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Mitchell’s NJPW Kizuna Road Results & Report! (6/23/21)

Just can’t wait to get on the road again~!



NJPW Kizuna Road

Will the Bone Soldier and ELP bring gold to Bullet Club?

Taiji Ishimori wants to be NJPW’s next Mr. Double Junior Champion, but he has to start from the bottom! Will he and ELP shock Roppongi 3K?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Suzuki-Gun; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championships: Roppongi 3K VS Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo; Ishimori & Phantasmo win and become the new IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.


Wait, who is this operating a camera?

He doesn’t look like the usual cameramen. Wait, it’s Hiromu! Hiromu Takahashi is back as a cameraman, and commentary asks him what he’s doing. Hiromu just wanted to be part of the show, so he gets some shots of the fans. Oh, he’s not that good as a cameraman. Getting a little dizzy… Hiromu lets a regular cameraman take over for him and he joins commentary before intermission starts. And he might as well, with the match that’s next!


8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Suzuki-Gun!

Though they took a loss just yesterday, Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, Sanada and Bushi regroup and try again! And there might be more motivation this time, as they face El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru and the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions! Will the Dangerous Tekkers and their compatriots show the Uncontrollable Charisma and Cold Skull that they’re not ready?

Taichi has a box? What’s in the box? What’s in the box?! And as LIJ make their entrance, Hiromu joins them to let off party poppers. But then Taichi kicks Hiromu off the apron! Be careful, he’s still recovering! After Naito makes sure Hiromu is alright, he goes into the ring and pushes Taichi’s box around. It’s apparently meant for him, but what kind of gift would Taichi get for his opponent? Taichi offers the box but Naito is right to be wary. Naito does accept after all, and fans cheer. Naito then SMACKS Taichi with the box, and a brawl is on!

LIJ throws Suzuki-Gun out as the bell rings and Sanada keeps Zack Sabre Jr. in the ring. Naito chokes Taichi while Sanada stomps and CHOPS ZSJ. Bushi and Takagi take care of Desperado and Kanemaru while Sanada ROCKS ZSJ with forearms. ZSJ shakes those off to EuroUpper! Sanada EuroUppers but into a spin, and ZSJ headlocks. Sanada powers out, hurdles, but ZSJ knows the second is coming. ZSJ goes to nelson but Sanada switches. Sanada full nelsons, ZSJ gets out and switches, but Sanada switches back. ZSJ gets annoyed, he drops down, but Sanada turns that counter back into a full nelson!

ZSJ switches, Sanada switches, repeat, and Sanada still gets the full nelson! ZSJ uses his leg for leverage and breaks free to arm-drag! Sanada kips up and arm-drags ZSJ back! Sanada has a wristlock, ZSJ fights up, but Sanada wrenches the arm. ZSJ powers Sanada to the LIJ corner but Bushi tags in. Bushi CLUBS ZSJ down, wrenches him, and has a wristlock. Takagi tags in, climbs up and fans fire up as he drops ax handles on the arm! Fans cheer as the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion WRINGS ZSJ’s arm, then brings him over. Naito tags in and CLUBS ZSJ. Naito CLUBS the arm more, wrenches to a wristlock, but ZSJ rolls and goes after eyes. Naito just wrenches more!

ZSJ is down, Naito goes for a top wristlock but ZSJ fights up. ZSJ fishhooks Naito’s nose but Naito wrenches the arm again. Naito keeps on the wrist, CLUBS the arm again, and then runs. Kanemaru gets a cheap shot in but Naito DECKS him for it! Taichi has the box and SMACKS Naito with it! So hard so, that the box gets stuck on Naito’s head! ZSJ headbutts Naito low, Desperado and Kanemaru go after Takagi and Sanada, and then the box is put back on Naito’s head for the BUZZSAW! The ref gets the box out of the way, and turns out nothing was in it to begin with. Taichi drags Naito out of the ring to whip him hard into railing!

Suzuki-Gun keeps beating up LIJ ringside, and Taichi has cables to CHOKE Naito with! The ref reprimands but Taichi lets Naito go. Fans rally up for LIJ but Suzuki-Gun gets Naito into the ring. ZSJ STOMPS Naito’s arm then tags Kanemaru. Kanemaru stomps Naito’s arm and then tags Desperado. They isolate the arm with a wrench and Desperado KICKS it! Desperado wrenches, YANKS the arm, then has Naito in a corner. Desperado puts Naito on ropes and climbs up to choke him by sitting on him! Taichi claims LIJ is up to something but this is to distract the ref as Suzuki-Gun digs all their boots into Naito! The ref notices, counts, and Suzuki-Gun lets off.

Fans rally for LIJ as Taichi looms over Naito. Taichi drags Naito to a cover, TWO! Taichi gets Naito up for a headlock, that’s also a choke! And then an STO! Taichi chokes Naito more but the ref counts. Taichi lets off, chokes him again, but then the ref counts again! Taichi keeps choking Naito so LIJ gets in! Suzuki-Gun kicks them all out, in some cases literally, but fans keep rallying. Taichi taunts Naito but Naito CHOPS and CHOPS Taichi! Taichi CHOKES Naito to a corner! The ref counts, Taichi lets off and whips Naito corner to corner. Naito reverses that but Taichi dodges the rocket kick! ZSJ runs in to EuroUpper! Feed to Taichi’s back kick!

Sanada gets in to dropkick ZSJ and fireman’s carry Taichi! Taichi slips out, Sanada elbows him first and whips him. Taichi reverses and runs in at the corner, but Sanada elbows him away again. Sanada goes up to Quebrada but Taichi gets under! Sanada RANAS, but then ZSJ PENALTY KICKS! Naito spins ZSJ to a NECKBREAKER! And spins Taichi for a back elbow and ENZIGURI! But Taichi comes back to AX BOMBER! These four men are down and the fans fire up! Their teammates coach them up, Taichi and Naito crawl for their corners, hot tags to Kanemaru and Takagi! The Dragon rallies on the Heel Master, scoop SLAM!

Takagi runs in at the corner, Kanemaru boots him, but Takagi comes back! Another boot, but Kanemaru runs into a pop-up fireman’s carry! Kanemaru claws Takagi’s face, but Takagi knees low! Takagi runs but Kanemaru kicks his leg out! Kanemaru whips, Takagi reverses and elbows, JABS and YUKON- NO! Kanemaru dodges and tilt-o-whirl DDT’s! Fans fire up as Kanemaru brings the world champion down! Kanemaru crawls, tags in Desperado, and Desperado stomps Takagi. Suzuki-Gun double whip but Takagi comes back to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans rally as Takagi tags Bushi in. Bushi aims at the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion and missile dropkicks!

Desperado bails out as Bushi hits the rooni, and then builds speed! Bushi DIVES! Direct hit and Desperado hits railing! Fans fire up as Bushi gets Desperado up and into the ring. Bushi aims from a corner, runs in and dropkicks the legs out! Then a DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Bushi gets Desperado up again for the fisherman- NO! Desperado gets free and rakes Bushi’s eyes! Bushi fires off forearms, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Desperado gets Bushi up, hooks him up, GUITARA DEL ANGEL! Cover, LIJ breaks it! The Tekkers brawl with Sanada and Naito! Tekkers get them for a cobra twist and the Seiteijyujiryou!

LIJ endure the dual submissions while Desperado gets Bushi up. Underhooks, but Bushi fights off Pinche Loco to backslide! Bridging cover, the Tekkers hurry to undo holds, but Kanemaru breaks it! Takagi throws Kanemaru out, Naito throws Taichi and ZSJ sends Sanada out. Bushi gets Desperado back out while the teams brawl. Desperado and Bushi throw forearms on each other while people hit railing. Desperado gets the edge, runs, but into a dropkick! Fans rally up for Bushi as he takes aim. Bushi runs in, but no Code Breaker! Bushi spins Desperado to FISHER- NO! Desperado sends Bushi into the ref! Bushi stops himself, but Desperado turns Bushi around for MONO LOCO!

Desperado reels Bushi in for PINCHE LOCO!! Cover, Suzuki-Gun wins!

Winners: Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr., Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado, by pinfall

Now that their team has won, Taichi and ZSJ let off of Sanada and Naito. Well, not without the Young Lions getting in the way. Desperado is going strong into his title defense, will the Rogue Luchador be ready for Taiji Ishimori? Have the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions shown you can’t be Tranquilo and win?


IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championships: Roppongi 3K VS Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo!

Sho & Yoh have felt a bit like Eric Bischoff: Back and better than ever! But “the cutest tag team” in Bullet Club want to be the cutest champions in NJPW! Will Bone Soldier Reborn and his Headbanga buddy take these titles before going after El Desperado?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if High Voltage and Direct Drive will be the ones shocking Kizuna Road!

The teams sort out, Bullet Club Low Sweets and Taiji starts against Yoh. Fans rally up as Yoh and Taiji circle. They approach, feel out the grapple, and Yoh shoots in but Taiji gets around. They switch, facelock, switch, and Taiji wrenches to a wristlock. Yoh rolls, trips Taiji for a toehold but Taiji makes it an armbar! Yoh makes that a cover, ONE as Taiji powers Yoh back down. Yoh clasps hands but Taiji pulls at them. Yoh turns, floats, has the mount, but Taiji pushes him to a sunset. ONE, Taiji floats around on Yoh and has a chinlock. Taiji cranks back but Yoh endures. Yoh gets up, Taiji wrenches through, but Yoh rolls and handsprings around to then dropkick Taiji down!

Fans cheer as Taiji gets up but Sho tags in. RPG3K throw forearms, double whip, and speed things up to drop toehold and basement dropkick! ELP runs in but is put on the apron! YOH IN MOTION! Fans cheer as ELP goes down and Sho stomps Taiji. Sho throws forearms, whips Taiji to ropes, but Taiji holds ropes and bails out. Fans cheer the strategic savvy as Taiji dares Sho to pursue. Sho does, but Taiji just slides back in the ring. Fans rally up as Sho keeps his cool. Sho gets in, Taiji slides back out, and Taiji high-tens with ELP. Sho slides but he fakes Taiji out! Taiji asks for mercy but Sho fires off instead!

Sho whips, Taiji reverses and arm-drags to then WRING the arm! Tag to ELP and Bullet Club CLUB Sho’s arm. ELP uppercuts the arm, and again, and again! EELP tags Taiji back in and Taiji goes up to drop ax handles on Sho’s arm! Sho grits his teeth, Taiji gets him up to wrench the arm, and tag to ELP. ELP climbs up and drops more ax handles on Sho’s arm. ELP throws knees over and over, tags Taiji back in, and Taiji goes up again to DOUBLE STOMP the arm! Fans rally for Sho but Taiji kicks him out of the ring. Taiji whips Sho but Sho reverses! Taiji stops himself and then drop toeholds Sho into the railing!

Taiji gets Sho up and puts him in the ring to then tag ELP. ELP taunts Sho, gives him toying kicks against the ropes, and CLUBS the bad arm. ELP puts Sho on the mat to drop knees on the arm! Sho tries to get up but ELP grinds him down more. Sho fights up with body shots but ELP clinches and whips. Sho reverses but ELP dodges to RAN- NO! Sho blocks the huricanrana to get ELP up> ELP fights out, knees low and says he’s smarter than that. ELP runs but Sho follows to run ELP over! Hot tag to Yoh! Yoh rallies on ELP with big forearms and elbows! ELP reverses a whip but Yoh FLYING FOREARMS him down!

Yoh kips up, atomic drops ELP, and then runs corner to corner, only for ELP to put him on the apron. Yoh ROCKS ELP but Taiji trips up the springboard! Yoh hits apron, then ELP DECKS Sho! Bullet Club has RPG3K on the outside, Taiji RAMS Yoh into railing! ELP stomps Sho against railing, then wraps the arm around railing. ELP kicks the railing to jam Sho’s arm! ELP gets in the ring to mock Jushin Thunder Liger’s pose, then he stands on Yoh’s hand. ELP gets Yoh up to throw forearms, then whips him corner to corner hard! Yoh bounces off buckles and writhes on the mat. ELP covers, TWO! ELP gets Yoh up as fans rally and he CHOPS Yoh to a corner! And ROCKS him with a forearm!

ELP CHOPS, lets out a “WOO~” then whips Yoh hard corner to corner again! Yoh again bounces off buckles and writhes. ELP somersaults just to drop ax handles, then covers. TWO, and fans rally up again. ELP drags Yoh up, but Yoh reverses the whip and ELP hits buckles hard! Both men are down, Yoh crawls for his corner, but ELP gets up to DECK Sho first! ELP whips Yoh at the Bullet Club corner, and surprise! The blue buckle pad is gone! Yoh hits bare steel, and Yoh bounces right off them as he writhes in pain! Taiji tags back in and he drags Yoh up. Taiji RAMS Yoh into bare buckles, then runs to DECK Sho again!

Taiji and ELP coordinate, but Yoh elbows ELP away! Taiji blocks Yoh’s kicks, puts him in the ropes and runs side to side for the SLIDING GERMAN! Fans rally for RPG3K but Taiji takes his time getting in to cover. TWO, and Taiji is annoyed. Tag to ELP, ELP drags Yoh up and Bullet Club both get Yoh into the Tree of Woe. Taiji knocks Sho back down again as ELP throws knees into Yoh. Fans rally but Taiji runs corner to corner, to stop short and stand on Yoh’s groin! Red Shoes reprimands, Taiji hops off and ELP runs in now, to also stop short and stand on Yoh’s groin! Red Shoes reprimands again and ELP hops off.

Yoh falls out of the Tree, but Bullet Club gets him up to CLUB him on the back. They double whip but Yoh holds ropes. Yoh puts Taiji on the apron then sends ELP into him! Taiji goes down, Yoh gets ELP for a NECKBREAKER! Fans rally up as Sho is finally able to be on the apron! Hot- NO! Taiji trips Sho just before! ELP stomps Yoh, tags Taiji back in, and Bullet Club mugs Yoh in an open corner. They double whip corner to corner, Taiji whips ELP in but Yoh dodges the splash! Yoh dropkicks Taiji’s legs out then back drops ELP! Sho is back again but Taiji has Yoh’s leg! Yoh ENZIGURIS Sho, but ELP tackles Yoh down!

Red Shoes reprimands, only one man per team! But Yoh boots ELP into Taiji! Hot tag to Sho! High Voltage turns it up and rallies on Bullet Club! Sho gets Taiji up to waistlock but Taiji switches. Sho BOOTS ELP, shoves Bullet Club at each other, then DOUBLE SPEARS! Sho fires up, runs corner to corner and clotheslines Taiji! Taiji reverses the whip but Sho reverses it back to KICK and KICK and KICK! Cover, TWO! Sho keeps his focus as fans rally up. Taiji sits up, blocks the kick to club the leg then throw forearms. Sho throws forearms back and we have a brawl! They go back and forth, faster and faster, and fans rally up as they go!

Taiji gets an edge, whips but Sho reverses. Taiji handsprings but into a waistlock! Pop-up to the ARMBAR! Yoh intercepts ELP with a kick to the leg! FIGURE FOUR! Bullet Club endures dual submissions as Sho has the CROSS ARM BRAEKER! But ELP claws at Sho’s face! Sho lets Taiji go and Yoh lets ELP go to throw hands! Yoh throws ELP out hard, and Sho gets mad. Sho glares at Taiji, drags him up, and throws boxing elbows! Sho ROCKS Taiji then dodges the jumping knee to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Taiji is still in this but fans rally for Sho. Sho scowls as he sees Taiji rise. Sho builds speed but Taiji boots him first! Tilt-o-whirl takedown to the YES LOCK!!

ELP gets in to get Yoh now, for a cobra twist! Sho crawls around, reaches out, but Taiji rolls him away! BONE LOCK!! Sho endures, Yoh fights ELP, and Yoh hip tosses ELP onto Taiji! All four men are down and fans fire up again! Yoh and ELP bail out, leaving it to Taiji and Sho. Taiji is up first and he drags Sho up by his hair. Taiji hits the JUMP KNEE, then takes aim. BANG, and Taiji gets Sho up to half hatch. Sho fights that, ducks and scoops but Taiji slips off. Sho still reels him in but Taiji fights free. Double pump handle to a gut wrench! But Sho fights to reverse that! Taiji slips out again, goes up, but no Rana! Sho powers up for a POWER BREAKER!!

Fans are thunderous but Sho’s knees hurt from that move, too! Yoh is back so Sho heads for his corner! Hot tags to Yoh and ELP! ELP sees Yoh ready to punch so he backs off. Yoh dares ELP to hit him, so ELP gives him a forearm! Yoh forearms ELP back, and ELP gives another. Yoh ROCKS ELP and he has to steady himself. ELP forearms, Yoh forearms, and fans rally as they start picking up speed! Yoh wobbles but he comes back to DECK ELP! Fans fire up as ELP staggers about. Yoh eggs ELP on and ELP comes back to SLAP him! Yoh SLAPS back. ELP CHOPS, so Yoh CHOPS! ELP is stinging from that one but he CHOPS Yoh again!

Yoh CHOPS, and fans cheer as the CHOP fight gets faster and faster! ELP PURPLE NURPLES?! Yoh uppercuts, but ELP ducks the leg lariat to roll him up! TWO, Yoh ducks the roundhouse to roll up, TWO! ELP runs into a KNEE from Yoh! Yoh waistlocks, ELP switches and ELP GERMAN SUPLEXES! Yoh yoyos and SUPERKICKS! Yoh goes Matrix to dodge and SUPERKICKS again! GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO?!? ELP survives and fans fire up as Yoh grits his teeth! Yoh says this is it, and he gets ELP up. Yoh underhooks the arms, but ELP breaks free, wrenches and cradles! TWO!! Yoh sits up into a BUZZSAW!

ELP drags Yoh back up, reels him in and traps the arms. Yoh fights and trips ELP to jackknife! TWO!! ELP narrowly escapes and Yoh can’t believe it! Fans rally more as Yoh and ELP get up. ELP pokes Yoh in the eye then KNEE TRIGGERS! ELP shouts out the Cleaner, BANG, and runs in, but Yoh dodges to waistlock! O’Conner Roll, TWO! Taiji is there to GAMANGIRI! ELP rolls Yoh, prawn hold, TWO!!! Yoh survives by nanoseconds but ELP tags Taiji! ELP gets Yoh up, half straitjacket to a torture rack, and Taiji adds a FLYING KNEE! ELP spins, Taiji PLANCHAS Sho, TKO NECKBREAKER! Taiji covers, TWO!!! You survives and frustrates Bullet Club!

Taiji tags ELP back in, and Taiji gets Yoh up to a gut wrench. ELP climbs as Taiji gives Yoh CIPHER UTAKI! ELP hits THUNDER KISS ’86! Taiji keeps Sho out as ELP covers, TWO!??! Yoh survives and Bullet Club can’t believe it! Fans fire up and rally, but ELP drags Yoh back up. Taiji goes up, ELP gives him an Electric Chair boost, ASSISTED CODE BREAKER, and then hold for ELP to MOONSAULT! Yoh escapes and ELP lands on Taiji! Sho BACKSTABBERS ELP! Yoh runs to SHOTGUN BOOT! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives but RPG3K fires up! Sho watches ELP as he rises, but Taiji attacks RPG3K! But then Taiji gets 3K!!

Double KNEES and DOUBLE SUPERKICKS for ELP! Yoh feeds ELP to Sho and then climbs. Sho tucks ELP in and they get STRONG X!!! Cover, but Taiji gets in and breaks it in time!! Sho gets Taiji up for a DEAD LIFT GERMAN! Taiji flops out of the ring, but Sho hurries out to apron PENALTY KICK! Sho shouts to Yoh to finish this off! Yoh fires up and gets ELP. Underhooks, DIRECT- NO! ELP STOMPS Yoh’s bad foot! Is that boot loaded or not?! ELP aims, SUDDEN DEATH!!! Cover, Taiji keeps Sho out, BULLET CLUB WINS!!!

Winners: Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

Sho asks what is in ELP’s boot but that secret still hasn’t been exposed! Is ELP’s kick just that deadly? ELP gets a mic to speak, “What’s up, fat marks of Korakuen Hall?” ELP told us every single time that they have a game plan. All the dumb marks got fooled! ELP has the greatest IQ in this Junior Heavyweight Division! He hit Sudden Death in front of us all! They all forgot about it, but Taiji and ELP knew all along! ELP is no dumb heavyweight who overuses his strength and finisher! Bullet Club IS fine, and Bullet Club’s cutest tag team are now THREE-TIME IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions! Fans cheer because that is a great accomplishment.

And guess what? There’s one more thing! Taiji, you tell ’em. ELP whispers real quick, and Taiji says “Whatever way you cut it, these belts belong to us.” RPG3K sat on their laurels, and now their laurels are gone. Taiji & ELP are the best holders of these belts. Taiji & ELP are kakui (cool), kawaii (cute), and katadzuke (clean up). THEY are 3K!! So next is Sapporo for Summer Struggle. Despy, champion-san, Taiji’s coming for your belt next so get ready! “IT’S REBORN.” Will Taiji become Bone Soldier Two Belts to make this a Too Sweet Summer?

My Thoughts:

Another very good event for NJPW, but again I skipped the filler. LIJ likes losing going into their big matches, huh? But again, Bushi takes the hit so Takagi, Naito, Sanada and the Tekkers aren’t affected going into their big title matches. Desperado gets the win because he’s going to be building momentum towards Sapporo and his showdown with Taiji. I think part of that is why Taiji & ELP win. For one, ELP is doing pretty well going to the States with Impact and NJPW Strong, and also it gives plenty of immediate drama and heat with Desperado VS Taiji, champion VS champion. I don’t know if Taiji wins that, but that’d be pretty shocking if he did.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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