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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (7/20/21)

WE ARE! N! X! Tian Sha…?



NXT Coverage 2021

Could destiny dethrone Ricky Desperado?

With all the moving parts between brands, Xia Li’s path has been cleared! But can she fulfill her destiny by taking the NXT Women’s Championship from Raquel Gonzalez?


  • KUSHIDA & Bobby Fish VS Roderick Strong & Tyler Rust w/ Diamond Mine; Kushida & Fish win.
  • Franky Monet w/ Jessi Kamea VS Jacy Jayne; Monet wins.
  • Kyle O’Reilly VS Austin Theory; Kyle wins.
  • NXT Breakout Tournament 2021 Opening Round: Odyssey Jones VS Andre Chase; Jones wins and advances to the next round.
  • LA Knight w/ Cameron Grimes VS Drake Maverick; Maverick wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Raquel Gonzalez w/ Dakota Kai VS Xia Li w/ Tian Sha; Gonzalez wins and retains the title.


Samoa Joe heads to the ring!

William Regal’s enforcer is not in a good mood given last week’s more than brutal confrontation with Karrion Kross. Joe gets a mic to say, “Tick-tock, tick-tock. Guess who’s come to smash your clock?” But speaking of Regal, he rushes out and says this isn’t what Joe’s role is about! Joe cannot be calling out superstars! But Joe says incorrect! He can because “if I was provoked!” So consider him provoked! Regal understands that, but Joe entered as a referee. Kross put his hands on Joe the ref, not Joe the management. Semantics! Regal of all people is explaining the ridiculousness of this? Kors sis out of control and needs to be put down! Didn’t you notice Kross’ field trip to Raw?

Joe says he is here to put Kross back under control! Regal wants Joe to understand something: Kross is on his way here. And when he gets here, all hell will NOT break loose! This will be solved peacefully! Understood? And don’t say another word unless it’s the right words. Fans want to “Let Them Fight!” but Joe says out of his deeply held respect for Regal, he promises tonight is the end of this. “But I can’t guarantee it’ll end peacefully. And I guarantee that somebody tonight is going to sleep!” Will it be a battle of sleeper holds the moment the NXT Champion returns to the CWC?


Xia Li speaks.

“Finally, I have been waiting for this moment. The is the most important match in my entire life. I will be the NEW NXT Women’s Champion! Raquel Gonzalez, I plan on doing to you the same thing I did to Mercedes Martinez. I will make history and leave tonight as the first Chinese NXT Women’s Champion!” The mission is clear and the target is in her sights! Will Tian Sha’s living weapon cut down Big Mami Cool?


KUSHIDA & Bobby Fish VS Roderick Strong & Tyler Rust w/ Diamond Mine!

The Time Splitter became a target, and the Infamous One wanted his former friend to face him head on. The Savior of the Backbreaker used his new protégé as a decoy, but now he has no choice but to step up! Will the Diamond Mine crack under the pressure?

Wait, as they make their entrance, Rust and Strong are jumped from behind! Kushida throws Rust in the ring then out of the ring, and Fish feeds Strong to Kushida’s haymakers! Fish adds on, Kushida feeds Strong to a KICK! Rust gets up but gets CLOBBERED by both Fish and Kushida! Then Strong is thrown out on top of Rust! Fans are thunderous as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and the match is under way as Fish stomps Strong in a corner! Fish lets off, Strong knees low and throws boxing elbows! Strong runs but Fish drop toeholds him into buckles! Fish gets Strong up, clubs him with crossface forearms, then gets him to ropes to club him more. Tag to Kushida, they double wrench and double elbow breaker! They double whip and double KICK Strong down! Kushida covers, ONE! Kushida keeps on Strong with an armlock and grinds the shoulder. Fans rally behind him as Kushida hammerlocks the arm with a leg. Kushida gets the far arm, steps through and SNAPS the armlocks back!

Tag to Fish, Fish stalks Strong but Strong boots him! Tag to Rust but Fish fires off! Rust hits back, they brawl, Fish ROCKS Rust. Fish knees Rust in the corner, brings him around to give him more knees, then snapmares him at the ropes. Fish goes up and out and in with the slingshot senton! Cover, ONE! Tag to Kushida and Fish anchors Rust. Kushida picks Rust up but Rust powers him to the corner. Strong tags in and mugs Kushida. Kushida blocks a suplex, throws body shots and KICKS Strong in the arm! And again! Strong swings back but into a clinch, ARMBAR BULL- BACKBREAKER! Strong drags Kushida away from Fish to tag Rust, and Rust stomps Kushida down!

Rust gets Kushida up, back suplexes high and hard, then covers again, ONE!! Kushida writhes but Rust pulls on his top knot to KICK him in the back! Rust drags Kushida over, tags in Strong and they mug Kushida more. Strong CHOPS Kushida, bumps him off buckles, then CHOPS again. Strong gets in Kushida’s face as he eggs him on, and fans boo as Strong paces about. Kushida throws body shots, Strong gets him in a facelock then a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Strong hammers Kushida, wraps on a chinlock, and fans fire up as Kushida fights up. Kushida throws body shots but Rust tags in. Kushida fights off Diamond Mine!

But Rust hits hard and low! Diamond Mine double whips but Kushida handsprings to double back elbow! Tag to Fish and Fish rallies on Rust! Fish runs in to KNEE Rust at the corner! Fish dodges Strong, ROCKS him with a right then mule kicks Rust. SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Rust survives but Fish keeps focus. Fish drags Rust up, Rust throws body shots but Fish clinches for more knees. Strong gets on the apron to grab and help Rust, but Fish throws more hands! Fish swipes at Strong, Strong gets away and Rust CLOBBERS Fish from behind! Tag to Strong and he gets Fish up to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Bivens is fired up as Fish flounders and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns again and Fish throws Strong down to a cover, ONE! Strong KNEES Fish right down, then throws down hands. Strong lets off to tag Rust, and Diamond Mine gets Fish up. They KNEE low, Rust runs to SCISSOR KICK! Cover, TWO! Bivens is still pleased as Rust clamps on with a chinlock. Fish fights up, Rust throws forearms but Fish clubs a leg! Rust SLAPS Fish, Fish throws hands! SLAP, haymakers! Rust trips Fish, and GROUND DRAGON SCREWS! Rust gets the leg, drags Fish away, and tags in Strong. Fish kicks Rust away but Strong stomps and drops knees on Fish. Strong digs his knee into Fish but Fish tries to chinbar back.

Fish fights up, Strong clinches but Fish throws body shots. Strong and Fish fight for grapple control, Fish throws knees, and fans fire up as he heads for Kushida! Strong sweeps the leg! Cover, TWO! Strong fires off furious knees, then grinds Fish down with a chinlock. Strong tags Rust and Diamond Mine gets Fish up. Fish fights back but Rust gives KICKS! Fish staggers, Rust wrenches and hooks Fish up for a modified Octopus Stretch! Fish endures but Rust fish hooks his face! The ref counts, Rust lets off and goes for a chinbar. Fish endures, pries the hold apart, and throws body shots! Fish throws forearms but Rust ROCKS him back!

Rust glares at Kushida, but Fish SPINEBUSTERS Rust! Both men are down, fans are thunderous again! Fish and Rust crawl, hot tags to Strong and Kushida! Kushida fires off SHOTEI after SHOTEI, then atomic drops to a whip and hip toss! Cartwheel basement dropkick! Fans are thunderous as Strong dodges fast ball and sunset flips, but he gets a BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO! Kushida wrenches Strong’s arm for the ARMBAR BULLDOG! Strong avoids the Penalty Kick, tag to Rust! Rust BOOTS and fires off forearms, then gut wrench SLAMS Kushida down! Fans boo but Rust is fired up. Kushida gets up, ducks the buzzsaw to ENZIGURI!

Rust wobbles, but he gets around to O’Conner Roll and ANKLE LOCK! Kushida rolls to throw Rust into buckles! Kushida ROCKS Rust, Rust ROCKS Kushida! They go back and forth, FAST- NO! Rust blocks, ROLLING CRAVAT! Cover, Fish breaks it! Then Fish CLOBBERS Strong and falls out to the floor with him! Kushida gets to a corner, he spots Rust stagger, FLYING KNEE to the arm! PENALTY KICK to the arm! Rust BOOTS, runs, but into the takedown! HOVERBOARD!! Rust taps, Kushida & Fish win!

Winners: Kushida & Bobby Fish, by submission

The Diamond Mine could not crush the Cruiserweight Champion or his friendly rival! Fish says it is only a matter of time, will he and Kushida close the mine down?


LA Knight and Cameron Grimes arrive.

Grimes being the butler, he is driving the nice white Corvette but Knight is bickering about something. Knight says they would’ve gotten here sooner if Grimes was listening to him and not to the GPS. Grimes says they would’ve gotten here faster in Grimes’ Rolls Royce. Knight tells the butler to get his bags. Yes, sir, Mr. Knight. Grimes laughs and goes to the trunk. Whoa, all of these? No problem. Grimes would carry bags back in the day! Does he have a story for everything? Yep, almost as many as Knight has bags! Whoops, dropped one. Drake Maverick helps but Grimes says it’s fine, it’s a whole thing.

Knight tells Maverick to stop, and then sends Grimes spinning away with the bags. This isn’t for Maverick, he should just mind his business. Maverick says he was just helping. Well Maverick’s gonna need help if he doesn’t stop now. Is it Bring Your Idiot to Work Day? Who even brought Maverick here? Hope daddy signed the permission slip, because tonight, Maverick gets Knight in the ring! Maverick’s up for that. Grimes apologizes but Knight makes him close the trunk. But that makes Grimes drop the bags. Grimes says he’s fine, he’s got this. Will Maverick use tonight to show up and shut up L, A, Knight?


Mark August 22, 2021 down on your calendars!

It’s going to be TAKEOVER 36!! The party may be in Las Vegas, but the fight is right here in the Capital Wrestling Center! Are you ready?


Odyssey Jones speaks.

“What up, WWE Universe? It’s ya boi, Odyssey Jones here, and I’m from Chrome, New York.” This is his opportunity to show us it is his time! Jones says he’s broken records in the weight room, broken jaws in the ring, and is about to break through in the tournament!


Samoa Joe watches the front door.

Kross is bound to arrive, and Joe wants to be the first one to meet him! Will those two tear the house down literally tonight?


Franky Monet w/ Jessi Kamea VS Jacy Jayne!

La Wera Loca is back in the ring, and now by her side is Robert Stone’s former client! Is this new take on #BougieBad going to start taking over NXT?

The bell rings and Franky circles with Jacy. They tie up, Stone hurries out to be with “his” team as Franky pie faces Jacy. That distracts Franky, Jacy throws a forearm and runs, but into Franky’s elbow! Franky snapmares and runs to slide, but Jacy ducks the kick! Jacy rolls Franky, TWO! Jacy dodges again to ENZIGURI! ANd BOOT! Franky ends up in a corner, Jacy roars and runs, but Franky moves! Jacy hits buckles, Franky comes back with the METEORA! Franky grins, stomps Jacy, and fires up again. Franky drags Jacy to center, but Jacy kicks back! Franky rolls and uses very Johnny Drip Drip like ground ‘n’ pound! Jacy shoves Franky away but Franky STOMPS her down!

Franky wraps on a chinlock but Mandy Rose appears at ringside! Mandy watches as Jacy fights out of the hold! Franky CLUBS Jacy while Mandy lounges on the announce desk. Franky runs in, Jacy elbows her away, and that pisses Franky off! Franky fires off hands, fireman’s carries, but Jacy fights free! Jacy runs, Franky dodges but Jacy RANAS! Jacy runs in to BOOT Franky down! Jacy sees Mandy, too, and is unsure what’s going on. But sh egoes back to Franky, ROCKS her, then roars as she hits a RUNNING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Franky survives and is getting mad while Jacy hurries to fire off hammering hands!

Jacy gets Franky up, but Franky blocks the whip. Frank breaks free, mule kicks and then baits Jacy in for a spin and GLAM SLAM! Cover, Franky wins!

Winner: Franky Monet, by pinfall

Whatever reason the Golden Goddess came out here for doesn’t matter to Monet, she just gets her money! Will bougie bad stay undefeated? And will Stone understand who’s really in charge any time soon?


Backstage interview with Johnny Gargano & Austin Theory.

McKenzie knows things didn’t go Johnny’s way last week, but how has he been dealing with it. He’s been better. Maybe. Theory hasn’t slept in weeks but it doesn’t really have anything to do with this. But Kyle O’Reilly comes in and says, “I heard what you said about me.” Johnny didn’t say anything about Kyle. He knows that, he was talking to “this bonehead right here.” Theory? Theory said Kyle was sitting and crying, but it’s not really important. What is important is Kyle is in a fighting mood, so maybe Theory wants to square off with him. Oh is that a challenge? Yes, you thick-headed dork. Then Kyle’s one! Then Kyle will get his dancing shoes.

Gargano says Theory got himself in this one, he has to get himself out. Just like Johnny with Kross, he was all alone. If Theory wants to be like “Papa John,” he’s on his own. Good luck, sport! Theory is a bit surprised by that, but can he find a way to keep #CoolKyle from kicking his ass?


NXT moves to Syfy (for just two weeks).

While USA Network brings us back the Olympics and the gold medals, Brother Syfy will bring us the black ‘n’ gold brand! July 27th and August 3rd, make sure to check your guide!


Wade Barrett interviews Bronson Reed.

Barrett asks the Colossal Reed how losing the North American Championship has affected him. Reed knew that would come up, and says that winning the title was a big moment for him, his family, friends and wife, who all believed in him for 14 YEARS. And then losing it crushed them all. But Reed can’t live in the past, he has to push forward and fight even harder. So he wants to do that against Adam Cole next week! Cole is one of the greatest in NXT ever, is that wise? Reed says it’s very wise. Everyone considers Cole the best, so why not fight the best?

And we saw what happened: Cole ran his mouth, Reed shut him down. It’ll happen again next time, but Reed will finish the job. Will Cole have to brace for a Tsunami coming his way?


Kyle O’Reilly VS Austin Theory!

Kyle didn’t cry, sob, shed a tear, or any of that, but he might make The Way’s protégé do just that here! Will there be no way out of a heel hook?

The bell rings and Theory circles with Kyle. They tie up, go around, and Theory puts Kyle in a corner. The ref counts, Theory lets off and eggs Kyle on. They go again, tie up, Kyle wrenches an arm then gets a leg. Theory avoids the sweep, powers out, but Kyle waistlocks. Theory switches, slams Kyle, and makes the Way W at Kyle. They circle, tie up with knuckle locks, and Kyle rolls to get a leg. Theory gets to ropes but Kyle KICKS his leg! Theory hobbles, but he ROCKS Kyle with a right! Theory waistlocks, Kyle switches, Theory switches back but Kyle pries free to a wristlock! Theory powers Kyle back in, into a snap suplex!

Kyle gets up slowly, Theory is after him with forearms. Kyle forearms, Theory kicks, forearms and knees back! Theory snapmares and stomps Kyle, then eggs him on. Kyle knees back! Kyle throws forearms but Theory gets away to RAM Kyle into a corner! Theory hits a headlock takeover, grinds Kyle down and eggs him on. Fans rally and duel, Theory shrugs off the headscissor hold, “I told you, you’re a crybaby!” Kyle fights back, rolls to a cover, ONE! Kyle headscissors, Theory kips free, Kyle goes after legs but Theory kick shim away. Kyle shoots in, Theory blocks to get a headlock back, and Theory holds on as Kyle tires to power out.

Kyle tries again, Theory spins to make it a suplex! Kyle lands on his feet but Theory elbows him! Theory runs, but into Kyle’s KNEE! Kyle runs as Theory sits up, and Kyle fakes him out to SLAP him! Theory seethes, fans fire up but Theory ducks a kick! Theory rolls Kyle, runs in but is put on the apron! Kyle runs to KICK Theory off the apron! Fans fire up as NXT goes picture in picture.

Theory paces and seethes while Kyle waits in the ring. Theory takes his time returning, and then resets with Kyle. They feel out a grapple, Theory kicks low and scoops Kyle for a BACKBREAKER! Theory talks some trash on Kyle’s fans before he scuffs Kyle. Kyle gets him for a sunset flip! TWO, and Theory CLOBBERS Kyle! Cover, TWO! Theory grows annoyed, and he stomps Kyle to a corner. Kyle trips Theory up, has the foot and turns Theory over to CLUB him on the back. Kyle drives in knees, more clubbing elbows, and more knees. Kyle runs to drop a knee on Theory’s back! Kyle fish hooks Theory’s nose! The ref counts, Kyle lets off, and Theory scrambles away.

Kyle gets an arm, grinds the shoulder down, but Theory endures. Theory fights up, Kyle YANKS the arm, the wrenches. Theory kicks low, scoops and BACKBREAKERS again! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps on with a chinlock and grinds Kyle down. Kyle endures as Theory digs his knee into Kyle’s back. Kyle fights up but Theory knee shim low. NXT returns to single picture as Kyle wrenches free, but Theory shoves him, Kyle comes back with kick after kick and fast hands! Kyle KICKS a leg out, and Theory gets to a corner. Kyle runs corner to corner but blocks a boot. Theory ROCKS Kyle with a left, then somersault BLOCKBUSTERS! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally and duel as Theory gets to a corner. Theory hobbles over, stomps Kyle then rains down forearms. He tops it off with another stomp, then paces. Kyle comes back with a forearm but Theory kicks low. Theory ROCKS Kyle, brings him up and reels him in but Kyle slips under! Kyle waistlocks, Theory bucks him and somersaults, but Kyle catches the dropkick! HEEL HOOK! Theory rolls fast to get the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kyle lets go and Theory gets to the apron. Kyle brings Theory up, Kyle goes to buckle bump but Theory blocks to give Kyle the bump! Theory throws Kyle down to slingshot stomp and RIPCORD SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!!

Kyle is still in this as Theory clamps on with a chicken wing and chinbar. Kyle endures, fights up, and fans rally again as Kyle throws body shots. Theory knees low, whips Kyle to ropes but Kyle reverses to kitchen sink knee! Theory sputters while Kyle catches his breath in a corner. Kyle gets Theory up for knee after knee, then a KICK to the leg! Palm strike, knee, KICK and leg sweep! Fans fire up as Kyle grits his teeth, Kyle runs corner to corner to forearm smash! Wrench and ELBOW BREAKR, to a KNEE in the corner! Kyle keeps moving, BOOT, to HALF HATCH and ARMBAR! Theory flails, clasps hands, but Kyle gets the leg! ANKLE LOCK!

Theory endures, reaches, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Kyle KNEES Theory’s arm down! Theory writhes, sits up, Kyle KICKS him in the arm! Fans duel hard as ever as Kyle gets the bad arm. Kyle wrenches, Theory breaks out, Kyle ducks one punch but the ELBOW gets him! Theory gets Kyle up but Kyle slips out of the bomb to ROCK Theory! Kyle runs in at the corner but Theory dodges the shining wizard CLUBBING forearm, torture rack, TOWER HACKER BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! No one can believe Kyle survived, but Theory hurries to get Kyle up! AOI SHOUDO! Cover, TWO!!! Theory doesn’t understand why this isn’t working!

Kyle bails out, Theory goes out after him. Theory pulls steel steps apart! The ref has the ring count going and reprimands Theory, but Kyle gets up with fury in his eyes! KICK, smack off steps, into the boards, repeat! Kyle chases Theory into the ring, Theory ROCKS him but Kyle stays up! Kyle gets a takedown, ground ‘n’ pound with palm strikes, then Kowata Kicks! Fans are going nuts as Kyle hits AX and SMASH!! And a BIG knee into Kyle! Kyle goes to a corner, climbs up, KING KNOG KNEE DROP to the leg! HEEL HOOK!! Theory taps, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle O’Reilly, by submission

But Kyle has lost his cool, he’s not letting go! The ref pries Kyle off the hold and Theory finally gets away. Kyle said he felt there was something he needed to do to get back to the Kyle that won the tag titles. This might be that thing! Will this Kyle be the one to finally get THE NXT Championship?


Backstage interview with Raquel Gonzalez & Dakota Kai.

Huge title match tonight, but Xia vowed she’s walking out champion. Raquel’s response? Everyone says the same thing. Wasn’t McKenzie who asked if Ember hits the Eclipse? And what happened/ Raquel won! As for Xia and her “destiny,” not tonight, chica. Dakota says after beating Ember, Xia stole their spotlight. Now Raquel will destroy Xia for it. That kick doesn’t scare Raquel. Boa the bodyguard doesn’t scare Raquel. And her little friend who sits on her weird throne doesn’t scare Raquel. After putting Xia down, there will be no one left! Raquel and Dakota head out, but will they be eating all these words tonight?


Legado del Fantasma goes to the ring.

And judging from the mariachi guitarists in the ring waiting for them, there’s a musical performance in store. Santos Escobar wants everyone to stop, and dismisses the mariachis? Escobar says he was going to give us a taste of the best musical heritage in the world, but he changed his mind. He’s not going to lower himself to entertain the masses. Why? Because the fans ain’t worth it! Escobar won’t do the “Hit Row thing,” come out here and vomit some lines, embarrass himself and his people. Is this the battle of styles or something? Escobar will tell us what his style is: being the true and real CAMPEON, El Mero Mero!

So Hit Row, Escobar will take that North American Championship and put it up here, with blood, tradition, heritage, family and legacy! But here comes Hit Row themselves! Adonis has the music cut so he can say Escobar is talking real spicy. B-Fab, putting on notice. Like, really, Escobar? Que es esto? Your mariachi music was gonna be trash anyway. But wait, she gets what this is now. And what’s that? They’re celebrating their Quinceañera, thrown by Daddy Santos! Facts. We all know he’s their sugar daddy. But Mendoza & Wilde probably just call him “Papi Rico.” Check it. Top Falla says “You’re Escobar like Santos. I’m Escobar like Pablo! Plata promo, tatted on me, that’s how I go!” But when they see you, you and you, all he smells is guano! Who hotta than Top Dolla? Not nada!

Now look, Legado would never talk that tough talk to his face. And like Beyoncé say, that’s cuz it stay. To this day! All y’all stacked on top of each other, that’s like six eighths! Top Dolla was bigger than all y’all in sixth grade! And that wasn’t a bar, that was a fact. Then, now, forever, Hit Row runs the present, and that’s a wrap! Swerve wraps it up by giving us a history lesson: In 2020, it took all of Legado to stop him from getting Escobar’s title. That’s cool and all, cuz Swerve got a group of his own. So consider this payback! Thinking of it, Swerve hasn’t seen no one kidnapped in the back of a parking lot and returned right back.

So Legado, family is everything, right? Fruits of the Fantasma labors are beautiful to see. That is, until Swerve make Santos his bitch! And in 10 years, the apple won’t far from the tree. Oh yeah, keep doing that lame nursery rhyming all night. Legado will take the title and bring it back to Mexico, cabron! Bingo, we’ve got action! Hit Row steps up, Legado welcomes them, and fans are fired up as they duel between the two. And then it fires off! Wilde goes after Adonis, Mendoza is after Dolla, but Dolla puts Mendoza up top while Adonis drags Wilde down! And now it’s just Escobar and Swerve! Escobar takes off the jacket, Swerve takes off the title belt, and Swerve gets the first shot in!

Swerve fires off on Escobar but Escobar jams him in the eye! Escobar sees a guitar was left behind, and he grabs it! Swerve gets up but B-Fab stops the smash hit! Swerve DECKS Escobar and B-Fab wants him to go acoustic. Swerve gets the guitar but Escobar wants him to take it easy. Swerve says this is what Escobar’s owed, but Escobar bails out! Wilde gets in but Dolla warns Swerve. Wilde puts on the brakes but now he’s alone! Escobar isn’t coming back for him, either. Swerve steps, Wilde freaks out, and gets the LONG KISS GOODNIGHT from Adonis! Wilde is down, Dolla taunts Escobar with the belt, and Swerve says this is what Escobar’s gonna get. SMASH HIT!!

Fans go nuts as Wilde falls out of the ring and at Escobar’s feet. Legado may have targeted the wrong man this time. And if you didn’t know, now you know!


The Way talks backstage.

Gargano wants everyone to calm down. He’s the one not calm. What is going on? It has been awful lately! Candice & Indi lost the Women’s Tag titles, Gargano couldn’t get THE title, and why is Theory starting fights with people? Indi tells Candice to stop being so hard on everyone! If he wants to kiss Dexter, let him kiss Dexter! What? Theory doesn’t wanna kiss Dexter. Candice wants the therapist! Gargano says no, they don’t need the therapist. But Indi is projecting onto the others. Gargano is trying to keep the peace but Theory says the family is falling apart.

Theory reaches out for the high five but Papa John and Mama Candice are too concerned about #InDex. Theory walks out of the room, is The Way hitting a dead end?


Regal finds Joe still at the front door.

Regal wants Joe to know Kross has promised he’ll be here. So for everyone’s sake, Joe needs to calm down. Joe says Regal keeps getting this confused. This isn’t an issue of respect between the two of them, but Joe respects Regal. But Regal knows Joe will be the first man to “greet” Kross. Regal wants it to be peaceful, but the way Joe looks, it is going to be anything but.


NXT Breakout Tournament 2021 Opening Round: Odyssey Jones VS Andre Chase!

Two more new faces to NXT are ready to break out, but while Odyssey Jones has been waiting in the wings, Andre Chase says he is the number one seed in this tournament. Will Jones #SoundTheAlarm when he busts Chase’s bracket?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up and fans are behind Jones as he shoves Chase to the corner. Chase comes back, goes for a leg, but Jones gets him right up to a Canadian rack! Chase slips off to headlock but Jones powers out. Chase clotheslines but it does nothing! Jones grins but Chase fires off on the legs! Chase gets Jones down to a knee and BOOTS him! Jones stays up and Chase runs, into a big shoulder tackle! Jones fires up, runs, things speed up, but Jones catches Chase out of the air! Chase fights, Jones pops him away and clotheslines him out of the ring! Fans fire up with Jones as he pursues Chase. Chase gets back in and WRECKS Jones with a dropkick!

Chase PLANCHAS and takes Jones down! Chase almost hurts himself there, but he gets Jones up to throw forearms. Jones scoops to SNAKE EYES Chase off the desk! Jones runs but is sent into the girder! And then the post! Fans boo as Chase puts Jones in and covers, TWO! Jones gets up but Chase is on him with forearms. Chase whips but Jones blocks! Jones reverses, but Chase drop toeholds him into buckles! And KICKS him into the ring, for a SLINGHSOT STUNNER! Jones staggers, Chase climbs, and Chase MOONSAULTS! Direct hit and a cover, TWO!! Jones shakes out the cobwebs but Chase is after his arm!

Fans rally for Jones and he RAMS Chase into a corner. Chase runs but Jones CLOBBERS him! Jones starts to rally and hits a BODY CHECK! Jones fires up again, runs in to back body block, then rolls to come back and SPLASH! Chase flounders, Jones gets him up to whip and scoop, SIDE EFFECT! Cover, Jones wins!

Winner: Odyssey Jones, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

And the Odyssey begins! Bracket busted or not, will Jones be the new number one when he wins the whole thing?


Backstage interview with MSK.

Wes Lee & Nash Carter still have momentum, but what’s next? Well they’re ride the wave, it’s nice. And they look forward to whoever is stepping up next. They welcome any and all challengers. MSK All- Wait, what does that stand for? They didn’t tell you? Picture this. Dayton, Ohio, the year 2015.

But wait, Imperium interrupts with a video message! Marcel Barthel remembers being 3 years old when his father sat him down and told him, “You must love, respect and honor this business with every fiber of your being. Because we’re different. To us, the mat is sacred.” Fabian Aichner asks, “What happened to our sport?” Just looking at the NXT Tag Team Division, from top to bottom all see are lucha libre losers, rappers who wanna be famous, hand signs all over, and immature champions with a meaningless reign. But this ends with Imperium! they are protecting the purity of this sport, by any means necessary.

And that’s why they’re MSK. It all makes sense now! So they had no idea what just happened? Will they not see Barthel & Aichner coming after them and those titles?


Pete Dunne & Oney Lorcan speak.

The Bruiserweight says, “For months now, I’ve been begging anyone that thinks they’re badder than me, anyone that thinks they’re a better technician than me, to prove it. And last week, finally, Thatcher & Ciampa stepped up.” But if those two think they’re badder and better, then let’s scrap! Oney’s down for a fight. Ciampa & Thatcher must think they’re real tough guys. But next week, we see how tough they really are. Who will survive when four of the grittiest men in NXT today throw down?


LA Knight w/ Cameron Grimes VS Drake Maverick!

The Million Dollar Megastar didn’t want anyone lightening the load on his Carolina Cavemanservant, and now he’s sending a message to the good Samaritan that came along. Will Knight make million dollar mashed potatoes out of Rockstar Spud?

The bell rings, Grimes holds onto the Million Dollar Championship for Knight and holds it up high, and then Knight turns around into haymakers! Maverick fires off, Knight shoves him away, but Maverick dropkicks al eg out! Then he redirects Knight to dropkick him down again! Knight gets to a corner, kicks back and ROCKS Maverick! Knight back suplexes high and hard, then paces as Maverick writhes. Fans still chants “TO THE MOON!” for Grimes and Knight gets annoyed. Knight goes out and tells Grimes to stay over by commentary now, while still holding the belt up. Grimes does his job, Knight gets in the ring, and Maverick slips under to back elbow!

Maverick goes up, Knight Electric Chair lifts, but Maverick spins to RANA! Knight flounders, Maverick goes up the corner and Grimes cheers him on as Maverick CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Maverick fires off hands, runs, but has to dodge a clothesline. He comes back but Knight scoops Maverick with one arm, for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Knight grins but he doesn’t like the fans chanting for Grimes. Grimes, hold the belt up! Grimes gets his arms up and Knight warns him to take this seriously. But Maverick dropkicks Knight into the belt! Maverick rolls Knight up, and WINS!

Winner: Drake Maverick, by pinfall

Grimes says that was awesome, but tells Maverick to get out of here fast! Maverick hurries but Knight CLOBBERS him! And rains down fists! The Million Dollar Megastar says this is on Grimes, and he stomps a million dollar mudhole into Maverick! Grimes pulls Knight off Maverick!? Grimes says this isn’t necessary, the match was over. No it’s not over! Knight says it’s GRIMES’ turn! Knight orders his butler to beat up Maverick! Knight gets Maverick up but Grimes walks away. Knight brings Grimes back into the ring, and says if Grimes is a man of his word, then he has to beat up Maverick! Knight stands Maverick up and orders Grimes to punch Maverick in the mouth.

Fans say, “NO! NO! NO!” and Grimes grimaces, but he DECKS Maverick! Grimes still compromises his character but Knight gloats in the control he has over Grimes! Knight tells Grimes to follow him out, and Grimes apologizes to Maverick. Will Grimes be pushed to a breaking point being under Knight’s thumb?


Karrion Kross finally arrives.

And Joe is right at the car door! But he drags out a staff member?! The guy says Kross paid him to park the car, Kross is already in the building! Joe shoves the guy down and storms back inside! Will Joe find Kross and make him pay for playing games?


NXT Women’s Championship: Raquel Gonzalez w/ Dakota Kai VS Xia Li!

Big Mami Cool defeated the Nightmare, dethroned the Evil Genius, and extinguished the Prophecy of Flames already in her reign. But Mei Ying has molded the once spicy Xia into a razor sharp steel blade. And surprisingly, Boa and Mei Ying stayed away for this one! Will Xia prove to Raquel that this is destiny when she does this all on her own? Or will the insurance policy known as #CapKota come into play?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see the difference between destiny and reality play out before our eyes!

The two tie up, Raquel powers Xia right into a corner but Xia slips away. Xia dodges, waistlocks, headlocks, but Raquel powers up. Raquel powers out, Xia comes back but Raquel runs her over! “I’M your champion! You WILL respect me!” But Xia kips up to stare her down! Xia KICKS a leg, jumps on and has a SLEEPER! Raquel flails, pries the hold, and throws Xia off! Raquel then double knuckle locks and brings Xia up, but Xia kicks and jumps up! Xia sunset flips but Raquel stays up. Raquel drags Xia up to throw into a corner! The ref almost didn’t get out of the way but Xia boots back! Raquel runs in but only gets buckles!

Raquel gets Xia again to put her back in a corner, but Xia kicks her. Xia leaps up and over, rolls, comes back but into a BOOT! Xia isn’t the only one with lethal feet! Raquel eggs Xia on but Xia bails out. Raquel follows, “This is what you wanted!” Raquel scoops Xia, to LAWN DART her into the post! Raquel puts Xia in, Xia flops back out. Dakota keeps her distance and Raquel says this won’t end on count out! She runs in but Xia moves! Raquel gets stuck in the corner and Xia SLAMS the leg against post! Raquel grabs at hair but Xia SLAMS the leg into post again! And again! Raquel shoves her away and gets free, but she hobbles away. Xia SHOVES her into steel steps!

Xia gets in the ring as NXT goes picture in picture! She fires up, Raquel gets in, and Xia KICKS her bad leg! Raquel hobbles, Xia KICKS her again! Xia fires off more kicks, Raquel shoves her but Xia dropkicks the leg out. Xia roars, tastes the victory coming, and KNEES Raquel in the side. Cover, TWO! Xia is furious but she just goes after Raquel at the ropes. Raquel shoves her away but Xia kicks her more! Xia fires off hands, stomps away in the corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Xia brings Raquel around, Raquel shoves her away but Xia just comes back for more! Xia has the bad leg, clubs it over an dover, then DRAGON SCREWS Raquel down!

Raquel writhes, Xia is after her again! Xia CLUBS her down, says this is her destiny, and then chokes Raquel on ropes! The ref counts, Xia lets off and then throws body shots. Raquel gets to a corner, Xia cravats but Raquel SLAMS her down! Cover, TWO! Xia KICKS the bad leg again! Xia drags Raquel from ropes, has hold of the foot, and drops down to a HEEL HOOK! Raquel endures, slaps at Xia’s leg, pries at the hold, but Xia stays clamped on. Raquel stomps with her free leg and gets free, then hurries to a corner. NXT returns to single picture as Xia runs in to knee! And again! Xia climbs up to rain down elbows, but Raquel shoves her away.

Xia comes back to get the leg on the rope and she dropkicks the knee! And again! Raquel tries to get free but the third dropkick knocks her down! Cover, TWO! Dakota is relieved but Xia is back on the foot. Xia tries to turn Raquel, and she does, for a HALF CRAB! Raquel endures, grits her teeth, powers up, and rolls to throw Xia down! Xia gets up and runs in, but into Raquel’s arms for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Xia flounders up, ducks a lariat but not the second! Raquel fires up and CLOBBERS Xia again! And manages a dropkick! Cover, TWO! Raquel is growing frustrated and she clutches the bad leg. Raquel gets Xia up as fans rally, but Xia fights off the fisherman!

Xia runs to wheelbarrow and victory roll to a EuroClutch! TWO, but Xia gets a jackknife on the return! TWO, and Xia stands right up to KICK Raquel in the back! Raquel flounders with the bad leg, and Xia runs to FALLING ROUNDHOUSE! Cover, TWO!! Raquel survives and Xia grows frustrated! Dakota panics as Xia gets Raquel up for SLAPS! Raquel blocks, gets the leg, and then pops Xia up for a SPINEBUSTER! Raquel goes to a corner, climbs up and VADER SENTONS! Cover, TWO!! Xia survives again and Raquel is beside herself. The ref checks on Xia while Raquel works on her bad leg. Raquel says Xia wanted this, she will end it!

Xia is being checked on the medic, Dakota coaches Raquel on this, and fans rally up in hopes this continues. Raquel grits her teeth as she stays fired up but Xia might be hurt. Somehow, Xia is okay to continue, so Raquel gets her up! CHINGONA BOMB! Raquel wins!

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez, by pinfall (still NXT Women’s Champion)

Xia might’ve rather taken the technical knockout, because in the end, there was a difference between destiny and reality: Raquel Gonzalez. Raquel and Dakota head out right as Joe storms in! Joe has a mic to call out “KARRION KROOOSS~! COME OUT TO PLAAAAY~!” Joe goes right to the ring and asks where, oh where, is our young champion, the man who refuses to learn?! Tonight, Kross learns there WILL be a reckoning! Kross, get your ass out here so Joe can stomp it all over the arena! But Kross talks via titantron that this isn’t the same world Joe walked away from on top. This is Kross’ world now.

Kross is the new beginning, and the NXT Championship means he can go wherever he wants. Kross can do whatever he wants, and he can hurt anyone he wants. For example… WILLIAM REGAL is down?! Joe hurries to the back, and Kross asks if Joe still feel sin control. “Who provoked who?” Kross leaves Regal down and out as he goes back to his car and pulls away just as Joe returns to the parking lot! Joe is furious but his wrath goes unsatisfied! What must Joe do to make Kross #FallAndPray?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT but I feel like they’re still having to find themselves while Vince is screwing around. For one, there is still the uncertainty of what’s going on with Mandy Rose after she got “traded” to NXT. She was scouting during Franky’s match, and Jacy Jayne got to look pretty good because of the distractions. Is she going to recruit Gigi Dolin and/or Jacy Jayne in a weird copycat of the Robert Stone Brand? And ironically, it is funny that Stone doesn’t realize Franky is taking over his stable, I can’t wait to see the moment he finally puts it together.

They could’ve done more to announce the next TakeOver, and since NXT isn’t touring, it is a shame it’ll just be generically named “TakeOver 36,” but at least it’s happening. A lot of groundwork is already set for various titles, but after a great women’s title match that had a bit of a rough ending, Raquel’s card is wide open. I do like Xia’s promo working the flush heel kick to Mercedes Martinez into things, and Raquel had a good response. And Dakota’s subtle frown at Raquel acting like there will be no one left to challenge her is a good detail, too. Dakota of course would want her own chance at the title but maybe Raquel doesn’t see her ally as a contender out of friendship. Maybe Dakota will turn on Raquel the way she did on Tegan and that gives us a big title match for TK36.

We got a very good tag match between Diamond Mine and Kushida-Fish, with good teamwork from both sides. Kushida and Fish win, but don’t be surprised if Kushida still gives Rust or Strong a Cruiserweight Championship match. I’m leaning towards Rust getting a title match so that Fish and Strong can have their grudge match, winner getting perhaps their own Cruiserweight title match down the line. I feel like the Diamond Mine as a faction needs to do more recruiting promo segments where they’re looking for a third fighter since the Nick Prick Khan releases took away Arturo Ruas and even Marina Shafir. *Cough* 205 Live */cough*

I like the interplay of MSK and Imperium, with the Imperium promo video completely overlapping MSK’s origin story. Obviously, Imperium is just stepping right up to the titles since there’s no Breezango to still feud with and the other teams are busy. Speaking of, we got a decent promo from Dunne & Oney, but Oney’s last line felt like an incomplete thought. I feel like he should’ve upped the ante by saying their match with Ciampa & Thatcher should just straight up be a special type of tag match. With these four, why not a Submission Tag, or Elimination Tag to see who is the last partner standing. Their match happening next week could mean we still get a tag contender’s match before TK36, Imperium VS I would assume Ciampa & Thatcher.

Kyle VS Theory was a great match that was in response to Theory’s social media video promo, but also worked out to propel both men’s stories. Kyle brings out that aggression and gets a great win, he is building momentum towards his tiebreaker with Adam Cole, and then Theory is feeling like the forgotten little brother in all of big sister Indi’s drama. Theory has really come into his own thanks to being with The Way, I just hope Vince doesn’t notice and take him away. And that’s not a pun, that’s legit, I hope Theory gets to see this through. And speaking of the drama within The Way, Candice is coming off a tad awkward but Indi is nailing the #InDex Freudian slips. I hope we finally get a big moment between her and Dexter at TK36.

With Maverick having absolutely no one anymore, with wife Renee Michelle working under AEW, and both his buddies, EC3 and Killian Dain, being released without WWE really trying with them, I am glad he’s even moderately involved in the Million Dollar Legacy story. Maverick tries to be a good guy, but no good deed goes unpunished, and while he wins against Knight in a great way, Knight makes Grimes do his dirty work here. I almost thought Grimes was going to refuse, but he doesn’t want to welsh on the bet so he hit Maverick. I hope Maverick brings up how pinning the champ should get him a title opportunity, since that is obviously WWE’s new policy, and maybe Grimes helps Maverick win to get out of being Knight’s butler.

I like that we were teased a parody of Hit Row’s cypher celebration, and then Escobar refuses to do it because he doesn’t want to pander to fans. That much I can respect, even if they’re dissing an honestly good bit of rap. Hit Row did a good job shooting back, and they had a great brawl. Swerve bringing up when Legado kept screwing him over was a natural move, and now maybe Hit Row will do that back to Escobar. But also, that Six Man Tag needs to happen first. Then we got a very good Breakout Tournament match, I am very happy to see Odyssey Jones win. They still haven’t given us a full bracket, but with Josh Briggs and Joe Gacy facing Carmelo Hayes and Trey Baxter, respectively, I feel like this Breakout Tournament is turning into Big Hoss Tournament.

Bronson Reed had a good interview promo with Wade Barrett, but I feel like there’s some bad news in Reed’s future. He’s aiming big with Adam Cole but I feel like Cole wins to build towards the tiebreaker with Kyle. At the same time, Reed seems to be on Vince’s radar so maybe the loser who leaves NXT will be Reed, not Cole. And of course, we got great stuff out Joe and Kross. I like that Joe references Kross being on Raw for no real reason, and then Kross acting like it’s because he can do whatever he wants. Though maybe Kross should’ve chosen to not go to Raw if he knew he’d be used as the poster boy for Vince dissing NXT.

Anyway, Joe never gets to get at Kross and Kross gets some real serious Heel heat going after Regal directly. Joe has to destroy Kross at this point and send him and Scarlett off to Raw. Maybe then Vince gives Mr. & Mrs. Doomsday a fair shake.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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