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AJ’s NXT Stand and Deliver Night Two Results & Review 4/9/21

AJ moves on to reviewing night 2! How does it STAND up to Night 1? Did it Deliver? …see what I did there?



Here we go with the second day of Stand & Deliver with Poppy kicks it off and we get more championship matches. Actually… we get nothing but championship matches along with an Undisputed co-Main Event between O’ Reilly and Cole. Will Day Two live up to the hype of Day One?

Let’s find out before we jump over to my championship football teams house for WrestleMania!


  • Ladder Match: Santos Escobar(c) vs Jordan Devlin(c) for the NXT Crusierweight Championship: Santos Escobar wins – ***TITLE UNIFIED!!
  • The Way vs Ember Moon & Shotzi Blackheart(c) for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship- Ember and Shotzi win via Eclipse/Senton – ** ¾  – TITLE DEFENSE!!
  • Bronson Reed vs Johnny Gargano(c) for the NXT North American Championship- Gargano wins via One Final Beat –*** ¼  –TITLE DEFENSE!!
  • Karrion Kross vs Finn Balor(c) for the NXT Championship- Kross wins via Forearm Smash – ****TITLE CHANGE!!!
  • Unsantioned Match: Adam Cole vs Kyle O’Reilly-  Kyle O’Reilly wins via Knee Drop – **** ½



Santos Escobar vs Jordan Devlin-

Both men start with punches back and forth as Jordan Devlin gets the upper hand in the beginning. Quick pacing between both men trading hits and arm drags before they head to the outside where Devlin hits a beautifully done Asai Moonsault to Escobar. Devlin is the first to put the ladder into play and hits Escobar with but not hard enough as Escobar catches Jordan on the Ladder. Santos goes to place the ladder in the corner and the two start to play a little game of seesaw to put the other in the ladder until Jordan Devlin goes for the ride. A good amount of fighting goes on to the outside as Santos hits Jordan with the ladder again from a dropkick, standing and in the corner to incapacitate Devlin. Santos goes for a second ladder as Devlin begins to stir. Santos goes to try to stop him and goes up after stomping on Devlin but the defiant Irishman stops him and swings the momentum into his favor from all the trash talking. Santos gets back to his feet and dropkicks Devlin down again, going to slingshot him into the standing ladder but Jordan goes to climb up after and get pulled down. Santos putting it all on the line and take down Devlin with a Suicide Dive and even then, Devlin ever resilient comes back in and starts to make some offense started, getting a burst of adrenaline and takes Escobar down.

We get our first high ladder spot as both men ascend the ladder, away from the titles as Devlin knocks down Escobar and goes for a sky high Moonsault onto Escobar before setting the ladder back in the center of the ring to go for the titles. Legado Del Phantasma rush in as he climbs and takes down Devlin and mollywops him (I need to use that word more). Devlin still… STILL defiant… and tosses a ladder at Escobar and sets it up right next to Escobar’s. They begin to fight and jocky for position until Devlin hits a Spanish Fly from the ladders. Devlin goes to slowly climb up the ladder now until Escobar also makes his climb to stop Jordan. They start fighting at the top until Santos Escobar headbutts Jordan Devlin off the ladder, onto a propped ladder in the corner to pull both titles off the rung.

The Way vs Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon-

The Way start the fight early as Candice and Shotzi start the match up and get frequent tags to fight off Shotzi. Ruthless, destructive and consistent with the tags and pinfall attempts as Shotzi gets a full beat down but constantly fighting back. As The Way gets Shotzi somewhat separated, Shotzi hits an enziguiri and gets the tag into Ember Moon where she takes it to The Way like a House of…. F… Fire. Ember goes for an Eclipse attempt but things go to chaos as they do the Tower of Doom. We finally get some balance as Shotzi and Ember get the advantage and take them out with some high flying offense, a (very over shot) Suicide Dive from Shotzi and a Cannonball from Ember as they get a near fall on Candice. The Way get a cheap momentum swing until Ember cuts them off. Two frequent tags from the champions and after an Eclipse from Ember into a Senton from Shotzi and the champs retain.

Bronson Reed vs Johnny Gargano

While Johnny gets his ring announcement and mouthing over his own part, Bronson stares over him and scares him into a corner (always fun comedy) before the bell rings.

Bronson takes Johnny to the corner and ragdolls him to the center and knocks him down quickly. Gargano tries to pick some of the pace up but gets out-powered and… out finessed Johnny in all honesty with a cartwheel as Reed takes firm control of the match. Gargano has to get out of the corner against Bronson and strikes him enough to daze the big man but not bring him down. Each strike is trying to bring the big man down and finally does after chop blocking Bronson and hitting lariat so the big man rolls out of the ring. Gargano tries to go to the sky but, Bronson catches Johnny but gets pushed into the announce table, hitting Bronson in the midsection over and over with his new offense to the ribs. As Johnny gets his stream rolling, he thinks going to the sky is a good idea and gets caught into a slam down, hurting Bronson in the process and gets a tiny bit of momentum going for him and hits a Suplex Death Valley Driver for a near fall.

Reed now goes to attempt a sky high suplex but Johnny catches him into the corner and hits a Backstabber in the corner to weaken the big man further. Gargano now building some momentum of his own now, hitting the superkick and attempting a Shiranui but Bronson gets a counter and does a suplex to go back to even. Gargano gets his speed going in the match now as he hits the Poison Rana and into a Tilt-A-Whir into a Garga-No Escape. Bronson tries to block it but gets a strike to his ribs again, applying the hold until there is a forced break. Bronson rolls onto the ramp and catches Gargano’s attempt at a One Final Beat and Razor Edge’s the champion back into the ring. Reed goes to the top and goes for the Tsunami Splash but found nothing in the pool as Gargano rolls away and hits a kneeling superkick. He goes for another kick but gets caught by Reed, Bronson Reed goes back to the top until Austin Theory catches the big man’s attention so Gargano can halt Reed’s second attempt at the Tsunami. After a reversal of a Super Frankensteiner, Austin helps Gargano get to the ropes for a break in the pinfall. Bronson not happy about it starts taking on both members of The Way and even goes air born himself with a dive onto Theory. Gargano goes for an advantage for a One Final Beat but gets caught into a Reverse Tombstone and another near fall.

Bronson Reed goes for another powerbomb but Gargano escapes and hits two more superkicks before getting hit by one of Reed’s own. Reed out of desperation goes for a moonsault to try to finish this but again, nobody home as Gargano hits a pair of Final Beats and scores the victory.

Karrion Kross vs Finn Balor-

(Just because I feel like being a smart ass, my money is the guy that had to vacate their title because of a separated shoulder)

Balor goes to do a little size up with Kross and gets knocked down from a Collar and Elbow, Balor goes again for an arm wringer but Kross not having any of it until we get the third time being the charm where they have a proper exchange between the two and neither men can get the advantage again. Balor seems to have a little fun with it by smiling but Kross had enough after a knife edge chop, tossing Balor around and… Balor laughs… again. Even smacks Kross across the face and gets rocked by Kross now, not expecting it seemingly until Balor sidesteps in the corner and goes for the shoulder of Kross, straight jacketing and wearing the arm down before Karrion breaks the hold, going to more strikes and suplexes from his anger. Finn is put into a Tree of Woe and knocked down, hitting the midsection but with Kross’ hubris, Balor gets an opening and puts on an armbar. Kross gets out of it for a second until Balor reverses into an Arm DDT and applying more to the shoulder of Karrion Kross with the ropes in the corner. Kross attempts to get out of his predicament and counter Balor, only to get a spin kick to the midsection and double over to the ground to get a soccerball kick to the ribs and stomps against the ropes. Balor goes to hit the ribs and do more damage to the midsection of Kross but, Karrion gets the quick offense, knocking Balor down until both men are in the center of the ring after a swinging elbow from Finn.

There looks to be no momentum for anyone until Karrion grabs Finn’s foot and starts getting pissed off, Balor tries to escape but gets hit by a Northern Lights Bridge into a stiff lariat, keeping this momentum going as he lands a powerbomb but due to the midsection getting hit, it wasn’t all of it and gets a nearfall. As Kross shouts “Doomsday”, Balor gets some form of separation with kicks and even making sure he puts the monster down with a Slingblade, sizing up for the John Woo Dropkick but gets met with a Lariat. Kross lands a Doomsday Saito Suplex and sizes up for a Forearm Smash after but Balor senses it and hits the Bicycle Kick to stagger Karrion and hitting a couple of John Woo Dropkicks to knock Kross down. Balor lands the Coup de Grace but gets it countered into the Kross Jacket but Balor gets out quickly and stomps on Kross again to put him in a grounded abdominal stretch. Scarlett chants something to Kross to incite him and break the hold, beating down Finn and lands a second Doomsday Saito and a pair of Forearm Smashes to the back of Balor’s head to regain what he never lost.

Adam Cole vs Kyle O’Reilly

Before this match starts, I want to actually congratulate the crowd for actually realizing that Adam Cole is a heel and not shout “Bay Bay!” when Cole says it. I will be a little bit of an ass and start it with a quarter of a point before the bell rings.

They two stare each other down before they do the hockey fighting started until Kyle gets the early advantage with boots in the corner of the ring and taking it to Adam Cole in and outside of the ring. Adam Cole gets the advantage once they go outside but Kyle O’Reilly letting his anger fuel him and go to a full mount to fight off Cole and introduces our first weapon by seating Cole into a chair. O’Reilly goes to do Shin Kicks to Adam Cole until the third kick. Cole goes for a Piledriver attempt onto the chair but Kyle flips him out of it. Both men go to the ring again and Kyle goes to the top to apply a choke to Adam but, pushes Kyle off to the outside as Adam Cole gets the advantage now, introducing more chairs in the ring and one to use on Kyle. After a couple of shots to the back and a throw into the post, Cole rolls Kyle into the ring and applies the chair against Kyle’s neck, whipping him into the corner. The chair with the Undisputed Era logo under them now, Adam Cole repeating “You Ruined It” before hitting a neckbreaker onto it.

Adam Cole tries to bring more offense after but, O’Reilly actually gets some strikes in, trying to apply holds but Adam Cole actually hits an Ushiguroshi and more strikes to Kyle’s neck. Kyle getting his anger built up and goes for a combination of offense to break down Adam Cole. Kyle striking and gets momentum going, back suplex into the chair, a knee bar that Adam Cole had to get out of the ring physically to break the hold and dropkicked from the apron from Kyle. Adam Cole gets into the ring again and wants to use the chair again but O’Reilly actually stops Cole’s attempt to use it and gest a near fall. Out of more anger, Kyle O’Reilly goes to grab something else from under the ring and find a long piece of chain and slides it in before getting caught by Adam Cole, into a Hangman’s Neckbreaker onto the chain for nearfall of his own this time. Adam Cole now looks at the chain and ties the chain to the rope. Kyle wraps the chain after getting separation from Adam and kicks him with it, trying anything until Adam catches a kick and applies a Figure Four. They go to blows this time, punching each other and actually knock each other out a little bit. After Kyle gets some steam going, he goes to the ropes and gets decapitated with the chain and a backstabber for yet another near fall.

Adam Cole goes now to set up two chairs in the corner and picks up Kyle. They go to set up each other for the chair spot but they get further from it as Adam Cole lands a German, Kyle backsteps into the chairs for a Shining Wizard and yet another near fall as Adam goes to the outside to dislodge the steps and go for the Brainbuster to the steel steps. Kyle reverses and goes for a guillotine hold to weaken Adam and goes to do the Brainbuster himself. Kyle second guesses himself, doesn’t want to do it but they go to the announce table instead, trading blows, going for a big move as Adam Cole doesn’t get his Brainbuster and Kyle does it instead, hitting Adam’s head on the table. As Cole stumbles away, Kyle tries to regather himself and get some energy back before pursuing Cole to the crowd, only to get hit by a TV Monitor.

Adam Cole goes under the ring again to grab a toolbox and pours the contents out, grabbing a pair of pliers to pluck O’Reilly’s eyes but gets caught, then going for a tire iron but both men get stunned before being able to use it. After the two knock each other out again, Kyle looks around and grabs the chain again, wrapping it around Adam Cole’s arm and applying an Armbar then a Triangle Choke until the tire iron is in reach and Adam Cole uses it to break Kyle off of him. Both men crawl to a side and set up chairs to prop themselves up to do strikes from a seated position. As Kyle gets a little bit of an advantage, Adam Cole gets a low blow and gets the advantage, going for a superkick as well but only for a two. (I will also say, the quarter point that we had originally went away because people started chanting “Twist His Dick.” You gave me a modicum of hope. A modicum of maybe the fans won’t go into business for themselves… and then they failed.)

Adam Cole now wraps the chair around Kyle’s neck and even the referee is saying, “Dude stop. Come on. It’s Kyle!” to which Adam punches him after saying shut up constantly and going to the corner for the Panama Sunrise and goes for the pin… which isn’t being counted because of Adam Cole hitting him. Kyle rolls onto the ramp as Cole shouts at the ref and chases with a chair, tossing it like he was from the Sabu School of Chair Tossing and taking it further on the outside, bashing Kyle’s head into the Plexiglas barricade. Kyle pulls Adam’s head into the barricade now and goes for another guillotine choke but Adam drives Kyle back into the barricade and back to the ramp way until Kyle goes for another guillotine on the ramp. Adam Cole uses his momentum to drive Kyle through the steel ramp way. Cole kicks a hole through the ramp to drag Kyle back out and Kyle out of instinct, crawls into the ring and falls back out as Adam Cole chases him out to deliver and Brainbuster into the steel steps. Adam drags Kyle back into the ring for a pinfall and O’Reilly KICKS OUT BARELY. O’Reilly looks dead as Adam Cole sits him up for the Last Shot. Kyle falls over with no strength as Adam props him back up to hit the Last Shot but Kyle ducks this time and does a leg lock with a heel hook to Adam Cole. Adam reaches out to the previous chain to break it up and daze Kyle as he perches himself up for another Panama Sunrise. Kyle grabs Adam into an Ushiguroshi of his own, a heavy hitting PK and to add a little exclamation point, hits his own Last Shot, only for that to get a near fall as well.

O’Reilly grabs the chain and puts it in the corner and wraps the chair around Adam Cole’s leg as Kyle slowly claws his way to the top rope, only to get caught from the chair by Adam Cole. Adam sets up a chair and Kyle in the corner as the smack talk continues on Adam’s side only to get a low blow from Kyle. O’Reilly wraps the chain around his leg, and drops it on Adam Cole’s neck, perched on the chair to end the fight.

Overall Score: 7.5/10

It wasn’t as strong as night one in my opinion but it was still a damn good show. I felt that the Unsanctioned Match was a little too… long.

I liked that it was don’t get me wrong but, it felt it went on five or ten minutes more than it should have to me. Everything else was fine. A good amount of things fell flat to me like the tag match and the main word throughout these two nights was “Stay Defiant” but, all in all, it was pretty good. Santos goes on to continue his Cruiserweight warpath, Karrion Kross returned to look like a monster again even when it looked like Finn wanted to play with him more than dismantle him. Kyle O’Reilly looked money in that match and Adam Cole… well I would say it’s call up time but I am kind of… hoping not if they had him get stretchered out. I want him to get called up along with maybe Finn. AJ has a falling out with Omos and we get a Bullet Club Reunion like we have never se—Oh wait. Ahem…

Who knows. We might get the leaders in a stable or something down the line or even tag together but there is one thing I know for sure. WrestleMania has something to prove after all of that.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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