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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (6/25/21)

205 Live stays handsome!



Coverage 205 2021

Will the purple ‘n’ orange still be handsome?

Ikemen Jiro beat The Premier Athlete, but can he bust Daivari Dinero? Or will the 205 Live OG break even with the most handsome Cruiserweight?


  • Ikemen Jiro VS Ariya Daivari; Jiro wins.
  • August Grey VS Grayson Waller; Waller wins.


Ikemen Jiro VS Ariya Daivari!

Tony Nese flexed on the handsome new face of 205 Live, but he could not defeat him! Will the Persian Lion suffer the same fate? Or will he have what it takes to slap the smile off Jiro’s face?

The bell rings and Daivari mocks the fans chanting for Jiro. Jiro has fun and handsprings around, but Daivari stays in a corner. They reset and circle, then tie up with knuckle locks. Daivari kicks away on Jiro’s abs, then wrenches the knuckle locks! “This is MY show!” But Jiro breaks out of Daivari’s knuckle locks to wrench and arm-drag Daivari down! Jiro shows off the corn cob pattern on his jacket, wrenches Daivari again, but Daivari knees low! Daivari headlocks, Jiro powers out but Daivari runs him over. Jiro kips up, fans cheer, but Daivari headlocks again. Jiro powers out to reel Daivari into his own headlock, and holds on as Daivari tries to power out.

Daivari pulls hair, powers out this time, but things speed up as Jiro ducks and dodges, only to run into a kitchen sink knee! Daivari snarls, drags Jiro up and bumps him off buckles. Daivari whips corner to corner, Jiro goes up and headstands like a gentleman! Jiro goes up and over Daivari then back drops him! Fans fire up and Daivari staggers into the JACKET PUNCH! Jiro scoops and SLAMS Daivari! Jiro ties up the arms, gets the legs, and has a modified cradle! TWO, and Daivari bails out. Jiro keeps his cool and hurries over to the apron to JACKET PUNCH again! And then a bare palm strike! Daivari ducks the next shot to get Jiro for an APRON REVERSE DDT!

Jiro writhes and flops off the apron but Daivari gets him right back up. Daivari puts Jiro in, covers, TWO! Daivari knees Jiro in the back over and over then drives his elbows into Jiro’s shoulders! Daivari rains down furious fists, then wraps on a chinlock. Fans rally as Jiro endures and fights up. Jiro backs Daivari into buckles, and again, and is free! JACKET PUNCH! Fans fire up as Jiro whips corner to corner but Daivari reverses. Jiro goes up but gets caught for a KICK this time! Jiro writhes again while Daivari shouts, “Who sucks now, huh?!” Fans shout back, “YOU!” Daivari drags Jiro up, reels him in and suplexes, but Jiro blocks!

Daivari ROCKS Jiro with a forearm, tries again, but again Jiro blocks. Daivari ROCKS Jiro, tries again, but still Jiro resists! Daivari fires off furious haymakers over and over, then CLUBS Jiro again and again, down to the mat! Daivari drags Jiro back up, but Jiro suplexes instead! Fans fire up as Jiro and Daivari slowly rise. Jiro runs in to rally with forearm after forearm! JACKET PUNCH! And again, and again, and a back hand! SPINNING JACKET BACK HAND! Jiro whips, Daivari reverses but Jiro dodges the splash to HOTSHOT Daivari down! Jiro borrows some ideas from Tony Nese with the TRIANGLE ARABIAN PRESS! Cover, TWO!!

Daivari survives but Jiro keeps his focus. Jiro aims from a corner, Daivari staggers up, but he ducks the Slash! Daivari gets Jiro back up to back suplex, but Jiro lands on his feet to SUPERKICK Daivari down! Daivari bails out again, Jiro MOONSAULTS! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up more! Jiro gets Daivari up, in and hurries to the top rope! Daivari is in the drop zone for the IKEMEN SWANTON! Cover, TWO!?! Daivari survives and shocks Jiro! Jiro gets Daivari up and fireman’s carries, but Daivari fights free. Jiro elbows Daivari and runs but Daivari follows for a RUNNING NECKBREAKER! Hammerlock and DDT! Cover, TWO!!

Daivari can’t believe Jiro survives his take on La Sombra, but he gets back up and stomps Jiro to a corner. The ref counts, Daivari lets off, and Daivari gets Jiro back up. Daivari whips corner to corner but Jiro reverses. Daivari goes up and out, baits Jiro in and shoulders him. Daivari bumps then KICKS Jiro out of the corner, then climbs up! Jiro is up first and gets under the leap! Jiro comes back, IKEMEN SLASH!! Cover, Jiro wins!!

Winner: Ikemen Jiro, by pinfall

Two weeks, two 205 Live OG go down to the Handsome Jiro! Will this make Ikemen the one leading the new wave in the purple ‘n’ orange?


August Grey speaks.

“Tonight, August Grey goes one-on-one with a hot prospect here in 205 Live, Grayson Waller.” Grey saw what Waller did in his debut, and last week against Asher Hale. All great stuff, all good for Grayson, there’s a lot of hype here and online. The hype is real for Waller. Waller might be red hot, can he handle these hot August nights?


August Grey VS Grayson Waller!

#RetroAG is right, Waller roughed up the other 205 Live OGs in Sunil Singh, and took the fight to a fellow fresh face in The Saint, Asher Hale. But will the 21st Century Success Story keep the party going against The Life of the Party?

The bell rings and the two circle. Waller rolls and tests Grey but fans rally for Grey. They tie up, Waller throws Grey down then pats him on the head before mocking Grey’s spin. Grey shrugs that off and circles with Waller again. Waller gets around to waistlock, trips Grey and stands on his back. Grey gets up in a huff but Waller “kicks dirt” in his face. They go again, Grey headlocks and grinds Waller down, but Waller fights up and powers out. Grey runs Waller over, things speed up, and Waller hurdles to then get under Grey for a takedown! Waller grounds ‘n’ pounds but lets off to run. Things keep moving, Grey hurdles and hip tosses Waller down! Waller gets up, for arm-drags!

Grey fakes Waller out with that superkick, and then pats Waller on the head to give it all back! Waller gets mad but he runs into a drop toehold! Grey walks on Waller now and kicks dirt at him! Waller shoves Grey, Grey shoves Waller down! Waller gets up in another huff but runs into another arm-drag! Grey has the arm, Waller fights up but Grey wrenches and wrangles Waller down with a top wristlock. Waller gets up, Grey wrenches but Waller rolls and handsprings, only for Grey to WRING him out! Grey has the top wristlock but shifts to a chicken wing. Grey digs an elbow into a shoulder, gets a ghost pin, ONE! Grey holds on to roll Waller around to another ghost pin, TWO!

Waller gets up again but into another arm-drag! Grey grinds the cording hold, Waller pulls hair! The ref reprimands, Waller gets up. Grey wrenches to an elbow breaker. Waller rolls, shows off his endless kip ups then DECKS Grey with a forearm! Grey gets to ropes, Waller gets him up for knees! Waller fires off against the ropes, the ref counts and Waller lets off to BOOT Grey down! Fans chant, “You Still Suck!” but Waller dances to the beat. Waller throws body shots on Grey and Grey gets to a corner. Waller is after him with a BIG back elbow, then brings Grey around to bump off buckles. Fans rally and duel as Waller CHOPS!

Waller whips Grey to ropes, Grey ducks and dodges then sunset flips! Waller stays up to turn Grey over to a TRIANGLE HOLD! Grey scrambles and gets to a cover, TWO! Waller lets Grey go to LEG LARIAT him down! Cover, TWO! Grey survives but Waller keeps cool. Waller drops some Regal-esque knees, then throws down punches. Waller kicks Grey, Grey back hands him! Waller CLUBS Grey down and then chokes him on ropes! “You’re the guy on 205 Live? You ain’t nothing!” Waller gets Grey up and whips corner to corner, then scoops Grey for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Grey grits his teeth but Waller is annoyed.

Waller gets Grey up, suplexes but Grey blocks! Waller throws body shot after body shot and then snap suplexes! Waller mocks Grey’s spin again then stomps Grey down. Fans chant, “You’re Not August!” Grey kicks Waller but Waller kicks Grey’s leg! Waller bumps Grey off buckles, hoists Grey up to a corner and puts him in a Tree of Woe! Waller goes around the world, to slide out and pull Grey against buckles! The ref counts, Waller lets off then goes back in. “This is change, brother! I’m here now! You’re not-” Grey SLAPS Waller! Waller stomps a mudhole into Grey for that one! Waller then sits Grey up, torture racks and bends Grey back!

Grey endures, but Waller DROPS to jam Grey! Grey still fights, but Waller stands back up to DROP again. Grey still fights, Waller gets back up, for a ROLLING SENTON! Grey sits up in a daze and Waller pushes him down. Waller goes to the corner, climbs up and hits a FROGGY-BOW!! Cover, TWO!! Waller covers again, TWO! Waller wraps on a cobra clutch and he grinds Grey down! Grey endures, fights up, but Waller ripcords him for a shoulder ram! And another! But Grey back drops Waller! Waller gets up but Grey rallies with haymakers and lariats! Grey fires off fast hands, ROCKS then CLOBBERS Waller! Waller stands but Grey clotheslines him out!

Grey runs and DIVES!! Direct hit at the ramp! Grey puts Waller in as fans chant for “205! 205!” Walkin’, talkin’, CROSSBODY for Grey! Waller gets up and to a corner but Grey CHOPS him! Waller grabs ropes with his legs with a triangle to keep Grey from dragging him away! Grey lets off, Waller gets up, and Waller HOTSHOTS Grey! Waller runs in to LEAP FROG STOMP!! Cover, Waller wins!

Winner: Grayson Waller, by pinfall

Love him or hate him, Waller is feeling like a baller as he gets another big win! Is this just proof that Waller is a 21st Century Success Story in the making?

My Thoughts:

Bit of a bummer on this episode given the news from earlier today that quite a few Cruiserweights got cut just as NXT was saying they were going to get the Division back on track. Almost like a certain someone *cough* Nick Khan */cough* is an unfeeling corporate robot. But all that said, therefore made for sudden yet strong good-byes for August Grey and Ariya Daivari. These were obviously filmed before today, but Daivari losing to Jiro was still going to happen because of the story. The OG are putting over the new kids, Jiro looks like he’s on quite the roll right now. And with so many other Cruiserweights cut and out of the way, there’s no reason Jiro can’t become a top name, unless that same certain someone turns out to be an even bigger jerk.

Grey VS Waller was a great match, really helped establish Waller further in the division. Grey himself was oddly a good sport on Twitter, joking that this match was made into Loser Leaves Town, but obviously it was him kinda giving away that his last episode was going to be his loss tonight. Grey was doing great, or as great as anyone isolated to 205 Live could be, so his release comes at a really awful time for him and this brand. 205 Live as a whole might not have much longer left, but I’m gonna ride with it until it’s truly gone.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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