock. Charlotte pries at the hold, hooks a leg and manages a switch to a facelock. Shayna slips around to get the arm for a hammerlock then facelocks back. Charlotte powers up, gets around, but Shayna switches again. Charlotte reaches back to headlock but Shayna pulls hair to power out, but Charlotte runs her over! Charlotte drags Shayna back up, tags in Asuka and the champions mug Shayna with kicks and CHOPS on repeat! Asuka snapmares Shayna, stalks her then KICKS her!

Shayna blocks the next kick to throw Asuka down and KICK her in return! Tag to Nia and Nia taunts Asuka while pie-facing her. Asuka slaps back, gets the arm, but Nia throws her off. Asuka gets around to an IRON OCTOPUS! Nia endures, pries free, throws Asuka off but Asuka kicks back! Tag to Charlotte, Asuka hands the headlock off and Charlotte knees low. Nia reverses the whip, Charlotte tumbles up and out then shoulders back in. Shayna storms over, Charlotte BOOTS her, then Charlotte BOOTS Nia! Slingshot body scissors to a roll-up, TWO! Charlotte BOOTS Nia to a corner, runs in and KNEES her, then brings her over to tag Asuka.

The champs mug Nia but Nia shoves Asuka away. Asuka flounders up and Nia CLOBBERS her! Nia drags Asuka over, traps the arm, and tags in Shayna! Shayna stomps the arm, then drags Asuka to a cover, TWO! Shayna keeps on Asuka with a high keylock, and a twist of the wrist! Asuka endures, fights up, throws body shots, and gets free, only for Shayna to CLOBBER her! Cover, TWO! Shayna tags Nia in, hands off the arm, and Nia stomps it! Nia drags Asuka around, wraps her up and has a cobra clutch! Charlotte coaches Asuka as she endures, but Nia leans on the hold, then thrashes her around!

Asuka fights out with hips and elbows, reaches for Charlotte, but Nia moves past to DECK Charlotte! Asuka kicks, back hands and back hands! Nia blocks the whip, whips Asuka, but Asuka goes up to missile dropkick! Nia stays up, Asuka ROUNDHOUSES and CODE BREAKERS! Cover, TWO! Asuka keeps her focus but clutches her arm. Asuka climbs up but Nia headbutts her first! Nia climbs up, brings Asuka up in a fireman’s carry, but Asuka moves around and sunset flips! Nia can’t hold on, POWERBOMB! Cover, but Shayna breaks it! Asuka ROUNDHOUSES Shayna down! Asuka KICKS and KICKS Nia, but Nia lifts her up! SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, but Charlotte breaks it!

Charlotte hurries back to her corner and Asuka crawls over. Nia crawls, too, hot tags to Shayna and Charlotte! Charlotte rallies on Shayna and CHOPS away! Charlotte then scoops and EXPLODERS! Shayna gets up as Charlotte kips up! Charlotte glares and runs in, but Shayna dodges! Shayna comes back, but gets a backbreaker to BUCKLE SHOT! Charlotte dodges Nia, mule kicks, and then sees both challengers lined up! DOUBLE NATURAL SELECTION! Cover on Shayna, TWO!! Shayna survives but Charlotte grabs the leg and drags her to a drop zone. Nia intercepts Charlotte at the corner, and then Shayna YANKS Charlotte down!

Tag to Nia, she drags Charlotte up, fireman’s carry! Shayna tags in as Charlotte fights, but the SAMOAN DROP hits! Shayna KNEES Charlotte down! Cover, TWO!! Charlotte survives and Shayna is furious! Shayna RAMS Charlotte into buckles, but Asuka sees Nia and FLYING HIP ATTACKS her! Shayna is after Asuka and throws her over the desk! Nia and Shayna look at Asuka, then turn back to the ring as Charlotte goes up top! SUPER MOONSAULT! Direct hit on them both!! Charlotte fires up, puts Shayna back in, but here comes Ric Flair?! The very distraction Charlotte talked about. She dares Lacey to show up, but Shayna rolls Charlotte up! TWO, and Charlotte BOOTS Shayna!

There’s Lacey! Charlotte takes a swipe and Lacey gets away! Charlotte puts Shayna in the Figure Four, to FIGURE EIGHT!! But Lacey trips Charlotte up and the ref misses it all! Charlotte grabs Lacey and DECKS her! But Shayna grabs Charlotte for the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Charlotte grabs ropes, Ric slips Lacey something! Charlotte trips Shayna up, but Nia distracts the ref! Charlotte is going for the Figure Four, Lacey gives her a BRASS KNUCKLE WOMAN’S RIGHT!! Lacey hides the evidence, Nia tags in and she drags Charlotte into position, for a LEG DROP! Cover, Nia and Shayna win!

Winners: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler, by pinfall (NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Naitch and the Sassy Southern Belle just did Charlotte dirty! Now Nia and Shayna have the titles and Charlotte has nothing! Will Charlotte make Lacey pay dearly for this in the Women’s Rumble later tonight?


“Everyone has a calling.”

“It starts as a whisper. A tiny voice inside, pushing you to realize the gravity of the moment before you. But hearing the call is the easy part. Answering is what ultimately defines us.” But it all comes down to this. The countdown is on. Thirty men, thirty women, however long it takes, “tonight is about who answers the call.” A Prizefighter wants to #StunTheWorld but the Head of the Table is in his way. The icon thinks the Scottish Warrior is next, but that could be far from the truth. There are no second chances. The whisper has become a RUMBLE!


WWE World Championship: Drew McIntyre VS Goldberg!

What could easily be a main event has gotten very personal, ever since the Scottish Warrior was challenged by the once undefeated WCW World Heavyweight Champion! A battle of respect and pride opens the Road to WrestleMania!

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the tension mounts as the two titans stare down as this epic battle finally begins!

GLASGOW KISS! SPEAR?!? Goldberg bails out, McIntyre follows and whips but Goldberg reverses to send McIntyre into steps! Wait, the bell didn’t ring, this match isn’t actually official yet! Goldberg aims and SPEARS McIntyre THROUGH the barriers!! Goldberg roars and heads to the ring, and the ref calls for medics! McIntyre clutches his ribs, Goldberg dares him to get up, and though referees aren’t sure about this, McIntyre gets up on his feet! McIntyre glares back at Goldberg, gets back in the ring, and demands this match go through! The bell rings and now it’s real! BOOT for Goldberg!! CLAYMORE!! Cover, TWO?!? Goldberg survives but now maybe things are even!

McIntyre grits his teeth, goes back to the corner, and aims again, but Goldberg dodges the Claymore! Goldberg aims again, ANOTHER SPEAR!! But even Goldberg knows McIntyre is tough, so he gives him a THIRD SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!??! McIntyre survives but Goldberg drags him back up. Goldberg says it’s time to go up! Goldberg reels McIntyre in, suplexes, and hits the JACKHAMMER! Cover, TWO!?!?! Goldberg’s best shot didn’t finish the Scottish Warrior, and that both confuses and angers him! Goldberg wants to destroy McIntyre, and he waits as McIntyre gets up. But no Spear, he’s sent into buckles!

McIntyre aims again, snarls as Goldberg staggers around, C L A Y M O R E!! Cover, McIntyre wins!!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall (still WWE World Champion)

The icon wasn’t the next champion, just the biggest win under McIntyre’s belt! McIntyre proves he is superhuman once again, what will it take to stop his reign? But even bigger than the win, McIntyre waits for Goldberg to stand so that he can show the living legend respect. Goldberg shows that respect back, “You passed the test.” McIntyre deserves that title. They shake hands, and perhaps a torch has been passed as well! Was this the last blast from the machine called Goldberg?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Sasha Banks VS Carmella w/ Reginald!

It’s been a back and forth between the Legit Boss and the Untouchable Princess, but this should be the one to settle it all! Will the smooth sommelier spoil things for Sasha tonight? Or will he and Mella be drowning their sorrows with a nice Chardonnay?

Kayla Braxton interviews Sasha before her entrance. Mella waits in the ring dreaming of taking the title. Are the odds stacked against her? Sasha laughs and says that when you’re the best, you find a way to win. Any tricks will fail, because Sasha is going to drink the finest champagne of Mella’s tears. Then it’ll be all about waiting on the Women’s Rumble to see who wants to step to the Boss! The champion makes her entrance, the introductions are made and the belt is raised as the Blueprint and the Fabulous go around one more time!

Mella and Sasha circle while talking some smack, then they rush in. Sasha gets Mella down right away! Mella fights off the crossface then scrambles away to the outside. Mella regroups with Reggie, lets the ring count climb a bit as she brags she’ll be the new boss! Mella returns to the ring at 5 of 10, but Sasha gets around to waistlock and slam! Sasha taunts Mella back now as she floats over to a facelock. Mella fights with body shots, whips, but Sasha reverses. Mella goes up and over, grabs hair, but Sasha elbows free! Sasha brings Mella around for a springboard arm-drag! Sasha CHOPS Mella, knuckle locks and goes up, up, but Mella puts her on the apron!

Sasha counter punches but Reggie rushes over. Sasha trips Reggie but Mella BOOTS Sasha! Mella goes out and uses Reggie as a step for FABULOUS in Motion! Direct hit, then she CHOPS Sasha! The ring count is 6 but Mella puts Sasha in to cover, TWO! Mella talks more smack, keeps Sasha in the corner, then throws back elbows! The ref reprimands, counts, Mella lets off at 4 and walks it off. Mella makes sure her hair is good and then looms over Sasha. Mella drags Sasha and bumps her off her boot! Mella goes up, brings Sasha in, and has the HANGING NECKLOCK! The ref counts, Mella lets off at 4, then swaggers about just to show off. She even gives a bow before going into the ring.

Mella mocks the ThunderDome screens and the thumbs down, but Sasha throws body shots! Sasha scoops but Mella slips out to throw Sasha down! Cover, TWO! Mella wraps onto Sasha with a chinlock and squeezes tight. “I’m better than you in every way!” Sasha endures, fights up, throws body shots, but Mella CLUBS her down! Mella drags Sasha up, whips her to a corner but Sasha elbows her away! Sasha hops up but Mella ROCKS her first! Mella throws a few more shots, then runs in, but Sasha denies the steiner and hits a METEORA! Sasha clutches her knees but both women slowly rise. Mella goes to ropes, Sasha runs in but is thrown into those ropes!

Mella wraps Sasha’s hair around the ropes and pulls! The ref reprimands and counts, Mella stops at 2, then stomps away! The ref counts again, Mella stops at 3, then she taunts Sasha again. “I’m hotter than you, I’m smarter than you, I’m badder than you!” Mella drags Sasha up to wrap her hair around ropes again but the ref counts. Mella stomps away on Sasha then lets off as the ref counts. Reggie is the only one cheering. Sasha kicks back, elbows from the corner, then Deadly Nightshades! And then runs Mella side to side to buckle bump her! Sasha stands on Mella’s head, then slingshot METEORAS! Cover, TWO!

Sasha grows annoyed with Mella, drags her back up, and snap suplexes! Una amiga! Dos amigas! But Mella blocks the third, wrenches out, but Sasha KNEES her! Sasha whips, Mella reverses and throws Sasha onto Reggie! Reggie catches Sasha, but Sasha tilt-o-whirl headscissors then SLAPS him! No touchy, Reggie! The ref EJECTS Reggie!! Reggie leaves but Mella DIVES! Direct hit and Mella almost scorpions herself! Mella gets up, puts Sasha in, covers, TWO!! Sasha survives and Mella can’t believe it! Mella isn’t sure what to do without Reggie ringside, and says it was Sasha’s fault! Well, no, it wasn’t, but… Mella calms down, but Sasha cradles! TWO, Sasha rolls Mella again, TWO! Backslide, TWO!

Sasha reels Mella in, snap suplex to finish off the Three Amigos! Sasha climbs up, aims, and FROG SPLASHES, onto knees! Sasha flounders into a drop toehold! Mella floats to the CODE OF SILENCE! Sasha endures the necklock, grabs and trips Mella up, to then PENALTY KICK her! Mella checks her teeth, Sasha staggers up, but Sasha gets around Mella! Mella arm-drags the backstabber away but Sasha powers her to the apron. Sasha shoulders and knees Mella back, then climbs up, leaps into a FABULOUS KICK! Another FABULOUS KICK! Cover, TWO!! Sasha survives and Mella is beside herself!

Mella cools off and drags Sasha around, but Sasha reels Mella in! BANK STATEMENT CROSSFACE!! Mella taps, Sasha wins!

Winner: Sasha Banks, by submission (still SmackDown Women’s Champion)

The Boss is still the champ! Will this be the last shot Mella gets for a long time? Will Sasha still have the title when it’s time to face the 2021 Women’s Rumble winner?


The New Day reunites backstage!

Well, Big E and Xavier Woods do. And Big E asks if Retribution kicks Woods’ “A” a few weeks ago. They did. And did they kick his A a couple weeks ago, too? Yep. And the- Yes, the last week, too. Well, all they need now is 60 minutes from the two of them to change their wrestling lives FOREVER! They just need 60 minutes to put their names among the Wrestling Gods! The what? The Wrestling Gods! The who? THE WRESTLING GODS!! But Sami Zayn comes in and mocks the “wrestling gods,” as they’ve done more than enough by giving Big E Sami’s Intercontinental Championship!

But there are no wrestling gods, just WWE management, who have made The New Day their poster boys! They’ve got cushy spots in the Rumble, right? Sami is shocked HE isn’t one of the first two. And it’s one thing to be dealing with Big E on SmackDown, now he has to deal with Big E’s brother, too? Don’t say “Brother,” that’s just weird. Whatever, Sami has to worry about everyone, but he isn’t worried! Sami sees everything! He has eyes in the back of his head. BOO! Kofi Kingston scared Sami and Sami claims that wasn’t scary. But all jokes aside… Sami, you need to move. Begone, joke! GOTTEE! Bye! Bye bye! Go.

Kofi says he isn’t medically cleared, but he was not gonna miss tonight and the gear they’ve made to remember their boi, Luke Harper! And also, he wants to support the team tonight because this could put the New Day on the path back to WrestleMania, BABYYY~! And that’s right, they’re together! When one wins, they ALL~ win! So then who does win the Rumble on behalf of ya bois? Who who who?


WWE presents Bad Bunny!

And of course, with the two-time Hall of Famer by his side, Bunny performs his hit song, Booker T! CAN YOU DIG IT, SUCKAAAA~?!


2021 Women’s Royal Rumble Match!

Asuka may not be the Two Belt Empress, but she is still the Raw Women’s Champion! Likewise, we just saw Sasha Banks retain her SmackDown Women’s Championship, so both she and Asuka will be watching closely to see who steps up! The first entry out is… BAYLEY! The Role Model is a Women’s Grand Slam winner, so she’d love to have either belt again! But the second entry and Bayley’s first obstacle is… NAOMI! The Glow is back and ready to shine! Will either woman make it all the way as the #IronWoman of the Rumble?

The bell rings, the clock is ticking, and Bayley mocks Naomi with how she trapped her foot in her tights. Naomi blocks the kick, fires off forearms then whips. Naomi dodges with the splits, then hurdles to hit a huricanrana! Bayley gets up in a huff, Naomi goes Matrix to dodge and then twerks at her! Naomi KICKS Bayley to a corner, goes up and rains down fists but Bayley slips out to CLUB Naomi! Naomi boots back then rebound kicks! And gives Bayley a REAR VIEW! Naomi throws Bayley at ropes but Bayley holds on! Bayley elbows Naomi away, and CLOBBERS her! Bayley drags Naomi up and throws her at the ropes, but now Naomi holds on!

The countdown is here, and the third entry is… Bianca Belair! The EST is ready to beat Bayley again, but Bayley is busy stomping a mudhole into Naomi! Bianca gets in and dropkicks Bayley down then kips up! Bianca scoops and puts Bayley on the apron! Bayley stays on, slides under, and runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Bianca runs, handsprings and splashes! Bianca kips up, sees Naomi coming but Naomi kicks! Bianca blocks, scoops and brings Naomi up to the ropes. Naomi fights free, kicks back and goes to lift Bianca but Bianca fights it. Naomi gets Bianca up but Bianca turns it around to a cartwheel?! And then an Alabama lift!

Bianca uses Naomi’s boots to BOOT Bayley, then she tosses Naomi over! Naomi holds on, Bayley goes after Bianca, but Bianca holds on! The countdown hits and entry number 4 is… BILLIE KAY! Billie is taking her time checking her notes and resumes, but Bianca and Naomi dig boots into Bayley. Bayley fights them both off, Billie wants to join commentary first. Bayley whpis Naomi, Bianca hurdles then runs Naomi over! Bayleyu whips, Bainca ahdsprings, but into Naomi’s flying enziguri! Bayley CLOBBERS Naomi, stomps Bianca and then throws her over! Bianca holds on using her hair! Bianca kicks Bayley away and slips in.

Billie says she’s playing smart, she’ll get in when she has back-up. Bayley RAMS into Bianca and Naomi in the corner, then hops up! Bayley leaps but FLOPS as Naomi and Bianca get clear! Entry number 5 is… NXT’s SHOTZI BLACKHEART! Shotzi even has her tank! Billie feels a little bolder seeing Shotzi cruise down, and Billie wants to team up. FIRE THE NERF! Billie gets clear, Shotzi gets in, and she KICKS Bayley! Shotzi climbs up and leaps for a missile dropkick! Direct hit! Shotzi boots Bianca, QUESTION MARK KICKS, then she mule kicks Naomi and throws her over! Naomi holds on, Shotzi runs to welcome Bianca to the ballpit!

Shotzi drags Bianca up as Billie returns to commentary. Bianca holds onto ropes as Shotzi throws her over, but Bayley tries to go after Shotzi! Shotzi fights her off, entry number 6 is here… It’s SHAYNA! The Queen of Spades may be a tag champion but she wants more, and so does Billie. Billie walks up to Shayna, offers her services, but Shayna PUNCHES the resume then shoves Billie! Shayna gets in and goes after Shotzi, then Naomi, then Bianca! KNEE for Shotzi, kicks and KNEES for Bayley! Shayna lifts Naomi to SLAM her! Shayna storms over to Bianca and is after her with a facelock! Bianca holds ropes as Shayna tries to scoop her up and out!

Bayley goes after Shotzi but Shotzi goes to throw her out! Naomi helps Bianca with Shayna but we’re already at entry number 7! It’s NXT’S TONI STORM! The Lightning From Down Under might be Billie’s best bet as fellow Aussies. Billie offers a handshake, Toni leaves her hanging. Toni gets in and goes right at Shotzi with a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bayley gets a GERMAN! HIP ATTACK for Shotzi! HIP ATTACK for Naomi! Toni drags Naomi up but Naomi ROCKS her back! And hits a REAR VIEW! Naomi drags Toni up but Shayna is after them both!

Shotzi hits a SLING DOG on Shayna, then KNEES her back! Shayna blocks the kick to shove Shotzi out and ELIMINATE her! Payback from a battle royal a few years ago! And entry number 8 is… JILLIAN HALL!?! Her singing voice hasn’t improved while she’s away… Billie wants the iconic Diva to be her friend, “Billie & Jillie!” Jillian accepts?! Billie and Jillie get in, and then they clobber Naomi and Bayley! Jillie & Billie double suplex! And handspring elbow! Billie fires up, and they bring Naomi up together. Billie & Jillie throw Naomi at ropes but Naomi holds on. Bayely dropkicks Shayna, Bianca and Toni struggle, and entry number 9 is… RUBY RIOTT!

Ruby rushes down the ring and CLOBBERS Bayley! STO for Bianca! Tilt-o-whirl and forearms for Toni! Toni switches, Ruby elbows free but Toni HEADBUTTS back! Toni shoves and GERMN SUPLEXES Ruby! Toni suplexes but Billie helps Ruby?! Ruby KICKS Toni, Billie goes after Naomi, and then Billie claims to still be friends with Jillie. Ruby, Billie and Jillie go here and there, and Ruby has no idea why. But entry number 10 is here, it’s VICTORIA!! Another veteran is back as the Black Widow returns! Victoria gets in, CLOBBERS Bayley, CLOBBERS Ruby, CLOBBERS Naomi, and ROCKS Toni! She DOUBLE LARIATS Billie & Jillie!

Victoria waits, and back drops Bayley! And kicks Ruby to fireman’s carry, for a swinging SIDEWALK SLAM! Bayley runs into a scoop SLAM! Victoria fires up, Naomi runs and dropkicks her! Toni and Bianca battle at a corner, Victoria tumbles out through ropes so she has a chance to get back in! She shoulders Naomi then slingshot LEG DROPS Naomi down! Entry number 11 is… PEYTON ROYCE! Billie’s old tag partner is here and strutting down to the ring. Billie & Jillie stomp Toni, Ruby flounders but she goes after Peyton! Peyton elbows and forearms and kicks Ruby to then throw her at ropes!

Ruby holds on, Peyton has Victoria, and the IIconics work together! But then Ruby looks at Billie and wonders what the heck. Before Billie can explain, Bayley CLOBBERS Billie and Ruby! But Peyton gets Bayley in the WIDOW’S PEAK! That’s Victoria’s move! Victoria gets Peyton for a proper WIDOW’S PEAK!! Entry number 12 is… NXT’S SANTANA GARRETT! The Wonder Woman of Wrestling runs in, dodges Toni and waistlocks her, only for Toni to buck her away. Santana handsprings to ROCK Toni with a forearm! Bayley hits Ruby, Santana adds in with a back elbow! Santana clubs Ruby, then throws her at ropes! Ruby holds on again but Santana goes after her arms!

Toni helps Santana while Bianca is fighting against Bayley and Victoria, and even Peyton! Bianca is back in safe, and entry number 13 is… LIV MORGAN! The Riott Squad is complete and Liv helps Ruby against Santana and Toni! Liv dodges Bayley and hits ObLIVion! CODE BREAKER for Bianca! Crucifix catch and a SUPERKICK for Shayna! The Squad regroups while Victoria is after Bianca. Jillie goes after the Squad, that upsets Billie, so Jillie SAMOAN DROPS her! The Squad goes after Jillian, throws her over the ropes but she stays on the apron. Jillian shoulder sin but Billie BOOTS her! Billie ELIMINATES Jillie! And then the Squad tosses and ELIMINATES Billie!

Entry number 14 is… NXT’S RHEA RIPLEY!! The Nightmare returns to the Rumble! Rhea storms in, BOOTS Ruby, SLAMS Liv, dodges Bianca and BOOTS her, too! Toni runs in but gets a dropkick! Rhea throws Toni out and ELIMINATES her! Rhea waves bye bye, and then she drags Ruby up to club her down! Victoria catches Bayley to a TARANTULA! Bayley endures, Liv stomps Peyton, and Shayna drags Victoria up in a KIRAFUDA! Shayna drops Victoria and ELIMINATES her! Rhea ROCKS Santana, clotheslines her out but Santana lands on the apron! Rhea ROCKS Santana, weeps the legs, but Santana does the splits! Rhea SUPERKICKS Santana down and ELIMINATES her!

Entry number 15, the halfway point, is… CHARLOTTE FLAIR! The Queen wants payback after everything that happened earlier tonight! She takes her time to survey the scene, and gets in to CLOBBER Rhea! And scoop Liv to FALL AWAY SLAM her! Charlotte kips up, CHOPS Rhea, and again, and again! Rhea swings but into a back suplex! Peyton is on the apron, she hits Ruby away and Charlotte kips back up to BOOT Naomi! Bayley slides under and SUNSET BOMBS Ruby to ELIMINATE her! The Role Model uses a loophole to do it! But now entry number 16 is… DANA BROOKE! The Flex Appeal rushes down and ROCKS Rhea!

Dana climbs up, sees Bayley, Liv and Peyton, and leaps to missile dropkick them all! Charlotte and Shayna battle, Dana climbs another corner and leaps for a SWANTON onto everyone else! Dana fires up, sees Charlotte and Shayna, and handsprings in, only to miss everyone! Dana goes back the other way and she hits Bianca! Then rolling neckbreakers Bayley! Dana fires off on Rhea, Charlotte digs her boots into Shayna, and Peyton goes after Liv. Liv shoulders back in, ROCKS Bayley then slingshots, but Bayley fights the headscissors! Peyton BOOTS and ELIMINATES Liv! Entry number 17 is… TORRIE WILSON! Another classic Diva returns!

Torrie gets in and gives Naomi a neckbreaker! And CLOBBERS Bianca! And CHOPS Dana to then TOSS her! Bayley storms over but into a kick and the FACEBUSTER! Torrie does a dance, kicks Peyton low and snap suplexes! Torie even CLOBBERS Charlotte! Dana huricanranas Rhea and storms back over to throw Rhea. Rhea holds onto the ropes, Dana runs in but Rhea dodges her! Dana throws a forearm, handsprings in but Rhea blocks the headscissors to drag Dana up! Dana still holds on, but Rhea double clutches to APRON BOMB and ELIMINATE Dana! That’s three elminations just for Rhea!

Entry number 18 is… Ric Flair? No, wait, Ric is just introducing LACEY EVANS! And Lacey is again wearing one of Ric’s robes. Actually, it’s the same colors as what Charlotte wore! Charlotte elbows Naomi out of the way and wants Lacey to get in. Lacey struts around just to rub it all in, gets in the ring, and then Charlotte CLOBBERS her! Charlotte clubs away on Lacey, stomps her, knocks feathers off the robe, and Lacey bails out the bottom rope! Charlotte does the same and CLOBBERS Lacey again! Charlotte wants Lacey to take the damn robe off! In the ring, Bianca stomps Naomi, Rhea and Shayna struggle.

Charlotte grabs Peyton and pulls her out to ELIMINATE her! CHarlotte gets back in, hits Shayna and Torrie because they’re close by, but Shayna kicks Charlotte’s leg. Shayna puts Torrie on the outside, KNEES her and ELIMINATES her! Bianca reverses Bayley’s whip and ELIMINATES her!! Entry number 19 is… MICKIE JAMES! She gives Lacey a good STOMP on the way in, then she THESZ PRESSES Rhea! Bianca drags Mickie up, whips her to a corner but Mickie elbows her away! Mickie gives Bianca a RANA! And she gives Naomi a NECKBREAKER! Mickie says she’s been waiting to go against Charlotte, and they start shoving! And then Charlotte CHOPS!

Charlotte storms over, Mickie kicks and ROCKS her! Charlotte fires off furious fists, puts Mickie up top but Mickie boots her away. Mickie hits another rana! Mickie whips Charlotte but Charlotte holds ropes and elbows Mickie away. Charlotte puts Mickie on the apron, stomps away, and digs her boots in! Entry number 20 is… NIKKI CROSS! She only just found out today that she’s in but she’s ready to make the best of it! Nikki clobbers Shayna, Bianca then neckbreakers Naomi! And DROPS down on her! Nikki is running wild as she hits Charlotte, then splashes Lacey! And then one for Shayna! And then both Bianca and Mickie, to BULLDOG Bianca!

Nikki hits Shayna with a crossbody! Rhea grabs Nikki but Nikki throat chops, headbutts, and tornado DDT’s! Charlotte grabs Nikki but Nikki jawbreakers! Mickie and Naomi struggle in one corner, Charlotte blocks Nikki’s tornado DDT, and entry number 21 is… ALICIA FOX! Speaking of frantic energy, Alicia heads in, but then R-Truth is here? He thinks he’s the 21st entry? Alicia tells him no! Truth says sorry, wrong rumble. Wait, the 24/7 Championship chase is here! Truth whips Alicia in his way and she actually helps him fight off the other superstars! Truth DECKS Humberto Carrillo and Drew Gulak, but Alicia rolls him up! Cover, Alicia wins the 24/7 Championship!!

Winner: Alicia Fox, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Oh and entry number 22 is… MANDY ROSE! Mandy struts her stuff while Alicia shows off the belt she just won. Mandy gets in and ROCKS Alicia! Nikki is on the apron, Charlotte DECKS her but Nikki gets in safe. Alicia goes up and over Mandy but Mandy slips out to KNEE FROM A ROSE! Mandy throws and ELIMINATES Alicia! But then Truth rolls Alicia up, to win back his baby!

Winner: R-Truth, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

And now he’s a FORTY-EIGHT TIME CHAMPION! But that just means the chase is on again! Mandy hits Mickie with ANGEL’S WINGS! Truth runs to the back, Nikki leaps on Mandy, but Mandy throws Nikki off to CLOBBER her! And entry number 23 is… NXT’S DAKOTA KAI! #CapKota gets in, sees Nikki and clobbers her! And clobbers Mickie! And brawls with Rhea! Rhea shoves Dakota away, Dakota dodges, comes back, wheelbarrows, but Rhea denies the bulldog. Dakota SCORPION KICKS then BOOTS Rhea down! Dakota bumps Rhea on buckles, Mandy boots Bianca, Charlotte is after Lacey but so is Mickie.

Lacey puts Mickie out, Mickie KICKS back, but a WOMAN’S RIGHT ELIMINATES Mickie! Bianca puts Naomi on the apron, sweeps legs, but Naomi holds onto ropes. Entry number 24 is… CARMELLA! She has refreshed herself since her match earlier tonight, and Rhea SLAMS and ELIMINATES Dakota! Rhea then tosses Mandy and ELIMINATES her, too! Five eliminations! Mella is finally ringside again, and Reggie gives her a boost into the ring. But Nikki is right there to throw her out! Reggie tries to save Mella, and has her cradled and back up! But Nikki runs over, only for Mella to ROCK her! Mella puts Nikki on the apron, FABULOUS KICKS and ELIMINATES her!

Entry number 25 is… TAMINA! The Samoan Steamroller sees Reggie and Mella , and SUPERKICKS Reggie down! Mella touches the floor, she’s ELIMINATED! Tamina sees Rhea and gets in the ring for a stare down. The female titans fire off big haymakers! Rhea bobs ‘n’ weaves, fires back, but Tamina clubs her! Tamina HELL STABS! But Rhea spins and SUPERKICKS! Bianca throws Naomi over but Naomi stays up. Bianca sweeps the legs again, tries to scrape Naomi off, but Naomi swings around to stay in. Shayna and Charlotte struggle in a corner, Bianca kicks Naomi down but Naomi keeps her feet off the mat! She’s still in!

Lacey kicks Bianca, Bianca falls over, Naomi uses Bianca’s hair as a lifeline! They fight in the ropes! They’re hanging like bats! But then they decide they should work together to get back in! They rock and rock and are safe! Entry number 26 is… LANA!! The Ravishing Russian returns, but her mood is not what it was when we last saw her. How could it be, when Shayna and Nia hurt her just to keep her out of TLC? Lana goes after Rhea?! Lana gets Rhea on the apron but can’t get her down. Tamina CLOBBERS Lana, throws forearms, but now Lana is after her! Naomi hits Bianca with a split leg leg drop, then throws her over! Bianca scrambles and stays in!

Lana stomps Tamina, Lacey kicks Bianca, Shayna and Charlotte only stop to catch their breath. Lana goes to dump Lacey but Lacey holds on! Entry number 27 is… ALEXA BLISS! Specifically, this is Firefly Funhouse Bliss, but that could change… Alexa smiles as she gets in the ring and blocks Naomi’s kick to hit an STO! And ROCK Lana! And drop Insult2Injury on Naomi, SLAP Tamina, and dropkick Rhea! Alexa is so happy! But then Rhea TACKLES her! They all gang up on little Alexa! Rhea then goes after Tamina, but the lights start changing… They upset Alexa! Alexa smiles but Rhea dumps her out and ELIMINATES her! The Nightmare isn’t afraid of spooky little Alexa!

Entry number 28 is… NXT’s EMBER MOON! The Evolved Shenom hurries  up top and takes aim at old rival Shayna, for an ECLIPSE!!  She dodges Rhea to slip around and butterfly suplex! Lacey swings into Ember’s mule kick! Ember throws Lacey up and over, but Tamina grabs Ember first! Tamina whips, Ember dodges and DROPKICKS Naomi hard! Tamina throws Ember to a corner, but Ember boots her back! Ember boots Charlotte, goes up, and DOUBLE CODE BREAKERS the second generation superstars! But Lana is after Ember! Ember counters with a DOMINATOR! Entry number 29 is… NIA JAX! The Irresistible Force is in a prime position to pick the bones!

Nia sees Shayna is down but not out. The tag champs regroup and get in to hit Lacey, Naomi, Ember, and Charlotte! Shayna throws Lacey out, KNEES her down and ELIMINATES her! Then Shayna throws Ember out only for Ember to ROCK Shayna! Nia BLASTS and ELIMINATES Ember! Nia drags Naomi up, scoops her and with Shayna’s help, TOSSES Naomi out and ELIMINATES her! Nia and Tamina stare down, Shayna says gold is thicker than blood. Nia says blood is thicker than gold, so Shayna throws hands! Tamina ROCKS Shayna, but Nia turns on Tamina! Tamina slips off the fireman’s carry to SUPERKICK! Tamina goes after Nia but Shayna ROCKS Tamina!

The Tag champs dump Tamina out and ELIMINATE her! Seems Shayna was right. But then the champs brawl with each other! This is everyone for themselves, after all! Shayna and Rhea brawl, Nia is after Charlotte, and Nia HEADBUTTS Charlotte down! Shayna gut wrench suplexes Rhea, but then Nia throws and ELIMINATES Shayna!! “Sorry, I had to do it.” But then Lana leaps on Nia! Lana wants revenge but Nia throws her off! Lana gets up, Nia storms over, and they go out the bottom ropes. Lana runs, Nia chases, they go back in, and Lana SLAPS Nia! Nia just gets mad. Nia runs but Lana dumps her out and ELIMINATES her!!! REVENGE IS SWEET!

Entry number 30 is here, and Natalya finally joins the match! She won this right on WWE Backstage, and now she gets to capitalize! But Shayna and Nia mug Natty because they’re sore losers! They throw her around, get back in the ring, and wreck everyone! The refs reprimand but that won’t stop them when they’re already out! Nia scoop SLAMS Lana, and then she and Shayna finally leave the ring. Nia drags Natty up and puts her in the ring, making the Rumble complete. The final five are Natty, Lana, Rhea, Charlotte and Bianca, but they’re all worse for wear after what the tag champs just did.

Natty helps Lana up, and former friends hug it out. They even have similar gear. But then Natty SUCKER PUNCHES Lana! And scoops her, to throw her out, and ELIMINATE her! Then Natty gives Charlotte a DISCUS! And she fires off haymakers on Bianca! Natty drags Bianca up, scoops her, and puts her on the apron! Bianca holds on and Rhea goes after Natty! Natty gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX Rhea! Natty scowls, drags Rhea up again and whips her to a corner. Rhea reverses, runs in but misses, and Natty puts Rhea outside! Natty ROCKS Rhea, and again and again! DISCUS! Rhea flops but she’s holding on! Bianca dumps Natty and ELIMINATES her! The #BOAT has been sunk!

Bianca, Charlotte and Rhea are the final three, each representing SmackDown, Raw and NXT! Now even Io Shirai might want to pay attention to this match! Rhea, Bianca and Charlotte circle, and Charlotte fires off forearms! But Rhea and Bianca go after Charlotte in return! A flashback to last year, as these three were fighting over the NXT Women’s Championship! Bianca and Rhea bring Charlotte up, double whip, but Charlotte holds ropes to kick back! Charlotte ROCKS Rhea, scoops Bianca and EXPLODERS! Charlotte kips up, Bianca flounders, but Charlotte points to the sign as she goes after Rhea! These two battled for the title at Mania last year, we’re getting more of that here!

Charlotte goes to suplex but Rhea blocks! Charlotte clubs away, Rhea ROCKS her in return! That only angers the Queen! Charlotte boots but she’s dumped to the apron! Charlotte stays on, Rhea runs over but into the BOOT! Bianca HANDPSIRNG KICKS Charlotte! Charlotte wobbles, Bianca and Rhea BOTH hit and ELIMINATE her!! The Queen is DONE! But she likes the fire from the younger generation. Bianca and Rhea are the final two, but they take a moment to revel in what they’ve done. Then Rhea pushes Bianca up and over! Bianca headscissors Rhea out with her, and they’re both dangling! They both get on the apron!

Rhea says to take it easy, they’ll reset in the ring. Bianca agrees, they both go in, and they’re both safe. Rhea rushes in, Bianca dodges, RAMS Rhea and fires off shoulders in the corner! Rhea hits back, Bianca hauls her up to the top rope, and dropkicks! Rhea holds on desperately, but Bianca runs in! Rhea slides under the shots, is in safe, and she lifts Bianca! Bianca is on the apron, shoulders back in, then hurries to run at Rhea, DOUBLE HAIR PULLS take then both down! Rhea and Bianca check their noses as the fans rally on their ThunderDome screens! Bianca and Rhea glare at each other as they slowly get up.

Bianca fires off on Rhea but Rhea hits back! It’s fast and furious, Rhea ROUNDHOUSES then Electric Chairs! Bianca victory rolls, waistlocks, chicken wings, and Glam- NO! Rhea victory rolls Bianca into ropes! And KICKS from below! Rhea spins Bianca around, pump handles, and hits- No, No rip Tide! Torture rack, KISS OF- NO! Rhea lands on her feet, dodges, but Bianca dodges back! Bianca clotheslines and ELIMINATES Rhea!! BIANCA WINS!!

Winner: Bianca Belair (2021 Women’s Royal Rumble winner)

From #3 to THE ONE! Bianca is about to show us all that you can’t spell WrestleMania without E S T! Kayla Braxton interviews Bianca to ask her how she’s feeling after winning the match and punching her ticket! Bianca has been telling us all she’s the strongest, fastest, the roughest and the toughest, but now she’s proven it! She’s won the Women’s Royal Rumble and is just so happy! She tells mom and dad that it was intense, but she did it! She’s going for gold! But will she be aiming for The Boss or the Empress on the GrandEST Stage of Them All?


The Miz and John Morrison find Bad Bunny’s room.

They say this is going to be huge. Knock knock. Bad Bunny answers the door and they compliment him on his performance tonight. Introductions, and Bunny thanks them for that. Don’t thank them just yet. They have an incredible offer: Bad Bunny, the chart topping virtuoso teaming with Miz and Morrison! This could do wonders for his career! #HeyHeyHoHoPOPPOP. Miz, Morrison and Bunny going to the top, people gonna freak when they hear the beat drop! They could make Bunny a bonafide superstar! No thanks, guys, he’s good. WHAT?! These two are odds-on favorites for tonight’s Men’s Rumble! And Miz is Mr. MITB! But he wants to hang with Booker T!?

Miz and Morrison are in their primes while Booker’s hanging onto- Oh. Hi, Book… Tell Book Miz didn’t just say that. Oh he did. Um… Well, uh… Morrison bugs out fast and Bunny wishes Miz luck. Will MC M I Z be the one getting dropped in the Men’s Rumble?


WWE checks back in with the Kickoff Panel.

Charly, JBL and Peter are joined again by Sonya to give a quick recap of everything. Bianca winning is so amazing, she lived a dream. Sonya has to say it: Bianca is someone she can get behind. Bianca talks the talk, walks the walk, and is part of Sonya’s brand. Peter admits he got emotional seeing that, that is a classic moment. JBL says Bianca is in the driver’s seat. Being in the title match at WrestleMania changes your life. Bianca needs to enjoy the next few months, then get that win at Mania.

And another bit of history is the NEW Women’s Tag Team Champions, Nia and Shayna are now two-time title holders. Though, with some help from The Nature Boy and Sassy Southern Belle. But then Truth returns? He thinks it’s Raw Talk, doesn’t he? He saw bunnies, foxes, the Rumble should be a farm! Peter says there’s more than that. Did Truth see that Cena is here? Really!? Truth hurries to go find Cena, but Peter LOW BLOWS and then ROLLS UP Truth!! Peter wins!!!

Winner: Peter Rosenberg, by pinfall (NEW WWE 24/7 Champion)

Well Truth just met a weasel! Talk about history! Sonya can’t even. JBL is shocked, Peter is a champion. What is going on?


WWE Universal Championship Last Man Standing Match: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Kevin Owens!

The Tribal Chief says he is in charge, and did not appreciate any part of the games Adam Pearce was playing. Strings were pulled, traps were sprung, and now we arrive at this moment! Will the Head of the Table make the Prizefighter acknowledge him? Or will Kevin #JustKeepFighting and #StunTheWorld as he finally ends Roman’s reign?

The introductions are made, and once Roman is down holding it up, the title is raised. Roman VS Kevin one more time, until only one man is left standing!

Kevin and Roman fire off right at the bell! Kevin knees low, throws hands, but Roman hits back! They keep brawling, Kevin hits back but Roman ROCKS Kevin with an uppercut! Kevin avoids the Superman punch but Roman denies the Stunner to SUPERMAN PUNCH after all! Kevin is down, the count starts already, but Kevin is up at 4. Roman runs in but into a KNEE! Kevin whips, pops up, and POWERBOMBS! Roman is down and writhing, and now the count is on him! Roman is up at 4, bails out, but Kevin pursues. Kevin runs around the way, but into a fireman’s carry! Kevin fights out of it, to ROCK Roman with a right!

Kevin POSTS Roman, then brings him around to whip. Roman reverses to send Kevin into steel steps! Roman shakes out the cobwebs, runs and SPEARS Kevin down! The count begins on Kevin, Roman catches his breath, and Kevin manages to get up at 7! Roman pulls the steel steps apart, aims the top half and RAMS Kevin down! Kevin staggers at the ramp, Roman aims again, and RAMS Kevin again! Kevin flounders further up, stands, and Roman RAMS him with the steps again! Kevin flops off to the side, gets up at 5, but Roman runs in with the steps, only for Kevin to SUPERKICK him down! Another count begins but on Roman, and Kevin takes that moment to catch his breath.

Roman is up at 5, so Kevin bounces him off the steel steps! And again, and again! Kevin whips Roman into the ThunderDome screens! And again! And again! Roman flops over and the count begins. Kevin stays close as Roman stirs and stands at 4. Kevin pushes Roman into more screens! And then BOOTS him against the wall! Kevin goes back to fetch those steps, and talks trash on Heyman. Kevin brings the steps around to RAM Roman! Roman flops onto spare tables, and it’s a very familiar scene for Kevin! Kevin climbs the scaffolding to be where Roman was when tables were turned. Kevin has a chair, Roman climbs, Roman JAMS Kevin in the eyes!

Roman attacks Kevin, bumps him off the back off screens, and then has the chair! Roman JAMS Kevin in the ribs, and again, then SMACKS him on the back! This is looking just like that moment over a month ago. Kevin ROCKS Roman but Roman hits back! Roman bumps Kevin off screens now, hauls him back up but Kevin hits back! They brawl as they climb the inside of the ThunderDome itself! Roman dumps Kevin over, Kevin is up as the count climbs, and Kevin SUPERKICKS Roman as he climbs over the screens! Roman flops down, the count starts, but Kevin plans ahead.

Kevin gets a chair, Roman rises at 5, and Kevin JAMS Roman in the ribs! And again! And then the legs! Then Kevin SMACKS Roman on the back! The count begins again, Roman stirs at 6 and stands at 7, but Roman gives him another JAB to the knee! And a SMACK to the back! Roman hobbles, hits back and BOOTS Kevin! Kevin leans against the wall to stay up but Roman JAMS and SMACKS Kevin with the chair! Kevin is down, the count starts up, Roman stalks over and brings Kevin up at 6. Roman says they’re going for a ride, but Kevin shoves Roman, kicks him and hits a STUNNER! Roman teeters on the edge, and but he uppercuts Kevin away! SUPERMAN PUNCH!

Kevin wobbles, Roman comes back around, and throws Kevin OFF!! Kevin crashes through tables!! Deja vu is painful! The count is 5, then 6! Kevin crawls at 7, drags himself up at 8, and stands at 9.9!! Roman can’t believe it! Kevin staggers around, clutches his back, and ends up going backstage. Kevin flounders against everything back there, finds his way back to gorilla, but still wobbles and staggers. Kevin crawls, ends up in the backstage area of Tropicana Field, but he still struggles to actually stand. Roman RUNS KEVIN OVER WITH A GOLF CART!!! Kevin is down, the count begins, but Roman is backing up? Kevin flounders and the count is still at only 3.

Roman parks the cart, stalks Kevin, and Kevin uses the spare announce desk to get up at 8! And then SMACKS Roman with a clipboard! Roman fires off fists on Kevin’s head! Roman shoves Kevin down, paces, and the count begins again. The count passes 5 but Kevin is sitting up! Kevin again drags himself up at 8, and Roman says he is trying to smarten Kevin up but it isn’t working. “All his papas up there, look at him!” Kevin is furious and he attacks Roman with that fury!! Kevin won’t let Roman talk ill of his family! “Get your ass up!!” Kevin throws Roman into ladders, trunks, and punches him against them again and again!

Kevin brings Roman to the spare desk, and says his grandfathers were bigger men than Roman ever will be! POP-UP POWERBOMB TO THE DESK! The desk doesn’t fall, so Kevin goes up to FROG SPLASH through it!! Both men are down and the count begins! Kevin sits up first, and manages to stand at about 6. Roman sits up at 7, turns over at 8, and is up at 9.99!! Roman flounders, Kevin looms over him, drags him back up, and THROWS him into a ladder! The ladder goes down, so does Roman, and the count begins again. Kevin has a step ladder as Roman sits up at 6. Roman fights his way up and stands at 9, only for Kevin to RAM him down!

Kevin wants people to move, and he gets an even bigger ladder! Kevin punches Roman down, then gets a forklift?! Kevin uses the lift to raise a platform, and then he climbs up the lift?! Kevin aims down at Roman on those spare tables, for a SUPER SWANTON BOMB through the tables!!! If only Kevin could cover and end it here! The count begins, Kevin is crawling and Roman is stirring at 5! Kevin stands at 7, Roman sits up, Roman is somehow up at 9.99 again!! Roman falls back over, and Kevin is stalking up behind him. Kevin drags Roman up, “Whose blood is that on your face, huh?! It’s not mine! No no, that’s tribal blood!”

Kevin throws Roman into trunks, brings him to gorilla, and Kevin says they’re going back to where this started! They go to the stage, Kevin keeps dragging Roman along and then pushes him towards the ramp. Roman is down so the count begins, but Kevin waits nearby. Roman stirs at 4, slowly sits up at 7, and manages to get up at 9. Kevin brings Roman around, reels him in, but Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES! Roman runs in and SPEARS Kevin through the LED screens!! Both men are down again and the ref checks them both. Somehow they’re okay to continue, but it’s about the count! Roman is up first, Kevin stirs at 5. Kevin still doesn’t sit up, but he rolls off the stage to stand at 9! Kevin uses his surroundings to his advantage and that pisses Roman off!

Roman goes around the way, Kevin flounders against the stage and that light rig must be hot because he shakes out his arms. Roman returns, and he has something in his hands. Roman says he didn’t want it to come to this point, because he has HANDCUFFS! Roman says he can’t quit, “There’s no way I can go home if I quit.” Roman and Kevin throw fists against the stage wall over and over! Roman gets the edge, pushes Kevin around, then has the cuffs at the ready. Kevin kicks but Roman stomps him down. Roman sits Kevin up to cuff one hand, but Kevin throws haymakers with the other! Kevin bumps Roman off girders, then hits a STUNNER! Both men are down again!

Kevin rains down fists on Roman’s head! He’s using the cuffs as knuckle dusters! Kevin cuffs Roman and pulls him through the girders! Roman is caught!! The count is climbing, Roman has to stand up or he’s done! We’re at 7! Roman throws the ref INTO THE GIRDERS! No count means no loss! Kevin kicks Roman but Roman LOW BLOW UPPERCUTS!! Roman kicks Kevin down more, then pulls at the cuffs again. Roman looks around, and Heyman hurries over! Heyman has the keys since these are Roman’s cuffs! Heyman works to free Roman as a new ref is here and starts a new count! Both Roman and Kevin are down for 5!

Kevin stands at 7, Roman is finally free! Roman grabs Kevin for the GUILLOTINE!! Kevin endures but Roman adds the body scissors! Roman drags Kevin down to the ground and Kevin is turning red! Kevin fades, he is OUT! The count begins again, Roman still has to stand, too. Roman is up at 7, Kevin doesn’t even stir! ROMAN WINS!

Winner: Roman Reigns (still WWE Universal Champion)

The Tribal Chief’s Special Counsel earns his keep tonight as he keeps Roman in the match! Roman wins by finding a loophole, but will his luck run out come WrestleMania?


2021 Men’s Royal Rumble Match!

Drew McIntyre made sure he wasn’t next on Goldberg’s list, and we just saw the Tribal Chief stay at the Head of the Table. But then who will be challenged by the winner of this iconic match?

As announced on WWE Backstage, the first entrant is EDGE! The Rated R Superstar made his return in the Rumble last year, and he’s doing it again this year! But he’s first up against RANDY ORTON! These two get to revive their rivalry from 2020, will it end with one of them punching their golden ticket to WrestleMania?

Edge doesn’t even wait for Orton to get in the ring! He rushes The Viper on the ramp and they brawl! Edge ROCKS Orton down the ramp, then to ringside, and whips him into the LED apron! Orton clutches his hip, Edge looms over him, and brings him up to put in the ring. Now we begin, and Edge clubs Orton to a corner! Edge fires off haymakers, Orton pokes eyes and slithers out under the ropes. Edge pursues and they brawl again! Edge whips Orton into the barriers! Orton staggers, Edge throws more haymakers, then bumps Orton off the steel steps! Edge whips Orton into the other steps! Edge eggs Orton on, stalks him, then brings him up to club him!

Edge bumps Orton off barriers, stalks him around the way and clubs him into the announce desk! And he bumps Orton off the desk! And throws haymakers! Edge clubs away as we see entry number 3 is… SAMI ZAYN! The Great Liberator is upset because this is basically the conspiracy he speaks of. But he also keeps his distance as Orton and Edge finally get in the ring. Sami CHOP BLOCKS Edge and Orton rains fists down on Edge! Sami seems to be helping Orton because it’s better than being against Orton. Orton grabs at Edge’s bad arm, the one he just repaired to come back! Sami stomps Edge down for Orton, and Orton twists the arm!

Sami talks trash while Orton makes Edge suffer, then Sami throws hands down! Orton throws more hands, but entry number 4 is… Retribution’s leader, MUSTAFA ALI! The Beacon scowls as he gets in, but he leaves Orton and Sami alone. They all seem to have an understanding that they can beat up on Edge! Ali stomps away on Edge, rains down fists, and now Edge is in a 3v1 situation! They mug Edge, and Ali is using his mission against the aged returning wrestlers to do Orton’s dirty work! These three drag Edge up and Sami says it’s time to go. They drag Edge to the ropes, but Edge holds on desperately! Entry number 5 is… JEFF HARDY!

Hardy gets in and he has beef with Orton! JAWBREAKER! Ali and Sami go after Hardy and they whip him corner to corner. Hardy hits Sami away, ROCKS Ali, and goes up top for WHISPER IN THE WIND! Direct hit on Sami and Ali! Hardy throws off his jacket and hits Sami, but no Twist! RKO!! Sami says that’s what Hardy gets! Sami and Orton like this combination, but then Orton RKO’s Sami! And RKO’s Ali! Orton doesn’t play nice for long, does he? But Edge SPEARS Orton! Orton slithers out again but Edge pursues. This animosity is only getting stronger as Edge clubs away on Orton! Edge whips Orton into a POST! And bumps him off the desk!

Edge puts Orton on the desk, climbs up to join him, and brings Orton up. Orton tries an RKO but Edge counters to an IMPALER on the desk! The desk doesn’t give way but Orton and Edge are both down! Entry number 6 is… DOLPH ZIGGLER! The Show-Off is ready to steal the show as he enters his 14th Royal Rumble. But Edge SMACKS Orton with a chair! And then SMACKS a leg! The refs try to stop Edge, this is not what the Rumble is about! Edge cools off, Ziggler slides in on the other side, and Ziggler dumps Hardy out to ELIMINATE him! Edge BOOTS Ziggler, back drops Ali, and scoops Sami for a toss to the outside! Sami holds on, fights free, and Ziggler hits a ZIGZAG on Edge!

Ziggler now joins in on ganging up on Edge as entry number 7 is… SHINSUKE NAKAMURA! Edge holds onto ropes, and the King of Strong Style heads to the ring. Ziggler wants to fight and Nakamura fires off on Ziggler! Strike fest and a SLIDING KNEE! Sami ROCKS Nakamura for the “betrayal” from SmackDown! Sami whips Nakamura corner to corner, runs in, but the Helluva Kick misses! Nakamura ROUNDHOUSES Sami down while referees help Orton up and to the back. Nakamura hits a FLYING KNEE on Sami! Windmill kick for Ali! Nakamura gives Sami Bad Vibrations! Nakamura stomps Ziggler, kicks him, and Ali digs his boots into Edge.

Entry number 8 is… CARLITO!? Caribbean Cool makes his return and is looking in great shape! Carlito has his apple, but Nakamura takes it away to shine it up. Carlito take the apple back, and hits a BACKSTABBER! Ali hits Carlito, whips him but Carlito reverses. Ali goes up but not over, into a BACKSTABBER! Sami grabs Carlito’s hair but Carlito breaks free to throw Sami over! Sami stays safe, gets in, but Carlito is after him. Carlito claws at Sami’s face but Ziggler is after him. Ali is after Carlito, Nakamura is after Edge, but entry number 9 is… Xavier Woods! And Woods tackles Ali over what Retribution’s done!

Woods CHOPS Ali, CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS! Woods whips, Ali holds ropes and Sami CLOBBERS Woods! Sami talks trash on Woods for not having the New Day around. Carlito hits Ali, Sami clubs Woods, Carlito goes after Ziggler, but Woods hauls Sami up! Ali hits Woods, taunts Woods about Kofi, and entry number 10 is… BIG E! Well now Ali and Sami can stop asking! Big E is in, and he throws hands on Sami! Sami shoves back, elbows back, and Ali runs in, into the Urenag-E! Big E gives Sami headlocks, and whips him at the HONOR ROLL! Big E and Woods combine their powers, and Woods Electric Chair lifts Big E to SLAM him on Sami!

But the New Day isn’t done with Sami yet! They scoop Sami, for the MIDNIGHT HOUR! Then they drag Sami up to double whip and ELIMINATE Sami! The New Day now go after Sami and entry number 11 is… JOHN MORRISON! The Guru of Greatness and Nakamura trade kicks and Morrison ROCKS Nakamura! Morrison stomps Edge, New Day combine on Ali but Ali fights out of one move, only to get the FLYING DDT! Woods throws Ali out but Ali holds on! Ziggler is after Woods, Nakamura is after Ziggler! Woods and Ali fight on the ropes. Ziggler is after Woods’ hands, but Big E throws Ziggler away! Ali dropkicks Woods and ELIMINATES him!

Big E glares at Ali, grabs him by his beard, and shoves him out to ELIMINATE him! Entry number 12 is… RICOCHET! The One and Only waves by to Ali before getting in the ring with a springboard TORNILLO onto everyone! Ricochet runs at Ziggler, but Ziggler puts him on the apron! Ricochet slides under and dropkicks Ziggler down! Edge kicks Ricochet, whips him but Ricochet stays on the apron again. Ricochet shoulders in, slingshots up and over, then handsprings to huricanrana and dropkick Edge down! Morrison DECKS Ricochet and goes after him in a corner! Big E has Nakamura, Morrison tries to throw Ricochet over, Big E suplexes Nakamura!

Ziggler is after Carlito and Edge, Ricochet stomps Morrison but Nakamura kicks Ricochet. Entry number 13 is… ELIAS! The Drifter blocks Ricochet’s kick, flips him and hits him with a SIDE EFFECT! Elias gives Morrison DRIFT AWAY! Elias fires hands on Carlito and CHOPS him! Elias whips Carlito, Carlito reverses and dropkicks Elias back! But Elias KNEES Carlito, whips him and ELIMINATES him! Elias goes after Edge now, but Ricochet clubs Elias from behind! Ziggler goes after Nakamura but Nakamura kicks him low! Nakamura throws more KICKS, then snap suplexes! Entry number 14 is… NXT’s DAMIAN PRIEST!

The Archer of Infamy takes aim and heads for the Drifter! Priest ROCKS Elias, reels him in, and hits RECKONING! Ricochet goes up and over Priest but Priest CLOBBERS him! Priest roars, Morrison ROCKS him! Priest ROCKS Morrison back, bell claps, and ROUNDHOUSES to a WINDMILL KICK! Priest ROCKS Morrison again, throws more big hands, then stomps Morrison down. Edge hits Ricochet, Big E is on Nakamura, then Priest throws and ELIMINATES Elias! We get a quick picture in picture on Orton in the trainer’s room and the status of his leg. Edge and Priest circle., Edge blocks a kick to ROCK Priest but Priest ROCKS him back!

Edge BOOTS Priest, Priest hauls Edge up but Edge fights free! Entry number 15 is… THE MIZ! Mr. MITB is looking to have another title shot in his back pocket, but he sees the DJ table for Bad Bunny. Miz SMASHES it because he’s upset with Bunny rejecting him! Miz then goes to the ring, helps Morrison against Big E, SKULL CRUSHING FINALE! Then DOUBLE BOOTS for Priest! Ricochet runs into a double GUTBUSTER, and DOUBLE DDT! Ziggler high fives with Miz and Morrison, but then gets caught for the FLYING CHUCK HART ATTACK! Bad Bunny comes out because now he’s pissed at what Miz did!

Miz and Morrison want Bunny to get in but the refs won’t allow it because Bunny is not a WWE superstar! Priest DUMPS OUT and ELIMINATES the Greatest Tag Team in the 21st Century! Then Priest helps Bunny go up and take aim, to SUPER CROSSBODY onto Miz ‘n’ Morrison!! But now entry number 16 is… MATT RIDDLE! The Bro says hey to Bad Bunny as they pass by, and then heads for the ring! Ziggler fires off on Nakamura, Nakamura RAMS Ziggler into the corner, and Big E is after Ricochet. Riddle hops in, and brawls with Priest! Priest fires off kicks but Riddle turns things around to a PELE!

Riddle runs in to forearm smash, then goes side to side to hit Nakamura! Nakamura hits back and it’s another brawl! They trade kicks, Riddle throws chops then tackles Nakamura into ropes. Priest goes after them both! Big E is after Ricochet, Edge has Ziggler, and entry number 17 is… DANIEL BRYAN! The Yes Movement is seeking his first Royal Rumble win ever, and he gets in to go right at Nakamura with a dropkick! Then a dropkick for Priest! Ricochet catches Bryan but Bryan elbows away! Bryan unleashes YES Kicks on Ricochet but Ricochet gives kicks back! They go back and forth, Bryan gets the legs but Ricochet flips up and over to GERMAN SUPLEX Bryan down!

Priest has Edge, Nakamura has Riddle, but both hold on! Ziggler kicks at Big E but Big E blocks to CLOBBER him! Edge hits Priest, Priest ROCKS Edge! Riddle kicks away on Nakamura, Ricochet brawls with Bryan, and entry number 18 is… KANE?!? The Big Red Machine returns for his 18th Rumble! Kane ROCKS Ricochet, choke grips Edge and CHOKE SLAMS him! Kane gets Riddle and Nakamura for a DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM! Ziggler leaps in, but into a coke grip and shove, Kane ELIMINATES Ziggler! Ricochet kicks from the apron, but Kane choke grips him, for an APRON CHOKE SLAM! Kane ELIMINATES Ricochet!

Bryan says it’s great to see Kane again! Will they hug it out? Kane smirks, and Team Hell No HUGS IT OUT! Then Kane choke grips Bryan for a CHOKE SLAM! But now Priest steps to Kane for a stare down of monsters! Priest takes aim but Kane ROCKS him with an uppercut! Priest escapes the choke grip to BOOT, ROCK and push Kane out to ELIMINATE him! Priest has a huge moment right there! But Riddle goes after Priest right away to end that moment! Entry number 19 is… KING CORBIN! The Wolf King hurries in and goes after Riddle to CLOBBER him! Bryan boots Corbin, leaps, but into Corbin’s POWERSLAM!

Nakamura grabs Corbin, Corbin throws him off, but Nakamura dodges to DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Nakamura aims, but runs into Corbin’s scoop! Nakamura slips out of the End of Days but not the DEEP SIX! Corbin shoves and ELIMINATES Nakamura! Corbin goes after Bryan, Riddle helps Bryan against Corbin, and entry number 20 is… OTIS! The Dozer runs in and dodges Corbin to DISCUS CLOTHESLINE! Otis scoops Big E to SLAM him! Otis scoops Priest for an EXPLODER! Riddle runs in, into an EXPLODER! Otis corner splashes Priest, and so many are down! Otis fires up, and he gives Priest a CATERPILLAR ELBOW!

Otis climbs up, but Corbin shoves him out and ELIMINATES him!! Bryan fires off on Corbin with YES Kicks! Big E and Riddle brawl but Priest gets in on it! Entry number 21 is… DOMINIK MYSTERIO! Corbin dares the Son of Mysterio to get in, and then CLOBBERS him! Corbin rains down rights, Bryan is after Edge, and Corbin hauls Dom up. But Dom huricanranas and ELIMINATES Corbin! Corbin’s head of steam got him in trouble! Big E hits body shots on Dom, Bryan EuroUppers Riddle but Riddle hits back. Bryan and Riddle brawl, Dom fights Big E off, Priest CLUBS both Riddle and Bryan! Priest hauls Riddle off to throw him aside, then he stomps Bryan!

Priest whips Bryan to a corner hard, but Riddle KICKS Priest! Riddle fires off forearms, and entry number 22 is… BOBBY LASHLEY! The Hurt Business’ Chief Hurting Officer stares Riddle down as he gets in the ring! Lashley CLOBBERS Riddle, TOSSES and ELIMINATES Dominik, and then fights Priest! Priest ROCKS Lashley, but Lashley MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTERS Priest! Lashley clotheslines and ELIMINATES Priest! But now Big E and Lashley start firing off on each other, the big bad US and IC champions firing off! Things speed up, Lashley hurdles but Big E scoops! Lashley slips off, kicks low and suplexes, but Big E slips out!

Big E and Lashley fire up as they circle, and they throw hands again! Big E rams Lashley in, Riddle fires off, too, and entry number 23 is… THE HURRICANE?! Well the Rumble is superhero comic book themed… The Hurricane gets in, Big E scoops him and takes him to ropes, but the Hurricane slips out to poke Big E’s eye! And then he pokes Lashley’s eye! Hurricane choke grips the two champions, but they’re too big for that! They double trophy lift, TOSS, and ELIMINATE Hurricane! Lashley then hits Big E with a Complete Shot! Lashley digs his knee into Riddle, Bryan goes after Lashley, but Lashley glares at Bryan.

Lashley throws hands on Bryan, bumps him off buckles, then throws down hands! Riddle goes after Lashley again, kicks away on him, and entry number 24 is… CHRISTIAN! Captain Charisma is back! Even Edge is surprised! Lashley dares him to get in, and Christian baits him in! HOTSHOT! Riddle, Bryan and Big E fire off on Lashley, get him to ropes, and Christian helps them dump him out and ELIMINATE him! Christian then dodges and fires off Big E! Big E hits back, scoops but Christian slips out to get the arms! UNPRETTIER! Bryan kicks Christian and whips but Christian reverses to CLOBBER him with an elbow!

Edge stands up, and he and Christian share a smile and a hug! The E&C Connection That Reeks of Awesomeness is here! Riddle loves this moment but they go after him! Double whip, double elbows! Wheelbarrow splash combo! Entry number 25 is… AJ STYLES! The Phenomenal One and Omos head to the ring, Styles gets in and goes after Big E! Christian hits back, Styles elbows and PELES! Styles goes after Edge with haymakers, Riddle kicks Big E, Bryan goes after Riddle with EuroUppers! Omos finally arrives ringside and Styles aims. Styles springboards at Edge, but Edge gets under! Edge SPEARS Styles!

Christian hits Big E, Riddle goes after Christian, Bryan goes after Edge. Entry number 26 is… REY MYSTERIO! The King of Lucha Libre rushes the ring, goes up top, and leaps to SEATED SENTON Christian! Rey whips Styles, Styles reverses but Rey kicks back! Rey QUEBRADAS, but Styles catches him! Rey escapes, puts Styles on the apron, but Omos holds Styles up! Rey stomps Edge, Big E runs at Styles but Styles dodges! Big E BOOTS Styles, but Omos grabs at Big E!! Omos drags Big E out and ELIMINATES him! Big E goes right at Omos, but Omos palms his head and PUSHES Big E over the desk! Omos is as strong as he is huge!

Christian is after Bryan, Styles throws hands on Edge, but Riddle CLOBBERS Styles! Riddle throws hands on Styles, Rey is after Edge, and Riddle KICKS Styles down! Bryan gives Christian an elbow breaker to avoid being shoved off the apron! Entry number 27 is… SHEAMUS! The Fella gives The Bro Beats of the Bodhrain! Edge runs in but gets some beats of his own! Sheamus climbs up, leaps, and FLYING LARIATS both Riddle and Edge! Styles runs into an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Christian fires off hands on Sheamus, runs but into a BROGUE! Bryan hits Sheamus with YES Kicks! Bryan runs corner to corner, into a BROGUE!

Sheamus drags Bryan up while Styles is after Rey. Riddle goes after Sheamus, Rey puts Styles on ropes! Rey dials it up, but Omos blocks the call! Styles drags Rey up and around to throw him out! Rey shoulders Styles, Omos grabs Rey and TOSSES him to ELIMINATE him! Omos isn’t even in the match and he’s eliminated two people! Entry number 28 is… CESARO! The Swiss Cyborg gets in to EuroUpper Edge! And EuroUpper Riddle! And Styles! Sheamus and Cesaro stare down as The Bar, and they fist bump. But then Cesaro trips Sheamus for a SWISS SWING! And a catapult! Sheamus saves himself somehow, and Bryan fires EuroUppers on Cesaro!

Cesaro EuroUppers Bryan, and gives him a SWISS SWING! Edge kicks at Sheamus while both of them are down, and Bryan is finally done swinging after about 30 rotations! Cesaro goes for a Sharpshooter but Bryan kicks him away! Entry number 29 is… SETH ROLLINS!! The Architect, the Monday Night Messiah, the SmackDown Savior, returns! Cesaro brawls with Riddle, bumps him off buckles, and Rollins takes his time entering the ring. Cesaro hits him with a EuroUpper! Cesaro throws Rollins out, Rollins holds on, and Rollins is furious! Rollins ROCKS Cesaro, brawls with him, EuroUpper and haymaker! Rollins CHOPS Cesaro, hoists him up, but Cesaro holds on!

Finally, entry number 30 is here, and it’s… BRAUN!! The Monster Among Men is the final man in the Rumble, and as the shirt says, he’s back, badder than ever! Braun gets in, hauls Riddle up and CHOKE SLAMS him! Braun DECKS Cesaro, DECKS Sheamus, and TOSSES Styles! Omos catches Styles and gets him back in. Cesaro EuroUppers and SCOOPS Braun?! Braun slips off and TOSSES Cesaro to ELIMINATE him! Sheamus fires off on Braun, headbutts, runs but into a shove! Braun ELIMINATES Sheamus! Styles fires off on Braun, but the Phenomenal Blitz isn’t enough! Braun fakes Omos out and TOSSES Styles the other way, to ELIMINATE him! Edge and Christian DOUBLE SPEAR Braun!!

The final six all catch their breath. Bryan and Riddle are first to stand, and they stare down. They approach, nod with respect, and it’s a CHOP fight! Then a brawl of kicks and forearms! Bryan ROUNDHOUSES Riddle, throws hands on Edge, but Edge back suplexes! Bryan lands on his feet, dodges and RUNNING KNEES Edge down! Bryan drags Edge up, throws him out, but Edge holds on! Christian grabs Bryan but no Unprettier! Dropkick! Bryan hits Braun with a dropkick! Bryan fires up, dares Riddle to step up again, and Riddle obliges. They start throwing forearms fast and furious!

Bryan gets a leg, but Riddle wants an armbar! Bryan slips out, Riddle wants a leg, Bryan gets an arm, Riddle rolls but Bryan gets an arm! Riddle dead lifts the triangle but Bryan holds on as they go to ropes! Bryan lets Riddle go but shoulders into him! Bryan goes up and leaps to missile dropkick! Bryan fires up, but Rollins is lurking. Rollins gets in as Bryan stands, to CLOBBER him! And CURB STOMPS! Rollins drags Bryan up, throws him out, and ELIMINATES him! But Riddle gives Rollins a waistlock, only for Rollins to elbow free! Rollins fires off forearms and Riddle fires them back! Rollins knees low, CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS!

Rollins whips, Riddle reverses to fire off palm strikes! Rollins ducks a kick but Riddle ducks back. Riddle ripcords to FINAL FLASH! Rollins is on ropes, Riddle tosses him out, but Rollins holds on! Riddle goes up and out, but Braun ROCKS Riddle! APRON CURB STMOP, Rollins ELIMINATES Riddle! Now the final four are Rollins, Braun, Christian and Edge! Edge and Christian obviously stick together, Rollins gets Braun on his side! “We’re the future, not them!” Is Braun on Rollins’ side? Seems so. But NOPE! Braun POWERBOMBS Rollins! E&C go after Braun, double whip but Braun breaks through to DOUBLE CLOBBER them! Then he goes corner to corner to splash over and over!

Braun scoops Edge, Edge fights and holds the ropes, and works to drag Braun over and out! Braun holds on, hauls Edge back up, but Christian helps Edge! Rollins gets involved, Rollins ELIMINATES Christian while Edge ELIMINATES Braun! Rollins runs at Edge, Edge dumps Rollins up and over! Edge ELIMINATES Rollins!! But he hasn’t won, RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!!! Orton wasn’t eliminated and his knee is working just fine! Orton throws Edge, Edge reverses and throws Orton out! EDGE WINS!!!

Winner: Edge (2021 Royal Rumble winner)

Eleven years to the day from his first-ever Rumble win, Edge wins his second! He went from #1 to become THE ONE, and only the third person ever to run the table!! The Rated R Superstar is going back to WrestleMania, but who will he choose?

My Thoughts:

What an amazing Royal Rumble event! Even the one thing I was disappointed about is no longer a big deal. And that one thing was putting the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships in the Kickoff Show. I suppose it’s fine they didn’t just throw something together to make up a kickoff match, but it was a shame in the moment that three great NXT Women’s Champions and Nia Jax were put in the kickoff. But I do appreciate that they gave it their all, and there was story progress with Lacey and Ric screwing Charlotte over. It also worked to feed things in the Women’s Rumble, with Charlotte getting to tee off on Lacey. I kinda hope this is actually Ric using Lacey to bring out Charlotte’s aggression and make her the new Dirtiest Player in the Game. Probably not because Vince McMahon, but it’d be a great way to change things up.

Opening with the world title was also worrying in the moment, because it could’ve meant Goldberg was going to end things quick and take that title from McIntyre. But thankfully no! Vince makes the right call here, and McIntyre looks like an even bigger badass than before as he conquers Goldberg! Sasha Banks VS Carmella tonight felt like perhaps the best match Mella has ever had. She still didn’t win because it just wasn’t her time, but of course she also got in on the Women’s Rumble. The Women’s Rumble was a lot of fun, Billie Kay was hilarious going back and forth from commentary, and back and forth between teammates. The 24/7 Championship crossover made it really fun, too.

Speaking of, it was hilarious for something with the 24/7 Championship to finally happen on a panel talk show. After waiting on it for weeks of Raw Talk, it happens as they go back to the kickoff panel, and it’s ROSENBERG who gets it! I actually wouldn’t mind if Rosenberg got to hold onto the title for a month or so until the next PPV kickoff show, and Truth struggles to find him the entire time despite Rosenberg having his radio show and stuff. But back to the Women’s Rumble, how amazing is it for Bianca Belair to win! She’s definitely rising up in the WWE, I can’t wait to see if we are getting Sasha VS Bianca. I can’t wait to see how that build goes, and I bet the Raw Women’s Championship has the Chamber match now.

Roman Reigns VS Kevin Owens was an epic! They used the full Tropicana stadium to their advantage, and holy crap did that golf cart come out of nowhere! This was the closest someone’s come to winning over Roman, but it was a brilliant move for a ref spot to keep Roman from losing. Granted, he would’ve lost because of the handcuff difficulties but that’s what doing it live risks. Roman finds a way to win, and he’s going towards WrestleMania with a lot of momentum. The Men’s Rumble was also amazing stuff, and though giving away that Edge and Orton were starting, it was still on those two to deliver, and they delivered! They were brawling on and off for so much of the match, and then they cleverly disguised Orton being moved out of the way as saving him for later.

There was so much great story in everything else, too. Bryan and Styles, Sheamus and Riddle, Riddle and Styles, and even Rollins returning and brawling with Riddle, so much good stuff. Bad Bunny got to have a celebrity spot so that was cool, though I almost thought Booker T would come out to help. Christian returning so he and Edge could reunite and work together was great stuff, too. And it is pretty awesome that Edge got to win, even after Orton returned to sneak attack him. Edge joins the two-time Rumble winner club, which Orton is part of, so that’s a great achievement in itself.

Word is that, if not for COVID concerns, Keith Lee would’ve been in the match and won to set up McIntyre VS Keith, but Keith should be clear in a couple weeks. Depending on who Edge challenges, we could still get McIntyre VS Keith, but there’s also Elimination Chamber and Fastlane before Mania so they could give us McIntyre VS Keith, winner faces Edge at Mania. Or we could get Edge going to SmackDown and challenge Roman for Spear VS Spear of a different kind. But I’m leaning towards Edge staying on Raw and USA Network where he’s been lately. Which means there could be a Chamber match to determine Roman’s next challenger.

My Score: 9.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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