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Mitchell’s New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/20/21)

The semifinals are here!



NJPW New Japan Cup 2021

The New Japan Cup is almost done!

It’s the penultimate round and it could go any which way! Finlay or Ospreay, Takagi or Evil, what will the New Japan Cup finals look like?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Six Man Tag: Bullet Club VS Kazuchika Okada & The Golden Aces; Okada & The Golden Aces win.
  • 2021 New Japan Cup Semifinals: David Finlay VS Will Ospreay; Ospreay wins and advances.
  • 2021 New Japan Cup Semifinals: Shingo Takagi VS EVIL; wins and advances.


Six Man Tag: Bullet Club VS Kazuchika Okada & The Golden Aces!

Jay White, Kenta and Yujiro Takahashi are taking on perhaps The Big Three of NJPW! But with nothing left to lose, will the Switchblade, Fang Revived and Tokyo Pimp take their frustrations out on the Rainmaker, the NEVER Openweight Champion and THE IWGP World Heavyweight Champion?

Tanahashi shows off the muscles, Bullet Club Low Sweets, and White dares Tanahashi to step up since White wants after that NEVER Openweight Championship. However, Ibushi insists he start, so Tanahashi and Okada defer to him. Ibushi and White circle as fans rally up already. White and Ibushi tie up, White pulls hair and puts Ibushi on ropes to then stomp Ibushi down. White stomps Ibushi more, the ref counts and White gets in the ref’s face. White stomps Ibushi more, throws forearms, then whips Ibushi to ropes. Ibushi reverses to GAMANGIRI! Ibushi drags White up, drags him over, and Okada tags in before Tanahashi can.

Okada clubs White, brings him around and clubs him down. Okada drags White up to scoop and slam, then he goes to the apron for a slingshot senton! Fans fire up as Okada tags Tanahashi. Tanahashi brings White up, throws body shots and forearms then whips. White holds ropes and sucker punches Ibushi! Tanahashi hits White, throws fast hands then runs, but Yujiro gets a cheap shot in! Tanahashi DECKS Yujiro, rushes White with kicks and forearms, but then he runs into Kenta’s cheap shot! Kenta gets away and White throws Tanahashi down by his hair! White sucker punches Okada, then looms over Tanahashi.

White drags Tanahashi up, throws him out, but the ref keeps White in, so Kenta RAMS Tanahashi into railing! Kenta POSTS Tanahashi, then Yujiro stomps him! Yujiro digs his knee into Tanahashi while the ref is busy with Okada and Ibushi. Whoa, there’s a bit of an earthquake! Everyone stops moving and waits for the rumbling to pass. Thankfully, there is no damage or falling objects, but everyone takes a few moments to make sure it’s done. White finds himself by the timekeeper’s table and decides to pick up Ibushi’s belts as if to say they’ll be his already. Oh, and he picks up Tanahashi’s NEVER Championship while he’s at it, since he wants to be Three Belts Switchblade.

After White’s done posturing, and a few more moments making sure the quake has passed safely, Bullet Club goes back to the back while Okada, Tanahashi & Ibushi stay ringside. Fans get their photo ops with the Rainmaker and Golden Aces, and then the match restarts!

Bullet Club returns, and White is still holding the belts! White, Yujiro and Kenta get back in the ring and Tanahashi attacks White! Ibushi attacks Yujiro, so Kenta goes after Okada! Ibushi throws Yujiro out, Kenta throws out Okada, and White throws Tanahashi down by his hair. White stomps Tanahashi, digs his foot in and flexes, but the ref reprimands and counts. White lets off at 3, checks the ceiling, and says hopefully something falls on Tana. White throws Tanahashi down again, covers, TWO! Fans fire up but White tags Yujiro. They mug Tanahashi as fans rally “Let’s Go, Ace!” Yujiro pushes Tanahashi around but Tanahashi hits back with body shots.

Tanahashi whips, forearms Yujiro, but Yujiro kicks back. Yujiro rakes Tanahashi’s eyes, tags Kenta in, and Kenta drags Tanahashi up to snapmare Tanahashi for a knee drop! And another! Kenta brings the knee pad down, but then scuffs Tanahashi. Kenta drags Tanahashi up while White mocks the fans. Kenta wraps Tanahashi in a chinlock but Tanahashi endures. Tanahashi fights up, fights back, and is free to hit White and Yujiro! Kenta rakes Tanahashi’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Kenta lets off to kick, but into a DRAGON SCREW! Both men are down and fans rally up! Hot tag to Okada! Okada fires off on Kenta, whips but Kenta reverses.

Okada blasts through the boot to elbow Kenta down! Okada fires up then knocks White and Yujiro down! Okada whips Kenta corner to corner, runs in and back elbows! Kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Okada gets fans rally with clap-clap-clap-stomp, and then he brings Kenta up. Kenta jawbreakers back! Kenta runs in but Okada pops him up to the Alabama! Kenta fights free, spins Okada around and DDT’s him in return! Tag to Yujiro and Yujiro brings Okada up. Yujiro puts Okada against ropes and runs to BOOT him! Gedo cheers as Yujiro runs, but into a FLAPJACK! Okada sees Ibushi is the only one to tag, and chooses not to? Yujiro runs in, Okada spins him to the MONEY CLIP!

Yujiro fights and puts Okada in the corner, and Ibushi tags in! Ibushi runs to blast White, then he brings Yujiro up. Ibushi fires off a strike fest then KICKS Yujiro down! Fans fire up for the STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Ibushi as he brings Yujiro up to a waistlock. Yujiro backs Ibushi into an open corner, elbows free, then runs in but into Ibushi’s boot! Ibushi goes up and over and rolls but White is there to catch him! Yujiro runs in, blocks Ibushi’s boot, and throws him down! White hits Okada and Tanahashi, then Yujiro basement boots Ibushi! White drags Ibushi up, he and Yujiro double whip him corner to corner, White EuroUppers and Yujiro BOOTS!

Yujiro feeds Ibushi to BLADEBUSTER! Basement boot again, cover, Tanahashi breaks it! White stomps Tanahashi out of the ring, Kenta keeps after Okada, and Yujiro fires himself up. Yujiro goes to fireman’s carry but Ibushi fights that off. Ibushi kicks, Yujiro ducks and reels him in, INCOLLE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Ibushi survives but Yujiro keeps on him! But Okada BOOTS Yujiro down! Kenta kicks Okada but runs into a SLINGBLADE! White attacks Tanahashi but runs into Okada’s dropkick! Okada fires up, Yujiro swings on him, Ibushi V-TRIGGERS Yujiro! KAMIGOYE!! Cover, Ibushi and team win!

Winners: Kazuchika Okada & The Golden Aces, by pinfall

The Rainmaker doesn’t seem happy that he isn’t in the spotlight, or that Ibushi basically saved him. But he’s still on the winning team, so there’s that. Okada leaves, will he only be happy when he’s fighting for the top spot in NJPW again? As for Ibushi, is he going to be ready for whoever it is that meets him at Sakura Genesis?


2021 New Japan Cup Semifinals: David Finlay VS Will Ospreay!

After one of the biggest shockers all year, it isn’t King Switch but the Celtic Prince that is facing the Commonwealth Kingpin! Will Ospreay be another victim of a major upset? Or will he just make an example out of Finlay?

While Ospreay has Bea Priestley by his side, the Flamboyant One is backing Finlay. The bell rings, Ospreay and Finlay circle as fans rally. They feel out the grapple, and Finlay shoots in to get a leg. He trips Ospreay, Ospreay fights free and the two reset. They tie up, Finlay gets around but Ospreay wrenches to a hammerlock. Finlay switches to a hammerlock, shifts to a headlock and hits a takeover. Ospreay gets a headscissor, squeezes tight and pushes up for leverage, but Finlay moves around to float to a headlock. Ospreay fights up, powers out but Finlay runs him over! Ospreay bails out to cool off and group with Bea. Finlay waits, Ospreay gets in, and the two go again.

They tie up, Finlay puts Ospreay on ropes but Ospreay turns it around. Red Shoes counts, Ospreay lets off but kicks low and clubs Finlay. Ospreay CHOPS Finlay, ROCKS him, then whips. Finlay reverses, things speed up and Finlay dropkicks Ospreay down! Finlay snap suplexes then covers, ONE! Ospreay bails out again but Finlay pursues. Bea blocks his path, Finlay pushes her aside but Ospreay kicks him low! Ospreay reels Finlay in, but Finlay back drops the piledriver away! Ospreay writhes from hitting the floor, and Finlay brings him up to put in the ring. Fans cheer as Finlay scoops and slams Ospreay for a back senton! Cover, TWO!

Finlay clamps on with a chinlock, Ospreay endures, then fights up. Finlay throws EuroUppers, whips corner to corner and runs in, but Ospreay makes Finlay straddle ropes! Ospreay runs side to side to BOOT Finlay down! Finlay falls to the floor and Ospreay catches his breath. Juice checks on Finlay while Bea checks on Ospreay’s nose. Ospreay goes around to stomp Finlay, bring him up and whip him into railing! Ospreay drags Finlay up again to BACK SUPLEX onto railing! Finlay staggers and falls, Red Shoes reprimands and tells Ospreay to get in the ring. Ospreay pretends not to know what’s wrong, but he fetches Finlay into the ring.

Ospreay clubs Finlay on the apron, then goes up to drop a GUILLOTINE KNEE! Bea cheers and Ospreay gets in the ring while Finlay writhes on the floor. The ring count climbs, Finlay sits up as fans rally, and gets in at 12 of 20. Ospreay is after Finlay with haymakers, bumps him off buckles, then throws more hands. Ospreay drags Finlay up but Finlay hits back. Ospreay CHOPS Finlay down then digs a boot into Finlay’s face! Red Shoes reprimands and counts, Ospreay lets off and dares Finlay to hit him again. Ospreay throws hands, kicks Finlay around but Finlay throws body shots and forearms! Ospreay knees low, snapmares Finlay and wraps on a chinlock.

Ospreay grinds Finlay down but fans rally up. Juice coaches Finlay as he endures, and Finlay fights up to his feet. Finlay back suplexes but Ospreay lands on his feet and kicks Finlay low! Ospreay runs, but Finlay scoops him for a DEEP SIX! Fans fire up and Finlay grits his teeth as he gets up. Finlay brings Ospreay up for forearms, uppercuts and a whip, but Ospreay reverses, only for Finlay to LEAPING UPPERCUT! Ospreay bails out but Finlay PLANCHAS! Direct hit and Finlay even lands on his feet out of it! Fans fire up more as Finlay gets Ospreay in the ring and runs at the corner to uppercut! Ospreay staggers, Finlay goes up and leaps, DIVING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO!

Finlay keeps his focus as he brings Ospreay up. Ospreay fights the exploder off and CHOPS! Ospreay whips, Finlay reverses, and Finlay catches the handspring into a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Finlay powers up and he brings Ospreay up into a suplex. Ospreay hits STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE! Finlay ends up in a corner, Ospreay gets to the opposite end. Finlay runs in but Ospreay boots him away! Ospreay goes out to the apron, springboards in, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Ospreay keeps his focus, but Finlay anchors a foot! Ospreay drags Finlay up, throws EuroUppers, but Finlay EuroUppers back!

Ospreay EuroUppers, Finlay gives it back, it’s a EuroUpper brawl! Finlay throws another but Ospreay CHOPS! Finlay throws many more EuroUppers, but Ospreay spins Finlay for a dragon sleeper, SAVING GRACE! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as Finlay survives but Ospreay pulls off the elbow pad! Ospreay gets Finlay up, but Finlay rams him into a corner! Ospreay enziguris back! Finlay flops against ropes, Ospreay brings him up for a scoop and SLAM! Ospreay has Finlay in the drop zone, goes up top, but Finlay intercepts with a haymaker! Finlay climbs up, Ospreay hits back and now they brawl up top! Ospreay throws a string of jabs, but Finlay SHORYUKENS!

Ospreay worries about his nose, Finlay gets him for a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives but Juice and the fans rally up! Finlay slashes the throat, vowing to end this! Finlay cravats, but no Acid Drop! Ospreay runs, spins around, Finlay breaks the full nelson but Ospreay HOOK KICKS! Ospreay fireman’s carries for LONDON HAS FALLEN! Cover, TWO! Finlay lives and Ospreay grows frustrated but the fans fire up again! Ospreay grits his teeth, slashes his throat to say it’s over, and he underhooks Finlay. Finlay trips Ospreay to jackknife bridge, TWO! Finlay gets an inside cradle, TWO! Ospreay runs into a backslide but turns it into a flip!

Ospreay underhooks, but Finlay back drops and sits on the sunset! TWO!! Ospreay swings into an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Finlay fires up and runs, into Ospreay’s SPANISH FLY! Both men are down but fans fire up again! Ospreay gets up, drags Finlay into the underhooks and lifts, but Finlay fights free to spin Ospreay for TRASH PANDA! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives but Finlay grits his teeth. Fans rally, Finlay gets Ospreay up, cravat and ACID- NO! Ospreay TOSSES Finlay out of the ring!! Finlay crashes down and clutches his foot! Red Shoes and Juice check on Finlay, but Ospreay demands Finlay get up! Is Finlay hurt? Can he not continue? Ospreay wants an answer!

Finlay is somehow getting up, Ospreay is perching on the corner! Ospreay demands to know yes or no if this is continuing! Medics check on Finlay’s foot, a ring count begins in the meantime, and Ospreay does his best ot patiently wait. The count passes 10 of 20, then hits 15, but Finlay’s leg is okay! Finlay hobbles, gets in at 19.9! Osperay springbarods to missile dropkick him! Underhooks, POWERBOB! High stack, TWO!?! Ospreay shows no mercy, he puts the leg in a FIGURE FOUR!! Finlay endures, but Ospreay is undoing his boot! Finlay grabs at Red Shoes but Ospreay gets after Finlay’s ankle directly!! Ospreay tosses the shoe away and pulls on the foot!

Finlay grabs at Red Shoes again, Juice holds up the towel but Finlay tells him not to throw it! Finlay reaches, drags himself over, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer Finlay’s heart and Ospreay lets go of the leg. Ospreay is rather shocked, but he rains down jabs on Finlay’s head! Red Shoes wants Ospreay to let off, Finlay’s in the ropes! Ospreay does, pushes Red Shoes aside, Finlay leaps off the good leg! But Ospreay avoids Prima Nocta, and then gives Finlay Kowata Kicks! Finlay flounders and crawls, Ospreay stalks him. Juice and the fans rally up hard as ever for him, and Finlay stands up on one leg, to get the ROLLING ELBOW!

Finlay flops back against ropes, the rallying continues, but Ospreay ROLLING ELBOWS again! Finlay sits in a daze, Ospreay grins as he brings Finlay back up, PRIMA- NO! HOOK KICK! Ospreay springboards, INTO A PRIMA NOCTA!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ospreay survives but Finlay is in too much pain to be upset. Finlay hobbles up, hobbles over, and brings Ospreay up. But Finlay’s bad leg won’t let him run for the corner! Finlay fires up to fight through the pain, but Ospreay underhooks outta nowhere! FINLAY RANAS?!? Cover, TWO!!!! Ospreay narrowly escapes, but he runs into a LARIAT!! Finlay hobbles around and drags Ospreay up, to ACID DRO-

NO! Ospreay tosses Finlay around to BOMB, then drags him back up to STORMBREAKER!! Cover, Ospreay wins!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall (advances to the NJCUP Finals)

So much heart and toughness was shown by the underdog Finlay! But in the end, Ospreay strikes him down with his own impressive show of strength! Will the Commonwealth Kingpin look to be fighting the King of Darkness? Or will he get to slay the Dragon?


2021 New Japan Cup Semifinals: Shingo Takagi VS EVIL!

The Dragon fought hard through Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto and Kenta, all for this moment. He wants payback on the King of Darkness for what he did to LIJ, but will he get it? Or will Darkness Fall and bring Evil one step closer to regaining the trophy?

Evil and Dick Low Sweet, the bell rings, and fans rally up as Takagi dares Evil to bring the fight. Evil bails out instead. Evil talks with Dick, then gets back in the ring. Takagi and Evil approach, Evil kicks low and headlocks. Takagi powers out, Evil runs him over, and then Evil kicks Takagi around. Evil taunts Takagi and slaps him around but Takagi forearms Evil. Evil forearms back but Takagi just smirks and forearms again! Evil throws another forearm, Takagi forearms back and fans rally as they go back and forth, faster and faster! Takagi ROCKS Evil, fires off more forearms, then runs to ram Evil. Evil rebounds, rams Takagi, but Takagi stays up.

They go forehead to forehead and Evil shoves Takagi but Takagi DOUBLE CHOPS Evil down! Fans fire up with “TA-KA-GI!” and Takagi whips Evil corner to corner. Takagi runs in, blocks the boot and powers through to clothesline! Takagi runs but Dick takes a swipe! Evil runs in but Takagi runs him over! Evil bails out and Takagi pursues to POST Evil! Fans fire up with Takagi as he stalks Evil. Takagi dares Dick to try something, then stomps Evil. Takagi bumps Evil hard off the apron, then again! Takagi fireman’s carries but Dick saves Evil! Red Shoes reprimands but Takagi glares at Dick. Dick plays innocent but then runs away! Takagi chases Dick into the ring, Evil CLOBBERS Takagi!

Evil mocks the fans clapping, then he drags Takagi up. Evil throws Takagi back out, clubs him on the back, then brings him around to RAMS into the timekeeper’s area! Why does Evil hate Abe-san?! Evil leaves Takagi and the others behind to go get chairs out from under the ring. Evil brings Takagi around and knees low, to snap suplex Takagi onto the chair pile! Takagi writhes while Evil dusts himself off. Evil goes into the ring, Abe-san recovers and Red Shoes starts a ring count. Takagi slowly gets up but the count is 10 of 20 before he stands. Takagi slams the chairs down in frustration as he gets to the ring at 17! Evil stomps Takagi’s back!

Red Shoes counts, Evil lets off and brings Takagi up to the cobra twist! Dick lends a hand for leverage! Red Shoes almost sees him but Dick gets away. Evil thrashes Takagi, then Dick helps out again! Red Shoes catches him this time! Dick argues with Red Shoes, but Evil takes the blue buckle pad away! Evil whips Takagi into the bare buckles! Evil then snap suplexes Takagi and covers, TWO! Evil argues the count but he talks trash to Takagi and stands on his head. Evil mockingly claps “TA-KA-GI!” as he gives toying kicks. Evil brings Takagi up but Takagi fires off forearms! Evil knees low, fisherman’s but Takagi fights that off! Evil clubs Takagi but runs into the elbow, JAB and LARIAT!

Fans fire up again as Takagi drags Evil up. Takagi whips Evil, knees him against ropes, then runs to run Evil over! Dick gets up but Takagi DECKS him! Takagi fires up and fans join in as he suplexes Evil high and hard! Cover, TWO! Takagi keeps his cool, fans rally up, and he brings Evil up to run, but Evil ducks! Evil swings but into a Gory Especial! Evil backs Takagi to the bare corner but Takagi fights free. Takagi kicks but Evil blocks to hand it to Red Shoes! Evil mule kicks Takagi down! Takagi goes to a corner, Evil runs in and clotheslines! FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Evil argues the count again but Red Shoes says that was fair. Fans rally for “TA-KA-GI!” as Evil brings him up.

Evil fireman’s carry but Takagi blocks! Evil trips Takagi to get the legs! Takagi fights the sharpshooter with jabs! Evil lets go and staggers away, but he comes back to kick low. Evil runs but Takagi clotheslines him at the ropes! Takagi runs but Evil goes from the corner, only for Takagi to swat his clothesline away! Takagi gets Evil into the Gory Especial, for NOSHIGAMI! Fans fire up but Takagi can’t cover from the pain in his back! Takagi crawls over, drags Evil up and runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Now Takagi covers, TWO! Takagi fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” and fans rally with him. Takagi drags Evil back up, pump handles but Evil rakes eyes to avoid the rack!

Takagi knees low but Evil grabs hair to reel Takagi in, for a BACKBREAKER! Takagi rolls to a corner while both he and Evil are down. Fans rally back up, Takagi sits up but Evil follows. Evil drags Takagi up, Takagi holds ropes to block the whip, but Evil CHOPS him! Evil whips, Takagi reverses, but Evil stops himself from going into bare buckles. Takagi runs in but Evil drop toeholds him into the steel! Takagi checks his head but there’s no blood. Fans rally up and Evil waits for Takagi to stand. Evil runs back in and clotheslines him against steel! Evil mocks the clapping then reels Takagi in to hoist him up top. Evil climbs to join Takagi, then goes to the very top! SUPERPLEX!

Evil gets up, gets the legs and steps through to get the SHARPSHOOTER! Takagi endures and fans rally as Evil bends him back! Takagi fights up, crawls over and gets the ropebreak! Red Shoes counts, Evil lets go at 4. Evil grows frustrated but he drags Takagi up, spins him around, but Takagi blocks the STO! Takagi throws elbows, steps through, spins and STEALS EVERYTHING IS EVIL!? Both men are down as Takagi can’t make the cover but fans rally up! Takagi drags Evil up, throws a point-blank clothesline, and Evil ends up in a corner. Takagi blocks the boot but Evil forearms the clothesline away! Evil LARIATS and Takagi falls! Evil taunts Takagi and gives him toying kicks.

Fans rally up and Takagi taunts Evil. Evil throws forearm after forearm but Takagi just powers up to throw boxing elbows! Fans rally as Takagi goes past 10 and DECKS Evil with the 12th! Takagi drags Evil up, but Dick gets in! Red Shoes stops him at the corner and Takagi storms over. Dick gets out, Evil has a chair! Evil jabs then SMACKS Takagi!! That was a shot to the head!! Evil drags Takagi up and runs to STEAL PUMPING BOMBER! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and shocks Evil! Evil brings Takagi up, fireman’s carries, DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives again! Evil argues the count but that was fair. Fans rally up again but Evil vows to end this!

Evil drags Takagi up, spins him, but Takagi denies the STO to try for a pump handle! Evil fights that off, whips but Takagi reverses, only for Evil to try and reverse again. Takagi blocks that, Evil breaks free but Takagi knees low to pump handle! MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!?!? Evil survives and fans are thunderous! Takagi fires up again, fans get even louder, and Takagi builds speed. Evil throws Red Shoes in the way, then shoves Takagi at Red Shoes, to then BLINDSIDE LARIAT Takagi! Takagi falls into Red Shoes! Dick gets in to throw hands on Takagi! Dick eggs Takagi on and Takagi gets pissed! Takagi fireman’s carries Dick but Evil LOW BLOWS!

Evil drags Takagi up, he and Dick hit MAGIC KILLER!! Dick gets Red Shoes back in, Evil covers, TWO!!! Takagi survives but Evil keeps Red Shoes down so Dick can use the SPOILER CHOKER!! Takagi fights it off?!? Takagi kicks Dick, tosses the choker, but Evil attacks! Evil and Dick double whip but they get DOUBLE PUMPING BOMBERS! Fans are thunderous again as both men stir. Evil goes to one corner, Takagi goes to the opposite. Takagi gets himself up first, runs in at Evil, but Evil runs, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Neither falls, they DOUBLE LARIAT again! Evil falls over but Takagi fires up more! Takagi drags Evil up but blocks the low blow! HEADBUTT!

Takagi runs, PUMPING BOMBER!! Red Shoes slowly sits up and Takagi drags Evil into a pump handle and carry, LAST OF THE DRAGONS!! Cover, Takagi wins!!!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall (advances to the NJCUP Finals)

The Dragon slays the Darkness, and is heading to the finals! The NJCUP Finals will be a rematch of the Best of the Super Juniors 2019 finals!! And after Evil and Dick hobble away, Takagi gets up to get the mic.

“OI, SENDAI! First off, we had a bit of a shock earlier today. I appreciate that you stayed for the rest of the show. One more to go, then I’ll get to Kota Ibushi.” Fans like the sound of that. “In this New Japan Cup, I went through Okada, Goto, Kenta and now Evil. Physically, I’m hurting. But mentally, I’m pumped up.” And he’s going against Will Ospreay in the finals! They have history, but Takagi doesn’t give a DAMN about that United Empire, though. But wait, here comes Ospreay! Takagi says in English, “Good timing. Come here. Come here, please, Ospreay, c’mon.” Takagi promises to do his best to speak English.

So then Ospreay, listen to Takagi. “From now, focus on you! I remember 2019 Best of the Super Juniors finals. I lost.” But! But… Takagi promises tomorrow, at the NJCUP Finals, Takagi will win! Does Ospreay understand? And that’s all Takagi has to say about that. Oh, does Ospreay want to talk? Okay then. Takagi hands the mic over and Ospreay… ATTACKS! Ospreay uses the mic to beat Takagi up! Ospreay reels Takagi in but Takagi fights off Stormbreaker to back drop! And then Takagi PUMPING BOMBERS Ospreay out of the ring! Ospreay checks his nose and then Takagi shouts, “Ospreay, you dumbass! Don’t you know how anxious everyone already was? How dare you pull this garbage, punk!”

Takagi tells Ospreay needs to read the room. But he’ll pay for it tomorrow! This isn’t Ospreay’s rise to glory, failure is more suitable for him right now. Takagi will make him experience it tomorrow! Young Lions hold Ospreay back but Ospreay takes his leave. Will things be very different from BOSJ 26? Or will Ospreay once again win the big one over Takagi?

My Thoughts:

A great event for the New Japan Cup, and the usual things were skipped. Juice had a Young Lion on his team, he loses so United Empire can get a tag team win. Chaos beats Bullet Club as Yano rolls up Jado because Jado is in that same tier as Douki where they’re barely above Young Lions. For that matter, Douki takes the loss for Suzuki-Gun as Sanada actually taps someone out with Skull End. The Six Man with White’s Bullet Club taking on Okada, Tanahashi & Ibushi was a great match, even with the earthquake getting in there. If anything, that showed great composure from everyone. The Faces win, but I like that Okada wasn’t happy about how. Okada won’t say it like White says it but I don’t think he’s onboard with Ibushi combining belts, either.

Speaking of White, White VS Tanahashi for NEVER Openweight Championship is still coming, the math is clean since Tokyo Pimp took the loss. That match could go either way, but I could see White winning to go after his three belt goal from the other side. White has had every other singles title in NJPW, so he could become a NJPW Singles Grand Slam or however that would be defined, and that much is something White has proven he’s deserving of. Finlay VS Ospreay was a great match, above my expectations at least. I knew Ospreay was winning but Finlay put up such a great fight and really sold the leg to where I was worried he wasn’t selling.

Takagi VS Evil was also great stuff, with some good story elements such as Evil and Takagi stealing each other’s signatures. That’s always a great surprise in a match, which NJPW seems to like more than WWE and other promotions. Takagi surviving all of Evil’s tricks was really good, and honestly that’s always a lame kind of Heel turn, where they rely too much on sidekicks or tricks. Takagi and Ospreay having their interaction at the end was great, and is adding heat to a match that already has history from before. NJCUP 2021 is definitely going to be a powered up version of BOSJ 2019, I could see it going either way because both can give Ibushi a great match.

My Score: 9.2/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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