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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (2/24/21)

We will learn #WhyColeWhy!



NXT Coverage 2021

Will Santos Escobar be stripped of the NXT Cruiserweight Championship?

NXT Cruiserweight, Santos Escobar, must face his doom! Karrion Kross and Escobar battle in a NO DISQUALIFICATION match! That is, if Escobar shows up!


  • Dexter Lumis VS Johnny Gargano w/ The Way; Lumis wins.
  • Tyler Rust w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Leon Ruff; No Contest.
  • Io Shirai VS Zoey Stark; Shirai wins.
  • Xia Li w/ Tian Sha VS Kacy Catanzaro w/ Kayden Carter; Xia wins, by referee stoppage.
  • Grizzled Young Veterans VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick; Grizzled Young Veterans win.
  • No Disqualification: Santos Escobar w/ El Legado del Fantasma VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; Kross wins.


Dexter Lumis VS Johnny Gargano w/ The Way!

The Tortured Artist snatched Austin Theory away just as Johnny Freakin’ TakeOver was about to take on Kushida on Vengeance Day! But then surprisingly, Lumis gave Theory back without much of a fight. Will Johnny Gargano make sure Lumis doesn’t get away with that unpunished?

Speaking of, The Way pumps up back stage with “That’s The Way we uh-huh, uh-huh, we like it!” Theory says that should be a song! Um… Is Theory okay? Yes, of course! Well alright, but he doesn’t have to push himself if he doesn’t want to. Theory says he’s fine, Indi keeps her eyes on Theory as they all make their way out to the ring. And they make sure Theory stays away from Lumis. The no-look high-five doesn’t really work out this time, but that’s something minor. Will the North American Champion come away with a win over Lumis tonight?

The fans taunt Gargano with “Johnny Sucks!” as the bell rings. Lumis stares Gargano down but Gargano is unsettled by the fans cheering Lumis on. Gargano tries the “what’s that?!” trick but Lumis doesn’t even look away as Gargano rushes in! Lumis shows fist, Gargano falls over and scrambles away! Lumis slithers after him and that creeps Gargano out more! Gargano bails of the ring, Lumis slides to the apron but Gargano hammers away on him! Gargano gets back in, slingshots but into an UPPERCUT! Lumis stares at Theory, Theory gets antsy, Lumis builds speed but Gargano slingshots in! Lumis slides under and Gargano’s spear FLOPS! Lumis then goes under the ring?!

Gargano looks for Lumis and The Way look for him, too. Theory says he’s found Lumis! He’s behind Gargano! What?! Gargano turns around into Lumis’ UPPERCUT! And another! Lumis ROCKS Gargano with haymakers, then throws body shots in the corner! Lumis whips Gargano corner to corner, runs in but Gargano boots him away! Gargano runs, but into the THESZ PRESS! Lumis rains down fists, runs and drops an ax handle! Cover, ONE! Fans rally and duel, Lumis reels Gargano in but he stares at Theory. Lumis suplexes and holds Gargano up for a count of 10, even as Gargano kicks and flails! Gargano can’t escape, Lumis SLAMS him down!

Gargano rolls away and regroups with The Way, but Lumis keeps his eyes locked on Gargano. Lumis goes out after Gargano but Gargano RAMS him into the apron! Gargano throws Lumis down on the ramp, then rains down left hands! The ref starts the ring count, Gargano refreshes it, and Gargano “apologizes” to the ref. Gargano lines up a shot, but Lumis ducks the Penalty Kick to kip up and TOSS Gargano into the apron! Fans fire up, Lumis drags Gargano up and ROCKS him with another uppercut! Lumis whips Gargano into the ring, but The Way lurks close! Theory says he was just trying to call Indi over, and Indi rushes up on Lumis, only for Lumis to stare her down!

Indi has a nervous smile as she backs away into a post, and nervously says, “Call me.” LeRae steps up, leaps, but the rana is blocked! Lumis pops Candice to the apron, but Gargano baseball slides under her to hit Lumis! Gargano builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Lumis goes down as NXT goes picture in picture!

Gargano takes his time checking his chin while Lumis is down. The ref wants this to get back in the ring, Gargano checks with Theory but Theory says it worked out, didn’t it? Gargano bumps Lumis off the apron, CHOPS him, then CHOPS him again! Gargano puts Lumis back in, aims but Lumis ROCKS him with a haymaker! Gargano still SLINGSHOT SPEARS in! Gargano fires off fists, storms around the ring, then brings Lumis up for haymakers. Candice snaps at Indi to get her to pay attention. Does the Way have to worry about both kids now? Gargano climbs up in the corner to rain down more fists on Lumis’ head!

Lumis keeps fighting Gargano so Gargano snapmares him and basement dropkicks him in the back! Cover, TWO! Lumis gets to ropes, Gargano chokes him! The ref counts, Gargano lets off at 4, and Lumis drags himself up. Gargano is on Lumis but Lumis throws forearms back! Lumis backs Gargano down to a corner, stomps away (I swear I’ll stop), but Gargano turns it around to fire off forearms in return! The ref counts, Gargano stops at 4, and pushes Lumis around. Gargano clubs Lumis on the back, brings him up and hits a Russian Leg Sweep! Cover, TWO! Gargano grows annoyed and he drags Lumis up to put back on ropes for choking!

The ref counts, Gargano backs off (see? no way pun!), and The Way taunts Lumis up close. Gargano brings Lumis up, scoops him and slams him! Cover, TWO! Gargano gets the arm, drags Lumis around and reels him into a Camel Clutch! Lumis endures, NXT returns to single picture, and again Candice has to snap Indi out of whatever trance she’s in. Lumis still endures as fans rally, and Lumis fights up. Gargano tries to hold on with a sleeper hold, but Lumis RAMS Gargano into buckles! Lumis is free but Gargano hops right back on! Gargano elbows Lumis, hooks him up, but Lumis powers out to a BACKBREAKER!

Fans fire up, Lumis and Gargano stagger up, and Gargano walks into a BIG right hand! Lumis rallies with haymakers and uppercuts! Gargano is in a corner, Lumis runs in and clotheslines, to a BULLDOG! Lumis suplexes Gargano to rebound him off the ropes! Gargano staggers up into a BIG back suplex! Lumis kips up and drops a LEG! Cover, TWO!! Gargano survives and Candice is frustrated. Indi and Theory are the only ones not upset about this as Lumis hauls Gargano up. Gargano slips out of the scoop, ends up in a corner, and goes up and over Lumis to school boy! Lumis ducks the kick and stares down Gargano! Gargano gets the arm!

Johnny almost has GargaNO Escape, only for Lumis to roll over into the SILENCE!! Gargano scrambles around, ghost pins, TWO! Lumis sits up into a BUZZSAW! Gargano runs, into an UPPERCUT! Gargano rebounds, spins, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Lumis covers, TWO!! Gargano’s Wolverine-esque superhuman heart helps him survive! Lumis goes to a corner and climbs up and The Way moves away. Gargano runs in, Lumis punches him back, and Gargano falls to a drop zone! Lumis leaps, but he has to roll out of his double stomps as Gargano moves! Gargano kicks but Lumis gets under to get the clinch!

Gargano elbows out of that, runs, but into a pop-up UPPERCUT! Gargano SUPERKICKS on the rebound! Cover, TWO!! Lumis shocks Gargano with that and fans rally up! Candice distracts, Gargano tells the kids to get something for him. Theory goes to get a chair and he brings it over. Theory slides it in but Lumis stomps the chair down! The ref sees this and reprimands Gargano. Lumis uppercuts Gargano, Gargano ENZIGURIS! Gargano fakes his knee jamming, and he signals to Theory! Candice coaches Theory through getting on the apron and aiming at Lumis! Theory hesitates, Lumis stares Theory down, and Theory says, “My bad!”

Theory tries to explain, Gargano runs in, Lumis dodges and Gargano DECKS Theory!! Lumis drags Gargano into the URENAGE, and THE SILENCE!!! Gargano flails, reaches, fades, he is OUT! Lumis wins!!

Winner: Dexter Lumis, by submission

Lumis pats Gargano’s head, and Candice reprimands Theory! The Way couldn’t stay out of their own way, and now Lumis has a win over the North American Champion! Between Theory thinking of Lumis as a buddy, and Indi oddly infatuated, is Lumis going to cause The Way to go by the wayside?


William Regal waits for Santos Escobar.

If El Legado doesn’t arrive, Escobar will be STRIPPED of the NXT Cruiserweight Championship! Will Regal have to pull the trigger on his ultimatum?


NXT shares exclusive footage and interviews with MSK.

Wes Lee and Nash Carter look back on the night they won the 2021 Men’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Lee had a strange calm come over him, but Carter was so nervous. “It was one of those moments where everything you’ve every done flashes in your head.” From opponents to tag partners and best friends, these two have put in the grind for years. They’re the same two kids from Dayton, Ohio as they always have been. And to get the win, they were so emotional, crying happy tears. Everything they’ve worked for paid off. Finally, being here, establishing themselves as a force in the Tag Division, and all the praise and congratulations from family and friends, it made that worth it, too.

The reason Carter got into wrestling was his dad. They’d watch Raw every week on Monday. But when Carter was a freshman in high school, his dad passed. It only ignited Carter’s passion for the business even more. He said he’d be in the WWE one day, and this is the first time in a long time that he felt his dad’s pride and admiration. “The Legacy Lives On” is tattooed on Carter’s chest, and this feeling will be unforgettable for them both. Their names are etched forever on the plaque, but this is only the beginning. They’ve been hungry, they’re ready to eat! That’s why these two are the #MustSeeKids!


Backstage interview with MSK!

Next week, Lee & Carter get to cash in their NXT Tag Team Championship opportunity, as they earned from winning the Dusty Cup. But then GRIZZLED YOUNG VETERANS jump them!! James Drake punches away on Carter’s head while Zack Gibson puts Lee’s arm in a chair like a vice!! Referees rush in to get GYV to stop, and Lee clutches his hand! Did GYV just sideline MSK and delay their title shot?


Tyler Rust w/ Malcolm Bivens VS Leon Ruff!

Bivens Enterprise’s #DiamondintheRust took Kushida to the limit, but was about to be broken if not for Bivens throwing in the towel, so to speak. However, Bivens made sure to personally arrange this match for Rust, asking Ruff right after he was medically cleared for the damage done by Isaiah “Swerve” Scott. Bivens has a mic now to say, “Success is taking advantage of every key opportunity that is put forth in front of you!” And when it comes to success, you think about Ruff!

But when Bivens thinks of Ruff, he just thinks of “the son that I didn’t have, and never wanted.” Ruff, you hold a very special place in Biven’s heart, and has a special opportunity tonight! He will go 1v1 with Rust! And Rust will prove to us why he IS the diamond in the Rust! Will the former North American Champion simply be used to sharpen Rust’s edge?

Wait, as Ruff makes his entrance, SWERVE BOOTS Ruff off the apron!! Swerve goes after Ruff with clubbing forearms, still upset about Ruff getting opportunities handed to him! Swerve slams Ruff into the announce desk and vents to commentary. “Swerve is gonna start getting opportunities, and less hand-outs for this guy right here!” Swerve fireman’s carries Ruff to DEATH VALLEY DRIVE him into the apron!! The ref tells Swerve to leave but Swerve says he told Ruff this wouldn’t be that easy! Swerve does leave, and he might have just done Bivens another favor! Bivens claims Rust wins by forfeit, but will NXT management really count it that way?

No Contest


NXT shares footage from the WWE Performance Center.

It was yesterday that William Regal was talking with one of the newest signees, Zoey Stark, about an “opportunity” that was presented. He offered Stark a non-title match with NXT Women’s Champion, Io Shirai. Stark isn’t sure she heard that right, but Regal says after her great debut, there’s no one better he’d like to see face Shirai than Stark. Stark accepts that, how could she not?

Backstage interview with Zoey Stark!

We’re just moments away from only her second singles match in NXT and it is with THE NXT Women’s Champion. How is she feeling? Stark has so many emotions, her heart is pounding, but she is ready to get out there. But then she gets cut-off by technical difficulties! Will that be a bad omen on her opportunity with The Evil Genius?


NXT shares footage from earlier today.

Someone was reliving a classic Ted DeBiase moment. The Million Dollar Man challenges a little boy to dribble a basketball 10 times in a row for big money, only for DeBiase to mess the kid up! Oh, the one watching is Cameron Grimes! He’s seen enough, because time is money, after all! But that DeBiase, he was one smart guy! “With enough money, you can humiliate anyone!” Grimes has a lot of money, too, so he does a recreation of that basketball challenge! He has $1000 for 10 dribbles! The guy is up for that, and at 10… Grimes is confused! He didn’t watch the whole moment!! Grimes is the one suckered by his own scam! Grimes thinks DeBiase is to blame! Just proves money can’t fix stupid…


Io Shirai VS Zoey Stark!

Alright, the technical difficulties have been sorted out, and now it’s time for the Evil Genius to shine! But will Stark make this match a stark contrast from all Shirai’s other matches?

The bell rings and Stark circles with Shirai. They tie up, Stark powers Shirai to ropes, Shirai kicks free and the two go again. Shirai avoids Stark’s pick of the leg, they tie up, and Shirai throws Stark down, but the collar ‘n’ elbow stays on! Stark gets up, throws Shirai in return, but the grapple stays on again. Shirai gets up, Stark gets around to a waistlock, but Shirai wrenches an arm. Shirai has the wristlock, Stark rolls and handsprings and wrenches back! Stark hammerlocks, Shirai reaches back and throws elbows, then gets the headlock. Stark powers out, Shirai counters hip toss with arm-drag, and Stark staggers up. Stark avoids Shirai and manages a small back drop!

Shirai gets up, she spins Stark around, wrenches and kicks to whip. Stark reverses, Shirai reverses and hooks Stark up in an IRON OCTOPUS! Shirai digs her elbow in, Stark powers up but Shirai sunset flips! TWO, Shirai runs and basement dropkicks Stark down! Shirai stomps Stark to a corner, kicks at her, but Stark kicks back. Shirai CHOPS and CHOPS then sweeps the legs, to dig her boots in! SWINGING METEORA! Stark crawls along the ropes, Shirai runs in and 619’s, but Stark blocks to BOOT Shirai down! Stark builds speed but runs into BOOTS! Shirai swings to dropkick Stark back, then goes to a corner.

Shirai is slow to climb up, Stark intercepts with a GAMANGIRI! Shirai tumbles down as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Stark has Shirai in a facelock. Shirai throws body shots to get free, then throws forearms to back Stark down. Stark dodges to mule kick, front kick, kick a leg out, and then runs, but into a takedown! Shirai wants the arm but Stark holds on! Stark rolls, Shirai kicks low, but Stark ducks the buzzsaw to trip Shirai up! Stark runs again, to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Stark thought she had Shirai but she keeps her focus. Stark goes to a corner, hops up fast, and leaps for a 450! She has to roll through as Shirai moves, both women run to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Both women are down and fans fire up!

The ref checks, both women are okay to continue, and Shirai sits up first. Stark follows and ghost pins! TWO, Stark hits a HALF ‘N’ HALF! Cover, TWO!! Shirai survives but Stark can’t believe how close she was! Starks wraps Shirai up in a chinlock and makes it a sleeper! Shirai endures so Stark KNEES her in the back! Stark kicks but Shirai blocks to elbow the leg, and SHOTEI! Shirai starts to rally with shoulder tackles, then a FLAPJACK! Stark goes to ropes, Shirai 619’s! Shirai climbs up top, takes aim and leaps to missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Stark survives and Shirai gets annoyed. Shirai drags Stark up, reels her in and underhooks, but Stark back drops out!

Stark gets back to a corner, hops up again, but Shirai SHOTEIS again! Shirai climbs up to join Stark and club away on her back! Shirai stands up on the very top, to SUPER STEINER! Stark staggers up into Shirai’s double underhooks, for the TIGER BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Stark survives and Shirai is frustrated! Shirai stomps away on Stark, drags her up, but Stark gets around to a waistlock, for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Stark is shocked but she’s seeing why Shirai is a champion! Stark drags Shirai up again, Shirai resists the German to victory roll Stark into buckles! SHINKANSEN!! Shirai goes up, OVER THE MOONSAULT! Cover, Shirai wins!

Winner: Io Shirai, by pinfall

Stark may not have won but she showed she’s one to watch! Will Shirai be keeping her eye on Stark from now on? But speaking of someone to watch out for, here comes Toni Storm! “Oh, Io, Io, Io.” Look at her! “Willing to fight literally anyone in this division, besides me.” But Storm is no Stark or whatever he name is. She IS Toni Storm, and she kicked Shirai’s head off, and Shirai couldn’t do a thing about it! There’s a reason Shirai pinned Mercedes Martinez and not Storm: Shirai can’t beat her. Shirai gets a mic to respond! “I will fight you, any time, any place, anywhere!”

But will she? Because if Shirai thought she could beat Storm, surely by now she would’ve asked Regal for it! But Shirai hasn’t done that, because she’s scared. Storm knows it, but she dares Shirai to prove her wrong. “Go find Regal, make the match happen.” Shirai says Storm’s on! Will Regal only need to see this to make it happen?


Backstage interview with The Way.

Even though they’re on their way out, McKenzie asks for a moment of their time. Gargano says not now! They need to get out of here before “that psycho” Lumis comes back for them. Gargano says all Theory had to do was hit Lumis with a chair! How was that so hard?! Theory says the chair was unnecessary, and Lumis doesn’t deserve that. Lumis is just misunderstood. What?! He kidnapped Theory! Chloroform, white van! And Theory isn’t even the first person Lumis did that to! Lumis isn’t misunderstood, he’s PSYCHO! Is Gargano taking crazy pills? Candice, back Johnny up! Candice agrees, Lumis should be in jail. THANK YOU! Indi, you, too! Indi says she finds Lumis “kinda hot…”

WHAT THE… Gargano keeps Candice from cursing so he can see “HELL?!” What is going on here?! What is happening!? No, no, whatever this is with Indi, and Theory’s Stockholm Syndrome, get them down. They will fix this! Theory is going to therapy! Seriously? Yes! And not another word! It is happening! Will therapy be enough to undo whatever Lumis may or may not have done to Theory?


Grimes is back with the basketball scam!

He made sure to watch the entire DeBiase moment, and he’ll get the better of someone this time. Grimes is sure these people know him for his money. He has a handful of green and explains his basketball challenge. Maybe not this guy, but how about the little lady over here? If she can bounce the basketball 10 times, she’ll get $1000 of his money! Like the Million Dollar Man back in the day? Uh, n-no… Just dribble the ball! It ain’t rocket science! Maybe her friend over here would like to try instead? No, the lady he asked first takes the challenge on. And when she stands up, Grimes realizes she’s not so little… Well still, she has to dribble! “Let’s see what you got, honey!”

The young lady dribbles, Grimes counts, but she gets tricky with it and he misses! That’s more than 10! “Gimme my money, honey.” Grimes is out $2000 total now. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. CURSE YOU, DEBIASE! This ain’t over!!


Xia Li w/ Tian Sha VS Kacy Catanzaro w/ Kayden Carter!

The friendship of Spicy and KC Squared may be all but gone after the harsh training Xia was put through by “her.” Can Kacy save whatever is left of the old Xia? Or will she be “purged” to only make Xia stronger?

The bell rings and Xia rushes Kacy! Kacy dodges, fires off on Xia, but Xia shoves her away! Xia rushes in again but Kacy waistlocks. Xia reaches under but Kacy leap frogs over and around. Kacy handsprings, headscissors and fires up! Kacy is after Xia with a facelock, whips her, but Xia reverses. Kacy goes up and over but gets caught! Xia hotshots Kacy, then takes her fighting stance! Xia powers up, storms over again, and bumps Kacy off buckles! Kacy shoves Xia but Xia stomps Kacy down in the corner! The ref counts, Xia adds on a springboard stomp to top it off! Xia drags Kacy back up, snap suplexes, covers, TWO!

Xia keeps on Kacy with a chinlock then makes it a cobra clutch. Kayden and the fans rally as Kacy fights up, and Kacy slips out the back! Xia BOOTS Kacy down, drags her up and reels her in, but Kacy slips out of the Gory Especial to sunset flip! TWO, and Xia back kicks Kacy hard! Cover, TWO! Xia wraps Kacy up in the cobra clutch again, but Kacy fights up. Kacy throws Xia off, gets to a corner, and elbows her away! Xia runs back in but into a boot! Xia returns, but Kacy trips her into the corner! Kacy fires off stomps, furious fists, but Xia shoves her away! Kacy comes back with more fire, the ref counts but Xia shoves her, only for Kacy to SHOTGUN Xia back!

Kacy runs, hits an A-List Lariat, then hits a FLIPPING AX KICK! Cover, TWO! Xia bails out, Kacy grits her teeth and goes to the apron to leap! Xia catches her, moves her around, but Kacy slips out to a waistlock. Xia standing switches to RAM Kacy into the barriers! Tian Sha tells Xia to finish this, and Xia looms over Kacy. The ring count is climbing, Kacy’s leg is on steel steps and Xia STOMPS IT!! Xia may have just broken Kacy’s leg! The ref checks on Kacy as she writhes and cries in pain, but Xia doesn’t even show emotion on her face! Xia goes up the steps, and drags Kacy up by her hair! Xia brings Kacy to the apron and makes sure Tian Sha sees this!

The ref reprimands, Xia shows no mercy as she drags Kacy in. More referees come out to check on Kacy, the refs call this!

Winner: Xia Li, by referee stoppage

Kayden wants after Xia but the refs keep her back. Kayden shields Kacy, but then glares at Tian Sha. Kayden storms over and asks what their problem is! Boa blocks Kayden’s path, Xia goes after Kacy with a HEEL KICK!! Kayden rushes back to Kacy and Xia slips away to leave with Boa and Tian Sha. Xia warns Kayden that she is next. Will what Xia did to Kacy pale in comparison to what she’ll do to Kayden?


Regal is still waiting for Escobar.

Still no sign of El Legado, but the clock is ticking. Will Escobar have the courage to face Karrion Kross? Or will he have to sacrifice his Cruiserweight title reign?


NXT profiles next week’s WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match.

After making history by winning the inaugural Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez are poised to take on the Irresistible Force & Shayna Baszler! The Queen of Spades says, “The Women’s Division now is all the scraps left over from when I left.” And when it comes to Raquel telling them, “You don’t run this place anymore… we do!” Well, that’s a joke to Nia. Nia says Raquel can talk about dominating all she wants, but when she runs into Nia, it’ll be a different story.

Raquel says Nia is the one kidding herself. Nia needs to wake up. Dakota says she and Raquel will be bringing those WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships to NXT. Shayna says Dakota is only confident because she has Raquel. That’s perfect, because now there’s someone who can carry her to the hospital. Dakota said it before, she is NOT the scared little girl from Shayna’s reign of terror. Dakota will kick Shayna’s head off once and for all! Will the alumni come back to humiliate this generation? Or will Raquel and Dakota turn the whole Women’s Division upside-down?


Cameron Grimes wants one more try!

No one gets over on Cameron Grimes! He challenges a random guy in the parking lot! Dribble the ball 10 times, win $1000! Like that DeBiase- YES LIKE THAT!! Just do it!! Why is it so difficult?! He gonna do it or what? Yeah, sure, The guy starts dribbling, and Grimes DECKS him!! Grimes tells DeBiase to #KissMahGrits! Money CAN by happiness! Wait, he still throws like, $1500 into the air. Will that guy wake up and still get Grimes’ money?


Grizzled Young Veterans VS Killian Dain & Drake Maverick!

Zack Gibson & James Drake ambushed MSK because, well, they’re sore losers. But will the Belfast Beast and Rockstar Spud SSSOOON avenge Lee & Carter?

Maverick comes out wearing a shirt with Dain’s face on it, and Dain does not approve! Dain pulls that shirt off Maverick and smacks him on the back with it before throwing it away. GYV make their entrance, Gibson has a mic, and he says, “I’m sorry to interrupt this little dance party, but we have some breaking news! Wes Lee of MSK fame has unfortunately broken his hand.” James Drake mockingly “sheds a tear,” but says that the main headline now is that Regal has given GYV a hefty fine! They were just saving the NXT Universe! Imagine a few weeks without MSK “joking around like little children!”

Gibson says in the finals of the Dusty Cup, “the better team lost! Let’s make no mistakes: there’s only one team destined for tag title glory, and it’s NOT MSK. And it’s certainly not Shrek ‘n’ Donkey! It’s the Grizzled Young Veterans, SSSSSSOON to be recognized as NXT Tag Team Champions!” Gibson and Drake get in with Shrek- er, Dain & Maverick, and teams sort out. Of course Dain wants to start, and he runs right at James Drake to SHOTGUN DROPKICK him down! Dain drags Drake up to throw BIG EuroUppers! Tag to Maverick, Dain & Maverick double whip, Dain uses Maverick to trip Drake up, and then Dain drops a back senton! Maverick is the human weapon again, scoop slam senton! Cover, TWO!

Maverick keeps on Drake with an armlock, then wrenches to a wristlock. Maverick hammerlocks, Drake endures and fights up to elbow free. Drake headlocks, tags Gibson, Maverick powers out but GYV leap frog to CLOBBER Maverick! Gibson sucker punches Dain, but he doesn’t fall! The ref is busy keeping Dain back, and Gibson scoops Maverick to an Electric Chair! Mr. Mayhem goes up top but Dain gets Maverick away from Liverpool’s Number One, to then choke grip Gibson! Drake leaps into a choke grip, and Dain SHOVES GYV out of the ring! Fans fire up as Maverick shakes Dain’s hand. Then Dain TOSSES Maverick out onto GYV! GYV goes down as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Gibson keeps Maverick from Dain! Maverick throws forearms, Gibson whips Maverick to the corner and tags in Drake. Drake rolls and run sin but Maverick knees him down! Gibson keeps Maverick cornered, until Maverick slips under! Hot tag to Dain! Dain rallies on GYV, then clinches Drake for an OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Dain RAMS Gibson into Drake then CLOBBERS Gibson! Gibson begs for mercy but Drake jumps on with a sleeper! Dain just shifts Drake to a fireman’s carry, scoops Gibson, SAMOAN DROP FALL AWAY SLAM COMBO! Big Damo pops Drake back up for the WASTELAND, and SENTON! Cover, Gibson breaks it!

The ref reprimands as Gibson hammers Dain and helps Drake up. GYV coordinate, but it’s Dain who DOUBLE SUPLEXES them! Hot tag to Maverick! Maverick climbs up, leaps and CROSSBODIES Drake! Maverick dropkicks Gibson down, fires up and throws strikes on Drake! Punch, kick, repeat, but Drake shoves him! Maverick gets under to dropkick the legs out then basement dropkicks Drake in the head! Maverick fires up, hits a forearm smash in the corner, but Gibson tags in before the bulldog attempt! GYV coordinate, MISSILE DROPKICK COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Dain breaks it! Dain goes after Drake and CLOBBERS him! Gibson throws Dain out, but Dain drags him out with him!

Dain has Gibson’s ear, Drake DIVES to take Dain out! Gibson gets in but Maverick runs in to forearm smash and BULLDOG! Maverick hurries up a corner, but Drake goes after him! Maverick kicks him away but Gibson YANKS Maverick down! Tag to Drake, they coordinate again, TICKET TO MAYHEM!! Cover, GYV wins!

Winners: The Grizzled Young Veterans, by pinfall

The teamwork makes the dream work, and GYV are one step closer to their dastardly dream of being the first team to have held both NXT UK and NXT prime Tag Team Championships!



William Regal DID see the confrontation earlier, and has made a match! In two weeks it will be Io Shirai VS Toni Storm, for the NXT Women’s Champion!


Finally El Legado arrives!

And just in time to make Regal’s deadline! Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza stand guard as Escobar stays in the SUV. Will Escobar go through with the match tonight? Or is he just here to turn over the title?


NXT returns as Dain is still carrying Maverick around.

He doesn’t want NXT Media to bother them, he sets Maverick down. But then Alexander Wolfe and Imperium walk by. What is this? Wolfe says Dain used to be a monster. That shake of his head shows Wolfe is disappointed, but Dain asks for medics to check on Maverick. Will Dain let the Hatchet Man get in his head about his… well not friendship, but partnership with Maverick?


No Disqualification: Santos Escobar w/ El Legado del Fantasma VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

Mr. Doomsday and his femme fatale make their way to the ring, and we see that Escobar has yet to even exit the vehicle. Wait! Kross attacks Wilde & Mendoza!! He got the drop on Legado this time! Kross TOSSES Mendoza into a garage door, but Escobar attacks! He’s going through with the match his way, but will he be made to #FallAndPray all the same?

Kross picks Escobar up to RAM him into the side of a truck! Escobar kicks back, they brawl again, and Kross CLUBS and ROCKS Escobar! Escobar goes to the back of the moving truck, Kross is after him again with haymakers, and then he tosses him into the truck’s trailer. But Escobar SLAMS the door on Kross! Kross writhes and Escobar talks trash in Spanish now that he has the advantage. Escobar kicks and forearms but Kros TOSSES him back into the side of the truck! Escobar kicks again, Kross throws more forearms, but Escobar dodges and a forearm shot hits the truck! Kross shakes that arm while Escobar gets into the truck cab!

Escobar closes the door to protect himself, but Kross rips off the side mirror! Kross finds a PICKAXE under the truck!? What’s that doing there?! Kross uses it to TEAR into the door!! Escobar has to bail out the other side and he throws hands on Kross! Wilde returns to throw hands but Kross TOSSES Wilde onto the hood! Wilde tumbles, Mendoza runs in but he gets THROWN into the grill! Escobar SMASHES Kross with a trash can! Escobar talks more trash and then SMACKS Kross again! El Legado has the 3v1 advantage now and they mug Kross! They bump Kross off the truck, hammer him more, and then RAM him into the side of the trailer!

Escobar wants another one, and they set Kross up again. They tell “the dog” this is what he gets for messing with them! They RAM him into the side again, and then Escobar has Wilde and Mendoza drag Kross into the arena. They go to the special stage area and beat Kross up at the steps! Fans boo but Escobar says to bring Kross around. Kross DECKS Wilde, BOOTS Mendoza, and then takes them both to throw them into the PLEXIGLAS! They go crashing through and Escobar is shocked! Kross glares at Escobar and Scarlett laughs at Escobar’s false bravado! Kross ROCKS Escobar and Escobar goes into the ring!

Escobar runs but Kross BOOTS him down! Cover, ONE!! Kross keeps on Escobar and CLUBS him out of the ring! Kross stalks Escobar, but Mendoza returns! Kross just TOSSES him into other barriers! Escobar SMACKS Kross with a chair! And SMACKS him again! Escobar stomps Kross down, rips Kross’ shirt off, and tosses it aside like trash. Escobar drags Kross up, hammerlocks the bad arm and POSTS him! And then RAMS Kross into steel steps! Escobar grins and soaks up the heat as NXT goes picture in picture.

Escobar takes his time regrouping with El Legado, and they drag Kross back up. Kross rakes Escobar’s eyes! But Legado has the steel steps and RAMS Kross with them! Kross clutches the bad arm, Escobar KICKS it! Escobar stomps the bad arm, drags Kross up and clubs away on the shoulder! Escobar puts Kross in the ring, throws more forearms, then covers, ONE!! Escobar clamps onto the bad arm, stomps away on it, then wrenches the arm. Escobar puts Kross in a corner, wraps the arm around ropes and SCRAPES it along the rope! Kross pushes Escobar away but Wilde HOTSHOTS the arm for him!

Escobar drags Kross up, has the arm, and gives it a CODE BREAKER! Kross scrambles to a corner but Escobar CHOPS him! Escobar puts the arm around ropes and pulls on it again! Kross can only clutch the elbow as Escobar runs in to forearm smash! Escobar cravats Kross, jams him with a shoulder, then headbutts Kross’ shoulder! Escobar fires off forearms, but Kross hits back with his good arm! They brawl, Escobar shoves Kross and runs in to shotgun dropkick! NXT returns to single picture as Legado trips Kross up for Escobar’s basement dropkick! Scarlett is furious and shouts for Kross to get up! Escobar shoves Kross out and goes back for the chair!

Escobar jams the bad arm, then slips the chair around it! Escobar aims and POSTS the arm!! Kross grabs at Escobar with the good arm but Escobar SLAPS him down! Escobar sits the chair up and stomps Kross down. Escobar drags Kross up and over, for a DDT to the chair! Escobar drags Kross up and into the ring, covers, TWO! Legado is frustrated but Escobar dropkicks Kross down! Escobar throws Kross out, pursues, but Kross hits back with is good arm! So Legado swarms him! Kross fights them off, but Escobar DIVES! The Arrow from Hell takes Kross down into barriers!! Scarlett is furious again but can only watch on as Escobar stands on Kross’ bad arm.

Escobar stomps Kross, and stomps and stomps! Escobar kicks the bad arm, wrenches it and clamps onto the shoulder! Escobar puts Kross in, covers, TWO! Escobar drops elbows on Kross’ bad arm, then clamps on with a short arm scissor. Kross endures, tries to use his good arm but Escobar shrugs that off. Kross sits up, Escobar puts him in a corner, and then runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! SNAP SUPLEX! Uno amigo, and Escobar drags Kross up, only for Kross to block! Kross gets around to use the good arm for an EXPLODER! Kross sees Wilde and DECKS him! Escobar leaps into a catch, for another EXPLODER!

Escobar bails out, Kross shakes the bad arm and pursues. Escobar POSTS Kross again! Escobar brings the bad arm around the post, but Kross YANKS Escobar into it instead! Kross bounces Escobar’s head off steel steps! Mendoza runs in with a chair but Kross BOOTS him down! Kross takes the chair for his own now and has a wild grin! Escobar is a fish in a barrel but Wilde saves him from a full metal Con-Chair-To! Kross glares at Wilde, aims with the chair, and he JAMS Escobar in the ribs! Kross puts Escobar in the ring, but Mendoza LEAPS, into an EXPLODER! Wilde leaps, but the rana is blocked! BARRIER BOMB!!

Kross gets in, Escobar is in a corner, Kross hits a corner clothesline! And BOOT! Escobar flops back out, Kross follows, and they’re by the other steps! Kross brings Escobar up and around, DOOMSDAY SAIDO through the announce desk!! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” and Scarlett seems euphoric now! Kross puts Escobar in the ring, hauls him up, and hits a DOOMSDAY SAIDO!! Kross aims from a corner, and winds up the hour hand. “TICK TOCK! TIME’S UP!!” BLINDSIDE FOREARM!! Cover, Kross wins!!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by pinfall

Escobar tried every trick in the book, but nothing can stop the sands of time! He still has the title, but will Escobar be in any shape to defend his Cruiserweight Championship? And will the clock start ticking on another champion’s reign?


NXT hears from LA Knight.

“Let me talk to ya. The question burning in everyone’s mind since TakeOver is, ‘Man, when’s LA Knight gonna debut?'” He’ll put it this way: the one thing that he asked is, “Whose game is it?” It’s HIS game. That means when he debuts, it’s on his time, his terms and done his way. What that means is Knight could debut next week, the week after that, or three months from now, because it doesn’t make a difference! In the end, everyone’s favorites, the ones that hold the gold, are just holding golden tickets to getting stomped out by LA Knight! That’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life! But who will Knight go for first whenever it is he makes his in-ring debut?


Adam Cole is here!

After tweeting out that he will give us his explanation, Cole is finally here to do as he said! Cole goes to the ring, fans boo, and they don’t even feel like saying “BOOM” with him anymore. Cole takes a moment to watch a replay of last week, where Cole betrayed and booted Kyle O’Reilly to then give him a brainbuster to Kyle O’Reilly. Kyle has a herniated disc, not likely to return for several weeks, and fans chant, “You Suck!” for it. Cole gets a mic to say, “I… I had every intention of coming out here and explaining why I did what I did to Kyle, but… God, man, after watching that footage, I feel sick to my stomach.”

Everyone knows the NXT Championship is very important to Cole, especially the guys in the Undisputed Era. But Cole does not like the person he has become lately. At first, Cole was pissed off, because Kyle was getting opportunity after opportunity at the title, and he continued to fail. But that does not excuse Cole’s actions. After seeing it back, Cole is ashamed of himself. “Kyle, I know you’re sitting at home right now and you’re watching this. And I wish so, so badly that we could be having this conversation face to face, man to man, but we can’t.” They can’t, because of Cole.

Cole and Kyle know each other than anybody, and that means Kyle knows Cole hates admitting he’s wrong. Cole is telling us now that he was dead wrong. Kyle should be here in this ring, right here and now, but instead Cole made a stupid mistake and hates himself for it! Cole paces as he works on the words to say. “Kyle… Kyle, I am so, so sorry.” Cole will do whatever he can to fix this. Even if he can’t, he’ll try. “Wow, Adam. Really?” Roderick Strong confronts Cole! Now Cole feels bad?! Only now? For the past 10 days Cole didn’t feel bad for not letting Strong know what was going on? For what Cole did to Kyle, and to THE TEAM!?

“Adam, everything’s changed now. This whole thing, this Undisputed Era… This was built on trust! Love! A brotherhood!” The UE Boys would do whatever it took to have each other’s backs! And just like that, Cole “shattered that trust!” Strong wants Cole to look at him and understand this: Kyle IS going to heal up. They both know Kyle. But when Kyle does heal, Strong doesn’t know if he can save Cole from what Kyle’s gonna do to him! But wait, here comes Finn Balor! Strong tries to stop him but Balor pushes him aside and tackles Cole! Balor rains down fists, Strong gets in to pull him away from Cole, but Balor and Strong tumble out of the ring!

Balor kicks and stomps away on Strong but Cole RAMS Balor into barriers! And SUPERKICKS him down! Strong gets in the ring, Cole goes in to apologize, but Strong CLOBBERS Cole! And Strong is just as torn up as Cole was! Cole apologizes and he just wants things to go back to normal. Cole says this was his fault. Strong shouts, “What is happening?!” Cole starts to cry, but Strong sits with him. Strong says he’s sorry for hitting Cole. They’re brothers and they love each other! They hug it out and fans cheer! Cole keeps apologizing, he and Strong pat each other on the back, and then they shake hands. But Cole LOW BLOWS Strong?!?! That wasn’t a mistake!!

Cole tells Strong he is so STUPID! Cole says Strong is dead to him, and he takes the UE dog tag away from him! Then SUPERKICKS him down!! Was Cole just pretending to have regrets? Is there nothing undisputed anymore?!

My Thoughts:

Wow, this episode! And that’s meant in a good way, there was a lot of great, wild stuff. We had a really good match in Gargano VS Lumis, and some really crazy developments in that story. Theory thinking Lumis isn’t so bad is an alright choice, but I have no idea where this “Indi <3’s Lumis” is coming from. I get there’s a cliché of “daughter falls for bad boy” in sitcoms and family stories, but this still seems a bit out of nowhere. The pacing is what feels off, really. I still wish there were “Theory is hostage” antics but of course this is all leading to Gargano VS Lumis rematch for the North American Championship. I just don’t like the idea that it might come down to the loyalties of Theory and Indi, not that Lumis actually beats Gargano on his own merits.

The way (no pun intended this time, I swear) we learned about Rust VS Ruff getting on the card was arranged oddly. There was entrance, then a “earlier today” video, then Bivens has his promo to put Rust over and bury Ruff. We should’ve gotten the video first, then everything else. Swerve attacking Ruff was a good touch, though, and I guess any match being offered/given to Ruff is too much for Swerve. We got really good video packages for MSK and the coming Women’s Tag Title match, but what a twist for GYV to attack MSK and basically delay the NXT Tag Team Championship match. GYV VS Dain & Maverick was a good match, but of course GYV wins.

It seems Imperium and Wolfe are going to be the next feud for Dain & Maverick, and there could even be a chance of Dain being recruited/converted to Imperium! I don’t know if I want to see the dysfunctional duo break up, but Dain and Wolfe reuniting from their SAnitY days through Imperium would be an interesting story. Plus, one day we will be able to have NXT and NXT UK swap people around smoothly again, so with the North American Championship, NXT UK Heritage Cup, and another pair of tag titles out there, there could come a time when Imperium reigns from top to bottom.

Shirai VS Stark was very good, especially for Stark being new to NXT. But naturally, we’re getting Shirai VS Storm 1v1 now, but it does seem a little sudden for the long-awaited rematch from the second Mae Young Classic. The match itself will surely make up for that, though, and honestly could go either way, if Heel Toni decides to bend the rules or something. Then with Xia Li VS Kacy, it was obvious it would be brutal, but I didn’t think it’d be that brutal! Xia “breaking” Kacy’s leg, and threatening to do the same to Kayden, that is some serious Heel heat. I am still waiting for when Tian Sha/Mei Ling (Karen Q) gets back into action and tears up the Women’s Tag Division with Xia Li.

Grimes trying to recreate the Ted DeBiase basketball challenge, and messing up multiple times, was pretty hilarious. I have a feeling he’s not only going to waste his money on things but also on these silly bets until he’s basically back to where he was before #GameStonks. The story of Escobar waiting until the very last minute was pretty good, as was Kross going after him so he wouldn’t have a choice. Naturally Legado worked together for the entirety of the No DQ match, and I think the No DQ, brawling nature of the match made this work in Kross’ favor, as he felt much stronger than if this were a standard match. Kross wins so he can stay strong in his own path back to the NXT Championship, and I’m curious to see how this impacts Escobar’s title reign, if at all.

And speaking of, the NXT Championship scene is also attached to the #WhyColeWhy story. Cole taking the approach of, “It was impulsive and I regret it” was an interesting start, but from how he betrays Strong at the very last moment makes it seem it was an act. The anger Cole mentioned about Kyle getting his two opportunities might also be attached to jealousy, maybe some bitterness. Cole VS Kyle is definitely happening, but I think we’ll get a great Cole VS Strong first, maybe even Cole VS Balor, title optional. Heck, the title could be put up, but Kyle screws Cole over to set their own match up. The UE is basically all but over unless Fish returns and Cole is the one kicked out of the group. This could even be the long road to opening the door to Cole going to Raw/SmackDown, as much of a shame it’d be to see him finally move over.

My Score: 9.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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