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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (7/22/21)

Will NXT UK still be Pretty Deadly?



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Will Subculture make history and become two-time NXT UK Tag Team Champions?

After the back and forth, Pretty Deadly finally defends their NXT UK Tag Team Championships against Subculture! Will this be the last #SidePlateCheck?


  • Nina Samuels VS Laura Di Matteo; Samuels wins.
  • Joseph Conners w/ Jinny VS Tristan Archer; Conners wins.
  • NXT UK Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Subculture; Pretty Deadly wins and retains the titles.


Sid Scala is in the ring!

“NXT UK Universe, tonight, we were scheduled to present to you, Walter VS Dragunov II. However, due to an altercation backstage last week, Walter has sustained an injury and is currently unable to defend the NXT UK Championship.” Sid and Johnny Saint have been discussing this issue with NXT management, and at this time, he sends things over to them.

William Regal, Triple H and Shawn Michaels speak via satellite video.

Regal thanks Sid, and says these three have “taken a keen interest in the happenings between Ilja Dragunov and Walter from last week.” HBK says that like all of us, they find this is a bit disappointing that the NXT UK Championship match isn’t happening tonight and is postponed. HHH adds that after many discussions with Johnny Saint, they have the best possible solution. Regal says the Walter VS Dragunov rivalry has been among the fiercest not only in NXT history but in pro-wrestling for the last decade. With that in mind, they felt that this match for the NXT UK Championship should be seen by the entire world.

Therefore, Walter will defend his UK Championship against Dragunov in the United States, on August 22, at TakeOver 36! What a HUGE announcement! With exactly one month to heal and prepare, will Walter be ready to defend against and defeat Ilja Dragunov a second time? Or will the Moscow Madman use TakeOver to take over NXT UK?


Symbiosis speaks.

Primate calls out Tyler Bate for using nunchucks! But his wounds of war heal. Bate’s won’t! Tyson T-Bate says that Tyler might be a Big Strong Boy, but we’ll see how he fares against two big strong MEN! Eddie Dennis tells Trent Seven, “Don’t think that we’ve forgotten about you! Every time we’ve shared a ring, you try to end my career! How are you gonna feel when we return the favor?” Dennis’ mind is a machine, and it is locked, loaded and aimed at the precipice of Moustache Mountain. The ammunition is ready to fire, but can they knock down Seven & Bate?


Nina Samuels VS Laura Di Matteo!

The Leading Lady loves the spotlight, but she wants her chance at the title. Will her performance here get her cast in Meiko Satomura’s next defense? Or will LDM steal the show and the opportunity?

The bell rings, Nina and LDM tie up, Nina gets an arm and wrenches to a wristlock. LDM rolls, slides under, trips Nina and ties up the legs to an inverted Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Then a float over to a facelock. Nina slips out to hammerlock LDM. LDM reaches up, fights up, wedges an elbow in to get free and she wrenches Nina back. LDM has the wristlock now, but Nina spins, only for LDM to spin with her! Nina cartwheels, switches the wristlock and wrangles LDM down. Nina drops knees on the arm, then digs them in. Nina rolls, hooks the arm, but LDM blocks La Magistrol to a cover of her own! TWO, and Nina is furious! She kicks low then throws LDM down!

Nina fires off kicks, grabs LDM by her hair and sits her up just to throw her down again! Nina digs a knee into LDM’s back, ties up LDM’s legs in a figure four knot, and pulls hair! The ref reprimands, Nina lets off and has the modified Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Nina pulls hair again, LDM endures, so Nina FLINGS her away! The ref reprimands about the hair pulling but Nina kicks LDM around. Nina bumps LDM off buckles, then runs to throw in a back elbow! Nina snapmares LDM down to then hit a NECK SNAPPER! Nina clamps on with a chinlock, knee in LDM’s back. LDM endures, grabs at Nina but Nina thrashes her around. Nina wants LDM to give up but LDM refuses.

Nina JAMS her knee in, but LDM fights up. BT Sports Studio rallies as LDM gets to her feet, and she throws body shots! Nina pulls on the chinlock but LDM throws more hands! Nina scoops to SLAM LDM down! Nina then sits LDM up but LDM turns things into a victory roll! TWO, and Nina runs into LDM’s dropkick! LDM whips Nina to a corner, Nina reverses and run sin but LDM slips to the ropes! LDM rolls Nina up, TWO! Nina gets up, kicks low, CLUBS LDM, then whips. LDM rolls, comes back, but into a fireman’s carry! LDM sunset flips, TWO! Nina escapes again but LDM CLUBS her down! And again! LDM gets Nina up but Nina hauls LDM into a corner!

Nina RAMS into LDM, and again! The ref counts, Nina lets off to stomp, but LDM CHOPS! Nina SLAPS LDM, hoists her up top, and fixes her hair, only for LDM to BOOT her! FLYING RANA! LARIAT! LDM rallies and dodges, to ENZIGURI! Nina flounders, LDM fires up! LDM runs in, springboards, but no DDT! Nina shoves LDM, scoops her to a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! And then another scoop for another tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! LDM staggers about, Nina gets her at the ropes and pulls her back for a motorcycle stretch! The ref counts, Nina stops to DROPKICK LDM in the back! Roll and Canadian rack, to a KNEE! Cover, Nina wins!

Winner: Nina Samuels, by pinfall

“I’m baaaack~!” The Leading Lady has a new move in her repertoire, will she use that to take the title from Satomura?


Teoman speaks.

“Months ago, when I came to NXT UK, I said nothing is more important than family. I will stop at nothing to protect and provide for my mother, and my brothers.” Rohan Raja sits with The Babo as he continues. “I was born hundreds of miles away from my brother, but through respect, we have a bond.” Raja says last week, Ashton & Oliver learned the strength of this bond. Teoman welcomed Raja into the family because he saw something powerful within him. All of NXT UK will see that. It is easy for everyone to choose: Respect, or fear. Just remember, the family is always growing. Does this mean there are more siblings waiting to join Teoman and Raja?


NXT Media catches up with Xia Brookside.

She introduces herself, but is immediately interrupted by Blair Davenport. Xia, good to see you again! Now, Xia’s been here what? Three years? Blair’s been here like five minutes and everyone’s talking about her now. The only reason they know who Xia is, is because of daddy’s last name. Wow… Xia walks off but Blair says for her to come back and talk to her when she’s got her own last name. Blair laughs now, but will Xia wipe the smirk off her face?


NXT UK presents an all new Supernova Sessions!

“Hello, hello, hello! Hear me now. Live from the moon, welcome to another edition of Supernova Sessions.” Noam Dar apologizes for the “short break” they were on. He’s been on a Hot Boi Summer, simply living his best life. But he’s back now and has tunnel vision on 100, because money never sleeps, and he’s here to get all that bank~! Check, please. But making their SNS debut, an absolute 10 outta 10, Jinny and Joseph Conners! Dar almost forgot about him. But Jinny does not like the folding chairs. Is Dar kidding her? Oh right a queen doesn’t sit in something like that. Where are his manners?

Dar moves aside his framed copy of his own merch shirt, as well as the bright yellow throw pillow on his blue couch, and gives her the pillow. Now she can sit on the folding chair all nice and comfy. He doesn’t do this just for anyone. Jinny dusts the pillow off, sets it down on the chair, and she takes her seat. Dar is glad to finally have another 10 outta 10 on his show, like himself. A pioneer of the NXT UK Women’s Division. But what Dar really wants to know is: what’s her phone number? Jinny scoffs and Dar says he’s just kidding. But she is a bit of a fashionista, right? Conners asks where this is going. Dar sees himself as a trendsetter. He can “put it together.”

In fact, she’ll appreciate this. Feel the shirt. Just a little feel. Boop. Y’know what that is? Boyfriend material. Swish! Jinny says, “Sweetheart, I think it felt cheap.” Oof… Well now that she mentions it, one thing that Jinny ‘n’ Joseph are no longer is cheap. As a matter of fact, it has to do with this relationship here. What Dar, and the fans, want to know: Is this business? Or personal? Jinny can’t believe how pathetic Dar is being. First off, don’t start with how she’s been cheap. She lived a life of luxury since birth. Second, this line of questioning, Jinny passes off on Joseph.

Conners tells Andy Shepherd and whoever else NXT UK has, it’s obvious. Footage plays of Conners and Jinny living the high life. Ever since Conners started associating with The Queen of NXT UK, he has surrounded himself with true class and culture. Why wouldn’t he associate with Jinny? Jinny is so sick of people questioning this “relationship.” Smart people associate themselves with other smart people. Hmm, write that down, that’s good. But so this is professional, got it. Jinny’s single. Maybe some cocktails tonight? That’s a wrap, then. Play that funky m-

Actually, sweetheart, Jinny’s not done. She pushes Dar aside to call out Aoife Valkyrie. The only reason Jinny is on SNS is because she heard exactly what Aoife has been saying. But Aoife’s always watching from a safe distance because she IS a scared, fragile little girl. What Aoife says from afar would never be said to Jinny’s face. Aoife will never step toe-to-toe in the ring with The Queen of NXT UK. Why? Because Aoife knows Jinny will be the one who breaks Aoife. Conners applauds, and he stands as Jinny is ready to go. And FYI, Jinny doesn’t drink cocktails. Only champagne. Right, noted. Dar still wants her to call him.

And actually, the only “lady” he needs in his life is his own SPRNVA shirt, available now. Swipe up, use the discount code, ELEVEN, at checkout to save an extra 20%. Thank you, buh-bye! Play that funky music! Also, does anyone have Jinny’s number? Meanwhile, Conners has a match, will he prove just how beneficial Jinny’s help has been in his career?


Rampage Brown speaks.

“This is it. Rampage Brown VS Joey Coffey, round 3.” The training has intensified considerably, “This match is gonna separate the men from the boys. I’ll win by any means necessary to make sure I’m the one that comes out on top.” Will this third time be the last time between Rampage and the Iron King?


Joseph Conners w/ Jinny VS Tristan Archer!

The Spoiled Princess’ Righteous Knight is still proving he is worthy of golden opportunities. Will Jinny’s knight take down the debuting French Archer, then take aim at the next level?

The bell rings and Conners circles with Archer. They tie up, Conners waistlocks, spins him and wristlocks to wrangle Archer down. Conners gives toying kicks, but Archer gets up, spins through, only for Conners to wrangle him again. Conners gives more toying kicks but Archer is up again to spin and trip him up! They end up in ropes and Archer lets off, but he eggs Conners on. Conners gets up, circles and ties up, but Archer waistlocks! Archer headlocks, Conners powers up but can’t power out. Archer snapmares then runs Conners over! Things speed up, Archer catches Conners out of the air! But Conners slips out to a waistlock, only for Archer to elbow free.

Archer goes to run but Conners reels him in and passes him up. Archer follows, Conners stops but Archer LARIATS Conners down! Archer lets his hair down to stomp Conners and fire off hands in the corner! Jinny is upset, but Conners goes up and over. Conners runs, slides under, then gets a BACKBREAKER! Conners makes Archer look at Jinny, then runs for a SNAP CHANCERY! Archer staggers up, Conners CLUBS him on the back. Conners stomps Archer, throws hands, CLUBS him more, then throws back elbows and a clothesline! Conners reels Archer in for a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Conners is frustrated but Jinny coaches him.

Conners CLUBS Archer on the back, snapmares him near ropes, then springboard knee drops! And then again! Cover, TWO! Archer gets up, Conners is after Archer but Archer hits back, Conners CLUBS Archer, ROCKS him, but Archer hits a JAWBREAKER! Archer back elbows Conners, but Conners body shots and BOOTS Archer down! Jackknife cover, Archer keeps his shoulder up, so Conners shifts to a ghost pin, TWO! Conners snarls as he gets Archer up. Jinny wants him to finish this, but Conners snapmares and JAMS his knee in. Conners throws down elbows, throws in another knee, and clamps on a chinlock.

BT Sports Studio rallies, Archer endures and fights up, but Conners CLUBS him! Archer throws haymakers, Conners throws body shots, it is a brawl! Archer headbutts, kicks, and throws more hands. Conners and Archer clinch, go around, Archer throws harder shots! Archer gets Conners up, reels him in, but Conners wrenches out to shove! Archer dodges to send Conners into a corner! ENZIGURI! Archer climbs but Conners rushes over. Archer avoids the trip up to bump Conners off buckles and KICK him back! Archer steps in, CODE BREAKER!! Covers, TWO!! Jinny is relieved but Archer is shocked!

Archer gets Conners up, Conners breaks free, Archer goes for a roll up but Conners sits on it! TWO, Archer sunsets, Cinners rolls through but comes back into a cradle! TWO, and Archer kicks low! Scoop, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Conners narrowly escapes and Jinny is upset! She wants Conners to show us why he’s worthy! Archer runs in, Conners BOOTS him, but Archer comes back with a DISCUS! Archer fireman’s carries for a GO- NO! Conners blocks the knee, runs, drags Archer down, rolls him, BASEMENT DDT!! Conners gets Archer up, crosses the arms, STRAITJACKET NECKBREAKER!! Cover, Conners wins!

Winner: Joseph Conners, by pinfall

Conners calls that one The Hierarchy, as proof that he is above his opponent. Will the Righteous Knight be seen as worthy of a golden opportunity in the near future? And as for Jinny, she spots Aoife Valkyrie watching right from the stage! The Queen of NXT UK watches her as she and Conners exit the ring. Aoife and Jinny get face to face, and Aoife plucks a feather from her shoulder pad. She presents it to Jinny, and Jinny takes it. The challenge has been extended and accepted, will the Valkyrie rise above the Spoiled Princess to show who is really the fragile little girl?


Jordan Devlin exits Sid Scala’s office.

The Irish Ace tells the Assistant GM that if he gets tricked, it’s on Sid’s head. NXT UK Media asks him about the Ironman Match being made between him and A-Kid. Yeah, it has been made. But we don’t need Devlin to list off AK’s accolades. Certified talent, inaugural Heritage Cup holder, but today A-Kid got another accolade: Dumbest man on the planet. To request an Ironman Match with a damaged ACL, and against Jordan Devlin, there is no way AK can be 100%. AK can lie to Sid, lie to the doctors, and lie to the fans, but Devlin doesn’t care because he knows that leg tore in his hands and AK was crying at Devlin’s feet.

Last time, Devlin tried to end AK’s career. Next time, he’ll finish the job. Is this going to be one high stakes game A-Kid wished he’d folded on?


NXT UK Media catches up with Dave Mastiff.

Mastiff is using a muscle massager and they ask if he’s alright. Yeah, he’s fine. Just looking after his muscles. But then someone else walks it. Jack Starz apologizes for interrupting, but he just wanted to say how much he appreciated Mastiff’s help the last few weeks. Without Mastiff saying what he’s said, Starz probably wouldn’t have accepted Tyler Bate’s offer. So Starz can’t thank Mastiff enough. Mastiff humbly thanks Starz for saying that, but one more thing: there’s more to come. Is the Bomber suggesting a team-up with Starz?


NXT UK Media interviews Moustache Mountain.

What is their response on Symbiosis calling them out? Seven says this is the issue: it is always words. Dennis just can’t let it go. It was done, 1-2-3, thank you very much, end of the feud. But then Dennis and his “monkeys” jumped Seven, Bate has to put this Heritage Cup stuff on the backburner so that they can have some business to handle. They’re back, good in for it. If there’s a target aimed at top of Moustache Mountain? Sat atop that mountain is a log cabin guarded by two of the biggest and strongest boys ever. They’ll see Symbiosis in the ring to settle this once and for all!


NXT UK Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Subculture!

Lewis Howley lost 1v1 to Mark Andrews and that gave the first-ever Welsh champions in WWE history to get this opportunity! But now with Sam Stoker & Lewis Howley together, will they make sure Andrews & Webster do NOT make history again?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and #YESBOY, this is happening!

The teams sort out, Stoker starts against FMW. They circle, tie up, and Stoker puts FMW in the Pretty Deadly corner. FMW slips away and eggs Stoker on, and they tie up again. Stoker puts FMW on ropes, lets off, but FMW gets around to CHOP! They tie up again, Stoker waistlocks and SLAMS FMW, but FMW fights up. FMW jumps to arm-drag Stoker, then CHOPS! Stoker shoves, FMW comes back for the inside-out arm-drag! FMW steadies but Stoker rolls FMW before the moonsault. FMW rolls through but runs into an atomic drop! Stoker ROCKS FMW with a right hand, then brings him around for another atomic drop!

FMW staggers, Stoker stands him up, but FMW knees the lift away. Stoker shoves to CLUB FMW in the back, reels FMW in, but FMW turns atomic drop into a crossbody! Cover, TWO! FMW hits a NECK SNAPPER! Tag to Andrews, FMW goes to suplex but Stoker suplexes first! Andrews bails FMW out of it, and Subculture double suplex Stoker high and hard! Howley gets in to help Stoker and the teams stand off. The ref has them sort out again, Howley and FMW exit. Stoker tags Howley in and Howley gets his redemption with Andrews. They tie up, Howley shoves Andrews hard to a corner, then lets him come back.

They circle, tie up, and Andrews headlocks. Howley powers up but Andrews grinds the hold. Howley powers out, then runs Andrews over with a shoulder! Howley shouts, “SMAAALL~!” to mock Andrews’ height, but Andrews kicks him in the leg! Andrews whips, Howley blocks and reverses but Andrews dodges to RANA! Andrews gets Howley up but Howley TOSSES him away! Howley gets Andrews up, throws him out of the ring, then drags FMW into the ring! Stoker gets in, Pretty Deadly double whip FMW but FMW goes up and over and around. FMW baits Pretty Deadly into a DOUBLE CROSSBODY from Andrews! Subculture double dropkick Pretty Deadly out of the ring!

BT Sports Studio fires up as Andrews goes out after Howley. Dani Luna is there as Howley backs away, but then Howley dares her to hit him and throw the match. Howley blows Dani a kiss, but forgets about Andrews, and turns around into a BIG forearm! Dani laughs at Howley as Andrews puts Howley in. Andrews runs, tilt-ow-whirls and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Andrews keeps focus and he throws forearms. Howley facelocks, they clinch against ropes and Stoker tags in. Howley whips Andrews, leaps over, and Andrews runs right into a DDT from Stoker! Pretty Deadly fires up and strikes their pose, but then Stoker sucker punches FMW!

Dani protests but Pretty Deadly get Andrews in their corner. The ref has to keep FMW back and that leaves Andrews open for double team mudhole stomps! Stoker covers, TWO! Stoker drags Andrews up to DECK him with a right! Stoker puts Andrews in a half nelson chinbar and grinds him down. Andrews endures, BT Sports Studio rallies up, but Stoker shoves Andrews to the corner to ROCK him with a forearm. Howley tags in, Pretty Deadly mugs Andrews, and then Howley drags Andrews away from FMW. Howley whips Andrews hard into an open corner, Andrews falls back! Cover, TWO! Howley digs his boot into Andrews’ neck, but lets off the ref counts.

Howley distracts the ref, and now Stoker stands on Andrews’ head at the apron! Dani protests and Stoker lets off fast before the ref can see. Tag to Stoker, he gets Andrews up to CLOBBER him! Pretty Deadly taunt Dani, but Andrews hits back! Stoker CLUBS Andrews, puts him in the ring, and keeps him from FMW. Andrews throws more body shots but Stoker shoves him. Andrews kicks back, ROCKS Stoker with forearms, but Stoker trips Andrews! Andrews boots Stoker away, Howley tags in and he CLOBBERS Andrews just inches from FMW! Howley RAMS Andrews in the Pretty Deadly corner, then ROCKS him with EuroUppers.

Howley brings Andrews around, tags Stoker, they double whip and double shoulder Andrews down! “Yes boy~!” Pretty Deadly run to LEG DROP SPLASH COMBO! Stoker covers, TWO! Andrews reaches for FMW but Stoker keeps him away. Stoker facelocks, CLUBS Andrews, then has him in the Pretty Deadly corner. Tag to Howley, they mug Andrews more, Howley ROCKS Andrews with a right! Howley wrenches, scoops, and SLAMS Andrews, to drop ax handles! Cover, TWO! Howley gets frustrated but Stokers coaches him. Howley wraps on a chinlock and squeezes tight. Andrews endures, fights up, throws body shots, but Howley shoves him.

Howley runs but into an elbow! Andrews fires off haymakers to back Howley up! Howley RAMS Andrews back in the corner! Stoker tags in, Andrews fights back and knocks down Howley! JAWBREAKER for Stoker! Howley hurries to whip Andrews from FMW, and tries the hurdle trick again, but Andrews is ready and DECKS Stoker! Howley waistlocks, Andrews victory rolls to LEAP and tag FMW! The Modfather dodges Howley, rallies on Stoker with fast hands, then whips. Stoker reveres. FMW ducks and dodges to CLOBBER Stoker! Dropkick! Howley takes out Andrews but FMW Triangle Dropkicks Howley down for it!

FMW runs at Stoker, slips around and tucks him in, ANGELS WINGS! Cover, TWO!! Stoker survives, FMW gets him up and reels him in. Stoker suplexes first but FWM slips out. Stoker elbows FMW away, runs in at the corner, but FMW elbows back. FMW goes up, Stoker avoids the Rude Boy Block, and GERMAN SUPLEXES, but FMW lands on his feet!! Howley tags in, FMW runs in at Stoker but Stoker pops him up! FMW still RANAS Howley! FMW staggers, Stoker runs in but is sent out! FMW and Andrews coordinate, they build speed, DOUBLE TOPE CONJILO!! Direct hit on both champions, and FMW gets Howley in the ring!

FMW hurries to a corner, up and in and RUDE BOY BLOCK! Cover, TWO! Howley survives for Pretty Deadly but FMW gets him up. FMW wrenches, tilt-o-whirls, but Howley blocks the rifle to SNAKE EYES! Howley runs, FMW dodges the boot, and fakes Howley out for the HEADBUTT! But Howley falls into the tag from Stoker! Stoker hurries in, FMW dodges and fakes him out to HEADBUTT, too! Tag to Andrews, Subculture coordinates, leap frog DESTROYER!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Stoker survives and shocks BT Sports Studio! Andrews gets Stoker up, FMW tags back in and goes up. But Stoker flapjack hotshots Andrews down! And then goes up after FMW!

FMW knocks Stoker back down, adjusts, and 450’s, but Stoker moves! FMW rolls through, turns around, into a LARIAT! Howley tags back in, he gets FMW up and gives Stoker a boost for a FLYING CODE BREAKER! Howley hurries to cover, TWO!! FMW survives as both team have shown innovation tonight! Howley fireman’s carries, tags Stoker, and they coordinate, but FMW slips off! He shoves the champs at each other, slips under, tag to Andrews! Andrews slides under the double clothesline to DOUBLE PELE! BT Sports Studio fires up with Andrews as he has Stoker alone! Andrews fires off forearms and CHOPS! Stoker swings, but into a waistlock!

Stoker runs to ropes, tag to Howley as he bucks Andrews off. Andrews runs into a fireman’s carry, ASSISTED GUTBUSTER! And then scoop, LAWNDART FOREARM SHOT! Cover, FMW gets past Stoker to break it!! All four men are down and BT Sports Studio is fired up even more! Stoker throws FMW out, Howley gets Andrews up, and Stoker tags back in. Pretty Deadly coordinate but Howley sees FMW on the apron. Howley runs over, FMW dumps him out! Stoker suplexes Andrews, STUN-DOG MILLIONAIRE!! Andrews hurries, tag to FMW! Subculture coordinates, ETON RIFLE POISON-RANA! Cover, Howley bumps the ref as he rushes in!!

The ref is upset, but the count is over and this match continues! BT Sports Studio says “This is Awesome!” as Howley drags Andrews out. Howley whips Andrews at steps but Andrews jumps up to QUEBRADA! Howley catches him, but Andrews tilt-o-whirls to DDT Howley to the floor! Stoker victory rolls FMW, TWO! FMW has a cover, TWO!! Stoker and FMW run in, ETON RIFLE!! Tag to Andrews and he goes up the corner! FALL TO PIECES FLOPS as Howley drags Stoker out of harm’s way! The ref reprimands but FMW FLIES in! Only to be caught! DOUBLE BARRIER SNAKE EYES! Pretty Deadly get in the ring, but Andrews DECKS Howley!

Andrews fires off on Stoker, forearms and CHOPS on repeat! Howley grabs the tag title belts! Andrews DECKS Howley again and the belt falls in the ring! The ref grabs that as Andrews continues to fire off on Stoker! Stoker gets under, Howley runs in, SPILT MILK!! Cover, Pretty Deadly wins!!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall (still NXT UK Tag Team Championships)

Did they get away with a lot on the outside? #YESBOY! Did they take advantage of the chaos they created? #YESBOY! Did they deny history being made in BT Sports Studio? #YESBOY! The #SidePlateCheck will continue to show that Pretty Deadly has these belts, but when will their luck run out?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode, even with it having to cover for Walter’s apparently legit hand injury. It is big for the NXT UK Championship to return to an American NXT TakeOver, and I feel like that’ll mean anything could happen. Imperium could interfere, be thwarted, and Walter wins from the distraction, but I would hope they don’t do that and let this be settled cleanly because that’s the only way to give Dragunov his moment. Devlin has a good promo to establish the Ironman match, that is going to be a very good match whenever it happens. Mastiff and Starz interacting again, it seems like maybe they’re going to add a new team to the NXT UK Tag Division, and that seems like a fun combination there.

Symbiosis calling out Moustache Mountain and them responding to set up a match is great, and I can’t really be sure which side wins that. I wouldn’t mind seeing Seven & Bate win so that Moustache Mountain can go after the UK Tag Team Championships, so they can be the first team to hold both NXT and NXT UK belts in their careers. Then Bate would be a true UK Triple Crown, and maybe even join Johnny Gargano and Adam Cole as a form of NXT Grand Slam Champion. Rampage Brown had a decent promo to hype up his true tiebreaker with Joe Coffey, that match is going to be awesome. Maybe winner gets to face the winner of Walter VS Dragunov II.

Teoman’s promo with Raja teasing that they could go from a tag team to a faction is a great move. I can’t to see who in both the men’s and women’s divisions they consider recruiting into The Babo’s family. Blair getting in Xia’s face gives us a clear feud between these two, which will be a lot of fun and help Blair establish herself a bit more in NXT UK. Nina Samuels VS LDM was a good opener, and Nina’s new finisher is great. One half dominator, one half GTS, I hope they give it a good name or else it’ll be rather disappointing. Supernova Sessions was really good this week, even with Dar in denial about Jinny shutting him down.

Conners VS Archer was a good match, and I like that NXT UK doesn’t just serve us up squashes. The brand isn’t recruiting and signing people who could be beaten so easily, and it makes Conners look good to give us the name of his finisher. Bate says Heritage Cup is on pause while dealing with Symbiosis, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Conners get a turn at challenging for it. Jinny and Aoife are set for their own match, that should be really good, and I’m sure Aoife wins to help build her up towards the title. If the NXT UK Championship is going to the US for a big title match, then I want NXT UK to focus on building up a big Women’s Championship match for around SummerSlam time.

And then, an awesome NXT UK Tag Team title main event! Probably the best match Pretty Deadly has put on, and definitely up there for Subculture. Just under 20 minutes, great stuff from character work to in-ring moves, such as the innovation. I don’t know how no one anywhere ever thought of a leap frog Canadian Destroyer or an assisted Code Breaker, but these two teams are really great at thinking outside the box in quite a few ways. Especially in what Pretty Deadly wears. I remember Shawn Michaels once wearing a leather version of those just-sleeves-and-shoulders things, Pretty Deadly shouts him out with their sheer mesh versions.

For just a moment, I thought Subculture was getting this, but then Pretty Deadly used great Heel misdirect work and won. This is part of why I’m hoping a Face team like Moustache Mountain to meet them at some point. Pretty Deadly is doing great work, Moustache Mountain always does great work, those two teams can only give us greatness.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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