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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (6/11/21)

Will Rey exact his revenge?



Coverage SmackDown 2021

Will there be a blood feud on Friday Night SmackDown?

The Mysterios are still SmackDown Tag Team Champions, but only because Roman Reigns rampaged through them! Will Rey Mysterio avenge his son, Dominik?


  • Big E & Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn & Apollo Crews w/ Commander Azeez; Big E & Kevin win.
  • Carmella VS Liv Morgan; Morgan wins.
  • The Street Profits VS The Alpha Academy; changed to…
  • Chad Gable VS Montez Ford; Ford wins, by disqualification.
  • Shinsuke Nakamura w/ Rick Boogs VS King Corbin; Nakamura wins.


Roman Reigns watches the recap package for this week.

The dominance and brutality the Head of the Table showed is strong in every moment. And Jey Uso sits by Roman’s side as the Right Hand Man, but he looks down at the floor. Roman says, “I saved y’all’s ass last week. Y’all owe me. What’s the one thing that I will not stand for?” Jey speaks up, and says, “Never embarrass the family, Uce.” Roman nods and says Jey clearly understands. But does Jimmy? Speaking of which, the Usos’ music plays!

Jimmy Uso heads to the ring!

Jimmy goes by himself while Roman and Jey are still in Roman’s private suite, and gets a mic to say, “Last week, was supposed to be a celebration. Tonight, we supposed to be in here, seven-time WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions, but no. We got robbed.” Jimmy isn’t making excuses, he’s just spitting facts! First, the ref blew the call. Everyone saw Uce’s shoulder was up, ya boi kicked out! But it was cool cuz they got round two. They were doing what the Usos do but then here he come. Head of the Table sticking his nose in their business! Roman just had to make it about Roman! Couldn’t let the Usos get it and get what was theirs!

If you ask Jimmy, Roman got them disqualified on purpose! Roman is watching and is not happy hearing that. Jimmy asks what the point was. Roman beat up Rey-Rey, choked out Dom, almost knocked Dom’s head off his shoulders. Jimmy knows what it is, he sat back and thought about it and realized that Roman’s jealous! Roman’s jealous of Jimmy and how he’s back! And how he wants his brother with him! And because the Usos want to rep the family with gold, too, just like Roman! Jimmy sees through Roman. All these mind games are to tear brother from brother. Jimmy says HE is his brother’s keeper, NOT Roman!

So tonight, Jimmy wants Roman to hear him: Jimmy promises that he’ll do something that he won’t regret! Instead of Rey coming back for what happened to Dom, is Jimmy coming to get back for what Roman’s done to Jey? Roman looks to Jey and says no one would confuse Roman for his brother. Jey needs to take care of this. Is Jey only going to prove Roman right by doing his dirty work? Is Jey gonna get his own brother?!


Jey confronts Jimmy backstage.

Jey asks what that was all about but Jimmy wants him to calm down. Jimmy asks Jey if he thinks they could’ve won the tag titles. Answer him, Uce! Do you think they were going to win the tag titles? Yes, right? So Jey was mad that they got DQ’d last week! Jimmy says, “Y’know what, Uce? It can’t be like this no more!” It can’t keep going like this. When Jimmy told Jey to go, Jey froze! Jey froze on Jimmy! Jimmy needed Jey! They’re family! They’re brothers! They’re twins! Jey is conflicted, rubbing his head, and Jimmy says if we’re talking about the disgrace of the family, it’s ROMAN that’s disgracing the family!

Then what is Jey supposed to do!? Jimmy has been gone a year! Jey’s loyalty is with the Tribal Chief! Jey’s stuck in the middle with no way out! What does Jimmy want Jey to do? Jimmy pats his brother’s shoulders. If Roman wants to see Jimmy, Jimmy will be in the Usos’ room. Jey is still conflicted, but is Jimmy going to settle this for all of them?


Big E & Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn & Apollo Crews w/ Commander Azeez!

Both the Powerhouse of Positivity and the Prizefighter have had their grievances with the Prince of Nigeria over the WWE Intercontinental Championship, and the Champion of the People isn’t exactly innocent in all this. Will Big E and KO #ThinkBig and #JustKeepFighting towards the same gold? Or will Sami actually be of help to someone and turn away two of Apollo’s challengers?

SmackDown returns as Apollo and Azeez make their entrance. Sami is already ringside, arguing with his best frenemy, Kevin. The teams sort out, Azeez keeps watch as Apollo sets his belt aside to start against Kevin. Kevin sucker punches Sami then fires off on Apollo! Kevin whips Apollo and runs him over! Then Kevin goes out to get Sami and throw him into barriers! Kevin fires off hands, then throws Sami into more barriers! Kevin returns to the ring but Apollo BOOTS him! Apollo runs but into Kevin’s LARIAT! Kevin drops a senton, then sees Sami getting up! Kevin DECKS Sami, goes out to mug Sami, and throw him into more barriers!

Kevin returns to the ring again but Apollo stomps him down! Apollo is furious as he gets Kevin up to throw haymakers. Sami wants in so Apollo tags him. Sami fires off hands on Kevin in return for everything, but lets off as the ref counts. Sami stands on Kevin’s head in the corner, then lets off at the count. Tag to Apollo, Kevin fights back but Sami gets a cheap shot in. Apollo CLUBS Kevin down, drags him back up and snap suplexes! Cover, ONE! Apollo gets Kevin up to whip him into the corner. Tag to Sami, Sami throws hands, Kevin hits back! Kevin CHOPS, Sami RAMS him into the corner! Sami digs Kevin in and tags in Apollo.

Apollo mugs Kevin, drags him up and around to whip to ropes. Kevin kicks back, dodges Apollo, and tags in Big E! Big E gets Apollo for an OVERHEAD suplex! Big E DECKS Sami, and OVERHEAD suplexes Apollo again! And then the side Belly2Belly! Big E runs side to side for the BIG SPLASH onto knees! Apollo gets up to whip Big E, but Big E escapes the Olympic Slam to hit the Urenag-E! Cover, TWO! Azeez looks worried and frustrated as Big E watches Apollo. Apollo gets up, Big E scoops him, but Apollo slips out to ENZIGURI! And STRAITJACKET GERMAN! Cover, TWO! Apollo is frustrated, and he gets Big E up again to whip, but Big E reverses!

Apollo is on the apron, Big E runs in but Apollo dodges the spear! Big E hits the ground and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown is back as Apollo stomps Big E in the corner. Tag to Sami and he stomps, then rains down rights and lefts! Sami hammers Big E, tags Apollo back in, and Apollo throws hands on Big E. The ref counts, Apollo lets off to soak up some heat. Apollo rushes back in but Big E hits back! Apollo gets a leg to keep Big E from reaching Kevin! The ref makes sure Sami holds the rope before Apollo makes the tag. The tag counts and Sami drops an elbow on Big E! Sami throws clubbing crossface forearms then wraps on a chinlock. Big E fights up and fights out but Sami drop toeholds to keep him down! Sami has a leg, drags Big E back, and anchors the leg to tag in Apollo!

Apollo stomps Big E, jumps for a big elbow drop, then covers, TWO! Apollo keeps cool, runs in and SPLASHES Big E in the corner! Apollo hops up, but Big E avoids the froggy-body! Both men crawl, hot tags to Sami and Kevin! Kevin tackles Sami and rains down fists! Sami scrambles to ropes but Kevin stomps him in the corner! Sami bails out, Kevin fires up and is on the apron, CANNONBALL! Direct hit then a BACK SENTON adds on! Kevin is red hot as he throws Sami back in the ring. Sami staggers up, Kevin runs in for a BIG corner clothesline! Kevin keeps moving, CORNER CANNONBALL! Kevin goes up top while Sami is down, SWANTON BOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Kevin seethes while Sami survives, but Kevin gets him up. Kevin puts Sami in a corner and CHOPS him! Kevin hoists Sami up top, climbs up to join him, but Sami CLUBS Kevin down! Sami adjusts, Kevin runs in under the jump! Tag to Apollo but Kevin SUPERKICKS him! Kevin whips Apollo, for a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Cover, Sami breaks it with a basement dropkick! The ref reprimands, Sami goes back to his corner and reaches for Apollo. Apollo crawls, as does Kevin, but Big E is off the corner. Sami tags in and goes after Kevin, but Kevin fights off the Half ‘n’ Half! Kevin elbows Sami, runs, but Sami reels him in for a HALF ‘N’ HALF! Cover, TWO!!

Sami is furious but he gets Kevin up, BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! Cover, Big E breaks it! Apollo gets in and waistlocks but Big E throws elbows. Big E runs to CLOBBER Apollo and himself out of the ring! Sami runs but Kevin dodges the kick to kick and STUNNER!! Cover, Kevin and Big E win!

Winners: Big E & Kevin Owens, by pinfall

It wasn’t a pin on the champ but it was good enough for Kevin! Azeez grabs a mic and the belt to give to Apollo and Apollo responds! “Stop, stop! Stop the music! Why are you celebrating, huh?! You did not beat me! It’s clear that the only reason you guys won the match is because I was burdened with this idiot, Sami Zayn!” If they think they can beat Apollo, how about we do this again next week? Big E & Kevin Owens VS Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez! Kevin and Big E figured it’d go that way, and dare them to do this NOW!

But then Sami fires up and gets mad at being called an idiot. Apollo is a fraud and a liar who set Sami up! Is Apollo in on this with Kevin? This is all to keep Sami away from HIS Intercontinental Championship! Apollo owes Sami an apology! He doesn’t get an apology, he gets a NIGERIAN NAIL! Apollo says Sami will never, EVER have the title again! Will Sami ever be able to speak again? And as for Kevin and Big E, will they ruin Azeez’s in-ring debut?


Rey Mysterio talks with Adam Pearce backstage.

The King of Lucha is furious over what happened last week, that much is clear. But what will Scrap Iron do for Rey to get back at Roman?


The Street Profits talk backstage.

But again, Chad Gable interrupts. Gable is here to apologize for Otis. Otis thought Gable wanted an apology, and Gable says that wasn’t the case at all. Otis just gets overprotective, that’s all. And that gets hard to control. But as a grand gesture, Gable got their tag match canceled. What? Why does Gable keep doing them favors they don’t want? The Profits know Gable can’t control Otis, but they can. So if Otis ever steps to them again, they’ll slap him back to the Jurassic period! T-Rex arms and everything! The Profits don’t know when to stop, do they? This is their problem! They never know when to shut their mouths!

So now they’ve gone and done it. They’ve talked themselves back into the match tonight! Who will it be? 1v1 with Gable, who is bringin’ the smoke? Dawks will get this. Ford says he’s got this. Nah nah nah, fam, Dawks insists. They gotta teach him a lesson. Ford says Gable is his. Then how about as a favor, Gable won’t even have Otis ringside. But that’s only if Dawkins stays back, too. That raises the stakes. You’ve got your match, G. Then there’s the match. And by the way, Otis is still angry. Is that a veiled threat that Otis won’t stay back?


Jey goes to Roman.

Roman stands up and wonders where Jimmy went. Jey explains that Jimmy is out there, mad and stuff. Jey isn’t sure what Jimmy’s talking about. But where is he? Jimmy said if Roman wants to see him, Roman’s got to go to the Usos’ locker room. Roman laughs. Their locker room? Yeah, the Usos have one. Wow, they have one. Roman doesn’t know why Jimmy is doing this to Jey. Why is Jimmy putting Jey in the middle, making Roman out to be the bad guy? Their locker room, huh? You sure that ain’t “Roman’s Cousin’s Locker room?” The Usos’ locker room, huh? Roman tells Jey to go tell Jimmy, that he’s coming… On his time.


Carmella VS Liv Morgan!

The (self-proclaimed) Most Beautiful Woman in the WWE swaggers about, having already beaten Liv once before. Will Liv make sure Carmella has to change that self-given title after this rematch?

SmackDown returns as Liv makes her entrance. The bell rings and Liv ROCKS Mella with a right hand then dribbles her off buckles! Liv stomps a mudhole in then lets off to climb up and stomp from above! Liv lets off again, but Mella again dodges ObLIVion! Mella drags Liv outside the ring, RAMS her into the apron then TOSSES Her into barriers! Mella tells commentary to tell the world how beautiful she is! Michael Cole adds “self-proclaimed” and Mella gets upset. Mella puts Liv in and puts Liv in the corner to choke her! Mella lets off to throw elbow after elbow! Mella ROCKS Liv, then struts around to soak up the heat.

Mella comes back, but Liv throws body shots! Mella CLUBS Liv down and is upset now. Mella rains down lefts and rights, then covers, TWO! Liv is still in this and Mella is frustrated. Mella drags Liv up, whips her to a corner, and then runs in, but Liv gets around for a WING SNAPPER and BOOT into buckles! Liv runs in, but into a BOOT from Mella! Mella grins as Liv sputters and gasps. Mella takes her time getting Liv up but Liv hits back! Mella hammers away and mocks Liv. Mella pie faces Liv against ropes and pisses Liv off! Liv blocks the Fabulous Kick to put Mella on ropes! OBLIVION!! Cover, Liv wins!!

Winner: Liv Morgan, by pinfall

Liv evens things up with Mella, blows a kiss then takes her leave. Mella is upset and tells Greg Hamilton to announce her as “still the Most Beautiful Woman in the WWE.” She always has to have the last word. But will her ego cost her down the line?


Bayley gets ready backstage.

She’s preparing for the big return of her talk show, but none of the cards her assistant hands her are good enough. Will the Role Model be ready for the Architect?


SmackDown presents an all new DING DONG, HELLO~!

Bayley walks in through her door, and she welcomes us back to “the hottest talk show on TV today.” Look, she upgraded the set! She brought her Hall of Bayley pics to help us fans feel better. But enough about her, on to her guest! This is a WWE Grand Slam Champion, just like Bayley, and he is “THE Drip God,” Seth Freakin’ Rollins! Rollins makes his entrance and is in a mix ‘n’ match suit of mauve and sky blue. Rollins even uses the door! Bayley is willing to let Rollins have the big fancy arm chair. Rollins thanks her and loves what she’s done with her set. Bayley says if Rollins needs anything to drink, just tell Michael Cole. HAH!

Bayley also thanks Rollins for using the door like a professional. Well of course! That’s what the door is for! Rollins thanks Bayley for having her on a proper show for a proper interview. And Rollins also adds that he’s a huge fan of Bayley. Aw stop! No, really! And as of late, Bayley has been on fire! Next level! What Bayley has done with Bianca Belair, putting her in her place time and time again! And what is it with kids these days? The lack of respect! They don’t care that Bayley is a top-tier, elite athlete. Bianca is that, too, but she still needs respect. And Rollins has no doubt that Bayley will mop the floor with “Belanca!”

But in all seriousness, he has to know. Last week, there was a moment that was a masterclass in mind games. Rollins cues up the clips and will have Bayley give him the secrets after. What Rollins is talking about is Bayley taking over the ThunderDome screams so that there were HUNDREDS of laughing Bayley faces! Bayley and Rollins both laugh in the present at how Bayley had the last laugh last week. That’s a knee slapping good time! Her face was everywhere! Where she at? EVERYWHERE~! Rollins catches his breath and might take Michael up on that drink. It feels good to laugh, though. Laughter is the best medicine! But if he thought that was good, and it was, wait until he sees this!

Bayley shows footage of Rollins attacking Cesaro three weeks ago! The multiple Curb Stomps to the point where Cesaro needed a stretcher! Rollins looks very serious and Bayley feels awkward. But then they both laugh! They laugh at Cesaro’s bad arm and how he never saw this coming. Wait, someone rings the bell/ Did someone order food? Did someone get them a surprise? Well this is Bayley’s show, she’s already done so much for him, Rollins will be a gentleman and get that for her. He answers the door and… IT’S CESARO! Cesaro DECKS Rollins then fires off hands! His arm is good, too, so he’s using both to THROW Rollins into Bayley’s pictures!

Cesaro RAMS Rollins into the door, tears up the suit, and Bayley can’t watch as Cesaro RAMS Rollins back through the door! The door falls, so Rollins gets thrown into the stool! Cesaro throws pieces of the set and now Rollins runs away! Bayley is stunned, Rollins’ suit is ruined, but the Swiss Superman is feeling great! Will Bayley need an even bigger upgrade to her set after tonight? Wait, wait, wait! Here comes BIANCA BELAIR! The EST has a mic and an outfit that is quite literally fire! Bianca tells Bayley, “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The tables have been turned, but who will get THE last laugh at Hell in a Cell?


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio.

Rey says Dominik is hurt, and Roman Reigns viciously hurt him like he’s just some prey. It doesn’t matter how big and bad you are, you go after his son, Rey goes after you. Rey’s seen Dom in so much pain, and it is torture for Rey. Rey vowed on the day Dom was born that he would take care and protect his son. Last week, Rey failed that vow. Rey says Dom’s injuries aren’t an accident. They were caused by a man who claims to be all about family, yet won’t even think twice about destroying his own! Roman can do whatever he wants to his own family, but now you’re messing with the Mysterios! That is Rey’s son, his reason for being!

Rey says later tonight, he will be out in the ring. And he’s calling Roman out! If Roman dares to come out, Rey will show him what family looks like! Will vengeance be Rey’s to take? Or will he suffer even worse than what happened to Dominik?


Chad Gable VS Montez Ford!

This may seem like a downgrade from the huge tag team match The Street Profits wanted, but things could still get out of control! Will the Alpha Academy’s top (and only) teacher teach #KingTez a thing or two? Or will Ford use this to show Otis why he should drop out of the program?

SmackDown returns and Gable is already in the ring. Gable complains why Ford’s music was playing again but the bell rings. The two circle, tie up, and go around. Gable arm-drags Ford and shouts, “For the Academy!” Ford keeps cool and resets with Gable. They tie up again, go around, and Ford arm-drags Gable! Ford mockingly shots, “The Academy~!” Gable keeps cool and they reset again. Gable shoots in to get a waistlock and then trips Ford to float for a facelock. Ford fights up, Gable gets to a waistlock again but Ford switches. Gable switches, Ford switches, repeat, and Gable wrenches but Ford wrenches back.

Gable rolls, bridges, handsprings, and spins through to headlock, hammerlock then drop toehold! Gable floats to get the armlock and grinds Ford down. Dawkins watches closely backstage but Gable steps over to wrench the arm. Ford fights up, powers through to wrench Gable back for a headlock and takeover! Gable headscissors but Ford kips free. Roles reverses as Gable headlocks and takes over, only for Ford to headscissor. Gable kips free to arm-drag, but Ford arm-drags back! Ford has the armlock, Gable endures and goes for a leg. Ford grinds the arm, Gable fights up and powers Ford to ropes. The ref counts the break, Gable throws a body shot!

Gable puts Ford in a corner for stomps and haymakers, but lets off as the ref counts. Gable whips Ford corner to corner, Ford goes up and over and then arm-drags Gable back to the armlock! Gable gets up, whips free but Ford sees the drop down. Ford body scissors to a cradle, TWO! Gable facelocks, whips Ford, but Ford reverses. Things speed up and Gable catches Ford out of the air for an ANKLE LOCK! Ford flails but Gable grapevines! Ford fights up to bridge! TWO, and Gable gets away! Gable runs back in but is put out! Gable trips Ford to drag him out, but Ford boots him away! Ford leaps over Gable and LEAPS to CANNONBALL! Direct hit and both men are down as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Gable hits a BIG back suplex! Ford writhes and gets to the apron while Gable grins. Gable gets Ford up on the apron but Ford shoulders into him! Ford slingshots but into a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO!! Gable gets Ford up and brings him around for another back suplex, but Ford lands on his feet! Ford tries to run but Gable clips him with a knee! Gable whips but Ford ducks and dodges, DOUBLE CROSSBODIES take both men down! Dawks rallies backstage but OTIS attacks him! The Dozer RAMS Dawks into a road case, and then RAMS him into another! The ringside deal didn’t include backstage!

Ford and Gable slowly rise, and Gable reels Ford in. Ford hits back with a haymaker, but Gable gives it back! Ford hits, Gable hits, and Ford gets the edge! Ford CLUBS away, whips Gable but Gable ducks, only to run into a SPINEBUSTER! Ford kips up and hits a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Ford hurries to a corner, climbs up top, FROM THE HEAVENS!! Cover, TWO!!! Gable survives, and then OTIS attacks!

Winner: Montez Ford, by disqualification

Otis throws Ford out of the ring! And hauls him up to TOSS him over the announce desk! Michael and McAfee clear out as Otis drags Ford back up, to RAM him into steel steps! The Dozer is like a terminator as he puts Ford back in the ring! Otis scoops Ford for the WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM! But he’s not done there! Otis climbs for a DOZER SPLASH!! Gable smiles, proud of his demolition machine demolishing the Profits! Dawkins hurries to help Ford but Otis easily throws him back out. Otis pushes Ford back to a drop zone, and Gable says they have to make him feel it! VADER BOMB!! Dawkins hurries back in and Gable has Otis stand down.

Referees and officials have the Alpha Academy leave, and SmackDown goes to break! What state will Ford be in when we return?


Shinsuke Nakamura w/ Rick Boogs VS King Corbin!

SmackDown returns with the King of Strong Style and Wolf King already in the ring, ready to fight again! Will this be what settles the score once and for all?

The bell rings and Boogs shreds and Nakamura BOOTS Corbin down! Nakamura gives Corbin Bad Vibrations while air guitaring with Boogs’ real guitar! Corbin fights up, but Nakamura ENZIGURIS! Nakamura hurries up the corner as Corbin crawls, and he hits a FLYING KNEE! Cover, TWO! Nakamura aims from the corner, “YAO~!” But Corbin catches him for DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Michael and McAfee admire the crown as Corbin POSTS Nakamura, then clubs away on him! The ref counts, Corbin lets off and he drags Nakamura out for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Corbin sits Nakamura up to DECK him, then gets him up to scoop.

Nakamura slips out, kicks but Corbin ducks to throw Nakamura down by his hair! But Nakamura rolls Corbin to a prawn hold! NAKAMURA WINS!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall

But Corbin CLOBBERS Nakamura! Corbin and Boogs stare down, and they both rush for the crown! Corbin catches Boogs to SMACK him off the desk! Corbin picks the crown up, holds it high, but Nakamura snatches it! And Boogs TOSSES Corbin over the desk! Nakamura still has the crown and Boogs still rocks! Will Corbin ever get back his crown? Or will he just have to  move on and return to being a Baron?


Roman sits with Jey in his suite.

Is Roman ready to talk with Jimmy? Yeah. “Let’s go to your locker room.” Roman gets up, Jey and Paul Heyman follow, but will things be civil in the Usos’ room?


Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville have an update on Montez Ford.

It is doesn’t look good. But then Corbin storms in and asks how much longer they’re going to allow such disrespect to happen! Corbin is ordering Pearce to order Nakamura to return the crown! Well, the crown looks better on Nakamura. Is this a joke to them?! No, this is serious business. How about this? Instead of giving the crown back, Nakamura will put it on the line in a match. Yes, that works, because they’re even at 2-2. Pearce suggests the match settle it, #BattlefortheCrown! Corbin glares at Pearce, but that isn’t a no. Will we once and for all know who is the one true king of Friday Night SmackDown?


Jimmy paces in the Usos’ room.

The Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal trophy is in here, as Jey won it. Roman arrives and says it’s “quaint.” Heyman hands Roman the belt and Roman has Heyman excuse himself so the family can talk. “You see this? Do you understand-” NO! Jimmy doesn’t understand anything about the Universal Championship, nor does he care to! Jimmy doesn’t care what Roman wears, he cares about what is inside them! Jimmy cares about Jey AND Roman, but the truth is, Uce, Roman’s been doing this since they were kids. Roman has been working the system, using and abusing them. Jimmy’s watched as Roman’s been doing that a whole year, like it was nothing!

Jimmy says he was hurt deep to his soul. He doesn’t want to take Roman’s place. Jimmy knows Roman is a future hall of famer! But he isn’t going to be inducted as Roman Reigns. He’ll be inducted as the spoiled BITCH! Roman says this is what he was talking about. This is how Jey is being put in the middle. Jimmy says no one is doing that. This is Jey doing what Jey’s always been doing. Jimmy and Roman argue more and more, and Jey shouts for them both to chill out! Enough of this! Jey is tired of Jimmy AND Roman telling him what to do! Jey is out! Jimmy calls after Jey, but then says this is Roman’s fault! Now what are they going to do? Does Roman want to throw down?

Jimmy doesn’t care anymore! They can throw down! Let’s go, Uce! Roman doesn’t get what Jimmy is going on about. Jimmy wants to fight Roman? For what? What has Roman done? They aren’t little kids anymore! This isn’t about all that, this is about family! Jimmy should be with them! This is how they represent the family. Why would Jimmy do this to Jey? They’re twins, but who came out first? So Jimmy is older? Yeah? Then he should be looking out for Jey! Roman shouldn’t have to depend on Jey to reel Jimmy in! Jimmy should be the one Roman depends on! This isn’t about any one of them, but about ALL OF THEM!

And the only way to do that is to be them and be the best ever! That is all Roman knows, and all Roman’s ever known! So why would Jimmy do this to Jey? Why would he do that? How could he do that? Since day one? And Jimmy let Jey go? Jey busts his ass for a whole year now, and Jimmy just lets him go? For what? They’re brothers! And yet Jimmy does this to him. Make this right, Jimmy. For him, and for them. This is their family. Jimmy starts to see what Roman means, and heads out to find Jey. What elaborate chess game is Roman playing with his own flesh and blood?


Rey Mysterio heads to the ring!

Speaking of his own flesh and blood, the King of Lucha Libre is going through with calling the Tribal Chief out! Will Roman respond? Will Rey avenge what happened to Dominik?

SmackDown returns once more, and Rey says he is right here, waiting on Roman. Roman disrespected Rey’s family, so he’s waiting for Roman to respond. Rey frowns as nothing happens, and shouts for Roman to get out here. Roman’s music plays, and Roman appears, Paul Heyman following. Heyman hands Roman the Universal Championship to hold up for the pyro. Roman then hands the belt back to Heyman for him to hold up like a banner to show who Roman is as they go to ringside. Roman doesn’t seem to be taking Rey seriously despite entertaining this demand. Heyman again hands the belt over for the second round of pyro.

Rey takes a moment before he tells Roman, “This is what you wanted to hear. I acknowledge you, Roman.” WHAT?! “I acknowledge you… for the rat bastard that you are!” AHA! Rey says he also acknowledge Roman as the rat who put his hands on Rey’s son! Rey acknowledges Roman as a man he is willing to fight, even if he knows he’ll lose. And Rey also acknowledges Roman as the man that he wants to fight inside Hell in a Cell! Roman looks almost amused, but Rey says that now it’s Roman’s turn to acknowledge the challenge. Rey tosses the mic down at Roman’s feet, but Heyman hands Roman his personal mic.

“I acknowledge you. I acknowledge you as a father-” Rey has a KENDO STICK! And he smacks away on Roman! Roman blocks a shot to HEADBUTT Rey down! Roman is stinging but where did Rey even get that stick? Rey gets up, but Roman drags him up! Rey has the stick again and SMACKS away on Roman! And again! Roman gets up to TOSS Rey out of the ring! Roman is seething, he runs and SUPERMAN PUNCHES Rey back down! Roman clears the ring of the kendo stick and he paces around in a fury. Roman aims from a corner as Rey rises, “OOOAH~!” But DOMINIK SMACKS Roman with kendo stick!

Roman kicks Dom, reels him in, and gets him up! Roman POWERBOMBS Dominik OUT OF THE RING!! “I TOLD YOUUUU!!” Dominik writhes on the ramp but Rey SMACKS Roman again! Rey has Roman heading for the ramp, and then checks on Dom. Roman comes back to BOOT Rey down! Roman wants to do even worse but referees and officials stop him! Heyman also says it is best they leave it at this, and Roman accepts his Special Counsel’s advice. But what about Rey’s challenge for Hell in a Cell? Will Roman accept after all? And will he make Rey suffer for this act of defiance?

My Thoughts:

A very good SmackDown, but I still feel there was a lot left to be desired. There’s been quite a bit of copy and pasting here as there has been on Raw, such as with the Nakamura and Corbin story. I do like that we’re finally getting a match for the crown, but I feel like we could’ve gotten this a bit sooner. And them saying it’s just a regular match isn’t as fun, either. It should be something where Ricky Boogs won’t be a factor. Nakamura needs to prove he can still win on his own, using the Strong Style we all know he is king of. Then Liv VS Mella again so soon is a mixed back, but naturally Liv ties up the series. I feel like they’re going to keep going for a bit while the SmackDown Women’s title is busy.

Speaking of which, we got a great talk show segment with Bayley, Rollins, Cesaro and Bianca. Bayley and Rollins are really good at laughing, because I’m pretty sure all of that was forced. Cesaro had a great return and I love how dejected Bayley felt after her set was ruined. Bianca also has a good laugh, and I wonder if hers was real. We got a great tag match with the Intercontinental Championship scene, and it makes sense for Sami to take the loss. Azeez is finally getting in the ring for a match, he and Apollo will have a great match with Kevin and Big E, but I can’t be sure who wins. The winner on the Face team could be seen as the frontrunner for a title match, but again we see the shame in Aleister Black being released at this point.

I feel like it’s also a shame they downgraded the tag match to a singles match, but it was pretty clear Gable was going to divide and conquer the Profits when he gave that little line about Otis still being mad. Shaven Otis was quite the shock, and he got to just demolish the Profits. The tag match is still on the horizon, I can feel it, and that is going to be awesome. The Roman Reigns story was again the backbone of the show, and we got quite the character arc. Roman passive aggressively getting at Jey, Jimmy and Jey arguing, and then Jey actually standing up to both sides, followed by Roman turning things around on Jimmy, this is not quite the direction I expected for this, but I’m liking it.

I also liked Rey and Dom taking the fight to Roman, and of course Roman was going to beat the hell out of them in return. Though there were obviously edits and camera angles to hide how Dom didn’t get truly demolished from that powerbomb to outside the ring, that was just a great spot in general, something still only possible thanks to the ThunderDome. Roman VS Rey being in the Cell, title optional, is going to be big, but I was still hoping for something with Roman, Jimmy and Jey. Maybe with PPV’s moved around, we’ll get an actual one year anniversary moment in October with Extreme Rules, Roman VS Jimmy, or maybe even Roman VS Jimmy VS Jey should Jey not want to join either side.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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