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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (6/29/21)

Who’s on their way to the Bash?



NXT Coverage 2021

Three teams battle for an opportunity at the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions!

The Great American Bash is coming, and NXT is paving the way with gold! Who will challenge Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell for their women’s tag titles?


  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Triple Threat: Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai VS Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon VS Io Shirai & Zoey Stark; Shirai & Stark win and will challenge Candice LeRae & Indi Hartwell at The Great American Bash.
  • Roderick Strong w/ The Diamond Mine VS Asher Hale; Strong wins.
  • Cameron Grimes VS Ari Sterling; Grimes wins.
  • Mixed Tag: Mercedes Martinez & Jake Atlas VS Tian Sha; Tian Sha wins.
  • NXT North American Championship: Bronson Reed VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott w/ Hit Row; Swerve wins and becomes the new NXT North American Champion.


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Triple Threat: Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai VS Shotzi Blackheart & Ember Moon VS Io Shirai & Zoey Stark!

What a way to open tonight! The NXT Women’s Champion and #CobraKai want those tag titles back, but so do the wild ones in the Shenom and the Pizza Cat! As for the Evil Genius and the Rising Star(k), they just want payback on Candice & Indi, with the titles as cherries on top! But who comes out of this with the golden tickets to the Great American Bash?

The teams sort out and in this kind of Triple Threat, it’s one person apiece! Ember and Shirai rush Raquel but she knocks them both down! Raquel RAMS Ember to a corner, but Shirai runs in and jumps on Raquel’s back! Raquel throws Shirai off, hauls her up, but Ember runs in to sunset flip them both! Shirai rolls through, dropkick and splash! Cover, TWO! Basement Complete Shot for Raquel! Shirai counter punches Ember, the two stand off, but then they decide to double dropkick Raquel! Raquel rebounds to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up as Raquel hauls Shirai up and LAWN DARTS her into the one open corner!

Ember tilt-o-whirls Raquel to the corner! Ember sweeps Shirai’s legs, avoids Dakota, and uses Shirai to handspring and LARIAT Raquel! Ember stomps Shirai down, Raquel dodges but Shotzi tags in! FLYING CODE BREAKER! Springboard sunset flip! Dakota gets in to kick the cover apart! Dakota shoves Shirai out, Stark ROCKS Dakota! Stark DECKS Ember but Dakota tackles her! Stark and Dakota brawl on the outside, Raquel runs over to go after Stark, but Shirai aims to MOONSAULT! Direct hit on Raquel and Dakota! Fans fire up, but here comes Shotzi! Ember holds the ropes open for Shotzi to DIVE and take them all out! Ember is up top now, and she SUPER CANNONBALLS!

The CWC fires up but Stark  has her target now! SUPER CROSSBODY!! All six women are down on the outside, Shirai and Stark stand up and fire up as NXT goes picture in picture!

Stark and Shirai sort out the pile and put Raquel in the ring. Shirai stomps Raquel, covers, TWO! Shirai tags Stark and Stark stomps Raquel. Stark clubs Raquel, Shotzi gets in to fire forearms on Stark! Shotzi goes after Raquel, too, but Stark hits Shotzi. Raquel hits Stark, fires off hands on Shotzi, and Dakota tags in. Dakota throws Stark out hard, then stomps away on Shotzi. Cover, TOW! Stark kicks Dakota, snapmares her and KICKS her again! Cover, TWO! Stark gets Dakota up but Dakota throws forearms. They brawl, Stark ROCKS Dakota and suplexes! Cover, Shotzi breaks it! Shotzi gets Stark up, snap suplexes, but Raquel tags in to snipe the cover!

Shotzi breaks it but Raquel scoops and SLAMS! Cover, Stark breaks it! Stark clubs Raquel, kicks her, and tags in Shirai. Shirai rolls Raquel up, ONE! Shirai stomps Raquel down, clamps on a chinlock and digs a knee into Raquel’s back. Shirai adds a body scissor squeeze but Raquel endures. Raquel pushes back to a cover, TWO! Shirai still has the body scissors, but Raquel pries at the hold. Raquel turns, Shotzi gets back in and gets Shirai in a half nelson sleeper! Shirai reaches for ropes but Shotzi keeps her from them. Shirai gets a foot on the ropes, but it isn’t a ropebreak, so Shirai has to push around to a cover. TWO, and Shotzi keeps hold!

NXT returns to single picture as Raquel stomps the sleeper apart! Raquel whips Shotzi to a corner, runs in and RAMS a shoulder! Raquel digs that shoulder in, lets off to run in and SPLASH !Fans rally up as Raquel RAMS into Shotzi again! Raquel fireman’s carries Shotzi, BOOTS Shirai down, then SLAMS Shotzi! Raquel dead lifts Shirai in a waistlock but Shirai flails! Shirai victory rolls to STOMP 182! Fans fire up as all three women are down! They head for their corners, hot tag to Stark, Dakota and Ember! Stark DECKS Dakota first, then CLOBBERS Ember! Dakota runs into a LARIAT! HEEL KICK for Ember! Stark handsprings to dodge Dakota and she KICKS Raquel!

Dakota kicks into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, but Ember breaks it! Stark just fires up, two for one on the SLIDING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Ember was also there, but Dakota survives on her own. Stark gets up, drags Dakota up and whips her to the corner hard! Back elbow, then a tag to Shirai, Stark whips Dakota the other way to SPLASH! Shirai adds a back body block, Stark adds a SHINING WIZARD! They put Dakota on the ropes, for Shirai’s 619! Shirai springboards to missile dropkick! Shotzi tags back in and breaks the cover with a senton! Shotzi gets Shirai up but Shirai shoves her away, Shotzi ENZIGURIS! KICK and ROLLING ELBOW! SWITCHBLADE KICK!

Shotzi runs, SLING-DOG! Shotzi keeps going, tagging in Ember. They get Shirai for a double whip, trip and elbow drop! Basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!! Shirai survives, Dakota comes in but Ember fires off kicks and knees! Ember roars as she ROLLING ELBOWS Dakota down! Ember puts Dakota in position alongside Shirai, tag to Shotzi! WELCOME TO THE FIREPIT COMBO! Shotzi has Dakota for a TIGER SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!! Dakota survives but Shotzi keeps the arms, CATTLE MUTILATION! Raquel breaks the submission! Shotzi and Shirai go after Raquel together but she fights them off. Ember and Stark add on, they kick Raquel out!

But Dakota gets Shirai! Stark DECKS Ember, DECKS Shotzi, and helps Shirai get Dakota up top! Ember and Shotzi come back to shove Shirai and Stark aside. They take over and go after Dakota, but Stark adds back on! Shirai helps out, but Raquel breaks it all up by throwing Stark, throwing Shirai, and popping Ember into a POWERSLAM! Dakota knocks Shotzi down, Raquel BOOTS Stark! Raquel gets Shotzi up for a POWERBOMB! Shirai dropkicks Raquel’s leg out, Stark hits a SLIDING KNEE! Dakota adjusts to aim at Shotzi, DOUBLE STOMPS!! But Shirai METEORAS Dakota! Shirai gets Dakota up, and catches her to a CROSSFACE!!

Dakota endures, moves around, rolls free to SUPERKICK Shirai down! Dakota is furious as she gets Shirai back up. Shirai gets Dakota for underhooks! TIGER BACKBREAKER! Shirai hurries to a corner and fans are thunderous as she climbs! OVER THE MOONSAULT onto Raquel!? Raquel takes the shot for Dakota! Shirai is furious with Raquel but Ember cuts in! Ember throws Shirai out but Shirai drags Ember out with her! Ember DECKS Shirai, Shotzi is up top! SUPER SENTON! But Stark breaks the cover! Stark gets Shotzi up, ZK360! But she turns into an ECLISPE! Dakota gets Ember for a GO TO KICK! Shirai rushes in, Dakota switches to roll up, TWO!?!?

Dakota is furious but she turns into a SHOTEI from Shirai! Shirai is back up, fans are going nuts as she hits OVER THE MOONSAULT!! Direct hit this time! Cover, Shirai & Stark win!!

Winners: Io Shirai & Zoey Stark, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships)

Raquel is practically pulling her hair out! Will she have to sit back and watch


Karrion Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux arrive at the CWC.

But just as they get in the door, Johnny Gargano tackles Kross into the wall! Gargano fires off on Kross, security rushes in, and Kross shouts, “That’s how it’s gonna be?!” Gargano pissed Kross off, and now Kross vows Gargano’s a dead man! Will Johnny Wrestling get his way and take the fight to Mr. Apocalypse?


The Breakout Tournament is back!

“In 2019, the NXT Breakout Tournament introduced the world to a new generation of superstars.” Cameron Grimes, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Dexter Lumis, Joaquin Wilde, Angel Garza and Bronson Reed are just some of the names that got their first opportunity, and have made names for themselves ever since. This tournament returns in two weeks! Who will we see become future stars before our very eyes?


Backstage interview with Bronson Reed.

The NXT North American Champion is very excited to see these fresh faces in the Breakout Tournament. Without that tournament, Reed might not be champion. Oh, deja vu! Hit Row is here, and Swerve remembers someone else in that tournament. Oh yeah, himself. Now, how did Reed come out as the one to become champion? Reed says it’s obvious how: hard work and dedication. Hit Row laughs that off and Top Dolla wants Reed to “kill all that jibber jabber.” Reed should put that title on the line and we’ll hear his heart pitter patter. Reed tells “Dolla King” that he’s all talk. Swerve says if Reed is the champion he says he is, he’d put the title on the line tonight, against Swerve.

If Swerve wants his shot, he’s got it! Swerve tells Reed to say less. Will Reeds’ actions speak for him should William Regal make it official?


Kross and Scarlett go to the ring!

Kross gets a mic and says, “Mr. Gargano! Touché, touché. Last week, I got you. This week, you got me.” It’s all cute, but unfortunately for Gargano,  Kross is willing to die by the sword he lives by. Is Gargano willing to do the same? Kross dares Gargano to walk out here and see how well he fares when Kross sees the shot coming! “Don’t make me wait, little man?” Kross dares Gargano? Because Gargano’s right here! Kross thinks Gargano is afraid of him? Do you know who the hell he is?! Last week, the big bad NXT Champion had to jump Gargano from behind like a coward! This time, Gargano beats Kross at his own game.

And now Kross wants Gargano to get in the ring? “Buddy, that’s MY world you’re standing in!” Gargano doesn’t have a sword, but he does have actual talent. Kross is bigger, but Gargano is smarter. And Austin Theory attacks! The Way mugs Kross! They have Kross in a corner, stomp mudholes, but Kross hits them away! BOOT for Theory, EXPLODER for Gargano! Gargano gets out of the ring, Kross pursues but Gargano hits him back! Kross choke grips and DRIBBLES Gargano off barriers! Kross pulls the steel steps apart, but security stops him before he attacks! Samoa Joe shows up to enforce order, but Gargano SUPERKICKS Kross down!

Gargano and Theory make their way out of ringside, and Kross tells Joe he’s doing “a hell of a job.” Joe just stares Kross down, and then Kross storms off. Scarlett promises they’ll pay, but will it be up to Mr. Regal how?


The battery continues to charge.

It is now at 60%. How soon will it hit 100?


Gargano and Theory are fired up.

They’re heading out, Theory says Gargano did the best superkick ever! They get out of here, but will they have reason to make their way back to the CWC?



After Swerve called Reed out and Reed extended the challenge, IT IS HAPPENING! Reed VS Swerve, for the NXT North American Championship! Will Hit Row get their first gold this close to the Great American Bash?


Roderick Strong w/ The Diamond Mine VS Asher Hale!

The Savior of the Backbreaker and his new crew jumped Kushida after his stellar match with Kyle O’Reilly, and it seems Strong wasn’t as resigned from NXT as he led us to believe! With Hideki Suzuki, Tyler Rust & Malcolm Bivens in his corner, will Strong grind 205 Live’s Saint into dust?

The bell rings and Strong circles with Hale. They feel things out, Strong blocks a kick to shove Hale down. Hale gets up and Strong pie faces him! Hale rushes in but into a headlock takeover! Hale gets up and headlocks but Strong throws him off! Strong goes for a headlock and grinds Hale, but Hale fights to a cover. ONE, Strong holds the headlock, but they end up on ropes. Things turn around, Strong gets up and under for a fireman’s carry but Hale slips off. Hale ducks an elbow, kicks Strong, but then Strong blocks. Hale rolls to get an ankle but Strong rolls around. Hale goes for a sleeper, but Strong fights up and RAMS Hale into buckles!

Hale hobbles, Strong gets him for an urenage BACKBREAKER! Bivens likes that, as does the CWC. Strong puts Hale in a corner to CHOP,CLUB and ROCK Hale! And CHOP again! Strong brings Hale around but Hale throws body shots. Strong CLUBS Hale more, Hale forearms back, but Strong DECKS him! Strong digs boots into Hale’s face, then lets off as the ref counts. Strong gets Hale up to CHOP again! Bivens smiles as Strong brings Hale around to a butterfly suplex! Cover, TWO! Strong wraps Hale up in a bearhug but Hale fights up. Fans rally as Hale fights free but Strong ELBOWS him down hard! Hale gets up, he and Strong start brawling, Strong KNEES Hale!

Strong gets a BUTTERFLY GUILLOTINE! Hale taps, Strong wins!

Winner: Roderick Strong, by submission

Strong keeps the hold on until he’s satisfied! Strong lets go, celebrates with the Diamond Mine, and certainly has the fans impressed. Bivens says, “Diamond Mine is open for business, and this is just the beginning, baby!” Will Strong help another faction grab up all the gold in NXT?


Cameron Grimes VS Ari Sterling!

The Carolina Cash Money Caveman didn’t take kindly to The Sauce getting snippy about Ted DeBiase. Will Grimes cause a Cave-In in his return to action? Or will Sterling be too spicy for him to handle?

The bell rings, Grimes corners Sterling but he slips away. Fans chant “To The Moon!” as Grimes gets Sterling’s foot. Sterling has the ropes, turns things around to a headlock, but Grimes powers out. Sterling leaps over Grimes, hurdles over then runs to rana, but Grimes handsprings and says, “Kiss mah grits!” Then Grimes ROCKS Sterling, CHOPS him, and whips him to ropes. Sterling holds ropes, kicks Grimes back, but Grimes RANAS in return! Sterling bails out, Grimes goes to the apron and kicks, but Sterling blocks to trip Grimes up! Grimes bounces off the apron, then gets the MOON-SAUCE! Sterling puts Grimes in, gets in, but Grimes gets him for a whip.

Sterling sees Grimes’ dropdown coming and he springboards to knee drop! Sterling STANDING CORKSCREW SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Sterling kicks and clubs Grimes around, has him in a corner for a mudhole stomp, but lets off as the ref counts. Sterling pushes Grimes around, throws forearms, then CHOPS him against ropes! Sterling whips Grimes, Grimes reverses and kitchen sink knees! Fans fire up as Grimes rallies with big forearms! Sterling staggers up, Grimes scoops, but Sterling slips off and dodges to ENZIGURI! Grimes wobbles to a corner, Sterling runs in and back body blocks! Sterling goes to the apron to ENZIGURI!

Sterling climbs, aims, and SHOOTING STARS but has to bail out a Grimes moves! CAVE-IN!! Cover, Grimes wins!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

Grimes is back on track! But to ruin the celebration, LA Knight makes his way out! “YAY~ Cameron Grimes wins~! And nobody gave a damn!” Knight looks at Grimes and sees a natural born loser. Grimes proved it at Knight’s coronation! Grimes says he’s gonna follow the fans, “You Suck!” If Knight wants to talk about DeBiase, get in the ring and talk with Grimes, dummy! Grimes wanted that Million Dollar Championship to carry the legacy. Knight just wanted some bling! Grimes dares Knight to put the title up, and he’ll take that bling from him! Fans are fired up for that idea!

Knight says, “Yeah? Yeah? Yeah! You want this title? You wanna fight me for it?” YEAH! Then next week, why not? Great American Bash, this title, NUH-UH! Grimes doesn’t deserve it! Fans boo, but Knight says there is something for Grimes. This title wields a lot of power, but there is a piece missing to this puzzle. So in the transformation into the NEW Million Dollar Man, and further beyond as the Million Dollar Mega Star, LA Knight says if Grimes is hot to get him, well Knight couldn’t find his stuff. Knight’s cars didn’t get detailed on time, either. So Great American Bash, Knight VS Grimes, the Million Dollar Championship IS on the line, but when Grimes loses, he becomes Knight’s butler!

Grimes has his offer, so what does he say? Grimes has no problem being a butler, because he knows at the Great American Bash, he’ll get the title and go TO~ THE~ MOON~! Will this Million Dollar Bet blow up in Knight’s face? Or will Grimes have to get down and dirty as Knight’s manservant?


Backstage interview with Shirai & Stark.

But before they can speak on their big win tonight, The Way make their way over! Indi congratulates Shirai & Stark, “but hate to rain on your parade,” next week will be against them, the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions. They’re a real team! A family! These two aren’t even friends. Stark is pretty sure that they don’t need to be any of that, they just need mutual respect for each other. And all that other stuff won’t stop them from winning the titles around The Way’s waists. Oh, is that so? That’s cute. But Candice gives Stark some advice. After The Way wins at The Bash, watch your back. Shirai tends to be a sore loser.

Shirai tells Candice that Candice has never beaten Shirai. Next week, Shirai & Stark become champions. The Way storms off, Stark is confident she and Shirai have this. But will the Evil Genius still have the Poison Pixie’s number when it’s a tag match and not 1v1?


Kyle O’Reilly heads to the ring!

Just a week away from his grudge rematch with Adam Cole, #CoolKyle is here and says, “This whole journey for me has been about testing myself against the best competition this industry has.” He wants to fight dudes that make him a better fighter. That is what last week was about, and what next week is about. Next week, Cole VS O’Reilly II. Last time they fought, it was gritty, violent and unsanctioned. After Kyle got his hand raised, he proved to the world that not only does he belong in the main event, but that he could one day be NXT Champion. But Cole refuses to see it. It is one excuse after the next.

So why not come out here and enlighten us, Cole? Give us the excuse he has prepared after Kyle whoops your ass at the Bash! Cole does walk out to the stage, then the ramp. But Samoa Joe shows up, too! Joe tells these two gentlemen, “Please excuse my poorly timed interruption. But with respect to both of your personal safety,” Joe felt he should come out and make sure none of the nastiness from last week happens tonight. So please, don’t let Joe delay anything, “have at it.” Cole says that before he was interrupted, he was going to tell Kyle that Kyle made it crystal clear he wants to be in Cole’s shoes. Honestly, Kyle probably hopes and prays he’ll have half the career Cole’s had.

But guess what? Ain’t gonna happen. Cole was thinking, and he figured Kyle out. Kyle is obsessed with Cole! It creeps Cole out. Uh, what? Obsessed? Let’s unpack that. Kyle beat Cole, put him in the hospital, Cole disappears for six weeks, and when he returns, he picks a fight with Kyle at every turn! Then Cole “forgets” to say Kyle’s name at a press conference. Yeah, Kyle’s the one obsessed. Cole says Kyle is so delusional! What Kyle needs is a dose of reality, the truth, and some cold, hard facts! The fact is, Kyle is NOTHING without Cole! This goes so much deeper than just NXT! No one would even be talking about Kyle without Cole!

Just look at the Undisputed Era, all those moments, all those championships, and all the WarGames matches. Who do you see with Kyle? Adam Cole! “The guy solely responsible for every ounce of respect you have ever had in this industry.” Cole was the STAR of the UE, who carried Kyle on his back for almost four YEARS! And Cole is STILL the star! The entire world knows it, the NXT locker room knows it, and whether he wants to admit it or not, Samoa Joe knows it. “Hell, even your wife knows it!” Kyle paces but Joe keeps between them. Kyle tells Cole to never mention his wife! Yeah, they were in the UE together, but Kyle looks back and is ashamed to have ever associated with Cole!

Kyle is ashamed to have taken this long to realize Cole is such a pathetic human piece of- Cole slaps the mic down but Joe keeps these two apart! Fans want to “Let Them Fight!” but the two stand down. But then Cole swings on Kyle! Kyle trips Cole and gets a HEEL HOOK! Joe just watches as Cole suffers the pain! Kyle wrenches Cole’s leg and Joe walks out of the ring to then tell security to pull them apart. Kyle lets off, having done the damage. “What now, Cole?!” Cole might’ve just tasted his comeuppance, but will there be plenty more of it at the Great American Bash?


Tian Sha speaks.

Xia Li says, “You cannot violate Tian Sha’s order. Anyone who offends Tian Sha will eventually be punished. No matter who they are!” Boa warns Jake Atlas that he made a BIG mistake. “There is no way out. You will pay for this.” Xia tells Mercedes Martinez, “there’s no road of return.” It is time to destroy them both! Will Mean Ms. Mercedes and the Muscle of El Monte be mangled by the menacing minions of Mei Ying?


The battery continues to charge.

We are now at 71%.


Hit Row hypes up Swerve.

It’s money time! Swerve deserves this more than anyone. This is what they’ve been talking about! Time to show Swerve is a different breed! He looks good, feels good, and Swerve warns Reed that tonight, you’ll see why Swerve is #JustDifferent. If that’s true, will nothing ever be the same again after tonight’s main event?


Mixed Tag: Mercedes Martinez & Jake Atlas VS Tian Sha!

NXT returns and Atlas is already in the ring as Mercedes makes her entrance. Then Tian Sha makes their entrance, and Xia uses a Bo staff in her newest demonstration. The teams sort out but it’s just a brawl! Boa and Atlas, Xia and Mercedes! The ref sorts things out and the men stay in! Atlas ROCKS Boa with a EuroUpper then BOOTS him! Atlas whips but Boa blocks! Boa kicks back, puts Atlas in the corner but Atlas elbows him away! Atlas KICKS, Boa shoves but Atlas BOOTS! Atlas runs, springboards and flying-mares! Then calf kicks! Cover, TWO! Boa gets away and Xia tags in! Mercedes gets in, Xia dodges to THRUST KICK Mercedes down!

Xia gets Mercedes up, whips her to a corner, and then fires up to run and forearm Mercedes down! Xia stomps a mudhole, then springboard stomp! Mercedes crawls, Xia looms over her, but Mercedes hits back. Xia CLUBS Mercedes down, then brings her up for a suplex. Mercedes blocks, and blocks again, to then throw body shots. Mercedes rolls Xia up, TWO! Xia is in a corner, she runs back, but into a back drop! Mercedes and fans fire up as Xia bails out. Mercedes dares Xia to do something, and then shouts to Mei Ying, “You see that?!” Mei Ying stays put on her throne while Xia writhes, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Boa has Atlas down in a chinlock. Atlas endures, reaches around, and fights up. Atlas pries at the hold, throws body shots and is free to whip. Boa reverses but Atlas holds ropes. Atlas throws Boa up and out! Hot tag to Mercedes, and she rallies on Xia! Mercedes KNEES Xia down and fans fire up! Xia flounders to a corner, Mercedes runs in but Xia dodges! Xia runs back in but Mercedes puts her up top to ROCK her! And again! Mercedes positions Xia, climbs up to join her, and clubs away on her back before the SUPER BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Mercedes covers but Boa breaks it!

The ref reprimands but Mercedes gets up and eggs him on. Boa swings, Mercedes dodges, Atlas FAST BALLS! Atlas gets Boa up, Mercedes leaps from the top rope, FLYING BULLDOG BACK SUPLEX COMBO! Xia returns but Mercedes DECKS her! Mercedes looms over Xia, but Mei Ying rises?! Mercedes notices that and grins. Mercedes goes out to the ramp and dares Mei Ying to do what she did at TakeOver. But Xia CLOBBERS Mercedes from behind! Xia hurries to get Mercedes in the ring, throws haymakers, then scoops for a PUMP HANDLE EXPLODER! SPINNING HEEL KICK! Cover, TWO!?!? Mercedes barely gets a hand up, but she’s in bad shape!

The ref checks on Mercedes, Xia nods as she senses it, the ref stops the match!!

Winners: Tian Sha, by referee stoppage

Xia’s dangerous heel kick strikes again, in more ways than one! Will Mercedes try and fight the wrath of Tian Sha again? Or has this proven their power to everyone on the roster?


Timothy Thatcher & Tommaso Ciampa head to the ring!

Toothless Timmy & Old Man Ciampa are here to have their face-to-face with the NXT Tag Team Champions before having it out for the titles at the Great American Bash! Ciampa & Thatcher each have a chair and pace around in the ring as MSK make their entrance. Turns out, MSK have their own chairs! The four stand together in the ring, and then sit together. Ciampa speaks first, “You wanna know what the difference between y’all and us is? We make this look good.” But that’s okay, you boys can sit in the chairs with your NXT tag titles. Because next week at the Bash, does MSK understand? “The champs are indeed the underdogs.”

Ol’ Double T has yet to hold gold, while the old man is hungry! Ciampa knows Thatcher is not a man of many words, but just look at him. Like, really look at him. “This man is motivated. And me? Hell, the entire world already knows that there ain’t a man alive who elevates a title the way Tommaso Ciampa elevates a title!” Nash Carter wants to say something but Thatcher shouts him down! “Show the man respect! Let him finish!” Wes Lee says NO! They need to listen! The four men stand up, and Lee says MSK respect both men. They applaud them, even! And MSK hears everyone talking, and they get it. Fans sing, “Ciampa’s gonna kill~ you~!”

Carter says it is time for everyone to put respect on MSK’s names! They get it as the young guns, the underdogs, but they’re here to remind everyone that Ciampa & Thatcher are the challengers! And next week, the challengers will find out why MSK are the NXT Tag Team Champions! Carter tells Lee that it doesn’t seem like they’re hearing them. So Carter SLAPS Ciampa! Thatcher DECKS Lee then goes after Carter! Ciampa pulls Thatcher back and keeps this from getting any worse. Ciampa tells MSK that next week, he wants these boys to bring their pride, the titles, because Ciampa & thatcher are taking them both. Tonight was a free one. Next week, they won’t be so lucky. MSK hold up the belts, but will this be for the last time?


Backstage interview with William Regal.

McKenzie notes to the NXT General Manager that tensions are rising between MSK & Ciampa-Thatcher, but that’s just one of the title matches next week. Yes, and there’s also the Women’s Tag Team Championships. Grimes just signed his contract for the match with LA Knight, and so the Million Dollar Championship is on the line. And then there’s Cole VS O’Reilly II, something everyone is looking forward. But what does he have to say about the 2021 Breakout Tournament? Regal is very excited for that as eight hungry competitors will compete, and the winner gets a match at a title of their choosing.

Sarray walks in and says she wants a match for The Bash. Maybe against someone like Toni Storm? Regal thanks her for the initiative and will take it into consideration. Will the Warrior of the Sun get her opportunity to shine? Or will the Lightning From Down Under rain on Sarray’s parade?


The battery is charging.

It is now at 81%. Will it be fully charged come the Great American Bash?


Kross and Scarlett are heading out.

Any comments on what happened tonight? Kross’ sneer is answer enough. But then Theory tries to ambush him at the car! Kross uses the door to hit Theory low, then DECKs him! But Gargano hits Kross from behind! Gargano SLAMS the door on Kross! And again! And again! Gargano shouts, “Any time, any place, anywhere, Kross is not on my level!” But then Kross gets up!? Kross wraps Gargano in the KROSSJACKET! “You wanna be a smartass, huh, Johnny!?” Kross thrashes Gargano around as he says he promised to get him! Say something funny now, Johnny! Johnny is fading out instead! Kross lets Gargano go and says, “That’s what I thought.”

Theory gets up, Kross aims and DOOMSDAY FOREARMS him into the garage door! Scarlett and Kross get to their car and back up. They drive forward, but Joe has already gotten Gargano out of harm’s way! Joe tells Gargano, “Perhaps tonight you pushed him a little bit too far. Now get up.” Joe gets Gargano into the CWC, what is going to happen next between Johnny and the apocalypse?


NXT North American Championship: Bronson Reed VS Isaiah “Swerve” Scott w/ Hit Row!

Two prospects from the 2019 Breakout Tournament have come a long way from those early days. The Colossal holds the gold but Hit Row looks to bring that title back to Swerve’s House. Will Swerve hit the top of the charts as he knocks Reed off the mountaintop? Or will a Tsunami wash him away?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we have a colossal ending to tonight!

Reed and Swerve circle as the CWC fires up. They tie up, Reed shoves Swerve down then roars. Swerve gets up and walks that off as he circles with Reed again. They tie up, Reed puts Swerve in a corner but Swerve turns it around to slap Reed on the back of his head! Reed shrugs that off, circles with Swerve, but Swerve gets an arm and wrenches to a cording hold. Reed CHOPS Swerve, Swerve CHOPS back, and even gives a short headbutt. Reed scoops, Swerve slips out and waistlocks, but Reed pries free! Reed scowls, headlocks, but Swerve fights it. Swerve throws body shots, fans rally behind “BRON~SON~!”

Swerve drops, Reed drags him back up and holds on tight. Swerve powers out but Reed runs him over! Reed looms over Swerve, but Swerve tries a drop toehold. Reed stays up to stomp Swerve, but as Reed reaches down, Swerve goes for a Triangle! Reed dead lifts, Swerve lets him free and things speed up! Swerve jumps but Reed SWATS him! Swerve is shocked but Reed dares Swerve to come back. Swerve runs into a gorilla press! Reed carries Swerve around to then DROP him! Swerve flounders to ropes, Reed stalks him and drags him back up, then Reed bumps Swerve off buckles! Reed CHOPS Swerve and Swerve goes rolling! Swerve CHOPS back but Reed headbutts him down!

Hit Row coaches Swerve up but Reed headbutts him again. Reed whips corner to corner hard, and Swerve bounces off the buckles! Hit Row coaches Swerve more but Reed stalks him. Fans rally as Reed gets the legs. Swerve kicks Reed away, Reed tries again and yanks Swerve up for a FALLING SPLASH! Reed smiles as Swerve goes to the apron. Reed goes out to join Swerve, but Swerve CHOPS! Reed CHOPS back! Even Ashante Adonis felt that! Swerve BOOTS Reed, but Reed headbutts back! Swerve staggers, Reed eggs him on, Swerve CHOPS a leg! Reed staggers, but he still tosses Swerve into the ring! Swerve lands on his feet and kicks away on the leg!

Sunset, but no bomb as Reed holds on! Reed SITS on Swerve on the apron! The ref counts as Reed smothers Swerve, and Reed gets up at 4, and NXT goes picture in picture.

Swerve gasps and sputters while Reed watches from the ring. Reed goes out, shoves Swerve into the announce desk, then whips him into barriers! Hit Row tells the ref this shouldn’t be allowed, but Reed puts Swerve in to then stare Top Dolla down. Swerve BOOTS back from the apron! And then BOOTS again! Reed stays up, Swerve runs to LEAP and missile dropkick Reed into barriers! Reed is down and Swerve finally catches his breath. Hit Row fires up as Swerve gets Reed up, but Reed shoves Swerve away. Reed gets in the ring, Swerve goes up top., elbow drop to the back of the shoulders! Cover, TWO! Swerve SLAPS Reed and stomps him down, but Reed gets up.

Swerve brings Reed to a corner, fires off haymakers and sweeps the leg! Swerve throws knees in, pulls on Reed’s hair and talks some trash before letting up. Reed stands but Swerve CHOPS him on the back! Swerve brings Reed around, turns him, and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Reed still has power, but Swerve wraps on a chinlock as NXT goes single picture. Fans rally as Swerve traps an arm and chinbars Reed. Reed endures, fights up, but Swerve rakes his eyes! Reed powers up to fireman’s carry but Swerve gets to the apron. Swerve SLAPS Reed, but Reed CHOPS Swerve! Reed CHOPS again and Swerve wobbles.

Swerve ducks the next chop to get in and waistlock, but Reed is too big! Swerve KICKS a leg, uses the ropes for help and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO!! Reed survives and Swerve snarls. Fans rally and duel as Swerve goes after Reed’s arms. Swerve has a half nelson and gets Reed up, but Reed pries free with the free arm! Fireman’s carry, but Swerve elbows free to a SLEEPER! Swerve CHOPS away on Reed’s neck and shoulders, but Reed blocks one to THROW Swerve off! Swerve gets up and runs in but Reed shoves him away! Swerve comes back, somersault COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Hit Row is beside themselves but the fans are loving this!

Fans continue to duel as Swerve eggs Reed on. Reed sits up, and blocks the House Call! Reed puts the foot down but Swerve SLAPS Reed again! Swerve ducks Reed, back hands, but Reed spins to LARIAT! Swerve basement dropkicks right back! Reed flounders, Reed somersaults but into the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Both men are down and the CWC is loving “NXT! NXT!” Reed and Swerve slowly rise, stare down, and Reed JABS and CHOPS on repeat! Swerve staggers about, Reed keeps on him, and Reed winds up to BIONIC ELBOW, if you will! Swerve gets to a corner, Reed runs in and SPLASHES! Reed whips and BODY CHECKS Swerve! And BACK SENTONS!

Reed climbs but B-Fab and Top Dolla distract! Adonis drags Reed off the top!! The ref suspects something but Adonis plays innocent. While the ref is distracted with this, Dolla runs at Reed, but Reed TOSSES him through barriers!! Adonis checks on TD but then Reed TOSSES him out onto Top Dolla! Fans fire up with Reed but he gets in for a HOUSE CALL! Swerve goes up top, 450 SPLASH!! Cover, Swerve wins!!!

Winner: Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, by pinfall (NEW NXT North American Champion)

It took literally everyone to do it, but Hit Row just got gold! Swerve isn’t #JustDifferent, he’s now on top of the world! And if you didn’t know, now you know!

My Thoughts:

What an awesome episode, and especially as the semi-go-home to next week’s Great American Bash. Opening with the Women’s Triple Threat Tag was quite a surprise, and it was an awesome match. I figured Dakota & Raquel weren’t winning since Raquel is still NXT Women’s Champion, but I should’ve figured that Ember & Shotzi weren’t winning as they already had their chances. Candice & Indi VS Shirai & Stark is going to be great, but I don’t see The Way losing just yet. Especially if the other half of The Way is going to keep getting pummeled by Kross. It was great that Gargano took the fight to Kross, but it seemed to all happen too fast to where Kross stands tall at the end. Great American Bash is already stuffed, so I’m pretty sure Kross VS Gargano is some other special July episode.

Roderick Strong of course gets a win on his return, but Asher Hale looked a lot better than I thought he would. I’m a little surprised Kushida had no response to last week’s attack, but I’m sure that’s coming soon. A shame that cuts to the NXT roster got rid of two planned members for the Diamond Mine faction in Artoru Ruas and Marina Shafir, but I suppose what we won’t know in kayfabe won’t hurt us. Strong is going to be great, Tyler Rust is going to be great, maybe they change plans and add someone else they hadn’t considered, we’ll have to wait and see. Maybe even Asher Hale, since he’s so good as a technical, MMA style wrestler.

I knew last week when Sterling mouthed off to Grimes that they’d have this match tonight. Sterling looked good but of course Grimes wins. And I like that we are getting the Million Dollar rematch next week at the Great American Bash. I can’t be sure Knight loses the belt so soon, but I can’t see Grimes ending up Knight’s butler. Maybe Grimes does lose and we get comedy of him purposefully messing up stuff until Knight gives Grimes another rematch. I like that the Breakout Tournament is back, I’m sure they would’ve done one last year if things didn’t go to crap in 2020. Not sure who’ll be in this year’s, but I would love if some newer 205 Live guys like Hale, Sterling or Ikemen Jiro were in it so we get eight competitors.

The Mixed Tag was pretty good tonight, but I am pretty sure it wasn’t meant to end like that. Xia Li being this legit with martial arts, I feel like these knockout wins she’s had on her record are legit, too. I feel like Tian Sha was going to win either way, but that’s a bit rough for Mercedes herself to go down like that. We got a pretty good promo out of MSK, Ciampa & Thatcher, but I don’t know if I’ve ever heard Ciampa say “y’all” that much before. It almost feels like he was forcing it. But MSK made a good point that it’s time for them to be respected as champions, they have great in-ring skills. At the same time, it’d be quite the surprise if Ciampa & Thatcher win to solidify that they’re not turning on each other, that they’re in it for the long haul.

Cole, Kyle and Joe had a great segment together. Kyle started to recycle some promo material from the build to Stand & Deliver’s Unsanctioned Match, but there’s not much else he has to say about Cole. Joe letting Kyle get Cole in the Heel Hook was great, though. It was the comeuppance Cole deserved, but the math would say Cole wins at Great American Bash. I feel like there’s been backwards booking on this story as Kyle won the Unsanctioned match. You can’t really build higher than that other than Last Man Standing or I Quit, coupled with Loser Leaves NXT. I could see this happening, though, and Kyle wins to send Cole off to RawDown in time for the WWE Draft.

Sarray politely asking for a match was really cute, really shows how she can be both fierce and sweet. Sarray VS Storm is going to be awesome stuff, but I think Sarray finds a way to win so she can get back on track towards the women’s title. The battery vignettes continue so I’m thinking it hits 100% sometime during the Great American Bash. Then we will see who this has been for, and they will surely do something to someone and make a big impact. The question is: debut or return? Then we got an awesome main event with that North American title match. It was perfect Heel work for Hit Row to help Swerve win, and it makes sense given recent developments.

Bronson Reed, along with Karrion Kross, were on a recently filmed episode of WWE Main Event (y’know, the thing that’s on Hulu first then everywhere else months later) so that’s a sign of call-ups. Kross could conceivably lose to Gargano, but I still bet it is Kyle later in July or August. Reed losing here starts to push things in the direction of his call-up, but it was still a great twist in the story. I really thought we were getting Reed VS Escobar 1v1, but Escobar going after Swerve still has great story behind it, and we could get a Six Man Tag of Hit Row VS Legado del Fantasma, too.

My Score: 9.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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