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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (2/19/21)

Bolly-Rise, ASSEMBLE!



Coverage 205 2021

205 Live amps it up with an 8 Man Tag!

Pairing off randomly didn’t work, so the full force of #BollyRise combines! Will these 205 Live Avengers defeat four promising stars in one match?


  • 8 Man Tag: Bolly-Rise VS Curt Stallion, Jake Atlas, Mansoor & Ashante “Thee” Adonis; Stallion, Atlas, Mansoor & Adonis win(s).
  • August Grey VS Ariya Daivari w/ Tony Nese; Daivari wins.


8 Man Tag: Bolly-Rise VS Curt Stallion, Jake Atlas, Mansoor & Ashante “Thee” Adonis!

Matt Marthel teaming with Sunil Singh didn’t work. Chase Parker teaming with Samir Singh didn’t work. But instead of trying other combinations, they’re all just going to combine into a powerful foursome! But will the Lonestar, El Monte muscle, Star of Saudi Arabia and THEE Braggadocios One ruin this very ambitious crossover?

The teams sort out and Mansoor starts against Marthel. They circle, approach, and Marthel kicks low to bump Mansoor off buckles. Marthel throws haymakers, wrenches, and tags in Chase Parker. Ever-Rise double wrench, double shoulder and double fist drop! Cover, ONE, but Parker keeps on Mansoor with a facelock. Parker wrenches, Samir Singh tags in but Mansoor gets away. Mansoor and Samir circle, tie up, and Samir gets the arm. Samir wrenches to an armlock but Mansoor uses ropes to get around and wrench back. Mansoor brings Samir over, Adonis tags in and he takes the hand-off. Samir ROCKS Adonis and CLUBS him, then tags in Sunil.

The Bollywood Boyz whip and elbow Adonis down to double elbow drop! Cover, ONE! Sunil drags Adonis up, tags Marthel, and they mug Adonis. Marthel clubs and whips but Adonis reverses to hit a hip toss! And then another! Cover, ONE, but Adonis drags Marthel up. Adonis tags in Atlas, Atlas takes the hand-off and clinches but Marthel powers him to an open corner. Marthel rams shoulders, whips Atlas corner to corner but Atlas slips to the outside to ROCK Marthel, then springboard flying arm-drag! Atlas drags Marthel over, tags Stallion in, and they double whip Marthel to double shoulder him over! Covers, ONE, but Stallion keeps Marthel down with a headlock.

Marthel fights up, powers Stallion to ropes an drams his shoulder him. Marthel whips, Stallion reverses but Marthel kicks back! Tag to Parker but Stallion DECKS Parker! Cover, ONE! Stallion clamps onto Parker with a chinlock and fans rally up. Parker fights up, pulls hair, but Stallion fights Bolly-Rise off! Stallion swings but Parker shoves him, only to hit Sunil down! Sunil clips a cameraman, Parker scoops Stallion but Stallion slips out! Tag to Adonis and Stallion BOOTS Parker for Adonis to LARIAT him! Adonis whips, Parker reverses, and Marthel is in the way! The ref warns Marthel, Adonis hits Parker but the Bollywood Boyz sucker punch Adonis!

Parker stomps Adonis, tags Marthel, and Marthel gets his stomps in. Fans boo Bolly-Rise but Marthel bumps Adonis off buckles. Marthel CHOPS Adonis then whips him corner to corner hard! Marthel drags Adonis up, CLUBS him, then bumps him off buckles again. Tag to Sunil, Marthel RAMS into Adonis and Sunil adds his stomps. Sunil snap suplexes then covers, ONE!! Adonis sits up but into Sunil’s chinlock. Sunil thrashes Adonis away from the ropes, fans rally up as Adonis endures, and Adonis fights up. Adonis throws body shots, Sunil knees low and Samir tags in. The Bollywood Boyz mug Adonis, and then bump him off buckles!

Samir stomps away on Adonis, Marthel talks trash, and Parker tags in. Parker whips Adonis to a corner, tags Marthel, and Marthel whips Parker in to forearm smash Adonis! “BOOYAH!” elbow drop! Cover, TWO!! Adonis survives but Marthel keeps him from his team. Adonis throws body shots but Sunil tags in and mugs him. Tag to Samir, the Bollywood Boyz coordinate for a FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Samir tags Marthel, and Marthel scoops Samir but Adonis avoids the slam senton! Hot tag to Atlas! Atlas rallies on Bolly-Rise, BOOTS Sunil, then gets Parker for a DISCUS LARIAT! Marthel runs in but Atlas counter punches him!

Atlas knuckle locks, goes up and up and then steadies himself to ARM-DRAG HEADSCISSOR Ever-Rise! Tag to Stallion, he tags Adonis, and then Stallion DIVES onto Bollywood while Atlas LEAPS onto Ever-Rise! Atlas and Stallion fire up, and Atlas puts Parker in. Adonis lines up the shot to AIR-DROP! Cover, TWO! Adonis tags Mansoor, they double whip Parker, flapjack to fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover but Marthel breaks it! Marthel throws Mansoor into Adonis, and then into the Bolly-Rise corner. Mansoor boots Marthel, ROCKS Parker, then hops up. Samir tags in and CLUBS Mansoor! Sunil tags in, the Bollywood Boyz coordinate, BOLLY AND GLORY! Cover off the elbow, TWO!!!

Bolly-Rise is shocked that didn’t finish it! Sunil drags Mansoor up but Mansoor fights free! Atlas enziguris Samir, Sunil DECKS Atlas! Mansoor gets Sunil with the FALCON ARROW! Cover, but Parker and Adonis fall on the corner! LONG KISS GOODNIGHT for Parker! LARIAT for Adonis! Calf kick for Marthel, windmill kick for Atlas! Sunil wants a teammate as he whips Mansoor, but Stallion tags in! Mansoor reverses, Marthel swipes at someone, and he gets Sunil! HEADBUTT from Stallion! Cover, Stallion’s team wins!

Winners: Curt Stallion, Jake Atlas, Mansoor & Ashante “Thee” Adonis, by pinfall

Bolly-Rise’s biggest crossover yet flops! The Lonestar is back on a winning track, Mansoor is still undefeated on 205 Live, and they bring Atlas and Adonis along for the ride! Will these four new wave Cruiserweights ride this momentum towards something bigger and better? Are the days of the Bolly-Rise franchise numbered?


205 Live shares a Twitter video from earlier today.

“Do you know what’s always on August Grey’s party playlist? 2 Chainz~!” Get it? He took Ariya Daivari’s gold chains. But to be serious, Daivari- ATTACKS! Daivari blindsides then stomps Grey down! Tony Nese stops him, just to pick Grey up for him. Daivari and Nese mug Grey, take the chains back, and warn Grey to never, EVER touch Daivari’s stuff again! But will #RetroAG get back at the Persian Lion for that cowardly attack?


August Grey VS Ariya Daivari w/ Tony Nese!

We saw why this match is happening, but will the new kid on the block make sure his revenge on Daivari Dinero is off the chain?

Nese joins commentary to talk trash on Grey. The bell rings and Grey rushes Daivari, Daivari dodges but Grey counter punches him! Grey whips, Daivari reverses, and Grey dodges only to get a kitchen sink knee. Daivari mule kicks, runs and dropkicks Grey down! Daivari drops elbows on Grey’s leg, but Grey kicks Daivari out of the ring! Grey pursues, CHOPS Daivari against the commentary table then throws haymakers! Nese talks smack, Grey puts Daivari in and climbs up top, to walk the tightrope for the CROSSBODY! Grey rains down rights and chases Daivari to a corner. Grey stomps and CHOPS Daivari, whips him corner to corner, then runs in, only for Daivari to boot him!

Daivari swings but into Grey’s BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Daivari grits his teeth, Nese gets worried, but Daivari shoves Grey to a corner. Grey elbows back, but runs into a spin and a DDT! Cover, TWO! Daivari grows annoyed with Grey, he drags Grey up to turn him. Daivari uses the neckbreaker position just to pull on Grey’s head, but Grey fights up and spins it back around to backslide! Daivari resists so Grey drops down to sunset flip, TWO! Daivari is right after Grey but he gets a jawbreaker, to a neckbreaker! Both men are stirring, fans rally up and Nese says Grey just got lucky. Grey ROCKS Daivari, Daivari throws body shots. Grey ROCKS and whips Daivari, Daivari reverses and gets Grey in a sleeper!

Grey fights up, reaches for ropes, claws at the hold, but he is fading! Grey gets a second wind to RAM Daivari into buckles! Daivari holds on so Grey RAMS him again! Grey snapmares free, Daivari staggers, but he catches Grey to an URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Nese says this is proof that Daivari has an answer for everything as a 205 Live OG. Fans rally for Grey, though, as he sits up. Daivari looms over Grey, nods at Nese, and he drags Grey up. Daivari wrenches to a hammerlock, but Grey ducks the lariat to SUPERKICK! Both men are down again and fans fire up! Grey and Daivari slowly rise, Nese says Daivari’s gonna beat Grey to the punch. But Grey punches first!

Grey throws hands, whips, but Daivari kicks him away. Grey comes back with a LARIAT! And elbows! Grey scoops, and DRIVES Daivari down! Cover, TWO! Nese claps Daivari’s toughness, and Daivari goes to the apron. Grey storms over but Daivari shoulder sin. Daivari bumps Grey off buckles, aims at him, and swings, but Grey dodges the clothesline to clothesline Daivari off the apron! Grey builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit but Nese gets up to talk more smack. Nese brings out Daivari’s chains as Grey puts Daivari in. Nese rubs the beat down in Grey’s face, Grey goes back to the ring and Daivari WRECKS him with a dropkick!

Daivari puts Grey in the ring, stalks him, hammerlock and LION’S LARIAT!! Cover, Daivari wins!

Winner: Ariya Daivari, by pinfall

A premier assist from the Premier Athlete, the 205 Live OG crash the new wave against the rocks! With his gold chains back, will Daivari look to finally add title gold to his collection?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good episode, for just being short of half an hour. I feel like we could’ve gotten even more out of these matches, even just a couple more minutes each, but I still like how everything went. Grey VS Daivari was a good match, but it was so obvious Nese was going to help Daivari win, because those two are always hanging out together, and Grey had no back-up because the other new wave guys were in the 8 Man, so it just didn’t quite feel like a main event match. I personally would’ve put the 8 Man Tag last, those eight guys deserve just a bit more.

It was a bit surprising that we didn’t get another combo like Parker & Sunil or Marthel & Samir, but maybe this is just advancing things towards their break-up blow-off match a step faster. I would’ve also liked a bit more drama in the match for that reason, and also to help give some drama to Curt Stallion’s part since he is coming off from a Cruiserweight title defeat. 205 Live really needs to be the space that tells the stories NXT can’t fit. If WWE is trying to make Main Event on Hulu matter, they need to make 205 Live matter!

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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