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Mitchell’s NJPW Sakura Genesis Results & Report! (4/4/21)

Will Will Ospreay conquer NJPW?



NJPW Sakura Genesis 2021 coverage

Will Kota Ibushi stay NJPW’s first World Heavyweight Champion?

NJPW is entering a new era, where there is the ultimate IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! But will it be the Golden Star God or Commonwealth Kingpin that reigns supreme?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire & ???; The United Empire wins.
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi & Satoshi Kojima VS Jay White & Bad Luck Fale; Tanahashi & Kojima win.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemura VS Roppongi 3K; RPG3K wins and become the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Kota Ibushi VS Will Ospreay; Ospreay wins and becomes new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion.


Hiromu Takahashi is here?!

The Ticking Timebomb is here and fans are excited to hear from him! “Everyone! Good evening~!” Hiromu also says good evening to us watching at home. Hiromu wants us all to know that while he’s not ready to return to action, he is here to be on commentary, especially as Los Ingobernables de Japon takes on the United Empire. But who is this new “X” wrestler? Is it you? You? Or is it… Hiromu himself? Well the answer is, TRANQUILO~! Relax! Hiromu is also running down the card, saying RPG3K returns to take on Desperado and Kanemaru. Will Yoh prove he’s progressed? Or is there something deeper going on here? If Yoh’s not ready, then Despy will still have both Junior Heavyweight titles!

And then there’s the main event, Ibushi VS Ospreay, for THE IWGP World Heavyweight Championship! The New Japan Cup Winner proved his resolve by shockingly attacking his own girlfriend! Hiromu knew all along Ospreay is not a human but “dirty stinking cat!” But as everyone knows, Ibushi is a very unique human. The Ultimate God VS Filthy Stinking Cat, what a main event! But if everyone’s ready, let’s get things started! NJPW Sakura Genesis 2021, LET’S GO!


Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire & ???

Hiromu hyped up this showdown of Tetsuya Naito, Sanada and Shingo Takagi against Jeff Cobb, Great-O-Khan, and yet another mystery partner! But just who is their newest recruit? Khan and Cobb make their entrances first, and Khan is given the mic. “Are you that intrigued about who is the next member of the United Empire? Well all you peasants are about to find out. You’re so easily kept in the palm of our hands.” So tranquilo, assenayo! Khan mocking LIJ there as he says they are about to see just who has joined the Empire! It is… THE HAMMERHEAD, TOA HENARE!?!

But he is also Toa no longer! He is AARON Henare, and he is abandoning Taguchi Japan and Team HenarACE to become the “Ultimate Weapon” in Will Ospreay’s arsenal! Will this moment be remembered as when Henare turns his career around and conquers NJPW?

The second LIJ gets in the ring, the Empire strikes! Khan is after Naito, Cobb is after Shingo, and Henare is after Sanada! The bell rings to get this on record as Henare keeps Sanada in the ring while the others go outside. Henare clubs Sanada, whips him corner to corner, but Sanada gets around the boot to dropkick a leg out, then dropkick Henare down! Henare flounders to ropes, Sanada tags Naito and LIJ mugs Henare. Naito throws hands, Sanada digs his boot in, and they double whip corner to corner. Sanada runs in but is thrown up and over! Henare elbows Naito then gives him Snake Eyes to the buckles!

Henare KICKS Naito down, sees Shingo coming and boots him to then CLOBBER him! Henare scowls and looms over Naito. Fans rally up as Henare drags Naito up by his hair. Henare gets in Naito’s face, snapmares him then KICKS him! Henare stomps then CHOPS Naito down, then drags him up. Henare dead lift suplexes Naito! Cover, TWO! Henare bumps Naito off buckles, tags Cobb in, and Cobb headbutts Naito in the back. Cobb presses Naito into the buckles, throws elbows, but Naito kicks back. Naito’s kick is blocked into a scoop and Cobb goes around the world before he RAMS Naito into buckles! Cobb scoops Naito, holds him with just one arm, then throws knees into Naito’s side!

Cobb pops Naito up to RAM into the corner, then dumps him down to tag in Khan. Khan stalks Naito, toys with him then stomps him on the head. The fans rally up for Naito as Khan drags Naito up. Khan smothers Naito in a standing neck wrench, but Naito grabs at the hair! Khan pats Naito on the face before he drops an elbow! Cover, TWO! Khan mocks Naito’s relaxed pose, but fans rally up. Khan clamps onto Naito’s head and makes him kiss his boot. Naito fights up and fires off haymakers! Khan knees low, and hits Mongolian Chops! Naito wobbles, Khan runs but into the shotgun boot! Fans rally up and both men crawl, hot tag to Takagi!

The Dragon rallies on the Empire, throwing Henare into Cobb! Takagi double lariats but neither Henare or Cobb budges! Henare and Cobb double kick and double whip, but Takagi gets around to send Henare into Cobb again! Henare kicks Takagi first but Takagi suplexes Henare! Khan boots but runs into an elbow, JAB and YUKON LARIAT! Fans fire up for Takagi and he fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” Khan flounders about, Takagi runs in at the corner, blocks the boot to clothesline! Takagi runs but into a BIG hip toss! Khan tags Cobb, Cobb drags Takagi up but Takagi fires forearms! Cobb forearms back, but Takagi hits back! They brawl with forearms and fans rally as they get faster and faster!

Takagi hits some boxing elbows, dares Cobb to do something, so Cobb JABS him! Takagi JABS back! Both men wobble a bit, Takagi gets moving, but Cobb elbows! JABS, but Takagi ducks the lariat! Cobb fights but Takagi uses the ropes and gets the SNAP SAIDO! Tag to Sanada, and he throws forearms on Cobb. Sanada whips, Cobb reverses but Sanada elbows back! Sanada Quebrada but Cobb gets under, and even blocks the rana! Sanada fights the bomb, gets around, but Cobb fights the dragon sleeper to a POP-UP POWERSLAM!? Both men are down and fans fire up! Henare tags in and he PENALTY KICKS Cold Skull down!

Henare digs his boots into Sanada at ropes but lets off as the ref counts. Henare drags Sanada up to throw heavy hands, then whips Sanada, only for Sanada to duck and dodge! Henare still scoops Sanada for a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Cobb runs to BLAST the LIJ corner, and Khan comes in. The Empire double whip Sanada corner to corner, then Khan clotheslines, Cobb back elbows, and they feed Sanada to Henare’s BOOT! Cover, Takagi breaks it! Cobb throws Takagi out but fans rally up, “SA-NA-DA!” Henare drags Sanada up, fisherman to the torture rack, but Sanada slips out to dragon sleeper! Khan gets in and BOOTS Sanada!

Naito elbows and whips but Khan reverses, only for Naito to reverse back. Khan denies the tornado DDT, Naito dodges but Khan hits the leaping forearms! Takagi is back, Khan kicks him but runs, only for Takagi to clothesline him! Takagi keeps going but Cobb scoops him for the ATHLETIC PLEX! Sanada dropkicks Cobb, Henare kicks and whips Sanda! Sanada tumbles up and out and springboards, into the TOUR OF THE ISLANDS! Henare tops this off with the fisherman to the torture rack, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, the United Empire wins!!

Winners: The United Empire, by pinfall

The Ultimate Weapon already pays off! And to show he is all in, he rains down more fists on Sanada! Takagi gets in to fight Henare and Cobb off, but they mug him and DOUBLE HEADBUTT! Khan throws Naito around on the outside, then puts him in the ring. Henare and Cobb stretch Naito out, and Khan gets a chair! Khan aims at Naito’s bad leg, and SMACKS away on it! Takagi gets up but Khan shoves him back down and stomps him! The Empire stands together, and mockingly asks where is the ref to raise their hand for victory! The ref does as told, and the Empire stands over the Ungovernable.

Khan tells that all the peasants shall bow down before the power of Cobb, Henare, Khan and The United Empire! Is this just the beginning of their world dominance?


Hiroshi Tanahashi & Satoshi Kojima VS Jay White & Bad Luck Fale!

Well, perhaps it makes even more sense as to why The Ace has a different partner tonight. No Hammerhead, no Golden Star, but can the COZY Aces be what trumps King Switch and his Rogue General? Or will White be rolling into a NEVER Openweight Championship match with the Once in a Century Talent?

White talks trash at Tanahashi the entire time Tanahashi does his entrance routine. Bullet Club Low Sweets, Tanahashi shows off the muscles but Gedo boos. White shows off his muscles and Gedo cheers. Fans cheer either way, enjoying the display of physical specimens. The teams sort out, fans rally for “Let’s Go, Ace!” already and White starts with Tanahashi. Fans fire up, White and Tanahashi circle, and they tie up. Tanahashi gets around, headlocks, grinds White down, but White fights up, only for Tanahashi to hold tight. White tries again but Tanahashi still holds tight. White pulls hair, the ref reprimands but now Tanahashi pulls hair!

The ref reprimands as both men pull hair but White puts Tanahashi in a corner. White knees low, stomps away, but then argues with the ref. White drags Tanahashi up to throw a forearm then whip corner to corner. Tanahashi elbows back and crossbodies! Fans fire up and Tanahashi air guitars. Tag to Kojima and he stomps away on White. Tanahashi and Kojima bring White up to double whip then double shoulder him down! Double dancing pecs wow the crowd, then Kojima DECKS Fale! Fans fire up as Kojima unleashes machine gun CHOPS on White! White endures extra rounds and then Kojima CHOPS! Kojima whips corner to corner, forearm smashes, and goes up top!

But Fale distracts the ref and Gedo anchors Kojima! White gets up and ROCKET LAUNCHES Kojima off the top! White DECKS Tanahashi then slides out to stomp him down! Fale drags Kojima out to RAM him into railing! White whips Tanahashi into railing! White goes into the ring, Fale is after Kojima again and puts him in. White drags Kojima up, bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS him! White does his best to machine gun CHOP! Then he just rakes Kojima’s eyes! The ref counts, White stops at 3, then hits a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Tag to Fale, they mug Kojima, and Fale CLUBS Kojima on the back. Fale DECKS Tanahashi, then stomps Kojima.

Fale drags Kojima up to scoop and SLAM him! Fale keeps Kojima at the ropes, White distracts the ref, and Fale stands on Kojima’s back! Gedo applauds as Fale gets away with it. Tag to White, they drag Kojima up, White DECKS Tanahashi again! Bullet Club mugs Kojima with the machine gun CHOPS! White runs, but into Kojima’s boot! Kojima elbows free and gets Fale for a DDT! Kojima reaches out but Tanahashi is still down! White keeps Kojima away with a fireman’s carry but Kojima fights free! Kojima swats White’s lariat away to then hit the COZY CUTTER! Both men are down, fans fire up, and Kojima crawls! Hot tag to Tanahashi! The Ace unleashes on White!

Tanahsahi also dropkicks Fale down, then dodges White to run and hit a flying forearm! Tanahashi scoops and slams White to a drop zone then hops up, for the sunset somersault! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi keeps his focus and fans rally again, “Let’s Go, Ace!” White stands, Tanahashi runs, but White avoids Slingblade to waistlock. Tanahashi switches, White switches back, again and again and again until White pulls hair! Tanahashi breaks free but White trips him to then GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi writhes and rolls to a corner while fans rally up again. White gets up, runs in and uppercuts! White brings Tanahashi out for the BLADEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

White is annoyed but he looms over Tanahashi. White stomps Tanahashi’s legs, left then right then back again, then ties the legs up! White wants to use the Cloverleaf like Tanahashi does! Tanahashi resists the turnover, drags White down and kicks him away! White storms back over but kicks into a DRAGON SCREW! Both men are down and fans fire up again! Tanahashi crawls for his corner but White hurries to DECK Kojima first! White tags Fale, Fale corner splashes Tanahashi then pushes him down to drop the elbow! Cover, TWO! Fale grows annoyed but he choke grips Tanahashi. Tanahashi breaks free, SHOTEIS, but runs into a LARIAT!

Fale drags Tanahashi up, reels him in but Kojima attacks from behind! White gets in and thrwos Kojima by his hair! White gets Tanahashi but Tanahashi denies Blade Runner to SLINGBLADE! But Fale choke grips, only for Tanahashi to pop free and TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Kojima powers up and takes off the armband! COZY LARIAT! Tanahashi goes up top, for a HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, Tanahashi & Kojima win!

Winners: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Satoshi Kojima, by pinfall

White rushes in but Tanahashi trips him up! Tanahashi gets the legs, and gets White in the CLOVERLEAF! White flails and Gedo freaks out, and White TAPS! White taps out, Tanahashi lets him go, but this isn’t the end but the beginning! Will Tanahashi make sure White taps out again when the gold is on the prize?

Oh but wait! Tanahashi gets a mic to tell White something directly! “Jay! I accept your challenge! Because you tapped out to my Texas Clover Hold! AKA, J T O!” Tanahashi not only adds insult to injury, but he mocks White’s love of acronyms! Will he look to just add injury when they finally fight for the NEVER title?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemura VS Roppongi 3K!

Yoh has returned! And as such, he and Sho reunite as RPG3K and look to take these titles back! But will they be able to defeat Mr. Junior Heavyweight and the Heel Master?

The introductions are made, the Junior Tag belts are raised, and the teams sort out. Yoh starts against Desperado to show he’s truly back!

Fans rally as the two circle, then Yoh and Desperado approach. They feel out the grapple, Yoh shoots in to get a leg, but Desperado blocks the takedown. Desperado gets a waistlock, Yoh switches but Desperado turns around. Yoh slips through to wrench to a wristlock, but Desperado rolls and wrenches back. Desperado cranks the wristlock, but Yoh rolls and handsprings and cartwheels and handsprings more to wrench right back! Fans cheer the exchange as Yoh hammerlocks. Desperado drops to drop toehold and then get a headlock. Desperado grinds Yoh but fans rally up. Yoh fights up, pulls on the mask but Red Shoes reprimands.

Yoh throws body shots, powers out, then reels Desperado in to headlock back! Desperado tries to power out but Yoh holds tight! Yoh grinds Desperado down now, Desperado fights up, and Yoh hits a headlock takeover. Desperado headscissors and holds tight so that Yoh can’t kip up. Fans rally as Yoh endures, and Yoh moves around to headstand and pop free with a handspring! Fans cheer as Yoh’s leg is just fine. Yoh smirks at Desperado, but Desperado rakes eyes! Desperado whips, Yoh dodges and hits a forearm! Yoh DECKS Kanemaru, Sho gets in, and RPG3K double whip Desperado. They bypass him to then drop toehold and basement dropkick! Kanemaru gets in to get double dropkicks!

Fans fire up as RPG3K finally gets to do team moves! Yoh stomps Desperado, then drags him over. Tag to Sho, they dig their boots in and stomp away, but let off as Red Shoes counts. Sho stomps Desperado, but Desperado goes to scoop! Sho fights that off, CLUBS Desperado on the back, then throws forearms! Sho scoops and slams Desperado, then covers, ONE! Sho drags Desperado up, fans rally, and Sho bumps Desperado off buckles. Tag to Yoh and Yoh throws big forearms! Desperado flounders to a corner, Yoh throws a EuroUpper, then wrenches and whips. Desperado reverses, runs in but blocks Yoh’s boot. Desperado kicks the healed leg! Desperado then gets that leg for a DRAGON SCREW!

Kanemaru DECKS Sho while Desperado drags Yoh around by the bad leg! STRETCH MUFFLER! Desperado bends and thrashes Yoh, but Yoh fights up! Fans rally, Yoh reaches out, but Desperado gets the arm, NUMERO DOS! Sho throws Kanemaru into railing then gets in to stomp Desperado down! Red Shoes has Sho exit, and fans rally for Yoh as he crawls over with one good leg. Yoh tags Sho, Sho aims from a corner and runs to run Desperado over! Sho DECKS Kanemaru in return, then wrenches Desperado to kick, kick and KICK! Sho powers up and kicks but Desperado blocks! Desperado spins Sho to waistlock but Sho breaks free. Sho KICKS Desperado back down, covers, TWO!

Fans rally as Sho keeps his focus. Desperado slowly gets up, Sho wrenches to elbow breaker after elbow breaker! Sho runs, but Desperado uses the good arm to lift, only for Sho to fight off the spinebuster! Sho whips, Desperado reverses and Kanemaru trips Sho! Kanemaru drags Sho out and whips him into railing, then Desperado does the same to Yoh! Kanemaru hits a snap suplex to the floor! Sho writhes and rolls away while Desperado stands on Yoh’s bad leg! Desperado stomps Yoh’s leg, then talks trash before he stomps it again! Kanemaru whips Sho HARD into more railing! Red Shoes starts the ring count, Desperado goes in to take Kanemaru, but the count is now 10 of 20.

The count reaches 15, Sho drags himself up and in at 18! Kanemaru drags Sho back up, whips him and then hits a BIG back drop! Kanemaru goes out just to kick and stomp Yoh! Kanemaru returns to the ring and drags Sho up for a big suplex! Cover, TWO! Tag to Desperado, and Desperado steps on Sho as he walks over to taunt Yoh. Desperado stomps Sho, then stands on his hand! Red Shoes reprimands, Desperado steps away, but he drags Sho back up to whip. Sho reverses and kitchen sink knees Desperado down! Fans fire up as both men are down, but Kanemaru gets in to stomp Sho and BOOT Yoh! Desperado gets up and stomps away on Sho at the ropes.

Fans rally again, Desperado drags Sho around then gives him stomps. Desperado feeds Sho to Kanemaru’s boots, then tags Kanemaru in. Kanemaru stomps Sho, Desperado adds on, but Sho just gets angry! Suzuki-Gun slaps Sho around but Sho fires off forearms! Desperado rakes Sho’s eyes to stop him! Suzuki-Gun double whips Sho but Sho comes back to DOUBLE SPEAR! Fans are thunderous for Sho as he reaches for his corner. Sho crawls over, hot tag to Yoh! Yoh rallies on Suzuki-Gun with forearms and elbows! Kanemaru gets a waistlock but Yoh boots Desperado, elbows Kanemaru, throws Kanemaru into Desperado, then dropkicks them both down!

Fans fire up again as Yoh brings Kanemaru up. Yoh whips corner to corner, runs in corner to corner, and back elbows! Yoh turns Kanemaru for a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Yoh keeps his focus and gets his bad leg moving again. Fans rally up, Yoh brings Kanemaru up, and Yoh brings him in for AOI- No! Kanemaru fights out of the modified fisherman, suplexes back, but Yoh slips out, only to jam his bad leg! Kanemaru dropkicks the leg out! Yoh writhes, gets to the ropes, and Red Shoes checks on him. Desperado gets in, drags Yoh up and gives him a SHIN BREAKER, to then set it up for Kanemaru’s SHOTGUN dropkick! Kanemaru steps through to the FIGURE FOUR!

Yoh endures the leg lock and Kanemaru puts as much pressure on it as he can! Fans rally, Sho gets in again and stomps Kanemaru! But Desperado drags Sho out to throw him into railing! Kanemaru still has Yoh caught, but Yoh flails and reaches! Yoh drags himself and Kanemaru over, but Kanemaru adds even more pressure! Yoh flails, hops around, and gets the ropebreak! Kanemaru lets go and fans fire up again! Kanemaru drags Yoh up, scoops and slams him into a drop zone, then goes up top, to MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Yoh survives and fans fire up again! Kanemaru climbs up again but Sho RAMS Desperado into railing!

Kanemaru waits for Yoh, then leaps, DEEP IMPACT!! Cover, Sho breaks it in time! Desperado drags Sho back out and whips him into railing! Kanemaru gets Yoh’s leg to SMASH it against the mat! Kanemaru steps through but Yoh cradle counters, TWO! Kanemaru stomps Yoh, drags him up to suplex but Yoh fights free! Kanemaru kicks the leg, Yoh blocks but Kanemaru rakes eyes! Kanemaru boots, Yoh PELES! Desperado returns, runs in and SPEARS Yoh! Sho gets in, and GERMAN SUPLEXES Desperado! Sho runs but into a SPINEBUSTER! All four men are down and fans are thunderous! Kanemaru gets to a corner, aims at Yoh, but slides under Yoh’s boot counter attack!

Yoh superkicks but Kanemaru blocks it, then kicks the bad leg. Kanemaru clubs and kicks Yoh, Yoh staggers around, and Kanemaru runs, into a RPG3K DOUBLE KNEE! Sho gets Kanemaru up, coordinates with Yoh, BACKSTABBER to SHOTGUN BOOT! Fans fire up and Yoh stomps it! It’s been so long since we’ve seen this! RPG3K watches Kanemaru, but Desperado gets in! Desperado DECKS Yoh, but Sho throws hands! Sho and Desperado brawl, Sho gets boxing elbows but Desperado rakes eyes! Desperado whips but Sho reverses to redirect, Yoh gets back up, and they hit 3K!! But Desperado isn’t legal, they have to get Kanemaru! Fans fire up, Yoh whips Sho at Kanemaru to clothesline!

Sho sets up, Yoh uses him for the boost, YOH IN MOTION! Yoh feeds Kanemaru to Sho’s underhooks, and Yoh goes up top! But Kanemaru gets out and whips Sho into Yoh! Kanemaru throws Sho out while Yoh is down on the top rope! Fans rally, Kanemaru climbs up to join Yoh, and hits a SUPERPLEX! Kanemaru crawls to the cover, TWO!! Yoh still lives, as does RPG3K! Fans rally again as Kanemaru climbs back up. Kanemaru wants Yoh to get back up just so he can put him back down. Yoh stands, and SUPERKICKS Deep Impact away! Sho is in and he LARIATS Kanemaru! Sho shouts to Yoh that they can finish this!

Yoh climbs, Sho tucks Kanemaru in, STRONG X!!! Cover, Desperado breaks it in time!! Desperado saves Kanemaru then elbows Sho. Sho drags Desperado out with him and Yoh fires up! Fans fire up with Yoh as he drags Kanemaru back up and underhooks! DIRECT DRIVE with a twist!! Cover, RPG3K WINS!!

Winners: Roppongi 3K, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

Yoh’s return is a return to glory for the team! Desperado’s time as Mr. Junior Heavyweight ends, will he and Kanemaru be able to climb back up for a rematch? As Yoh talks to Desperado, Desperado says he’s still THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, but then Yoh says he might change that, too! Will RPG3K look to be even more golden in the Spring?

Oh, now Yoh wants to talk! “If it wasn’t for all of you supporting me, I wouldn’t have been able to return to this ring.” You says as a new him and a new RPG3K, they have taken THEIR titles back! Next, Yoh wants to take THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship from Desperado!! He really does want to shine brighter! Will Yoh get his wish as the year starts to heat up?


IWGP World Heavyweight Championship: Kota Ibushi VS Will Ospreay!

The Golden Star God combined the IWGP Heavyweight and IWGP Intercontinental titles into one, and oddly enough, the only man who agreed with him is his opponent! But after the Commonwealth Kingpin cut ties with Bea Priestley with a cutter, he is clearly going down a dark path. Can Ibushi keep this title with him to continue the evolution of legacy? Or will Ospreay and the United Empire conquer NJPW?

The introductions are made, the newly minted world title belt is raised, and we see if NJPW walks in the light or turns to the darkside!

Fans rally already with “I-BU-SHI!” as he and Ospreay stare down. Both men let the moment sink in before they circle. They approach, feel out the grapple, and Ibushi goes for a leg only for Ospreay to get a waistlock. They go around, Ibushi shifts to drop toehold and then waistlock back. Ibushi floats, Ospreay rolls to facelock but Ibushi switches right back to the waistlock. Ibushi wants the half nelson but Ospreay resists. Ospreay uses a sprawl to break free and switch to a waistlock and slam! Ospreay wants the lateral press but Ibushi resists. They fight for control as Ospreay gets through a leg guard. Ospreay still wants the lateral but Ibushi slips out to a facelock!

Ospreay gets a ropebreak, Ibushi lets off with some pats on the back and the fans cheer the technical exchange. Ospreay and Ibushi reset as the United Empire, Henare included, watch ringside. Ibushi and Ospreay circle again, Ospreay rushes in but Ibushi stays up. They go around, Ibushi gets around to a waistlock and then floats to flip Ospreay. Ospreay kicks out before a cover, and fans cheer this exchange. Ibushi stays loose and fans rally up again. Ospreay also stays cool as he and Ibushi circle again. They feel out the grapple, Ospreay facelocks, goes for the arm, but Ibushi slips out the back to get a facelock. Ibushi goes to underhooks but Ospreay slips free.

Ibushi waistlocks again, but Ospreay gets an arm and wrenches to a hammerlock. Fans rally, Ibushi works on his escape, and reaches back to headlock. Ospreay endures the grind, powers up, but can’t power out as Ibushi holds tight! Fans cheer, Ospreay fights up, and pulls hair to get free! Ospreay headlocks now, Ibushi endures the grind, and Ibushi powers out only for Ospreay to run him over. Ibushi kips right up, and Ospreay SLAPS him! Ospreay headlocks, Ibushi powers out and things speed up, Ibushi RANAS Ospreay out of the ring! Fans fire up as Ibushi aims and PLANCHAS! Direct hit and Ibushi is right by his world title and Ospreay’s New Japan Cup trophy.

Ibushi brings Ospreay up and into the ring, follows him to a corner, and CLUBS him on the bad shoulder. Ibushi brings Ospreay up to club him again, then pats the bad shoulder. Ospreay throws a forearm so Ibushi fires one back! Ibushi dares Ospreay to get up, then he gets the bad arm. Ibushi elbows the shoulder and Ospreay hurries away to ropes. Ibushi KICKS Ospreay in the back, then whips him, only for Ospreay to hold ropes. Fans rally up, Ibushi tries again but still Ospreay holds ropes. Ibushi fires off strikes, whips but Ospreay reverses to lift and crotch Ibushi on the ropes! #DirtySupper(?)! Ospreay runs and BOOTS Ibushi off the ropes and to the floor!

Fans fire up as Ospreay clings like Spider-Man in the ropes. Ospreay goes out to get Ibushi, drags him up and whips him into railing! Ospreay then drags Ibushi up to RAM him into the railing, and bend him back against them! Red Shoes reprimands, Ospreay lets off, and Ospreay shrugs. Ibushi eggs Ospreay on and Ospreay kicks him down. Fans rally up and Ibushi fires off on Ospreay, to then whip Ospreay into railing! Ibushi gets up, kicks but Ospreay blocks it! Ospreay gets Ibushi up for a RAILING BACK SUPLEX! Ospreay gets in the ring, and wants a count out!? Red Shoes starts the count, Ibushi gets up and in at 10 of 20. Ospreay is after Ibushi and throws him back outside.

Ibushi is against railing as Ospreay throws forearm son him over and over! Ospreay drags Ibushi up and puts him on the apron, to CLUB away on his back! Ospreay climbs up for a GUILLOTINE KNEE DROP! Ibushi flops down and Ospreay glares at him as fans rally again. Ospreay goes back in and wants another ring count. The count begins, Ibushi is up at 5 and in at 8. Ospreay storms over as fans cheer and Ospreay stomps Ibushi down. Ospreay whips Ibushi corner to corner HARD and Ibushi bounces off buckles! Cover, TWO! Ospreay is annoyed but Ibushi kicks him from below. Ospreay eggs him on so Ibushi kicks again.

Ospreay CHOPS Ibushi while he’s down, then drags him back up for an elbow to the back! Ospreay drags Ibushi up, brings him around, and whips him to ropes to back elbow! Cover, ONE!! Fans rally but Ospreay wraps Ibushi up in a neck lock! Ospreay pushes up to add leverage, but Ibushi endures. Ibushi moves around, kicks his legs and gets the ropebreak! Ospreay turns over to twist Ibushi’s head, but lets off as Red Shoes counts 4. Fans still rally for Ibushi but Ospreay drags Ibushi up for a cravat neck wrench. Ibushi endures as Ospreay grinds him down, and fans rally with Ibushi. Ibushi throws body shots but Ospreay scoops and SLAMS him!

Ospreay runs to drop another knee, but misses as Ibushi moves! Ibushi KICKS the leg, Ospreay throws a forearm then runs, but into a dropkick! Both men are down and Ospreay is checking his healed nose. Fans fire up, Ospreay and Ibushi rise, and Ibushi fires off forearms. Ibushi whips, Ospreay reverses but Ibushi FLYING KICKS! Fans fire up as Ibushi builds power, and STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Ibushi wags his finger, but Ospreay gets to a corner. Ibushi runs in but Ospreay dodges and comes back, only for Ibushi to roll him up, all the way to a DEADLIFT CROTCH SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans are thunderous as Ibushi and Ospreay rise.

Ospreay fires off forearms and a CHOP, but Ibushi KICKS! Ospreay sputters and leans against ropes, but Ibushi whips him to ropes. Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER! Both men are down again and fans rally back up! Ibushi goes to a corner, Ospreay runs in and uppercuts! Ospreay puts Ibushi up top backwards, then into the Tree of Woe for a KICK! Ospreay goes corner to corner to HESITATION DROPKICK! Ibushi is still in the Tree but he drags himself out of it. Fans rally, Ospreay aims from the apron and springboards, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO!! Ibushi narrowly escapes that one, but Ospreay keeps his focus.

Ospreay drags Ibushi up, turns him around to a dragon sleeper, but Ibushi fights free. Ospreay still ROCKS Ibushi with a right! Ibushi staggers, Ospreay dragon sleepers and inverted suplexes, but Ibushi KNEES free! Ospreay panics and checks his damaged nose! Ibushi just smirks. Red Shoes checks but Ospreay’s nose isn’t bleeding. Ibushi storms over, brings Ospreay up but Ospreay hits a HARD body shot with that forearm! Ospreay reels Ibushi in, but Ibushi slips out of the bomb lift, only for Ospreay to block the kick, elbow the leg and CHOP back! Ibushi swings into a full nelson but elbows free. Ibushi runs into an enziguri, but LARIATS outta nowhere!

Both men are down and fans fire up yet again! Ibushi slowly sits up while Ospreay starts to stir. Ibushi drags Ospreay up, reels him in, LAST RIDE! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay survives but Ibushi keeps his focus. Fans rally hard as ever for “I-BU-SHI!” and he gets the wrists. Ospreay resists so Ibushi stomps him. Ibushi sits Ospreay up but Ospreay HEADBUTTS low! Both men are down again, fans rally up once more, and the two glare at each other. Ibushi and Ospreay go forehead to forehead on the mat, then start throwing forearms. Ibushi eggs Ospreay on with a grin, but Ospreay forearms back! Ibushi shakes his head and ROCKS Ospreay with another!

Ospreay seethes as Ibushi eggs him on, and he gives a swift forearm. Ibushi stands up and leans into the forearm he gives Ospreay! Ospreay gets up now, and returns the forearm again. Ibushi forearms, Ospreay forearms, back and forth, faster and faster, and the fans are thunderous again! Ospreay ROCKS Ibushi, BOOTS him, then runs to BOOT again! Ibushi stays up so Ospreay gives him Kowata Kicks! Ibushi just stares at him! Has the switch flipped to Kowai Ibushi?! Ospreay slaps Ibushi around, then pie faces him. Ibushi just fires off, but Ospreay dodges to ROLLING ELBOW! Ospreay dragon sleepers, inverted suplex, SAVING GRACE! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay can’t believe that Ibushi is still in this!

Ospreay gets Ibushi to a drop zone, climbs the corner to the top rope, but Ibushi sits up. Ibushi anchors Ospreay’s feet, Ospreay rains down fists, but Ibushi hits a body shot of his own! Ibushi climbs up, brings Ospreay to the top but Ospreay fights back. Ospreay shoves Ibushi aside, Ibushi has a bit of a rough landing on the apron, but Ibushi gets back up to CHOP Ospreay! Ibushi then springboards but Ospreay denies the Super Steiner! Ibushi is stuck on the rope, Ospreay GUILLOTINE SHOOTING STARS!! Ospreay puts Ibushi back in the drop zone and goes back up, to SHOOTING STAR AGAIN!! Cover, TWO!?!? Ibushi survives and everyone is shocked!

Ospreay takes off the elbow pad! Ospreay stands Ibushi up, turns, but Ibushi clubs Ospreay away! Ospreay fireman’s carries but Ibushi fights that off. Ospreay CHOPS, whips, but Ibushi reverses. Ospreay handsprings, but Ibushi catches him! Ibushi steadies himself, gets Ospreay back up, but he can’t hold him! Ibushi’s back and legs are too tired, but fans fire up and rally for him! Ospreay rolls away, Ibushi crawls after, and hoists Ospreay to the top rope backwards. Ibushi climbs up behind Ospreay, Ospreay resists so Ibushi CLUBS away on his back! Ibushi stands Ospreay up for a SUPER POISON-RA-

OSPREAY LANDS ON HIS FEET?! Ospreay recreates the shocking moment from the last time these two fought! At this point, Ibushi is annoyed of Ospreay doing this to him. Ospreay dares Ibushi to bring it, and then fireman’s carries! But Ibushi pops out to POISON-RANA after all! Ospreay tumbles out of the ring and to the floor! Fans are thunderous as Red Shoes starts the ring count. The count reaches 10 of 20 before Ospreay sits up. The count reaches 15, Ospreay is on the apron and Ibushi ROUNDHOUSES him down! Ibushi drags Ospreay up in a waistlock, and DEADLIFT SUPER GERMANS!! Ospreay crumbles from the impact and Ibushi covers, TWO!!

Ibushi doesn’t let that bother him, he gets fired up as the fans rally again. Ibushi aims from a corner, calling upon the powers of Nakamura, but runs into a SPANISH FLY! Ospreay pulls that outta nowhere to save himself, and now he’s fired up! Ospreay calls his shot as Ibushi rises, and he springboards, but the cutter is denied! Ibushi goes to roundhouse, Ospreay dodges and OSCUTTERS on the return! Cover, TWO!!?! Ospreay is shocked but he still has another weapon to use! Ospreay drags Ibushi up, turns him, DREAM SMASHER ELBOW!! Ospreay isn’t done there, he drags Ibushi up to underhook and lift, to STORM-

NO! Ibushi slips out and spins Ospreay, STANDING KAMI-GOYE?! Then PROPER KAMI-GOYE!! Cover, TWO?!?!?! What?!?! HOW?!! Ospreay survives a double shot!? The fans are electric as Ibushi vows the next one will do it! But Ospreay cradle counters! TWO!!! Ospreay SUPERKICKS! Then he dodges the V-Trigger to HOOK KICK! Then from the corner, Ospreay runs to V-TRIGGER?!?! Ospreay just stole that from the Golden Lovers!! And then HIDDEN BLADE!!! Ospreay is as fired up as the fans as he underhooks to STORMBREAKER!!!! Cover, OSPREAY WINS!!!!

Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall (NEW IWGP World Heavyweight Champion)

No one can believe it but no one can contain their excitement, either! The banner Ibushi created, the legacy Ibushi evolved, and the era Ibushi created for NJPW is now all being carried on the shoulders of another!! The United Empire celebrates together, and Cobb even gets in Ibushi’s face while he’s down on the mat! Cobb stands Ibushi up, reels him in, and gives him a TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! As if Ibushi isn’t suffering enough! And the Empire laughs at Ibushi’s pain.

Cobb makes Ibushi sit up again and makes sure he understands this is what Ibushi deserves. Cobb then helps Ospreay stand and Red Shoes places the title on Ospreay’s shoulder, and then Ospreay holds it high overhead. Ospreay is now Two Belts Kingpin as he adds his Rev-Pro British Heavyweight Championship, and then his NJCUP trophy! Ospreay is already shouting, “Who is the best wrestler in the world? Tell us now!” He even adds that NJPW’s “god” is DEAD! Do all of these prizes together truly make Ospreay the best in the world today?

Young Lions get Ibushi out of the ring carefully, and Ospreay gets impatient. Ospreay wants to give his celebration speech. “Bye-bye, god! Sayonara, mata-ne, good-bye, get out.” This is OSPREAY’S time now. Ibushi crawls as he laments his loss, and Khan even tells him to “get the hell out of here.” Ospreay says look at Ibushi! He can barely stand! Look at what Ospreay, a mere man, did to Ibushi, a “god!” Ospreay says he’s been listening to the doubters and the mockery all his life. “The little British boy can’t be a pro-wrestler.” He can’t be a big star in Japan! He can’t win the Best of the Super Juniors. Oh, but he did that twice!

“The British boy” can’t win the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, but he’s done that three times! And there was still laughter and doubting! “The British boy” can’t be IWGP World Heavyweight Champion? “Who is laughing now?!” Ospreay continues to say that five years to the day, he has been with NJPW, and debuted here in this very arena, Ryogoku! Ospreay’s done a lot of bad things, he’ll admit. He’s not the good guy. “But honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I want to take this time to apologize TO ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!” The United Empire does what they want, because they have the power!

But the story isn’t complete yet. “You should’ve killed me when you had the chance, because now I’m back for revenge for what happened at WrestleKingdom, OKADA!!” Ospreay calls out the Rainmaker!! And here comes Okada! Fans cheer as Okada walks to the ring to respond face-to-face. Okada drums on the mic to get the fans even more fired up, but wait! TAKAGI returns?! Takagi takes the mic from Okada and says he wants to say something real quick. And Ospreay, you shut up. “Oi, aren’t you getting a little too carried away?” Ospreay thinks he’s king now? And he wants revenge on Okada for Tokyo Dome? IDIOT, no one even remembers that!

Takagi says everyone DOES remember Takagi beating Okada in the FIRST round of the NJCUP! So if Okada deserves a title shot, then so does Takagi, the NJCUP runner-up! Heck, isn’t he even MORE deserving? Takagi then tells Ospreay in English that he will challenge Ospreay for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship! But don’t worry, Okada. After Takagi beats “this punk” Ospreay, he’ll make Okada his first defense! No complaints there, right? And that’s all Takagi has to say about that. Mic drop from the Dragon, but is he really going to jump the line? Will Okada have his turn on the mic now? Does he have to, since Takagi’s promising him a match anyway?

Okada isn’t sure if he should reach for the mic, but Takagi and Ospreay give him the space. Okada gets the mic, and hands it to Ospreay? Okada isn’t going to say anything, he wants Ospreay to respond! Ospreay snatches the mic back and says, “First, Shingo. Then I’m coming for you,” Okada. So there you have it! If Ospreay can sweep Takagi 3-0 in their careers, he’ll get his revenge on Okada. And even if Takagi avenges BOSJ and NJCUP, Okada will get his chance. Okada leaves without a word, satisfied with the order of things. Takagi then leaves, having gotten his own answer.

The United Empire stands tall, and Khan says, “Although we were rudely interrupted, here begins the Era of the Empire!” They offer amnesty for only tonight! Raise your hands high and hail the Kingpin, Will Ospreay! Fans do cheer, and Khan demands more and more! NJPW doesn’t need to know more than what is here in this ring. But Khan will explain it to you anyway. “This is the power of Jeff Cobb, Aaron Henare, Great-O-Khan and THE IWGP World Heavyweight Champion, Will Ospreay! This is the power of THE UNITED EMPIRE!!” The confetti falls, as does the curtain on what could be just Act I of the United Empire’s epic! Will all of NJPW bow down to their might?

My Thoughts:

An amazing event! Great developments from top to bottom, and honestly, I thought Henare was going to join Bullet Club. But y’know what? Him joining the United Empire is even better for everyone because the Empire does need to grow in members and he is definitely a great choice. Their Six Man Tag with LIJ was really good and of course in Henare’s first match with the Empire, they win and he gets the credit. With four members, they can definitely grab up whatever titles they want as a team, from the NEVER Openweight Six Man to the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Teams.

Tanahashi & Kojima VS White & Fale was really good, and I like that Tanahashi & Kojima won. I honestly thought we were already getting Tanahashi VS White for the NEVER Openweight Championship, but having the challenge be officially accepted here was great. I was pleasantly surprised that RPG3K got their titles back already. I really expected them to lose to have a long road back, but perhaps this is a great way for them to start where they left off last year when Yoh got hurt and the titles were vacated. At the same time, Yoh wants the Junior Heavyweight singles title, so that’ll be an interesting dynamic, as well.

The IWGP World Heavyweight Championship in itself may look very odd, but that doesn’t really matter when this first defense of it was so outstanding! There were great story beats referencing the other times Ospreay and Ibushi have faced off, namely that “Ospreay lands on his feet out of a flip move,” which he’s not only done for that notorious memeable moment during Golden Lovers VS Ospreay & Tanahashi, but also their WK13 NEVER Openweight title match out of a Super German Suplex. Ospreay winning was an even bigger shock, but given the promo segment at the end, it makes sense. Ospreay is going to have epic rematches with his other storied rivals and really put some legitimacy to the title’s legacy.

My Score: 9.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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