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Mitchell’s NJPW Summer Struggle Sapporo Report! (7/11/21)

The struggle wraps up in Sapporo!



NJPW Summer Struggle Sapporo

Will Sapporo belong to the ungovernable?

Finally, after going back and forth for weeks, Tetsuya Naito & Sanada will challenge the Dangerous Tekkers for their IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships!

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Shingo Takagi VS Master Wato; Takagi win.
  • IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Dangerous Tekkers VS Tetsuya Naito & SANADA; Naito & Sanada win and become the new IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.


Shingo Takagi VS Master Wato!

Kota Ibushi is recovering from a vaccination shot, but the Way of the Grandmaster is still ready to fight the Dragon! Will the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion use Wato as a tune-up for the Golden Star?

The bell rings and fans rally as Wato and Takagi circle. They approach, Wato tests the waters with a kick but Takagi stays back. Fans rally, they tie up, and Takagi brings Wato around to ropes. Wato slips away and the two reset. They approach, feel out the grapple, and knuckle lock. Wato breaks free to KICK Takagi in the chest! And KICK! Wato throws forearms, wraps on a headlock, but Takagi powers out. Wato bumps Takagi but Takagi comes back to run him over! Fans fire up as things speed up, Wato hurdles to back elbow, back hand and sobat! Takagi rebounds into a dropkick! Fans cheer and Wato fires up as he brings Takagi up.

Wato whips, Takagi reverses but Wato holds ropes. Wato boots Takagi, sends him out, then builds speed to TORNILLO! Direct hit and Takagi goes down, and fans fire up with Wato again. Wato gets Takagi up as fans rally, and Wato puts Takagi in the ring. Wato stomps Takagi, covers, TWO! Wato keeps his cool as he throws elbows and kicks. Takagi eggs him on, gets up, but the kicks keep coming! Wato KICKS Takagi off his feet, covers, ONE!! Wato fires off more kicks but Takagi just eggs him on. Wato tries forearms but Takagi leans into them! Wato tries to scoop but Takagi is a big guy. Takagi scoops and SLAMS Wato down! Then drops a BACK SENTON!

Fans cheer as Takagi watches Wato get up. Takagi runs in to clotheslines Wato out of the ring! Takagi goes out to fetch Wato, gives him some toying kicks, then brings him around to throw knees. They’re by commentary and Takagi checks in with Hiromu. Wato throws forearms and chops but Takagi ROCKS Wato with one! Takagi RAMS Wato into the apron, then brings him around to put in the ring. Takagi slingshots to STOMP Wato down! Takagi stands on Wato, Red Shoes counts, and Takagi lets go of the ropes to flex. Fans cheer, Takagi stomps Wato and brings him up. Takagi puts Wato in a corner for JABS and CHOPS! Wato grits his teeth but Takagi whips corner to corner.

Takagi runs in to clothesline, then he suplexes Wato high and hard! Cover, TWO! Wato stays in this but Takagi wraps on a chinlock. Takagi grinds Wato down, fans rally up, and Wato fights to move around. Takagi leans on Wato but Wato still gets a ropebreak. Takagi lets off clean but gives Wato more toying kicks. Wato gets up and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Takagi eggs him on, Wato throws forearms, but Takagi puts some stank on his DOUBLE CHOPS! Fans cheer while Wato writhes, and Takagi brings Wato up into a corner. Takagi has the fans rally more as he whips corner to corner. Takagi runs in, Wato dodges and comes back but is put on the apron.

Takagi ROCKS Wato, runs, but into the SPRINGBOARD FLYING UPPERCUT! Wato fires up and fans rally as he fires off KICK after KICK! Takagi blocks the final one but Wato SLAPS then SCREW HIGH KICKS! Cover, TWO! Takagi gets up but Wato wrenches and reels him in! Takagi resists the Mouse Trap, to fireman’s carry! Wato fights off, sobats and runs, but into the elbow! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! Fans fire up while Wato is in a daze. Takagi drags Wato up and fans rally. Takagi gets Wato up, reels him in, and hits a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Wato is tough but Takagi keeps his cool. Takagi gets Wato up, drives in elbow after elbow, and fans fire up!

Takagi runs, but Wato ducks the sliding lariat to BUZZSAW! Both men are down and fans fire up! Wato slowly sits up, gets Takagi up, and reels him in. Takagi blocks the lift, then again. Wato almost gets Takagi but Takagi back drops Wato away! Fans rally again and Takagi smirks as he brings Wato back up. Wato breaks free to KICK and KICK, but Takagi blocks to CLUB the leg! Takagi gives toying kicks and slaps, but Wato throws forearms! Takagi eggs him on again and Wato hits harder. Takagi pie faces Wato so Wato fires off SLAPPING palm strikes! Takagi likes the fire but Wato throws more forearms. Takagi throws boxing elbows!

Fans rally as Takagi ROCKS Wato, but Wato back elbows! Takagi says that one actually hurt! But Wato catches his Yukon Lariat into a MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Takagi survives, Wato gets him up and scoops for a TTD! Hiroyoshi Tenzan is surely proud of that one! Wato gets to a corner, climbs up, and RP- NO! Takagi moves and Wato flops on the mat! Takagi powers up as Wato stands, and Takagi runs in to PUMPING BOMBER! But Takagi says that’s not enough yet. Takagi gets Wato back up, runs again, but Wato dodges! Wato runs, but into a POP-UP POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO, but Takagi gets an STF right away! And he’s bending Wato way back!!

Wato endures, fans rally, but Takagi’s brand of STF is a deep twist! Wato is fading so Takagi makes it a cover, TWO!! Wato still lives but Takagi runs, SLIDING LARIAT! Takagi keeps the fire going with “OI! OI! OI!” Takagi gets Wato back up, pump handles and torture rack, but Wato makes it a CRUCIFIX DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Wato runs but Takagi pops him up again, only for Wato to SPIKE-RANA! Cover, TWO!! ROUNDHOUSE and then a tilt-o-whirl, Wato rolls Takagi up! Takagi slips right out, runs and SLIDING FOREARMS Wato down! Takagi roars and fans fire up again as he gets Wato back up. Takagi runs, for PUMPING BOMBER!! Cover, TWO!?!

Fans cheer and Takagi roars again as Wato somehow survives! But Takagi wants us to see this, especially Ibushi! Takagi gets Wato up, pump handle and rack, LAST OF THE DRAGON!! Cover, Takagi wins!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, by pinfall

Water may put out fire, but not when it’s this much fire! Takagi shows Wato he still has a long way to go before reaching the world title scene, but will he be ready for a world title level fight from the Golden Star?


El Desperado makes his way ringside?

The Rogue Luchador is still THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, and perhaps he wants to support his Suzuki-Gun teammates? Oh, wait, he gets his phone out, and he is recording Hiromu on commentary. Hiromu records him back, it is a battle of vlogging smart phones! Then he goes around the way, to join commentary! Suzuki-Gun and Los Ingobernables de Japon are closing out the show in more ways than one!


IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: Dangerous Tekkers VS Tetsuya Naito & SANADA!

Taichi & Zack Sabre Jr. have doubted the chances of Los Ingobernables de Japon’s Uncontrollable Charisma and Cold Skull working well as a duo, but here they are! Will the Sliest Wrestler in the World and the Submission Master make Naito & Sanada #JustTapOut? Or will the Heavyweight Tag Division be Tranquilo?

Wow, not only is Desperado on commentary for this, but Douki and Miho Abe are in the Tekkers’ corner. Introductions are made, Suzuki-Gun poses with the Tekkers’ towel, and LIJ takes off their elaborate entrance gear. The belts are raised, Taichi taunts Naito with the dancing pecs, but LIJ fist bumps. Naito starts and wants Taichi but ZSJ insists. The decision is made, and we see if Suzuki-Gun stays strong in Sapporo!

Fans cheer and rally as Naito makes sure ZSJ knows it’s “L I J!” that the fans like. ZSJ doesn’t care and he tags out to Taichi. Naito gets who he wants after all, but Taichi says he wants Sanada. Fans cheer, and Sanada reaches out. Naito tags, but then ZSJ tags back in! The Tekkers are playing games but Sanada circles with ZSJ all the same. They tie up, ZSJ gets a hammerlock, Sanada spins but ZSJ spins with him. Sanada reaches back to headlock but ZSJ drop toeholds to a leg lock. ZSJ laces the legs, floats to a headlock but Sanada slips out to hammerlock. ZSJ fights up, headlocks back, then cravats. Sanada powers through to wrench and trip to toehold! ZSJ gets away and fans cheer!

Sanada and ZSJ reset and circle. They approach, knuckle lock but ZSJ uses that to get a straitjacket! Sanada turns the straitjacket onto ZSJ and ZSJ drops down. ZSJ rolls back to put the jacket back on Sanada, but Sanada again turns it around. ZSJ gets up, Sanada trips him and twists the foot! ZSJ flips over, reels Sanada in and has the cravat back. Sanada endures, rolls and throws ZSJ off, and fans cheer the exchange. Sanada and ZSJ circle again, tie up, but ZSJ wrenches and trips Sanada for a toehold of his own. ZSJ uses his head for leverage as he wrenches the foot. Sanada fights, flips, reels ZSJ in but ZSJ uses that to Bow ‘n’ Arrow!

Sanada pops right out, covers, ONE, and Sanada arm-drags ZSJ down, but ZSJ headscissors to bring Sanada into an armbar! Sanada kips free and the fans cheer as the two stand off! Taichi tells ZSJ to stay cool, and Naito says ZSJ is bad news. Sanada and ZSJ tie up with knuckle locks again but ZSJ puts Sanada’s hands on the mat to stand on! ZSJ wrenches one arm around to a wristlock then again to wrangle Sanada. Sanada kips up, WRINGS ZSJ, then holds the wristlock. Sanada wrenches again, tags in Naito, but ZSJ gets away to tag Taichi. Fans rally up and Naito settles for the guy he wanted anyway. Taichi and Naito slowly circle, then tie up.

Naito powers Taichi to ropes but Taichi calls for the break. Taichi then turns it around and Naito calls for the break. Red Shoes counts, Taichi pats Naito on the shoulder and backs off. Naito sucker punches ZSJ! Taichi throws hands on Naito and whips him to ropes. Naito holds ropes, boots Taichi, then dropkicks ZSJ off the apron! Naito kicks Taichi in the leg, throws him out to join ZSJ, then builds speed! The Tekkers scramble away but Naito rolls, Tranquilo~! Naito grins as he waits for a Tekker to return but ZSJ throws a tantrum. Taichi calms ZSJ down and takes his own time returning.

Taichi stares Naito down but ZSJ wants in after all of Naito’s taunting. Taichi tags ZSJ in, and fans cheer, but Naito tags right out to Sanada! Now ZSJ is annoyed and he kicks at Naito. Naito gets away and Sanada turns ZSJ around! ZSJ headbutts low and headlocks but Sanada powers out. ZSJ dodges Sanada, Naito trips him up! Sanada adds a basement dropkick! Sanada dares Taichi to do something, Taichi gets in to get a drop toehold! Naito adds a basement dropkick there! Sanada stands on ZSJ while Naito throws Taichi into railing! Naito intimidates Miho-chan, Sanada CLUBS ZSJ. Naito returns to the LIJ corner to bring ZSJ through ropes so Sanada can CLUB him!

Tag to Naito, he stomps a mudhole into ZSJ then drags ZSJ up. Naito snapmares and ties ZSJ up in the leg hook full nelson! ZSJ endures as Naito puts on the pressure. ZSJ pushes back but can’t get free. ZSJ tries to use his leg but Naito just grabs that to make ZSJ a pretzel. Sanada tags in, he stomps ZSJ and Naito lets the hold go. Sanada cravats to wrench ZSJ’s neck and ZSJ endures. ZSJ gets a leg, Sanada wrenches the neck more, and fans rally up. Sanada snapmares ZSJ, drops an elbow, covers, ONE! ZSJ gets away but Sanada chases after. Sanada facelocks ZSJ, brings him over, and Naito tags in. LIJ mugs ZSJ, and Naito mockingly asks if ZSJ wants more.

Naito CLUBS ZSJ, cravats, and cranks the neck wrench. ZSJ endures, Red Shoes has to keep Taichi in the corner, and ZSJ fights up with body shots. ZSJ snapmares but Naito holds on to the cravat! ZSJ grabs at Naito’s face but Red Shoes reprimands. ZSJ and Naito get up, ZSJ spins through the cravat to PELE the arm! Fans cheer, Taichi gets in and KICKS the bad arm! Red Shoes reprimands but Taichi tags in and goes after Naito. Taichi whips, Naito reverses but Taichi reverses back to HOOK KICK! Taichi DECKS Sanada, and fans fire up as Taichi kicks Naito out of the ring. Taichi whips Naito hard into railing! Naito falls in a heap but Taichi brings him up to whip into the other railing!

Naito is stuck on the railing, Taichi brings him back to ringside, and ZSJ is after Sanada on the other side. Taichi RAMS Naito into railing right at commentary and Hiromu almost falls out of his seat! Red Shoes and Hiromu reprimand but Taichi stomps Naito down. Taichi stands on Naito’s head but lets off as the ring count starts. Taichi gets Naito up and into the ring at 8 of 20. Miho-chan apologizes on Taichi’s behalf while Taichi stomps Naito’s arm. Taichi brings Naito up with a hammerlock and RAMS him into a corner. ZSJ pulls the arm through ropes while Taichi keeps Red Shoes distracted. ZSJ lets go and Taichi comes back to choke Naito!

Red Shoes reprimands, counts, and Taichi lets off to tag ZSJ. ZSJ stands on Naito now as fans rally up. ZSJ wrenches the bad arm and twists the wrist. ZSJ bends the fingers, wrangles Naito, and shouts, “TRANQUILO!” as he STOMPS the arm! Tag to Taichi and Taichi stands on the bad arm. Cover, but Red Shoes sees it’s a choke! Taichi lets off, tries the choke cover again, but Red Shoes reprimands. Taichi chokes with both hands, then gets Sanada as he runs in for a two hand choke, too! Taichi lets off, drags Naito up and hammerlocks the arm. Taichi chokes Naito while trapping the bad arm in the corner. ZSJ digs a boot in, Red Shoes reprimands and counts, but ZSJ lets off.

ZSJ tags in, Taichi still chokes Naito, but Taichi lets off. ZSJ slaps Naito around, fans rally up, and ZSJ wrenches the bad arm over and over. Naito throws body shots, ZSJ wrenches again but Naito ROCKS ZSJ with forearms! Naito whips, ZSJ reverses, but Naito BOOTS from the corner! ZSJ stays up but gets BOOTS again! Naito runs but into a half nelson! Naito arm-drags then atomic drops to a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as both men are down! Naito and ZSJ stir, crawl for corners, hot tag to Sanada! Taichi runs in anyway to intercept, but Sanada hurdles, hurdles and dropkicks Taichi back out! ZSJ snapmares but Sanada handsprings through to dropkick the leg out!

Fans fire up with Sanada as ZSJ bails out. Sanada aims, slingshots but ZSJ dodges! Sanada lands on the apron, forearms ZSJ away but ZSJ boots! Sanada blocks the boot to put the leg through ropes, DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! ZSJ writhes but Sanada climbs a corner. ZSJ gets up and hobbles as Sanada CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! ZSJ survives but Sanada keeps his cool. Fans rally up for “L I J!” as Sanada gets ZSJ up. Sanada trips ZSJ, ZSJ kicks out of the leg lock, but Sanada cartwheels around the monkey flip. Sanada lets the headscissors slip off but ZSJ backslides! Sanada pops that right to a sunset, TWO! ZSJ sits on a prawn hold, TWO!

Sanada sunset, ONE! ZSJ prawn, TWO! Sanada sunset, TWO! ZSJ prawn, TWO!! Sanada narrowly escapes, fans cheer, and Sanada blocks ZSJ’s kick. ZSJ breaks free but misses the Pele to the arm! Sanada STANDING MOONSAULTS, but into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Sanada is caught as ZSJ squeezes tight! Fans rally up as Sanada endures, and Sanada fights up to dead lift! ZSJ shifts around to facelock, then he WRINGS Sanada’s arm into the mat! Sanada clutches his shoulder and fans rally up again! ZSJ crawls, tag to Taichi! Taichi drags Sanada up for Kowata Kicks, but Sanada just glares at him.

Taichi kicks low, gives more Kowata Kicks, then shoves Sanada into a corner. Taichi corner clotheslines, snapmares and KICKS Sanada in the back! But Sanada gets up and stares Taichi down! Sanada throws a forearm, Taichi throws a kick. Sanada throws another forearm, Taichi throws another kick. Forearm, kick, forearm, kick, back and forth! Fans rally, Sanada gets the edge with his forearms, but Taichi comes back to BOOT! Sanada stays up, Taichi eggs him on so Sanada BOOTS! Taichi stays up and fans cheer. Taichi rebounds, Sanada blocks the boot to EuroUpper! Taichi KICKS, Sanada ROLLING ELBOWS, Taichi ENZIGURIS! Both men are down and fans fire up!

Taichi slowly rises as fans rally. ZSJ goes after Naito on the outside and drags him down to a double wristlock on the floor! Taichi fires up, Sanada rises, but Sanada ducks the buzzsaw! Fireman’s carry and toss to the dragon sleeper! But Taichi slips out and Alabama lifts! Sanada fights off but runs into a ROUNDHOUSE! Taichi gets Sanada up and reels him in, but Sanada turns powerbomb into RANA! Sanada fireman’s carries for a TKO! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! Fans rally, Naito has taken care of ZSJ and is back on the corner. Sanada crawls over, and makes the tag! Naito gets Taichi up to fire off strikes, then whip him to a corner.

Naito runs in, rocket kicks and leg sweeps, COMBINACION CABRON! Fans fire up as Naito poses, and Naito gets Taichi up again. Naito hoists Taichi up top and climbs up, but Taichi fights the super steiner! Taichi makes it an Alabama position! Naito fights for his life, clubs away on Taichi’s back, and adjusts to get the SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO!! Taichi survives but Naito gets him back up. Fans rally, “L I J!” “NA-I-TO!” Taichi fights off Gloria but Naito throws back elbows. Taichi again fights, ZSJ gets in and EuroUppers Naito in the corner! But ZSJ turns around into Sanada’s dropkick to the legs! Taichi kicks Sanada low, but Naito knocks Taichi down!

Naito basement dropkicks Taichi, turns ZSJ around, but ZSJ snapmares him down first and NECK TWISTS! Sanada runs in, ZSJ trips him, but Sanada blocks the Penalty Kick! Sanada DRAGON SCREWS ZSJ down, but Taichi kicks and whips Sanada to a corner. Sanada elbows Taichi away, Quebradas but Taichi gets under. Taichi DECKS Sanada with a forearm! Taichi dodges Naito and GAMANGIRIS him in the corner! All four men are down and the fans are thunderous! Taichi slowly rises and Naito follows. Both men are in opposite corners, Taichi fires himself up, and he dares Naito to bring it! They rush each other, Taichi boots but Naito fires forearms!

Taichi runs but into Naito’s kick and TORNADO DDT! But Taichi’s right back up!? He gets around Naito for a DANGEROUS SAIDO! But he can’t make the cover!! Desperado and Hiromu get fired up on commentary as both Taichi and Naito are down. The fans rally as hard as ever and Naito starts to stir. Taichi gets himself to ropes and then tags in ZSJ! Miho-chan checks on Taichi while ZSJ stomps Naito. ZSJ gets Naito up to ROCK him with a EuroUpper! Naito leans on ropes but ZSJ brings him around for another EuroUpper! Naito staggers about again, ZSJ gives him a third EuroUpper! Naito kicks the bad leg, but ZSJ drop toeholds, floats and NECK TWISTS!

Naito gets back to a corner, ZSJ hobbles to the opposite end. ZSJ runs in but Naito dodges, Sanada back elbows! Naito back elbows, Sanada dropkicks, Naito enziguris! Sanada back suplexes, Naito runs in to jackknife bridge, Taichi breaks it in time! Sanada throws Taichi out and PLANCHAS! Direct hit and now Naito gets ZSJ up. Naito hops up top, reels ZSJ in, ROLLING STUNNER! Cover, TWO! ZSJ survives but fans fire up for Naito as he takes aim from the corner! Naito runs in, tilt-o-whirls but ZSJ dumps him down to put on the IRON OCTOPUS! ZSJ uses his arms for extra leverage, and Taichi gets Sanada for SEITEIJYUJIRYOU!

The Dangerous Tekkers have LIJ in double submissions but LIJ endures! ZSJ cranks back harder on Naito’s arm and Taichi drags Sanada down to the mat! The fans are thunderous as Naito fights to waddle for ropes! ZSJ pulls WAY back and drags Naito down to the mat! Red Shoes checks but Naito hasn’t given up! And what about Sanada and Taichi? Are they just going to stay in? Naito scrambles and kicks, and gets a ROPEBREAK with his foot! ZSJ lets Naito go in frustration, as does Taichi as he lets go of Sanada. All four men are down again and fans stay thunderous! Sanada flops out, Miho almost cries for Taichi, but ZSJ sits Naito up just to kick him down.

ZSJ sits Naito up, knocks him back over, again and again. ZSJ is toying with Naito and starts taunting him, “C’mon then!” ZSJ gets up and KICKS Naito! Naito sits back up and eggs ZSJ on. ZSJ eggs Naito on and gives him more toying kicks. The kicks get a little harder, but Naito blocks the Penalty Kick! Naito waistlocks, ZSJ elbows him so Naito shoves ZSJ to give him an elbow back! ZSJ swings on Naito but into a backslide hook, that Naito just uses to spin ZSJ for another back elbow! ZSJ falls over but Naito drags him up. Naito throws more of those solid back elbows, then whips. ZSJ reverses but Naito hits FLYING FOREARMS!

Fans fire up as Naito gets ZSJ up for the scoop. ZSJ fights out, scoops, but Naito fights! Naito scoops, ZSJ slips out, DRAGON SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Sanada breaks it! Taichi chokes Sanada to a corner! Sanada breaks free to fire off forearms. Rolling- CHOKE SLAM!! Naito gets up, Taichi gives him an AX BOMBER!! Taichi fires up and the fans are thunderous as Taichi calls on ZSJ. Taichi drags Naito up, Alabama lifts, but Naito fights! Naito BOOTS ZSJ, CLUBS away on Taichi, then swings on ZSJ. ZSJ gets Naito in a cobra twist! ZSJ then feeds Naito to Taichi for the LAST RIDE! Taichi sits Naito up for a PENALTY KICK! Cover, TWO!?! Naito survives and no one can believe it!

Fans rally up as the Tekkers regroup. Taichi takes off the pants! ZSJ gets Naito up as Taichi takes aim. But Sanada gets Taichi for a dragon sleeper! DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives but Sanada lets Taichi go to give ZSJ a ROUNDING BODY PRESS!! Sanada blocks the Tensho Jujihou and spins Taichi for a SLICED BREAD to SKULL END!! Naito fires up and he gets ZSJ up, to wrench and tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!!! Cover, LIJ WINS!!!

Winners: Tetsuya Naito & SANADA, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

Desperado is shocked and Hiromu is pumped! Somehow, some way, Naito and Sanada were able to pull off a walk-off homer and take these titles from the Tekkers! Naito is a two-time and Sanada is a THREE-time heavyweight tag team champion, and did it their first try together! Miho-chan really does cry now as the “team of destiny” falls. Naito & Sanada are given the belts and Naito sets his down in the center of the ring for a moment as the rest of LIJ arrives. Naito does applaud as Taichi and Miho sulk away from ringside while ZSJ is helped to the back.

Naito gets the mic to say, “Buenos noches, Sapporooo~!” It’s the first time for NJPW in Hokkaido since last September, but they and LIJ are back, cabron! LIJ won out the night, and Naito thanks everyone for coming to the Makomanai Sekisui Heim Ice Arena tonight and last night, even in these uncertain times. Naito wants everyone to know that this is his first tag title since 2010. As such, it is his time to thank the man that even suggested he get back in the hunt, and taught him how fun being in this division can really be, and that man is Sanada.

“There is no doubt whatsoever that in this unit and in this world of professional wrestling, Shingo Takagi is shining brighter than anyone. So it is incumbent upon us and Bushi and Hiromu Takahashi to take that personally, and to fight for competition. The fight to be the face of our faction.” So for everyone here in Sapporo wondering if LIJ will be spearheading NJPW next time they’re here, the answer is tranquilo, assenayo! But that said, Naito hopes everyone here is ready to close this out with the LIJ role call. Shout out loud at home and in your hearts! “Bushi! Sanada! Hiromu! Takagi! Y Naito! NOSOTROS, Los! Ingoberrrrrrnables~! DE! JA! PON!!”

Hiromu finally hops off commentary to celebrate with the rest of LIJ, and they pose together, the tag titles front and center. Will it only be a matter of time before LIJ is back at 100% power and dripping in gold?

My Thoughts:

Another good night, on par with last night’s Sapporo event. Good for Kota Ibushi taking the vaccine for the sake of his health and other’s, but a shame he was feeling those side effects. Takagi VS Wato was still a solid singles match with Wato looking really good even in losing. I said it last night that I didn’t see Naito & Sanada winning, but that makes it a great surprise that they did. I can’t be sure what the plan is from here then, unless NJPW is hoping Japan will easy up soon and more teams signed under NJPW can return. English commentary even said that there aren’t many teams running around in Japan right now, the Tekkers might get a rematch before anyone else steps up.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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