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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (4/30/21)

Will we see a Bolly-Rise Clean Sweep?



Coverage 205 2021

Tonight, 205 Live is a Bolly-Rise Super Show!

Ever-Rise and the Bollywood Boyz are both in action tonight, and this could be a clean sweep! Will they rename the brand 205 Bolly-Rise?


  • The Bollywood Boyz VS Jake Atlas & August Grey; Atlas & Grey win.
  • Ever-Rise VS Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari; Ever-Rise wins.


The Bollywood Boyz VS Jake Atlas & August Grey!

Samir & Sunil Singh heard their boys, Chase Parker & Matt Marthel, had a match tonight and didn’t want to be left out of the fun! But is it true that only fools rush in? Or will they prove they have the right stuff?

The teams sort out and Retro AG starts with Sunil. Fans rally for Grey but Sunil doesn’t mind that. They tie up, go around, and Sunil headlocks. Grey powers up but can’t power out as Sunil grinds tight. Grey tries again, Sunil uses the corner to go up and around and hit a takeover! Fans cheer, but Grey turns that to a cover, ONE! Sunil grinds more, Grey gets up and finally gets free, but Sunil runs him over! Things speed up, Grey hurdles but Sunil counters the hip toss to hip toss first! Grey kicks Sunil from below, then scoops and slams! Sunil kicks from below, and gets a SNAP takeover! Grey headscissors, Sunil kips free, and the two stand off.

Fans cheer for “205! 205!” on that one, and both Grey and Sunil tag out to Atlas and Samir. Samir and Atlas tie up, Atlas rolls Samir fast, ONE! Samir gets around to crucifix takedown, ONE! Atlas runs into a backslide, TWO! Samir gets around but Atlas switches. Samir blocks the lift, switches back and O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Samir ends up flying out of the ring! Samir clutches a knee but Atlas goes out to fetch him. Atlas puts Samir in, keeps him close, and fires forearms in the corner. Tag to Grey, Grey CHOPS Samir, and Grey tags Atlas back in. They mug Samir, Atlas whips Samir to ropes, and CLOBBERS Samir with a back elbow! Cover, TWO!

Atlas keeps cool as he drags Samir up and bumps him off buckles. Atlas ROCKS Samir, snapmares him and puts on a body scissors! Samir endures, fights free of the chinlock and elbows the scissors apart. Atlas wraps them back on but Samir elbows Atlas in the head! Samir is free, but Atlas CLUBS him down! Tag to Grey, they mug Samir again, and Grey brings Samir around to bump off buckles. Grey wrenches and whips corner to corner hard! Samir bounces off buckles, Grey covers, TWO! Grey keeps his cool and drags Samir back up. Grey snapmares Samir to a chinlock and grinds him down. Samir fights up and fans rally, Samir throws body shots!

Grey CLUBS Samir, scoops him, but Samir slips out to slide under! Grey grabs a boot but Samir boots him away! Hot tags to Atlas and Sunil! Sunil rallies on Atlas, CHOPS him off his feet then throws knees. Sunil whips, Atlas reverses but Sunil CROSSBODIES! Sunil gets Atlas up for an ATOMIC DROP! Sunil runs to WHEEL KICK Atlas down! Cover but Grey breaks it! Samir is up top, he leaps to FLYING ELBOW Grey down! Sunil aims at Atlas but Atlas BOOTS him! Atlas storms over but into a kick and NECKBREAKER! Sunil goes up top, MACHO ELBOLLY BOLLY BOLLY! Cover, TWO?! Atlas survives but Sunil gets him up and brings him over.

Sunil scoops but Atlas slips out to shove Sunil into Samir! Tag to Grey, Atlas SUPERKICKS Sunil off his feet! Grey is up top, tightrope CROSSBODY! Cover, Grey & Atlas win!

Winners: August Grey & Jake Atlas, by pinfall

The horror! The horror! The Bolly-Rise sweep has been ruined already!! Can Ever-Rise save the night? As for Grey & Atlas, will they consider keeping this combination going?

But as Grey & Atlas make their exit, the #PremierDinero make their entrance! Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari still want to show this new wave how it’s done, but can they get it done against Marthel & Parker?

Ever-Rise VS Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari!

The teams sort out and Nese starts with Marthel. Fans are fired up for Ever-Rise as the two circle. They tie up and Nese kicks low to fire off forearms! Marthel kicks back, throws forearms in return, then runs, into a back elbow! Tag to Daivari, they mug Marthel then stomp him down! Marthel gets to ropes, Daivari keeps after him but lets off as the ref counts. Tag to Nese, he stomps Marthel down, then Daivari CLUBS Marthel on his way out. Nese covers, ONE, but Nese stays between Marthel and Parker. Nese facelocks Marthel, grinds him down and throws some knees. Nese clubs Marthel then rains down fists! Nese taunts the booing fans then gets Marthel up.

Marthel rams Nese into the corner but Daivari tags in! Daivari clubs away on Marthel now, then whips Marthel to a corner hard! Marthel bounces off the buckles, Daivari taunts him to reach for Parker, but Marthel CHOPS Daivari! Daivari stomps Marthel, drags him away from Parker and up into a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE! Daivari drags Marthel over, tags Nese in, and anchors Marthel so Nese can stomp him. Nese brings Marthel up, Marthel throws hands! Marthel CHOPS, Nese back kicks and knee lifts! Marthel leans on ropes, Nese KICKS him down! Nese drags Marthel by a leg, then drops a BIG splash on him! Cover, TWO! Nese just does sit ups to show off!

Nese drags Daivari up, bumps him off buckles and tags in Daivari. Daivari CHOPS Marthel, bumps him off buckles, then throws haymakers. Marthel flounders about but Daivari gets him up to snapmare to a chinlock! Marthel endures, fans rally, and Parker gets a “DE-FENSE!” chant going. What that has to do with pro-wrestling, only Ever-Rise knows. Marthel fights up, throws body shots and backs Daivari up, only to run into a dropkick! Cover, TWO! Daivari soaks up the heat, gets in Parker’s face, then gets Marthel up and brings him around to whip into the corner. Daivari sucker punches Parker! The ref has to keep a pissed Parker back, but Marthel BOOTS Daivari down!

Marthel DECKS Nese, and DDT’s Daivari! Fans fire up and so does Parker as Marthel crawls over! But Nese trips Parker off the apron! The ref reprimands but what’s done is done! Daivari drags Marthel back, tags Nese in, and they stomp Marthel down! Nese drags Marthel up, tags Daivari back in, and then hits a BULLDOG HOTSHOT, to the PREMIER TRIANGLE! Daivari is up top, LION SPLASH! Cover but Parker drags Marthel out! Nese protests but it’s only fair! Daivari argues with the ref, Parker rallies the CWC up, but Daivari drags Marthel up and into the ring. Tag to Nese, Nese gets in Parker’s face about the save, and Parker dares him to do something.

Nese turns around into a back drop! Hot tag to Parker and he rallies with haymakers! Parker even tosses Daivari in for good measure! Parker DECKS Nese, trips Daivari and slingshots to elbow drop! Dropkick for Nese, dropkick for Daivari! Gory Especial, GORY BOMB for Nese! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives but Parker drags Nese back up. Marthel is still in rough shape so no tag, and Nese RAMS Parker into a corner! Nese puts Parker up top, climbs up to join him, but Parker turns it into a SUPER ANARCHY SUPLEX!! Both men are down and fans are loving “205! 205!” Cover, TWO!! Marthel is back and Parker drags Nese over!

Tag to Marthel, Ever-Rise has Nese up, but Daivari saves him! Daivari ROCKS Parker but Marthel DECKS Daivari! Nese THROAT CHOPS Marthel! Tag to Daivari, the OG double whip but Marthel kicks back! Marthel throws Nese out, Daivari drags Marthel into the INVERTED DDT! Cover, TWO!! Marthel survives and fans fire up for Ever-Rise! Daivari drags Marthel up, hoists him up top, and tags Nese back in. The OG both climb up but Marthel shoves them both down! Nese comes back, SHORYUKEN! Tag to Daivari, then a tag right back! ICONOCLASM to a PREMIER 450!! Cover, TWO!?! Marthel survives and even Parker is shocked!

Nese tags Daivari back as fans say, “This is Awesome!” Daivari rains down fists on Marthel in frustration, then tags Nese back in. Nese rains down his own furious fists, drags Marthel back up, but Marthel ROCKS Nese with forearms and CHOPS! Nese shoves, Marthel ROCKS Daivari! Marthel sends Nese into Daivari, hot tag to Parker! Fireman’s carry, BLOCKBUSTER SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives but Parker hurries to get him back up! Tag to Marthel, feed to the POWERBOMB! Marthel turns Nese over for a BOSTON CRAB! Nese endures but Daivari SUPERKICKS Marthel down! Parker SUPERKICKS Daivari then tags back in! But Nese gets Parker up, CRUNCHY!!

Marthel SUPERKICKS Nese off the cover!! Everyone is down and the fans are thunderous! The teams regroup, Daivari drags Marthel up to hammerlock and- NO! Marthel ducks the lariat to shove, drop toehold, and Parker comes in with the BOOYAH ELBOW! Parker gets Nese up, tags Marthel, but Nese RAMS Parker into Marthel! Nese DECKS Parker, slingshots out and cartwheels over the clothesline to ROCK Marthel! Nese builds speed in the ring, but Ever-Rise gets him for a SWEET TEST!! Cover, Ever-Rise wins!!!

Winners: Ever-Rise, by pinfall

Bolly-Rise sweep? No. Redemption and triumph? YES! Ever-Rise Rules the night, are they about to rise up and rule 205 Live?

My Thoughts:

This was probably one of the best episodes in a long time, and certainly one of the best main events in a long time! It actually felt like the good ol’ days of this show, really. I was first surprised that they didn’t give us Bolly VS Rise as a swerve that then gave us a match that lasted the whole half hour and was used to accelerate their story with each other towards a break-up. But then, we got great story tie-in for the other characters, with Grey & Atlas getting a win over the Singh Brothers to then have a stare down with Nese & Daivari. WWE wants us to know we’re getting Grey & Atlas VS Nese & Daivari in their own great tag match, so they laid it on thick here.

The main event was so good, and it was awesome for Ever-Rise to win. Those guys have been working hard, they have their own little social media show to show their personalities more since they don’t get a lot of time for that on NXT or 205 live, and are just great personalities really. I hope this win here means big things are on the horizon, provided they and the rest of the Cruiserweights can get more time on NXT in the future. For now, they should definitely be the guys 205 Live leans on, they can definitely help the show get back to where it was.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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