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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (4/19/21)

MVP, you got some ‘splaining to do!



Coverage Raw 2021

Is the Hurt Business dealing in Retribution?

How is it that MVP got T-Bar and Mace to attack Drew McIntyre for him? The Scottish Warrior wants to know that himself, tonight on Raw!


  • Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin VS The Viking Raiders; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Randy Orton VS Matt Riddle; Riddle wins.
  • Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler VS Naomi & Lana; Naomi & Lana win.
  • Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Elias w/ Jaxson Ryker; Elias wins.
  • 2v1 Handicap: T-Bar & Mace VS Drew McIntyre; McIntyre wins, by disqualification.
  • T-Bar & Mace VS Drew McIntyre & Braun Strowman; T-Bar & Mace win, by disqualification.
  • Damian Priest VS The Miz w/ Maryse; Priest wins.
  • Open Challenge: Sheamus VS ???; No Contest.
  • Asuka VS Charlotte Flair; Asuka wins.


Drew McIntyre heads to the ring!

The Scottish Warrior isn’t waiting for anything, he wants to know what’s going on with last week’s sneak attack! “Opportunity is a hell of a thing. You can make your own opportunities, you can work hard, you can never give up and make things happen. Sometimes, opportunity just falls right into your lap.” As such, McIntyre mentioned that he would eventually get his championship rematch, and that triggered some superstars in the back. Before McIntyre knew it, Braun stormed out, “Me want title shot first!” and then Randy Orton slithered his way out and wanted his opportunity. McIntyre let it unfold, Adam Pearce made a Triple Threat #1 Contender’s match for WrestleMania Backlash. It was McIntyre’s chance to earn his rematch and he did that, here before you the contender!

Also, with opportunity can have you dive into the deep end. Let’s talkin about Mace & T-Bar! They want to make their name at the expense of McIntyre. They’re not the masterminds, though. McIntyre knows it’s MVP! No idea why those monsters would align with MVP. Are they going to dress up in suits, take off those stupid masks? Or maybe MVP will put a mask on to cover his ugly mug! McIntyre doesn’t know the answers but he doesn’t know when he gets his hands on those “big bastards,” McIntyre will get retribution! But McIntyre is feeling fired up now. He wants a fight! And just on time, it’s MVP!

MVP says McIntyre should’ve expected him to come out here to address these allegations. At WrestleMania 37, he wasn’t expecting Lashley to put him to sleep with the Hurt Lock! Last week’s Raw, he wasn’t expecting T-Bar & Mace to attack! McIntyre groans and says, “Let me guess: you knew nothing about it!” MVP says that this is a tired and worn-out cliché, but McIntyre should expect the unexpected. But where are MVP’s manners? On behalf of Lashley, MVP gives McIntyre a warm and well-deserved congratulations! Lashley feels McIntyre will make a worthy adversary for Lashley to beat again at Backlash, when he puts on the Hurt Lock and puts McIntyre to sleep again.

McIntyre asks MVP if he’s going to stand here and claim he had nothing to do with that attack. MVP says Lashley, the All Mighty WWE Champion, is the Chief Hurt Officer of the Hurt Business, he makes the decisions, and he decided to downsize the Hurt Business. So think for a moment: why would they recruit those guys when Lashley has proven he can win by himself? Yes, but McIntyre remembers Lashley was sending the entire locker room after him. MVP will say this one last time: Mace & T-Bar have ZERO affiliation with the Hurt Business. Look in the mirror, McIntyre. You were arrogantly daring everyone to a fight, so maybe the chickens are coming home to roost.

McIntyre says maybe MVP is telling the truth. Maybe, just maybe, it was all coincidence that MVP walked out after the Triple Threat, and then McIntyre was attacked. Maybe, just maybe, they can talk this out- But Mace & T-Bar return! They HIGH-LOW McIntyre, then drag McIntyre into the ring! They choke grip and dead lift, for HIGH JUSTICE!! MVP is at least impressed by Mace & T-Bar as they leave McIntyre down in the ring. Is this all just coincidence?

Kevin Patrick is at gorilla to interview T-Bar & Mace about what we just saw, and if there is a deal with the Hurt Business. T-Bar says, “Cats, dogs, birds.” And Mace adds, “Porcupines, hedgehogs, snakes, sabre-tooth tigers.” That last one is extinct, gone forever. That is what they’ll do to McIntyre! These two titans are out to destroy, but for who’s benefit?


McIntyre finds Adam Pearce backstage.

“You know what I’m about to say. I want Mace and T-Bar, and I want them tonight.” But he can’t take them on by himself! Yes he can! He doesn’t care if he gets his ass kicked! His first reaction was to get a baseball bat, but he’s doing this the right way, so make the match. He needs a tag partner! No, he doesn’t need anything. Make the match happen or regret it.


Cedric Alexander & Shelton Benjamin VS The Viking Raiders!

It seems once around isn’t enough! PRIME Alexander and the Gold Standard want another shot now that they’re ready for Erik & Ivar! Will they get even with the Vikings, or be run through all over again?

The teams sort out, Benjamin and Erik start, and they approach. They feel out the grapple, Benjamin gets a leg but Erik denies the takedown. They end up in a corner, they throw forearms and Erik gets the edge. Erik runs but Benjamin dodges to get the waistlock. Benjamin manages to get Erik up to throw him down, then Alexander tags in. Benjamin slams Erik down, Alexander basement dropkicks! Alexander talks trash to Ivar, covers Erik, ONE! Another cover, ONE! Alexander fires off hands on Erik in the corner then stomps him down. The ref has Alexander back off, and Alexander digs his knees into Erik.

Benjamin tags in, he drags Erik up, then reels him in for a clothesline! Benjamin drags Erik back up to bump off buckles! Tag to Alexander and Alexander throws forearms. Alexander clubs Erik, talks trash, but Erik ROCKS him with a right! Erik hot tags Ivar! The Warbeard scoops Alexander for a sidewalk slam! Benjamin gets away from the swipe, and Alexander avoids the splash! Alexander mule kicks, tags Benjamin and then dropkicks a leg out, Benjamin KNEES Ivar down! Cover, TWO! Benjamin drags Ivar up, throws haymakers, has Ivar in a corner, but Ivar hits back. Benjamin puts Ivar in a corner, Alexander tags in, and they mug Ivar in the corner.

Ivar hits back, Alexander chokes Ivar in the headlock! The ref counts, Alexander protests but tags in Benjamin. They mug Ivar more but Ivar fires off haymakers and elbows in return! Ivar goes up to SEATED SENTON! Benjamin gasps, but he leaps tog et a leg! Benjamin drags Ivar back, gets an ANKLE LOCK, but Ivar rolls him! Benjamin avoids running into Erik, but Ivar dodges him to hot tag! Erik fires off and roars, but Benjamin reverses the whip to overhead suplex! Cover, ONE! Tag to Alexander, he runs in to forearm smash Erik! And then tornado DDT! Cover, Ivar breaks it! Benjamin fires off on Ivar and throws him out!

Benjamin goes after Ivar but Ivar whips him into railing! Then SPLASHES him against them! Alexander runs, handsprings but Erik catches him! Alexander elbows free, but runs into Ace Ten Mao! Tag to Ivar! Ivar feeds Alexander to the pop up, THOR’S HAMMER!! Cover, the Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by pinfall

Two weeks, two wins, two Viking Experiences that Alexander won’t forget! Is it inevitable that the raid will take the Raw Tag Team Championships back?


Backstage interview with Randy Orton.

The Viper lit The Fiend on fire, and surprised many by beating The Fiend at WrestleMania. Is that really the end of it? Orton promises that the Fiend will no longer be seen nor heard from again as long as Orton is still around. No one could’ve done what Orton did to The Fiend! Not even Lashley or McIntyre. McIntyre got lucky enough to win last week’s Triple Threat and now he’s in a title match. But all Orton has to do now is wait for #WrestleManiaBacklash and see who wins. That man will have a target on their back and Orton will be coming for what he truly cares about, and that is the WWE World Championship.

But here comes Riddle on his scooter! Riddle congratulates Orton on the win, because he is the Legend Killer, the Viper and the Apex Predator. But what does “apex predator” even mean? Riddle couldn’t believe Orton beat The Fiend. Riddle lost his title, but he was just thinking that since neither of them have a title, they should be a team! #RKBRO! They can get matching scooters, even! Snake skins and fangs and- Orton walks away. No fangs, then? Get it, like “no thanks?” Well, Riddle strikes out on another business proposition. Will The Bro have to take the long road back to gold?


Raw returns as Orton meets with Pearce.

Orton is “sick and tired” of the lack of respect. Who is that kid with no shoes again? Y’know what, it doesn’t matter. A lesson needs to be learned. Orton wants what’s his name in the ring for a match. Pearce will see what he can do. Is the Viper going to strike down the Bro as an example to the rest of the roster?


Charlotte Flair heads to the ring!

Though the Queen will take on the Empress in a continuation of what happened last week, the THIRTEEN TIME WWE Women’s Champion is going to speak! We hear what she has to say, after the break!

Raw returns and Charlotte has the mic as she soaks up the heat and stands in her special hologram spotlight. “So here’s the thing. I came back to Monday Night Raw last week, simply demanding respect from the women’s locker room and the WWE Universe.” After everything she’s given to the business, she didn’t mean to hurt feelings. She was just expressing how she felt. She came back unapologetically Charlotte, “the biggest star in this division. And if any of those rats in the locker room don’t want to believe that, who do you think they were still talking about at WrestleMania, and I didn’t even have a match?” Charlotte was on every single headline!

And the ladies say they don’t like her but they don’t like each other, either! “Aw~ hey, girl~!” So lame, so fake. And Charlotte doesn’t even know why they’re mad at her. They had their match without her, she was the one with a match taken from her! That’s what everyone works towards and it was taken from her! Oh and Rhea beat Asuka, big whoop! Charlotte can beat Rhea and beat Asuka, and even in the same night! That’s why they call her “The Opportunity!” And Charlotte will give Asuka that opportunity while showing Rhea who is the face of this division! And Charlotte respects Asuka as one of the best. Doesn’t means he has to like her. And Charlotte will remind Asuka how much she doesn’t’ like her, and prove why she’s- Being interrupted by Asuka!

The Empress goes right to the ring, gets a mic, but then Rhea shows up! The Raw Women’s Champion has her own mic, and a big smile on her face. Charlotte asks what’s going on. Are they going to gang up on Charlotte? That’s not nice. But after Charlotte beats Asuka, she wants Rhea to take notes on her future and on how great Charlotte is. Rhea tells Charlotte she’ll take her up on that. But knowing Asuka, Rhea already knows she’ll beat Charlotte. Wait, wait, wait. Did you hear that? Rhea thinks Asuka will beat Charlotte? Does no one remember? Charlotte ended Asuka’s streak at WrestleMania! And she talks over Asuka because Charlotte says SHE will be going for the title.

Asuka keeps trying to talk and then shouts, “Tonight, I will beat you, BIIITCH!!” Rhea laughs at Charlotte getting told. Will Asuka make sure Charlotte eats all her words and then some?


Riddle finds Orton again.

“Gonna beat you to the ring~!” The Bro is ready, the Viper is seething, but who hits the other hard enough for the win?


Randy Orton VS Matt Riddle!

The Viper caught The Fiend off guard at Mania and is focused on reminding everyone who he is. Will Orton make sure Riddle remembers the three most dangerous letters in sports entertainment?

The bell rings and Orton circles with Riddle. They approach, tie up, and Riddle waistlocks. Orton gets the ropes, Riddle lets off fast, and the two go again. Orton headlocks to a takeover, and he grinds Riddle down. Riddle fights up, Orton thrashes but Riddle puts him on ropes. Riddle turns things around but Orton throws body shots. Orton reels Riddle into a suplex, but Riddle slips out to hop on with a sleeper! Riddle is a backpack with the body scissors, but Orton reaches out. Riddle gets the arm, and Orton is wrapped up! Orton grabs for hair then throws Riddle off! Riddle gets up and the two go again. Riddle gets around, waistlock to the sleeper and body scissors!

Orton RAMS Riddle into buckles! Riddle hops back on! Riddle has Orton caught again, and Orton starts turning red! Orton gets a second wind for a BACKPACK SENTON! But Riddle sits back up! SLEEPER! Orton rolls to ropes and the ref counts. Riddle lets Orton go but Orton gets outside. Riddle goes to the apron but Orton catches the kick to trip Riddle up! Riddle sputters but Orton comes back to bring him up, BACK SUPLEX TO THE DESK! Riddle tumbles and hits the barriers as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Orton stomps away on Riddle, especially the bare feet! Riddle writhes and scrambles as he clutches his toes. Orton smiles as he drags Riddle up to scrape his face with boot laces! Orton chokes Riddle on the ropes, the ref counts and Orton lets off at 4. Riddle gets up to CHOP and CHOP and fire off forearms! Riddle whips, Orton reverses and SPINNING POWERSLAMS! Cover, TWO! Orton keeps his cool as he stalks Riddle, and he brings Riddle up by his hair. Orton facelocks, suplexes high and hard, then lets Riddle writhe again. Oroton ROCKS Riddle with a EuroUpper, bumps him off buckles and throws hands. Riddle CHOPS and SLAPS, but Orton pokes eyes!

The ref reprimands but the damage is done and Orton smirks as he stalks Riddle again. Orton has Riddle in a corner and he CHOPS the ribs! And then CHOPS the chest! Riddle CHOPS and forearms back! He fires off over and over, has Orton in a corner then whips him corner to corner. Orton reverses hard and Riddle hits buckles chest first! Riddle falls back while Orton catches his breath. Orton drags Riddle by an arm, covers, TWO! Orton sits Riddle up by his hair, to then dig forearms into the face and wrap on a chinlock. Riddle sputters as Orton grinds the hold. Orton tells Riddle that respect is very important! “You hear me?!” “I hear you!!”

Riddle gets up, fires off body shots but Orton knees low! Orton EuroUppers, runs corner to corner, but Riddle moves and Orton POSTS himself! Riddle comes back with body shots! Orton shoves, Riddle boots! Riddle spins Orton around for a PELE! Orton is down but Riddle kips up! Fans fire up with Riddle as Orton flounders up. Riddle runs corner to corner for a forearm smash! Then side to side for another! Orton fights the exploder off then DECKS Riddle with a right! Riddle is right up to sweep the legs! BROTON! Cover, TWO! Riddle goes to a corner, climbs up, but Orton clubs him down! Orton turns Riddle around but Riddle fights back as Orton climbs.

Orton and Riddle brawl up top, Riddle CHOPS and slaps and throws forearms. But Orton claws Riddle’s eyes! Orton gets Riddle to the very top for a SUPERPLEX! Both men are down but Orton crawls to the cover, TWO! Riddle survives and Orton seethes again. Orton stalks Riddle, runs in but into the HANGING TRIANGLE! Riddle lets go at 4, Orton gasps and sputters now, but he still kicks Riddle in the ropes! DRAPING DDT! Orton has control again, and he paces about as he listens to the voices in his head! Riddle slowly gets up, and he turns RKO into a crucifix takedown! Cover, RIDDLE WINS!!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

Now that was outta nowhere! Orton isn’t sure what to make of this, but Riddle just put another feather in his cap! Will this huge win be what brings Riddle back towards a title?


Pearce finishes a phone call.

“You know how it is. Must be Monday.” But then he welcomes Sheamus to his office. Sheamus says they’ve been looking for him. Yes, Pearce wants to congratulate Sheamus on winning the US Championship. That’s right! Look at this beaut! But this isn’t just about his ego, right/ What odes Pearce want? Well Sheamus will be a great champion, no doubt, but think about the legacy! The Open Challenge was a major part of this title’s legacy, and one guy in particular made it every week, and that was John Cena. Now, Sheamus isn’t John Cena, and Sheamus makes sure we don’t forget it.

Does Sheamus look like he cares about the past? This is obviously Pearce just trying to butter him up to do an Open Challenge of his own, and… Sheamus will do it. But it won’t be for the title. Pearce still looks forward to it. Will someone use that Open Challenge opportunity to punch their golden ticket?


Nia Jax & Shayna Baszler VS Naomi & Lana!

The Irresistible Force & Queen of Spades have been able to dominate their opponents, but not deter them from trying again. Will the #RavishingGlow finally take the fight to #ShayNia and earn a title opportunity?

Raw returns as Naomi & Lana make their entrance. Naomi starts with Nia and Naomi dodges Nia to kick. Nia chase Naomi to a corner but Naomi hits back. Naomi kicks, Nia blocks but Naomi boots! Tag to Lana, the Ravishing Glow throw knees and double whip, but Nia double reverses! Lana tilt-o-whirls, but Nia fights the Russian Leg Sweep off! Naomi tags in, Lana chop blocks and Naomi LARIATS! Tag back to Lana, she sliding KICKS! Tag to Naomi, she drops the leg! Cover, TWO! Nia shakes out the cobwebs while Naomi is a bit surprised herself. Tag back to Lana, the Ravishing Glow throws more kicks, but they can’t double suplex. Nia DOUBLE SUPLEXES instead!

Tag to Shayna, and she KNEES Lana down! Cover, TWO! Shayna gets Lana’s arm, wants the Kimura, but Lana body shots and rolls her up! TWO, and Shayna DECKS Naomi! Shayna wrenches Lana’s arm, hammerlocks it to the mat, and lets her hair down as Lana begs for mercy. Shayna shows none as she STOMPS Lana’s arm! But here come the #SexyMuscleFriends! Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke tell Nia that though they hate to interrupt, they wanted to show her something they whipped up. Last week, when the champs were laughing at Mandy, Mandy & Dana got the drop on Nia! Nia doesn’t get what that’s about, but Dana says there’s more!

The next bit of footage was Nia slipping and tripping in the ring! Mandy & Dana had a laugh then, but still did retreat before things got worse. Nia is fuming again, and she storms up the ramp! Shayna wanted to tag in, but Nia wants after Mandy & Dana! Lana manages a tag to Naomi! Shayna swings, misses, and the Ravishing Glow hit the DOUBLE FACEBUSTER! Cover, the Ravishing Glow wins!!

Winners: Naomi & Lana, by pinfall

Nia is shocked, but what did she expect? She lost focus and that cost the team! Will the rest of the Women’s Tag Division keep making a mockery of the champions until someone takes those titles off them?


Raw shares Bad Bunny’s post match interview from WrestleMania 37.

WWE Media asked Bunny how he felt being in front of fans at WrestleMania, and Bunny said it was incredible, and he’s super happy and feeling so many other emotions. “It’s been so long since we’ve had an audience, and for this to be my debut, it was incredible and a dream come true.” The fans gave them all great energy. How did it feel working with Damian Priest? It was Bunny’s pleasure, and Priest knows this, too. It’s just been awesome working with him and learning the process and how Priest works. They talked earlier, this is a great honor to have this moment for the Latino community and Puerto Rico. It is something Bunny will remember forever.

Priest adds that anyone who saw that match can tell how hard Bunny worked and how serious he was out there. Bunny wanted to be proud of his performance, and this is a moment Bunny deserves. How was the overall experience working with the WWE for Bunny? Again, incredible. Everyone here showed him so much respect. They quickly accepted him and he respected them, from the coaches to the bosses, everyone. “It was truly a pleasure to work here. I was able to express myself and give my ideas and collaborate with Damian. Overall, it was a great experience,” and he is thankful for the moment.

Bunny also thanks the Latin community on behalf of himself and Priest. Priest says he should thank Bunny, he earned it. El Ultimo Tour Del Mundo 2022 is coming, but it’s SOLD OUT! Hopefully you got your tickets!


The Miz and Maryse head to the ring!

The It Couple is here to host an all-new Miz TV, and Miz gives us the usual intro for the Most Must-See WWE Talk Show. But this is not your typical episode, because tonight Miz is joined by the love of his life, the mother of his lovely children, and the most vivacious woman in the world! Miz says last week couldn’t have gone any better! First, the Most Must-See Mania Match, where Miz made Bunny a household name, “You’re welcome for the sold out tour, BB.” Then, he and Morrison beat Damian Priest! And to top it all off, the return of Miz And Mrs. was a smashing success!

Maryse thanks the fans for watching, and thanks the most awesome man in her life, who is the most awesome husband and father, and the greatest WWE superstar of his generation. Aw, babe~! These two get lovey-dovey but Miz says they are anything but ordinary. Tonight, they deserve a special celebration! Tonight is THEIR night! Miz and Maryse kiss, and pyro goes off! Then they pop the champagne, and Miz says last week was great, but this week will be even better! Maryse serves him a glass, and tonight they celebrate because another episode of their hit reality show will be on the USA Network after Raw! And then Sunday, Sunday, Sunday will be the world premier: WWE 24 – The Miz, the entire incredible career of him, The Miz!

So raise a glass to the man of the hour, THE Most Must-See WWE Superstar of All-Time… Damian Priest? Priest is making his entrance, at least! Priest goes right to the ring, gets himself a mic and says, “I think I speak for everyone when I saw you’re as delusional as Jake Paul thinking he’s a real fighter.” Also, Miz forgot to show the world how he actually earned that victory last week. For one, it was 2v1. And for another, Maryse was there to be a distraction! And then Miz still used ropes to get leverage! Miz won with his pants down. What type of man brags about something like that? Maybe a man who, uh, how to say… Priest says it in Spanish, then explains that Miz has no cojones. If that isn’t clear enough, Priest can translate with his fists.

Maryse uses French to talk trash Priest back. If Priest wants a match with Miz, he’s got it! Wait, what? Priest thanks Maryse because that Is what he wanted. But before Priest forgets, he gets himself a glass, and toasts Miz. Whoa, that is some trash champagne. Maryse SPLASHES Priest with it!! The Archer of Infamy already wanted payback on the Hollywood A-Lister, but will he add a little extra for what Mrs. Must-See just did?


The New Day talk backstage.

But then Riddle scoots in! Congrats on beating Orton, Kofi hates him! Thanks, bros from other mo’s. But he wants to say, “What’s in the case?” Woods is getting his Antonio Banderas on, #TheDesperado. You could put all sorts of crazy things in it! Like birds, so that you can open it up and let the birds fly out. Or maybe coins, like silver dollars. They all have a group moment and shout, “SILVER DOLLAR PANCAKES! AAAAAAAH~!” Okay, okay, Riddle’s gonna get going now. Kofi asks Woods if he understood any of that. Maybe. But those are good ideas. Will Woods show us what’s in the case when Kofi takes on The Drifter?


Ladies and gentlemen: Elias.

The Drifter and his follower are already in the ring as Elias introduces them both. But then there’s a weird reverb. That’s not Elias’ guitar. What’s going on? Elias looks to the stage, and Woods has an electric bass guitar plugged in! Woods is jamming out, Kofi is dancing, and Elias asks if Woods is trying to copy him. Kofi and Woods head to the ring, and Kofi says Woods is the real musician! But will Kofi get Elias to change genres to the blues after tonight?

Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods VS Elias w/ Jaxson Ryker!

The bell rings and Kofi rushes Elias but Elias KNEES him down! Cover, TWO! Elias drags Kofi up, suplex for the ANARCHY! Cover, TWO!! Elias drags Kofi up again and DECKS him! And then stomps him around! Woods plays more on his base guitar. Is that Stone Cold’s theme? Kofi hits a DOUBLE STOMP! Kofi throws hands, stomps Elias down, and it’s STONE COLD KOFI!! AW HELL~ YEAH! Kofi whips Elias, Elias reverses but Kofi kicks low. Kofi comes back but Elias manages a trophy lift for a hotshot! Elias catches his breath, drags Kofi up, and he suplexes Kofi to hold him up for a count of 10! Kofi crashes down, gets to a corner, and Ryker cheers Elias on.

Elias stomps a mudhole into Kofi now! The ref backs Elias off but he comes back to BOOT Kofi! Elias drags Kofi to the apron to SLAM him on the edge! Elias goes back in, drags Kofi up, knuckle locks and SUPLEXES him! Cover, TWO! Elias clamps onto Kofi’s arm for a top wristlock and thrashes the arm. Kofi endures, fans rally up, and Kofi fights back with haymakers. Elias knees low, whips Kofi to a corner, then runs in but gets the swing kick! Kofi climbs up, leaps and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Kofi mule kicks, fires off more kicks, but Elias shoves. Kofi leaps but into Elias’ arms!

Kofi sunset flips through, Elias rolls through, but Kofi swings around but no SOS as Elias stays up! But not for long, SOS on the second try! Cover, TWO!! Elias gets to a corner, Kofi runs in to forearm smash! Kofi whips corner to corner, Elias goes up but gets caught, so he mule kicks Kofi away! Elias climbs, Kofi stops him with a forearm! Kofi climbs up but Elias throws body shots. Kofi hops down, but springs back up, but Elias denies the Super Steiner! Elias adjusts, leaps, MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, Elias wins!!

Winner: Elias, by pinfall

The Drifter beat an 11-time tag team champion and former world champion! Does this prove Elias belongs after all?


Raw returns to Alexa’s Playground.

Alexa and “Lily” sit on the swings. “Let me tell you a little something about Lily. She didn’t just come into my life around WrestleMania. We’ve actually been best friends for a very, very long time.” One time, they were on a  playground just like this. And another girl was being mean to Alexa. She wouldn’t share her ice cream. Alexa doesn’t really like strawberry anyway, but guess what Alexa did? “I shoved that little bitch right off the swing! She fell on her ass and broke her arm!” Alexa got to eat up all the ice cream after that. “That was fun.” And when the teachers asked why, Alexa simply told the truth: “Lily made me do it.” The teachers thought she was bonkers, but if Lily doesn’t like something, she has no problem letting you know.

Lily “tells” Alexa to get to the point. All the little girls on the Raw roster, there’s something you should know: Lily didn’t like him, and she doesn’t like any of you. Alexa laughs and swings. Will she and “Lily” make sure everyone on Raw have a new nightmare haunting them?


Backstage interview with Mandy & Dana.

They managed to embarrass Nia, costing her and Shayna their match. But is this appropriate behavior? Mandy says they’ll stop right there. They are not the bullies, Nia & Shayna are. Mandy slipped at Mania, but Shayna & Nia laughed at it over and over again. And all the other times- Uh oh, here comes Nia! They hurry off, but then Shayna tells Nia to get focused. The only reason they lost was because of Nia! Nia is so distracted lately, so she better start paying attention, “or else.” Or else what? Angel Garza then walks over and asks what Nia sees in that clown, Reginald. Nia has a lot of things going on, will she be able to focus on the titles at all?


2v1 Handicap: T-Bar & Mace VS Drew McIntyre!

Though they may no longer be Retribution, the towering titans might just face retribution! Will the Scottish Warrior slay two problems at once on his road back to redemption?

Raw returns as T-Bar & Mace make their entrance, still using the Retribution theme song but with all new titantron graphics. T-Bar starts but McIntyre rushes him! McIntyre bumps T-Bar off buckles, stomps and CHOPS, then ROCKS him with a right! McIntyre throws more haymakers, but T-Bar hits back! T-Bar throws hands, throws elbows at the ropes, then whips. McIntyre kicks back, CHOPS back, then reels T-Bar into a suplex. T-Bar resists, throws body shots and suplexes, only for McIntyre to resist. McIntyre throws knees, and then suplexes T-Bar up and over! Cover, ONE! That’s normally McIntyre’s thing!

McIntyre stomps T-Bar, headbutts him in a corner, but T-Bar knees back. T-Bar throws elbows, MVP watches backstage and Mace tags in. Mace fires off body shots, throws knees in the corner, but McIntyre hits back! McIntyre CHOPS, whips, but Mace reverses! Mace gets around McIntyre to CLOBBER him! Cover, TWO! Mace clamps onto McIntyre, he CLUBS McIntyre on the back, then tags T-Bar. T-Bar and Mace storm over, mug McIntyre, then double suplex McIntyre! Cover, TWO! McIntyre survives but T-Bar stomps him down! Tag to Mace, they stomp McIntyre then Mace boots him down! Mace gets McIntyre up to ROCK him with an uppercut!

Tag to T-Bar, he and Mace both run in to KNEE McIntyre in the chest! McIntyre drops to his knees and T-Bar clamps on a chinlock! T-Bar thrashes McIntyre around but fans rally on their ThunderDome screens. McIntyre fights up, throws hands but T-Bar knees low. They brawl, McIntyre throws body shots and haymakers! T-Bar throws McIntyre down by his hair! Tag to Mace, and Mace drags McIntyre up for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Mace drags McIntyre up by his hair, throws haymakers, but McIntyre throws body shots! T-Bar tags in, McIntyre gets mugged! T-Bar digs his knee into McIntyre at the ropes but lets off as the ref counts.

McIntyre sputters as T-Bar drags him up again. McIntyre throws body shots, then haymakers, then a CHOP! McIntyre keeps on T-Bar, and hits a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife cover, TWO! McIntyre aims and runs corner to corner, but into a BOOT! T-Bar hops up, leaps, but into a GLASGOW KISS! Mace shouts to T-Bar but McIntyre backs up to take aim again. Mace rushes over but McIntyre CLOBBERS him! T-Bar RAMS McIntyre to the corner! McIntyre clubs him, Mace mugs McIntyre! The ref calls the disqualification!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by disqualification

But now here comes BRAAAUN~! The Monster Among Men runs T-Bar and Mace off! “Stuff doesn’t go down like that in here!” Is Braun going to help McIntyre even the odds against his attackers?


T-Bar & Mace VS Drew McIntyre & Braun Strowman!

Raw returns and holla holla, this is now a tag match! Braun and Mace start, tie up and Braun shoves Mace down! “Welcome to the big leagues!” T-Bar says Braun ain’t so bad, but Braun powers Mace back again. Mace turns this around, lets off as the ref counts, and returns the trash talk. Mace shoves Braun but Braun swings on him, Mace gets a headlock but Bran slips out to get one back. Mace turns it back around, but Braun powers up. Mace thrashes, Braun powers out, and the two collide! Mace’s mask comes loose and that slows him down, and Braun runs him over! McIntyre smirks as Braun drags Mace up to headbutt him back down!

Braun has Mace in a corner, throws body shots then bumps Mace off buckles! Braun CLUBS Mace on the back, then glares. There’s a bit of blood from where Braun hit Mace’s mask, but he doesn’t care. Braun gets Mace up, grinds Mace with a headlock, and then knees him hard! Braun ROCKS Mace with an uppercut, tags in McIntyre, and McIntyre stomps Mace. McIntyre fires off furious fists, but the ref backs him off. Mace throat chops McIntyre in the opening! Mace tags T-Bar, and T-Bar runs in, only for McIntyre to spin him around and CLOBBER him! Braun tags in, and he BOOTS T-Bar down! Braun gets T-Bar up and gets in his face as he throws heavy hands!

Braun gets T-Bar up, tosses him across the way, then stalks over. T-Bar kicks but Braun uppercuts! Braun whips corner to corner hard and T-Bar falls to his knees! Mace talks trash to distract, then dodges the swing, and T-Bar chop blocks Braun! Mace tags in, and with T-Bar, the LEG LARIAT CLOHTESLINE COMBO! Cover, TWO! Braun survives, Mace clubs away on him, and drags him into a neck wrench! Mace rakes eyes but the ref counts. Mace lets off to CLUB Braun with the crossface forearm! Tag to T-Bar, they set Braun up and T-Bar runs to BOOT Braun back down! Cover, TWO! Braun is still in this but T-Bar keeps on him with a knee in the back!

T-Bar grinds Braun with the chinlock but fans rally up. Braun fights to his feet, throws body shots but T-Bar CLUBS away on him! T-Bar runs, but into a back drop! Both men are down, they crawl, hot tags to Mace and McIntyre! McIntyre rallies with clotheslines, Mace reverses the whip but gets another clothesline! McIntyre gets Mace in a corner for the OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Mace flounders up, McIntyre gets around him for the NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up and fans fire up! McIntyre gets Mace up, and tears the mask away! It’s DIO MADDIN! Oh wait we knew that. Mace SLAPS McIntyre, so McIntyre SMACKS Mace with the mask!!

Winners: Mace & T-Bar, by disqualification

T-Bar gets McIntyre for a back suplex! Braun runs T-Bar over! And he takes T-Bar’s mask away! It’s DOMINIK DIJAKOVIC! Wait, we knew that, too. Braun CLOCKS T-Bar with the mask, too! No more Retribution, no more secrets, but it was still a win for “T-Bar” and “Mace!” But McIntyre says this isn’t the end, they’re just getting started! Braun says hopefully fans remember these two, because he and McIntyre are going to make them disappear!


Damian Priest VS The Miz w/ Maryse!

The Archer of Infamy wants the Hollywood A-Lister to face reality, but Maryse is the one who dared him to face The Miz in a match. Will Priest once again shoot down the Most Must-See WWE Superstar on behalf of Bad Bunny?

The bell rings, he and Miz circle, but then Miz bails out. Maryse is there to give Miz a good luck kiss, and then Miz gets another. But Priest drags Miz into the ring! Miz swings but Priest hits a ROUNDHOUSE! And a BROKEN ARROW! Priest throws haymakers and body shots in a corner, then ROCKS Miz with an uppercut! Miz sputters, Priest gets him up and KICKS him in the ribs! Priest wrenches and whips Miz to ropes, then hits a leaping back elbow! Maryse is worried for Miz, but Priest stomps and takes aim. Maryse grabs at Priest’s leg! Miz BOOTS Priest down, then runs to WRECK him off the apron! Maryse plays innocent as Miz gets Priest up to throw into barriers!

A ring count climbs, Miz gets Priest up to throw into more barrier! The count is 5 of 10, Miz gets Priest up and into the ring at 7. Miz climbs the corner, leaps, and ax handles Priest down! Miz rains down more fists, then BUZZSAWS Priest! Cover, ONE!! Miz clamps onto Priest with a chinlock! He smothers and chokes Priest, lets off as the ref counts, and leans into the chinlock. Priest fights up as fans rally and he throws body shots. Priest gets free, but Miz spins Priest around for the A-LIST COMBINATION! Miz snarls as he looms over Priest. Miz gives Priest It Kicks! Miz hits front and back and front again! Priest seethes, Miz aims but Priest forearms the kick away!

Priest gets up, Miz is frozen in his tracks, and Priest fires off his own kicks! Priest ROCKS Miz, then FLAPJACKS him! Miz flounders, Priest fires up and takes aim, and makes sure Maryse stays back this time. Priest runs corner to corner to back elbow! Then suplex, but Miz avoids the Broken Arrow, only to get the springboard cannonball! Priest is fired up, but Miz flounders to avoid the choke grip. Priest grabs at Miz but Miz avoids getting pants’d again! Miz swings but Priest counter punches! Maryse is on the apron again! Miz rolls Priest up and has the ropes, TWO!! Priest BELL CLAPS then dragon sleepers, HIT THE LIGHTS!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

Miz & Maryse tried a Hollywood remake from last week, but it fell flat! Priest gets even, but is he finally done with the A-Lister?


Raw returns and Sheamus is in the ring!

The Celtic Warrior and NEW WWE United States Champion has a mic to say, “There is something that the world needs to know right now. And that is that I am your NEW United States Champion~!” And trust Sheamus when he says it will be like this for a long, long time. Now you’re probably wondering, “Sheamy, how’d ya do it?” Well he’ll tell you how he didn’t do it. He wasn’t nice, or reckless. He was the opposite! So here’s the deal: he will be a fighting champion! That means he’ll issue an Open Challenge for his US Championship each and every week on Monday Night Raw! Or, just whenever he feels like it.

Because he’ll ask you! Any WWE superstar, do you want the chance to get your hands on some real gold? If you do, if you’ve got- Here comes Humberto Carrillo! Will Dale Gas get one up on the Fella?

Open Challenge: Sheamus VS Humberto Carrillo!

Sheamus attacks before the bell! This isn’t even a match yet, as Sheamus TOSSES Carrillo from the ring! Carrillo writhes on the outside as Sheamus goes out there, and Sheamus CLOBBERS him! Sheamus gets Carrillo up again to run and RAM him into barriers! And then brings him back the other way to RAM him into more barriers! Sheamus then POSTS Carrillo, and gives him Beats of the Bodhrain until he hits the floor! Sheamus wipes the sweat from his brow, drags Carrillo up and scoops him to POST him again! Sheamus then gets Carrillo in the ring, drags him to a corner, and then goes to the opposite corner.

Sheamus finally pulls down the suspender straps and waits for Carrillo to rise. Carrillo staggers over, into the BROGUE!! Sheamus gets the belt and holds it in Carrillo’s face! “You think you’re in my league?! You’re NOT in my league! And this is as close to the title as you’re gonna get!” Sheamus gives his title a kiss, and leaves Carrillo down and out in the ring. Will Sheamus only accept his own Open Challenge when a worthy opponent steps up?


Asuka VS Charlotte Flair!

The Empress of Tomorrow wants a rematch with Rhea Ripley for the Raw Women’s Championship, but the Queen demands respect. Who gets what they want on the road to #WrestleManiaBacklash?

The bell rings, but Rhea makes her way back out to watch this match closely, just as Charlotte dared her to. Charlotte and Asuka then tie up, go around, and Charlotte headlocks, Asuka powers out, rams Charlotte but neither falls! Asuka shoves Charlotte, eggs her on, and then things speed up. Charlotte cartwheels, Asuka keeps going, ducks the hurdle then KICKS the somersault down! Asuka KICKS Charlotte over and over at ropes as Rhea takes a seat at the ramp. Asuka runs, the hip attack misses and Charlotte BOOTS her down! Charlotte drags Asuka to the apron, reels her in and turns her, but Asuka fights the neckbreaker to give the APRON NECKBREAKER!

Both women fall to the floor as the ring count starts! The Raw Women’s Champion stands up and steps closer to get a better look, as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Charlotte CLUBS Asuka down while talking trash. Charlotte CHOPS Asuka off her feet and Rhea enjoys the match. Charlotte whips Asuka to a corner but Asuka elbows back! And boots back! Asuka hops up, leaps and missile dropkicks Charlotte down! Both women are down but stumbling back up, and Asuka dropkicks Charlotte again! Asuka hits the pop-up KNEE! And then a corner HIP ATTACK! Charlotte flounders, Rhea gets closer to watch as Asuka KICKS! Charlotte blocks a kick to ROCK Asuka with a forearm! Charlotte boots but into Asuka’s spin and GERMAN SUPLEX! Asuka runs to SLIDING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!!

Rhea is ringside now as she watches Charlotte get up slowly. Asuka waistlocks again but Charlotte elbows out hard! Asuka gets an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Charlotte shifts, throws down forearms and gets free. Charlotte lines up a shot but Asuka still dodges! Charlotte blocks a kick, cravat to KNEE SMASH, then she runs, into a CODE BREAKER!! The Queen and Empress are both down, but Asuka grabs at Charlotte firs.t Charlotte forearms, Asuka forearms, and they brawl to their feet! Asuka HEEL KICKS and Charlotte staggers! Asuka runs, into a SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!! Charlotte is furious but she drags Asuka around by a leg. Charlotte steps through but Asuka kicks her away!

Charlotte is in the ropes, Asuka kicks but is caught! HANGING KNEEBAR!! The ref counts, Charlotte lets off at 4, then tells Rhea that’s what’s coming for her. Charlotte then CHOP BL- NO! Asuka jumps the chop block to get the ASUKA LOCK!! They roll around, Charlotte gets the ropebreak! Asuka lets go, and Charlotte CHOP BLOCKS after all! Charlotte gets the leg, steps through, FIGURE FOUR! They move around, Charlotte bridges, FIGURE EIGHT! But Rhea trips her up!?! Charlotte is pissed, and she goes after Rhea! Charlotte drags Rhea onto the apron but Asuka KCIKS her down! Ghost pin, Asuka wins!!

Winner: Asuka, by pinfall

The Aussie Nightmare gets an assist, but she also gets even with Charlotte ruining last week’s title match! The Queen glares at the ref, and then TOSSES him across the way! She stomps a mudhole into the ref and this is definitely going to be a fine! Charlotte rains down elbows but other referees rush out to tell her to stop. Charlotte does, and grins, before going after the match’s ref again!! Charlotte is finally satisfied, and takes her leave. Or not… Charlotte turns back to the ring, goes back in, and she PUNTS the ref in the ribs!! Will this only make it harder for The Queen to get back to the title?

My Thoughts:

This was a somewhat better Raw than last week, but could still have been better. We got a perfectly fine rematch of Viking Raiders VS Alexander & Benjamin, but it immediately shows how small the Raw Tag Division is if we still aren’t seeing the new champions this week. I don’t know if this is because something happened at Mania we’re not being told about, such as a minor injury, but we need to see the champs again before the next PPV. Kofi VS Elias was a good singles match, and Woods with the electric guitar to play Steve Austin’s theme was a nice touch, but it was rather surprising that Elias won clean. I suppose this is so Elias & Ryker are strong in the tag division, but it is still surprising.

It turns out there was a bit of a rewrite, where Orton and Braun were advertised to have a 1v1, but clearly Orton faced Riddle. This was perhaps one of those times where a Vince McMahon rewrite works out, because Orton VS Riddle was a really good match, and Riddle getting the surprise win was great. This might escalate things, but that could be for the best with both guys since #WrestleManiaBacklash is already a bunch of rubbish anyway. They can miss the PPV, they can be on it to give us something new, either one would be fine but having an even bigger match than tonight would be great.

Alexa’s getting even creepier, but maybe not in the right way. Are we supposed to believe “Lily” has been in Alexa’s head since she was little? With those clearly photoshopped photos of little Alexa and Lily? Of course, WWE is making Babatunde/Dabba-Kato into Commander Azeez like no one can remember Raw Underground from just under a year ago. And I fear that, just as we would’ve gotten Pumpkin Demon Balor VS “Sister Abigail” Bray Wyatt, we’re about to get Alexa becoming Lily for a match. I would instead prefer Lily interacting with Bray’s Firefly Fun House puppet pals in a way to set up Alexa VS Bray in a Firefly Fun House match.

The Women’s Tag Team title story on Raw continues to get a bit complicated, confusing and disappointing. Mandy & Dana rub Nia’s forced clumsiness in her face, and not even very well because they didn’t really make that footage replay all that smooth. Shayna loses the match because Nia wasn’t there to stop Naomi & Lana, and I do appreciate that Shayna got in Nia’s face about it, I’m just not sure how they’re going about it. And just as I wondered what was going on with Reginald, Angel Garza shows up just to bring him up and take a dig at Nia over the kayfabe relationship. Is Nia going to have a meltdown and that’s why her team loses the titles and splits up?

I’m also curious where John Morrison was tonight. Miz and Maryse were the only ones for Miz TV and the match with Priest, but maybe we’re supposed to see that as why Priest won this time. It does make sense, 3v1 is better than 2v1. I have a feeling this doesn’t end until Priest VS Morrison 1v1 can happen, which would be great since that match will be great. And speaking of 2v1, we got some interesting development with McIntyre, MVP and the former Retribution members. MVP claims he wasn’t paying T-Bar & Mace to do the dirty work, and maybe that’s true, but it could still change. The handicap becoming a tag match was a pretty standard move, and things ending with a disqualification was clearly to keep things going.

The masks coming off was a nice surprise, and though I joked about it in the write-up, commentary did NOT say anything about Dijakovic & Maddin being in Retribution at all. I hope Dijakovic & Maddin get to be themselves now, whether or not they team with MVP. And if they stick together, they’d make a strong addition to the tag division, too. Sheamus giving us an open challenge that wasn’t an open challenge was a clever move, but bit of a bummer way for Carrillo to return. Maybe he’ll come back for more until Sheamus gives him a match.

And we got some decent development for the Raw Women’s Championship. Charlotte’s promo before Asuka and Rhea showed up was alright, but after they showed up, it got better because she was being so obnoxious and kept talking over Asuka. Asuka shouting Charlotte down was great, and their match was also great. Rhea interfering on the sly was pretty good, letting Asuka win without really winning, but this is building to something big. Probably a Triple Threat so no matter who wins, the other two don’t look weak. And it won’t go like with Roman Reigns because no offense to Charlotte or Asuka, WWE isn’t treating any of them like they are Roman.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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