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Mitchell’s NXT UK Prelude Results & Report! (4/8/21)

Will Walter survive The Rampage?



NXT UK Prelude coverage

The NXT UK Championship is on the line once again!

WrestleMania Week would not be complete without a special edition of NXT UK! Will Walter still be champion after facing Rampage Brown?


  • NXT UK Heritage Cup #1 Contender’s match: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Tyler Bate w/ Trent Seven; Bate wins and will challenge A-Kid for the cup.
  • Kay Lee Ray & Isla Dawn VS Meiko Satomura & Emilia McKenzie; Satomura & McKenzie win.
  • NXT UK Championship: WALTER VS Rampage Brown; Walter wins and retains the title.


NXT UK Heritage Cup #1 Contender’s match: Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels VS Tyler Bate w/ Trent Seven!

The Scottish Supernova knows how to run his mouth, but sometimes he sticks his foot in it, too! As much as he wants after the Spanish Ace, Dar will have to put up or shut up against the Big Strong Boy! Will having the East End Butcher backing him up get him his golden ticket? Or will Moustache Mountain’s semi-reunion be what Bate needs to get back up?

A-Kid is here via titantron! He tells Dar and Bate that they know how much the Heritage Cup means to him, so he will be watching this very closely. “May the best man win.”

The bell rings and the opening round begins. Bate and Dar approach, feel things out, and tie up. They go around, Bate puts Dar on the ropes, but the ref calls for the break. Dar pulls hair then pushes Bate, then dodges Bate’s retaliation. Bate fakes Dar out with Bop, dodges the leg sweep, but Dar gets Bate in a spin around and around before the backslide! Bate resists, reverses the hooks, and rams Dar into buckles! Dar turns things around to back up, but Bate blocks bumping into buckles and turns it around again to ram Dar! Backslide cover, TWO! Dar whips, Bate goes up and over and fakes Dar out to then get around, leap frog and slide under. Dar takes the bait again and Bate rolls Dar up! Bate gets the first fall!!

Dar: 0; Bate: 1

Sha is furious on Dar’s behalf but with a minute and 45 seconds to spare, Supernova 11 is behind the 8 ball! Seven helps Bate with his recovery, Dar cools off, and round two begins!

Dar and Bate circle, Bate rubs in that he has the advantage, and the two feel out the grapple again. Dar gives testing kicks, but Bate knuckle locks, rolls and wrangles Dar with a top wristlock! Dar keeps his shoulders up, reaches at Bate, and Sha coaches him. Dar gets up, gets a leg and takes Bate down! Bate keeps cool and clamps onto Dar’s shoulder. Dar shrugs that off, digs elbows into Bate’s knee as he keeps the leg trapped. Bate shifts and gets Dar in a body scissor, but Dar pushes back to a cover. TWO, and Bate still has Dar in the body scissors. Bate rolls it to a body scissor clutch, TWO! Dar gets a leg, has the ankle lock and sweeps the other leg!

Bate is down, Dar jumps on him, but Bate bridges up! Bate cravats and cranks, but Dar rolls to drag Bate down. Bate holds onto the cravat to crank Dar back, and this round goes longer than last as Dar fights up. Dar endures, trips Bate up, hurries after Bate with another inverted facelock. Bate fights up, gets around to a full nelson, but then spins Dar to a cravat again. Sha coaches Dar, Dar powers Bate to ropes, and the ref calls for the break. We’re under a minute as Dar arm-drags then drops elbows onto Bate’s head and shoulders! Cover, TWO! Dar stays close, wrenches the arm from wrist to shoulder, but Bate rolls and handsprings and dropkicks!

Dar scrambles to ropes to stay safe, we’re at 30 seconds and Sha gives Dar more tips. Dar and Bate feel out another grapple, knuckle locks for a test of strength! Dar tries to shovel under but we’re at 10 seconds! Bate stays up, trips Dar but Dar bridges, and the round ends!

Dar: 0; Bate: 1

Dar was perhaps saved by the bell, and now both men get another recovery period. Sha is fired up for Dar and the third round begins!

Bate and Dar circle, feel things out, tie up with knuckle locks again, and Dar kicks and KICKS Bate down! Sha likes that! Dar drives elbows into Bate, slams the arm, but Bate KICKS Dar in the leg! Both men are down now, Dar flounders to CLOBBER Bate on the mat! Dar gets the leg and stomps it! Then he stomps the other leg! Dar paces around, Bate hits low with headbutts! Bate kicks but Dar blocks to twist the foot. Dar stays out of Bate’s punch range to CLOBBER Bate again! Cover, TWO! Bate sits up but Dar stands on his hand! Dar kicks and kicks and kicks, then drags Bate up to cravat and snapmare into ropes!

Dar taunts Seven while Bate clutches his foot. Dar heads over, Bate boots him in the gut! Dar kicks Bate back down and even Seven is wincing from those hard shots. Dar drags Bate up, back suplex TOSSES him, then covers, TWO! Bate grits his teeth as we reach one minute in this round. Dar drags Bate up, whips Bate hard into a corner, then runs in, but Bate kicks back! Bate brings Dar in for a KNEE, then hops up top. Bate leaps for a FLYING UPPERCUT! Bate hobbles a bit and hurries after Dar to bring him up for a fireman’s carry. The bad leg is tender but the AIRPLANE SPIN starts up after all! Bate goes around and around and around, and around and around, and we’re at 15 seconds!

At 10 seconds, Bate stops, to go the other way! Bate is just running the clock as he spins!

Dar: 0; Bate: 1

Both men are dizzy, will 20 seconds not be enough recovery time? Seven helps Bate find his corner while Sha reaches in to guide Dar. Bate and Dar are steady and round four begins!

Bate watches Dar still struggle to stand upright. Dar gets up, turns around and kicks, but Bate blocks! Bate fireman’s carries, for MORE AIRPLANE SPINS! Bate goes around and around until there’s 2:30 on the clock, and he just dumps Dar! Bate runs, rebounds and LARIATS! Cover, TWO!! Dar survives and Sha is relieved but the clock is still ticking! Bate makes sure his bad leg is alright, Dar is in a corner, and we’re at 2 minutes. Bate runs in to uppercut! Dar fights the suplex, Bate fights Dar’s clinch, but Dar throws knees! Dar brings Bate around and around and sweeps the legs! Dar comes back with a SLIDING FOREARM! Cover, TWO!!

Dar grows frustrated but Sha coaches him. Dar gets up, eggs Bate on and then kicks away on Bate’s bad leg. Dar gets the foot, but Bate uses his strength to reel Dar in and BOOT him away! We’re under a minute as Dar sits up and checks his face. Bate is up, he hobbles over and brings Dar up but Dar wrenches and KICKS him! Bate avoids another kick but Dar quickly mule kicks! Dar storms over but into a BIG EuroUpper! Dar KICKS, Bate wobbles, Dar kicks but Bate blocks! Dar reels Bate in for elbows! Bate staggers to a corner, Dar runs in but only gets buckles! Dar hurries after Bate and KICKS the leg out, sending Bate flipping through the air! We’re at 20 seconds as Dar aims at Bate!

Bate grits his teeth, ducks the Penalty Kick, blocks the Buzzsaw and DECKS Dar with a right! We’re under 10 seconds! Bate has to crawl over to the cover but time is up first!

Dar: 0; Bate: 1

Dar was again saved by the bell, but time is of the essence! Seven helps Bate get his bad leg going while Sha says Dar can still do this. Can Dar figure this out now that we’re into round five?

Bate and Dar both hobble and Dar fires off fast hands first! Bate keeps his guard up, hits back and hits harder! Dar kicks the bad leg! Bate hobbles, Dar BOOTS Bate but Bate comes back with more fists! Bate kicks, Dar blocks, spins him for a waistlock, but Bate pries free and slides under to get up and over to rebound, but Dar catches the leg! SUPERNOVA KNEEBAR IN THE SKY!! Bate taps, Dar ties it up!!

Dar: 1; Bate: 1

Sha says that is what he was talking about! We’re going into round six and it’s all tied up! Can either man muster what it takes to finish this off?

Bate hobbles over, Dar goes after the leg but Bate gets around to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Bate keeps his focus as he hobbles and brings Dar up. Bate reels him in but Dar drops to victory roll! TWO!! Dar and Bate hurry to their feet, Bate runs and ROLLING HEEL KICKS!! Dar is down, Bate hobbles up but the bad leg slows him down! Bate hurries to a corner, goes up top and climbs, but Sha distracts! Seven YANKS Sha off the apron! The corner men brawl!! Dar runs in but is sent out onto Sha and Seven! We’re at 2 minutes as Bate builds speed and FLIES!! Direct hit onto Sha and Seven but Dar got away!

Dar comes around to bring Bate and RAMS him into steel steps! Dar puts Bate back in, takes aim, NOVA ROLLA- BANG!! Bate got him with Bang, and reels him in for underhooks, TYLER DRIVER ’97!!! Cover, Bate wins!!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall (NEW #1 contender to the Heritage Cup Champion)

And the Big Strong Boy pulls off a big win! He has another match with the Spanish Ace, but will he be able to trump him this time around?


NXT UK Media catches up with South Wales Subculture.

How are Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster feeling after their loss to Amir Jordan & Kenny Williams? SWSC went from one of their biggest wins to yet another loss. But they’re getting in the ring, putting in the work, heading for the top. Dani Luna gets SWSC going, and they go through handsprings and rolls. Will the SWSC and Punk Rock Powerhouse be back on track soon enough?


Piper Niven and Jack Starz continue their own training.

Starz slams the heavy bag again and again, and Piper tells him he has ten seconds left on the drill. He powers through until the end! Piper says he did a great job, and now he’s ready. Starz, are you ready?! Oh he’s ready!! Then next week, we’ll see exactly what Starz is capable of!


Jordan Devlin speaks.

“NXT UK, have you missed your Ace?” Devlin knows everyone will be up to their necks in the schedule Devlin has. But aces don’t sweat it, they just get result. So when Devlin wraps up his business in Orlando tonight, TakeOver: Stand & Deliver Night 2, he’ll come back to NXT UK as the UNDISPUTED NXT Cruiserweight Champion! Will Devlin dethrone Santos Escobar and be the greatest wrestler under 205 pounds?


Kay Lee Ray & Isla Dawn VS Meiko Satomura & Emilia McKenzie!

The NXT UK Women’s Champion wanted the best, got the best, and beat the best in the Final Boss! But now the White Witch is creeping up as she goes down a dark path. Will she and the Scary Queen of Scots come to an understanding after taking on the best in the world and the returning world-traveled Millie McKenzie?

The teams sort out and Millie starts with Dawn. The two circle and Dawn rushes in but Millie dodges the boot! They fire off, Dawn ROCKS Millie with a EuroUpper then clamps on with a headlock. Millie rolls to a cover, TWO! Dawn stays clamped on, but Millie powers out and arm-drags Dawn! Millie hurries to club Dawn, wrenches to trap the arm and then rolls Dawn to a Magistrol, TWO! Millie gets an arm but Dawn fights up. Millie drags Dawn over and tags in Meiko! Dawn gets free, to her corner, and tags in KLR. KLR and Meiko circle and approach, KLR kicks low and headlocks. Meiko powers out and rams KLR! They both stay up but Meiko’s KICK knocks KLR down! Cover, TWO!

Meiko wrenches KLR, wristlocks, but KLR kicks! KLR RAMS Meiko into buckles, stomps away, and tags in Dawn. Dawn stomps Meiko now, KICKS her over and over, then tags KLR. KLR stomps Meiko over and over, but lets off to tag Dawn again. Dawn stomps away, argues with the ref, and KLR pulls hair! Dawn stomps Meiko, ROCKS her, then whips her to ropes. Meiko hits back with a forearm! Meiko DECKS KLR, ROCKS Dawn, and wrenches to KICK away on her! WRINGING LEG SWEEP! Knee drop and cover, TWO! Tag to Millie, they keep Dawn from KLR with a double whip! Kick and SHOTGUN, cover, TWO!

Dawn survives and grits her teeth but Millie keeps after her. Dawn kicks Millie off the heel hook and tags in KLR! KLR gets Millie in the hooks, Gory Especial, but Millie sunset flips through! Millie runs, KLR side steps but Millie comes back to RANA! Millie runs into the corner misses, but she boots KLR away! Millie leaps for a FLYING RANA! KLR flounders to another corner, Dawn runs in but Millie dodges to SNAP GERMAN her away! Millie runs at KLR in the corner but is put on the apron. Millie ROCKS KLR, climbs up, and slingshots in to SPEAR! Cover, TWO! KLR survives but Millie drags her up and over. But Dawn trips up Meiko and fires off!

Millie is distracted by that, KLR CLOBBERS her! Cover, TWO! KLR drags Millie up, brings her to the corner, and tags in Dawn. Dawn and KLR mug Millie, then Dawn pulls Millie up to CLUB her down. Dawn drags Millie up to KICK her, then wrenches to a SNAP SAIDO! Cover, TWO! Dawn stays on Millie and CLUBS her again. Millie fights back, throws forearms, but Dawn forearms, too! They brawl back and forth, Dawn BOOTS Millie down, and then drags her up, only for Millie to CUTTER outta nowhere!! Both women are down, crawl for their corners, hot tags to KLR and Meiko! The Final Boss fires off on KLR, ROCKS her with a EuroUpper, but KLR ducks a buzzsaw to get the RETURN SAW!

Meiko drags KLR up but KLR fights the back suplex. KLR whips, but Meiko stops herself to PELE! Meiko drags KLR right back up to SNAP SAIDO! Cover, but Dawn gets in and Meiko lets off! Dawn backs away quickly, KLR CHOPS Meiko! Meiko ROCKS her back! KLR and Meiko brawl now, Meiko gets the edge, but KLR blocks a kick to reel her in! GORY BOMB!! Cover, Millie breaks it!! Dawn runs in but Millie gets around her, for another GERMAN SUPLEX! KLR SUPERKICKS Millie down! KLR is the only one standing and she drags Meiko, but Meiko kicks from below! Meiko ROCKS KLR, gets the leg and turns her around for the STF!!

KLR is caught, reaching, Dawn is there to help her get the ROPEBREAK! The ref reprimands but Meiko lets KLR go. KLR reels Meiko in to suplex and GOURD BUSTER! Tag to Dawn for a METEORA! Cover, TWO!!? KLR intercepts Millie and kicks her down! KLR glares at Millie, but Millie dodges the kick to GERMAN SUPLEX! Meiko ROCKS Dawn, fireman’s carries, but Dawn slips out and shoves to KNEE Meiko at the ropes! Millie tags in, fires off on Dawn and whips her, but Dawn reverses to ROUNDHOUSE! Dawn reels Millie in, fisherman, but Millie cradle counters! Meiko keeps KLR out, Millie and Meiko win!!

Winners: Meiko Satomura & Emilia McKenzie

A huge win for #SuplexMillie on her return! Will this lead Millie & Meiko on a huge run towards the top? But wait, Aoife Valkyrie is watching from the stage. And she brings out a black feather out to set on the ramp. Is this an ill omen for Meiko’s attempt to get back at the title?


A-Kid speaks.

He’s excited to be facing Tyler Bate again and defend his Heritage Cup Champion. After this win, A-Kid looks forward to prove he epitomizes what this cup represents, and to build his legacy as THE BEST pure mat-wrestler in NXT UK! But will it be so easy for him against this refocused Big Strong Boy?


NXT UK Media catches up with Amir Jordan.

He doesn’t want to talk, though, as he just wants to go right after Kenny Williams! Jordan storms around the front office of the Performance Center, pushes things aside in a rage, but Sid Scala intercepts him. Scala tells Jordan that Williams isn’t here. But they can settle this in the ring next week. That’s good enough for Jordan, but will he be able to get back at the Chancer for his cheating ways?


NXT UK Media catches up with Kenny Williams, too.

He wants them to spit out their questions already, because they know it’s about Jordan. Do some investigations of your own and look back at the two and a half years Williams had to put up with Jordan. You’ll see that Williams has had to carry Jordan through everything, and get him to all his successes. Williams will show the world how good he is, and it’ll be all on “my sweet, sweet friend,” Amir Jordan, to keep up with him.


NXT UK Championship: WALTER VS Rampage Brown!

The Ring General had one hell of a match with Tommaso Ciampa at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, but the most dominant champion in WWE’s modern era isn’t satisfied sitting back. Walter knew this match was coming, even before even considering Ciampa. Will Walter reach a new level by winning back-to-back defenses? Or will he regret taking on the Rampage right after facing the Psycho Killer?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and like NXT UK’s own Godzilla VS Kong, #OneWillFall!

Walter and Rampage tie right up, Rampage gets an arm but they go around and around until Rampage can hammerlock. Rampage shifts to a headlock, Walter puts him in a corner, but the ref calls for the break. Walter swings but Rampage dodge to CHOP! Walter just gets angry and headlocks, but Rampage powers out. The two RAM shoulders but neither falls. Walter eggs Rampage on, Rampage dodges, runs through a chop and runs Walter over!! Walter flounders to a corner and is reeling as Rampage is after him with haymakers! Rampage whips corner to corner but Walter comes back to run Rampage over! But Rampage kips up!? And DROPKICKS Walter out of the ring!

Walter is as shocked as the BT Sports Studio audience! Rampage comes around the way to run Walter over! Rampage scowls as he looms over Walter, but he has to refresh the count first. Rampage drags Walter up, reels him in, but Walter blocks the suplex! Walter RAMPS Rampage into barriers, CHOPS him against them, then gives him an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Walter gets in, drags Rampage up and bends him against ropes! Walter CLUBS Rampage, and again! What’s “Beats of the Bodhrain” in German? Walter pushes Rampage to then BOOT him down! Fans fire up, Rampage checks his teeth, and Walter clamps onto an arm.

Walter pulls on the arm, wants a double wristlock, but Rampage fights up. Walter CLUBS Rampage, but Rampage throws body shots! Walter CHOPS, Rampage CHOPS, Walter kicks low and snapmares to then KICK Rampage in the back! Rampage grits his teeth but Walter gets the legs to turn him over. Walter wants to turn Rampage more, and does for the BOSTON CRAB! Rampage endures as Walter sits deep! Rampage grabs at Walter’s legs, uses that to get some leverage, but Walter shifts to KNEE Rampage in the ribs! Walter drags Rampage back up, suplexes, but Rampage blocks! Rampage suplexes Walter up and over instead!

BT Sports Studio rallies up, Walter and Rampage sit up as a standing count climbs. Rampage CHOPS Walter, headbutts him, but Walter CHOPS back! Rampage CHOPS, Walter CHOPS, and it’s a CHOP fight! Walter gets the edge, but Rampage throws forearms! Walter knee slow, turns Rampage and CHOPS him down! Cover, TWO! Walter is annoyed but he keeps on Rampage with a chinlock. Rampage endures as Walter leans on the hold, and then Walter drives in elbows! Walter changes to a half nelson top wristlock, but Rampage fights up. Walter CLUBS Rampage, ROCKS him with a EuroUpper, and Rampage drops to a knee! Walter toys with Rampage and eggs him on!

Rampage gets mad and he hits back with body shots and CHOPS! Walter CHOPS, BOOTS, but Rampage eggs him on now! Rampage then dodges and gets Walter for a POWERSLAM! Both behemoths are down but fans fire up! The ref counts, Rampage and Walter slowly rise again and we go to 5 of 10! Rampage is up first, and he rushes Walter. DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES collide but neither man falls! They go again, DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES, but still neither falls! Walter ducks Rampage’s clothesline to get a SLEEPER HOLD! Rampage endures, stays up but he is starting to fade! Walter spins Rampage around, reels him in, but Rampage slips out to LARIAT!! Walter is down!!

Both men are on the mat again, but Walter and Rampage get up quicker this time. Rampage runs in to clothesline! He throws Walter down, hops up and leaps, for a FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Cover, ONE?!? Rampage actually grins, he likes this challenge! Rampage wants to get Walter up but Walter holds off the bomb! Walter wrenches out to CHOP, then SLEEPER! Rampage throws Walter off but Walter SHOTGUN DROPKICKS!! Walter gets Rampage up, reels him in, WALTER BOMB!! High stack cover, TWO!!! Rampage survives and BT Sports Studio is loving this! Walter seethes while he and Rampage are on the mat.

Walter goes to the apron, goes up a corner, but Rampage is up to ROCK Walter first! Walter CHOPS from above and Rampage staggers. But Rampage returns to CHOP back! Rampage climbs up to join Walter, stands him up and scoops, for a SUPER POWERSLAM!?! But Rampage can’t cover from how much that took! Rampage crawls, covers now, TWO!! Walter survives and Rampage is beside himself! How can Walter have so much still in the tank?! Rampage drags Walter back up, builds speed, but Walter catches him for the SLEEPER! But Rampage slips around to SAIDO! Walter flounders back up but Rampage is on him, gut wrench to the DOCTOR BOMB!!

But Rampage can’t hold the cover! Walter rolls away to the safety of ropes! Walter is truly a ring general with that awareness! Rampage gets a leg, Walter holds onto ropes, so Rampage lets off. Rampage is frustrated but he drags Walter up by his head. Walter gets a leg, drags Rampage down, but Rampage clubs him with crossface forearms for it! Rampage gut wrenches again but Walter blocks by holding a leg! Walter Alabama lifts to back drop Rampage away! Rampage staggers up, into a BIG right hand! And a CHOP! That was rather high, Rampage is gasping for air! Walter runs in to KNEE Rampage down! Rampage flounders back up, into a LARIAT!!

But Rampage gets up again?! Walter wants to end this, and he SLAPS then LARIATS point blank!! Cover, TWO?!!? Rampage is still in this and BT Sports Studio is fired up! Walter and Rampage stir, slowly rising as the standing count climbs. We go past 5 of 10 before Walter and Rampage stand. Walter lurks, and CHOPS Rampage on the back! Then wraps on the SLEEPER! Rampage fights, reaches, but Walter thrashes him around! Rampage gets the ropebreak, but Walter slaps his hands away! GERMAN SUPLEX!! Walter drags Rampage up, reels him in, for the WALTER BOMB!!! High stack and it’s deep, TWO!?!?!? Just what is Rampage made of?!

Walter storms to a corner, climbs up top, and WALTER SPLASHES!! Cover, Walter wins!!

Winner: Walter, by pinfall (still NXT UK Champion)

King Kong ain’t got shit on Walter! In fact, Walter might be the real King of Kaiju after overcoming a monster like Rampage! Does this second win in two days make Walter truly unstoppable as NXT United Kingdom Champion?

My Thoughts:

A very great episode, though I can’t say it was anything so different that it constitutes a special event episode. It was really just the timing of it being during WrestleMania Week, and having the UK Championship defended on it, which happened months ago with Walter VS Dragunov. But the UK Championship we got with Walter VS Rampage was some great stuff, especially for two guys of their size. Walter winning with various moves so that no one move is his true finisher now is actually great because now he can end the match whatever way he wants. Now obviously this match was recorded before the TakeOver match with Ciampa, but airing it this way in kayfabe really makes Walter into a Terminator that can not be stopped by mere mortals.

The women’s tag was really good, and Millie had a great showing in her turn to NXT UK. The Faces win but off of Dawn to keep KLR strong while also building Millie up, but Aoife showing up was an interesting surprise. I suppose Aoife can be a detour for Meiko, or rather Meiko can be a springboard for Aoife to get up towards the title, but I do look forward to Meiko facing as many women as she can. We got good promos from the other stories, such as Jordan being furious and Williams not even worried before they have a grudge match. Devlin’s confidence in his promo could be foreshadowing that he’ll be dismayed in tonight’s Ladder match at TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, which will be a shame, as I’ve said for the last few weeks.

The Heritage Cup contender’s match was really good, especially with Sha and Seven ringside for some real cornermen moments. A-Kid was himself very confident before and after the match, who knows how that factors into the math. Bate winning is great for Bate but I’m curious as to how a rematch with A-Kid is going to do anything for the Heritage Cup. Is Bate going to win and shatter A-Kid’s confidence? Is A-Kid going to win again and send Bate into a tailspin that may or may not make him a Heel? I kinda wish that the final spot with Sha and Seven brawling, Bate going out and Dar getting him in would’ve led to Dar winning in a fast, sneaky way.

There’s a lot that’s been odd with the Heritage Cup Division, though the matches have all been good, but I just feel like this all should’ve been Seven and Dar and then Bate gets in the mix to have friendly matches with Seven as Moustache Mountain mentor and student. A-Kid’s great but wouldn’t he have been just as good in the Cruiserweight Division taking on Devlin? Maybe that still happens one day, but for now it just seems disjointed.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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