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Mitchell’s NJPW Summer Struggle Nagoya Report! (7/24/21)

Nagoya says GO ACE!



NJPW Summer Struggle Nagoya

NJPW keeps the Summer Struggle going in Nagoya!

Before going up to bat at Wrestle Grand Slam Tokyo, NJPW visits Nagoya! Stone Pitbull steps up to King of Darkness and The Ace takes on Fang Revived!

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Tomohiro Ishii VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo; Evil wins.
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi VS KENTA; wins.


Tomohiro Ishii VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

Chaos knows Bullet Club wants the NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag titles, but that isn’t just going to happen! Will the Stone Pitbull take a bite out of the King of Darkness? Or will Nagoya learn Everything is Evil?

But the second Ishii gets in the ring, he DECKS Evil and chases him out of the ring! The bell rings to get this on the record as Ishii stomps away on Evil and whips him hard into railing! Fans fire up as Ishii drags Evil up to whip him hard into more railing! The ref wants this in the ring, Ishii just whips Evil even harder into railing! Dick attacks Ishii but Ishii doesn’t flinch! Ishii ROCKS Dick, puts him in the ring, and the ref wants Ishii to hold off but Ishii shoves him down! Ishii grabs Dick around the throat to then DECK him! Fans fire up and Ishii throws his shirt off to drag Dick up, put him in the corner, and clothesline him down!

Dick flops down but Ishii ain’t done with him yet! Evil is getting up on the outside as Ishii gets Dick up. Evil saves Dick from the bomb and stomps Ishii down. Evil whips Ishii to a corner but Ishii comes back to run him over! Ishii chases Evil outside the ring again, but Ishii takes a page from Evil’s playbook by getting a chair from under the ring. Fans rally for “I-SHI-I!” but the ref wants Ishii to stand down. Ishii refuses, shoves past the ref and TOSSES the chair! Evil gets out of the way and the chair hits railing! Ishii pursues Evil around the corner and Evil wants mercy. Ishii instead kicks Evil up the ramp, and brings him up to SMACK off railing!

Ishii pulls railing apart to SMACK Evil with the piece he took! Fans cheer the ferocity as Ishii looms over Evil. The ref reprimands and wants this to get in the ring for once, but fans rally as Ishii drags Evil up. Ishii reels Evil in but Dick saves Evil form a brainbuster to the floor! Ishii glares at Dick and Dick runs away, egging Ishii on. They go in the ring, Evil gets in and CLOBBERS Ishii! Evil looms over Ishii as fans still rally. Evil drags Ishii up, throws him out, and whips him hard into railing! The ref reprimands but Evil wants to cash the rest of his receipts! Evil gets two chairs, drags Ishii up and puts his head through one chair. Evil gets the other, to HOME RUN!

Some fans do cheer, but the ref continues to reprimand. Fans rally back up for “I-SHI-I!” as Evil goes into the ring. Dick taunts Ishii but the ref keeps his eyes on him. The ring count begins and Ishii stirs at 7 of 20. Ishii sits up at 10 of 20, stands at 12, and drags himself in at 15! Evil is fine with that and he walks over to drag Ishii to a cover, ONE! Evil is annoyed with the count but the fans cheer. Evil gets Ishii up, then throws him out again! The ref has had about enough of this, but Evil RAMS Ishii into the railing! Timekeeper Abe-san goes down! Will Evil ever stop bullying him? And Dick undoes the blue corner pad while the ref is busy with Ishii and Abe!

Evil and Dick Too Sweet and then Evil gets in the ring. Ishii stirs and Abe gets his timekeeper table back up. Fans rally for Ishii even harder now as Evil waits. The ring count starts again, Ishii staggers about at 4 of 20, clutches his back and heads over at 8 of 20, and gets in before 10. Evil drags Ishii back up, and whips him into the bare corner! The ref only now realizes what Bullet Club did as Evil drags Ishii to a HALF CRAB! Dick taunts Ishii at the ropes, Evil drags Ishii away and has the Half Crab even deeper! Ishii fights to turn as fans rally up but Evil fights it. Ishii reaches, Evil sits on the hold even deeper, but Ishii gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Evil finally lets go at 4.

Evil paces while Ishii is getting mad. Fans still rally as Evil kicks at Ishii mockingly. Ishii eggs Evil on, Evil kicks him more and more, but Ishii gets up. Ishii throws hands and chops but they don’t do enough. Evil CHOPS Ishii and Ishii staggers back. Evil taunts Ishii, CHOPS him again, and Ishii grits his teeth as he stays standing! Evil taunts and CHOPS Ishii again! Ishii stays up by supporting himself with his hands. Ishii stands up, Evil DOUBLE CHOPS! Ishii stays up and shocks Evil with a CHOP in return! It was a high one and Evil falls right over as he gasps and sputters! Ishii gets up, fans rally behind him, and he gets Evil up to whip him. Evil reverses to send Ishii into the bare buckles!

But Ishii fires up and RUNS Evil over! Fans fire up as both men are down. Ishii rises while Evil gets to a corner. Ishii heads over, CHOPS and forearms on repeat! Fans rally with each shot, Evil falls down and the ref wants Ishii to let off! But Ishii shoves the ref and stands Evil up to fire off more forearms and CHOPS! Ishii finally lets off and Dick checks on Evil. Ishii comes back to get Evil up but Evil SLAPS him! Ishii stands Evil up to fire off more HIGH CHOPS! The ref reprimands, he’s getting Evil real close to the throat! Evil falls over and gasps for air. Ishii shows no mercy and gets Evil up. Evil fights the back suplex by thumbing Ishii in the eyes!

The ref reprimands but both men are down again. Fans rally up while Evil slowly sits up. Evil still coughs and sputters but he gets Ishii up. Evil throws Ishii out and argues with the ref, DICK whips Ishii into railing! Dick puts Ishii back in, Evil covers, TWO! Evil kicks at Ishii, toying with him. Ishii gets up but Evil pokes him in the eyes again! Evil throws Ishii back out for Dick to cheap shot! Dick whips, Ishii reverses and Dick hits railing! Dick is down, Evil rushes out but Ishii throws him over the railing, onto the timekeeper’s table! Abe gets back as Ishii hops the railing, and he SMACKS Evil off the table! And again!

Ishii makes Evil take a seat, then drags Dick up to RAM into the railing! Now Evil knows how he makes Abe-san feel as he goes flying back! Fans cheer but Abe isn’t really sure what to do now. Fans rally as “I-SHI-I!” goes around the railing to get Evil out from under the table. Ishii puts Evil in, drags him up, and reels him in to suplex! Cover, TWO! Ishii keeps his cool as he gets back up. Ishii dares Evil to sit up, and then runs, but Evil dodges the lariat to waistlock. Ishii switches but Evil RAMS him into the bare buckles! FISHERMAN BUSTER! Both men are down again and fans rally up. Ishii and Evil slowly stir, Ishii goes to a corner. Evil stands, runs in, and clotheslines!

Evil reels Ishii in to hoist Ishii up top. Evil climbs up, gets Ishii up on the very top, and hits a SUPERPLEX! Ishii writhes and Evil covers, TWO!! Ishii survives and fans are fired up again! Evil slowly gets to his feet, gets Ishii’s legs, and steps through! Ishii blocks the Scorpion Deathlock to punch Evil away! Evil comes back, gets Ishii up, but Ishii blocks the fireman’s carry. Ishii throws elbows, but Evil blocks a kick to rake eyes! Evil throws the kick into the ref, then gets Ishii up! Dick helps out in the MAGIC KILLER! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as Ishii survives! But Evil gets Ishii up again, fireman’s carries, but Ishii fights free!

Evil elbows and whips Ishii but Ishii reverses! Evil hits bare buckles and staggers into a BACK SUPLEX! Both men are down again and fans rally back up! Ishii and Evil stir, rise, and Evil gets to a corner. Ishii runs in and clotheslines! Ishii hoists Evil up top now, climbs up and gets Evil up for a STALLING SUPERPLEX!! Fans are thunderous as Ishii covers, TWO!! Evil survives and Ishii is getting mad! Fans rally hard as ever as Ishii roars and rises to his feet. Ishii wants Evil to get up again, and Ishii runs, but Evil blocks the lariat, to get a DISCUS LEFT! Ishii gets Evil back up, reels him in, but Dick distracts! So Ishii RAMS Evil into Dick! Then GERMAN SUPLEXES Evil!

Ishii isn’t done, he sits Evil up and SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO!!! Evil survives again but Ishii’s anger builds! Ishii gets Evil up again as fans return to a thunderous rally. Ishii reels Evil in but Evil wrenches and reels Ishii! Ishii avoids the STO to HEADBUTT! Ishii runs but is put on the apron. Ishii ROCKS Evil, steps in but Evil kicks the ropes! The rope gets Ishii in his stone pitbull! Fans rally up as both men are down. Evil gets up first and hobbles over to get Ishii up. Ishii is dead weight and Evil wants the ref to check on Ishii. The ref does check but Ishii is still conscious, so Evil gets him to his feet. Fireman’s carry, DARKNESS FALLS!! Cover, TWO!!?

Fans are still fired up as Ishii survives and both men are down again. Evil slashes his throat as he vows to end this! Evil stands Ishii up, spins him around, but no STO as Ishii elbows back. So Evil chokes Ishii and shoves him into bare buckles! Evil runs but Ishi blocks lariat with lariat! Evil tries again, Ishii ducks and waistlocks but Evil elbows free to LARIAT after all! Cover, TWO!!! Ishii barely kicks out in time but Evil vows to end him! EVERYTHING- NO! Ishii spins and HEADBUTTS! Both men fall over again! We’re in the last few minutes of the time limit and fans are thunderous! Dick throws a chair in! Evil gets it, the ref stops him, but that distracts from Dick sliding into the ring!

Dick goes after Ishii with the SPOILER CHOKER! Ishii powers up and pries free?! And HEADBUTTS then LARIATS Dick! But EVERYTHING- NO! Ishii shoves Evil at the ref, but Evil stops himself. Evil tries to low blow but Ishii blocks it, and ENZIGURIS! Fans are thunderous yet again as Ishii slaps himself to fire up! Ishii powers up, runs, and LARIATS!! Evil gets turned inside out! Ishii covers, TWO!?!? Evil survives and shocks everyone! Ishii gets up, slashes his throat because he vows to end this! Ishii drags Evil up, suplexes, and Evil fights free! Evil RAMS Ishii into the ref! They’re all down in the corner but YUJIRO TAKAHASHI appears!

Tokyo Pimp is aiming with his pimp cane, but Ishii ROCKS him with a forearm first! Ishii grabs the cane to toss it aside, but Evil LOW BLOWS from behind! Yujiro gives Ishii PIMP JUICE! The basement DDT takes Ishii down and Evil gets back up. Fans rally hard as ever for “I-SHI-I!” but Evil drags him up. EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Cover, Evil wins!!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall

Ishii has fallen! But considering it took the entire trio of #EvilDickPimps to break the Stone Pitbull, what chance to they have against the entire trio of Ishii, Hashi & Goto?


Hiroshi Tanahashi VS KENTA!

The Ace and Fang Revived have had beef before in the NEVER Openweight Championship race, and it seems that beef will continue in Nagoya! Can Kenta be a good guard dog for current champion, Jay White? Or will the Once in a Century Talent get through the knight to get at #KingSwitch?

Tanahashi takes off his jacket to show off the muscles and fans cheer. The bell rings and the fans rally, “LET’S GO ACE! LET’S GO ACE!” as Tanahashi and Kenta stare down. Kenta and Tanahashi circle, approach, and Kenta bails out to use a very Jay White tactic. But the fans still rally for The Ace so Kenta mocks the clapping. Kenta paces around, sees Shibata on commentary, and then slowly gets back in the ring. Fans cheer as Kenta and Tanahashi circle again. They tie up, Tanahashi puts Kenta on the ropes and Red Shoes calls for the break. Tanahashi lets off and Kenta bails out. Kenta walks around again as the fans continue to clap, “LET’S GO ACE!”

The ring count starts, Kenta goes to the apron at 3 of 20 but he wants Tanahashi to stay back. Kenta claps, the fans follow along, and Tanahashi easily turns that back into “LET’S GO ACE!” Kenta returns, circles with Tanahashi again, and they tie up. Tanahashi throws Kenta down, then gets him up to throw forearms. Tanahashi whips Kenta to a corner, Kenta reverses, but Tanahashi back elbows from the corner. Tanahashi goes up and CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up and Tanahashi adds as BACK SENTON! Tanahashi air guitars, Kenta bails out, but Tanahashi goes out and fetches Kenta back into the ring. Fans fire up as Tanahashi goes back in and runs, but Kenta sends Tanahashi out!

Tanahashi skins the cat but Kenta catches him to shove him down! Then Kenta is on the apron and he DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS Tanahashi on the floor! Kenta gets Tanahashi up to whip Tanahashi hard into railing! Fans rally for Tanahashi but Kenta gets him up to whip him hard the other way! Tanahashi slumps down and Red Shoes reprimands but Kenta gets in Shibata’s face. Kenta dares Shibata to do something and Shibata stands up! Shibata still isn’t cleared to compete but that doesn’t mean he won’t fight Kenta. Kenta goes back to Tanahashi, throws hands, but Tanahashi grits his teeth as Kenta keeps hitting him.

Kenta gets Tanahashi up to POST him! Tanahashi falls back down and Red Shoes starts a ring count. Kenta gets Tanahashi up to put in the ring at 5 of 20, and he covers, TWO! Kenta stomps Tanahashi, then gets fans to clap for him, “KEN! TA! KEN! TA!” Then Kenta does his weird clapping just to troll the fans before he stomps Tanahashi down. Kenta acts like it’s the fans fault they can’t get it right. Kenta gets Tanahashi up, turns him, and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO, but Kenta keeps Tanahashi down with a headlock. Fans rally up, “LET’S GO ACE!” as Tanahashi endures. Tanahashi fights up but Kenta throws him down by his hair!

Kenta paces, drops a knee on Tanahashi’s head, then another. Kenta brings the knee pad down, jumps, but just scuffs Tanahashi’s face. Kenta air guitars, probably the bass, and he stomps Tanahashi more. Kenta kicks at Tanahashi but Tanahashi gets mad. Kenta KICKS him right down! Fans still rally as Kenta takes his time getting the cover, ONE! Kenta wraps on a chinlock and grinds Tanahashi down again. Tanahashi endures and the fans rally again. Tanahashi fights back up, throws elbows and body shots and is free, only for Kenta to knee low! Kenta BOOTS Tanahashi, but Tanahashi only drops to a knee. Kenta throws hands but Tanahashi gets mad!

Kenta keeps throwing hands but Tanahashi eggs him on! Kenta kicks low, snapmares and KICKS Tanahashi! But Tanahashi gets right up to scowl at Kenta. Tanahashi fires off forearms, EuroUppers, and he whips Kenta to ropes. Kenta reverses but Tanahashi hits FLYING FOREARMS! Fans fire up with Tanahashi as Kenta gets to a corner. Tanahashi runs in but blocks Kenta’s boot to put the leg through ropes. Tanahashi gets the other leg, DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi drags Kenta back up by the bad leg to DRAGON SCREW it again! And then he has the leg for a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Fans rally for Tanahashi while Kenta clutches his knee.

Tanahashi drags Kenta by both legs, ties the legs up, and has the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Kenta endures and crawls towards ropes and manages a ropebreak! Tanahashi lets go fast to stomp the bad leg. Tanahashi powers up, runs, but Kenta dodges slingblade to roll Tanahashi! With tights! TWO, and Kenta goes to a corner. Kenta boots Tanahashi away, and again, then hops up top. Kenta reels Tanahashi in but Tanahashi tosses Kenta off the tornado! Tanahashi runs but into a SPINNING POWERSLAM! Both men are down but fans rally back up. Kenta gets Tanahashi up for KICKS, then reels him in, FISHERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi is still in this but Kenta keeps focus.

Kenta goes to the apron, climbs up a corner and he waits as Tanahashi slowly stands. FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! The Ace is tougher than that and Kenta grows annoyed. Fans still rally as Kenta KICKS Tanahashi in the back. And again! Kenta has Tanahashi through ropes but Tanahashi fights out to dump Kenta out! Kenta gets up and Tanahashi throws forearms! Kenta hits back, but Tanahashi gets the edge! Tanahashi swings but Kenta shoulders in and hotshots Tanahashi down! Kenta drags Tanahashi to the apron and out along it! DRAPING DDT to the floor! Both men are down after the #BrainKiller as fans rally up again!

Kenta leaves Tanahashi behind to get in the ring. The count begins, and reaches 10 of 20 as Tanahashi starts to rise. Tanahashi stands at 14 and staggers back at 15! He crashes into railing, flounders at 17, hurries up again and in at 19! Kenta aims from the corner as Tanahashi gets back up, and runs in to BOOT Tanahashi in the corner! Kenta keeps going, HESITATION DROPKICK! Kenta is definitely sending Shibata a message with that one! Kenta goes up top, DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi survives the coup de grace but Kenta gets back up. Fans rally up as Tanahashi slowly rises. Kenta fireman’s carries but Tanahashi slips off!

Tanahashi swings a punch but Kenta gets Tanahashi again, but no GTS! DRAGON SCREW! Both men are down, the fans rally up with “LET’S GO ACE!” once again. Tanahashi and Kenta crawl towards each other, and Tanahashi throws a forearm! Kenta hits Tanahashi back, so Tanahashi hits Kenta again! Kenta forearms back, Tanahashi throws another forearm, repeat! They brawl their way back to their feet and fans fire up as they pick up speed! Tanahashi, Kenta, and back again, until Kenta pulls hair! Tanahashi pulls hair, Red Shoes wants them both to stop, but they both shove him down! Tanahashi and Kenta keep the forearms going and fans fire up again!

Kenta hits twice, Tanahashi hits twice! Kenta hits three times, Tanahashi hits three times! Both men stagger a moment, but Kenta comes back with four forearms! Tanahashi stays up and roars as he fires off four in return! Kenta wobbles, but he comes back with FIVE forearms! So Tanahashi comes back with five! Kenta falls over and fans fire up with Tanahashi! Tanahashi drags Kenta back up, but Kenta gets around and shoves Tanahashi at Red Shoes! Red Shoes gets out of the way, Tanahashi hits buckles, but Kenta reels Tanahashi back in. Kenta keeps aiming at Red Shoes! Red Shoes runs around, Kenta pushes Tanahashi along as they chase him! Red Shoes falls out of the ring!

Tanahashi steadies himself and dropkicks Kenta’s legs out! Red Shoes returns as fans rally up again. Tanahashi has Kenta in the corner and he throws down forearm after forearm! A dozen forearms in the corner as Kenta falls down! Tanahashi goes corner to corner, but Kenta uses Red Shoes as a shield to take the dropkick! Red Shoes sputters but Tanahashi goes after Kenta! LOW BLOW! Kenta copies Evil from earlier! Fans rally for Tanahashi but Kenta starts looking under the ring. What is the beat-up old IWGP US Championship contract briefcase doing under there?! Kenta can’t let go of the past as he brings that in and kisses it for luck.

Tanahashi stands, Kenta aims, BRIEFCASE SHOT!! Down goes Tanahashi! But Kenta wants more! Wait, Shibata got off commentary!? And into the ring?! Fans are thunderous as The Wrestler stands in Kenta’s way! Kenta looks at his briefcase, takes a swing, but Shibata BOOTS him down!! Fans cheer even louder as Shibata helps Red Shoes get in the ring. Shibata also makes sure Tanahashi is good to go. Tanahashi is, and he fires back up! Tanahashi powers up, runs at Kenta, but Kenta fireman’s carries! GO TO- NO! TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi runs again, to SLINGBLADE! Kenta flounders back up in his own blind rage, but Tanahashi gets him for another SLING BLADE!

Kenta rises again as fans are electric! Tanahashi runs but into a PSYCHO KNEE!! Both men are down and fans rally back up! Kenta goes to a corner, demands Tanahashi get up, and then Kenta runs in, to PSYCHO KNEE AGAIN! Cover, TWO!?!? Tanahashi survives but Kenta slashes his throat as he vows to end it! Kenta brings his kneepad down, he fireman’s carries Tanahashi, but Tanahashi slips off and DRAGON SUPLEXES! Kenta ends up in a corner and Tanahashi runs corner to corner to HESITATION DROPKICK! Tanahashi gives credit to Shibata as he goes up top! Tanahashi aims, Kenta stands, HIGH FLY CROSSBODY!

But Tanahashi keeps going! He’s back up top, and he HIGH FLY FLOWS!! Cover, Tanahashi wins!!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall

And that is why he is a Once in a Century Talent! Shibata returns to commentary to commend Tanahashi on this one. Tanahashi also goes over to thank Shibata for the assist, and both are optimistic for the day Shibata can finally get back in the ring for real.

Tanahashi takes a moment to rest in the ring and he gets the fans to clap, “LET’S GO ACE!” again to give him love and energy. Tanahashi then gets back up to get the mic so he may speak. “Hello, everyone. Right now, I’m going to be honest and humble with you. Thank you for being here.” Tanahashi bows as the fans cheer, and then he continues. “If we can draw enough power from one another, we can overcome anything, live through everything. I hope pro-wrestling is a source of power for you all.” Fans cheer, and Tanahashi gets the fans to rally with “HAI! HAI! HAI!”

Tanahashi continues to say that though he’s sweaty, he’s not tired, and his “tireless body and strong will” will lead NJPW into the future. He thanks the fans again and starts to take his leave, but the fans clap, “LET’S GO ACE!” and that convinces Tanahashi to give them an encore! Tanahashi gets his air guitar from Tsuji, and Tanahashi rocks out for Nagoya! And the fans rallying keeps him going for more! Tanahashi then asks fans hush as he “smashes” the air guitar! He can easily get another one, of course. Tanahashi gets one from a fan in the crowd! He thanks them for lending it to him, and he rocks out even more! “DOZO!” Tanahashi throws the guitar back to the crowd and they cheer.

But Tanahashi has one more thing to say! “Everyone, thank you for your time.” He hopes everyone stays safe and healthy as they come to watch wrestling. “And finally…!” Well, hold on. He wants to bring up the main event in tomorrow’s Wrestle Grand Slam special. He knows that Kota Ibushi’s health is still not quite 100%. So maybe, just maybe, he could ask a favor? “I’ll do this in a big way! If needed, I am readyyy~!! Nagoya, I love you~!” So then, if the Golden Star cannot compete, will The Ace get a chance to challenge The Dragon?!

My Thoughts:

A very good event just a day before the big Wrestle Grand Slam event. I feel like maybe I shouldn’t have skipped that opening Six Man, though. It was short, but the fact Robbie Eagles got a quick pin off El Desperado was really surprising. Of course, this dooms him just on the math to lose tomorrow, but I didn’t see Desperado losing anyway. But I skipped the others because they were other rehashes from the last few events. Ishii VS Evil was very good just on Ishii turning things around on Evil and giving him that timekeeper’s table spot. But I should’ve figured Bullet Club would cheat Ishii so Bullet Club could go strong into the eventual NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag title match.

Tanahashi VS Kenta was also very good, and what a great moment to see Shibata get involved. I feel like this could mean Shibata’s doing much better, but I still don’t know if we’re any closer to his return, this might just be NJPW keeping the hope fires burning. Tanahashi gets a great win, and him stepping up to be a substitute should Ibushi not be cleared tomorrow is a bold move. I would love to see Takagi VS Tanahashi, that is a great generational match-up in NJPW, fans in Japan might go even wilder over this than Takagi VS Ibushi.

And as I said before, Ibushi shouldn’t feel bad for missing Wrestle Grand Slam, his health is more important. Takagi VS Ibushi could even happen at another of these events they’re lining up before the G1, and maybe the loser will choose to use the G1 as their way back.

My Score: 9/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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