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Mitchell’s WWE Superstar Spectacle Results & Report! (1/26/21)

WWE Universe, are you ready for a spectacle?



WWE Superstar Spectacle

WWE brings the spotlight to the prospects from India!

Though WWE is on the Road to WrestleMania, it is time for some new stars to shine! Watch as the top prospects from India tie up with the stars of today!


  • Finn Balor VS Guru Raaj; Balor wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Ricochet, Rey Mysterio, Giant Zanjeer & Dilsher Shanky VS King Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro; Ricochet, Mysterio, Zanjeer & Shanky win.
  • AJ Styles w/ Omos VS Jeet Rama; Styles wins.
  • Charlotte Flair & Sareena Sandhu VS Bayley & Natalya; Flair & Sandhu win.
  • Six Man Tag: Drew McIntyre & Indus Sher w/ Ric Flair VS Jinder Mahal & The Bollywood Boyz; McIntyre & Indus Sher win.


“India has been a central heartbeat of the WWE Universe.”

Triple H speaks to the connection that spans more than two decades! HHH himself, and other legends like Bret Hart, Kane and The Undertaker have made the journey. “Fueled by a passionate culture, expressing unmatched energy.” John Cena, Daniel Bryan and the New Day were overwhelmed by the welcome. Fans there have been fans for life, and the unbreakable bond is cemented by respect and heart. Charlotte Flair says WWE unites us universally, and she could feel that in India. “India’s proud history is rich in competitive spirit, embodying strength, honor, and resiliency.”

There have been championship reigns and global celebrations, paving the way to a bright future. That new future grows brighter by a new generation motivated to represent a nation. So tonight, on this, India’s Republic Day, we will hear the 1.3 BILLION voices that celebrate the vibrant culture. “Then, now and forever.” WWE is honored to bring you the Superstar Spectacle!


Finn Balor VS Guru Raaj!

The Prince welcomes the first challenge from this new generation of India superstars! But his opponent has quite literally been working for this his whole life! Will the dream come true against the two-time NXT Champion?

The bell rings and Balor circles with Raaj. They tie up, Balor gets the arm and wrenches to a wristlock. Raaj rolls, rolls, and wrenches back to a wristlock. Balor rolls, wrenches back, slips around and goes after the arm. Balor grinds the shoulder, Raaj fights up but Balor shifts to a hammerlock. Raaj does the splits to get a snapmare! Raaj has the arm, Balor breaks out to get a leg pick but Raaj makes it a cover! ONE, Raaj headscissors but Balor pops out! Raaj grins as he and Balor stand off. They circle, tie up, and Balor headlocks. Raaj powers out but Balor runs him over with a shoulder! Raaj is right up but Balor headlocks to the takeover.

Balor grinds Raaj, Raaj fights up and powers out again. Raaj drops then hurdles then dropkicks Balor down! Raaj hits the headlock takeover! Balor fights his way up, powers up but Raaj hits another takeover! Balor moves around, rolls Raaj to a cover, ONE! Raaj holds onto the hold, Balor fights up but Raaj holds on tighter as Balor tires to power out! Balor keeps trying, gets free on the third try but Raaj sunset flips! Balor rolls through to basement dropkick! Balor checks his chin as WWE takes a quick break.

Superstar Spectacle returns and Balor has Raaj in a standing cobra twist. Raaj fights out and hip tosses Balor away! Raaj goes to a corner, Balor runs in but Raaj boots him! Raaj CHOPS and CHOPS and whips, to then clobber Balor with an elbow! Cover, TWO! Raaj hurries to back senton! And kip up! Basement dropkick! Raaj fires up as he runs in at Balor in a corner, but Balor kicks back! Balor stomps Raaj in the corner, lets off as the ref counts, and then storms back over to CHOP Raaj in return! Balor wraps an arm around the ropes, pulls it, then CHOPS Raaj again! Balor whips Raaj corner to corner, runs in and CHOPS! Raaj staggers into a SLINGBLADE!

Balor paces, takes aim from another corner, and he runs, into Raaj’s enziguri! Roll-up, TWO!! Raaj almost had an NXT Champion! Balor flounders up, Raaj kicks, kicks and kicks away on the legs! Raaj goes even faster! Raj says BANG, ROUNDHOUSE and SOBAT! Balor is down and Raaj fires up! Raaj goes to a corner, climbs up top, and leaps for CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Raaj is shocked that Balor escapes! Balor and Raaj slowly rise, Raaj is on Balor first with a scoop, but Balor fights free to ELBOW DROP DDT! Balor is furious now and he takes aim again. SHOTGUN DROPKICK! Raaj hits buckles and then hits the mat!

Balor goes up top, he takes aim, and hits the COUP DE GRACE! But Balor isn’t done with Raaj, he tops it off with the 1916!! Cover, Balor wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

It was a valiant effort from the young star, but this is the difference between a new star and 20 year veteran! But Balor does show Raaj respect with a handshake. Will Raaj one day be in Balor’s shoes, “welcoming” a new generation to the spotlight?


Giant Zanjeer speaks.

“I am from India Punjab. I make my family proud.” When he was 14 years old, he lost his parents. He had to grow up fast, be the man of his home, and has worked very hard. It is time for Zanjeer to live his dream. Seeing the Great Khali become India’s first-ever WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Zanjeer felt it was destiny that he would become a WWE superstar himself. Big, scary, strong, and determined to be a champion, too!

8 Man Tag: Ricochet, Rey Mysterio, Giant Zanjeer & Dilsher Shanky VS King Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro!

That dream to become a champion could start right here! Giant Zanjeer and Dilsher Shanky are teaming with two great former champions in the WWE, going against great former and even current champions! Will the King of Flight and King of Lucha Libre help Zanjeer and Shanky make dreams come true?

Superstar Spectacle returns as Ricochet makes his entrance, followed by the TOWERING Shanky and Zanjeer. Then One half of the SmackDown Tag Team Champions in the Show-Off, followed by the Wolf King, the King of Strong Style and the Swiss Cyborg. Teams sort out and we begin with Shanky and Ziggler. They circle, Ziggler rushes in but he can’t even budge Shanky! Ziggler goes after a leg, Shanky pries him off and tosses him to the corner! Shanky stomps, ROCKS Ziggler and then throws a back elbow!

Ziggler flops around but Nakamura runs in! Nakamura hits Shanky but that doesn’t even faze him! Shanky just throws Nakamura in on top of Ziggler and SPLASHES them both! Tag to Zanjeer, and Zanjeer CHOPS Nakamura! Even Ziggler feels it! Corbin runs in but he’s added to the stack! Zanjeer SPLASHES all three men! Cesaro gets in but Shanky, Mysterio and Ricochet are there to back Zanjeer up! Cesaro backs down, and we go to break!

Superstar Spectacle returns as Cesaro has Mysterio on the outside. Cesaro throws Mysterio back in, drops elbows, then drags Mysterio up to tag in Nakamura. Cesaro has Mysterio on the ropes, Nakamura KNEES Mysterio then Cesaro hits the suplex! Nakamura drops a knee, covers, TWO! Nakamura drags Mysterio up, bumps him off buckles and tags in Corbin. Nakamura digs a boot in and Corbin stomps him! Corbin taunts Zanjeer and Shanky before he DECKS Mysterio! Corbin tags Ziggler and they mug Mysterio. Ziggler scrapes Mysterio’s eyes on the ropes! Nakamura and Cesaro keep Mysterio in the corner but Mysterio fights back!

Mysterio hits Corbin, boots Ziggler then ducks under! Ziggler grabs a leg to keep Mysterio back, ducks the enziguri, and drags Mysterio away! Tag to Corbin, but the entire team DECKS the other side! Zanjeer and Shanky go down and Corbin goes after Mysterio. Corbin puts Mysterio up top but Mysterio kicks back and leaps to RANA Corbin into buckles! Ricochet fires up, Mysterio hurries over, hot tags to Ziggler and Ricochet! Ricochet dodges Ziggler to handspring headscissor! And a dropkick! Ricochet taunts Cesaro then throws hands on Ziggler! Ricochet knees, wrenches and Northern Lights Suplexes! Roll through to a dead lift ANARCHY SUPLEX!

Ricochet hits the STANDING SHOOTING STAR! cover, TWO! Ricochet does a dance, drags Ziggler up and wrenches him to a fireman’s carry. Ziggler slips out to ZIGZAG! Ziggler can’t make the cover, but he tags to Cesaro! Cesaro covers, TWO!! Ricochet still lives but Cesaro mocks the dance moves. Cesaro scoops, Ricochet slips out, tag to Zanjeer! Zanjeer runs Cesaro over, runs Nakamura over and runs Corbin over! Zanjeer is fired up and he tags in Shanky! Zanjeer scoops and SLAMS Cesaro for Shanky to power up! BIG ELBOW! Cover, but Corbin and Nakamura break it up! Ziggler gets in, they all go after Zanjeer!

But Zanjeer explodes out! HEADBUTT for Nakamura, and a SHOVE for Corbin out of the ring! Ricochet gets in, and he gets a GIANT boost from Zanjeer to FLY out onto Ziggler, Corbin and Nakamura! Cesaro slides back in and dumps Zanjeer out! But Shanky BOOTS Cesaro a la Khali! Tag to Mysterio, dial it up! 6 1 9!! LARIAT from Shanky! Mysterio climbs Shanky for a SUPER SPLASH!! Cover, Mysterio’s team wins!

Winners: Rey Mysterio, Ricochet, Giant Zanjeer & Dilsher Shanky, by pinfall

Talk about a huge victory! The titans of India lift Mysterio and Ricochet onto their shoulders in celebration! Is this the beginning of some powerful legends in the WWE?


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Roman Reigns speaks.

Or rather, Paul Heyman speaks first. Today is a day of great celebration, but not for what you think. It’s day 149 of Roman’s Universal Championship reign. Roman says his responsibility of putting food on the table is not limited to SmackDown. That responsibility extends to every superstar that steps foot in the WWE ring. But at a price. That price won’t be paid tonight. Be that as it may, Happy Republic Day.


AJ Styles w/ Omos VS Jeet Rama!

The Phenomenal One may be heading for the Royal Rumble, but he’s always up for a spectacle! Will he be a phenomenal gatekeeper for the new generation, just as he has to the Men’s Rumble?

The bell rings and Jeet circles with Styles. They tie up, Jeet pushes Styles to a corner, and lets off as the ref counts. Styles shakes that off and circles with Jeet again. They tie up, Styles gets around and headlocks, but Jeet pries free to then arm-drag Styles to an armlock! Jeet cranks on the arm, Styles fights up to a corner, but Jeet lets off at the count. Styles puts Jeet in the corner, rams in and rams again, then again! Styles lets off to bump Jeet off buckles then roll him up, TWO! Jeet gets up but Styles KICKS him! Styles kicks but Jeet catches it and RAMS Styles into the corner! And rams in again! And again!

Jeet lets off as the ref counts, dares Styles to get up, then wrenches his arm for another arm-drag! Jeet clamps onto the arm again, but Styles endures. Jeet shifts to a keylock but Styles fights his way up. Styles rakes eyes and ROCKS Jeet with a right! Jeet ROCKS Styles back! Jeet throws haymakers but Styles throws Jeet out to the floor! Jeet gets up, but Styles SLINGSHOT FOREARMS! Styles takes Jeet down as we go to break!

Superstar Spectacle returns as Styles grinds Jeet down with a chinlock. Jeet endures, fans clap on their screens, and Jeet fights up. Jeet elbows free but Styles elbows Jeet back down! Styles brings Jeet up but Jeet throws haymakers! Jeet fires up, eggs Styles on, and reels Styles in for a HALF HATCH SUPLEX! Styles flounders, Jeet is right on him, for ANOTHER Half Hatch! Jeet keeps firing up as Styles flounders back up. Jeet reels Styles in but Styles blocks the lift with more elbows. Styles ROCKS and KICKS Jeet, but swings into Jeet’s GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Styles survives and Jeet is frustrated with himself.

Styles crawls to a corner, Jeet runs in but Styles boots him! Styles hops up, Jeet comes back and ROCKS Styles! Jeet sits Styles back up, climbs up, but Styles slips under! Styles trips Jeet up and Jeet hits hard off buckles! Omos applauds as Styles drop toeholds Jeet into buckles! Styles fireman’s carries Jeet for an USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Jeet survives and Styles is surprised! Styles drags Jeet back up, but Jeet denies the Clash to RAM Styles into buckles! Jeet RAMS Styles again, but Styles gets him for a roll to the CALF CRUSHER! Jeet endures as Styles cranks back on the leg, and twists the foot!

Jeet refuses to give in, moves around, and finds Styles’ head, to SLAM him into the mat! And again! Styles lets go and Jeet is spared! Jeet and Styles slowly sit up, and Styles goes after the leg again! But Jeet choke grips Styles! Styles breaks that grip but swings into a clinch! BELLY2BELLY! Jeet crawls over after Styles but Styles rolls away. Jeet follows Styles to a corner, puts him back on the top rope and then climbs back up after him. Omos creeps close, and grabs a foot to anchor Styles as Jeet goes for the Super Belly2Belly! Jeet crashes ‘n’ burns, Styles hops down to aim from the apron, PHENOMENAL FOREARM! Cover, Styles wins!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall

A huge assist to Omos, and it’s Jeet who gets beat! But will AJ Styles be able to stay phenomenal if he needs help? And if Jeet pushed Styles this far, will we be cruising down #JeetStreet soon enough?


Indus Sher speaks.

“I will tell you something that you may already know.” Rinku was India’s very first pro baseball player, but there is no better feeling than being a WWE superstar. The dream started when he turned 15 and he wished to change his family’s life for the better. India knows Saurav already as a star of a Top 5 TV series, but now he is living a dream in the WWE. They are here representing their country, and had an immediate connection when they met. They are brothers as well as tag team partners, and have the pride of 1.3 BILLION people behind them!



Don’t you dare be sour! Clap for your world-famous TEN TIME champs, and FEEL~ the POWER~! The New Day is reunited thanks to the Superstar Spectacle! Well, without Kofi Kingston as he has an injured jaw, but Xavier Woods is with the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Big E, for a special presentation, after the break!

Superstar Spectacle returns and Big E says it is a beautiful Republic Day! And ya bois, the NEW~ DAY~ are so excited to be part of the Superstar Spectacle! Now they’ve had the pleasure of seeing some of the greatest talent from around the world. But here is something truly special! Without further ado… It’s the Street Profits? Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford join in on the fun because they know, they know, they KNOOOOW~! The WWE isn’t about to introduce these national, global individuals today without them.

No, the New Day would never ever dream of introducing Southeast USA’s premier entertainment dance company representing South Asian culture without them! Then what we talked about over OJ and protein! Let’s all do this together. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! They finally and proudly present to you… SPINNING CANVAS~! Yes, live and in person, it’s a special performance by the top dancing troupe of India! A great display of culture for the world to see! There are even dancers in the ring! Spectacular!


The Great Khali speaks.

He says hello to his people and says he has been so proud to see this newest crop of superstars coming from India, and those we saw already tonight in Jeet Rama, Giant Zanjeer, Dilsher Shanky and Guru Raaj. Have a Happy Republic Day!


Charlotte Flair & Sareena Sandhu VS Bayley & Natalya!

The Queen is honored to be teaming with one of the female prospects of India, but they’re up against the longest reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion and the winningest woman in WWE history! Will Sareena be able to shine alongside such spectacular superstars?

The teams sort out and Charlotte starts with Natty. They circle, tie up, and Charlotte wrenches an arm to a wristlock. Natty rolls, spins and handsprings to wrench back to a wristlock. Charlotte cartwheels, wrenches back, but Natty knees low! Natty snapmares Charlotte and runs to step on her, but Charlotte kips up! Natty tags to Bayley but Charlotte dodges Bayley to DECK Natty! Charlotte CHOPS and CHOPS Bayley, whips her into the corner then CHOPS her on the rebound! Natty runs in but gets a CHOP! Tag to Sareena and she climbs up to CROSSBODY both Natty and Bayley down!

Sareena and Charlotte coordinate, and they DOUBLE BASEBALL SLIDE! Natty and Bayley are shocked but Sareena just shows Charlotte some dance moves as we go to break.

Superstar Spectacle returns, Natty whips Bayley in at Charlotte but Charlotte KNEES Bayley down! Natty runs in but Charlotte BOOTS her! Charlotte spins Natty around to hit a neckbreaker, to an EXPLODER! Bayley tags in and runs at Charlotte, but she gets a kick and an EXPLODER, too! Charlotte kips up, fires up, but Bayley dodges in the corner! Bayley runs back in into a backbreaker! Charlotte tags Sareena and Sareena dodges Bayley to arm-drag! And arm-drag! And then dodges to tilt-o-whirl to SPIKE Bayley down! Sareena kicks low, butterfly SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives but Sareena keeps on her with a toehold.

Bayley scrambles to a ropebreak, then elbows Sareena away! Tag to Natty, Natty kicks low and reels Sareena in, but Sareena cradle counters! TWO, Natty is pissed and she SLAPS Sareena! Sareena gets around, spins Natty and hits a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Sareena drags Natty up and whips her to a corner but Natty reverses. Natty runs in but Sareena elbows her away. Bayley runs in but Sareena DECKS her! Natty BOOTS Sareena out of the ring! Natty poses, tags to Bayley, and Bayley stalks Sareena, to chop block a leg! Charlotte storms over as Bayley talks smack, but Bayley puts Sareena in. Cover, TWO!

Tag to Natty, Natty drags Sareena up and together they throw Sareena down! Natty spins through to drop down on the toehold, then she ties the legs up in a butterfly lock! Sareena endures and even hits back! Sareena finds a way to slip through into a modified toehold of her own! Bayley stomps Sareena down then goes back to her corner. Sareena crawls but Natty CLUBS her down! Natty drags Sareena away, but Sareena hurries again. Natty CLUBS Sareena back down and Bayley DECKS Charlotte! Natty rains down rights on Sareena, Sareena does her best to guard, but Charlotte BOOTS Bayley on the outside!

Natty swings on Charlotte but Sareena rolls Natty! TWO, and Natty CLOBBERS Sareena! Natty gets the legs, drags Sareena in and puts on the SHARPSHOOTER! Sareena endures, Charlotte gets in, NATURAL SELECTION! Sareena is free, she covers, Sareena and Charlotte win!

Winners: Charlotte Flair & Sareena Sandhu, by pinfall

The Queen had Sareena’s back and that was enough to turn the tide! Will this big victory be a big boost to Sareena’s young wrestling career?


Ric Flair is here!

The Nature Boy loves a good party, so of course he’s here for the Superstar Spectacle! He’s also here for the main event with the WWE World Champion and the Modern Day Maharaja!


Kavita Devi speaks.

The first Indian female superstar in the WWE, she did things her way in the Mae Young Classic. “Growing up, I wasn’t supposed to have a dream. When I grew up, little girls like me had nobody to look up to.” There are thousands of girls looking up to her now, and that motivates her to keep going. Follow her into the future, because if her dream can come true, so can yours!


Six Man Tag: Drew McIntyre & Indus Sher w/ Ric Flair VS Jinder Mahal & The Bollywood Boyz!

There are some rather interesting reunions here. Once upon a time, the Scottish Warrior and the Modern Day Maharaja were part of a Three Man Band! And more recently, Samir & Sunil Singh were once the sidekicks to WWE’s first Indian WWE Champion. The Superstar Spectacle brings them all back together, will Suarav and Rinku be powerful back-up for McIntyre on this historic day?

Ric Flair is honored to be here for this first-ever Superstar Spectacle. “Everyone knows that the WWE brings the world together like no one else.” Ric is so excited to see the members of the WWE Universe from India to be on the ThunderDome screens. But before he introduces this great Six Man Tag main event, Ric wants to wish everyone a very happy Republic Day, “WOO~!” With that, Mahal & the Bollywood Boyz make their entrance together, and Mahal has a mic of his own as Samir & Sunil film. “If there is one thing we should be celebrating, it is the return of the Modern Day Maharrrrraja, Jinder Mahal!” The now 1.4 billion have tuned in to see HIM! But here comes McIntyre!

McIntyre has a mic and says, “Jinder Mahal, my old buddy, welcome back.” No one is happier to see him than McIntyre. But there are some things you don’t do around here. First: you don’t interrupt the limosine ridin’, jet flyin’, kiss stealin’, wheelin’ dealin’ son of a gun, Ric Flair! Second: this isn’t about Mahal, but about the WWE and India! The time for talking is over, the time for fighting begins! Mahal has a trio, McIntyre has created his own Three Man Band of DESTRUCTION! Introducing Rinku and Saurav, INDUS SHER! The “Indian Tigers” are back!

The trios sort out, and Mahal steps up to McIntyre. They stand off, but then Mahal tags out to Sunil! Sunil tags out to Samir! McIntyre dares Mahal to get back in but Samir SLAPS McIntyre first! Samir apologizes but McIntyre throws him to a corner! McIntyre stomps away on Samir, throws hands and CHOPS! McIntyre gut wrenches Samir just to bring him over and tag in Rinku. Rinku ROCKS Samir then stalks him. Rinku stomps Samir, whips him to ropes and CLOBBERS him with a shoulder! Samir is in a daze, and Rinku drops an elbow! Rinku drags Samir up, tags Saurav in, and Samir scrambles away to tag in Sunil!

Sunil wants them to take it easy, and he dodges Saurav over and over, to CHOP! Saurav doesn’t budge! Sunil runs, leaps but into Saurav’s arms, for a POWERSLAM! Cover, ONE! Saurav tags Rinku and Rinku drags Sunil up on the ropes. Saurav runs in to BOOT Sunil out of the air! Mahal reinforces Sunil and Samir runs in, but he gets a whip to a DOUBLE HIP TOSS! McIntyre joins in and he scoops Samir to TOSS him onto Sunil! Mahal is furious but McIntyre stands with Indus Sher as we go to break!

Superstar Spectacle returns and Saurav puts Samir in the corner! Tag to Rinku and he’s fed Samir for a scoop! Samir slips out, bailts Rinku in and throws body shots and haymakers! RInku shoves Samir, knocks Mahal and Sunil off the apron, but Samir comes back with haymakers! Samir whips, Rinku reverses, but Mahal saves Samir from the corner splash! Rinku bounces off buckles and Samir kicks back! Samir wrenches, tags in Mahal and Mahal POSTS Rinku! Mahal drags Rinku up from the apron and SLAMS the arm into the post! The ref reprimands, Mahal drags Rinku back in but Rinku has the ropes. The ref counts, Mahal lets off but he CLUBS Rinku down.

Mahal clamps on with a chicken wing and chinbar but Rinku fights up. Samir tags in, climbs up and leaps to drop an elbow! Sunil goes up top to drop the MACHO ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Sunil keeps on Rinku with a leg drop on the arm, then he clamps onto the arm for another leg drop. Sunil hits another leg drop to the arm, then keeps on the arm with a shoulder clamp. Tag to Samir, the Bollywood Boyz double WRING the arms! Cover, TWO! Samir keeps on Rinku’s arm but Rinku fights up to scoop Samir for a SLAM! Rinku tries to get away but Samir trips him up! Samir has the leg, tags in Mahal and Mahal stomps Rinku down! Mahal wrenches and hits an ARM BREAKER!

Mahal clamps onto Rinku with a mounted armlock but Rinku endures. McIntyre and Saurav rally up for Rinku, as do the fans on their screens. Rinku fights up, Mahal throws knees and forearms, then he sucker punches Saurav! Rink kicks Mahal back and reels him in for a suplex! Both men are down and Rink crawls for his corner, hot tag to McIntyre! McIntyre rallies on Mahal, DECKS the Bollywood Boyz then clobbers Mahal! McIntyre whips and OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Mahal! Mahal staggers up into another OVERHEAD SUPLEX! McIntyre waits for Mahal to stand, and hits the leaping neckbreaker! And the kip up!

McIntyre fires up in the corner, Mahal staggers up, but Mahal KNEES McIntyre down first! Both men are down and they crawl for their corners, hot tags to Sunil and Saurav! Saurav BOOTS Sunil, then BOOTS Samir! Saurav whips Samir HARD into buckles, then he scoops Sunil for a BIG back suplex! Saurav fires up, and drops a HUGE elbow! Sunil rolls out, Mahal gets in, but McIntyre intercepts with a CLAYMORE! Tag to Rinku and Indus Sher coordinates! BOLLYWOOD BLAST, Indus Sher style! Cover, Indus Sher and McIntyre win!

Winners: Drew McIntyre & Indus Sher, by pinfall

A powerful victory for Rinku, Saurav and the Scottish Warrior! Triple H and the other superstars walk out to join them in the ring to not only celebrate this victory, but to celebrate Republic Day and the bright future pro-wrestling has in India!

My Thoughts:

A very fun special here, with great showings from every one of the young prospects out of India. Now obviously Balor and Styles were both going to win their matches, but they gave Guru Raaj and Jeet Rama good showings, especially with Jeet losing because of minor interference from Omos. Jeet is a legitimate national champion in Indian Pehlwani/Kushti wrestling, he can and should be a frontrunner in the singles division for “NXT India” or whatever it’ll be called. It was also cool to have a musical act, much like other big WWE events have, including Sunday’s Royal Rumble having Bad Bunny.

And then we got great wins for the Indian superstars in the tag matches. The 8 Man was a lot of fun because Zanjeer and Shanky are definitely giants. It definitely works that Charlotte helped Sareena get out of the Sharpshooter and the pin, Sareena is still too new to really get the win herself off of two very accomplished women in Natty and Bayley. The Six Man was great just to see Mahal back, as well as Indus Sher as they were serving some time-out punishment after one of the two went and spoiled Adam Cole VS Keith Lee, Winner Takes All. But Indus Sher is a big, strong team, they and McIntyre were of course winning, I’m sure Indus Sher can find themselves at the top of whatever tag division they’ll be in.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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