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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (3/12/21)

Will Daivari Dinero finally pay?



Coverage 205 2021

Will August Grey rename this, “205 JIVE?”

It has been back and forth between the 205 OG and new wave, and they’re going another round! Will #RetroAG show Ariya Daivari there’s no stopping him?


  • The Bollywood Boyz VS Mansoor & Curt Stallion; Mansoor & Stallion win.
  • August Grey VS Ariya Daivari; Grey wins.


The Bollywood Boyz VS Mansoor & Curt Stallion!

Samir & Sunil Singh didn’t appreciate Ever-Rise doing a “solo project” on NXT last week, so now they’re going to show them up! But will they be able to give the Star of Saudi Arabia his first loss in WWE? Or will #ManStallion run through them to keep that streak going?

Ever-Rise joins commentary because Matt Marthel and Chase Parker are still supportive of Samir & Sunil. They even give the Singhs hugs of encouragement. Stallion and Mansoor make their entrances, the teams sort out and Mansoor says he’s starting and dares one of the Singhs to step up. Mansoor even holds the ropes open for Stallion so he can exit. Stallion accepts not starting, but he goes out the other side. Mansoor and Samir tie up, Mansoor drags Singh down then wrenches him. Singh stands, rolls, and wrenches to get a wristlock. Samir headlocks, Mansoor powers out but Samir gets around to a crucifix takedown! Cover, TWO! Cradle, TWO!

Mansoor and Samir tie up, Samir turns but Mansoor fights out of the backslide to headlock. Samir powers out and Sunil tags in, they leap frog Mansoor and back again to double elbow him down! Cover, TWO! Ever-Rise cheers their friends on as Sunil wrenches Mansoor to a wristlock. Sunil yanks the arm, wrenches, then tags in Samir. The Bollywood Boyz double whip, Mansoor ducks the clotheslines to double dropkick the legs out! Mansoor runs and double basement dropkicks the Singhs down! Fans fire up, Mansoor picks Sunil up for an atomic drop! Sunil staggers around into another dropkick! Samir rushes in and CLOBBERS Mansoor!

Samir rains down right hands on Mansoor, but lets off to drag him up and throws more hands. Tag to Sunil and the Singhs mug Mansoor. Sunil bumps Mansoor off buckles, CHOPS him, then bumps him off buckles. Sunil CHOPS, tags Samir, and the Singhs double suplex! Cover, TWO! Samir wraps on a chinlock, Mansoor fight sup but Samir clubs him on the back. Tag to Sunil and Samir bumps Mansoor off Sunil’s boot. Sunil snapmares Mansoor and grinds him with a chinlock. Mansoor endures, Stallion shouts at him to get up, and Mansoor fights his way up! Fans rally, but Sunil knees low and tags Samir in. Sunil holds Mansoor, Samir goes up and leaps in to elbow Mansoor down!

Samir tags Sunil, he climbs up, MACHO ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Stallion jumps in but the ref has to back him off. Sunil tags Samir, they bring Mansoor up but he avoids Bollywood Blitz and shoves Sunil into Samir! The Singhs are down, Mansoor looks to stallion but doesn’t tag! Sunil tags in and trips Mansoor up! But Mansoor jawbreakers back! Mansoor CHOPS Sunil, CHOPS him again, then brings him around to suplex! Samir gets in but Mansoor rallies on both Bollywood Boyz! Mansoor gives Sunil an atomic drop and he flies into the corner! Samir runs into a Manhattan Drop to SPINEBUSTER! Mansoor fires up, runs in to clothesline Sunil, then runs to clothesline Samir!

Mansoor whips Samir into Sunil, clotheslines them both in the corner, then BULLDOGS Samir! Sunil puts Mansoor on the apron. Mansoor counter punches, and slingshot NECKBREAKERS! Stallion tags in and HEADBUTTS Samir! Cover on Sunil, #ManStallion wins!

Winners: Curt Stallion & Mansoor, by pinfall

The Saudi Arabia Star did a lot of the work, but the Lonestar topped it off. Mansoor is still undefeated, but will he and Stallion continue on as a dynamic duo? As for Ever-Rise, they’re not all that happy with the Bollywood Boyz. Will their #BollyRise truce continue for much longer?


August Grey VS Ariya Daivari!

The #RetroAG was screwed out of the Daivari Dinero Division payout, but found more than one way to get even with the Persian Lion. The back and forth continues, but will it be Grey or Daivari that tops it off and ends this for good?

The bell rings and Daivari ties right up with Grey. They go around, fans rally for Grey, but Daivari puts Grey in a corner. Grey turns it around but Daivari turns it back around, and the ref counts. Daivari lets off but shoves Grey. Grey shoves Daivari back, they tie up again, and Daivari headlocks. Daivari grinds Grey, Grey powers up and powers out, but Daivari runs him over to cover, ONE! Daivari is back on the chinlock and Grey endures. Fans taunt Daivari, Grey fights up and pries the hold to hammerlock then headlock. Daivari powers up but can’t power out as Grey holds tight. Daivari tries again, Grey still holds on. Grey hits a headlock takeover and grinds Daivari into the mat.

Grey cranks back, Daivari endures, and Daivari fights up. Daivari picks Grey up but Grey fights off the back suplex to hit another headlock takeover! Grey grinds Daivari, shifts to get a cover, ONE! Daivari gets up to put Grey back in a corner, then RAMS and CHOPS Grey off the ropebreak! Daivari CHOPS Grey more, stalks him around the ring, and whips him to ropes. Grey holds the ropes to BOOT back, then runs for a RANA! And then Grey elbows Daivari down, then hits another headlock takeover! Daivari is back on the mat and Grey grinds him down. Daivari fights back up, powers out this time, but Grey runs him over! Things speed up, Grey dodges and ducks but Daivari kitchen sink knees!

Daivari knees Grey again, runs, but the dropkick misses! Grey Oklahoma Rolls, TWO! Grey ROCKS Daivari, chicken wings him, but no Unprettier as Daivari rolls Grey up! TWO, and Daivari bails out to avoid that superkick! Grey aims, slingshots but Daivari avoids the plancha to then WRECK Grey with the dropkick! Grey crashes down, clutches a leg, and Daivari puts Grey on the apron. Daivari drags Grey out for a DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Daivari grins while the ref reprimands and starts a ring count. The count is already 5 of 10 as Daivari drags Grey up and puts him in. Daivari covers, TWO! Daivari grows annoyed but he looms over Grey as fans rally.

Daivari stands Grey up, turns him, but Grey fights the neckbreaker to hook the arms! Daivari fights the backslide so Grey drops to try a sunset flip! Daivari stays up, spins through to get legs but Grey gets a cradle! Daivari keeps his shoulders up, gets free again and CLOBBERS Grey! The fans rally up but Daivari grows annoyed again. Daivari drives elbows into Grey’s shoulders, but Grey tries to catch one. Daivari just turns that into a chinbar and armlock. Grey endures as fans rally up more, but Daivari shifts to a chinlock. Grey fights up, throws body shots and then forearms. Daivari throws haymakers so Grey returns those, and they go back and forth!

Daivari eggs Grey on but Grey ROCKS him and CHOPS him, repeat! Grey whips, Daivari reverses but Grey BOOTS him! Grey gets the arms, turns Daivari, but still no Unprettier as Daivari hits a REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO!! Daivari is shocked, but also frustrated. Daivari goes to a corner, climbs up top, and LION SPLASHES but FLOPS as Grey moves! Fans rally up for Grey as he gets up and grabs at Daivari. Daivari grabs Grey’s hair but Grey ROCKS, CHOPS and ROCKS again! Grey whips, Daivari reverses and goes for a sleeper, but Grey shoves free! Grey tries the sleeper trick but Daivari powers out, Grey hurdles and dodges and DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES take them both down!

Fans fire up as both men slowly stir. Grey sits up first, both men stand but Grey fires off CHOPS and haymakers! Grey stomps away on Daivari in the corner! Grey whips, Daivari reverses but Grey comes back to CLOBBER him! Grey rallies with elbows, then hits a jawbreaker to a neckbreaker! Grey kips up and fires up, and the fans follow with him! Grey scoops Daivari for a SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Daivari survives but Grey keeps on him. Grey kicks, ties Daivari up but Daivari slips free to kick. Daivari goes to suplex but Grey gives him ANARCHY! Cover, TWO!! Daivari flounders to a corner, Grey runs in but only gets buckles and a ROUNDHOUSE!

Daivari hoists Grey up top, crosses the arms, ICONOCLASM! Daivari climbs up top, PERSIAN LION SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!?! Grey survives and shocks Daivari! The fans fire up again as Daivari drags Grey by a leg. Daivari steps through but Grey boots him to the corner. Daivari comes back, Grey gets around him, hooks the arms in a sideways double chicken wing, for a TWISTING SAIDO! Cover, TWO!! Daivari survives whatever Grey wants to call that, and Daivari flounders to the apron as Grey keeps his cool. Grey drags Daivari up but Daivari hotshots him! Daivari brings Grey around to go at a corner, but Grey blocks to bump Daivari! Grey then goes out to hit an APRON SIDE EFFECT!

Fans fire up as Grey gets in with Daivari but Daivari bails out. Grey DIVES, takes Daivari out then puts him in the ring! Grey goes up top, tightrope CROSSBODY FLOPS as Daivari evades! Daivari sees Grey going to the apron now and staggers over. Daivari drags Grey up but Grey shoulders into him! Grey slingshots for the sunset but Daivari sits on it! The ref sees Daivari grab the ropes! Daivari argues with the ref to count but the rules won’t allow that! Daivari gets up, is seething, but he turns around into Grey’s SUPERKICK! Grey gets the regular chicken wings, but still no Unprettier! Daivari hammerlocks, Grey slips out and tries again, but Daivari shoves Grey into the corner!

Daivari runs in but only gets buckles! Grey rolls Daivari up, and at the last second puts his feet on the ropes!! GREY WINS!!

Winner: August Grey, by pinfall

Daivari tried to cheat Grey, but turnabout is fair play! Grey gets one over on Daivari and gets the win! Is the game over? Or will the stakes be raised to new heights next time?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for 205 Live, and a lot of fun. While the Lonestar would technically be second, the name #ManStallion is just a better one than #CurtSoor. The story of Mansoor wanting to do things on his own even though that was a tag match was interesting, but it was also a nice touch that Stallion tags in to finish. I feel like these two could do big things as both rivals and as a tag team, it could be something for them both going forward after they wasted Stallion’s title shot. I also liked that Ever-Rise on commentary kept working to smooth over the rough patches we were seeing in #BollyRise, but I’m pretty sure it’ll all come to a head and we’ll see those two teams face off.

Grey VS Daivari was very good, another match that felt more like the stronger days of 205 Live. The best part was that Nese did not get involved at all, and Daivari handled his business alone. Of course, that is why he lost, but it was a great showing for Grey to bring in some new moves. The tornado Unprettier, aka the So Much Prettier, is good and all but as we were shown here, it is too easily blocked. Unfortunately, that new twisting move he used won’t be a finisher now that it debuted and didn’t win. Grey might consider coming up with something else for a finisher, but I did like that this came down to Grey outcheating the cheater. This of course means we’re getting another match of some kind, but who knows how that plays out.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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