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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (2/22/21)

Is tonight’s Raw AWESOME?



Coverage Raw 2021

The Raw after the Elimination Chamber has much to sort out!

The Hollywood A-Lister cashed in with help from The Hurt Business, but will he owe them a debt? Will Raw Women’s Champion, Asuka, react to recent developments?


  • Matt Riddle VS John Morrison; Riddle wins.
  • The New Day VS Retribution; The New Day wins.
  • Tornado Tag: Lucha House Party VS The Hurt Business; The Hurt Business wins.
  • Damian Priest w/ Bad Bunny VS Angel Garza; Priest wins.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Hit the Lights: Bad Bunny w/ Damian Priest VS Akira Tozawa, Humberto Carrillo & Drew Gulak; Bunny retains the title.
  • Asuka & Charlotte Flair VS Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler; Jax & Baszler win.
  • Jeff Hardy VS Sheamus; Sheamus wins.
  • Naomi & Lana VS Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose; Naomi & Lana win.
  • AJ Styles w/ Omos VS Ricochet; Styles wins.
  • Braun Strowman VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP; Lashley wins and keeps Strowman out of next week’s WWE World Championship match.


John Morrison is already in the ring!

“Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you to the NEW WWE Champion, THEEEE MIIIIIZ~!” And here comes the Hollywood A-Lister and once again WWE World Champion, with the upside-down WWE logo to represent himself. And he gets a championship level bit of pyro, too! The Miz joins Morrison as the chairs are set out and the balloons are here for the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show, MizTV, “Champion’s Edition!” How do you like Miz now? Sixteen YEARS ago, Miz first stepped inside the WWE ring, and all of the fans and the wrestlers said he’d be fired within three months! But now, eh stands here before us on the flagship, Monday Night Raw, as THE WWE World Champion!!

“All the top superstars of my generation have come and gone, and here I am, still standing!” Miz has taken them all out! The Batistas, the Cenas, the list goes on and on! You name ’em, they just don’t measure up! Triple H, Big Show, Bobby Lashley, Daniel Bryan and even EDGE! All those titans don’t match up to Miz’s longevity and star power! And if this were poker, here’s his Royal Flush! Miz called his shot, like the Babe Ruth of the WWE! And it feels so good! He wasn’t being sneaky, he told everyone that he was going to cash in and beat McIntyre, and that is exactly what he did! Everyone thought they knew what would happen on the Road to WrestleMania, but Miz created a detour!

Miz is main event caliber, his career reads as a Jeopardy clue! “He is the only two-time Grand Slam Champion in the history of this business!” Who is The Miz? CORRECT! Miz has held every single major title there is to have multiple times! Miz holds this title in front of us because he deserves it. He didn’t ask for our respect, he demanded it! But then he’s interrupted by the man who helped him, it’s BOBBY LASHLEY! He and MVP head to the ring, but Miz and Morrison don’t look worried.

Lashley and MVP get mics as they stand face to face with Miz and MVP says on behalf of the Hurt Business, he congratulates Miz on the new reign. And what an impressive list of accomplishments! But uh, he omitted the part where Lashley wrecked and destroyed McIntyre, allowing Miz to cash in the MITB contract to become champion. Miz says he was getting there. Miz wants to thank MVP and Lashley for last night, too. Miz and Morrison are going to celebrate, these two can have a wonderful night. Oh no, Miz, this business meeting is not done. How about we reveal the deal that was struck? Morrison cost Lashley his belt, and now Miz owes Lashley. Lashley helped Miz, Lashley gets a title opportunity. Lashley says Miz owes them a debt, the Hurt Business is here to collect.

Miz acknowledges the deal but there was no agreement on when. Miz has media to do, there’s Fastlane and WrestleMania, his own reality TV series. There’s a lot that Lashley might not understand, but there’s just no time. No time? When Miz listed those “titans” that didn’t measure up, he had time to mention Lashley then. Lashley doesn’t measure up? That was out of context!

Lashley shuts Miz up and says they made a deal. Miz has ONE HOUR to come to his senses and give Lashley what he wants. If Miz makes the wrong decision, he’ll be in a new reality series called “How Lashley Sent Me to the ER!” Lashley is going to take that title in a painful, merciless and awesome beating! Lashley then smooths out Miz’s suit for him, and lets the clock start ticking. Will Miz make sure to do the right thing by the Rocky Mountain Machine tonight?


Lucha House Party find Matt Riddle

They congratulate the Bro on winning and he thanks them back. This was cuz they had his back. Riddle finally got his win in the WarZone. He got stuck in the gulag, then busted out. No not the game! They’re talking about the US Championship! True, true. Riddle likes the eagle on this. He’ll name him, “Travis,” in honor of his friend who was a huge metal had. But hey, what’s he doing here if he has a match up next? Riddle has his stallion at the ready! High-ho, Razor scooter, AWAAAY~! But will the Bro be ready for JoMo in the ThunderDo…me?


Matt Riddle VS John Morrison!

Was the Guru of Greatness the only reason Riddle took the title from the Chief Hurt Officer? Or was it just finally the Bro’s time? Whatever it was, Riddle and Morrison now go 1v1 on the Road to WrestleMania! Can Morrison get in the Fastlane and take Riddle’s golden ticket away from him?

The bell rings and Riddle circles with Morrison. They tie up, Riddle waistlocks and SLAMS Morrison down, then drags him to an armbar! Morrison rolls it to a cover, TWO! Riddle and Morrison reset, tie up, and Riddle gets to a waistlock again. Morrison elbows out, runs but slides under the boot to kick and calf kick! Morrison hits a standing shooting star, into a triangle! Morrison gets the ropebreak, Riddle lets off fast, and the two reset again. Riddle and Morrison circle, Morrison bobs ‘n’ weaves to ROCK Riddle, but Riddle stays up to block the kick. Morrison kicks, Riddle ducks, Morrison fakes Riddle out but Riddle still gets an ankle kick!

Morrison rolls to throw Riddle off, then gets his own ankle lock, but Riddle rolls to throw Morrison down. Morrison avoids the Penalty Kick, gives an Eddy Gordo, then is right on Riddle, only for Riddle to SNAP GUT WRENCH! Cover, TWO! Riddle grows annoyed, but he storms up to Morrison for forearms. Morrison forearms back and they brawl! The hits are hard, Morrison mule kicks but Riddle blocks the roundhouse. Riddle throws body shots, Morrison pokes him in the eye! Morrison rolls Riddle to a takedown, then shifts to a dragon sleeper. Riddle moves around but Morrison just uses that to bend him back!

Riddle fights up, Morrison inverted suplexes Riddle to the apron and then ROUNDHOUSES him down! Morrison TORNILLO PLANCHAS! But Morrison clutches his leg, that may have been a bit double-edged! The ref starts a ring count, both men get up and Morrison puts Riddle in the drop zone! Morrison gets in but Riddle gets away, so Morrison stalks him. Morrison runs at ropes but into a HEADSCISSOR! They end up on the apron,. Morrison ROUNDHOUSES Riddle again! Morrison gets up but Riddle CHOPS him! And CHOPS him! And KICKS! Morrison mule kicks again, but kicks into a FISHERMAN BUSTER TO THE APRON!! The Bro is fired up as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Riddle is raining down rights on Morrison! Riddle drops a BROTON onto knees! Morrison fireman’s carries Riddle and shifts around for a ROLLING ALABAMA SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Riddle lives but Morrison wraps on with a chinlock! Morrison grinds Riddle to the mat, has an arm trapped for a pseudo straitjacket, but Riddle fights up and fights back. Morrison RAMS Riddle into a corner, fires off forearms, then lets off as the ref counts. Riddle hits back, backs Morrison down but Morrison shoves him. Riddle spins Morrison around to PELE! Riddle kips up, runs in and forearm smashes! Then side to side for another! Riddle hits a BROSPLODER!

Riddle runs, Morrison avoids the PK and the moonsault, but Riddle follows to the apron for another PENALTY KICK! SPRINGBOARD FLOATING BRO! Riddle puts Morrison in, gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Morrison escapes but Riddle keeps his cool. Riddle drags Morrison up, gut wrench but Morrison powers him to a corner again. Morrison rams his shoulder in more and more but Riddle fires off forearms! Morrison staggers, Riddle hops up but Morrison returns for a SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives and Morrison is beside himself! Morrison and Riddle rise and Morrison reels Riddle in, but no Moonlight Drive! BRO TO SLEEP!!

SUPERKICK from Morrison!! Riddle flops to the apron, Morrison staggers over but into a shoulder! Riddle slingshots to sunset flip, but Morrison rolls through to SHINING WIZARD! Riddle is in a drop zone, Morrison goes for the corner, but Riddle blocks the Starship Pain! Gut wrench to BRO DEREK!! Cover, Riddle wins!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

That’s how it’s done, bro! The Bro-nited States Champion is rolling, will he make it through the Fastlane and on to WrestleMania?


Rhea Ripley is coming to Raw!!

We don’t know when, but the Aussie Nightmare is going to bring her brutality to Monday nights!


Backstage interview with Damian Priest & Bad Bunny!

It’s been a whirlwind week so what’s next? Bunny says this is just the beginning. With his boy, Priest, by his side, we can get used to Bunny having the 24/7 Championship for a long time. Priest tells Truth he already saw him and Truth pretends he wasn’t just about to bring the ref over and win his baby back. Don’t play dumb, Truth. No, that guy was just agreeing to be at Truth’s party. Truth says Bunny and Jordan saved the world! And then Booker T, that’s a great hit. Truth just wants an autograph! Oh man he left his marker and Bugs Bunny shirt in the locker room.

Priest tells Truth this is Bad Bunny. Oh, Truth’s bad, Bunny. Ok, DP got him this time! Truth runs off, but will he have a much, much better plan to get his baby back next time?


Miz complains to Adam Pearce!

He’s really going to allow Lashley to intimidate THE WWE World Champion?! Are we really rewarding this behavior? Did Miz not make a deal with Lashley? There’s nothing on writing! Pearce should be on Miz’s side! That punk, Bad Bunny, hitting Miz is bad enough! But now this?! Pearce surprisingly agrees with Miz. So many have doubted Miz but now Miz is champion. That means Miz needs to take on all challengers! And there’s none bigger than Lashley! Miz isn’t saying he won’t be a fighting champion, he just wants to delay this for when the time is right. Then Miz needs to make his decision quick. The clock is ticking, 20 minutes left. Miz makes a call, but who to?


The New Day VS Retribution!

Xavier Woods still can’t complete the series against Mia “Reckoning” Yim, but he and Kofi Kingston are more than happy to take on the towering T-Bar and menacing Mace! Will things finally be settled with Mustafa Ali’s horde so that they can all move on?

Raw returns and Retribution makes their entrance! The teams sort out and Woods starts against T-Bar. Woods talks smack to Reckoning but T-Bar DECKS him! T-Bar brings Woods up to CLUB him, then brings him back up. Woods body shots, wrenches, and goes after the arm! Tag to Kofi, Kofi climbs up, and he leaps to double stomp the arm! Kofi wrenches the arm, clamps onto the shoulder, and taunts Mustafa Ali now. T-Bar powers up to scoop Kofi and SLAM him! Tag to Mace, he storms over to drag Kofi up, just to dribble him off the mat! Mace then feeds Kofi to T-Bar’s BOOT! Cover, TWO! Tag back to T-Bar, and Retribution mugs Kofi.

T-Bar looms over Kofi, drags him up, and scoops him for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kofi survives but T-Bar tags Mace back in. T-Bar BOOTS Woods, Mace drags Kofi up, Retribution combines for the HIGH JUSTICE!! Ali says not to cover off the double choke bomb yet, they need to hurt Kofi! Mace tags T-Bar back in, Mace dribbles Kofi, but T-Bar rushes Woods. Woods dumps T-Bar out! TROUBLE IN PARADISE for Mace! Mace bails out, T-Bar flounders back in, Kofi gives him TROUBLE IN PARADISE, too! Cover, NEW DAY WINS!!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall

Ali is FURIOUS! But at the same time, it is kinda his fault… Ali grabs a mic while the New Day laugh all the way to the back. Ali shouts at his people, “AGAIN!? How much longer are we gonna do this?!” How many times are they going to fail? Humiliate and embarrass him?! How much longer will he have to deal with this crap!? He’s carried them all on his back and all they do is fail! Ali storms off, will he give up on Retribution before they can redeem themselves?


Lashley and MVP head back to gorilla position!

Time is almost up! What will Miz’s decision be?!


Adam Pearce is in the ring!

“It’s been an hour, and the deadline for The Miz to answer Bobby Lashley’s ultimatum is here.” He introduces Lashley, and both the Chief Hurt Officer and MVP return to the ring. They shake hands with Pearce, and Pearce introduces The Miz! Miz and Morrison both walk out and head back to the ring. Lashley is upset that Miz is NOT dressed to compete, but what did he expect from Miz after what he said while talking with Pearce? Miz and Morrison get mics and Pearce keeps the peace. Lashley issued his challenge for the title, Miz had an hour to think, and has an obligation to give his decision. Miz says he has made his decision. He needs more time!

Quit stalling, Miz! You’re wasting Lashley’s time, and wasting time is like wasting money! Lashley doesn’t like wasting his money. Miz says he’s not worried about money, but the honor that this title deserves! There are many superstars coming after this title! Morrison would love his opportunity, too! MVP says Miz didn’t make a deal with the other superstars! Miz wants them to understand, he just needs more time! MVP steps aside, and Lashley cracks his knuckles. Miz understands Lashley wants the WWE Championship, and he deserves that match.

But Miz wants to be at his best so that the fans and the title get what they deserve! Miz just needs more time to give us all the caliber of match it deserves! At least wait a week! Right? Pearce can do that! Management is busy but this is best for business! But then here comes BRAAAUN!! The Monster Among Men storms his way to the ring, still upset that he wasn’t considered for the Elimination Chamber, and perhaps about a few other things. But Strowman says, “If anybody’s getting a WWE Championship match around here, it’s me!”

Pearce says Strowman can’t just barge out here but Strowman says he can do whatever he wants! It’s pretty clear that Pearce and Shane McMahon have a vendetta against Strowman, which is why they’re keeping him away from the title. The FORMER Universal Champion is way more qualified than Lashley! Miz says Lashley can’t let Strowman talk to him like that! MVP tells Miz to shut up, he’s not stirring the pot. Miz says he’s just defending- Shane appears?! Shane O’Mac is back again and he goes right to the ring! Shane gets a mic as fans clap and cheer on their screens.

Shane wants everyone to cool off, and says Pearce needs to be more stern. He tells Strowman he can’t just barge down and demand a title match. And to that point, if there’s a few neurons left that Strowman didn’t get the concept of this year’s Elimination Chamber, that was all for former WWE World Champions, not Universal. Strowman said it himself he was one, not the other. Well Strowman still thinks that idea sucks. He thinks Shane sucks, Miz sucks and Lashley sucks! Strowman wants his opportunity TONIGHT!! Shane says that idea sucks, so no. Then give Strowman a match with the challenger! Okay now that is intriguing! Strowman VS Lashley? YES!

Well Shane and Pearce love that match! The fans seem to like that, too, so here it is! Strowman VS Lashley, but the stakes are raised! If Strowman wins, next week we make it Strowman VS Lashley VS The Miz, Triple Threat for the WWE World Championship!! Miz is the only one who hates that idea. Strowman says that’s the smartest decision Shane’s ever made. But then Lashley CHOP BLOCKS Strowman from behind!! Morrison, Miz and MVP bail out as Strowman writhes and clutches his leg! Lashley stares Strowman down but Strowman still gets up to walk that sneak attack off! Will the Monster Among Men prove mightier than the Rocky Mountain Machine? Will things only get worse for Miz from here to WrestleMania?


Tornado Tag: Lucha House Party VS The Hurt Business!

MVP joins commentary as Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander take on Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik in this non-title tag! Will letting loose and forgetting the tags hurt the Hurt Business? Or will it make it that much easier for them to put the hurt on the Golden Lynx and King of the Ropes?

The bell rings and the brawling begins! Lince has Alexander, Benjamin has Metalik. Benjamin stomps Metalik down, Alexander corners Lince, Benjamin whips Metalik to CLOBBER him! Alexander snapmares and basement dropkicks Lince hard! MVP is proud of his pitbull, “Primed’ Alexander, and he stomps Lince down. Benjamin stomps Metalik in a corner, Alexander throws Lince around, but Metalik fights back! Benjamin shoves Metalik and back drops him! Alexander stomps Lince out of the ring and regroups with Benjamin. The Hurt Business work together, and Alexander snap suplexes Metalik! Cover, TWO!

Lince attacks but Benjamin is on him with knees! Benjamin gut wrenches Lince up to a Gory Especial! Lince endures but Alexander lines up a shot to dropkick Lince out of the Gory! MVP says that is just as they discussed! Cover on Lince, TWO! Alexander CLUBS Metalik to keep him away but Metalik hits back! Benjamin throws Lince out hard to go after Metalik. Benjamin brings Metalik around to snap suplex! Alexander drops a knee, and they coordinate on Metalik in a corner. Lince tries to make a save but Alexander RAMS Lince into barriers, then THROWS him into the LED apron! Metalik hits Benjamin with body shots and CHOPS, but Alexander bumps Lince off buckles.

Alexander stomps Lince, Metalik throws down fists on Benjamin, but Benjamin shifts and gets Metalik up! Benjamin gives Metalik a POWERBOMB! Cover but Lince breaks it! MVP says not to play with their food, just handle business. Lince hits Alexander, shields Metalik, but Benjamin CLUBS Lince. Benjamin kicks Lince to a corner, he and Alexander stomp away on him! They dig their boots in and Alexander scrapes Lince to the apron! Alexander mockingly shouts “LUCHA!” at Lince while Benjamin scoops Metalik. Alexander runs but Lince trips up his handspring! SUPERKICK for Alexander, ENZIGURI for Benjamin! Tilt-o-whirl DDT! And BIG SPLASH!! Cover, Alexander breaks it!

MVP claps that clutch hustle from Alexander, but now Alexander fights 2v1 against LHP! They CHOP Alexander in the corner, double whip him corner to corner, then whip Metalik in! Alexander puts Metalik on the apron and Alexander elbow shim down! Alexander BOOTS Lince, hops up, but Lince CHOPS him first! SUPER STEINER! Metalik goes up top, tightrope walks, and leaps, but Alexander dodges! Benjamin returns to POUNCE Metalik! Lince wheelbarrows but Benjamin sends him into Alexander’s KNEE! PAYDIRT!! Cover, the Hurt Business wins!

Winners: The Hurt Business, by pinfall

It was a close one, and MVP wants commentary to admit he was right about his guys. Will the Raw Tag Team Champions stay on top on the Road to WrestleMania?


Damian Priest w/ Bad Bunny VS Angel Garza!

The Archer of Infamy helped his buddy take the WWE 24/7 Championship off Akira Tozawa, and this could just be the beginning of big things for them both. Will Bunny return the favor and make sure Priest shoots down the Lethal Lothario tonight?

Raw returns and Garza makes his entrance, showing off his new red satin suit jacket. The bell rings and Garza rushes Priest, only for Priest to CLOBBER him! Cover, TWO! Priest ROCKS Garza to a corner, ROCKS him again, then throws heavy knees and even a headbutt! Priest ROCKS Garza again, stands him up and DECKS him! Priest drags Garza up, whips him to ropes then leg lariats him down! Cover, ONE, but Priest keeps his cool. Priest stalks Garza, kicks him to the corner, and drags him up, only for Garza to BUCKLE SHOT him! Garza ROCKS Priest, runs and CLOBBERS him! Garza takes off the tearaway pants and throws them at Bunny!

Garza stomps Priest, rains down rights, and stares Bunny down. Bunny says that’s fine, Priest will get him. Garza ground ‘n’ pounds, digs his fingers into Priest’s face, but Priest pushes him away. Garza basement dropkicks Priest to a corner! Then runs side to side, to BOOT WASH! Garza eggs Bunny on but Bunny just cheers Priest on. Garza pushes Priest around, paces, and looms over him for an armlock. Priest endures as Garza goes after the other arm, and puts on a camel clutch! Priest refuses to quit, and he fights up, only for Garza to KNOCK him down! Garza stomps away, then goes after the arms again.

Priest resists as Garza goes back for the camel clutch. Garza adds a neck wrench to the hold, and then talks trash to Bunny. Priest powers up and Bunny cheers as Priest gets to his feet! Priest turns things around but Garza hits Priest with a body shot! Priest is pissed and he punches Garza’s punch away! Priest blocks the kick to CLUB the leg! LEAPING ROUNDHOUSE! Priest roars to DECK Garza! Garza misses and swings into the BELL CLAP! ROUNDHOUSE, and Garza flops to a corner! Priest stomps the mat to power up, and he takes aim! Priest runs to LEAPING ELBOW! BROEKN ARROW! Cover, TWO!

Bunny says Priest has this, and Priest takes aim again. Garza slowly rises and Priest says it’s time to go home. Garza gest the ropes, Priest ROCKS him again! Priest stands Garza up, Garza blocks the whip to ROCK Priest back! Garza kicks low, underhooks Priest but keeps grinning at Bunny. Priest powers out of the Wing Clipper, but Garza LARIATS Priest out of the ring! Garza talks more trash to Bunny then dares the 24/7 Champion to get in the ring! The ref says no, one thing at a time. Bunny tells Garza to be more worried about Priest. Garza turns around into a ROUDNHOUSE! Priest goes up, FLYING WINDMILL KICK! Priest powers up, drags Garza back up, HIT THE LIGHTS!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

Bunny and Priest celebrate another victory, and now it’s time- For the chase! Tozawa runs in, Priest DECKS him! Humberto Carrillo is here, Priest ROUNDHOUSES him! Drew Gulak runs in but Bunny dodges and tosses him out! The 24/7 Champion is still bad, will Bunny and Priest make sure the sun never sets on this reign?


Randy Orton speaks.

“Failure. Failure is not a word that I’m all too familiar with.” Orton’s record proves it, but recently, he finds himself surrounded by it! Last week, he should’ve won the gauntlet so that he would’ve been at the best advantage in the Elimination Chamber! But he didn’t win that or the Chamber, and he was the very first out! So what’s the distraction, Orton? Every time he gets distracted, he does whatever he is to take care of it! Just like The Fiend! He set the Fiend on FIRE! Orton has made The Fiend no more. Some like to think he’s coming back, but he’s not!

But Orton is now in limbo. He is wondering, “Why can’t I focus on what matters?!” And the answer is Orton is distracted not by The Fiend, but by Alexa Bliss. Alexa’s ThunderDome takeover, her creepy pentagram and laugh, and for some reason, Orton is feeling hot. Orton BARFS UP BLACK INK!! The same ink that Alexa was happily drooling! What in the Hell is going on with The Viper and the Fiend’s best friend?!


Asuka & Charlotte Flair VS Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler!

The Empress didn’t get to defend her Raw Women’s Championship, and the Queen only has more strain on her brain, all because of the fact Lacey Evans announced she was pregnant! There was no confirmation nor denial of who the father is, but can Asuka & Charlotte focus on the Irresistible Force and Queen of Spades for just a moment?

Raw returns and Asuka makes her entrance. Then the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions make their entrances. The teams sort out, Shayna and Asuka start. They circle, tie up, and Asuka wrenches around to a wristlock. Shayna wrenches back and has a wristlock, but Asuka spins through to wrench and wristlock back. Shayna kicks Asuka in the leg, but then Asuka catches the next kick tog et around to a waistlock. Shayna resists but Asuka CLUBS Shayna to put on an IRON OCTOPUS! But Shayna powers out to a STRETCH MUFFLER! Asuka rolls that down to get the arm but Shayna gets up. Asuka wrenches Shayna, brings her over, and Charlotte tags in.

Charlotte takes the hand-off, wrenches Shayna, but Shayna fights the grip to get away. Nia tags in and Nia ties right up with Charlotte. They go around the ring, Charlotte headlocks, Nia throws body shots and then gets free to ROCK Charlotte! Charlotte ROCKS Nia back, CHOPS her, forearms, CHOPS, repeat! Charlotte is backing Nia down but Shayna gets in only to get a kick and an EXPLODER! Charlotte kips up, Asuka joins in, and the Queens of Tomorrow DOUBLE DROPKICK Nia out! Asuka hip attacks Shayna out, and she holds the ring with Charlotte as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Nia has Asuka in a cobra clutch! Asuka hip attacks and elbows free, but Nia RAMS her into the corner! Shayna tags in, she stomps away on Asuka, then lets off as the ref counts. Shayna drags Asuka up, snapmares her to KICK her in the back! Cover, TWO! Asuka growls as she sits up but Shayna is after her arm! Shayna twists the wrist and elbow as she stands over Asuka and stands on Asuka! The ref reprimands but Shayna steps off, just to switch feet. Tag to Nia, and Shayna hammerlocks Asuka’s arm to STOMP it! Nia then toys with Asuka as she writhes, and grabs the bad arm to put it around ropes! The ref counts, Nia lets off at 4, and Asuka clutches her arm.

Nia drags Asuka up, tags Shayna in, and they mug Asuka. Charlotte coaches Asuka, but Shayna clamps back onto the arm. Shayna stands over Asuka as she hammerlocks it again! Asuka avoids the stomp, rolls Shayna up, TWO! Asuka dropkicks Shayna down then tags Charlotte in! Charlotte bumps Shayna off buckles, fires off stomps, then lets off to throw forearms! Charlotte bumps Shayna off other buckles, then runs in, only to miss! Shayna kicks away on Charlotte’s leg, brings her over, and Nia tags in! Nia drags Charlotte around to club away on her! The champs work together to double suplex, but Charlotte lands on her feet to CLOBBER Shayna and CHOP Nia!

Charlotte whips but Nia reverses! Charlotte tumbles out then shoulders in! Charlotte BOOTS Shayna down, BOOTS Nia away, then Charlotte slingshots in to kick legs out! Nia staggers, Charlotte runs, but Nia pops Charlotte up to BOMB her down! Cover, TWO!! Charlotte survives but Nia is right on her again! Nia drags Charlotte up, wraps on a sleeper, and squeezes tight! Charlotte endures, fights up, and hits a jawbreaker! Nia CLOBBERS Charlotte in return! Nia drags Charlotte away, tags in Shayna, and Shayna fires off hands! Shayna wrenches Charlotte’s arm, has a hammerlock and chicken wings, but Charlotte cradle counters! TWO, and Shayna KICKS Charlotte down!

Shayna has Charlotte’s arm again and drags her from Asuka. Nia tags back in, the champs mug Charlotte, then whips her in. Charlotte DECKS Shayna, but leaps into Nia’s arms! Charlotte clubs away, sunset flips and rolls her into the corner! Shayna tags back in and DECKS Asuka before Charlotte can get there! But Charlotte trips Shayna up to the FIGURE FOUR! Shayna resists, Nia DROPS A LEG! The ref reprimands but Nia makes sure Charlotte couldn’t finish Shayna! Shayna keeps Charlotte anchored but Charlotte kicks at her. Charlotte gets away, hot tag to Asuka! Asuka goes up, leaps, missile dropkick for Shayna!

Nia tags in, she runs at Asuka but Asuka dodges to ROUNDHOUSE! Asuka hip attacks Shayna! And hip attacks Nia! Back to Shayna, and then she sends Nia into Shayna! CODE BREAKER! SLIDING WIZARD! Cover, TWO, to an ARMBAR!! Shayna KICKS Asuka, drags her off Nia and wants her Kirafuda! Asuka turns things around, Shayna resists the Asuka Lock, Charlotte runs in! Shayna sends the BOOT into Asuka!! Shayna throws Charlotte out,  Nia DROPS A LEG!! Cover, Nia and Shayna win!!

Winners: Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler, by pinfall

The tag team champions win, and Nia pins the Raw Women’s Champion! Will this mean the Irresistible Force has her ticket to Fastlane? Charlotte reaches a hand out to Asuka but Asuka slaps it away! Asuka is upset with Charlotte, even if it was a miscommunication. Charlotte says she has enough on her plate so she’s done with this. Is this the end of the Queens of Tomorrow tandem?


Jeff Hardy VS Sheamus!

The Charismatic Enigma and Celtic Warrior didn’t have the fortune of taking the title off Drew McIntyre in the Elimination Chamber, but the Road to WrestleMania is still clear! Will one cut off the other and head for the Fastlane?

Raw returns and Sheamus makes his entrance. The bell rings and Sheamus rushes Hardy with hard kicks and forearms! Sheamus clubs away on Hardy, drags him up and throws more hands! Sheamus whips, Hardy goes up and kicks him away to then headscissor Sheamus down! But Sheamus gets up to CLOBBER Hardy with an elbow! Sheamus stands on Hardy’s head at the ropes, lets off at the ref’s count, and then drags Hardy up to ROCK him with a EuroUpper! Sheamus wrenches Hardy, clamps onto the arm and grinds it down! Sheamus elbows away on the arm but Hardy throws haymakers!

Hardy arm-drags Sheamus out but Sheamus returns fast! Hardy hammers Sheamus, stomps him to a corner, but the ref backs him off. Sheamus comes back to CLOBBER Hardy! Sheamus drags Hardy up, fireman’s carries, but Hardy fights free! Hardy puts Sheamus on the apron but Sheamus CLUBS him in the back! Sheamus goes to tie Hardy up on the ropes but Hardy elbows free! Hardy dropkicks the legs out then WRECKS Sheamus with another dropkick! Hardy goes out, takes aim, and runs in to CALF KICK Sheamus into the barriers! Both men are down as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns again and Sheamus elbows away on Hardy’s shoulders while he clamps onto the arm! Hardy endures, Sheamus claws at his face but Hardy throws haymakers! Sheamus knees low then hits the IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! And then another! And another! Cover, TWO!! Hardy survives but Sheamus sits him up to give him Beats of the Bodhrain! Sheamus digs his knee into Hardy’s head and neck, claws at his face, and hammers away again! Hardy flounders to a corner, Sheamus drags Hardy up but fans rally on their screens. Hardy fires off body shots, hits a jawbreaker, and Sheamus staggers away! Hardy kicks, but no Twist as Sheamus KNEES Hardy!

Sheamus back suplexes, Hardy lands on his feet and POSTS Sheamus! WHISPER IN THE WIND! Both men are down but still stirring as fans clap on their screens. Hardy blocks Sheamus’ punches to give haymakers, then whips only for Sheamus to reverse. Hardy still forearms Sheamus down, atomic drop to leg splitting leg drop! Basement dropkick and the SPLASH, but onto knees! Cover, TWO!! Hardy narrowly escapes, Sheamus shakes out the cobwebs, and Sheamus runs in but into boots! Sheamus is down, Hardy heads up! Hardy leaps for a SPLASH, covers, TWO! Sheamus is still in this as he gets himself to a corner.

Hardy waits for Sheamus to stand up, kicks but Sheamus blocks! Hardy spinning mule kicks, then goes after Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus BOOTS the Hardyac Arrest! But Hardy kicks back for a TWIST OF FATE! Sheamus is down again, Hardy heads for the corner and climbs up fast! Hardy aims but Sheamus gets under the leap! Hardy hobbles, Sheamus back drops but Hardy sunset flips! Sheamus rolls through, denies the Twist but misses the Brogue! Hardy rolls Sheamus up, TWO!! Sheamus pokes Hardy in the eye then KNEES him in the head, for a BROGUE!! Cover, Sheamus wins!

Winner: Sheamus, by pinfall

The Enigma just fell to the Fella! Will this prove that Sheamus should be next in line after the Road to WrestleMania clears up?


Ric Flair talks with Charlotte backstage.

She just can’t do this anymore! She can’t focus on her matches, on what she loves doing, and that is wrestling! Ric having the audacity to dance around with Lacey like that’s his unborn child is not okay! This isn’t about who is better, but about the legacy of the Flair name! This isn’t funny anymore! Does Ric see Charlotte out there? This is not the performer she is supposed to be! She’s sorry but he has to go home! Ric never said he was the father. And he saw a lot of potential in a genuinely good human being. He sees “potential” in a lot of young women. But doing it on Charlotte’s time with a coworker is not okay!

Ric says he was just trying to motivate Lacey like he did Charlotte! He doesn’t want to say Charlotte became who she is because of him, but he did have a part in it! Charlotte is an all-time-great already, but what about the tough love and advice, their time together? He was just trying to expand the Ric Flair brand! The man behind the Raw Women’s Championship title! He wants the women’s division to be the biggest thing ever! So sorry if she thinks he’s doing something trashy! He wants “Flair” to again be a household name! Well, Charlotte isn’t seeing that. Ric wants to be her dad, he wants to support women, he’s their biggest fan, but then he is taking the spotlight! Her time in the ring is her time!

Charlotte says she is working to prove she isn’t just “Ric’s Daughter,” but that she is Charlotte! He is still trying to be the Nature Boy, at her expense. She is thankful for everything he has given her, but let her be that person on her own. She still loves him, but… Charlotte storms off and Ric doesn’t seem to know what to do. Will the Flair family still be a family after this?


Naomi & Lana VS Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose!

The #RavishingGlow have a title shot in their back pockets, but the #SexyMuscleFriends are not out of the chase! Will Dana & Mandy prove that their #FlexAppeal is more than enough to earn their own shot?

The teams sort out, Dana and Naomi start. They tie up, Naomi puts Dana in a corner, KICKS her down, then tags in Lana. Naomi feeds Dana to Lana’s ax kick and BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Lana drags Dana up while the tag champs watch backstage. Dana rolls Lana, TWO! Dana ROCKS Lana, drags her over to the corner, and Mandy tags in. They coordinate, scoop slam to KNEE! Cover, TWO! Mandy bumps Lana off buckles, stomps her down, then lets off as the ref counts. Tag to Dana, Dana handsprings in to back elbow Lana! Tag back to Mandy, and Dana feeds Lana to Mandy’s scoop! Lana fights out, reaches for Naomi, but Mandy holds her back!

Lana ROCKS Mandy and tags in Naomi! Mandy whips Lana but Lana RAMS Dana! Lana and Naomi combine for a DOUBLE FACEBUSTER! Cover, Naomi & Lana win!

Winners: Naomi & Lana, by pinfall

The best friends celebrate and hurry away, will they be able to make Nia & Shayna #FeelTheGlow on the Road to WrestleMania?


AJ Styles w/ Omos VS Ricochet!

The Phenomenal One and the One & Only revive an old rivalry, but with Styles’ colossal cohort ringside, will Ricochet stand a chance?

Raw returns as Ricochet makes his entrance. The bell rings and Styles runs at Ricochet but Ricochet dropkicks him down! Ricochet fires off kicks and KICKS Styles out of the ring! Ricochet dares Styles to come back, and Styles downs, into a scoop and SLAM! Ricochet drops an elbow, runs to drop another, then covers, ONE!! Ricochet KICKS Styles while he’s down, drags him up and reels him in, and suplexes, only for Styles to slip out. Styles goes to a corner, boots but Ricochet blocks, so Styles kicks the leg out! Styles snap suplexes Ricochet into buckles! Styles checks his jaw while hobbling over to Ricochet.

Styles drags Ricochet up and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Styles wraps onto Ricochet with a chinlock and grinds him down. Ricochet endures, fights up, and Ricochet throws body shots. Ricochet is free, he runs, but into Styles’ dropkick now! Styles seethes a bit and he kicks Ricochet to the corner. Omos says Styles to show Ricochet who he is, but Ricochet blocks the stomp to fire off hands! Ricochet has Styles in the corner, hammers away but lets off as the ref counts! Ricochet runs corner to corner but Styles throat chops him! Ricochet sputters, Styles brings him around and kicks low to suplex and hang Ricochet out to dry! Styles wanted that rebound catch, but Ricochet RANA COUNTERS! Cover, TWO!!

Styles and Ricochet get up, Ricochet ROUNDHOUSES to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Ricochet pushes Styles to a drop zone, goes up top, and leaps for the- No, he has to bail out as Styles moves! Ricochet fireman’s carries but Styles KNEES him down! Styles drags Ricochet up, gets him in the STYLES CLASH! Cover, Styles wins!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall

It wasn’t quite phenomenal, but Omos says that was quick work! Omos then looms over Ricochet, and Styles wants him to finish it! Omos dead lifts Ricochet right up, for a TOWERING TWO HAND SLAM!! Styles is phenomenal, Omos is one of a kind, will these two start to take over Raw on the Road to WrestleMania?


Miz and Morrison talk backstage.

If Lashley wins, Miz still faces Lashley. If Strowman wins, Miz faces both of them! This is not the plan! Morrison says root for Lashley. But that’s not good enough! It’s better than both! Strowman comes over and Morrison asks what’s up. Miz and Morrison hurry away, but the battle of behemoths is finally upon us! Will the Monster Among Men manhandle the All Mighty to then mangle The Miz?


Braun Strowman VS Bobby Lashley w/ MVP!

The Hollywood A-Lister put his foot in his mouth and now he’s facing down a massive challenge next week! Will these kaiju of wrestling both be going after The Miz’s gold? Or will the Rocky Mountain Machine be able to derail the Strowman Express?

Surprisingly, The Miz heads to ringside now! He surely wants to keep an eye on this battle since it determines his own fate. The bell rings and the two titans tie up! Lashley puts Strowman in a corner but Strowman powers up and they go around the ropes. The ref wants a break but Strowman puts Lashley in a corner. The ref counts, Strowman lets off at 4, and Miz joins commentary. Lashley gets around Strowman to waistlock and SLAM Strowman down! Strowman gets right up, Lashley gets him in another waistlock but Strowman switches to SLAM Lashley! Cover, ONE! Strowman hammers Lashley and Lashley gets to a corner.

MVP coaches Lashley but Strowman whips Lashley corner to corner! Strowman throws elbows into Lashley over and over as Miz says he didn’t really need to honor the deal he made. Strowman runs to SPALSH Lashley, then he scoops him! Lashley grabs ropes to resist the slam so Strowman TOSSES him out! The ref wants Strowman to wait but Strowman goes out the side! The express builds speed, but Lashley LEAPS to avoid it, and Strowman hits steel steps! Miz says this is the type of match he loves! Lashley LEAPS and CLOBBERS Strowman! Lashley puts Strowman in the ring, but Strowman is right up! Lashley runs to dropkick a leg out!

Lashley drags Strowman up for a COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Strowman is still in this but Lashley hammers away on him! Miz says there is no denying the talents of these two men, but as THE WWE Champion, you have to earn a match to even beat him! Lashley stalks Strowman, and he wants the full nelson! Strowman keeps the Hurt Lock unlocked, but Lashley kicks low! Lashley manages to suplex Strowman up! But Strowman fights out, kicks Lashley and runs, to CLOBBER Lashley! Strowman glares down at Lashley while foaming at the mouth! Lashley is in the corner, Strowman runs in to SPLASH, and scoop! MONSTER SLAM!!! Cover, TWO!?!?

Strowman is shocked and so is everyone else! How did Lashley survive that slam?! MVP is rabid as Strowman drags Lashley up and scoops him again! Lashley slips out, to MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTER Strowman?! Lashley builds a lot of speed to SPEAR Strowman down!! Cover, Lashley wins!!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall

And the All Mighty keeps the Monster away from Miz! But he adds on to CHOP BLOCK Strowman’s leg again! Lashley wants to make Strowman pay for butting into his business! HURT LOCK!! Strowman is a rag doll! But Miz gets in to rush Lashley, only to get a MIGH HIGH SPINEBUSTER for his trouble! Lashley aims at Miz as Miz slowly sits up. MVP demands Miz get up to pay for trying to go back on their deal! SPEAR!! Lashley decimates a monster and a champion, will he be all of that and more after next week?!

My Thoughts:

This was a pretty strong Raw to follow Elimination Chamber and steer things towards Fastlane. I will say there were some straight up filler with Lana & Naomi VS Dana & Mandy and Styles VS Ricochet, mostly to keep Lana-Naomi and Styles strong. Poor Ricochet… Now, I know Sheamus VS Hardy wasn’t really for anything, so in a way it’s filler, but because of how much longer and how much more competitive that match was, it doesn’t feel as awful as the filleriest filler that those other matches were. Riddle VS Morrison was a great opening match, but was also lengthier and more competitive so it isn’t really filler but showing Riddle’s on a roll now that he’s champion.

New Day VS Retribution wasn’t filler because after New Day’s win, Ali gets pissed at the team and acts like they’re at fault. This is progress for the Retribution story, where the other members might actually kick Ali out of the group and either go on their own or finally be themselves again. The Tornado Tag wasn’t really filler, it was showing that Alexander & Benjamin can be on the same page when there’s no tagging, and they dominate that way. With so few tag teams on Raw, I feel like the only team strong enough to challenge the Hurt Business is once again the New Day, which is a sign of how poorly WWE/Vince is treating the tag division during this time.

I liked the interaction with R-Truth, Priest and Bad Bunny. Priest and Bunny are faces for now but Truth constantly getting things confused could push Priest into hitting Truth and getting him some Heel heat. Priest VS Garza was good, and not really filler as Garza was getting at Bunny as much as he was taking the fight to Priest. Garza was 24/7 Champion, he might go after Bunny at some point, and I really hope we get a lot of stuff from now to Fastlane, and a lot of stuff at Fastlane, for this title. Truth already kinda wasted his Elmer Fudd shtick before this but he might bring it back around just for his part in this story.

Asuka & Charlotte VS Nia & Shayna was a very good match and definitely not filler, it was a great way to adjust for the changes with Lacey Evans being shoot pregnant. I still don’t like that they were work-shooting it, but I guess “distracted” Charlotte accidentally booting Asuka and that’s why they lose works out. The backstage segment with Ric and Charlotte did a LOT to salvage this story, because it got all the feelings out and even framed it, as should have been framed all along, that Ric really was just helping Lacey. Charlotte and Ric still have tension, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they ruined this moment by having Ric just latch onto, say, Peyton Royce. Also Rhea Ripley coming to Raw, HELL YEAH!

Orton had a good promo on what Alexa is doing to mess with him, but what made it a great segment was the barfing of the black goo! Alexa’s powers are growing, Orton is being haunted, The Fiend is coming back, it will be great. The main story being the world title was all great stuff. There was a deal between Miz and Lashley, Miz wants to chicken out of it, and then things just get worse as Strowman gets pissed. We do get a great match out of it, and I’m a bit surprised that Lashley won. I would think Miz finds a way to use the two behemoths against each other next week, but I suppose it’s just easier to book if it’s him and Lashley 1v1.

McIntyre didn’t play a part tonight but that perhaps makes the most sense of anything because he won the Chamber only to get the crap kicked out of him by Lashley and Miz. But surely, McIntyre will confront whoever wins next week, maybe that’s a Fastlane match, then maybe we circle back to McIntyre VS Sheamus for Mania. There are still a lot of variables, but this is going to be some good stuff that will slowly but surely help Raw get back up in ratings. Or at least up in my scores here. Speaking of…

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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