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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (6/4/21)

Bloodlines battle over belts!



Coverage SmackDown 2021

SmackDown pits history against history!

Jimmy and Jey want to reign alongside Roman, but they have to get those SmackDown Tag Team titles off Rey & Dominik Mysterio first! Will the Usos put Friday nights back on lockdown?


  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships: Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Usos; The Mysterios win and retain the titles.
  • Carmella VS Liv Morgan; Carmella wins.
  • King Corbin VS Shinsuke Nakamura w/ Rick Boogs; Corbin wins.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Apollo Crews VS Kevin Owens; Crews wins and retains the title.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships (redo): Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Usos; The Mysterios win by disqualification and retain the titles.


SmackDown opens with Roman Reigns!

The WWE Universal Champion walks out on stage, Paul Heyman carrying the title for him. Heyman hands the belt over so that Roman can hold it up under the pyro. The introductions are made before Roman hands the belt back to Heyman and they go to the ring. Heyman then hands the belt back so Roman can lift it back up and enjoy his second round of pyro. Heyman now hands Roman the mic, and he takes a moment before speaking as the ThunderDome fans boo. “I believe in being very direct about how I’m feeling. Last Friday, by the end of the night, I wasn’t happy.

“But with the counsel of a wise man,” with a wink and nod to Heyman, “and a full week to chew on it, I changed my position on this tag team championship opportunity that my cousins, the Usos, have tonight.” Roman is THE centerpiece of the WWE, but he is a giver. He is allowing this to happen. But to be very clear, Roman tells Jimmy that he said it all last week and is feeling it right now. If Jimmy says they’re going to win, then they better win. As a matter of fact, why waste any more time? There’s a lot on Roman’s plate. Wise Heyman, bring Roman’s cousins out. Heyman shouts to the ring announcer to hit the Usos’ music, the music plays and the Usos make their entrance.

Jimmy & Jey are fired up as they join Roman in the ring and get mics for themselves. Jey says, “OG, Tribal Chief, what up, Uce?” Jimmy isn’t as cordial but Roman tells him it’s his turn to acknowledge him. Jimmy thought he did. Hell in a Cell, when Roman choked him and Jey out. But that’s not what this is about. Tonight is about becoming SEVEN TIME tag team champions! Tonight is about putting SmackDown back on lockdown! Tonight is about making the whole family proud! What we gonna do, Uce? Gon’ get ’em! That’s right! SEVEN TIME champs, coming soon! Roman nods and smirks, and wishes them luck.

Jimmy called their shot, he gets that. Roman does that, too. But Roman gets the job done. So again, if Jimmy says they’re winning, then they better win. And remember, Jey knows this, but their whole family is watching. Get the job done. Bring Roman the titles when it’s over. Oh yeah, Uce! Seven time champs, coming soon! Welcome to the USO! PENITENTIARY!! Roman nods and takes his leave with Heyman following behind. The Usos are ready but here come the Mysterios! Will the first-ever father-son tag team champions lose in only their second defense?

SmackDown Tag Team Championships: Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Usos!

SmackDown returns, the teams sort out and Dominik starts against Jimmy. The titles are raised, the bell rings and the two tie up. They go around, Dom puts Jimmy in a corner but Jimmy turns it around to headlock. Dom powers out, Jimmy runs him over, and Jimmy fires up. Things speed up, Dom hurdles to dropkick and arm-drag! Dom has an armlock, Jimmy fights up but Rey tags in. The Mysterios double whip and double hip toss! Rey runs and Dom helps out, POWERBOMB SENTON! Cover, TWO! Rey keeps cool and KICKS Jimmy. Rey throws hands, Jey tags in and Jimmy reverses the whip. The Usos double back elbow then double elbow drop! Jey covers, TWO!

Jey drags Rey up, scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Jey glares then covers, TWO! Jey runs to a corner and runs back, but the falling headbutt misses! Rey throws hands, whips, but JEy reverses. Rey slides under, tilt-o-whirls and arm-drags Jey into ropes! Jimmy gets to check but Rey gets Jey up for knees. Rey whips, Jimmy tags in and Jey reverses. Flapjack HOTSHOT from the Usos! Jimmy covers, TWO! Roman watches backstage as Jimmy hammers on Rey. Cover, TWO, but Jimmy wraps on a chinlock. Jimmy grinds Rey down but Rey reaches for Dom. Rey fights up as ThunderDome fans rally, and he JAWBREAKERS free!

Jimmy wobbles, but he kicks Rey. Rey blocks but gets the DRAGON WHIP! Cover, TWO! Jimmy grows annoyed but he chokes Rey on ropes! The ref counts, Jimmy lets off, and Jey gets a cheap shot in! Dom protests but there’s nothing he can do. Tag to Jey, the Usos split the wishbone! Jey stays between the Mysterios as he talks trash. Rey bails out, Jey pursues, and Jey gets Rey up for a BARRIER BACK SUPLEX! Jey hauls Rey into the ring, drags him over, and anchors a leg to tag in Jimmy. Jimmy stomps Rey, digs his boot in, then stomps again! Jimmy sits Rey up and clamps on a chinlock. Rey endures, fights up and throws elbows, but Jimmy shoves.

Rey KICKS Jimmy, gets around, but Jimmy goes to ropes. Jey tags in as Jimmy bucks Rey away, Rey dodges Jimmy and DECKS Jey! Rey springboards backwards to get on Jimmy’s shoulders! Rey headscissors Jimmy out of the ring! The Usos regroup as Rey builds speed, and Rey slides, into a fireman’s carry, SAMOAN DROP to the announce desk! It was double-edge for Jey but the Usos are back on top of things as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Jey is stomping a mudhole into Rey! The ref counts, Jey lets off but then Jey gets in Rey’s face and pulls at the mask! Jey sits Rey up for more stomps, then taunts Dom before running in to HIP ATTACK! Tag to Jimmy, he climbs up and Jey stands Rey up. They coordinate, AX HANDLE BACKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Jey tags back in, the Usos mug Rey, and Jey taunts Rey as he crawls. Jey clamps on a camel clutch then focuses on just the chinlock. Rey endures, fights up, and throws elbows. Rey throws hands, Jey shoves him away but runs into a drop toehold! Jey eats buckles, Rey crawls for his corner! Hot tag to Jimmy and he CLOBBERS Rey!

Jimmy drags Rey away, tags Jey back in, and Jey runs for a FALLING HEADBUTT! Jey stays between the Mysterios again and dares Rey to get up. Rey slowly rises, Jey stands him up and ROCKS him with an uppercut! Jey and Jimmy coordinate, but Rey dodges the splash! Jimmy tags in, Jey keeps Rey cornered, but Rey fights back with elbows and boots! Rey BOOTS Jimmy AND dodges Jey! Jey POSTS himself, Jimmy is down on the apron, and Rey crawls to the far side! HOT TAG! Dom DIVES and takes out BOTH Usos! Dom puts Jimmy in, springboards, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Dom hits Jey with a NECKBREAKER! Jimmy mule kicks and stops the rally!

Jimmy whips Dom to a corner, Dom goes up and over and kicks low. Dom knuckle locks, CHOPS, and goes up and up for a FLYING TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy survives but Dom hasn’t lost focus. Dom goes up the corner, but Jimmy ROCKS him with an uppercut! Jimmy throws headbutts, climbs up to join Dom, and gets Dom up. Dom fights the superplex but Jey tags in! Dom shoves Jimmy and elbows Jey! Dom leaps but Jimmy goes under! Dom runs, but into a POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Dom survives and the Usos can’t believe it! Dom gets to ropes, Jey tags in Jimmy. The Usos aim at Dom, but Dom ducks the superkicks! Dom dumps both Usos out!

Rey is there and he LEAPS to Seated Senton Jey! Jimmy SUPERKICKS Rey down! Jimmy GAMANGIRIS Dom, but Dom drop toeholds him to ropes! Dom dials it up, but into a SUPERKICK! Jimmy climbs, aims, USO SPLASH onto knees! Dom gets a victory roll, the Mysterios win?!

Winners: The Mysterios, by pinfall (still SmackDown Tag Team Champions)

Wait, wait, wait! Did Jimmy get out or not? He had a shoulder up on one side, but the side the ref wasn’t watching! Jey saw it, too, but “the referee’s decision is final.” Will the Mysterios be champions much longer with this close of a victory?

Roman is not happy, either. “Bring ’em to me now.” Heyman hurries off while the Usos still argue the controversy. Will justice be served? Or simply the punishments for failure?


SmackDown returns as the Usos talk with Roman.

Jimmy explains that they got cheated! The shoulder was up, and Jimmy knows Roman was watching. Roman shouts, “I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!!” To Roman, a loss is a loss. And they lost to a child! Jimmy called his shot but he lost and embarrassed the family! What did Roman say about that? The only thing they’re lucky about is that there’s still time left in the night. So go to Adam Pearce, Sonya Deville, whoever, and correct this mistake. Roman wants this fixed TONIGHT.

And before they go, they need to understand Roman’s position. “You guys are six-time tag team champions, who made the WrestleMania show once. And in less than a year with the Universal Champion, with the Tribal Chief, with the Head of the Table, Jey closed the show, walked out with his head held high, holding our culture, our heritage, our family above his head for the whole world to see.” Does Jimmy understand his position? Roman is looking at Jey… Oh, right. But the way things are going, does it matter anyways? Roman keeps rubbing salt in the wound, but will Jey stand for it much longer?


Kayla Braxton sits down for an interview with Seth Rollins.

She introduces him as a man who has had quite the impression on the WWE Universe lately, and he thanks her for having him. She asks about what he did to Cesaro a couple weeks ago. What explanation does he have for his actions? That is to say, a blindside attack on an already damaged Cesaro, then shouting in Cesaro’s face as he was being stretchered out of the building. Rollins sees the footage and just shrugs. Kayla says Cesaro always comes back and is very resilient, and Rollins stops her there. He sees how she’s faming things. “Please remember: I don’t owe you or the WWE Universe anything. Certainly not my time or an answer to your leading question.”

She admits he has a point there. But this doesn’t take away from Cesaro never giving up or backing down. What will Rollins do when Cesaro returns? Rollins takes the lapel mic off, holds it out to her, then drops it on the floor. In other words, “no comment.” Will he uses his actions to respond whenever it is the Swiss Superman returns to SmackDown?


The Street Profits speak.

“Father and son tag team champions.” The Usos di good, but- Oh, Chad Gable walks over and says he is compelled to advise them on their downward trend. He’s been doing some tape study and it is obvious. The Profits are down. For example, Montez Ford has lost at least 6 inches on his splash. And Dawkins’ “Sky High” spinebuster is more like a grounded median. But just look at what Gable has done for Otis! He can do this for them, too! They need management from an Olympian! Are they ready to unleash their inner alphas? Can Gable get the smoke? Wow he did not just… But how insulting! To think they’d need him. That’s a no from them, fam. A hard one. Will Gable make the Profits pay for passing on his offer?


The Usos find both Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce in the office.

Jimmy & Jey know they saw what they saw! They got CHEATED! The ref ain’t got it right! Yes, yes, there was a mistake. But again, referee decisions are final. Sonya agrees there, but also agrees with the Usos about there being a clear mistake. So they’re going to get a rematch? Well, Sonya and Pearce will review the footage, talk it over, and get back to the Usos before the night is over. Fair enough, right? Alright, so long as management makes it right. Which way will Sonya and Pearce go knowing the Usos and Roman want answers?


Carmella VS Liv Morgan!

Mella is money and always feeling herself. But will the UNTOUCHABLE and self-proclaimed most beautiful woman in all of the WWE have to get ugly to win against the rebel without a riot?

SmackDown returns as Liv makes her entrance. The bell rings and Mella talks trash then pie faces Liv around. Liv chases Mella out of the ring, around the ring, and back into the ring. Liv catches the sneaky stomps and drags Mella out to TOSS her into barriers! The ring count starts, Liv gets Mella up to THROW her again! Liv refreshes the count, dribbles Mella off the apron, and then taunts her before giving one last bump! Liv puts Mella in the ring at 6 of 10, but Mella goes to the other side of the corner. Liv storms over but into a kick to her leg! Mella then gets Liv with a mule kick to the face! Liv flounders to the corner, Mella talks trash and throws elbow after elbow!

Mella lets off as the ref counts, and she brings Liv up to snapmare. Cover, ONE! Mella is annoyed and talks more trash as she pie faces again. Mella whips Liv to a corner but Liv reverses. Liv runs in to back body block, then goes again, Mella dodges but Liv gets her for a WING SNAPPER and a BOOT into buckles! Liv fires up, runs and goes up the corner to STOMP Mella down! Cover, TWO! Liv keeps going, but Mella dodges ObLIVion and throws Liv down! Liv flounders up into Mella’s drop toehold! Mella floats to the CODE OF SILENCE! Liv taps, Mella wins!

Winner: Carmella, by submission

Mella calls the ring announcer over to add “the most beautiful woman in all the WWE” to her title. Looks aside, will Mella look to go back after the title soon enough?


The Mysterios are heading out.

They have their luggage ready but Pearce and Sonya find them just before they get to the door. Pearce explains that going over the footage again and again made it clear, the ref made a mistake. That match shouldn’t have ended that way, and the Usos deserve another shot. The titles will be on the line again, tonight. Seriously? Yes. Dom’s fine with that. Rey goes with Dom on this one, and they head back to the locker room. Will the Mysterios make sure they get a more definitive win over Jimmy & Jey this time? Or will the Usos redeem themselves in the eyes of Roman?


Bianca Belair heads to the ring!

The SmackDown Women’s Champion gets a mic to say, “Ever since I beat Sasha Banks and won this title at WrestleMania, Bayley has been so pressed.” But the only thing Bayley’s done about it is laugh. So you’d think Bayley would realize that the fans aren’t laughing with her, they’re laughing at her. And what is so funny? Bianca will admit that Bayley’s laugh is getting to her. And that in itself is funny. Do we really think Bayley is the first person to try her? Gurl, uh-uh. People have been keeping her down since she was three feet tall. They want her to shrink herself to help their own insecurities. They’ve been playing mind games, saying she’s doing too much and showing off.

Oh and let’s not forget when some would say she was “mannish” for being muscular and athletic. But guess what? Bianca left all those people in the dust as she won trophy after trophy and championship after championship. So yeah, Bianca’s dealt with teasers, doubters and bullies. But after it all, Bianca has never had anyone laugh at her. “That’s utter disrespect, and I’m not standing for that.” This is what Bianca proposes to Bayley: If Bayley can’t stay fresh her whole life, but if she’s that committed, then BET. Bianca wants Bayley to take her cackling self to HELL IN A CELL, and then we’ll see who laughs last! So Bayley, what’s good?

Bianca waits, watches the ringside area for any ambushes, but still no Bayley. We don’t have all night! What’s Bayley going to do about the challenge? Bayley laughs and laughs and laughs. But where is she? Oh, now she’s on the titantron! DING DONG, HELLO~! You want Bayley to go out there? When is Bianca going to learn that the whole world doesn’t revolve her? Bayley’s been laughing at people like that her whole life! And she’s obviously not at the ThunderDome, she’s here via satellite! Bayley has her Wall of Bayley, where she goes to clear her mind and find peace so that she doesn’t go blabbing her mouth like some people she knows.

But if Bianca wants to clear her conscience and have a fair rematch, Bayley accepts. Then Bayley will win, and laughing. But not alone! Bayley laughs and laughs again, but Bianca holds up her belt. Wait, the ThunderDome screens are being hijacked by Bayley! Who’d Bayley pay to do that for her? But will Bayley be laughing much longer with Hell in a Cell on the horizon?


The Street Profits talk again.

Bayley is always getting at Bianca. But now Otis comes storming in? The Dozer says they’re out of line. Gable is trying to help them and yet they mock him? They need to apologize! Whoa, Otis, they aren’t letting anyone tell them what they need to do. Ford says to calm it down and handle this like adults. The Profits don’t owe anyone an apology. But Otis, Gable is holding you back! What has Otis really done since he and Gable teamed up? Maybe Otis should get a refund. Otis SLAPS Ford and SHOVES Dawkins down!! The Dozer is dedicated to a dangerous degree! Will the Profits get back up to knock these “alphas” down?


King Corbin VS Shinsuke Nakamura w/ Rick Boogs!

The Wolf King and the King of Strong Style are tied 1-1, and the crown is still with Nakamura! With his electric guitar playing bard still by his side, will Nakamura once again rock Corbin and roll in style?

The bell rings and Corbin rushes Nakamura. They tie up, go around the ropes and end up in a corner. Corbin fires off body shots and haymakers, the ref counts and Corbin argues with him. Corbin glares at Boogs, runs in but Nakamura dodges to ENZIGURI! Nakamura puts Corbin up for a TOP SHELF KNEE! Cover, ONE!! Corbin ROCKS Nakamura, gets him up for a TWO HAND SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Corbin rains down fists on Nakamura, but swings into an ARMBAR! Nakamura pulls but Nakamura scrambles around. Corbin gets a ropebreak, the ref counts and Nakamura lets off fast. Nakamura KICKS Corbin, throws knees, and gets him up.

Nakamura whips, Corbin reverses and runs in but Nakamura dodges. Corbin slides out, DECKS Boogs, then gets in, but into Nakamura’s STO! Cover, TWO! Nakamura aims and kicks but Corbin ducks and throws Nakamura down by his hair! Prawn hold, Corbin wins?!

Winner: King Corbin, by pinfall

The king grabs his crown, but Boogs anchors Corbin’s feet! Nakamura ROUNDHOUSES Corbin down, and gets the crown back again! Nakamura puts the crown back on and Boogs plays him off! Will we ever get to the bottom of who is the rightful ruler of SmackDown’s kingdom?


Kevin Owens is preparing backstage, as Azeez attacks!

With the commander banned from ringside, he’s getting in the screwjob early! Azeez rams Kevin into the wall, bounces him off a road case, then rams a road case into Kevin! The refs and officials rush in before a Nigerian Nail can finish Kevin off! Apollo passes by, smiling and laughing, will he even have to defend his title now?

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Apollo Crews VS Kevin Owens!

SmackDown returns and Apollo is already in the ring. He is still all smiles, thinking he’ll win by forfeit now. Kevin’s music still plays, and Kevin still walks out! Kevin wants to #JustKeepFighting, but will he #StunTheWorld by overcoming what Azeez just did to him?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the fists start flying! Apollo throws body shots and then stomps Kevin down! Apollo scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Kevin sputters as he goes to a corner but Apollo drags him out to stomp him more. Apollo gets Kevin up, kicks and throws hands then stomps a mudhole. The ref counts, Apollo lets off, and Kevin kicks back! Apollo ROCKS Kevin, and snap suplexes! Cover, ONE!! Kevin is tough but Apollo digs elbows into the ribs! Apollo drags Kevin up, whips but Kevin blocks. Apollo kicks and CLUBS Kevin, whips again, and kitchen sink knees Kevin down! Apollo grins and looms over Kevin as Kevin sputters and gasps.

Apollo gets Kevin up, reels him in for body shots, but Kevin CHOPS back! Apollo kicks low and Kevin goes to a corner. Apollo wrenches, whips corner to corner hard, and Kevin bounces off buckles! Kevin writhes as so much of his body hurts, but Apollo paces around him. Apollo is a shark with blood in the water, or perhaps a vulture picking at the bones. Apollo gets Kevin up to throw body shots, whips Kevin to ropes, but Kevin kicks back and CLOBBERS Apollo! BACK SENTON! Apollo gasps now as he gets to ropes. Kevin runs over and gets Apollo up to whip, but the ribs affect the pop-up! Apollo mule kicks the ribs!

Apollo runs but Kevin dumps him out! Kevin hurries to get back up, and build speed?! But the ribs hurt just from hitting ropes that hard! Kevin goes to the apron and Apollo trips him up! Kevin hits apron, Apollo hits an OLYMPIC SLAM to the floor! Apollo gloats and Kevin gasps while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Apollo RAMS Kevin into a corner! Kevin flounders and rolls, Apollo takes his time stalking Kevin so he can soak up the heat. Apollo stomps Kevin, gets him up, whips him to ropes and KNEES him against the ropes! Apollo throws hands, gets Kevin up, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Kevin writhes his way to ropes, but Apollo drags Kevin up. Kevin throws hands but Apollo kicks low and CLUBS him down. Apollo gets Kevin up for another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Apollo gloats again as he stalks Kevin to ropes. Apollo gets Kevin up to waistlock for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives but Apollo dares him to keep trying.

Kevin slowly rises, Apollo waistlocks again, but Kevin standing switches and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Kevin still has power despite his bad ribs! But he might have paid for it as he’s slow to stand up. Kevin throws haymakers and forearms but Apollo RAMS him into another corner. Apollo hoists Kevin up top, climbs up to join him, but Kevin holds off the superplex! Kevin throws body shots, and even headbutts, and Apollo falls back! Kevin adjusts, for a SWANTON BOMB onto knees! Apollo was ready, and he ENZIGURIS Kevin, into a STRAITJACKET GERMAN! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives but Apollo hits a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!!

Kevin is still in this and Apollo is growing frustrated. Apollo goes to a corner, climbs up top, and FROG SPLASHES but flops! Kevin SUPERKICKS from a corner! And then dodges Apollo to POST him! SUPERKICK again! Whip and POP-UP POWEBOMB!!! But Kevin has to crawl to the cover, TWO!! Apollo lives and Kevin is furious! But Kevin gets to the apron. The ribs slow him down as he tries to climb, but he fights through the pain. Apollo bails out to the apron but Kevin just adjusts course. Kevin throws hands from above, only for Apollo to fireman’s carry! APRON DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!! Apollo shoves Kevin to a cover, and wins!

Winner: Apollo Crews, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

The Pride of Nigeria may have won, but it took this much to do it, and that includes Azeez’s ambush! What will it take for anyone to have a fair fight with Apollo?

Sami Zayn runs into the ring! HE is the vulture as he gives Kevin a HELLUVA KICK! “Doesn’t feel good, does it, huh?! You’re already hurt, and then someone comes along and makes it worse!” That’s what Kevin did to Sami! Sami says he didn’t just kick Kevin, KARAM kicked Kevin!! But Sami isn’t done, he stomps Kevin down! Will Sami and Kevin ever settle things?


The Street Profits again try to have a conversation.

Otis just walks up and says they disrespected Gable, but Gable is the one being disrespectful. Otis wasn’t feeling their advice so there’s only one thing left to say: The Alphas better stay away and mind their own business. Because it doesn’t matter what kind of bulldozer or crane or whatever Otis thinks he is, they’re going to send him back to the dump, along with his partner, where they both belong. The Profits are up, and #WeWantTheSmoke. Will Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins look to tear down the Alpha Academy to get back to the titles?


SmackDown Tag Team Championships: Rey & Dominik Mysterio VS The Usos!

Twice on one Friday night, all because management wants to make it right! Jimmy & Jey got Sonya and Pearce to hear them out, and we settle score based on the controversial call! Will this be when lucky number seven becomes a reality? Or will the historic father-son duo finish it definitively?

The introductions are made again, the titles are raised again, and one way or another, someone’s walking out of here with the tag titles!

Dom and Jimmy start again in a true restart of the first time around. The bell rings and the fists start flying! Dom backs Jimmy down, whips but Jimmy reverses to CLOBBER him! Cover, TWO! Another try, TWO! A third try, ONE and referee Charles Robinson is watching the shoulders carefully. Jimmy CHOPS Dom to the corner, tags in Jey, and Jimmy digs his shoulder in so Jey can hit a forearm smash! Jey brings Dom around to scoop and SLAM! Jey covers, ONE! Jey shoves Dom to the corner, Dom hits back and hits Jimmy, too! Dom swings but Jey dodges and back suplexes to a NECKBREAKER!

Dom bails out but Jey builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the desk! The Usos are on top all over again as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Jey rains down furious fists on Dom! Dom can only guard but Jey goes for a cover, TWO! Jey snarls and he clamps on a chinlock. Jey squeezes tight and thrashes Dom around but Dom endures. Rey coaches Dom and the ThunderDome fans rally. Dom fights up, throws body shots and gets free, only for Jey to ROCK him with an uppercut! Jey gets Dom up and whips him, but Dom reverses to a wheelbarrow that sends Jey into buckles! Dom crawls for his corner, Jey crawls for his, hot tags to Jimmy and Rey! Rey dodges, hits Jey and then rallies on Jimmy! Rey whips, Jimmy reverses but Rey dodges and springboards for a CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Rey throws hands, whips again but Jimmy holds ropes to elbow Rey back. Jey tags in and gets Rey in position. Jey brings Rey up, Jimmy tags back in, but Rey RANAS Jey! Jimmy rolls Rey up, but Rey rolls through to KICK Jimmy out! Rey WRECKS Jimmy with a dropkick, then builds speed. SLIDE and SPLASH hits this time! Dom coaches Rey up as he and Jimmy go to the ring. Jimmy is in at 5 of 10, but Jey rushes Rey! Rey dodges and Jey gets post! Rey hurries back in and up the corner to hit a FLYING RANA! Jimmy staggers into ropes, Rey CLUBS him then dials it up! 619!! Dom wants in and Rey gives the tag!

Dom climbs up like Latino Heat, but ROMAN REIGNS gets in!? And SUPERMAN PUNCHES Dom down?!?

Winners: The Mysterios, by disqualification (still SmackDown Tag Team Champions)

Roman shouts, “What do you think this is?!” but Rey goes after Roman for that attack on Dom! Roman shoves Rey away to then SPEAR him down!! The Tribal Chief just ruined his cousins’ chances, just because he assumes they were going to lose! Roman is upset that they’re embarrassing the family, but he makes Rey pay by TOSSING him out of the ring! Roman goes out, sees Dom getting back up, and RAMS him into steel steps! Roman drags Rey up to RAM him into barriers! Dom gets up only for Roman to THROW him into barriers! Roman goes back for Rey and gets steel steps! Roman sees Dom getting up and tells Rey to watch what happens to his boy! STEEL STEP BATTERING RAM!

Roman goes back to Rey, and RAMS him with the steps! The ref shouts at Roman to stop this but he drags Rey up to toss him OVER the barriers! Roman storms back over to where he left Dom, gets him up and throws haymakers over and over! Roman gets Dom up, puts him in the ring, and scowls at Jimmy as he rains down fists on Dom! Heyman can’t even bring himself to watch but the Usos gets back in the ring. Roman drags Dom up into the GUILLOTINE! Dom flails but he’s turning red as he fades out! Jimmy says that’s enough, Roman’s made his point. Roman refuses to let Dom go until he is satisfied. Jimmy tells Jey they should get going. “Not like this, bruh.”

Jimmy exits, Roman seems offended that Jimmy would even suggest this. Jey is heading for the ropes but Roman gets in his face first. Roman is questioning Jey’s loyalties, and Jey is frozen in place. Roman goes back to raining fists down on Dom! Jey just watches as Roman dead lift POWERBOMBS Dom!! Roman’s brutality knows no bounds, will it scare Jey into obedience?

My Thoughts:

What a wild episode for SmackDown this week. It was rather clever for them to have the SmackDown Tag title match open the show just so there could be a way to have it still main event, too. With Roman being a tyrant, it makes sense that he wouldn’t accept excuses as well as demand the Usos do something about it. I find it surprising that management went with it, but I do get that Sonya wanted to use this moment to undermine Pearce again. Both the opener and the main event were great matches, even though Roman “ruins” the main event just because it looked like the Mysterios were winning. He doesn’t know if Jimmy was going to take the frog splash, or if Jey wasn’t going to make the save, but this could still be Roman refusing to let anyone else in the family have a spotlight. This also furthers that Roman VS Jimmy is coming, and Jey’s loyalty will be tested.

With all the releases, Ruby Riott included, Liv Morgan has no choice but to go solo again. I would’ve thought for that reason, they’d give her a better showing against Carmella, but nope. Mella comes out the winner, she’ll be waiting on the other side of HIAC and face Bianca for the title, I’m sure of it. Bianca’s promo was a bit shaky at first, maybe she wasn’t sure how to go that long without fans there actually cheering her on, but she found her footing. Bayley literally laughing at Bianca and then getting all the screens to be her was strange. Is Bayley becoming SmackDown’s Joker? This might be a weird step for Bayley’s Heel persona. Just put them in the Cell and let them steal the show.

The Profits and the Alpha Academy had perhaps one of the weirder ways of getting into a match with each other. The Profits were just trying to have their conversation style promos but kept getting interrupted. Actually, that much makes it creative. But they could’ve done all of it in one section: both Gable and Otis talk with the Profits about how Gable wants to “help” the Profits; the Profits get upset and make their jokes, Otis gets upset and attacks; match is announced. I fear with all the releases both in-ring and backstage, and whatever reason for it that’s coming down the line, the flaws of Raw are invading SmackDown and dragging it down slowly but surely.

This third Corbin VS Nakamura was the worst of the bunch this week! Yes, we get it! They’re fighting over the crown. Boogs continues to be a great sidekick but he should really be showing that he can compete in the ring. Corbin VS Nakamura needs to finish with the crown officially on the line, in a Ladder Match. Maybe Corbin wins the crown back officially, maybe Nakamura wins it to keep it once and for all and forcing Corbin to change his gimmick again. Maybe someone random takes it away, spurring on a new King of the Ring Tournament, which should happen period. It’d be the thing WWE RawDown has needed to get ratings back up and get fans watching now that they’ll be back on the road. Of course, releasing people cuts down the field considerably…

Rollins’ interview promo was actually well done because it didn’t really go through. Rollins is playing this pseudo politician character very well, and he is certainly going to explode when Cesaro returns. I don’t know how many Cell matches are planned this year, but it’s not like Rollins VS Cesaro has to be in one. But at the same time, if they’re going to have more than a normal match, just going with No Disqualifications seems underwhelming. Roman VS Jimmy has to be a HIAC match to bring things full circle from Roman VS Jey. The world title, Lashley VS McIntyre, doesn’t have to be in the Cell, either, but something on Raw is getting one, and it’s either them or Rhea VS Charlotte.

The Intercontinental Championship could probably be put in the Cell this year. The match was still great, and it was clever for Azeez to get around the ringside ban by attacking backstage, and that was the key to Apollo winning this week. Sadly, with Aleister Black among the released, he could’ve been the way around the ringside ban and he’d get himself in on this title, as he should have a long time ago. Big E is without anything now other than to default back to Apollo, but at least Kevin and Sami have more. I wonder if they’d be the third Cell match and let the other titles be singles matches.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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