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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (2/26/21)

Who is heading to WrESTleMania?



Coverage SmackDown 2021

Will Bianca Belair choose the Raw or SmackDown Women’s Champion?

After weeks of deliberation, the Women’s Royal Rumble Winner is ready to decide! Will The EST of the WWE choose Asuka of Raw or Sasha Banks of SmackDown for a WrESTleMania moment?


  • Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Alpha Academy; The Alpha Academy wins.
  • Apollo Crews VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Crews wins.
  • Liv Morgan w/ Ruby Riott VS Tamina w/ Natalya; Tamina wins.
  • The Street Profits VS Sami Zayn & King Corbin; The Street Profits win.
  • Daniel Bryan VS Jey Uso; Double Count-Out, Bryan does not receive a Universal Championship match at Fastlane.


Roman Reigns heads to the ring!

The Head of the Table is still WWE Universal Champion after the stacked deck sham he put together for the Elimination Chamber PPV last Sunday, and is still flanked by Paul Heyman and Jey Uso. But after putting a battered Daniel Bryan down, Roman got SPEARED by Edge! And after pointing to the WrestleMania sign, it was clear what Edge wanted next! Pyro goes off, fans give thumbs down on the ThunderDome screens, and Heyman hands Roman a mic. “I don’t think it’s a secret: SmackDown needs me.” The same for the Elimination Chamber PPV needing him. So Roman answered the call, because that’s what the Tribal Chief does! He saves the show! So Roman defended his title against the Chamber winner!

And then what happened? Roman SMASHED Daniel Bryan in “the most exciting ass whooping of the year, maybe the decade.” That is who Roman is in this life. Anyone else in his shoes, anyone else in this role, they’d boast and brag and throw a party. But not Roman! Roman is above that, and operates at a higher level. No one else understands. It was nearly perfect. But it wasn’t perfect, because of one man: EDGE. So yes, Edge got one on Roman. A Spear in Roman’s ring on Roman’s night. Then Edge had to go and point at the sign and make it official: Roman VS Edge at WrestleMania!

But Roman is telling us all right now, Edge doesn’t want that. Edge doesn’t need that in his life. So Roman will give Edge another opportunity: back out. Go home and never look back. Edge has a beautiful family, is a father and husband. Roman doesn’t want to hurt Edge. Roman likes what Edge stands for, respects the legacy and the comeback. But Roman doesn’t want to hurt Edge. “So understand this, get it through that thick head of yours.” A man like Edge doesn’t stand a chance against a man like Roman. But here comes the GOAT, Daniel Bryan!

Bryan says “nearly perfect” huh? That’s how Roman describes his title defense? Bryan felt the need to come out and say, from his perspective, that’s true. How “magnanimous” of Roman to face someone who went through an Elimination Chamber! Roman DOES deserve a celebration! But there have been some rumblings about some people who think differently. That Roman coming out immediately after the Chamber was cowardly. To take a man exhausted from fighting five others and going through hell, and start a match right there, that person isn’t a real champion at all.

But Bryan isn’t saying that! No, he isn’t complaining! He’s just addressing what others are saying. But Bryan was a bit baffled by was for the Head of the Table to defend his Universal Championship in the second match. Wouldn’t he want to be the main event? Or would that have given the winner too much time? So the thing is, Bryan was in this ring against Roman in his very first match in the WWE, and Bryan always saw Roman’s talent! Roman wants to create a legacy, so here’s a chance to make it all right, so that there will be no doubt and no comparison between them, because there have been a lot. Bryan challenges Roman to defend that title one more time, 1v1, at Fastlane.

Jey Uso snatches Bryan’s mic and asks what DB is doing. All Bryan has is excuses! Bryan lost to the Best of the Best! Back of the line, Uce! If you want to get to the Head, go through the Right Hand Man! Be careful or you’ll get got! Bryan asks Roman if Jey speaks for him now. Roman says after what he did to Bryan, Bryan wants to get hurt again? Jey DECKS Bryan! And then throws him out of the ring! Jey goes out to TOSS Bryan up and over barriers! Roman smiles and laughs with Jey about what they did to Bryan just now. But will a simply blindside be enough to keep Bryan down?


Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville discuss the BiggEST Decision.

Bianca VS Asuka, Bianca VS Sasha, both are huge. Edge comes in, though, and is pretty sure they were listening to Bryan just now. Is Bryan going to get a match at Fastlane before Edge gets his at WrestleMania? He wants to talk. What will the Rated R Superstar and the WWE Officials come up with in regards to Bryan wanting another round with Roman?


SmackDown returns as The Bloodline talks backstage.

Roman has Heyman take the belt and Jey apologizes for jumping the gun. But DB was disrespecting them! Roman says there’s nothing to apologize for, so long as Jey gets the job done. That’s what matters. Roman tells Jey to handle this, but will he get the Goat?


SmackDown now returns to Edge’s discussion with Pearce and Deville.

Edge arrives and is hearing people talking about Roman VS Bryan at Fastlane, but last thing he heard from the officials is that there would be a tag team match. Which is it? Pearce knows it was on the table, but that was all tentative. Now Bryan is issuing his shot and Jey stepped up, this all fell in their laps! But see, if Bryan beats Jey, they’ll make the title match at Fastlane. And no disrespect to Edge, but the Universal Championship is a big attraction. Oh, no disrespect, huh? Edge leaves perhaps feeling disrespected. But will Edge really protest Bryan taking the title from Roman? Or is it something else Edge wants that facing Bryan can’t give him?


Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Alpha Academy!

Just last week, the Mysterios were just as shaken up by Chad Gable getting the Blue Collar Brawler to transform into a menacing machine! Gable gets on the mic and has us relive that in replay footage. The Dozer did not show mercy to Rey, and for purpose of “film study,” they use slowmo on the last part, where Otis hits a huge second rope splash. Gable has Otis pumped up and ready to go again, will we just see a replay in real-time this week?

The teams sort out, Otis and Rey start and Gable tells Otis to stick to the plan. Otis rushes Rey but Rey trips him up! But Otis turns around to run Rey over! Otis drags Rey into position, and runs to hit an elbow drop! Otis stalks Rey, scoops him, and then TOSSES him to a corner! Gable keeps coaching Otis and Otis runs corner to corner to RAM into Rey! Otis throws clubbing forearms but Gable has Otis cool off and bring Rey over. Otis does as ordered and Gable tags in. Gable fireman’s carries Rey to pop him up for a GUTBUSTER! Gable bumps Rey off buckles, RAMS into him, then runs, into a BOOT!

Rey reaches for Dom but Gable fireman’s carry takeovers! Gable drags Rey back but Rey ENZIGURIS! Hot tag to Dom! Dom rallies on Coach Gable! Back elbow in the corner, whip corner to corner but Gable reverses. Dom goes up and over and wheelbarrows Gable into buckles! Dom hops up, walks the ropes and hits a TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!! Gable survives but Rey tags in! Dom lifts Gable up, SEATED SENTON SPINEBSUTER! Rey DECKS Otis, Dom catapults Gable to ropes, DOUBLE 619!! Rey climbs up, bad ribs and all, for a FROG SPLASH! Cover, but Otis breaks it in time! Otis CLOBBERS Dom!

The ref reprimands, Gable tells Otis to go out so he can tag in. Otis again does as ordered and tags in, to catch Rey’s springboard, to a POWERSLAM! Gable tells Otis to finish Rey, and Otis puts Rey in a drop zone. Otis climbs up, for the DOZER SPLASH!! Cover, Alpha Academy wins!

Winner: The Alpha Academy, by pinfall

Last week, Otis and Gable lost because they went too far! This week, they win by sticking to the plan! Will Gable and Otis bulldoze their way to a SmackDown Tag Team Championship opportunity?


Apollo Crews heads to the ring!

A change in mindset is accompanied by a change in ring gear. Apollo sports new gear after unleashing aggression and frustration on both Shinsuke Nakamura AND Big E last week, where Big E was left injured! Big E is home recovering but Apollo is here smiling at what he’s done. Part of Apollo’s new gear is a long scarf, that he takes time to put on before getting a mic. “A lot of people have been wondering what’s been going on with me lately.” This isn’t the Apollo they knew. Well to be honest, no one ever knew a thing about him! For far too long he’s been nice, humble and respectful, yet has not received the same respect. Being who Apollo is and who his family is, that is unacceptable.

Apollo isn’t from the hood or from suburbia. He is from Nigeria! He is a “REAL African American”, and this is the REAL Apollo! His ancestors are ROYALTY! His great grandfather, Akume Uhaa, ruled the Tiiv Nations and controlled some of the richest lands in Nigeria! Akume spent his days draped in gold, and his nights with his five wives! FIVE, imagine that! Akume’s word was law, and his power was feared. This is who APOLLO is, and what he represents! He wears the colors of Nigeria, for they represent wealth, dominance and power. Big E found that out firsthand last week, because just like great-grandfather Akume would say, if your enemies defy you, you show them the steel.

Big E was defiant, telling Apollo to go to catering. But what Apollo did was go back to his roots, to tell us how his great-grandfather would’ve said it! “I showed Big E the steel, and I guarantee you he will NEVER disrespect me again.” And as for the King of Strong Style, he will suffer the exact same- Shinsuke Nakamura interrupts! Will he make Apollo regret what he has done?

Apollo Crews VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

But Apollo doesn’t let Nakamura finish his entrance! Apollo attacks from behind, drags him up and throws him out! Apollo grabs the steel steps!! The ref gets in the way but Apollo tells him to move! The ref refuses so the steel is thrown aside while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns, the match has started, and Apollo drags Nakamura out of a corner to reel him in and CLOBBER him! Apollo makes sure his scarf is neatly set on the corner, before he whips Nakamura corner to corner hard! Apollo drags Nakamura up, snap suplexes him and covers, ONE! Apollo grinds Nakamura down with a chinlock but Nakamura endures. Nakamura fights up, throws elbows to get free, but Apollo grabs hair and pulls him in for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Nakamura landed on his knees and comes back with a DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Both men are down as Nakamura shakes out the cobwebs.

Apollo drags Nakamura up but Nakamura KICKS him down! Nakamura KICKS and KICKS, then whips Apollo to the corner. Apollo reverses, but Nakamura dodges to KICK him in the back! Nakamura hangs Apollo out to dry to AX KICK him down! And then SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Nakamura stomps away, wraps Apollo up but Apollo fights out and GERMAN SUPLEXES! He holds on to GERMAN SUPLEX Nakamura again! Apollo wants the hat trick, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Cover, TWO! Apollo grows annoyed with Nakamura, and drags him up to whip. Nakamura reverses, Apollo ducks one kick but not the windmill!

Apollo gets to a corner, Nakamura runs in but blocks the boot! Nakamura spins Apollo into ropes, and hits the SLIDING GERMAN! Cover, but they’re too close to the ropes! Nakamura has to let off, but he aims from the other corner. Apollo bails out to avoid Kinshasa, and Nakamura is frustrated. Nakamura pursues, runs around the way but into a kick! Apollo whips Nakamura into steps! Apollo puts Nakamura in, drags him up, and lifts but Nakamura slips out! Nakamura has a sleeper hold! Apollo gets to the corner, and uses his scarf to save him from being dragged out of the corner! And then Apollo uses the scarf to YANK himself in, ramming Nakamura’s head into buckles!

Nakamura staggers back, Apollo ENZIGURIS him! Apollo drags Nakamura up for an OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, Apollo wins!!

Winner: Apollo Crews, by pinfall

Apollo’s heritage has helped Apollo win! Will it be long before Apollo adds gold to the green and white he now wears?


Roman sits in his private room.

Heyman walks over to say he saw Pearce make it official: If Bryan wins tonight, he gets a title shot at Roman at Fastlane. So no tag team match? Well it’s only if Bryan wins tonight. Roman thinks on that. Does he have a way of making sure things go as originally planned?


Liv Morgan w/ Ruby Riott VS Tamina w/ Natalya!

Things got a bit odd last week when Billie Kay came out bandwagon-ing the duo of second generation superstars, thereby distracting the Riott Squad. But how will things turn out this time, minus the distractions?

The bell rings, Tamina powers Liv to a corner, but Liv avoids a haymaker! Liv tries to roll Tamina but Tamina swats Liv away! Liv goes Matrix to avoid the clothesline, but Tamina sweeps the legs! Tamina drags Liv up but Liv kicks her away! Liv dodges the stomp, throws hands but Tamina swings on Liv. Liv dodges again to RANA Tamina to a corner! Liv runs in but into a SUPERKICK! Ruby coaches Liv but Tamina shouts at her, “Is this what you want?!” Tamina drags Liv up and DECKS her! Natty cheers as Tamina dribbles Liv into buckles! Tamina TOSSES Liv across the way! Tamina runs to HIP ATTACK Liv in a corner! Cover, TWO!! Liv still lives but Ruby is worried for her.

Liv hits Tamina back but Tamina CLOBBERS her with a back elbow! Liv sits up in a daze and reaches for Tamina. Tamina slaps Liv’s hands off her then drags her up. Tamina suplexes Liv up and over hard, then covers, TWO! Tamina is annoyed but she drags Liv back up. Liv throws body shots, but Tamina throws Liv down by her hair! Tamina looms over Liv, pushes her around, and drags her up to whip to ropes. Liv blocks the hip toss, goes for a backslide, but Tamina flips her up and over! Liv ENZIGURIS Tamina back! Ruby rallies up as Liv dodges Tamina in the corner and dropkicks her back! Liv fires off, the ref counts, but Tamina throws Liv into the corner.

Liv BOOTS Tamina, hops up, leaps, and missile dropkicks! Down goes Tamina and Liv covers, ONE!! Natty shouts for Tamina to “FINISH HER!” Tamina dodges Liv in a corner now, and then fireman’s carries to the SAMOAN DROP! Tamina roars, drags Liv right up again, and whips her into a scoop! SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Cover, Tamina wins!

Winner: Tamina, by pinfall

Ain’t nobody meana! Will the second generation stars soon shine in a Women’s Tag Team Championship opportunity?


SmackDown returns with Deville and Pearce in the ring.

Pearce says “Bianca Belair has been called the future of the WWE.” “And tonight,” Sonya adds, “she’s going to make her WrestleMania decision. The future is now!” They welcome the 2021 Women’s Royal Rumble winner and the EST of WWE, Bianca Belair! Bianca heads to the ring, gets a mic for herself, and she says it’s been exactly 3 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours and 6 minutes since she won the Royal Rumble and her life changed! And that’s just the beginning, because now she gets a WrestleMania main event against a Women’s Champion of her choosing! So will it be Raw’s Asuka? Or SmackDown’s Sasha Banks?

Bianca knows everyone’s been patiently waiting, and as silly as this might sound, her mom always told her life is about choices. A good choice is all good, but a bad choice haunts you forever. The choices you make define you, so her choice is clear. Wait, Reginald is here to interrupt! Mother Belair is right, this choice will define Bianca’s legacy. Bianca made a choice to team with Sasha, and so she knows how Sasha thinks, attacks and counterattacks. Bianca was elevated by Sasha’s genius. Reggie knows how hard Bianca has worked to get here, and that journey is inspiring to so many. Bianca is special, and we are all in awe because she is living the dream!

BUT, Reggie knows deep down, if Bianca chooses Sasha, the dream will dissolve into a nightmare! When Bianca is down on the mat, broken, defeated, haunted by her bad choice, she will hear her mother’s words ringing in her ears. Her choices will define her, and she will be nothing but a loser. But here comes The Boss! Bianca can’t help but laugh as the SmackDown Women’s Champion struts to the ring. Sasha snatches Reggie’s mic, pats his head, and says he was to NEVER speak for her! She pushes him aside and says, “Enough of this!” Bianca, Sasha is more than just the champion! She is the standard! So if EST wants to make history, and to become the conversation, she will choose Sasha.

Bianca is the EST of the WWE, but Sasha disagrees. Sasha is the BEST. Sasha is number one! That just makes Bianca… second best. Sasha laughs, holds up her title, and smiles. Bianca says, “Girl, uh-uh.” Sasha standing here with a lot to say but she’s gonna eat her words on the GrandEST Stage of Them All! Bianca will take the title, and show she IS the strongest, the fasted, the roughest, and the B-EST ever! “So Sasha…” Bianca points to the sign! “It’s on.” The decision has been made, whether Reggie likes it or not! But who will come to regret this more come WrESTleMania?


Sami Zayn meets with King Corbin backstage.

The camera crew is annoying Corbin but Sami has them back up a bit. Sami asks Corbin to answer truthfully: What does Corbin think of the conspiracy against Sami? Corbin thinks the crew needs to get to the bottom of this: WHY are they teaming together? That’s Sami’s idea, actually. What? Why? Well, they don’t get along, yes, but they had great chemistry in that Elimination Chamber qualifier. Plus, Sami could use a win! He was robbed of his Intercontinental Championship, and of an Elimination Chamber victory. Sami thinks he and Corbin could easily beat the Street Profits, and then move on to becoming tag team champions! Sami’s brain, Corbin’s brawn, they could take over! They can be the New CanAm Connection! Kingdom of Liberty! Sami’s just spit-balling.

Corbin stops Sami with the names, and agrees that yes, they could easily beat the Profits and then run the SmackDown Tag Division. Is that on record? But Corbin doesn’t want Sami telling him what to do, and he wants Sami’s camera crew to stop recording him! Just be professional. Sami says they can just edit out that last part…

The Street Profits VS Sami Zayn & King Corbin!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins are ready to prove to Sonya Deville that they ARE ready for a tag title rematch! But as we just heard, the Great Liberator and Wolf King might be thinking of going for the same gold! Will the Profits be up? Or will the yet-to-be-named duo drag them down and out of the running?

SmackDown returns as Corbin makes his entrance, followed by Sami’s. The teams sort out, Sami starts against Ford. They circle, tie up, and Ford powers Sami to a corner. The ref counts, Ford lets off but Sami gives a push. Sami also uses the ropes as a defense while protesting Ford was pulling hair. Sami and Ford circle again, Sami kicks low and throws a haymaker! “That’s what cheaters get!” Sami CHOPS Ford, whips him corner to corner but Ford goes up and over and shows off his agility! Ford then arm-drags Sami down and clamps onto the arm! Ford goes to tag Dawkins but Sami gets away, and the SmackDown Tag Team Champions are watching backstage!

Sami protests again and then tags Corbin in. Corbin and Dawkins circle now, tie up, and Dawkins headlocks. Corbin powers out, Dawkins rams him but Corbin rebounds to run Dawkins over! Things speed up, Dawkins hurdles then hurdles again, to whip Corbin for a dropkick! Corbin staggers, Dawkins wrenches an arm to a wristlock, and keeps Corbin from Sami! Sami wants the camera crew to watch this ropebreak not being enforced! Corbin whips Dawkins but Dawkins reverses! Corbin slides out, but can’t slide in because Sami’s crew is in the way! Corbin yells at them, they move, but Dawkins ROCKS Corbin with a right! Ford gets in, PROFITS IN MOTION!

Corbin hits the barriers, Sami protests but Ford dares him to get in! Sami chooses not to and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Corbin rains down elbows into Ford’s shoulders! Ford is dazed, Corbin tops him off with more elbows, then tags in Sami. Sami and Corbin mug Ford, Sami chokes Ford on the ropes, but Sami stops when the ref counts. Sami brings Ford up, bumps him off buckles, and tags Corbin back in. Corbin throws knees into Ford, whips him corner to corner, and then runs in, only for Ford to boot him! Ford enziguris Corbin but Sami tags in! Sami drags Ford, Ford hops and hops and still gets the hot tag! Dawkins rallies on Sami, and hits a leaping back elbow! Dawkins runs in to CYCLONE SPLASH in the corner! Then a BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!

Dawkins brings Sami up but Corbin gets in, only for Dawkins to dropkick Corbin! Dawkins throws Corbin out, Sami gets Dawkins with a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Sami complains about the count, the film crew bugs Corbin! Corbin is furious at them and he DECKS one! Sami is upset with Corbin, Ford FLIES out to take Corbin down! Dawkins gives Sami the ANARCHY SUPLEX! Ford tags in, and flies in FROM THE HEAVENS! Cover, the Profits win!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

And the comeback continues! Will this convince Sonya to give Ford & Dawkins a rematch with the Dirty Dawgs on the Road to WrestleMania?


Backstage interview with Daniel Bryan!

Kayla Braxton asks him about his opportunity at another Universal Championship match, and maybe even become a WrestleMania spoiler. Is there a chance Bryan faces Edge as champion at Mania? Well that’s looking a little too far ahead. There’s first Jey Uso tonight and Roman Reigns at Fastlane. But the chances are looking good. In fact, Bryan’s chances at beating Roman might be better than Edge’s. Bryan has an infinite amount of respect, because of his career and also because what Edge did to get back. Edge beat Randy Orton at WrestleMania 36, then came back again at this year’s Royal Rumble. But with that time off, Edge might be a bit rusty. Bryan has always been honest with Edge, so Edge might not have what it takes. Edge is a hall of famer but-

Oh, Edge is here now. Edge heard everything Bryan just said. Edge beating Roman seems doubtful, yet Bryan is confident he can easily beat Roman at Fastlane. No one said “easily beat Roman.” Well, to be serious, Edge VS Bryan at Mania, who would win that? Bryan smirks and says he’ll keep that answer to himself. But talking about possibilities means nothing if Bryan doesn’t win tonight. Bryan goes to make final preparations, but will they be enough to get Bryan to the starting line?


WWE celebrates Black History Month.

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.” – Maya Angelou


Seth Rollins heads to the ring!

The Savior of SmackDown is all smiles, but surely he is still seething about the disrespect shown by the rest of the roster. Rollins’ legal action is pending, will he give us an update after the break?

SmackDown returns and Rollins says he is here “to share with you some incredible news.” The letter he wrote on our behalf to complain to management got a HUGE response on social media. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, all that, it was all trending. But wait, Cesaro interrupts! And he’s throwing his shirt off because he wants to throw down! Rollins says they do have to talk things out, let bygones be bygones. Take it easy, Cesaro! They’ve been friends a long time so hear him out! Just trust Rollins! Cesaro stops but Rollins says this was all just an accident. Rollins didn’t mean Cesaro was a loser, no! Twitter blew that out of proportions! Cesaro was in a bad situation, that’s what Rollins meant.

Rollins wants a chance to make this right. Cesaro just needs to stay put right there in the middle of the ring, like the star that he is! Rollins wants to make this up to Cesaro. “Who says you can’t grab the brass ring?!” This is a star right here! Cesaro is strong, probably pound for pound the strongest ever, and easily one of the most technically gifted performers. Cesaro has it all, so Rollins’ question is, “Friend to friend, why is it that you always seem to come up short?” What is Cesaro missing? Rollins will tell him what it is, because HE has it! “Killer instinct!” Rollins has it, and he can give it to Cesaro!

Rollins came back to lead SmackDown into the future, and if Cesaro will let him, it starts with leading Cesaro! Rollins grabbed the brass ring, shattered the glass ceiling, and accomplished things in the WWE that Cesaro has only dreamed of! And Rollins wants to give that to Cesaro! Imagine them working together side by side! They’d be UNSTOPPABLE! So instead of turning on Rollins, they wouldn’t even be having this conversation! Cesaro would’ve won the Elimination Chamber match, he would’ve beaten Roman Reigns, and he would’ve won the Universal Championship! But Cesaro turned his back on Rollins.

“However, it is never too late to start again.” All Cesaro has to do is #EmbraceTheVision! Let Rollins lead you! What does Cesaro say? And Rollins knows Cesaro doesn’t have to answer. Cesaro can take a week, maybe two, think it over and give “us” the answer. Cesaro doesn’t wait, he trips Rollins up! Rollins tells Cesaro to stop, but nope! Rollins goes for a SWISS SWING!! Around and around and around, and then some more! Rollins’ suit jacket flies off! This is at least 30 revolutions! Cesaro tosses Rollins, and Rollins staggers about in a dizzy daze, until Cesaro DECKS him with a EuroUpper! In other words, “No thank you.” Will Cesaro become a star his way?

As Cesaro exits, Bryan enters! They fist bump for luck, will Bryan be able to get another golden ticket to WrestleMania?

Daniel Bryan VS Jey Uso!

SmackDown returns and Jey makes his entrance. The bell rings, Bryan and Jey rush each other and the hands start flying! Jey CLUBS Bryan, headlocks, but Bryan powers out. Jey runs Bryan over hard, things speed up, and Bryan hurdles to hip toss Jey down! Bryan brings Jey up to wrench the arm, and hit an elbow breaker! Bryan kicks, Jey forearms, Bryan EuroUppers! Bryan throws more uppercuts, wrenches again, wrenches more, and digs knuckles into Jey’s elbow. Bryan hits Jey low, whips him corner to corner, but Jey reverses. Bryan goes up and over, takes a moment to speed up again, and he ducks and dodges Jey to hit a leaping lariat!

The fans rally on their screens as Bryan fires up! Bryan runs corner to corner to dropkick Jey! Bryan throws Yes Kicks, but lets off as the ref counts. Bryan bumps Jey off buckles, hoists him up top, and climbs up to join him. SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Bryan keeps cool as he stomps Jey. Bryan gets the arm, wrenches and hammerlocks it on the mat to STOMP it! Bryan drags Jey up but Jey scrambles away. Jey clutches his arm, the ref starts a count, but Bryan DIVES into a SUPERKICK! Jey takes Bryan out of the air and then drags him up, to give him a SHIN BREAKER to the desk!

Bryan is down, Jey refreshes the count, to drag Bryan up and POST the bad leg! Bryan is down and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Jey stomps Bryan then gives the leg a DDT! Bryan clutches the leg, Jey gives it another DDT! Bryan writhes, Jey goes for an arm, but Bryan drag shim down! Bryan wants the Yes Lock but Jey hammers the leg! Jey pulls the tape off the leg but Bryan gets away to ropes. Bryan gets up and throws EuroUpper and kicks! Bryan runs, into a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Jey seethes, goes up top, and leaps, but the splash FLOPS as Bryan moves! Both men are down, Bryan works to get his bad leg moving, and he pulls down the knee pad. Bryan gives Jey YES KICKS from all sides! Jey flops around as Bryan keeps giving kicks!

Bryan stomps Jey, brings him up, whips him to ropes, but Jey drops to uppercut! Jey runs but is dumped out of the ring! Bryan builds speed to WRECK him with a dropkick! Bryan gets on the apron to LEAP for a FLYING KNEE! The ring count is climbing as Bryan gets his bad leg moving again! The fans are fired up on their screens as Bryan puts Jey in the ring. Bryan climbs, but Jey stands, to get under the missile dropkick! Jey RAMS Bryan into buckles, then STOMPS the bad leg! Jey turns Bryan over for a HALF CRAB! Bryan endures but Jey sits deep! Bryan crawls, reaches, but Jey drags him from the ropes! Bryan finds space to roll through and kick away on Jey’s face!

But Jey turns Bryan over to the Half Crab again! Jey sits even deeper, but Bryan powers up to slip through and throw more kicks! Bryan scrapes Jey off and both men slowly rise. Jey goes after the leg but Bryan BUZZSAWS him! Cover, TWO! Bryan keeps his focus as Jey rolls away to a corner. Bryan goes to the other corner, powers up with Yes Fingers, and fans follow suit. Bryan runs but Jey CHOP BLOCKS the leg! SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Bryan survives and Jey is beside himself. Jey goes to a corner, climbs up top, but Bryan trips him up! Bryan climbs up to join Jey again, brings Jey up with underhooks, for a SUPER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! And then a roll into the YES LOCK!!

Jey reaches, but Bryan gets the other arm! They end up in the ropes and Bryan has no choice but to let go. Bryan goes out after Jey and whips him, but Jey reverses and sends Bryan into steel steps! The ring count is climbing past 5! It’s 7! Jey gives Bryan a SHIN BREAKER to the steps! The count reaches 10, they’re both out!!

Double Count-Out (Bryan does NOT get a Universal Championship match at Fastlane)

Jey kept him from winning but he isn’t finished with Bryan! He puts Bryan in the ring, but Bryan gets Jey down for a YES LOCK! But ROMAN REIGNS attacks!! Roman hammers away on Bryan, drags him off Jey and SLAMS him back down! Roman grabs at Bryan again, but Bryan drags him down! YES LOCK! But Jey SUPERKICKS Bryan off!! Roman and Jey are furious with Bryan’s defiance, and Roman SPEARS Bryan! And puts him in the GUILLOTINE!! Roman chokes Bryan out, and then holds up the title! Is this what Edge will have waiting for him at WrestleMania? And what are the plans now for Fastlane?

My Thoughts:

A pretty great episode that moves things towards Fastlane. The SmackDown Tag Division seems to be rebuilding slowly, but we got good tag matches out of Rey & Dom VS Alpha Academy and Profits VS Sami & Corbin. More the latter match, as Otis and Gable win pretty handedly over the Mysterios, which seems like a shame, really. That match should’ve been very competitive but it was very short. And it was after a Double 619, which should really only be used when you know the Mysterios are winning. The Profits get a win because they’re clearly heading back to the titles and the Dirty Dawgs, but I did find it amusing that Corbin hates cameras being that close on him, and Sami’s “documentarians” were in his way.

Tamina gets a win over Liv without any appearance by Billie Kay to establish that Tamina and Natalya are definitely moving up the SmackDown side of the Women’s Tag Division. As they should be, really. Tamina and Natty seem to be the more underrated superstars in the WWE for how long they’ve been around. It will be very telling where Tamina & Natty stand once we’ve seen Nia & Shayna VS Dakota & Raquel, and then at some point, Naomi & Lana. If no other time during the year, WrestleMania should be where the Women’s Tag Titles have a Triple Threat or more, one team from each brand. Tamina & Natty can definitely make a case for being SmackDown’s contenders post Fastlane.

And speaking of, while we didn’t get Carmella this week, we got more Reggie hanging around Sasha. It makes a lot of sense for Bianca to challenge Sasha for WrestleMania, and I can already see Reggie telling Mella he was setting things up for her. Bianca has chosen SmackDown’s champion, and Mella is on SmackDown. Mella can try to take the title from Sasha one last time, in hopes of going on to WrestleMania to defend against Bianca. Then at Fastlane, maybe Reggie is why Mella loses, she dumps him and Sasha rejects Reggie, Reggie goes to 205 Live. Sasha VS Bianca is going to be really good, and could go either way at this point.

Apollo completing his Heel turn tonight was great stuff. Right from his promo before the match, he is exactly how he should be. He is pumping himself up over his strength and agility, but rightfully so since he can back it up. He gets a dirty win over Nakamura so that he stays strong without looking too strong, as Nakamura is of course Nakamura. I’m sure Nakamura will want payback, he and Apollo might even have a Fastlane match. Big E will surely be back in time for Mania, so Apollo wins at Fastlane to earn a title match, and Big E will be more than happy to go against him for payback. At this rate, I feel like Apollo will find a way to win and use the IC title as vindication.

The Universal Championship story, which is also Roman’s story, was another great one this week. Bryan rightfully points out Roman taking advantage of things, he and Jey have a great match, and it actually works perfectly that it was a count-out draw. Edge seems half-in, half-out about Bryan winning at Fastlane, because Edge surely wants to be the one to dethrone Roman. Bryan having this draw, that can be used for a classic, “I didn’t win but I didn’t lose,” and therefore he deserves one more chance at earning a title shot. Then there’s still the tag team idea to fall back on, where Edge and Bryan can have tension and dysfunction, and maybe Roman takes advantage so he and Jey can win that. Of course, the math then says Roman would lose to Edge, and I’m not sure that happens, even at Mania.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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