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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (2/4/21)

Who answers Jordan Devlin’ Open Challenge?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Will the Irish Ace still be NXT UK’s Cruiserweight Champion?

Though Trent Seven has posed a challenge to Jordan Devlin and himself, the Open Challenge series continues! Will someone take the title from Devlin first?


  • Nina Samuels VS Xia Brookside; Samuels wins.
  • Joseph Conners w/ Jinny VS Josh Morrell; Conners wins.
  • Ilja Dragunov VS Tyson T-Bone; Dragunov wins.
  • Joe Coffey VS Danny Jones; Coffey wins.
  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge: Jordan Devlin VS ???; canceled.
  • Jordan Devlin VS Dave Mastiff; Devlin wins.


Nina Samuels VS Xia Brookside!

The Leading Lady just can’t seem to leave this second generation superstar alone! But in this newest sequel of their rivalry series, will Nina still have the spotlight? Or will she learn to #FlyWithBrookside?

The bell rings and Nina has her attendant take her coat. Nina says Xia should be doing all of that, and that just upsets Xia! Xia throws Nina down and fires off hands! Nina pushes her away, Xia comes back to headlock but Nina blocks the takeover. Nina powers Xia to a corner, runs back in but the boot misses! Xia trips the other leg, then waistlocks Nina. Nina resists the lift, pries the hold, but Xia trips her up! Xia steps on Nina, sunset flips, TWO! Nina gets up but Xia wrenches her arm, tweaks the elbow and YANKS on the arm! And YANKS again! Xia whips but Nina blocks to reverse. Xia tilt-o-whirls but Nina turns it into a dragon sleeper, and a HARD inverted suplex!

Nina stomps Xia in the corner, drags her up and bumps her off buckles. Nina stomps again, but the ref backs her off. Xia kicks low but Nina brings Xia back up with a scoop. Xia slips out, rolls Nina up, TWO! Nina stomps Xia, drags her around and steps through to drop down on the toehold! Cover, TWO! Nina clamps onto Xia with a chinlock but Xia endures. Nina traps the arms and pushes on the chinbar for the seated stretch. Xia endures again, even as Nina smears her face and talks trash. Xia SLAPS Nina, Nina clubs her, repeat! Nina whips Xia into a corner, RAMS into her, and then RAMS again! The ref counts, Nina lets off at 4, then hoists Xia up top.

Nina steps up to ROUNDHOUSE Xia, then fireman’s carry! Xia slips out, shoves Nina hard, then blocks the punch to fire off furious forearms! Xia ROCKS Nina, dodges her then tilt-o-whirls to headscissors! BT Sports Studio fires up with Xia as she hits BROKEN WINGS! And a running facebuster! Cover, TWO!! Xia is shocked but goes after Nina again. Nina drop toeholds Xia into ropes! Xia staggers up, whips Nina away, Nina cartwheels but Xia dropkicks her out! Nina avoids the baseball slide but Xia avoids the boot! Xia uses the apron to help in the RANA! Nina is dizzy, Xia runs in, but Nina dodges! Xia stops herself but Nina BOOTS her into the steel steps!

Nina puts Xia in, then grabs one of her pieces of luggage! The ref reprimands, and Xia RAMS into Nina! The trunk goes tumbling, the ref clears that out, but misses Nina using the HANDBAG to SMACK Xia! Cover, Nina wins!!

Winner: Nina Samuels, by pinfall

And scene! The Leading Lady is still on top, though with some help from her own luggage. Will Samuels be looking to add the NXT UK Women’s Championship to her collection in the near future?


NXT UK Media checks in with Sid Scala.

We know Pretty Deadly are the new #1 contenders to the NXT UK Tag Team Championships, but when will we see that match? Sid says it is in the works, they’ll talk with Gallus on it. Jordan Devlin arrives and asks if Sid is planning to do his job this week. Devlin keeps texting Sid but Sid doesn’t answer him. Devlin still has no idea who he is dealing with, other than it’s NOT Trent Seven because Seven’s probably sweating in a sauna right now. So who is his opponent? Sid and Johnny Saint are still searching-

Oh good, very professional. But make sure it’s better than the last few because they’ve barely left a scratch. Devlin leaves, Sid excuses himself, and heads off. Will the Irish Ace’s opponent be worthy of his time tonight?


NXT UK Media catches up with Jack Starz.

How is he feeling after what he’s been through lately? He actually feels great, on a roll even. Sid comes in and wishes to talk with Starz. Sid mentions the Cruiserweight Championship, and the Open Challenge. The door closes so it’s hard to hear what’s being said. Is Starz going to be Devlin’s challenger? Or is the search still going?


Joseph Conners w/ Jinny VS Josh Morrell!

The Righteous Killer has the Spoiled Princess by his side, and looks to prove he is worthy! Will #TurboTerry be a stepping stone for Conners towards a title?

The bell rings and Conners circles with Morrell. They tie up, Conners shoves Morrell away, and the two reset. They tie up again, Conners gets around, spins Morrell to a cravat then snapmares him. Morrell whips Conners away, goes for a leg, but Conners steps over to roll Morrell up! TWO, and the two reset. Conners and Morrell circle, tie up, and Conners waistlocks to a nelson then spin. Conners has the hammerlock, then the headlock, then a wrench. Conners reels Morrell in for a facelock and cranks on the hold, but Morrell wrenches out! Morrell wrings the arm, Conners gets to his feet but Morrell dropkicks him out!

Conners grows frustrated but Jinny helps him stay calm. “That little boy is nothing, so make sure he realizes he’s nothing.” Conners goes back to the ring, circles with Morrell, and they tie up. Conners waistlocks, arm-drags and clamps onto the wrist. Morrell endures, moves around, rolls and handsprings but Conners throws him by his hair! Conners runs Morrell to a corner for a BASEMENT BUCKLE BULLDOG! Conners brings Morrell up to bump off more buckles then CLUB him on the back! Conners throws hands, reels Morrell in and CLOBBERS him! Cover, TWO! Morrell lives but Conners keeps cool.

Jinny coaches Conners as he snapmares Morrell to a ghost pin, TWO! A lateral press, TWO! Conners drags Morrell up, CLUBS him, then brings him around, but Morrell throws body shots! Morrell headlocks, Conners powers out and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Conners keeps his focus as he looms over Morrell. Conners clamps onto Morrell with a chinbar and a trapped arm. Morrell endures, fights up, and throws body shots! Conners shoves, drops then RAMS into Morrell with a low headbutt! Morrell gasps and sputters, Conners drags him up to throw haymakers. Conners is on Morrell at the ropes, CLUBS him then whips him, but Morrell sunset flips!

Conners slips out, Morrell kips up and goes Matrix to rally with forearms and a calf kick! ROLLING SENTON! Morrell whips, Conners reverses, but Morrell goes up and over with a tornillo! Morrell gets Conners with a hip toss! Cover, TWO! Morrell hurries to a corner and climbs up! Conners runs over, gets under the 450, and pops Morrell up, but Morrell RANA! Cover, TWO! Conners dodges, runs, rolls and reels Morrell in for a DDT! Jinny wants Conners to finish this, and Conners reels Morrell in with the STRAITJACKET NECKBREAKER! Cover, Conners wins!

Winner: Joseph Conners, by pinfall

Jinny is proud of Joseph after that win. Will Conners be seen as worthy of a championship opportunity?


Sha Samuels speaks.

“OH YEAH~!” The East End Butcher is in NXT UK, from a family of butchers! And being a butcher is cold-blooded work! It is hard work! And that is exactly what he’s been about for 18 long years in the ring! Nightclubs, working men’s clubs, and he’s beaten people up in ’em all! He’s finally on the big stage, and there are a lot of world class wrestlers. Samuels doesn’t want it to be easy, he took the Iron King to his limit. Samuels lost, but Coffey knows who he was in a fight with! Samuels is a FIGHTER! The hard work starts now!


Xia Brookside finds Sid Scala backstage.

Sid is busy but she tells him to listen now! Did he see that match? She wants a rematch with Nina! And it doesn’t matter when, just get it sorted! Will yet another sequel come to our screens sooner than expected?


Ilja Dragunov VS Tyson T-Bone!

The Moscow Madman decided to start over, but it seems something dark is lurking within. Starz learned that when he chopped a little too much like Walter. Will the King of Travelers be sure not to do something that might set Dragunov off?

The bell rings and Dragunov rushes in! T-Bone dodges the boot to DECK Dragunov then stomp away on him! T-Bone drags Dragunov up, headbutts and whips to hit a body shot! T-Bone keeps hitting Dragunov but Dragunov blocks the knee! Dragunov is after the leg but T-Bone clubs away on his back! T-Bone scoops but Dragunov blocks! Dragunov hooks a leg, goes after an arm, then wrenches through to BACK HAND! T-Bone wobbles and Dragunov is on him with a facelock! Dragunov grinds and rolls T-Bone, then rolls him again as he is after the double wristlock! But wait, Sam Gradwell walks out to talk trash on Dragunov’s “temper temper.”

T-Bone lifts Dragunov up but Dragunov sunset flips to shift to a head-and-arm clutch! T-Bone endures, Gradwell heckles Dragunov more, but T-Bone gets up to elbow Dragunov. Dragunov hooks the leg again but T-Bone scoops him to SLAM him! T-Bone runs to drop a knee! T-Bone rams knees into Dragunov’s back, Gradwell has a laugh, but Dragunov is after the arm! T-Bone blocks the judo throw so Dragunov shifts to get under a leg and dump T-Bone on his head! Dragunov wants the legs but T-Bone boots him away! Dragunov comes back to waistlock but T-Bone blocks and whips. Dragunov holds ropes, waistlocks again, but T-Bone fights the suplex!

T-Bone bucks Dragunov away and runs him over! Things speed up, Dragunov ROCKS T-Bone with a flying forearm! Gradwell says Dragunov has to be careful not to do what he did to Starz. Dragunov goes to lift but T-Bone throws elbows to get free. T-Bone hits an EXPLODER! Dragunov staggers up, T-Bone scoops again and brings Dragunov around for a FALL AWAY SLAM! T-Bone gets up and drags Dragunov up by his hears to throw a knee. Cover, TWO! Gradwell still taunts Dragunov while T-Bone goes for a full nelson. Dragunov pries the hands, T-Bone CLUBS him in the back! Dragunov counters the half nelson to an arm-drag!

T-Bone BOOTS back, but Dragunov comes back for a leg. T-Bone whips him away. Dragunov dodges and ENZIGURIS! Dragunov fires up and aims at T-Bone! Dragunov runs in, leaps, but T-Bone catches him for a BIG back suplex! Gradwell says Dragunov can do better than that! Dragunov and T-Bone get up, Dragunov goes Matrix! ANOTHER ENZIGURI! T-Bone wobbles, Dragunov fires up and waistlocks, but T-Bone elbows back! Dragunov shifts to a Gotch hold but T-Bone elbows free! HALF ‘N’ HALF! Dragunov flops all the way out of the ring! Gradwell says that’s unfortunate.

The ref tells Gradwell to stay back, T-Bone comes up and CHOPS Dragunov on the back! That was a mistake!! Dragunov goes into that state and he fires off forearms with T-Bone! Dragunov DECKS T-Bone, puts him in the ring and follows. Gradwell eggs Dragunov on as he elbows and stomps away on T-Bone! T-Bone shoves Dragunov away, but Dragunov TACKLES him! Rings of Saturn and endless elbows!! T-Bone is OUT, the ref calls it!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by referee stoppage

Dragunov lets T-Bone go and Gradwell says he was throwing a tantrum. Gradwell says Dragunov is letting his family down as a grown man. Does Dragunov need a cuddle? Dragunov BOOTS Gradwell! Dragunov dares Gradwell to shut up or man up! Gradwell says the big baby needs to be put in a time-out! Referees and officials rush over but Dragunov is ready to turn his rage on them! Dragunov storms off, will he be going after the Thunderstorm soon enough?


The NXT UK roster reacts to Meiko Satomura’s arrival.

Ashton Smith says “Every now and again, you come across a legend in professional wrestling. And for us in NXT UK, to sign Meiko Satomura, it brings the whole brand up to another level.” Dave Mastiff says she is a standard bearer in all of pro-wrestling. Gallus is excited to see someone they’ve followed for years. Jinny says Satomura is one of the best in the world, and has felt what she can do firsthand. This takes the Women’s Division and the brand to another level. The Final Boss arrives next week!


Sid Scala talks with Amir Jordan backstage.

Naturally, this is about the Cruiserweight Championship. The Bhangra Badboy had his shot but it doesn’t seem like he’s ready for another so soon. Sid thanks Amir Jordan for his time, and hurries to make a call.


Joe Coffey VS Danny Jones!

The Iron King has been going strong since his return to action, and looks to only get stronger. Will the newest prospect in NXT UK learn why this is Gallus’ Kingdom?

The bell rings and Coffey circles with Jones. They tie up, Coffey puts Jones on the ropes then lets off. They tie up with knuckle locks, go around, and Coffey has Jones on the ropes again. The ref calls for the break but Jones CHOPS Coffey! So Coffey fires off heavy hands! Coffey whips Jones to then go the other way, and POUNCES him! Coffey shoves Jones again, reels him in and hits a sidewalk slam! Coffey drags Jones up to throw body shots and heavy hands again at the ropes. The ref counts, Coffey DECKS Jones then tells the ref to ask if the kid wants to quit. “This is why it’s always Gallus Boys on top!” Coffey talks some smack then he SLAPS Jones down!

Jones gets mad and Coffey eggs him on! Jones ducks the punch to fire off forearms and EuroUppers! Coffey shoves, boots but Jones blocks to KNEE TRIGGER! Jones runs but into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Coffey drags Jones up, shows him the scar Walter gave him, and reels him in. But Jones switches to a backslide! Coffey fights that off, Jones gets around to hammerlock, sleeper hold and ripcord ENZIGURI! Coffey wobbles and Jones hops on as a sleeper hold backpack! Coffey powers to buckles but Jones holds on! Coffey throws Jones off hard, takes aim from the corner, and gives Jones the GLASGOW SENDOFF! Coffey keeps moving, ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS! Cover, Coffey wins!

Winner: Joe Coffey, by pinfall

The Iron King actually liked the fire from the new kid, but Coffey still wins out! Coffey gets a mic to say, “Yeah, so, last week, I crossed paths with Rampage Brown.” Coffey’s brain got moving, the cogs turning, and now he tells Rampage, “If you want to make a name for yourself on this brand, in NXT UK, then you have to hit someone so hard, SO HARD, that they don’t want to get back up again.” And here, in NXT UK, Coffey is the last man standing, because this is his- Wait, here comes Rampage Brown! Rampage has a mic of his own, and he says, “All you had to do was ask.” Rampage goes to the ring and says they can go any time, any where. Coffey is all for that! Will two of the heaviest hitters in the UK soon throw down in NXT UK?


NXT UK looks at the coming Tag Team Championship showdown.

“Yes, boy~!” Pretty Deadly won the Fatal 4 Way Elimination match, but they’re happy to admit that Gallus carried the NXT UK Tag Division and elevated it. But now, they’re stuck. Only they can bring the brand to the next level.
Gallus says they’ve been on top for a long time and it ain’t changing any time soon. This is the best they’ve been in a long time. This has been Gallus’ Kingdom since day one! If they saw Pretty Deadly on the street, giving it all they’ve got, it only ends one way: Pretty Deadly with broken jaws and nothing pretty about them left.

But Pretty Deadly says they’re in Wolfie’s head. Mark Coffey says they’ll lose pretty, and win ugly. That’s why Gallus Boys are on top! Pretty Deadly says when Gallus runs on anger, they make mistakes. Pretty Deadly capitalizes on mistakes. Then they will be P D O T, Pretty Deadly On Top.


BREAKING NEWS for next week’s NXT UK!

To finally settle the animosity between The Hunt and South Wales Subculture, it will be a Tag Team STREET FIGHT! Will Eddie Dennis help Primate and Wild Boar maul Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster? Or will SWSC finally shut Dennis up and shut his animals down?


NXT Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge: Jordan Devlin VS ???

The Irish Ace wants competition to prove that not only is he the REAL Cruiserweight Champion, but that he is the best wrestler under 205, with the most wins under his belt possible! Devlin gets a mic to say that “Skid Salad” has been running around trying to find a challenger for the “One Real NXT Cruiserweight Champion!” But if he’s learning anything working around here, it’s that if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself! So any man under 205 that wants to test himself, get to the ring right now!

Well this isn’t a Cruiserweight! This is the Proper British Heavyweight, Dave Mastiff! Devlin says Mastiff might’ve missed a memo. There are weight restrictions here! Mastiff isn’t even 305 Live, so what’s he doing here? Mastiff gets a mic to tell “Captain Obvious” he did well. But Mastiff knows, just like everyone else, Devlin is just keeping the belt warm for Trent Seven. And the only thing Mastiff is after is kicking Devlin’s head in! Mastiff shoves Devlin over, but what is Devlin’s response? Devlin gets up, and this isn’t for the title anymore! Will the Irish Ace keep from being crushed by the Bomber?

Jordan Devlin VS Dave Mastiff!

The bell rings, Devlin circles around Mastiff, and they tie up. Devlin can’t push Mastiff so he wrenches to get a wristlock. Mastiff spins Devlin around to wrench back and flip him over! Mastiff has the fingers and bends them, then twists the wrist. Devlin fights up, slips around and wrenches to a headlock. Mastiff powers out, Devlin rams him but Mastiff runs Devlin over! Things speed up, Devlin hurdles then drops, but Mastiff cartwheels away from the monkey flip! To then BACK SENTON! Cover, ONE!! Mastiff keeps on Devlin with a chinlock, leans on Devlin and then shifts to throw elbows! Mastiff chinlocks again, but Devlin shifts and hits a jawbreaker!

Devlin CHOPS Mastiff, kicks low, but Mastiff rocks him with forearms! Mastiff whips corner to corner and Devlin bounces off buckles! Mastiff talks trash on Devlin, waistlocks and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Mastiff tries again, TWO! Devlin sputters and gasps, Mastiff brings him back up, but Devlin throws body shots. Mastiff CLUBS Devlin, waistlocks again and brings Devlin up, but Devlin elbows free! Mastiff CLUBS Devlin again! And then GERMANS, but Devlin lands on his feet! Devlin tries to urenage but Mastiff elbows him away. Mastiff suplexes but Devlin slips out and CHOP BLOCKS a leg! Mastiff goes down but both men are on the mat.

Devlin is up first, he watches Mastiff rise, and Devlin stomps away on the leg! Devlin hits a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Mastiff goes to ropes, Devlin stalks up and CHOP BLOCKS again! Devlin throws down fists, drags Mastiff’s leg to ropes, and stands on the leg to then drop down on it! The ref reprimands but Devlin stands on Mastiff’s head. Mastiff has the ropes, the ref counts and Devlin lets off at 4. Devlin brings Mastiff around to CHOP him! Mastiff ROCKS Devlin with a right, but Devlin comes back with forearms and chops! Mastiff ROCKS Devlin again, shakes out the bad leg, but Devlin kicks low and throws more forearms.

Mastiff hits Devlin again, Devlin boots but Mastiff blocks. Devlin forearms then turns things around to hoist Mastiff up top. Devlin ROCKS Mastiff with a right, but Mastiff blocks the pull on his arm! Mastiff breaks free to hit a FLYING SHOULDER! Devlin is sent tumbling to the opposite corner! Mastiff works on his bad leg while Devlin clutches ribs. Devlin uses ropes to get up but Mastiff is there. Devlin throws a forearm, Mastiff gives it back. Devlin CHOPS, forearms, but Mastiff fires off in return! Mastiff whips and BACK DROPS Devlin! Devlin begs for mercy but Mastiff TOSSES him across the ring! Mastiff watches Devlin get up, and runs in to SPLASH!

Mastiff throws forearms, whips corner to corner and sends Devlin OVER AND OUT! Devlin tumbles into barriers, a ring count begins, but Mastiff decides to fetch Devlin. Devlin scurries away but Mastiff gives chase. They go around the way, back into the ring, and Devlin stomps, only for Mastiff to block! Devlin SLAPS Mastiff, Mastiff FLIPS Devlin! And SLAPS him for good measure! Mastiff drags Devlin up, whips him into another corner, but Devlin goes up! Mastiff has Devlin in an Electric Chair but Devlin throws hands! Devlin uses ropes to headscissor Mastiff out! Devlin can’t skin the cat so he flops back into the ring.

Mastiff slowly rises, Devlin PLANCHAS, but Mastiff catches him! Mastiff pops Devlin up , for a ROLLING SENTON! A double-edged move on the outside and the ref checks on both men. They’re both somehow okay to continue so a ring count begins. Devlin manages to sit up at 4 but both men flounder towards the ring. Devlin flops back down at 6, Mastiff stands at 7. Mastiff is in at 8, but he doesn’t stay in! Mastiff sees Devlin against barriers, and runs over, INTO THE VOID! Devlin moves and the BARRIER is busted! The ref checks on both men again and they’re both okay to continue. Devlin drags himself up as the new ring count is 4, but Mastiff rises at 6!

Mastiff HEADBUTTS Devlin all the way to the ring! Mastiff hurries and is in at 9.5! But then Mastiff climbs the corner?! Mastiff aims at Devlin, for a FALLING HEADBUTT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Devlin survives and BT Sports Studio can’t believe it! Devlin and Mastiff slowly rise, and Mastiff growls as he glares at Devlin. Mastiff stalks over, reels Devlin into a fireman’s carry, but Devlin holds ropes. Devlin uses the ropes to escape, and then he dropkicks Mastiff’s leg out! Mastiff hits ropes and buckle, Devlin SLINGSHOT CUTTERS! Devlin isn’t done there, he heads to the corner and climbs up! Devlin leaps to 450 SPLASH!! Cover, Devlin wins!!

Winner: Jordan Devlin, by pinfall

This wasn’t for a title, but it was still a huge main event! And it was quite literally a massive victory for the Irish Ace! Will the challenges only get bigger as Devlin’s reign continues?

My Thoughts:

A really good NXT UK, but what a twist on the main event! I was expecting the surprise to maybe be Tyler Bate since he’s under 205 and is a friend of Trent Seven’s, but Mastiff was a huge surprise, literally! No title match but a great main event and that’s not just kayfabe. Devlin wins to stay even stronger in his reign than before. I was hoping we’d get some Seven workout montages but maybe next week. Maybe there will be another of these Open Challenges before Seven returns. I’m still hoping we get Devlin VS Dar in some way, that hasn’t been explored enough to me. Sha Samuels had a good promo today and he will be on the next Supernova Sessions, so that should be really good, too.

We got a good video package for Gallus VS Pretty Deadly, and one for the Street Fight grudge match of The Hunt VS South Wales Subculture. Both of those matches will be very good, and both could go either way. Coffey getting a win in the squash match was good, and him mentioning the words “last man standing” and about hitting the opponent so hard, they won’t want to stand up, we’re totally getting Coffey VS Rampage in a Last Man Standing match, and that is going to be great stuff. Conners naturally wins his first match back, and Jinny is doing well as his manager. Conners should get to be A-Kid’s next Heritage Cup feud, as Conners got KO’d in the tournament and would want redemption.

Nina VS Xia happening because of luggage weaponry was a unique way to do the usual Heel cheating tactics. I almost want their blow-off to be the first-ever Luggage Match, where the only weapons allowed are the trunks and suitcases. Xia’s aggression in dealing with Sid definitely pushes that their next rematch should be some kind of No Disqualifications match, at least. And then, I think the best story right now is Dragunov’s rage, triggered by the Walter style chop to the back. I knew T-Bone would do that at some point, and of course Dragunov beats the snot out of him for it. Gradwell talking trash was a great addition to the match, and I can’t wait to see his match with Dragunov.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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