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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (4/15/21)

The Gallus boys are back!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

A huge grudge match headlines NXT UK!

After betraying the Bhangra Badboy during their NXT UK Tag Team title match, Kenny Williams will have to face Amir Jordan’s wrath!


  • Nathan Frazer VS Saxon Huxley; Frazer wins.
  • Emilia McKenzie VS Isla Dawn; Dawn wins.
  • Jack Starz w/ Piper Niven VS Ashton Smith; Starz wins.
  • Kenny Williams VS Amir Jordan; Williams wins.


Nathan Frazer VS Saxon Huxley!

The British Prodigy is building his legacy, but now he runs into the Divine Beast of the Astral Plane! Will Frazer add Huxley to his legend? Or will he learn to walk away when he sees Huxley coming?

The bell rings and Frazer circles with Huxley. Frazer gets around to a waistlock, Huxley throws him away! They go again, Frazer dodges the boot and keeps moving. Frazer dodges again, CHOPS, but Huxley just growls! Frazer headlocks, Huxley powers up to back drop but Frazer makes that a sunset flip! Huxley stays up, drags Frazer up and tosses him to the corner! Frazer dodges again to CHOP again! Frazer keeps avoiding Huxley’s hands and headlocks again. Huxley powers up again to back suplex, but Frazer lands on his feet! Huxley blocks the single leg to gut wrench, but Frazer slips free, springboards, but into Huxley’s arms! BIG scoop slam!

Huxley runs and drops an elbow, only to miss! Frazer gets to a corner, Huxley huffs and puffs and catches Frazer again to RAM him into a corner! Frazer is stuck in the ropes, Huxley corner clotheslines from behind! Huxley drags Frazer out of the Tree of Woe just to STOMP him down! Frazer sputters, Huxley stomps him down more, then drags him up. Huxley runs with Frazer corner to corner and RAMS him into the buckles! Huxley drags Frazer while the BT Sports Studio boos, and he TOSSES Frazer! Huxley fires himself up, drags Frazer back up, and ROCKS him! Huxley puts Frazer in the corner, then TOSSES him again! But Frazer rolls to his feet and dropkicks Huxley’s leg out!

Frazer runs, but into a BOOT! Huxley drags Frazer around to dribble him off the mat! Huxley lets off to cover, TWO! Huxley drags Frazer up and scoops him, but Frazer escapes to dropkick! Huxley stays up, runs and drops the elbow! Huxley digs his knee in for the half camel clutch! Frazer endures, he moves around, and pries at the hold. Frazer slips out from under the knee, gets to his feet and throws body shots. Huxley CLUBS Frazer down, then STOMPS him for good measure! Huxley drags Frazer up by his hair, and CLUBS him with a crossface forearm! Frazer is in a daze as Huxley drags him back up. Huxley lifts, heads for a corner, but Frazer blocks with his feet!

Frazer fights with fists and pushes off the corner for a crossbody! Frazer tumbles off the cover and both men slowly rise. Frazer runs and RAMS Huxley! Huxley stays up, Frazer keeps trying, then he ducks and dodges to RAM Huxley out of the ring! BT Sports Studio fires up as Frazer grits his teeth. Frazer builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and both men crash into barriers! The ref checks on Huxley, he’s somehow still alright, but Frazer has the mad eyes now! Frazer hauls Huxley up but Huxley throws him into the ring. Huxley storms in, Frazer gets around his clothesline but Huxley blocks the suplex.

Huxley suplex Frazer, but Frazer slips out to duck and QUEBRADA, to the ELBOW DROP DDT! Frazer goes right up top, aims, leaps and missile dropkicks Huxley back down! Frazer returns to the top rope, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Frazer wins!!

Winner: Nathan Frazer, by pinfall

That was definitely a big win for the young legend! Will Frazer only win bigger matches from here on?


NXT UK Media interviews Noam Dar and Sha Samuels.

How is Dar feeling after his loss at NXT UK Prelude? Sha asks, “How do you think he feels?!” It winds Sha up, gets on his nerves, that Dar works so hard every single day to make sure this brand is at the TOP of the WWE! And Tyler Bate and his “old man,” Trent Seven, just get handed things on a silver platter! Dar has Sha calm down, and says those boys play checkers, but he and Sha play chess. Dar has friends in high places, and he has guaranteed himself and Sha a tag team match with Moustache Mountain! Sha likes that, and Dar says they’ll see those dafties next week. EEEEAST!!


NXT UK presents an all new Supernova Sessions!

“Hello, hello, hello! Hear me now, live from the moon,” Dar welcomes us back to his show. Now they say two is better than one, and usually Dar is a one man team. But as we heard, Dar and Sha will team up to make tag team history as they knock Seven & Bate off the tag team mountain! Now, all the way from Scotland, it’s GALLUS! Wolfgang, Mark & Joe Coffey walk out and they take the couch. Dar tries to say that’s his seat but he can’t get Gallus to go to the chairs. Dar tries to sit on the arm, but Gallus tells him no, there’s chairs over there. Dar sighs as he has to sit in the “guest” section, and then tries to get comfy.

Dar says Gallus is looking fantastic and fresh! Where did they go on holiday? And more importantly, what gift did they bring back for him? Mark tells Dar it wasn’t a holiday. It was time to train and refocus. They worked in the morning, had a drink in the afternoon, and didn’t “break any rules.” Gallus is held to a higher standard than any team here, so they picked themselves up and got going again. Dar likes that. How is Wolfie feeling? Well he’s been away, focusing on controlling his temper, and not let anyone get under his skins. Well said. Is Joe okay, though? That wing alright? Joe’s been kinda quiet. Joe says he’s had time to reflect. The next thing he wants to do is another go on the pitch.

But out walks a surprise guest! Eddie Dennis is here! Dennis has a mic already and he throws their words at them: Gallus is “held to a higher standard,” but the only reason they had the NXT UK Tag Team Championships to lose to Pretty Deadly is because Joe got involved in their business! Dar says Dennis shouldn’t go there. Well, if Joe wants to go on a rampage, start with the one guy who he’s been avoiding since the start of this brand. Joe tells Dennis that if he wants a round, they can go next week! No, Dennis didn’t mean himself. It’s those lads. PRIMATE & T-BONE JUMP GALLUS! It’s a brawl between all six men, Dar staying far away!

Referees rush out to stop this, but that’s not that easy! Gallus chases off Dennis and his new pack of animals, Dar having fun while munching on breadsticks and sipping juice. Play the funky music! Gallus wants to be back on top, but is there a new trio of alpha males moving into their territory?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sam Gardwell.

“Don’t accost me, journo, I’m busy.” But Gradwell can’t get in the door because it’s locked. Dave Mastiff gets it for him and Gradwell gets on his case. Mastiff tells him to shut up, then slams the door shut to lock it again! Gradwell is furious and shouts, “I’m the Thunderstorm! I’m the season! Come back, yogurt!!” Will Gradwell’s big mouth continue to get him on people’s bad sides?


Moustache Mountain “quiz” each other.

“I am…” “Trent Seven. And I am…” “Tyler Bate!” And together, they are Moustache Mountain! For the very first time in a year, and in BT Sports Studio Arena! It’s unbelievable, really. Bate is going after the Heritage Cup as a singles competitor, but until then, they’re back as a tag team against Dar & Sha! The Big Strong Boy & the Artful Dodger are back in the BT Sports Studio Arena, but will it be another big win?


Emilia McKenzie VS Isla Dawn!

With Meiko Satomura on her side, #SuplexMillie got a win over the not-so-good witch of Scotland. But now, they go 1v1 to see if Millie can repeat the performance! Will Dawn turn her fortunes around like a tarot card on the table?

The bell rings and Millie ties right up with Dawn. They go around on the ropes and corners, and Dawn pushes Millie in. The ref counts, Dawn CHOPS Millie! Millie kicks low, headlocks and grinds. Dawn powers up, pulls hair but can’t power out as Millie grinds tighter! The ref reprimands as Dawn pulls hair again. Dawn throws body shots, powers out, but Millie arm-drags Dawn down! And again! Dawn blocks the third but Millie wrenches through to hit a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Dawn gets up but Millie seethes as she waistlocks. Dawn scrambles and hotshots Millie in the ropes! Dawn dropkicks Millie down to the corner!

Dawn grins as she brings Millie up to bump her off buckles. The ref counts as Dawn KICKS away on Millie in the corner! Dawn lets off, brings Millie out and SNAP SAIDOS! Dawn looms over Millie, stomps her down, then sits her up. Millie hits back, Dawn clubs her, and gets the fisherman hook. Millie cradle counters, just like last week! TWO, but Millie kicks low! Millie whips, Dawn reverses and KNEES Millie against ropes! Millie gasps and sputters, Dawn drags her up to CLUB her down! Cover, TWO! Dawn drags Millie up and underhooks the arms. Millie resists, but Dawn shifts to a STANDING BUTTERFLY LOCK! Millie endures, fights, and breaks the grip!

Millie CLUBS Dawn on the back, throws big forearms, but Dawn shoves her away. Millie comes back to dropkick a leg out! Millie keeps moving to BASEMENT UPPERCUT! Dawn flounders to a corner, Millie runs in but Dawn dodges. Millie slips out and Dawn hits buckles. Millie ROCKS Dawn, then uses the corner for a HANDSPRING SPEAR! Cover, TWO!! Millie is beside herself but Dawn grabs at her. Millie shrugs Dawn off, clubs her on the back, then waistlocks. Dawn elbows free, bumps Millie off buckles, and then runs corner to corner to KNEE her! Fisherman to the PERFECT PLEX! Cover, TWO!! Millie survives and Dawn’s furious!

Dawn looms over Millie, drags her up and Millie shoulders into her! Millie pump handles for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO!! Dawn survives again and Millie is seething! Millie glares at Dawn, pushes her around, and waistlocks again. Dawn drops and victory rolls, TWO! Millie SHOTGUN dropkicks Dawn to a corner! Then Millie runs in to RAM Dawn! Millie fires off shoulders, fires off haymakers, but the ref backs her up. Millie spins around him, but Dawn ROUNDHOUSES Millie first! Millie staggers into Dawn’s HALF ‘N’ HALF! Bridging cover, Dawn wins!!

Winner: Isla Dawn, by pinfall

The SORCERESS of Scotland redeems herself! Will Dawn only get darker before she has her chance at the championship?


Jinny and Joseph Conners speak.

The Spoiled Princess tells “Dani Luna, sweetheart, I know what you’re capable of. You’re one of the strongest girls in this division, if not the strongest. But you walk around with your ugly, miserable looking face and you act like you don’t even want to be here. But in reality, you don’t deserve to be here. You’re a small fish in a big pond, who wears the same dirty outfit to the ring every time. And next week, when you step into the ring with the Fashionista, you’re just gonna end up another fashion victim.” Will Jinny show the punk rock powerhouse the pecking order of NXT UK?



After the brawl we saw earlier, Eddie Dennis VS Joey Coffey is happening next week! Will the Welsh Dragon dethrone the Iron King or be slain instead?


NXT UK shares footage from backstage last week.

After Aoife Valkyrie’s message to Meiko Satomura, the Final Boss finds her again. “I know what this means. I accept.” The black feather is returned to Aoife, and now the Best in the World will battle the winged warrior! Will Meiko be used as the updraft to raise Valkyrie to the next level?


Jack Starz w/ Piper Niven VS Ashton Smith!

Training with Piper Niven has unleashed the fire inside Starz! But will that fire be quickly put out by The Prestige?

The bell rings and Starz circles with Smith. They tie up, Starz goes for a leg but Smith blocks. Smith tosses Starz off but Starz gets back up to go again. Starz and Smith tie up, Smith turns Starz to waistlock but Starz reaches to headlock. Smith thrashes Starz around, but Starz pries free to roll and get the leg! Starz is after an ankle lock but Smith boots him away. Starz comes back, clinches and whips Smith but Smith runs him over! Starz gets to a corner to cool off, and comes back to circle with Smith. They tie up again, Smith has a cording hold and then wrenches to a wristlock. Starz fights up, rolls, handsprings and breaks free to dropkick! And dropkick again!

Smith stays up but Starz whips. Smith reverses and reels Starz in for a standing fireman’s carry takeover! Smith clamps onto the arm again, Starz endures and fights up. Piper coaches Starz but Smith wrenches again. Smith reels Starz in to RAM shoulders! Smith sits Starz up, brings him around, and wrenches again. Smith whips but Starz uses that to roll Smith up, TWO!! Starz runs back in but into a BIG knee from Smith! Smith drags Starz up, whips him to a corner hard, then CLOBBERS him on the rebound! Cover, TWO!! Starz survives and Piper coaches him up. Smith gets Starz up to CLUB him back down!

Starz writhes, Smith drags him back up, and Smith shoves Starz to ROCK him with a body shot! Starz falls to his knees, Smith waistlocks and dead lifts to a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Starz survives and Piper coaches him as BT Sports Studio rallies. Smith gets Starz up to EuroUpper! Smith scoops Starz to military press and SLAM him! Cover, TWO!! Starz survives again and Smith drags him up again. Starz throws heavy body shots, then EuroUppers of his own! Smith shoves, whips but Starz goes up and elbows back! Starz goes up again to leap, but into Smith’s arms! Smith pops Starz up to a suplex, but Starz fights free! Starz EuroUppers, but leaps into a catch!

Smith catapults Starz up and out of the ring! Starz crashes down and Piper looks concerned. Piper checks on Starz, coaches him up again as the ring count climbs. Smith dares Starz to get in, and Starz is in at 5 of 10! Smith brings Starz up to ROCK him with a EuroUpper! Smith stalks behind Starz at the ropes but Piper coaches him. Smith stands on Starz’s hand, brings him up and ROCKS him with another EuroUpper! Piper tells Starz to get that fire going, show that he isn’t just going to take this! Starz gives the EuroUppers back! Starz runs and rallies with big shoulder tackles and a BACK DROP! Starz reels Smith in, hooks al eg, but Smith fights the suplex off.

Smith turns Starz, back suplexes but Starz lands on his feet! Things speed up, Starz slips out of Blue Thunder to roll up DEEP! Starz wins!!!

Winner: Jack Starz, by pinfall

Smith is shocked, but three is three! Starz gets his very first singles win in NXT UK! Piper is so happy for him, and says she knew he could do it! Will Starz build on this momentum to be an even bigger star?


Kenny Williams VS Amir Jordan!

Two years ago, as this brand began, so did a friendship between these two young superstars. They trained together, struggled together, won and loss together, and supported each other when the other was injured. But as times got tough, something started to sour. When they disagreed on how to win, that was the last straw, and The Chancer cheated his tag partner out of the titles! A promise broken, a tag team broken, a friendship broken. But now, as these two face each other as enemies, will one of them be left broken in the ring?

The bell rings and Williams rushes Jordan but Jordan dodges to clothesline him first! Jordan rallies with more lariats, throws his scarf off and fires hands on Williams in a corner! The ref backs him off, Williams rushes Jordan again but Jordan punches him first! Jordan fires haymakers, whips Williams to ropes but Williams reverses, only for Jordan to CROSSBODY! Jordan rains down furious fists, but Williams gets away to the outside. Jordan chases him, but Williams baits him into a knee on the apron! Williams runs, Jordan dodges the dropkick to KICK Williams down! Jordan bumps Williams off apron, then CLUBS him around the way.

Jordan bumps Williams off apron again, but won’t let him get away yet! Williams knees back low and hard, and whips Jordan at steps. Jordan stops himself, then dodges as Williams rushes back in! Williams crashes into and over the steps! Jordan stomps Williams down, gets in the ring, and watches Williams on the outside. Williams gets in the ring, begs for mercy and says he’s hurt, but Jordan knows not to trust that! Williams swings on Jordan, Jordan blocks and LARIATS! BT Sports Studio fires up, Jordan runs in to SPLASH Williams in a corner! Jordan whips, Williams reverses but Jordan comes back to LEAPING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Williams bails out but Jordan pursues. Williams stays away, tries a sweep but Jordan kicks him back. Jordan WRECKS Williams with a dropkick! Jordan puts Williams back in, shoulders but into a KICK! Williams scowls as he climbs the corner just to KICK away on Jordan’s hand! Williams runs to WRECK Jordan with a dropkick in return! Jordan writhes, Williams paces about, and he goes out at 5 of 10 to get Jordan up. Jordan hits back, Williams CLUBS Jordan, then tears the tape away from the shoulders. Williams CLUBS Jordan more, then puts him in the ring. Cover, TWO! Williams CHOPS Jordan on the back, and brings him up to ROCK him!

Jordan ends up in a corner, Williams snapmares and scrapes Jordan’s face! Cover, TWO! Williams seethes, clamps onto Jordan’s arm, and KNOCKS him down with a straddle attack. Williams clamps onto one arm, pushes Jordan’s head down, and puts so much pressure on that bad arm! Williams steps over, mule kicks Jordan in the head while pulling on the arm. Jordan endures so Williams rolls back to armbar! Williams stomps away on Jordan’s head, then shifts to a cover, TWO! Jordan is still in this but Williams seethes more. Williams brings Jordan up but Jordan body shots. Williams headbutts low, whips Jordan to ropes, but Jordan sunset flips! TWO, and Williams CLOBBERS Jordan! Cover, TWO!!

Williams smirks as he clamps onto Jordan, stomps him down, and then drags him up to throw clubbing crossface forearms! Williams covers again, TWO! Jordan hasn’t given up yet! Williams is annoyed, but Jordan throws body shots and haymakers in return! Jordan CHOPS, throws more hands, then reels Williams in. Williams NORTHERN LIGHTS, then rolls back to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!! Jordan grits his teeth, Williams starts to lose his cool, and he CLAWS Jordan’s back. Williams “apologizes” to the ref, then brings Jordan up to snapmare and dig his knee into the back. Williams clamps onto the arm, grinds the shoulder and stands on Williams’ head!

Jordan endures, Williams pulls Jordan’s arms into a straitjacket! Jordan endures, even as Williams pulls him back against a knee. Jordan fights up, turns things around, but Williams kicks low. Williams bumps Jordan off buckles, throws forearms, but Jordan kicks low! Williams rams into Jordan, hoists him up top, then ROCKS him with a slapping palm strike! Williams climbs up to get Jordan, but Jordan resists! Jordan fires body shots back, then GOURD BUSTERS Williams to the mat! Jordan adjusts as Williams staggers up, and Jordan missile dropkicks! Williams tumbles all the way to a corner and Jordan runs in to fire off!

Jordan uppercuts, runs and hits a NECKBREAKER! Williams staggers up, swings but into Jordan’s EDGE-O-MATIC! Cover, TWO!! Jordan hurries to a corner, climbs up top, and SWANTON BOMBS!! Cover, TWO!! Williams still lives and shocks Jordan! Williams crawls to a corner, Jordan stalks him and Electric Chair lifts! Williams fights that, slips off, hurdles over and table top sunset flips, TWO! Jordan jackknife to a prawn hold, TWO!! ENZIGURI! Williams wobbles, yoyos, and #LETSKILLIT LARIATS Jordan down! Both men are down and BT Sports Studio is fired up as a standing count begins! Williams sits up first, kicks at Jordan, and stands on his hand.

Jordan sits up to kick Williams away! Jordan throws haymakers but Williams throws body shots back! Williams ROCKS Jordan, and DOUBLE CHOPS! Jordan boots but it’s blocked! Williams wheelbarrows for a FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Jordan survives again and Williams is beside himself! Williams gets up, goes to a corner, and starts undoing the padding on the crossbar? The ref stops him there, but Williams just goes to a different corner! Jordan rolls Williams up first, TWO!! Williams hurries up, Jordan gets him, waistlock but they end up heading for the ref!

Jordan knows what’s coming! Jordan gets away from the low blow mule kick, to SUPERKICK in return! Cover, TWO!?! Williams survives and Jordan is frustrated! BT Sports Studio slowly builds to a rally, Williams drags himself to a corner, and Jordan storms over. Williams boots him away, then gets him in a clinch to RAM him into the second buckle! It was just loose enough for Jordan to hit the steel behind the padding! Williams hits a HEADLOCK DRIVER!! Cover, Williams wins!!

Winner: Kenny Williams, by pinfall

The Chancer took a chance and it paid off! He gets away with another one, and has a big smile on his face over what he just did to his former friend. “Luck is all I need!” Will Williams leave the Bhangra Boy behind as he goes for his own glory and gold?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good episode for following Prelude and WrestleMania Week. All singles matches tonight but we got a very good tag match set up for next week. Dar & Sha VS Moustache Mountain is going to be great, and I have a feeling Moustache Mountain wins so that Bate can continue strong into the Heritage Cup match. Otherwise, I think Seven loses the match for them so that Dar & Sha can build themselves in the UK Tag Division while not costing Bate. Supernova Sessions was fun, with Gallus taking the couch and Dar unable to do anything about it. Gallus taking on Dennis, T-Bone and Primate already sounds like a lot of fun, and starting with Joe Coffey VS Dennis is a good call.

Frazer VS Huxley was a great opening match, Frazer winning was natural since he is that good and is building up. McKenzie VS Dawn was good, though I’m not sure the point of it other than to keep Dawn strong with her new Heel persona. Meiko responding to Aoife was good, and that match will be great, but I do feel like Meiko could put Aoife over so that Aoife can start to chase Kay Lee Ray and the title now. Jinny starting a thing with Dani Luna is interesting, but it will be good for Dani to get reps with someone as experienced as Jinny. Starz VS Smith was a great match, especially for Starz since he won. Not sure where he and Piper are heading, but it’s fun for Piper to be a coach now while the UK title is still tangled with KLR.

That quick interaction with Gradwell and Mastiff was good, because Mastiff is just shrugging Gradwell off as opposed to letting him get under his skin. That match is going to be great as a fight of “proper British heavyweights,” and could be a chance for Gradwell to get a big win. Jordan VS Williams was great stuff, great amount of story given their history. Two years sure flies, huh? I forgot it had been that long. Williams winning with sneaky tactics was perfect for him, as he is now able to go into the Heritage Cup Division, where A-Kid the current champion is a Face. A-Kid could win, or he could lose to Bate and it’d still be alright, Bate could be a strong Face against Williams, too.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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