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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (4/2/21)

Will there be retaliation on the Rated R Superstar?



Coverage SmackDown 2021

SmackDown gears up for WrestleMania WEEK!

After Edge snapped and brutalized Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns, SmackDown might be ready to explode! Will the Rated R Superstar face repercussions?


  • 8 Man Tag: The Alpha Academy & The Dirty Dawgs VS The Street Profits & The Mysterios; The Alpha Academy & the Dirty Dawgs win.
  • Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax & Reginald VS Natalya w/ Tamina; Natalya wins.
  • Carmella VS Bianca Belair; Belair wins.
  • Street Fight: Daniel Bryan VS Jey Uso; Bryan wins.


SmackDown opens with Edge!

The Rated R Superstar goes to the ring, gets a mic, and takes a moment before saying, “What happened at Fastlane, what happened last week here on SmackDown, the chaos, the mayhem, the destruction, it didn’t need to happen. Or maybe it did. Maybe this was all inevitable. Maybe I was being naïve thinking I could travel the Road to WrestleMania without hitting any speedbumps. Or maybe a better analogy is hitting any roadkill, because that is what Daniel Bryan has done by weaseling his way into MY match at WrestleMania!”

Edge thought that if anyone would understand, it was Bryan. Bryan was one of the reasons Edge thought his comeback was possible. The idea of possibly teaming with Bryan at Fastlane was intriguing and exciting, but apparently that wasn’t enough for Bryan. Edge was so focused on Roman Reigns, he didn’t even see Bryan coming, and that’s on Edge. If anyone should see an opportunist coming, it’s Edge.

Edge runs us through the scenarios Bryan gave us. Bryan could’ve waited until after Edge VS Roman to face the winner immediately, how hErOiC~! But no, not good enough. Edge VS Roman on Saturday, winner VS Bryan on Sunday, so bRaVe~! But then after Adam Pearce’s decision, Edge realized he got outplayed. You might think Edge is mad at Bryan, which he is, but Edge is also thankful, because he had time to reflect. Edge looked at himself and finally liked what he saw: the guy who when he his backed into a corner, he comes out fighting, out swinging, and doing whatever he has to do. Edge finally saw THE Rated R Superstar!

Edge wants to throw up the graphic of the Adam Pearce masterpiece! The Universal Championship Triple Threat! Pearce’s validation for his paycheck! But Edge doesn’t think Pearce realizes the ramifications of what he’s done. Roman doesn’t understand, Bryan doesn’t understand. Did Edge snap at Fastlane after getting hit by Bryan? Did he snap after Pearce made this a Triple Threat? “You’re damn right I did! I woke the hell up.” Edge is a man Roman ASPIRES to be! He is a man Bryan ASPIRES to be! A WWE Hall of Fame LEGEND, the Ultimate Opportunist, and he is finally, and once again, THE RATED R SUPERSTAR!

Now last week, when Edge held the cold steel chair in his hands and felt it hit their bodies, “it felt so, so good.” Edge had them both for the ConChairTo. THIS close. And it’ll happen again. When it does, Edge won’t hesitate! THAT Edge is back, but will he be the one to walk out of WrestleMania with the Universal Championship?


Backstage interview with Edge.

Kayla Braxton asks him about his comments and how he didn’t bring up the Street Fight of Bryan VS Jey Uso. Some feel that given the inherent brutality of a Street Fight, Jey is doing it just to take Bryan out before Mania. Edge says if he’s supposed to feel badly that Bryan might get beaten senseless tonight, he doesn’t. But he knows the next question is, “What if Bryan can’t make it to WrestleMania? Will a small part of me feel badly?” No, it won’t. He’ll be overjoyed.


The Alpha Academy is in the ring!

Chad Gable has a mic to say, “Look at Otis! Look at my number one guy!” Over these past few months, Gable has transformed the human bulldozer into a force of nature. Gable unleashed Otis’ inner alpha with the use of his ENORMOUS mental acumen. The Alpha Academy is peaking at just the right time. And when they peak, they peak hard. Tonight, they will outshine their own teammates, the SmackDown Tag Team Champions, on their way to next week’s WrestleMania edition SmackDown and completing the journey. They will take the titles for the academy! But speaking of, here come the Dirty Dawgs for this HUGE 8 Man Tag!

8 Man Tag: The Alpha Academy & The Dirty Dawgs VS The Street Profits & The Mysterios!

The teams sort out, Dominik starts with Ziggler, and Ziggler kicks Dom then scrapes him with laces! Ziggler whips, Dom boots back, then hops up to leap and TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Ziggler survives, Roode steps in but Rey RANAS him out! Gable runs at the corner, Otis following, but the Profits dump them out! Dom throws Ziggler out to join Roode, Rey LEAPS to Seated Senton Roode, and Dom PLANCHAS Ziggler! Ford FLIES to hit the Alphas! Fans are thunderous on their ThunderDome screens, but is Ford alright? We’ll find out after the break.

SmackDown returns and Rey throws hands, to slide under but Ziggler catches him! Ziggler drags Rey up to back suplex but Rey lands out! Tag to Dawkins and he rallies on the Show-Off! Dawkins ducks and dodges to leaping elbow! Dawkins BLASTS the Alphas then EXPLODERS Ziggler! Gable gets in, to get an EXPLODER! Dawkins fires up, runs at Ziggler but Roode saves him from the Cyclone! Dawkins DECKS Roode, drags Ziggler up but Otis CLOBBERS Dawkins! Ford and the Mysterios protest but Otis gets away with it. Ziggler grapevines a leg, tags to Otis, and Otis stomps Dawkins around. Otis drags Dawkins up, whips, and CLOBBERS him again! Cover, TWO!

Otis drags Dawkins up with a fish hook, whips him to a corner, and Dawkins bounces off buckles hard! Ziggler talks trash, Otis drops an elbow on Dawkins! Otis CLUBS Dawkins in the chest, then tags Roode. Roode drags Dawkins up with a facelock, suplexes high and hard, then covers, TWO! Dawkins reaches but Roode drags him away. Roode grinds Dawkins down, tags Ziggler, and Ziggler scrapes Dawkins’ face with laces, too! Ziggler stays between Dawkins and his corner, taunting him the entire time. Dawkins gets up but Ziggler facelocks to grind Dawkins down. Dawkins fights up but Ziggler rakes eyes to tag in Otis. They hand Dawkins off, Otis snapmares and neck wrenches!

Dawkins endures, Otis leans on him, but Dawkins fights up to jawbreaker free! Dawkins ROCKS Otis, dodges him and DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES take them both down! Otis and Dawkins hurry, hot tags to Ford and Gable! Ford rallies on Gable, BIG back drop then a dropkick for Roode! One for Ziggler, too! Ford throws Gable out just to yank him back in! Ford wrenches to a back suplex SLAM! Ford kips up to standing moonsault! Cover, Ziggler breaks it! Ziggler hits Rey on his way on, then gut wrenches, only for Rey to slip off and set up on the ropes! Dial it up, but Roode trips him up! Roode whips but Rey reverses for Rood to hit barriers!

Dom gets Ziggler to body scissor him out of the ring! Ford rolls Gable, TWO!! DROPKICK! Ford hurries up top, takes aim, FROM THE HEAV- No! He rolls out as Gable dodges! Otis tags in off CHAOS THEORY! Otis is climbing, Gable sets Ford up, so to speak, DOZER SPLASH!! Cover, Alpha Academy wins for the team!

Winners: The Alpha Academy & The Dirty Dawgs, by pinfall

Roode & Ziggler are happy to have won this in part, but they better be worried once it’s a Fatal 4! Will Otis steamroll anyone in his way of taking those SmackDown Tag Team Championships?


Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville are excited seeing that tag match.

This has probably been the best Otis has been in a long time! But Paul Heyman walks in and says hi to Sonya. The Tribal Chief asked Heyman to come here with a “small legality.” An indemnification for tonight. A hold harmless agreement that strips Jey of liability against Bryan. It’s a Street Fight that will shorten Bryan’s career and could remove him from the Mania main event. Pearce figured this was happening, but Sonya sees Heyman’s point and agrees to it. Did Sonya just sign a blank check for Main Event Jey to cash on Bryan’s body?


Seth Rollins heads to the ring.

The purple tie-dye is definitely #SethDrippinRollins tier, but the Architect isn’t here just to show off his fashion sense again. He’s here for a face-to-face with the Swiss Cyborg, and interview with Corey Graves, after the break!

SmackDown returns, Cesaro and Corey are already in the ring, and Corey brings up that we’re just a week away from WrestleMania and the grudge match between these two. Rollins is no stranger to the Grandest Stage of Them All, to which he adds that he is Mr. WrestleMania, but Corey says Cesaro is having his first- Wait, we’re starting with Cesaro? Fine, even though they should start with Rollins, but fine. Corey continues to say that this will be Cesaro’s first 1v1 match at Mania, but Rollins says he squanders his potential. Is this the breakthrough? Cesaro says Rollins has pointed out his shortcomings, and most o fit is true.

But next Saturday at WrestleMania, Cesaro will not and cannot fail. There’s something in the air, he feels it. Something different. Swing is in the air. Haha, nice. Rollins knew they should’ve started with him and not the loser. But speaking of swinging, Rollins got humiliated again. Is that a blemish before Mania? Rollins sees what’s going on here. Singing about swings, trying to get a hot mic moment, it won’t happen. Rollins can’t be shaken and that’s because it’s Mania season! This time of year, Rollins is unshakeable! Look at his track record! The Mega Powers, Rollins VS HHH, Stone Cold VS The Rock is Rollins VS Lesnar, and Hogan slamming Andre is like “The Heist of the Century!”

Well no one is questioning Rollins” abilities. But this IS Mania. Is the pressure on Cesasro? Does he have what it takes to stop Rollins? Cesaro wouldn’t be here if he didn’t know he could beat Rollins. Cesaro knows he can beat Rollins, and embarrass Rollins at Mania. What don’t these numbskulls not understand? Rollins is unshakeable! Cesaro says that’s not the same as unswingable. Rollins seethes, and tells Corey to get out of the ring to stop giving Cesaro false hope! And Rollins is sick of Cesaro getting under his skin. There are LEVELS to the game! Cesaro is down here, Rollins is up here, and that’s how it is!

Rollins vows he will embarrass CESARO so that he can’t even fall back on his potential! And the only one to blame will be Cesaro because of how he’s provoked Rollins again and again and again! Rollins won’t even let this get to Mania! He’ll end the dream here and now! Cesaro dares Rollin to take a swing. Rollins seethes again, but he backs down! The Architect storms off, but will he continue to be thrown for a loop by the Swiss Cyborg?


Carmella encounters Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler & Reginald backstage.

Reggie points her out to Nia, and Nia says, “You didn’t treat my guy very well, did you?” Wait, her guy? Mella lets that go, and the tag team champions head for gorilla. What business do they have with the SmackDown Women’s Division?


Shayna Baszler w/ Nia Jax & Reginald VS Natalya w/ Tamina!

The Queen of Spades takes on the Queen of Harts, and there is still some time before WrestleMania! Will Shayna prove Natty isn’t worthy of a tag title opportunity? Or will the #BOAT set sail for the Grandest Stage of Them All?

The bell rings and the two tie up. Natty puts Shayna in a corner, the ref counts and Natty lets off fast to kick and throw hands! Shayna hits back, Natty trips Shayna and steps through, but Shana kicks out of the Sharpshooter to go for her Kirafuda! Natty turns, small packages, TWO and Shayna has it! TWO, and it goes back to Natty’s control! NATTY WINS?!

Winner: Natalya, by pinfall

Mella watches backstage, and is not impressed. But Nia gets in the ring and CLOBBERS Natty! Tamina rushes in to help her partner, and it’s a brawl! Tamina tries to fireman’s carry but Shayna KICKS a leg then BUZZSAWS Tamina down! Nia drops the leg, brother! Shayna KNEES Natty, Nia unleashes hip attacks corner to corner! But The Riott Squad strikes! Liv SHOTGUNS Shayna and Ruby gets a guillotine on Nia! Liv goes up and up to add on a FLYING BULLDOG! Shayna KNEES Liv down, Ruby gets Shayna but Shayna shoves her away to get a Kirafuda! But here come RAW’s Dana Brooke & Mandy Rose!

Mandy gives Shayna a KNEE FROM A ROSE! Dana sees Ruby and hits the ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Shayna runs back in but gets a DOUBLE FLAPJACK! Mandy KNEES Nia, Dana handspring SHOTGUNS! But now Raw’s RAVISHING GLOW, Naomi & Lana, are here! They join in just as the Squad hit DOUBLE STO’S on Dana & Mandy! Lana and Naomi DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSE the Squad then throw them out! Shayna returns to get a ROUNDHOUSE, and a CROSSBODY! Nia is up, but Naomi springboards to CROSSBODY! Lana & Naomi give Dana & Mandy DOUBLE FACEBUSTERS! But Tamina SUPERKICKS Naomi, and lifts Lana, Natty joins in, HART ATTACK!

The second generation superstars stand tall as the Women’s Tag Division shows the champions what’s coming for them! And backstage, Billie Kay immediately tries to give Mella her headshot, but immediately gets shot down. Wait, Mella changes her mind. She’ll read Billie’s resumé! Is Billie finding the place where she belongs on SmackDown?


Sami Zayn has the red carpet rolled out for tonight’s “special guest!”

But he’s also upset no one has cleaned it up. There’s dirt on the floor! But a limousine is rolling in! And Logan Paul IS here! Sami is so excited! Logan is thankful for being invited. Will they both enjoy the special premiere of the trailer for Sami’s documentary?


Sami Zayn heads to the ring!

Even the graphics are a red carpet for him to walk down. Sami and his sparkly gold tux get a mic and he welcomes us to the night the world has been waiting for! This is the release of the trailer for his documentary that will expose WWE’s conspiracy against him! “This will show beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a vast conspiracy against me, with the intent to humiliate me, to undermine me, and to undercut my career at every imaginable turn, at every imaginable level. What you are about to see is gonna shock you.” But it will also be so sweet!

This is made doubly sweet by having his very special guest, a man who took time out of his very, very busy schedule as actor, writer, podcaster, boxer and more importantly, social media influencer with almost 23 MILLION subscribers on YouTube alone! Sami gives to us Mr. Logan Paul! Logan makes his entrance now, joins Sami in the ring, and Sami brings him in for a hug before they sit. Sami again thanks Logan for being here and says he cannot tell us how much joy this brings him. Sami commends Logan on standing in solidarity with the oppressed. By virtue of Logan being here, it will show everyone that this isn’t a theory but reality that you must accept as truth!

Logan says it’s super cool to be in the ThunderDome in a WWE ring. And based on what he’s been told, this is the conspiracy of the century. Sami appreciates that. he is surrounded by narrow-minded corporate drones who refuse to see the truth. So now, as great as these two are getting along, might even be friends, but Sami is formally inviting Logan to be his guest… at WrestleMania! Logan accepts the invitation! Sami is so excited! This night just keeps getting better! Now, Logan gets to see first hand what Sami will do to the backstabbing, willfully ignorant Kevin Owens! But that’s WrestleMania. Tonight, we get what we’re here for! Ladies and gentlemen, the trailer for Sami’s documentary!

Footage plays, rated T for truth, all facts and no fiction. “Veracious Pictures” presents… “Random acts… Aren’t Always Random.” Sami is mostly shouting at cameramen and referees. Sami has a dislike of zebras now. He was accused of being a flat earther? Is that somehow connected? “A Liberating Original Documentary, From Visionary Director Sami Zayn.” Oh, there was that time the Lumberjacks in the Lumberjack Match made sure Sami stuck around to face Big E. That is when Sami started accusing the refs of conspiracy. Then there’s Sami complaining to Kevin, and then accusing a cameraman of being a mole. And then Sami assaulting Kevin. And Sami confronting Pearce.

“I’m not the crazy one.” Sami says everyone is twisting the narrative against him! “Who looks crazy now?!” Justice For Sami, Coming Soon. Sami says bravo to his own work. Logan saw all that, right? As Sami’s guest of honor, he must ask Logan’s thoughts on the masterpiece. “Sheesh. It’s a lot to take in.” Compelling, yes. But… When Sami was in the locker room, Kevin approached Logan and told him that he’s known Sami for over 15 years, Sami is living in an alternate reality and is perhaps delusional and neurotic. W-What is Logan doing? He’s Sami’s guest of honor! He’s not Kevin’s guest, he’s here with Sami! This is to help Sami! Doesn’t Logan get that?!

Sami apologizes for getting upset and offending Logan. he’s just on edge. Tonight was just really important. Sami wants everything to be perfect. Sami knows what Kevin thinks, and he doesn’t care about that! He doesn’t want Kevin poisoning Logan’s mind! Sami cares what Logan Paul thinks. Logan says there’s a lot of effort put into it and- Kevin gets in, turns Sami around and hits a STUNNER! “As long as you keep up with this crazy stuff, this is going to keep happening to you!” Logan is shocked as Kevin says he won’t stop. Kevin will BEAT sense into Sami if he must. See you soon. Logan is stunned silent as Kevin pushes past him. Will Sami find a way to twist this to fit his narrative?


Pearce & Sonya now discuss what we just saw.

Welcome to the WWE, Logan Paul. But now Edge walks in to talk with them. Pearce really has a knack for matchmaking, huh? Last week was the worst decision in the history of the WWE, and that’s saying something, by turning Edge’s match for the Universal Championship into a Triple Threat. But Edge will also say that tonight’s Street Fight of Bryan VS Jey is a good idea. He wants them both to know he will be ringside on commentary. Good? Good. Sonya and Pearce aren’t sure what to say, but will we see what Edge plans to do during the main event?


Backstage interview with Kevin Owens.

He’s pretty sure this is about the Stunner to Sami during his “big moment.” Kevin could tell us that he just likes doing it, which he does, but he was trying to send a message. Not just to Sami but to anyone in the WWE or around the WWE. Kevin can stun anyone at any time- SAMI ATTACKS! Sami is furious and he beats Kevin down! “YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!” Sami says he will see Kevin at Mania, then he scurries off before Kevin can get up. Will the Great Liberator now be the one worrying about retaliation?


Carmella VS Bianca Belair!

The Untouchable Princess of Staten Island is going to take on the EST this close to WrestleMania to try and upstage her! But will Mella be more of an example to The Boss before Bianca takes that SmackDown Women’s Championship?

SmackDown returns, and Kayla interviews Bianca backstage. Bianca is about to face Mella, but is she worried about splitting her focus? Especially given what happened last week. Bianca was wondering when this would happen. When would we see the real Sasha? But after Bianca SLAPPED the soul out of her, Sasha showed up. But this is what Bianca’s been waiting on. The woman who is ruthless and has no apologies. Because now there will be no excuses. But yes, Mella is first, and Bianca hasn’t forgotten. Mella has a chip on her shoulder, and too much attitude to fit inside her knock-off purses. Mella is also the reason we all had that Reggie drama.

But Mella is a former SmackDown Women’s Champion, so Bianca isn’t looking past her. She’ll just run through her! Bianca is going to make history and put the EST in WrestleMania! Bianca makes her entrance, Mella pounces on her! Mella shoves Bianca out, hurries after her and throws her into barriers! Then Mella drags Bianca by her ponytail to club away at the ramp! Mella whips Bianca into steel steps! Mella laughs and claps at Bianca while Bianca clutches a thigh. The ref reprimands, Mella mocks Bianca’s pain, and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns, the match is under way, and Mella has Bianca down in a chinlock. Mella talks trash as she leans on Bianca, but Bianca fights up. Bianca has Mella as a backpack as she RAMS her into buckles again and again! Mella pulls hair, drags Bianca up and has a HANGING NECKLOCK! Bianca endures, the ref counts, but Bianca drags Mella up to spin her around. Mella fights to RANA Bianca away, then runs in to FABULOUS Bronco Buster! Cover, TWO! Mella ties Bianca’s hair around the ropes! Mella stomps Bianca over and over, lets off as the ref counts, and then stomps some more! Mella lets off again, Bianca unties her hair, and Mella says SHE is the EST! Mella runs in, but into a LARIAT!

Bianca staggers up, runs at Mella again and runs her over with shoulders! A dropkick drops Mella, Bianca kips up and says, “Don’t touch my hair!” Bianca hammers away and then stomps Mella, to then fake the hair whip to kick and DECK Mella! Handspring splash flops as Mella moves, to FABULOUS KICK! Cover, TWO!! Mella is furious that Bianca is still in this and she says, “I’M the best! NOT you!” Mella slaps Bianca and that only angers her. Bianca dodges a kick, torture racks, KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

And that’s why Bianca is the EST! But then SASHA shows up! She tries to hit a backstabber but Bianca shrugs that off! Bianca says not today. It’ll be at WrestleMania. Sasha agrees to that and takes her leave. Will WrESTleMania see a new boss take over SmackDown?


Roman Reigns talks with Jey Uso in their private room.

It’s hard to hear what they’re saying, but clearly it has to do with taking Bryan out of the game. Will Jey put the Goat in the Uso Penitentiary?


SmackDown sets the card for next week’s WrestleMania edition!

As was said earlier tonight, there will be a FATAL 4 WAY for the SmackDown Tag Team Championships! Will the Dirty Dawgs stay on top against the Profits, the Alphas AND the Mysterios? Or is someone new taking those belts beyond the Showcase of the Immortals? And the WrestleMania tradition returns as the Andre the Giant Battle Royal has stars from both SmackDown AND Raw entering! Who rises up to put their name on the plaque in the honor and memory of the Eighth Wonder of the World?


King Corbin speaks.

“I’m getting real tired of the disrespect that I’m being shown here on SmackDown. I think people forget that I am a king and that I demand respect. I also create my own opportunities, so when I heard Bobby Lashley made an offer for a championship match to anybody that can take out Drew McIntyre on Raw, I took a look at my $45,000 Paddock timepiece and I realized that it is my time now.” So after taking out the Scottish Clown Corbin carried for over a year, he will take that spot against the All Mighty himself. Then everyone will be forced to Bow Down to the Wolf King!


Apollo Crews speaks.

“None of my royal Nigerian ancestors have ever been more disrespected than I was by Big E at Fastlane. And if you think I will stand for that level of deceit you are a bigger idiot than I thought!” This time, it is done the right way: a Nigerian Drum Fight! It is an ancient form of combat created by his ancestors for those who were wronged to have a chance to make it right. NO rules, no limitations, just a beating so loud it sounds like  a drum. This is the fate Apollo wishes for Big E. He challenge Big E to such a match at WrestleMania! And then, all of Apollo’s family will drum along with the sound of Big E’s body breaking against Apollo’s fists as Apollo FINALLY becomes WWE Intercontinental Champion!


Heyman talks with Edge.

“We see this the same way, don’t we?” The main event should’ve been just Roman VS Edge for the title, and then that “little bastard” Bryan inserted himself in. A Triple Threat mathematically reduces the chances of Roman defending the title, and of Edge’s chance of winning. Edge cuts Heyman off there. He doesn’t know what Heyman has planned, but Edge is going to commentary. The Rated R Superstar returns to ringside and is ready to watch the Street Fight! But will watching be all that he does?

Street Fight: Daniel Bryan VS Jey Uso!

SmackDown returns once more as Main Event Jey makes his entrance. Jey glares at Edge but then Bryan makes his entrance. Bryan rushes the ring to rush Jey and the bell rings as they brawl! Bryan knees and uppercuts, then counter punches! Bryan whips, Jey reverses and elbows Bryan down! Jey is fired up already as he drags Bryan up to uppercut him back down! Jey throws Bryan out of the ring, goes out to follow, and runs into Bryan’s body shots! Bryan CLUBS and ROCKS Jey, brings him to the desk as he punches Jey more, and then throws Jey into barriers! Bryan whips but Jey reverses and Bryan is sent into barriers!

Jey grits his teeth as he drags Bryan back up and whips him into more barriers! Edge talks trash right near Bryan, but tells Jey to stop staring at him. Focus on Bryan! Jey puts Bryan in the ring, grabs a chair and brings it in. Bryan BOOTS Jey out of the ring! Bryan builds speed and DIVES, into the chair! Edge laughs a little at that, because he doesn’t care if Bryan makes it to Mania or not. Jey gets in, looms over Bryan, and SMACKS him on the back! And again! Jey wraps the chair around Bryan’s leg! Jey goes to a corner, climbs up, and leaps, but FLOPS as Bryan moves! Now Bryan uses the chair to SMACK Jey! And SMACK him again! And again!

Jey bails out of the ring, but here comes Roman! The Head of the Table has Heyman wheeling an armchair for him, and all eyes are on Roman as he takes a seat on stage. Roman is going to watch this with his own eyes, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again as Bryan unleashes YES Kicks in the corner! The fans fire up, Bryan goes corner to corner and dropkicks Jey! And he goes again, but runs into a SUPERKICK! Jey gets the chair back, wedges it in a corner, and then RAMS Bryan into the chair! Edge says not to sleep on Jey, and Jey rains down furious forearms! Jey is under the hold harmless agreement, so he’s looking to harm Bryan a lot! Jey goes out, looks under the ring, and brings out a toolbox! Jey gets a steel chain! Jey brings that chain in to CLOTHESLINE Bryan with it! Roman likes what he sees as Jey wraps the chain around his fist!

Jey dares Bryan to stand, and then hits him with a METAL PUNCH!! Jey puts Bryan in a drop zone, goes up top, USO SPLASH! Cover, TWO?!? Bryan survives, Roman is annoyed and Edge says this can’t be possible! Jey shouts at Bryan, “What you doing?! What you doing, DB?!” Jey shoves Bryan out of the ring, drags him up, and bumps him off the apron! Bryan flounders around, Jey brings him up and whips him into steel steps! Edge says he doesn’t fear anyone, and Jey says he should! Jey takes the top part of the steps off and throws them aside so that he can bring Bryan up to bump off the base! Edge keeps saying it doesn’t matter who it is, he beats them plain and simple!

Jey drags Bryan up, takes aim, but Bryan blocks the suplex! Bryan fights back with body shots, then turns things around to suplex Jey off the steps and to the floor! Jey writhes, Bryan seethes, and Bryan glares at Edge to get something under the ring. Bryan brings out another chair and he SMACKS Jey again! And again! And again! Bryan bounces Jey off the announce desk, and again, and again, staring Edge down each time! Bryan puts Jey in, gets on the top rope, and leaps, to missile dropkick Jey down! Bryan fires up, the fans are joining in on their screens, and Bryan gives more YES Kicks to Jey! Jey flounders about as Bryan keeps giving KICKS!

Roman doesn’t like what he sees now as Bryan BUZZSAWS Jey down! Bryan paces, and he picks up the steel chain! Bryan wraps the chain around his arm, brings Jey up, and drives STEEL ELBOWS into Jey’s head!! Roman is furious as Bryan puts Jey in the YES LOCK!! Jey is stuck, he taps! Bryan wins!!

Winner: Daniel Bryan, by submission

There’s no undoing Bryan joining the Universal Championship now! And he goes out to KNEE Edge out of the chair!! And then POST him! And again! And again! Even as Edge is on his knees, Bryan POSTS him face first! Bryan looks up at the stage and glares at Roman. Roman gives the title belt to Heyman to hold for him, but is Roman going to get out of his seat to do something about Bryan? Bryan forces the issue as he heads up the ramp! Roman throws the chair, Bryan dodges that! Bryan dodges the punch to then KNEE Roman down the ramp! And he clamps on the YES LOCK!!! Roman is scrambling, panicking, shouting, but he is CAUGHT!!

Bryan shouts, “YOU’RE GOING TO TAP!!” Roman shouts no but Bryan cranks back on the hold! Roman is facing, referees want Bryan to let him go, and even Pearce rushes to the ring! Bryan lets go, Roman is OUT! Bryan storms back to the ring to stand tall! Fans join in on the Yes Fingers, are we going to see YEStleMania 2?!

My Thoughts:

What an episode! And in a way, it is both go-home and not go-home because of next week’s “WrestleMania edition” SmackDown having big matches (which is going to be tape delayed I believe). We got a very good 8 Man Tag out of the four teams competing for the tag titles, but the Heels winning might suggest a Face team wins to take the titles off Ziggler & Roode. For one, the Alpha Academy probably isn’t winning because they won the match for their quartet. And the champions have been sitting back for a little too long, so it would be a bit disappointing if they retained. Of course, a Fatal 4 Way is a classic way of letting the champs win while keeping other teams strong, i.e. the Profits not taking the loss so that they can circle back at another time.

We finally got what I was hoping for in the RawDown Women’s Tag Division, to a degree. Shayna and Natty had such a surprisingly quick match, it was of course all a set-up so that the teams of Raw and SmackDown could rush out and brawl. It was also a nice touch that Billie offered her partnership to Mella and Mella actually considered it. That’s six teams, including the champions, for what could be a gauntlet or elimination match, something big for these titles to make up for the times Vince just letting them wallow in other stories. Though, that is still happening for Raw, but maybe the WrestleMania edition SmackDown helps figure this out. After all, SmackDown’s still better than Raw.

Mella VS Bianca was really good, too, but of course Bianca won. I like that Bianca thwarted Sasha’s sneak attack, and that they’re leaving this for Mania. Rollins and Cesaro had a good face-to-face, and it was a smart move that Rollins didn’t escalate things, not just for his character but for the story. Similarly to Bianca and Sasha, they’ll be having it out soon enough, the math can stay where it is and it’ll still be rather hard to call. Both of those matches could be show stealers, especially with two nights allowing for some more time for matches to breathe.

Corbin and Apollo both had good promos to hype up what’s coming for each of them. Apollo’s was better, and I am curious to see how WWE handles this “Nigerian Drum Match” concept. But at least it means we’re getting a No Disqualifications match between Apollo and Big E, as we should, and it’s going to be another potential show stealer. Sami’s trailer itself was pretty good, and perhaps was purposefully disconnected. The text was making Sami the victim but the visuals were of course showing Sami out to be a cheater more upset about getting caught than anything. Kevin’s surprise stunner was great, but I hope him nudging Logan Paul doesn’t make Logan help Sami at Mania. Let it just be Kevin VS Sami, another show stealer candidate, something we know these two can do.

Once again, the show’s best was everything relating to the Universal Championship. Edge’s promo was great, and though those cheers were somewhere between piped in and amped up, I have a feeling we were all excited to hear Edge get back to his strongest form again. He was pretty strong putting Pearce on notice and on commentary for that main event, too. Bryan VS Jey was a great match, though obviously not quite as destructive of a Street Fight as it could’ve been because we couldn’t actually have Bryan risking his body before Mania. But given the story, and then Bryan going after Edge and Roman and standing tall, that was the exciting part. Though now, this might doom Bryan to being the fall guy so Roman or Edge will come out the winner without the other being a loser. We’ve talked the scenarios out before, but I am still excited to see which way WWE decides to go with it.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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