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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (4/29/21)

Will Gallus Boys still be on top?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Who will be the alpha predators of NXT UK?

Eddie Dennis has helped The Hunt evolve into a new beast, and they’re looking to make Gallus their prey! Will NXT UK’s food chain change after tonight?


  • Teoman VS Rohan Raja; Teoman wins.
  • Sha Samuels VS Levi Muir; Samuels wins.
  • Aoife Valkyrie VS Meiko Satomura; Satomura wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Gallus VS Symbiosis; Gallus wins.


Teoman VS Rohan Raja!

The Man with the Evil Eye declares himself the Babo (boss) of NXT UK! But will he be able to get respect, admiration and FEAR out of the British born, Australian raised and Canadian trained Indian Prince?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Teoman wrenches to a wristlock, but Raja switches, snapmares and goes for a cover! Teoman scrambles to the ropes, Raja lets off, and Teoman SLAPS him! Teoman throws elbows into Raja’s arm, YANKS the arm, then whips him to ropes to WRING him out! Teoman keeps on the arm with a twist of the wrist. Raja gets up, rolls and arm-drags Teoman away, then things speed up. Raja turns arm-drag into a takedown and press, TWO! Raja is on Teoman’s arm now with a standing armlock. Teoman fights up, throws forearms, but Raja kicks low! Raja whips, Teoman reverses, but Teoman misses in the corner!

Raja slides under, slips back out and ROCKS Teoman, to then slingshot and NECKBREAKER! Teoman gets up, into a SLAP! Raja gives as good as he got, and tells Teoman to respect him! Teoman grins before he winds back and CHOPS! Teoman shoves Raja down, rains down forearms, then lets up to stomp Raja down! Raja gets up and Teoman whips him to ropes. Teoman CLOBBERS Raja with an elbow, then paces around. Teoman KICKS Raja in the back of the head! Raja clutches his neck, Teoman tells Raja to respect HIM. Teoman chinbars to the neck wrench, but Raja gets up. Teoman ROCKS Raja with a right, stomps him in the corner, and CHOPS him.

Teoman whips Raja out to throw him back in! Teoman goes corner to corner but Raja goes up and over! Raja dodges to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Raja keeps moving, but Teoman hits low and hard! Teoman goes to a corner, runs and SLIDING FOREARMS Raja down! BT Sports Studio rallies as Teoman covers, TWO! Teoman gets another neck wrench on Raja, but Raja fights up. They go around, Raja puts Teoman in a corner but Teoman throws hands! Teoman ROCKS Raja, but Raja comes back with a LARIAT! Raja rallies with big elbows, then he shoves Teoman to ropes. Teoman blocks the whip, whips Raja away, but Raja comes back with a dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Raja fires up, builds speed, but Teoman follows, only to run into a POP-UP SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Teoman survives and Raja is surprised! Raja grits his teeth, paces about, and waits as Teoman rises. Raja ripcords but Teoman breaks free to dropkick a leg out! Raja writhes, Teoman aims from a corner and goes up. Teoman leaps for a DEEP IMPACT DDT! Teoman fires up, clamps on and has the CROSSFACE!! Raja endures, reaches, claws his way forward, but Teoman cranks back! Raja reaches out, but Teoman rolls Raja away from the ropes! Raja manages to loosen the grip on the chinlock, but Teoman CRANKS back hard, and might have just snapped Raja’s arm!!

Raja writhes and shouts in pain, and the ref checks his arm. Raja is done, Teoman wins!!

Winner: Teoman, by referee stoppage

Raja’s debut wasn’t just ruined, it was shattered! What level of damage did Teoman just deal to NXT UK’s newest recruit? Teoman gets a mic to tell Raja, “I don’t know if you’re just stupid, or brave. Perhaps you will see the eye is watching, all of all.” Will the rest of the roster start to fear facing The Babo?


NXT UK hears from Dani Luna & South Wales Subculture.

Flash Morgan Webster says, “Being from a small mining town, individuality wasn’t always celebrated; it was feared.” Luna says, “Camden Town is my home. I grew up being surrounded by the spirit of anarchy.” Mark Andrews says, “Growing up in South Wales, I was always living on the fringe. Everyone knows that’s where the most exciting things come from.” Fitting in was easy, standing out was hard. The people around Luna lived how they wanted and could be who they wanted to be. To be noticed, you have to take risks, whether on stage, in the ring, and just for fun.

The Mod life taught FMW how to jump through anyone. Punk rock taught Luna how to create her own destiny and have the strength to live on her terms. Skating taught Andrews taught how to get back up. Will these three define NXT UK subculture?


NXT UK Media checks in with Ilja Dragunov.

They bring up the “change” in him lately, and asks how he’s doing. “I mean, what should I say?” But Dave Mastiff walks over and notes how Dragunov’s had a bit of a temper problem. Mastiff knows what that’s like. How about, in the spirit of competition, they beat the temper out of each other? Dragunov accepts that challenge. Will the Bomber and UNBESIEGBAR bulldoze the ring with this battle?


Sid Scala is in the ring!

“NXT UK Universe, it is my pleasure to introduce a champion whose historic reign has been like no other that we’ve seen before on this brand. She is the current and longest reigning NXT UK Women’s Champion, Kay Lee Ray!” The Scary Queen of Scots returns to her show, and even has some steam pyro for her entrance now! The #ForeverChampion smirks as she goes to the ring but is a bit annoyed Sid chivalrously holds the ropes for her. KLR gets a mic, and tells Sid that was a good intro, but not quite good enough. She is not just the longest reigning NXT UK Women’s Champion, but she is the longest reigning women’s champion in all of the WWE today!

And it doesn’t matter how many little schemes Scala cooks up, “no one compares to Kay Lee Ray.” Toni Storm, Piper Niven, Jinny, and even Meiko Satomura. None of them could do what Scala wanted them to do. So let’s just cut to the chase: Sid isn’t here to congratulate her so what does he really want? Yes, there is a reason he asked her to be here today. The NXT UK Women’s Division is stronger than ever, and it is for that reason that Sid and Johnny Saint are giving an opportunity to five women in a Gauntlet Match! The sole survivor will be the NEW #1 contender to the NXT UK Women’s Championship!

And those five women are: Jinny! Isla Dawn! Xia Brookside! Dani Luna! And Emilia McKenzie! All five appear on stage! KLR hopes they all get their hopes up, because she’s letting them know right now, “none of you are good enough to beat the FOREVER Champion!” KLR riles up The Spoiled Princess, the Wicked Witch, Xia High Flya, the Punk Rock Powerhouse and Suplex Millie! Which one rises up above the others to go for KLR’s crown?


NXT UK hears from Pretty Deadly.

“YES, BOY~!” The NXT UK Tag Team Champions said they were gonna do it, and well, they did it! Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley are all over the place with media appearances, magazine shoots, interviews and more! They feel great being champions in the WWE, and they have side plates! They’re progressive, they’re going to take the titles and the brand to the next level, and their reign is proof! #YESBOY!


NXT UK hears from A-Kid.

“First-ever Spanish born superstar in the WWE. First-ever NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion. A lot of people see this as pressure. I don’t. I see it as fuel. I see it as motivation to keep pushing forward to the next goal. And here we are now: A-Kid VS Tyler Bate for the third time.” The very first time was February of 2020, a non-title situation, and Bate won. The second was for the Heritage Cup in December 2020, and A-Kid won. The series is tied, and the cup is back on the line! Bate is someone AK has always looked up to, but now he gets to look him in the eye. AK will find a way to beat Bate one more time, and still be NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion.

Will the Spanish Ace be high against the Big Strong Boy? That battle happens in three weeks!!


Sha Samuels VS Levi Muir!

The East End Butcher and Scottish Supernova couldn’t topple Moustache Mountain, but that won’t stop Sha from scratching and clawing his way to the top! Will he make Muir into minced meat for the sake of momentum?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Muir powers Sha back to a corner, and gets a bit cocky. Sha clamps on with a headlock, Muir powers up and powers out! The two ram shoulders and Muir eggs Sha on! Sha knees low and CLUBS Muir hard, then DECKS him! Sha gets Muir up, whips him to a corner, and throws haymakers! Sha brings Muir around, whips him but Muir goes up and over. Muir runs, ducks and dodges to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Muir scoops and SLAMS Sha, then runs to drop an elbow, only to miss! Sha gets up, and stomps Muir down! Sha drops an elbow on Muir and hits the mark! Sha sits Muir up to drive elbows into the shoulders and neck!

Sha stands on Muir’s shoulders, then KICKS him in the back! Sha shouts, “How’s that, ya mug?!” Muir gets to a corner, Sha runs in, and corner splashes! Sha keeps moving and he LARIATS Muir down! Sha sits Muir up and clamps on a chinlock to grind him down. Muir endures as Sha thrashes him around, but Sha shifts to isolate an arm. Sha throws more elbows into the shoulder, then he clamps tight on the arm. Muir fights up and hits body shots, but Sha cranks the shoulder! Muir keeps fighting, throws more body shots, and kicks Sha low! Muir fires big haymakers, then whips Sha, but Sha reverses to ROCK him! Sha wants the Butcher’s Hook, but Muir arm-drags free!

Muir rallies with big clotheslines and then gets Sha to a Russian Leg Sweep! Muir drops a knee as BT Sports Studio fires up. Muir gets Sha for a torture rack! Sha rakes Muir’s face to get free! Sha ROCKS Muir, runs in but Muir boots him away! Muir goes up top, but Sha YANKS him to the mat! Muir staggers up, into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, Sha wins!

Winner: Sha Samuels, by pinfall

Sha still talks trash even after he’s won! Will the East End Butcher get his hooks into the top ranks of NXT UK?


NXT UK Media catches up with Trent Seven.

He’s been inspiring a lot of people lately, so how is he feeling? It’s been a great couple of months, he’s got a chance to influence even just one or two people, and that’s a job well done. He’s been here since day one, it’s time to kick it into a new gear. But then Sam Gradwell walks over and takes offense to Seven being proud of being a “founding father” in NXT UK. They both signed the exact same contract at the exact same time. Gradwell is a founding father who came back from a career ending injury in the shape of his life, no one bats an eye. Seven drops “a few dodgy pounds” and loses a title match, and somehow he’s a role model?!

The fans may have put Seven on a pedestal, but not Gradwell’s. Gradwell will knock Seven off his! Seven has been given a lot to think about, how will he respond to the Thunderstorm?


Aoife Valkyrie VS Meiko Satomura!

Though she has not reached the heights she’s aiming for, the Valkyrie is still undefeated in NXT UK! Will she finally get where she wants to be after facing the Final Boss? Or will we be reminded why Satomura is the best in the world?

The bell rings and Aoife bows respect to Meiko before they circle. They approach, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Meiko manages to get leverage and pushes Aoife back to ropes. The ref counts, Meiko lets off but gives a swift KICK to a leg! Meiko is making sure Aoife is taking this seriously as the two go again. Another deadlock in the collar ‘n’ elbow, but now Aoife finds the leverage needed. Aoife puts Meiko on ropes, lets off, and gives that kick back, only to get caught! Meiko turns things around to ROCK Aoife with a forearm! The ref counts, the two get off the ropes as Meiko arm-drags Aoife down! They fight for control on the mat, Meiko avoids a cover but Aoife gets a ropebreak.

Meiko lets off just long enough to get Aoife back up. Aoife blocks a judo throw but Meiko shifts to throw Aoife from a new angle! Meiko has the cording hold, but Aoife fights up and pushes Meiko to ropes. Meiko holds on tight as Aoife tries to whip her away, but Aoife jumps up to headscissor! Meiko SLAMS Aoife down and still has the armlock! Aoife moves around, Meiko wrenches and wristlocks, but Aoife moves around and gets another ropebreak. The ref counts, Meiko kicks the arm as she lets it go! Aoife is learning just how savvy Meiko is as the two circle again. They tie up with knuckle locks now, but Aoife kicks a leg to arm-drag, roll and arm-drag again!

Aoife shifts around to chicken wing and ghost pin, TWO! Meiko kicks low, snapmares but Aoife gets a wristlock! Aoife wrangles Meiko, twists the wrist and pulls the arm. Meiko headscissors and squeezes tight, but Aoife kips free! BT Sports Studio loves the exchange as the two reset. Meiko and Aoife tie up, Meiko headlocks and grinds tight, but Aoife powers out, only for Meiko to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Meiko watches Aoife get up, and KICKS her in the chest! Meiko whips Aoife to a corner and runs in to KNEE her down! Meiko whips her corner to corner again, runs in, but Aoife boots her!

Aoife goes up, over, handsprings and sunset flips, but Meiko stays up to stomp Aoife down! ARMBAR! Aoife clasps hands, rolls to a cover, TWO!! Meiko lets Aoife go, and the two stand off as BT Sports Studio fires up. Meiko and Aoife circle, Aoife gets around to waistlock but Meiko elbows and snapmares her down. Meiko waistlocks, Aoife fights her way up and wrenches to headbutt low! Aoife runs, ducks the roundhouse and ENZIGURIS! Meiko tumbles out of the ring! Aoife builds speed to WRECK Meiko with the dropkick! Aoife fires up and goes after Meiko on the ramp! Aoife gets Meiko up, uses a cravat to drag Meiko up and in at 5 of 10 then covers, TWO!

Aoife keeps on Meiko as she uses her legs for a full nelson! Meiko endures this chicken wing stretch, even as Aoife squeezes and pulls the arms! Meiko refuses to quit, even as Aoife bridges for leverage! Meiko falls over to get the ropebreak! The ref counts, Aoife holds on until 4! Aoife drags Meiko up, whips her to ropes, but Meiko reverses to EuroUpper Aoife off her feet! Meiko gets a leg and KICKS away on it! Then a spinning toehold and a figure four, Meiko has a Deathlock, into a TRAILER HITCH! Aoife flails and writhes, but she refuses to quit! Aoife reaches, claws, drags herself and Meiko over, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Meiko lets go at 3, and BT Sports Studio is rallying!

Meiko gets Aoife up but Aoife KICKS a leg! Meiko KICKS, Aoife KICKS, repeat! Meiko blocks a kick and flips Aoife up and over! ROUNDHOUSE! Cover, TWO!! Aoife survives but Meiko just fires up! Meiko drags Aoife up, but Aoife resists the fireman’s carry! Meiko KICKS Aoife down, then runs, but Aoife ducks the wheel kick! PELE!! Cover, TWO!! Meiko survives but Aoife just goes up the corner. Aoife wants to end this but Meiko ROCKS her first! Meiko climbs, gets Aoife up, but Aoife resists the superplex! Aoife throws body shots, adjusts her position, and sunset POWERBOMBS! Cover, TWO!! The Final Boss hasn’t been beaten yet!

Aoife drags Meiko back up, fires up and runs from the corner, but the enziguri misses! Meiko waistlocks for the DANGEROUS SAIDO!! Both women are down and a standing count begins! The count reaches 5 of 10 before Meiko gets to her feet. Meiko KICKS Aoife again, then aims from a corner. Aoife ROCKS Meiko before Scorpio Rising! HEEL KICK!! Aoife hurries to get Meiko in the drop zone then climb up top! MOONSAULT!! Cover, TWO!!! Meiko survives again and Aoife can’t believe it! Aoife fires herself back up and goes back up top. Meiko slowly rises, Aoife takes aim, PEREPETEIA FLOPS!!! Meiko hits a DDT!! And then HANDSPRING AX KICK!

Aoife shakes her head, she’s not done yet! Meiko CLUBS Aoife back down, then HANDSPRING AX KICKS again! Aoife again sits up and glares at Meiko! Meiko KICKS Aoife in the chest! And then, SCORPIO RISING!!! Cover, Meiko wins!!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall

Perepeteia didn’t hit, but fortunes did turn! Aoife is no longer undefeated, but Meiko shows Aoife the respect she’s earned by offering a hand to help her up. Aoife accepts it, but will she be able to accept that she’s still not ready for those highest of heights?


The Hunt is evolving.

Primate was “built on a battlefield. The mask hides the scars of war.” For T-Bone, there was a point when he was unstoppable, but somewhere, he lost his way. Eddie Dennis says, “Every soldier needs a leader. And some men just need a familiar face to remind them who they are. My mind may be a machine, but these bodies are my ammunition. Symbiotic in nature, Symbiosis in name.” Will this be the three headed beast that devours Gallus and all of NXT UK?


And so, it has come to this for Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan.

Kenny remembers first meeting Amir the night they first tagged together. That was back in November of 2018! They lost then, but gained some momentum, worked well as a team, and got their first win in January of 2019. They wanted those NXT UK Tag Team Championships, and believed they could do it. Or at least, Kenny believed Kenny could do it. Fast forward through the struggles of 2019 and the sheer disappointment of 2020, and they had their shot just last month, only for it all to fall apart. Kenny betrayed Amir and made it clear he was a Chancer. With a little bit of a Chancer, everything else is a cancer.

Amir couldn’t understand it, but Kenny says he’s had to overcompensate for all of Amir’s shortcomings. But this didn’t end with the betrayal, it only got started. Kenny cheats his way to success, Amir does it with hard work. Kenny doesn’t see himself as the bad guy, but Amir says he’s scum. So this will end, with a NO DISQUALIFICATION rematch, Loser Leaves NXT UK! It is all or nothing, and Amir vows to bring out the edge he has deep down. The end of a friendship could end someone’s career!


Six Man Tag: Gallus VS Symbiosis!

Wolfgang, Mark Coffey & Joe Coffey have slowly been rebuilding their kingdom, but there are others wanting to take their spot. Eddie Dennis leads Primate and Tyson T-Bone into battle, but who will be the alpha males of NXT UK’s animal kingdom?

Gallus dares Symbiosos to throw hands but the ref tells them to sort out. The Welsh Dragon and the Iron King start, but then Dennis tags out to Primate. Primate ties up with Joe, Joe whips then wrenches but Primate throws big forearms! Primate tags T-Bone, they hand off the wrench, but Joe wrenches back. T-Bone throws big hands, puts Joe in the Symbiosis corner and throws more hands! Joe dodges to wrench and ram shoulders with T-Bone. T-Bone kicks Joe’s leg, CLUBS him down, then drags him over to bump off buckles. Dennis tags in and now he stomps Joe. Dennis wrenches, YANKS the arm, but Joe rolls and kips up to wrench.

Joe clamps onto Dennis’ arm, but Dennis fights up to rolls free. Joe runs in but is sent to the corner. Joe goes up and comes back to EuroUpper Dennis down! Joe tags brother Mark, the Coffey brothers double wrench and double pop-up to double CHOP! Mark wrenches, tags Wolfgang, and Mark rams his shoulder into Dennis before Wolfgang CLUBS Dennis on the back. Wolfgang wrenches then knuckle locks, then one-arm suplexes Dennis down! Wolfgang grinds the arm, drags Dennis back up and tags in Joe. Gallus mugs Dennis, Joe whips Dennis to ropes, but T-Bone tags in to blindside Joe! T-Bone RAMS Joe into an open corner and rams his shoulder in again and again!

The ref counts, T-Bone lets off at 3, then drags Joe out for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! T-Bone drags Joe up for an EXPLODER! Joe writhes, Dennis tells his team to punish him! Primate tags in to springboard ax handle Joe down! Primate stomps away on Joe, drops ax handles again, then snarls as he tags Dennis back in. Dennis kicks Joe around, talks trash, but Joe throws body shots! Dennis forearms, Joe headbutts! Joe whips, Dennis dodges and BOOTS! Joe leaps but into Dennis’ SWINGING SLAM! Cover, TWO! Joe survives and Dennis grows frustrated. Dennis drags Joe up and over to Symbiosis for T-Bone to tag in. T-Bone hits Joe in the ribs but Joe hits back.

T-Bone CLUBS Joe, bumps him off buckles, and tags in Primate. Symbiosis whip Joe HARD into the buckles, then throw him down for a DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO!! Joe survives and Primate is furious, but Primate stays between Joe and his corner. Joe throws hands, Primate kicks low but Joe headbutts low! Primate sunset flips but Joe stays up! Joe reaches for Gallus but he’s too far, and Primate finishes the sunset! Joe rolls through and gets a leg but Primate kicks him in the face! Tag to T-Bone, Symbiosis gets Joe up and whip him to ropes, but Joe kicks back! Joe sends Primate out, ROCKS T-Bone with big rights and lefts, but T-Bone knees low!

T-Bone elbows Mark, BOOTS Joe, then tags Dennis! Dennis drags Joe up, reels him in, but Joe slips off the Severn Bridge to BOOT Dennis back! Joe goes up and up and CROSSBODIES! Both men are down and BT Sports Studio fires up! Wolfgang and T-Bone are glaring at each other as their leaders crawl for the corners. Dennis and Joe glare at each other, Joe kicks Dennis, hot tags to T-Bone and Wolfgang! The Last King of Scotland rallies on T-Bone, and hits a corner splash! Wolfgang BOOTS Primate down, climbs and drops ax handles on T-Bone! Dennis returns but Wolfgang DECKS him! Wolfgang fireman’s carries but T-Bone clubs free!

T-Bone scoops and FALL AWAY SLAMS Wolfgang away! Tag to Primate, he keeps Wolfgang back but Wolfgang boots free! Hot tag to Mark! Mark rallies on Primate, runs him over with shoulder after shoulder, then half nelson SLAMS! T-Bone runs in but Mark CLUBS him back down! Mark runs corner to corner at Primate for a EuroUpper, clothesline, and push! Mark goes up, for a FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Primate survives but Mark gets him up. Primate slips out of a choke slam to CLOBBER Mark! Tag to Dennis, he gets Mark up and scoops for the SIDEWINDER! Cover, TWO!! Dennis is furious and he BOOTS Wolfgang down!

Tag to T-Bone, Symbiosis works together to scoop Mark, then Primate tags in. T-Bone hits a RUNNING POWERSLAM, Primate hits a DIVING HEADBUTT!! Cover, Joe breaks it in time! Dennis gets back in but Joe throws him out first! T-Bone BOOTS Joe out, goes after Mark, but Mark shoves T-Bone out the other side! Mark dodges Primate’s springboard attack, to GAMANGIRI! Primate flounders, Mark gets him up and brings him around for a SIDE EFFECT! Hot tag to Wolfgang! Wolfgang tags Joe, before the DRIVE-BY SENTON! Wolfgang SPEARS T-Bone off the apron!

Joe runs at Primate for the GLASGOW SENDOFF!! Then he runs for ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS! Mark keeps Dennis out of the ring as Joe covers, Gallus wins!!

Winners: Gallus, by pinfall

Symbiosis was strong, but not strong enough! Gallus Boys are still on top, but will they be able to once again make NXT UK their kingdom?

My Thoughts:

very good NXT UK this week, with matches you shouldn’t sleep on. I was curious what was going to happen with Teoman taking on another new star already, and I could never have guessed they’d go with an injury angle like that! It certainly turn Teoman into a ruthless Heel, and I would hope this gives Raja a reason to bring out his own aggression so that this can turn into a really heated feud already. We got good backstage promos to create some coming matches, like Dragunov VS Mastiff and Seven VS Gradwell. The first is probably going to be a hard hitting take on “the friendly,” two Faces just throwing down.

The second is great, Gradwell does have a good point about how he was here at the start but missed some time and is now like an afterthought for it. Their match is going to be great, I feel like Gradwell is going to win to build himself up and finally be where he certainly feels he should be in the brand. I like that we’re getting a huge contender’s match for the women’s title, though Jinny is in it to build someone up and put them over, I’m sure of it. I feel like it will either be Dani Luna or Millie McKenzie. Dani and SWSC had a good vignette to build them as a trio, #Subculture, and I look forward to how that builds. I’m sure they’ll still be strong even if Luna loses the gauntlet.

It’s good to see Pretty Deadly are active as champions, and we got good hype packages for the Heritage Cup Championship and the Kenny Williams VS Amir Jordan grudge match. I’m surprised we’re having to wait three weeks for the Heritage Cup match but maybe we’re getting other big things the next two weeks. Sha VS Muir was very good, but naturally Sha wins to build himself up more. I’m waiting for him and Dar to get serious about being in the NXT UK Tag Division, I think those guys could really make a splash.

Meiko VS Aoife was a great match, and I was actually a bit surprised Aoife lost. But given the women’s gauntlet, this is obviously to have Aoife take a detour and build up in the background as KLR faces the gauntlet winner. The Symbiosis video package was already on social media but it was good to see it here. The Six Man Tag main event was very good, and I’m again a bit surprised Symbiosis lost. Gallus could’ve probably taken a loss here, they don’t feel that much worse off from their time off but I suppose they did need something to help them get their momentum back. They’ve teased the Joe VS Rampage rematch so Joe needed momentum going into that, and the tag team of Mark & Wolfgang needed something to get back into the tag title race, so the math leads to one conclusion: Gallus Boys On Top.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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