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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Results & Report! (6/4/21)

August Grey gets his grudge match!



Coverage 205 2021

Will Retro AG and Daivari Dinero finally settle up?

Weeks after weeks, months after months, Ariya Daivari has been getting in August Grey’s business. But now it’s time to ante up on 205 Live! Who folds and who cashes in?


  • Ari Sterling VS Sunil Singh w/ Samir Singh; Sterling wins.
  • August Grey VS Ariya Daivari; Grey wins.


Ari Sterling VS Sunil Singh w/ Samir Singh!

The Sauce is fired up again after a big win over the Persian Lion, but can he keep the heat going? Or will the Bollywood Boys’ leading man take the spotlight?

The bell rings, Sunil and Sterling circle and fans are on the Sauce’s side. Sunil gets a leg, Sterling steps up and over and rolls Sunil, TWO! Sterling headlocks, Sunil wrenches out and waistlocks then hooks a leg for a takedown. Sunil floats to a facelock, then shifts to a headlock. Sterling fights up, throws body shots, and powers out. Sunil rams shoulders but Sterling stays up. Things speed up, Sterling hurdles then KNEES Sunil out of the ring! Samir checks on his brother, then tries a Bollywood Twin Magic! But they’re NOT twins! The ref knows this is Samir and tells him to get out. Sunil slips in and CHOP BLOCKS Sterling’s leg!

Sunil storms after Sterling and goes after the leg with elbow drops. Sterling kicks back but Sunil kicks and elbows the leg again. Sunil has a toehold, Sterling endures, and fans rally and duel. Sterling chinbars Sunil and CHOPS him in the chest! Sunil holds on but Sterling clubs him. Sunil stomps the leg, and gives the foot a DDT! Sterling clutches the leg and goes for ropes, but Sunil gets the leg again. Sunil drops elbows, digs in knees and tortures Sterling with the toehold. Sunil wrenches the leg again and again but Sterling refuses to give up. Sterling keeps his shoulders up, too, so it doesn’t end up a cover. Sunil drops another elbow but Sterling gets the ropereak!

Sunil lets off but then puts the bad leg on the ropes. Sunil kicks the leg, then springboards to DROP on it! Sterling grits his teeth, Sunil tries again but Sterling BOOTS Sunil out of the ring! Sunil gets up and trips Sterling! And SLAMS the leg on the apron! Sunil drags Sterling to a corner and SLAMS the leg into the post! Sterling grits his teeth but Samir says to do that again. Sunil has the leg, but Sterling YANKS Sunil into the post! Sunil climbs onto the apron and Sterling stomps him down. Sterling joins Sunil on the apron but Sunil HOTSHOTS the leg! The ref reprimands but Sunil climbs up top. MACHO ELBOLLY BOLLY BOLLY to the leg!

Sunil isn’t done there, he ties up the legs into an INDIAN DEATH LOCK! Sterling endures, shoulders are down, TWO as he sits up! Sterling fights to turn over, and he flips Sunil into a modified STF! Sunil gets the ropebreak, Sterling lets off and gets his bad leg moving. Sunil gets up but Sterling ROCKS him with a right! Sunil staggers into another hard forearm! Sterling fires off boxing elbows and a HARD back one, then a leg sweep! Sunil staggers up, Sterling runs, SOMERSAULT AX KICK! And kip up! Sterling is fighting through pain thanks to adrenaline, but Samir gets on the apron! Sterling DECKS him! Sunil rolls Sterling up, TWO!! ENZIGURI!

Sterling gets Sunil up, for the BAJA BLAST 86!! Cover, Sterling wins!

Winner: Ari Sterling, by pinfall

Not even both Bollywood Boyz could beat the heat! Sterling is red hot with another win over another 205 OG, but when will he be fighting for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship?


August Grey VS Ariya Daivari!

The 205 Life of the Party has had his problems with the Persian Lion ever since he was chosen for the short-lived “Daivari Dinero Division” challenge. Grey has fought hard to belong on the purple ‘n’ orange, but Daivari still doubts him. Will Retro AG give it all back with interest? Or will he go broke trying to get even?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Grey wrenches to a hammerlock, but Daivari powers his way through, only for Grey to put the hammerlock back on. Grey spins Daivari, snapmare and La Magistrols, TWO! Daivari gets up but right into another wrench. Grey grinds the shoulder, puts Daivari in a corner to wrench and whip corner to corner. Daivari reverses, Grey goes up but can’t get over as Daivari catches him, then KICKS him out of the air! Daivari stomps Grey, has him in a corner, and CHOPS him! Daivari brings Grey around to turn for a neckbreaker stretch! Grey endures this modified chinlock, fights through and goes for the backslide!

Daivari fights the takedown but Grey turns him around for a JAWBREAKER, and then a NECKBREAKER! Grey gets Daivari up to CHOP him! That’s one receipt! Grey whips but Daivari reverses, only for Grey to RANA Daivari out of the ring! And then DIVE! Direct hit and fans fire up with Grey! Grey gets in the ring to watch Daivari crawl before going out the side. Grey comes around the way to get Daivari back up, but Daivari RAMS Grey into apron! And RAMS him into the announce desk! And then again! What a way to welcome Vic Joseph back to commentary! Daivari puts Grey in at 7 of 10, then gets him back up.

Daivari whips and KNEES Grey against ropes, then repeats on the other side! And then a third time! Grey flops over and Daivari sits him into a body scissor squeeze! Daivari is learning from Tony Nese, it seems. Grey endures, Daivari adds on a chinlock, but Grey gets the scissors open. Grey gets up and throws body shots to get free of the headlock. Grey gets Daivari for a headlock but Daivari powers out. Things speed up, Grey dodges but Daivari kitchen sink knees! Daivari mule kicks, runs and dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Grey grits his teeth as he clutches his ribs. Daivari keeps his cool as he looms over Grey.

Daivari brings Grey up, whips him to ropes but Grey kicks back and ENZIGURIS! Daivari falls over and Grey flounders to ropes. Grey still clutches his ribs and grits his teeth, but he fights through pain to fire off hands on Daivari! Grey kicks, reels Daivari in but the ribs stop the suplex! Daivari runs but into a BOOT! Grey climbs up and tightrope walks but FLOPS as Daivari dodges! Daivari goes up, LION SPLASH to the back, and then a CAMEL CLUTCH! Daivari bends Grey back but Grey endures as fans rally up! Grey powers out, Daivari ain’t now Iron Sheiky, baby! Grey fires off hands and ROCKS Daivari with a rolling elbow!

Grey whips, Daivari reverses, DOUBLE CLOTHESLINES take both men down! Fans fire up as both men slowly stir. Grey stands up first but Daivari flounders up. Grey ROCKS Daivari over and over and throws body shots and forearms! Grey stomps Daivari in the corner, the ref counts and Grey stops at 4! Grey gets Daivari up to CHOP, ROCK and CHOP again! Grey whips corner to corner, Daivari reverses but Grey comes back to CLOBBER him! Daivari swings into a back suplex! Daivari bails out, Grey hurries after him, and Grey RAMS Daivari into boards! Another receipt! Grey puts Daivari back in, climbs up and tightrope walks. TALKIN’ THE WALK hits!

Grey rains down fists, Daivari shoves him away! Daivari gets up, Grey kicks low and powers through for ANARCHY! Cover, TWO!! Daivari survives but fans still rally for Grey. Grey drags Daivari up, hooks the arms, but Daivari pulls hair to dragon sleeper! Grey snapmares free to ROCK and CHOP! Daivari knees low, runs but Grey follows. Daivari dodges Grey, Grey gets him for a fireman’s carry, but Daivari fights out! Dragon sleeper, REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO!! Grey lives and Daivari is seething! Fans rally up for Grey as he stirs. Daivari gets to his feet and glares at Grey. Daivari brings Grey up, stares him down before the hammerlock, but Grey ducks the lariat to SUPERKICK!

Grey runs, but Daivari SUPERKICKS! Daivari runs, ducks and dodges and CLOBBERS Grey with that lariat! Hammerlock and spin to a DDT! Cover, TWO!! Grey survives Daivari’s audible and the fans fire up again! Daivari gets up, waits on Grey, and reels him in. Grey fights off the back suplex, Daivari CLUBS Grey! Daivari suplexes, Grey slips out and hooks the arms! Daivari powers out, hammerlocks but no lariat! O’Conner Roll, TWO! Grey comes back and gets around Daivari, for the half nelson back suplex! High stack, TWO, but into a HALF CRAB! Grey was ready, and he sits back deep! Daivari claws, flails, reaches, crawls, but Grey drags him away!

Grey sits on the hold again, Daivari endures, turns, gets a foot, and then gets in position to kick and BOOT Grey away! Grey comes back, Daivari cradles him, TWO! Daivari runs in but Grey blocks a boot to KNEE! Hook and turn, SO MUCH PRETTIER!! Cover, Grey wins!!

Winner: August Grey, by pinfall

Grey finally hit the jackpot and got one over on Daivari Dinero! Will Grey look to go after gold the next chance he gets?

My Thoughts:

Another really good episode, and two more great wins for the newer generation of Cruiserweights. Vic Joseph is back on commentary since Tom Phillips was released, so he just can’t seem to get away from the Bollywood Boyz and their bet. Bollywood Boyz also had a new logo and it looks great. Grey VS Daivari was a great main event, and the story of having tag partners banned from ringside was the right way to go. These two needed to settle things on their own, and it was great for Grey to win. Sterling and Grey are moving up the ranks, I hope they get more play on NXT in time for TakeOver. Or at least the go-home. Another open challenge for Kushida on the Tuesday before or after TakeOver would be a great way to introduce Sterling to the main NXT audience.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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