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Mitchell’s NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Results & Report! (4/7/21)

NXT takes over television!



TakeOver Stand & Deliver

NXT sets sail with treasure in mind!

For the first time ever, NXT TakeOver is TWO NIGHTS! Women’s title, tag titles, UK title and so much more, who will Stand & Deliver?


  • Preshow – Toni Storm VS Zoey Stark; Stark wins.
  • KUSHIDA VS Pete Dunne; Dunne wins.
  • NXT North American Championship #1 Contender Gauntlet Eliminator; Bronson Reed wins and will face Johnny Gargano for the title tomorrow night.
  • NXT UK Championship: WALTER VS Tommaso Ciampa; Walter wins and retains the title.
  • Vacated NXT Tag Team Championships Triple Threat Tag: MSK VS Grizzled Young Veterans VS El Legado del Fantasma; MSK wins and become the new NXT Tag Team Champions.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Io Shirai VS Raquel Gonzalez w/ Dakota Kai; Gonzalez wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.


It’s the TakeOver Preshow!

Join Sam Roberts and ESPN’s Jimmy Smith in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action in just the first night of this massive Stand & Deliver double shot!


Samoa Joe interviews Tommaso Ciampa.

A former NXT Champion sits with another, and Joe says Ciampa has drawn the “unenviable” task of taking on NXT UK Champion, Walter. Ciampa’s thoughts? Well a big man with a 700-something day reign. This is the most excited, anxious and anticipated Ciampa has had since New Orleans with Johnny Gargano. Joe says these are not often words associated with Walter. Dread, perhaps, because they know that they’ll be changed physically and mentally. What is Ciampa’s secret to not feeling that? It’s because Ciampa’s been through it already.

Ciampa’s changed not just in wrestling but in life. His neck surgery, ACL surgery, shoulder surgery, becoming a father, all changed him. Ciampa is in the best shape he has ever been physically, mentally, emotionally, even spiritually. Going into this match, Ciampa already knows it will be physical, and he likes that. So he isn’t sure, this is a weird feeling. There are certain moments that are special, and that’s tonight. Joe knows Ciampa is known for being ruthless and taking no prisoners. But facing a man like Walter, what Ciampa has already been through leading up tot his moment, is there any lack of confidence?

Ciampa feels like at 35 years old, post neck surgery and as a father, he has so much to prove. Not only is Ciampa what he was in 2018, but that he’s even better, more dangerous and more focused. If Walter doesn’t think so, he’ll be in the night of his life. Physically, Walter can’t hang. This will be Ciampa’s first shot at this UK Championship, but what more does he want to do in his career before he retires? Well the UK title, from Tyler Bate to Pete Dunne to Walter’s, it has become one of the most prestigious titles already. Ciampa’s next goal IS that title. He’s held “Goldie,” time to hold “M’lady.”

Joe wishes Ciampa the bets of luck and is sure he can handle this. Ciampa appreciates that, and both men appreciates getting to spend this time. Will Ciampa be the first man to have held both prime NXT Championship AND the NXT UK Championship in their career?


Samoa Joe now interviews Walter.

Joe welcomes the UK Champion here, and notes that Walter is THE longest reigning champion in the modern era. What does that distinction mean to Walter? Writing it down on paper it’s nice, but it really means Walter has to catch up on the six months of quarantine where nothing was allowed to happen. Then it’ll feel legitimate. Wanting that time back, does that fit into his “edict of domination” he has on the UK brand? Walter wants to always put on the best performances possible. Not just for the fans but for the sport itself.

A few years ago, Ciampa was on the top of the mountain but had to give it up because of the injury. Some have said Ciampa’s changed, others have said it was a setback, but what are Walter’s thoughts? Ciampa from two years ago is very similar to Walter today. How they think and how they feel about wrestling, how it came first, was the same. But not anymore. Ciampa has changed his priorities. He succeeded, took out of this sport what he needed, and now he’s letting the focus shift. So then this challenge from Ciampa will define Walter’s legacy?

No, it is never just one match that solidifies what you do. Every step counts. Ciampa is just the next biggest challenge. Walter wants the biggest challengers possible, and Ciampa is still that. Coming here for WrestleMania Week as UK Champion, having the privilege to defend this title in front of American fans, he loves it. But priority is NXT UK. He is a European wrestler, he wants to make that brand the most exciting.

Let’s just say Walter doesn’t win tonight. Does he stay in the US to pursue the title and get it back? Or does he return to UK and Europe and continue doing what he’s doing? At some point, everyone has to make the next step. Walter doesn’t know when that is yet. Joe wishes Walter luck, and we’ll see if the Ring General still rules after TakeOver.


Backstage interview with LA Knight.

With the advantage of entering the Gauntlet Eliminator last, he has the best chance of winning and moving on to tomorrow night. Knight wants to “talk to ya,” and says that if you remember just last TakeOver, this guy rode in and asked, “Whose game is it?” Well one TakeOver later, he’s the man walking into the eliminator! Last week, 11 other guys got dumped, and tonight, five guys get dropped! You ask him if he’s feeling confident going into the match last, and yeah he does!

After tonight, in 24 hours, he’ll take on ol’ Johnny Wrestling, the legend of TakeOver. Well legends fall and new ones fill their shoes. And if there’s any guy who can fill those shoes and then some, it’s LA Knight as the NEW NXT North American Champion! DAMN does that sound good to say! REAL good, when it comes to L A Knight. So each and every one of you out there, keep your eyes on him. That’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life! Back to the goofs on the panel!


Toni Storm VS Zoey Stark!

The Lightning From Down Under is going rather M. Bison with her gear, but perhaps because this is delicious! She gets to kick off TakeOver’s two nights of action in the ring! But will it be #ToniTime when the Rising Star(k) weathers the Storm?

The bell rings, fans rally for Stark already and that annoys Toni. Toni and Stark circle, tie up, and Stark powers Storm back but Storm turns it around. They go around the ropes, corners, and then break. Fans are rallying and dueling, but the two go again. Stark waistlocks, trips Storm and gets a headlock. Storm endures the grind, fights up, but Stark throws her with the takeover. Storm pulls hair, headscissors, and pushes up to put on pressure. Stark kips free, headlocks again, and holds on as Storm tries to power out. Storm pries free, pulls hair again and gets another headlock. Stark powers out but Storm pulls hair to get the headlock again!

Storm grinds Stark down, but Stark pries free and grinds the arm. Storm grits her teeth, fights up, reaches back to headlock, but Stark powers out. Storm runs Stark over, things speed up and Storm rolls but Stark waistlocks. Storm elbows free, runs but Stark blocks a boot to spin and ROCK her! Stark goes ide to side to uppercut! Stark runs and comes back but Storm puts her on the apron. Stark ROCKS back, springboards and missile dropkicks! Storm ends up in a corner, dodges Stark’s shining wizard and throws her down HARD! Storm stomps and kicks and rains down rights but lets off as the ref reprimands. Cover, ONE!! Storm is annoyed but she clamps on with a neck wrench.

Stark endures, fans rally again, but Storm grinds forearms into Stark’s face. Stark powers to a cover, TWO! Storm shifts to a chinlock now, but Stark fights her way up. Stark elbows but Storm throws her by her hair! Cover, TWO! Storm is frustrated, but she storms after Stark in the corner. Storm stomps Stark then drags her up to reel her in, snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Storm is frustrated, she stomps Stark then gets the leg for a HALF CRAB! Stark endures, crawls, reaches, turns and kicks Storm away! Storm BOOTS Stark back down, then drags her up, but Stark RAMS Storm into a corner! Stark throws forearms but Storm gives them back!

Storm bumps Stark off buckles, then stomps her down. The ref counts, Storm lets off, and Storm brings Stark up to throw a EuroUpper! Stark wobbles, Storm throws another EuroUpper. Stark forearms and CHOPS in return, then CHOPS again! Stark stomps Storm in a corner now, but Storm tackles her to rain down fists! Storm drags Stark up, scoops her and SLAMS her! Storm then steps over Stark and goes to a corner. Storm climbs, but Stark GAMANGIRIS first! Stark throws hands, climbs up and brings Storm up for a SUPERPLEX! Both women are down but the fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!”

Stark gets up slowly as the ring count climbs, and she drags Storm up. Storm throws forearms but Stark gives them back, and we have a brawl! Stark gets the edge, fires off and ducks a corner to mule kick, front kick and kick a leg out! Stark runs, but Storm dodges the ax kick! Storm waistlocks, Stark blocks the lift and elbows free! Stark half nelsons, HALF ‘N’ HALF! Stark kips up, fires up, and SLIDING KICKS! Cover, TWO!! Storm survives but Stark tries again, TWO! Stark is frustrated as Storm is still in this! Stark drags Storm up, fireman’s carries, but Storm slips off! Storm waistlocks, Stark resists but Storm Electric Chair lifts, for the SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Stark still lives and Storm is shocked!

Storm drags Stark up to double underhook, but Stark resists the lift! Stark wrenches out and SUPERKICKS! Storm wobbles, Stark pushes her over for a cover, TWO! Stark is beside herself, but she isn’t out of ideas yet. Stark drags Storm up, clubs her again and again and even throws a knee. But Storm gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Storm hits ANOTHER GERMAN! And then the underhooks, for STORM- No! Stark fights that off, and inside cradles! STARK WINS!!

Winner: Zoey Stark, by pinfall

That’s the biggest win in Stark’s young career for sure! She just pinned a former NXT UK Women’s Champion!! Is this just the beginning of a championship caliber career for Stark?


Backstage interview with MSK.

Nash Carter & Wes Lee have the biggest match in their own young careers, fighting to become new NXT Tag Team Champions. They are ready! This is what they were supposed to get after winning the Dusty Cup. They ran the gauntlet, got the trophy, now they’re after the gold. But GYV want to do them dirty and take Wes out, but what did the medical staff say? He is cleared~! Nash says this is the part where they’d say things about GYV and Legado, but it’s not about that! IT’s about MSK’s star shining the brightest! And it’ll shine even brighter with the titles! MSK all night and all day! But will Carter & Lee make the NXT Tag Division must-see?


Samoa Joe interviews Raquel Gonzalez.

The challenger to the NXT Women’s Championship is excited to be here, and Joe is excited to have her here. It’s hard to find anyone who has had a better year than her. While 2020 was crazy for the entire world, Raquel was excited to still be part of the action and progress and show the world who she is. And now she wants to make a statement in 2021. Well turning to her opponent, Io Shirai has been tremendously successful as champion, taking on all challengers and handled them with ease. But for the first time in a long time, there is a challenger who can threaten that reign. How does Raquel feel?

She feels great. She is honored for the greatest female wrestler to choose her as a challenger. If that isn’t validation, then we don’t know what is. She can hang with the best and isn’t just a sidekick. The fact that the champion singled her out, does that worry Raquel at all? Knowing Io and her mindset and style as the crazy wrestler who leaves nothing behind, just a little. But Raquel is confident in her abilities to handle whatever Io dishes out. And now, Raquel joins some elite company in main-eventing the evening. How does that feel? It means so much, especially after her journey to get to this point. The different matches she’s had this last year, such as Rhea Ripley at New Year’s Evil, and now Raquel is a main-eventer for one of the most unique events NXT has ever had.

Shirai is considered the best with a 300+ day reign, and there is talent from all over the world. But this is a mountain no one has been able to climb. Raquel is confident that when she beats Shirai, Raquel will smile and be full of pride and everything that has been building up to this moment. A lot of emotions, words, and just the best place in her life and her career. Will Big Mami Cool be on top of the world when she reaches the top of the mountain in NXT?


Now Samoa Joe interviews Io Shirai.

NXT Women’s Champion and Evil Genius took the title over 300 days ago when she defeated Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley, arguably two of NXT’s best ever. Many consider the NXT Women’s Division to be THE BEST division in the world today. How does it feel to be the champion of that division? Before coming to the US, Shirai was the top champion in Japan for over three years. She’s been the best of the best in Japan, and so she wanted to become the best in the world. That is why she came to the WWE. She is still planning to reach the top of this company.

Then touching on her challenger tonight, Raquel, and the year Raquel has had and what she’s done to get here, the question begs to be asked: Why did Shirai choose her rather than waiting? Well Shirai’s beaten Rhea, Charlotte and even Sasha Banks, all the best of each brand. The reason she chose Raquel for TakeOver is that she is a big up-and-comping star. Shirai personally looks up to Rey Mysterio Jr, and has been watching him since a young age. He was the smaller person beating the giants, so she thought she should follow in his footsteps and defeat someone literally bigger than her.

Well what does it mean to main event TakeOver, Night One? It is a lot of pressure, yes, but she isn’t just representing Women’s Wrestling, but also the NXT Women’s Title. The division has come a long way, so she isn’t just responsible for that, but for making this the best division, as well. Joe wishes her good luck in her defense, but will the Genius of the Sky still be flying high after facing Ricky Desperado?


Nita Strauss plays the Star Spangled Banner on guitar.


KUSHIDA VS Pete Dunne!

Two of the very best technical wrestlers in the world today battle to prove who is truly THE best! Will it be the Super Junior, who set the pace for Junior Heavyweight Strong Style in Japan? Or will it be the Bruiserweight who dominated alongside British Strong Style?

The bell rings and Dunne leaps to get a Triangle Hold! Kushida slips out, rolls Dunne to get an ARMBAR! Dunne slips out, gets free and fans are fired up! The two reset, Kushida tries to use his legs but Dunne stays clear. Fans duel as the two feel out knuckle locks. Dunne rolls, gets a drop toehold but Kushida fights to stay up. Kushida shifts and gets a heel hook but so does Dunne. Kushida rolls to tie up Dunne’s legs and grabs the arms for the Queen Angelito! Dunne resists so Kushida steps over, wrenches the arm and hammerlocks . Dunne wrenches Kushida’s arm back and stretches it before putting it in the hammerlock.

Kushida spins, rolls, and wrenches to a wristlock, but Dunne rolls, handsprings, wrenches, and whips. Kushida handsprings but Dunne trips him up and has the arms! Dunne drags Kushida out in that way, to then APRON X-PLEX! Kushida flounders into the ring but Dunne is after him as he hammerlocks one arm and pulls the other against the ropes! The ref reprimands but Dunne SNAPS the arm against ropes! Kushida checks his elbow, but he kicks back! Dunne stands on a foot, gets the other and twists that around to then tie up the legs. Dunne gets the arm for a half straitjacket before he just STOMPS Kushida down! Fans boo as Dunne looms over Kushida.

Dunne CHOPS Kushida, boots him, but Kushida CHOPS back! IT is a CHOP fight as they go back and forth, until Kushida KICKs the arm! Dunne BOOTS again, but runs into a hip toss! Kushida cartwheels, Dunne wants the arm but Kushida basement dropkicks first! Dunne goes to the ramp, Kushida climbs up top and leaps, but Dunne dodges! Dunne KICKS a leg, brings Kushida around to whip, but Kushida handsprings with the ropes to back elbow Dunne down! Kushida goes up the ramp for some space, and gets going to PENALTY KICK Dunne into the ring!! Fans are thunderous already as Kushida circles around Dunne. Dunne catches the Fast Ball to a HOVERBOARD?!

Dunne is stealing Kushida’s move, but Kushida turns it to his Hoverboard! Dunne clasps hands behind his back, wrenches out and ROCKS Kushida, but Kushida PELES! Kushida whips, Dunne reverses, but Kushida handsprings again, into a wrench! Elbow breaker, finger SNAP! Pump handle, but Kushida slips out to hit BACK TO THE FUTURE! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives the cradle driver as NXT goes picture in picture!

Kushida stands on Dunne’s bad arm, gets the other, and pulls them back for INVERTED DANIELSON STOMPS! Kushida shows he can be just a gritty as the Bruiserweight, but Dunne rolls, kips up and HEADBUTTS Kushida! Now Dunne has the arms for FORWARD DANIELSON STOMPS! Dunne lets off and catches his breath while Kushida stirs. Dunne wrenches Kushida’s arm, locks it on the mat, and STOMPS it! Then DECKS Kushida! Cover, TWO! Kushida survives but Dunne keeps his focus as NXT returns to single picture. Dunne runs but Kushida ducks the enziguri to PENALTY KICK the arm! Suplex to ARMBAR!

Dunne rolls, and STMOPS the arm again!! Dunne reels Kushida in, Tiger Driver to ARMBAR! Kushida rolls, Dunne dodges and ROCKS him again! Kushida ROCKS back, but Dunne ENZIGURIS! Kushida FAST BALLS!! Both men are down and fans are thunderous again! Kushida gets up, gets Dunne’s arms and now the two give Junkyard Dog headbutts! Kushida and Dunne get up, Dunne breaks free to ROCK Kushida but Kushida KICKS the bad arm! Kushida runs around to world to SHOTGUN DROPKICK the arm! Dunne scrambles away but Kushida is after him again. Kushida whips corner to corner, Dunne goes up but gets tripped up by the handspring heel kick!

Kushida hurries up top and fans fire up with him! Kushida drags Dunne up by his hair, gets him to the top rope, and has the HOVERBOARD, for a KIMURA SUPLEX! Kushida CRANKS the Hoverboard!! Dunne endures as fans rally up, and Dunne moves around to get a ropebreak! Kushida steps over to hammerlock TWIST the arm! And then it’s a JIM BREAKS SPECIAL!! Dunne endures and uses his foot to get the ropebreak! Kushida lets go in frustration, but he goes right to the top rope again. Kushida leaps to KNEE the arm! Dunne writhes, Kushida leaps and has the arm again! Dunne reaches for ropes but Kushida gets the HOVERBOARD on the other side!

Dunne makes it a cover, TWO, and Dunne gets the ropebreak thanks to it! Kushida holds on, but he lets go at 4 with a bit of a tweak. Kushida aims, but Dunne blocks the fast ball! Dunne twists the wrist and bends fingers to SNAP them! Kushida is in pain but Dunne STOMPS the hands! Kushida ducks the Buzzsaw to FAST BALL! But Dunne DOUBLE STOMPS the hands again! BUZZSAW! Pump handle, BITTER END!! Cover, Dunne wins!!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

Dunne just shrugs, but then smirks ash he has proven he is what he said he is. Will having the title of best technical wrestler today bring Dunne to a championship title in the near future?


NXT North American Championship #1 Contender Gauntlet Eliminator!

William Regal’s unique take on endurance matches returns to determine a challenger for Johnny Freakin’ Wrestling! But we already know the order thanks to last week’s battle royal, and we’re going to start with Leon Ruff and Isaiah “Swerve” Scott! Can these two settle their grudge before the three minutes are up and this match gets colossal?

NXT returns with Ruff hitting a dropkick on Swerve! And that wasn’t even part of the match! These two just keep fighting without the bell, but now the bell rings and this match truly begins! Ruff dumps Swerve out, then fakes Swerve out to stomp the hands! Ruff runs to DIVE, but Swerve catches him to put him on the barriers! Swerve then runs to dropkick Ruff down to the ground! Swerve composes himself, drags Ruff around by his facial hair, then has the commentary move as he fireman’s carries Ruff. Ruff fights off the fireman’s carry and jumps to the desk, using to to launch for the RUFF CUT! Ruff puts Swerve in the ring, covers, TWO!

Ruff drags Swerve up, throws a forearm, then whips. Swerve reverses, Ruff rebounds but gets caught for a ROPE GUILLOTINE! Swerve seethes while Ruff is down and the ref checks on him. Ruff is okay to continue, so Swerve drags him up and over to a corner. Swerve climbs, reels Ruff in by his ears, and gets him up the ropes! Ruff fights back with body shots but Swerve CLUBS him back. Swerve lifts but Ruff SUPER STEINERS the powerbomb away! Fans are fired up as Ruff grits his teeth and both men are down! The countdown arrives, and time is up! Here comes Bronson Reed! Ruff climbs up to LEAP, but into Reed’s arms!

Reed TOSSES Ruff, Swerve avoids him, and fires off on Reed! Reed blocks the whip with size and strength, then whips Swerve to CLOBBER him! Fans cheer for “Big Boi Season!” as he SPLASHES Swerve in a corner! Reed brings Swerve up with a suplex, holds him, but Ruff climbs and leaps in to tip the suplex over with a crossbody! Swerve takes all the damage,. but Ruff throws forearms on Reed! Reed doesn’t flinch, Ruff ducks and dodges and fakes Reed out, but he can’t slide under before Reed SITS on him! Fans want that “One More Time!” so Reed obliges and SITS on Ruff again! Reed then drags Ruff back up to back suplex, but Ruff lands on his feet!

Ruff waistlocks but he can’t lift Reed at all. Swerve waistlocks Ruff, Reed switches to get Swerve, but Ruff desperately grabs ropes! He can’t hold on, Reed hits a DOUBLE STACKED GERMAN SUPLEX!! Ruff and Swerve go floundering around but Reed gets Swerve in a corner. Reed stomps Swerve, the countdown returns, and Reed welcomes the fourth entrant, CAMERON GRIMES! Mr. GameStonks DogeCoin Carolina Caveman is still very confident despite everything we all just saw. Swerve BLINDSIDES Reed with a dropkick, Grimes hits a MOONSAULT and Reed is down! Swerve adds a basement dropkick and Reed flops out of the ring!

Grimes is fired up, and he has a wad of cash! He gives that to Swerve for the teamwork they pulled off, and look to continue against Ruff! Grimes uses his vest to choke Ruff, then Swerve stands on Ruff’s head! Swerve stomps Ruff down, Grimes drags Ruff up and around to CLUB him on the back! Swerve ROCKS Ruff, Grimes EuroUppers Ruff off his feet! Swerve forearms Ruff again, then Grimes whips him in, but Ruff BOOTS Swerve away! Ruff dodges Grimes, ROCKS him with a right then goes around and around the corner, then under Grimes, but into Swerve’s fireman’s carry and CORNER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Grimes throws money down on Ruff but Reed is back!

Reed ROCKS Grimes, Swerve boots and Grimes sweeps the legs! Swerve goes out to BOOT Reed from the apron! Swerve and Grimes go back to Ruff, and Grimes ROCKS Ruff with a right. Ruff fights back, runs, but into a LARIAT from Grimes! Swerve whips Ruff to LARIAT him, too! But the three minutes are up, here comes Dexter Lumis! Ruff sends Grimes into Swerve, and the Tortured Artist stares into the souls of everyone still in this match. Grimes hits Ruff with a CAVE-IN, Swerve covers Ruff himself, and Ruff is ELIMINATED! Lumis has Reed on the ramp for a DDT! Swerve runs at Lumis but gets an uppercut!

Lumis slithers in and scares Grimes out of the ring. Swerve runs in again but Lumis blocks the kick to spin Swerve, and rebound back suplex! Grimes returns but into a rebound back suplex of his own! Swerve staggers but Lumis DECKS him with haymaker after haymaker! Lumis runs in to corner clothesline then BULLDOG! And then a LARIAT! Fans rally for Lumis but Reed gets in the ring! Reed roars and the brawl is own! They go haymaker for haymaker, Reed gets the edge and whips, only for Lumis to reverse and uppercut! Lumis tries to fireman’s carry but can’t! Reed scoops, Lumis slips out and ROCKS him!

Lumis fireman’s carries but not for long! Lumis throws Reed at Grimes but Grimes dumps Reed out! Lumis then goes after Grimes and clotheslines Grimes and himself out hard! They have a nasty tumble, but it’s the final countdown~! And that of course means L A KNIGHT is here! Knight is even has a mic as he heads to the ring! He talks trash as he enters, saying “LA Knight’s TakeOver is now official!” Yeah, he’ll even help Reed to the back with a stomp! And speaking of guys taking off, doesn’t Grimes want to take off to the moon? Knight will help him with a punt into deep space! Lumis wants to paint pictures, but he should just paint a picture of getting dumped on his head!

And as for Swerve- Reed shuts Knight up by TOSSING him into the ring! Knight wants Reed to take it easy as NXT goes picture in picture!

Reed storms over but Knight throws him into ropes! Knight gets up and KNEES Reed from the apron! Reed wobbles, Knight slingshots but into a fireman’s carry, and SAMOAN DROP! Reed sees Grimes up top, Grimes leaps in, into a BIG elbow! Grimes flounders, Reed whips him hard into a corner and Grimes tumbles to the ramp! Reed sees Swerve and BOOTS him! Reed whips Swerve corner to corner hard, and Swerve crumples to the mat. Reed whips Knight to ropes, Knight knees back but Reed CLOBBERS him with a full body press! Reed drags Knight back up, headbutts him, then elbows him to a corner.

Reed whips Knight corner to corner hard and Knight bounces off buckles! NXT returns to single picture as Reed doe sit again. Knight dodges and NECKBREAKERS! Knight finally takes off his vest, but Grimes is there! Knight dodges to scoop POWERSLAM! Swerve is up top but Knight LEAPS up there to get him for a SUPERPLEX! Knight has the fans fired up but Lumis slithers in! Knight says he’ll do this again. But Grimes runs in! Lumis sends Grimes into Knight, then URENAGES to the SILENCE! Grimes is in the hold, but Knight jackknife covers Lumis! Lumis is ELIMINATED!! Fans boo as Knight gets another sneaky win over Lumis, and Knight rubs it in!

But then Swerve KNEES Knight! Grimes scoops for a SWINGING SLAM! Reed drops the SENTON! Cover, Knight is ELIMINATED!! And that’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life, dummy! Knight wants the ref to reconsider, but Lumis gets Knight in the SILENCE!! Finally, Knight stops talking as he passes out! Night-night, Knight. Grimes, Swerve and Reed are the final three and Swerve CHPOS Reed! Reed CHOPS back, but Grimes SUPER FOREARMS! Grimes and Swerve throw forearms, Reed gets in on that and he CHOPS Grimes! Grimes SUPER FORERMS Reed, CHOPS Swerve, but Swerve CHOPS Grimes! Reed CHOPS Swerve, Grimes SUPER FOREARMS!

Swerve ROCKS Grimes, elbows Reed, ducks and Grimes ROUNDHOUSES Reed! Swerve throws Grimes, gator rolls, but Grimes suplexes and Reed caches Swerve! Grimes SUPERKICKS Reed, but Swerve hits the COPMLETE SSHOT on Grimes! Reed falls on both men!! All three men are down and fans are thunderous! Swerve kicks Reed from the mat, and Grimes wants the partnership to start up again. They go after Reed together with forearms and knees, but Reed just eggs them on! Swerve throws a haymaker, Grimes KICKS, but Reed is up to fire off CHOP after CHOP! Reed runs, but into BOOT AND SUPERKICK! He keeps going and CLOBERS them!

Reed keeps running, but into Grimes’ COLLISION COURSE! But a HOUSE CALL gets Grimes! Swerve half nelson but Grimes switches to O’Conner! Swerve turns that to his own, with tights, and Grimes is ELIMINATED! Now Swerve has an elimination and the money! But he still has to get through Reed! Reed and Swerve circle, fans are thunderous, and they feel out the grapple. Swerve fires off body shots but Reed shoves Swerve. Swerve gets up but Reed CLOBBERS him! Reed climbs up top, Swerve gets up to run and RYDER KICK Reed first! Swerve climbs up and brings Reed out for an APRON POWERSLAM!!! The ref checks on Reed but somehow he’s okay!

Swerve looms over Reed as fans still lose their minds. Swerve gets Reed into the ring, then climbs up top for the 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!?!? Reed lives and Swerve can’t believe it! Swerve pushes Reed around, dares him to get up, but then hits a HOUSE CALL! Swerve likes that Reed gets up again, and hits another HOUSE CALL! Swerve drags Reed up, tells him he isn’t taking this from Swerve, but Swerve choke grips! Swerve KICKS and HOUSE CALLS AGAIN!! Cover, TWO?!?! Reed might truly be a kaiju because he’s not human! But Swerve hammerlocks one arm, gets the other and pulls back as far as he can!

Reed throws Swerve away but Swerve SLAPS him! Reed SLAPS back, then POWERBOMBS! Reed brings Swerve right back up for a CRUNCHY!! Reed goes up top and fans are thunderous again, for the TSUNAMI SPLASH!!! Cover, Reed wins!!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall (advances to TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, Night Two)

The Colossal conquers the Gauntlet Eliminator! But will he be ready to crush Johnny Gargano and take the gold from him once and for all? Speaking of, Johnny Gargano walks out on stage to look Reed in the eye as he holds up the title. Will Gargano find a way to survive the Tsunami coming for him?


NXT UK Championship: WALTER VS Tommaso Ciampa!

The Ring General has reigned over NXT UK for 770+ days! But having this title for over two years isn’t satisfactory, he must defeat the best competition possible. The Blackheart may not be what he once was, but he’s as good as he ever was! Is that going to be good enough to take this title from Walter?

The introductions are made, the UK Championship is raised, and the biggest test in both men’s careers begins now!

Walter and Ciampa circle as fans rally and duel. Walter eggs Ciampa on and they tie up. They’re in a deadlock but just for a moment before Walter puts Ciampa in a corner. Walter lets off, Ciampa avoids the chop, and fans fire up and duel again. Ciampa gets an arm, wrenches, wristlocks, then hammerlocks. Ciampa spins Walter to a facelock but Walter puts him in another corner. Ciampa and Walter let off but Ciampa headlocks. Walter powers out to run Ciampa over! Ciampa avoids the stomps and chops and kicks back! Fans fire up as they go again, and Ciampa facelocks but Walter put shim in a corner. Walter lets off just to pie face Ciampa, but Ciampa SLAPS Walter!

Ciampa fires off hands then stomps on Walter and fans are fired up! Ciampa shouts, “You wanted the best?! You wanted the Blakcheart!?” Ciampa slaps Walter then runs side to side, into a CHOP! Walter drags Ciampa back up, scoops him and puts him on the top rope to CHOP him again! Walter then climbs up to STAND on Ciampa! Ciampa falls to the apron then the floor! The ref reprimands but Walter paces around. Ciampa slowly gets up, Walter goes out and stalks up to him, but Ciampa elbows Walter! Ciampa forearms, Walter EuroUppers! Walter has Ciampa on the announce desk, talks trash, but Ciampa avoid the CHOP! The desk hood breaks!!

Ciampa BOOTS Walter, ROCKS him and CHOPS him, then CHOPS again! But Walter APRON BACK SUPLEXES Ciampa! Ciampa goes into the ring, Walter gets up but Ciampa KICKS the arm! Ciampa drags Walter through ropes, but Walter powers through to RAM Ciampa into a corner! Walter throws forearm after forearm on Ciampa, lets off as the ref counts, and then comes back, but Ciampa blocks the chop! Ciampa throws forearms, CHOPS, and repeat! Ciampa fireman’s carries but Walter is too big! Walter gets Ciampa’s head and turns him, but Ciampa pulls the fingers! Ciampa KICKS the arm, Kowata Kick style!

Ciampa waistlocks Walter, but he can’t get Walter up. Walter buckles Ciampa off then BOOTS him down! Walter clutches his arm, grimaces at Ciampa, and stomps him down! Fans rally and duel, Walter gets Ciampa’s legs and turns him for the HALF CRAB! Ciampa endures, Walter sits deep, then shifts to an STF! The bad arm makes that difficult, Ciampa fights up and out, but Walter BOOTS him again! Ciampa goes to ropes, Walter stalks over and looms over him. Walter stands on Ciampa’s head but the ref counts. Ciampa flounders out of the ring, Walter waits on him, and Walter grabs him for a DEADLIFT SUPLEX! Ciampa flounders again but Walter kicks him around.

Walter eggs Ciampa on, kicks him more, but Ciampa smirks. Ciampa CHOPS, Walter KNEES him down! Walter sits Ciampa up to DECK him with a forearm! Walter toys with Ciampa as fans duel, but Ciampa gets up. Walter reels Ciampa in but Ciampa dodges to clothesline! Walter wobbles, Ciampa clotheslines again! And again! And again! Walter is still up but Ciampa runs to LARAIT! Walter is still up, Ciampa goes again and leaps for a BIG LARIAT! NXT goes picture in picture as Ciampa fires off on Walter at the ropes! Ciampa keeps trying but Walter is still up, so Ciampa BLINDSIDES Walter then runs again! And again! And again! Ciampa just keeps going!

Ciampa is still giving clothesline after clothesline, pinballing Walter around but not knocking him over! Just how long can both men keep going?! Ciampa has Walter literally on the ropes as the clotheslines just keep coming! Ciampa goes but Walter CHPOS him down! Ciampa is right back up!? And he CLOBBERS Walter!! Ciampa fireman’s carries and get Walter up for an AIR RAID CRASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Walter survives and the fans are electric as NXT returns to single picture! “This is Awesome!” but far from over as Ciampa finally catches his breath. Ciampa drags Walter up, reels him in, and underhooks the arms, but Walter resists.

Ciampa throws knees, tries again, but Walter back drops Ciampa up and over to a BRIDGE! Cover, TWO! Ciampa still has the arms! Ciampa underhooks, lifts, FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, TWO!?!? Walter survives and no one can believe it! Ciampa goes to ropes but so does Walter. Fans duel as Ciampa KNEES Walter! Ciampa runs again but Walter gets him for a SLEEPER! Ciampa resists, pries the hold and bends fingers! Walter does his best with one arm, using his own head for leverage! Ciampa gets the ropebreak but Walter GERMAN SUPLEXES and LARIATS!! Cover, TWO!! Ciampa lives and Walter can’t believe it! Walter drags Ciampa up, reels him in, but Walter is dead weight.

Walter still gets Ciampa up, but Ciampa wrenches and BITES Walter’s hand! Walter KCIKS Ciampa in the back, then ROCKS him with a forearm! Walter tries again but Ciampa gets the arm! FUJIWARA with finger bending! Walter scrambles, Ciampa keeps hold, but Walter gets the ropebreak with a foot! The ref counts, Ciampa CRANKS but lets off at 4! Ciampa stomps and kicks Walter at the ropes, lets off at 4 to then hammer away with fury! The ref counts again, Ciampa lets off again, and Walter goes to the apron. Ciampa drags Walter through ropes but Walter hotshots him away! Walter climbs back up, stands Ciampa up, and CLUBS him a la Sheamus’ Bodhrain!

The ref counts, Walter stops but Ciampa CLUBS Walter’s hand over and over! Walter HEADBUTTS Ciampa down! Fans duel as hard as ever as Walter climbs. Ciampa CHOPS him first! Ciampa climbs up, but Walter gut wrenches! Ciampa resists, gets Walter up and hits a SUPER AIR RAID CRASH!! Cover, TWO!?!?! Walter survives again and Ciampa can’t believe it! Fans hope they “Fight Forever!” now as the two slowly sit up. Ciampa stands first, and he CHOPS Walter! And CHOPS! Walter wobbles, Ciampa runs to CHOP! Walter seethes, so Ciampa CHOPS again! Ciampa CHOPS but Walter powers through it!? And CHOPS again! Ciampa CHOPS, Walter CHOPS, it’s a CHOP fight!

Ciampa gets the edge with the CHOP, but Walter catches one to SLAM Ciampa down! Ciampa bridges, Walter sits on him, TWO as Ciampa bridges again! Walter STOMPS Ciampa in the chest, and uses his feet to CRANK the neck!! Walter gets Ciampa up for a WALTER BOMB!! Walter flips Ciampa around to get him back up, for another WALTER BOMB!! High stack cover, TOW!?!?! The Blackheart proves he’s not human and the fans are thunderous again! Ciampa gets up, Walter is there and reel shim in for a SLEEPER SUPLEX!! Ciampa staggers up into a CHOP! Cover, Walter wins!!

Winner: WALTER, by pinfall (still NXT UK Champion)

The Blackheart is back, but even that wasn’t enough to finally topple the Austrian Anomaly! But Walter only wins so that he can be challenged again at tomorrow’s NXT UK Prelude! He bested Ciampa in the Capitol Wrestling Center, but will Walter still have enough to survive Rampage Brown in the BT Sports Studio?


Franky’s Pomeranian is on the loose again.

And this time, the pup knows exactly where to find her. She’s in the Performance Center’s ring! Franky Monet will finally show her face this Tuesday as NXT makes the move!


Vacated NXT Tag Team Championships Triple Threat Tag: MSK VS Grizzled Young Veterans VS El Legado del Fantasma!

While it is unfortunate for Danny Burch to go down with an injury while he and Oney Lorcan were still champions, this is now a huge opportunity for these three teams! Carter & Lee already won the Dusty Cup, will they get to add the titles to their stellar resumé? Will Zack Gibson & James Drake become the first team to have held both NXT UK and prime NXT Tag Team Championships? Or will Raul Mendoza & Joaquin Wilde join Santos Escobar in being champions among champions?

The introductions are made, the belts are on display, and one way or another, NEW champions will be crowned as one team will stand & deliver!

This style of Triple Threat allows for each team to have a man in, so Wilde, Gibson and Lee step up. Fans are fired up already as Lee rushes Gibson but Wilde waistlocks him. Wilde shoves Lee into Gibson, then body shots Lee hard! Wilde talks trash, drags Lee up and throw shim, then kicks him. Tag to Mendoza, they mug Lee and CHOP him! Legado double whip, double elbow and throw Lee to ropes! Gibson runs but into a DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER, and Legado splits the wishbone! Legado DOUBLE FLAPJACKS Lee then double basement dropkicks! Fans duel as Mendoza covers but Gibson breaks it! Gibson back suplexes Mendoza down, then goes after Lee’s arm!

Lee fights, Gibson lifts Lee with one arm, then drops him down. Lee forearms and boots but is put on the apron! Carter tags in, Lee ENZIGURIS, then holds Gibson in for Carter’s BRONCO BUSTER! But Mendoza runs in to CLOBBER Carter, and he drags Gibson up. Gibson ROCKS Mendoza, DECKS Wilde, then tags in Drake. GYV whip, dropkick and basement dropkick Mendoza, then MAYHEM IN MOTION on Wilde! GYV are fired up, but Carter gets in, dodges and crossbodies Gibson! Drake CLOBBERS Carter, keeps him from Lee and covers, TWO! Drake sneers as he drags Carter up for big haymakers.

Carter ends up in the GYV corner, Drake talks trash and throws heavy hands! The ref reprimands and counts as Drake stomps away but he lets off. Carter throws a body shot, then another, but Drake elbows him down! Drake stomps Carter, drags him around and covers, TWO! Drake grows frustrated, clamps onto Carter with a chinlock and grinds him down. Carter endures, fights up, but Drake DECKS him! Drake paces around, taunts Drake, then BOOTS Wilde off the apron! Drake drags Carter up, scoops him and SLAMS him! Cover, TWO! Drake calls to Gibson, Lee coaches Carter, but Drake DECKS Carter again!

Drake pulls Carter’s hair, fish hooks his face, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Drake suplexes but Carter slips out ot tag in Lee! MSK fires off with kicks on Drake, then enziguris to DOUBLE STOMP! Carter goes out, tags in and Lee sets up, it’s MSK IN MOTION and Carter takes out both Grizzled Young Veterans! But Mendoza BLASTS Lee! Wilde and Mendoza coordinate, and TORNILLO TOPE COMBO!! Legado take down everyone and their fans are all fired up! Wilde puts Carter in, tags Mendoza, and then hoists Carter into the Tree of Woe. They stomp away on Carter, then go to adjacent corners. Legado gives Carter BACK2BACK COAST2COAST! Cover, but Gibson breaks it!

Gibson wants Legado to take it easy, it’s all fair in a Triple Threat. Legado stomp him down instead! Legado whip Gibson out of the ring! The ref sorts things out as NXT goes picture in picture.

Mendoza has Carter, snap suplexes then covers, TWO! Mendoza drags Carter up again, Carter throws body shots, then runs, but into a dropkick! Mendoza tags Wilde, Legado coordinates and hip toss SPLASHES down! Cover, TWO! Wilde rains down furious fists on Carter, drags him back up, and snapmares him for a KNEE to the back! Wilde runs to BASEMENT CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Wilde snarls, taunts Carter, and drags him up while taunting Lee. Wilde bumps Carter on buckles, tags Mendoza, and Mendoza fires off hands on Carter! Mendoza brings Carter around to whip him into the corner as NXT goes single picture! Clothesline and tag, then Wilde repeats the process!

Mendoza runs, clothesline and tag, then Wilde runs to clothesline and tag! The Legado loop continues, fans are fire dup, and then Legado double suplex! Mendoza LIONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Carter survives all that and Drake rolls Mendoza up! TWO!! Mendoza knees low, throws Drake away, then goes after Carter. Drake clobbers Mendoza, gets Carter, but Carter elbows free! Hot tag to Lee, he SUPER FOREARMS Drake! Uppercut for Mendoza, boot for Wilde, kicks for everyone else! Lee gives Drake body shots and a kick then snapmare, basement dropkick! Then he DIVES to take out Gibson, a nd gets in to FLY onto Legado!

Lee goes up and in and handsprings to PELE Drake down! Tag to Carter, MSK coordinates for the PUSHING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Drake survives but Carter hauls him up. Drake fights free, Lee tags in, but Gibson CLOBBERS him! Drake fights Carter off, Gibson has lee up, but Carter KNEES Drake down! Lee fights free to RANA Gibson down! Wilde ROCKS Carter, feeds him to Mendoza’s ANARCHY! Lee runs in, dodges Legado and QUEBRADAS to DOUBLE REVERSE DDT! Drake runs into Lee’s EXPLODER! Lee climbs but Gibson THROAT CHOPS him down! Gibson gets Lee’s hand stuck through a buckle pad?! Drake says GRIT YOUR TEETH, and hits the bad arm!!

Gibson tags in, he drags Lee in, HAMMERLOCK TAKEDOWN! And then SHANKLY GATES!! Lee endures, Drake keeps Carter away with a sleeper! Carter is fading, but he blocks Lee’s hand from tapping out!! Lee sees Carter going out, Gibson TWISTS the arm more! Mendoza SHOTGUNS Gibson! ROUNDHOUSE for Drake! Fireman’s carry and Wilde uses him as a boost to SPLASH Gibson! Mendoza SAMOAN DROPS Drake, and Legado picks the bones of Lee! LEGADO GAMANGIRI LEG SWEEP!! Cover, TWO?!!?? How did Lee live through that?! Legado is furious, but the stomp Carter and Drake down! Wilde has Drake on the ramp, Mendoza chases Carter to the desk.

Gibson trips Wilde up and Drake DECKS him! Mendoza clubs Carter while GYV gives Wilde the GRIZZLED DOOMSDAY DEVICE!! Carter gets Mendoza in a torture rack, Lee gets up, DOUBLE STOMP BURNING HAMMER for Mendoza!! But now it comes down to MSK and GYV, as they’ve both always wanted! Gibson tells MSK to ignore the fans, and it is just a BRAWL!! Gibson dumps Lee out, CLOBBERS Carter, and Drake hurries to get him up! But Carter slips out, uppercuts Gibson and springboards to DOUBLE CUTTER!! Lee hurries back up as Gibson flounders about! Carter tags Lee, MSK coordinates, MUST SEE HART ATTACK! Cover, MSK WINS!!

Winners: MSK, by pinfall (NEW NXT Tag Team Champions)

The boyhood dreams have come true!! More grizzled than the Young Veterans, and a legacy growing faster than Legado del Fantasma’s, and they’re just getting started! And to make it official, William Regal hands them the belts himself! Will it truly be Lee & Carter, MSK All Night and All Day?


NXT Women’s Championship: Io Shirai VS Raquel Gonzalez w/ Dakota Kai!

The Evil Genius was In Your House when she dethroned the Queen of Flair and braved the Nightmare, but that was a Triple Threat. She must face Big Mami Cool 1v1 to prove she is still the best of the best in the best division anywhere, PERIOD. Will she have a plan for the woman who has quite literally thrown her around all of the Capitol Wrestling Center?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and women’s wrestling reigns supreme as we see who reigns over women’s wrestling!

Shirai rushes Raquel but gets put in a corner! Raquel RAMS into Shirai over and over, then lets off as the ref counts, just to carry Shirai and toss her! Shirai lands on her feet but Raquel BOOTS her down! Raquel gets Shirai up but Shirai throws hands, Raquel puts Shirai in a corner to stomp away on her, then CLUB her! Raquel grits her teeth, whips Shirai but Shirai RANA- No! Raquel blocks to bring Shirai up! And again! But Shirai heel kicks Shirai then whips, only for Raquel to block. Raquel reverses, runs but hits buckles before Shirai swing kicks her away! Shirai shoulders into Raquel, goes up top and leaps, for a FLYING RANA!

Raquel ends up in another corner, Shirai runs in and CROSSBODIES! Shirai CHOPS Raquel, and CHOPS, and fires up to CHOP! Shirai digs her boots into Raquel, then hits a swinging- NO! Raquel blocks the knees to then carry Shirai! Shirai sunset flips and sends Raquel out of the ring! Shirai builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and Raquel hits barriers! Fans fire up as Shirai gets to the ring. But as the ref is busy with Raquel, Dakota goes after Shirai! The ref sees that and EJECTS Dakota!! Captain Kota is furious but now Raquel is up and drags Shirai back. Shirai kicks but the misses, only to mule kick! Shirai then springboards to ASAI MOONSAULT! Both women hit barriers and fans fire up!

Shirai lets off, but Raquel yanks her from the apron to LAWN DART her into the post! Raquel drags Shirai up and into the ring, covers, TWO! Raquel scowls, looms over Shirai and drags her up, to then gut wrench to a Canadian rack! DOMINATOR with a little extra! Cover, TWO!! Shirai survives and Raquel seethes. Raquel drags Shirai up, Shirai hits back, but Raquel shoves her. Shirai drop toeholds and dials it up like Rey! But Raquel elbows Shirai away, reels her in, and gets her up to ALLEY OOP her onto ropes! Cover, TWO!! Shirai survives and Raquel is losing her cool. Raquel stalks Shirai to the apron, drags her back in and drops an elbow! And another! And another! Cover, TWO!

Raquel drags Shirai up, suplexes, but Shirai fights! Shirai tries a cradle but Raquel powers through to suplex! Shirai slips out and CHOPS! And CHOPS! Raquel blocks to DECK Shirai in return! Raquel drags Shirai back up, gut wrenches again, and gets Shirai into a modified Gory Especial! Shirai endures as Raquel pulls on the arms! Shirai fights but Raquel flips her back throughs. Shirai bobs ‘n’ waves, and SPIKE-RANAS to then STOMP 182! Raquel goes to ropes, Shirai dials it up but still no 619! Shirai arm-drags Raquel back to ropes, 619!! Shirai springboards and missile dropkicks Raquel down!

Shirai fires up, runs and hops on, for a CODE RED!! Cover, TWO!! Both women are down but fans fire up and duel. Shirai goes up a corner, reaches the top, but Raquel gets her with the one arm! But Shirai shifts to roll her, to a CROSSFACE!! Raquel flails, reaches, but Shirai pulls her back! Raquel keeps moving, kicking with her legs and clawing with one hand! ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Shirai lets go, and Raquel goes to the apron. Shirai runs to the corner, goes up and ARIHARA MOONSAULTS Raquel to the ramp! Fans are thunderous again as Shirai gets back to the ring. Shirai won’t settle for the count-out, either, she wants Raquel to get up! Shirai runs in with the SHINKANSEN!!

Raquel is down on the stage and the ref checks on her. Raquel is somehow okay to continue after that bullet train meteora, but where did Shirai go? She’s on top of the SKULL! Shirai LEAPS and CROSSBODIES Raquel down on the stage!! It worked at In Your House, why not here? Fans are thunderous again while both women are still down! Shirai drags Raquel by her hair, clubbing her as they go back to the ring. They get in the ring, Shirai climbs the corner, and OVER THE MOONSAULTS!! Cover, TWO!?!? Raquel survives Shirai’s best move?! “This is Awesome!” and is shockingly still going as far as Shirai is concerned!

A ring count begins but Shirai pursues, only for Raquel to BOOT her down! Raquel drags Shirai up to hit a DESPERADO BOMB to the floor! But Raquel has to win this in the ring! Fans are dueling as hard as ever, Raquel puts Shirai in the ring and stalks her. Shirai sits up and Raquel tells her, “Just stay down, huh!” Raquel drags Shirai up, Shirai SHOTEIS! But Raquel LARIATS Shirai inside-out! Raquel still staggers from that palm strike but she gets Shirai back up. DESPERADO BOMB!! Cover, Raquel wins!!!

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Champion)

Shirai wanted to be like Rey Mysterio, but not even the King of Lucha defeated every giant in his path! And that is what happened here tonight! Raquel Gonzalez is now on top of the mountain as THE champion of THE division in the world of wrestling today! Will Shirai come back for more? Or is tonight the beginning of a new era in NXT?

My Thoughts:

What an awesome TakeOver, and what a way to end the Wednesday Night Wars as NXT is moving to Tuesdays! There are things I could be very critical about, because it’s about how WWE has to give Peacock special treatment compared to the USA Network broadcast. Ranting about Peacock is for another article that I won’t write because one day, Peacock could be as good as the WWE Network, so all the gripes will go away on that day. But because this is still a TakeOver, even the kickoff show match is good. Stark getting a surprise win on Storm is great stuff, and I feel like this could start a really good story going into the NXTuesday era.

I really like the interviews we got with Samoa Joe and the big names from tonight. I wonder if Joe will do more of these tomorrow night with Escobar, Devlin, Balor and Kross. One with Balor would be really good because of their rivalry for the NXT Championship. Kushida VS Dunne was a great choice for opener, proved both guys are definitely top technical wrestlers, and Dunne winning was probably the right choice since he spoke up first about being the best technical wrestlers. The Gauntlet Eliminator was badass, but here is one of those cases where Peacock version got the better because you don’t miss Swerve and Ruff brawling before the first bell.

Reed winning was the perfect surprise because I thought Lumis was coming back around to Gargano. It seems Lumis and Knight are starting up a feud, and it is rather fitting. Knight talks enough for both of them, and Lumis’ finishing hold being named “Silence” is the perfect counter to Knight’s personality. Reed has been wanting after Gargano since last year’s North American Championship series, so him getting his chance on perhaps the biggest TakeOver ever is great. I don’t know if Reed wins, but this is the best place for that.

The UK Championship being the middle of the card was interesting, but at the same time, with NXT UK Prelude tomorrow, it was a bit obvious Walter would win. But Walter and Ciampa gave us something akin to Walter VS Bate, and definitely on par with every other UK Championship match since this title was created. The NXT Tag Team Championship Triple Threat was also awesome stuff, especially since it was a true Triple Threat, not one of those “only two at a time” ones. MSK made natural choices given how things were meant to go before Burch’s legit injury coinciding with Lee’s kayfabe one. They’re going to be a big part of the NXTuesday era, he has to be.

And speaking of, Raquel Gonzalez winning the women’s title tonight was an epic surprise. It was an awesome match, maybe could’ve been bigger if Dakota didn’t interfere just to get ejected, but it was quick and early so it’s fine. I’ve been saying before that Shirai losing must mean she’s moving on (hopefully to SmackDown), letting Raquel carry the baton and take on some fresh competition while Sarray builds herself up from debut to eventual title opportunity. This is going to be great stuff from already the greatest women’s division without a doubt, and definitely one of the best divisions bar none.

My Score: 9.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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