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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (8/3/21)

NXT’s first ever… Love Her or Lose Her match?



NXT Coverage 2021

And you thought NXT was innovative before!

In another historic… adjacent move from NXT, we will see Johnny Gargano VS Dexter Lumis, to determine the fate of Indi Hartwell…’s dating life!


  • El Legado del Fantasma VS Hit Row; Hit Row wins, by disqualification.
  • Ridge Holland w/ Pete Dunne & Oney Lorcan VS Ikemen Jiro; Holland wins.
  • Bobby Fish VS Roderick Strong w/ The Diamond Mine; Strong wins.
  • LA Knight & Cameron Grimes VS Grizzled Young Veterans; Grizzled Young Veterans win.
  • NXT Breakout Tournament Opening Round, Final Match: Trey Baxter VS Joe Gacy; Baxter wins and advances to the second round.
  • Love Her or Lose Her: Johnny Gargano VS Dexter Lumis; Gargano wins and #InDex must be no more.


El Legado del Fantasma VS Hit Row!

Raul Mendoza & Joaquin Wilde made sure to mess up Ashante THEE Adonis and Top Dolla by going after Swerve, but now they might be the ones getting messed up! Will Legado be checked off the Hit Row hit list?

The teams don’t sort out before firing off hands! Dolla throws Mendoza around then clotheslines him out! Adonis fires off hands on Wilde and tosses him out! The CWC fires up for both teams as Hit Row holds the ring. Santos Escobar cools off his hermanos, Mendoza gets in, but Adonis is all over him! Adonis fires off forearms, whips and RAMS Mendoza, then whips him the other way to RAM him again! Adonis whips Mendoza again and hard, Mendoza bounces off the buckles! Adonis gets Mendoza up but Mendoza hits back! And CHOPS! Mendoza whips Adonis but Adonis reverses to kick and DDT! Adonis climbs a corner, leaps an FLOPS as Mendoza moves!

Mendoza stomps Adonis, drags him away and tags in Wilde. Wilde stomps Adonis, drags him up and throws EuroUppers! Escobar revels in the fans dueling as Wilde kicks and whips Adonis. Adonis stops to get Wilde with a NECKBREAKER! Adonis gets Wilde up, rams him into the Hit Row corner, and tags in Top Dolla! Dolla gets Wilde up, knuckle locks and wrenches the writ. Dolla talks trash, Wilde CHOPS, but Dolla just lifts him with one arm! Dolla dares Wilde to do something, and Wilde throws hands. Dolla lets him down, to run him over! Dolla taunts Escobar, “This your man?!” Knuckle lock and a lift to the corner! And then a wrench to a SUPER HIP TOSS!

“What you got, huh?!” Dolla puts Wilde in a corner to CHOP him down. Dolla shoves Wilde, tags Adonis, and Dolla whips Adonis in, only for Wilde to elbow back! Wilde dodges Dolla, goes up top and leaps, but Adonis dropkicks Wilde’s rana down! Cover, TWO! Adonis gets Wilde up, Wilde throws body shots and runs, but into a lariat! Adonis rallies, blocks a kick and DECKS Wilde to then whip and FLAPJACK! Adonis kips up but Escobar gets on the apron! B-Fab gets there, too, as does Swerve! Adonis runs but Mendoza dumps him out! The ref didn’t see that with the others arguing, and Wilde RAMS Adonis into boards! Legado’s fans fire up as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns and Legado double whip Adonis for a DOUBLE SPINEBUSTER! Then they split the wishbone! And a double basement dropkick sandwich! Wilde covers, TWO! B-Fab talks smack to Escobar while Adonis hits back on Wilde, but Wilde drives in forearms! Fans rally up as Wilde wraps on a chinlock. Adonis fights up, fights back, but Wilde RAMS him into the Legado corner. Wilde taunts Dolla then runs in to clothesline and tag! Mendoza repeats the clothesline and tag! Wilde repeats the clothesline and tag! Mendoza repeats the clothesline and tag, and then Wilde again! Legado then double snap suplex Adonis down! Mendoza LIONSAULTS, covers, TWO!!

Mendoza wraps on a chinlock to grind Adonis, then adds a chinbar. Adonis endures as the fans duel, “HIT~ ROW~!” “LE-GA-DO!” Adonis fights up, throws body shots, Mendoza throws knees and shoves, but Adonis sunset flips! Mendoza rolls through, but Adonis ducks the shining wizard! Adonis hurries but Mendoza keeps him from the corner! Adonis breaks free to AIRDROP! Hot tag to Dolla! Wilde tags in but Dolla clobbers, him, splashes Mendoza, fires off on Wilde, then kicks to KNEE LIFT! Wilde flounders about, Dolla fire sup and runs in to SPLASH! Then scoop to a one-hand SIDEWALK SLAM! And a roll back to stand tall! “Who hotta than Top Dolla?” #NotNada!


Winners: Hit Row, by disqualification

Escobar doesn’t care about winning but hurting Hit Row, and he drags Dolla out to SMACK again, and then RAM into steps! But then Swerve goes after Wilde, only to get mugged by Mendoza! B-Fab panics as Escobar kicks away on Swerve! Escobar gets the chair while Wilde and Mendoza hold him, and Escobar says he’s going to silence Swerve. He JAMS the chair into the ribs! And then he pulls out the GRILL! The CWC is rabid as they put Swerve’s head through the chair and Escobar goes up top! But Dolla drags Swerve to safety and scowls at Escobar. Escobar grins and laughs but doesn’t see B-Fab sneaking up! She SMACKS Wilde down with the chair!!

Escobar is furious but then Dolla gets in to DOUBLE SHOTGUN Escobar and Mendoza! And then Adonis gives Wilde a SPINEBUSTER! Adonis fires off furious fists, Swerve gets back in. Adonis gives Wilde the LONG KISS GOODNIGHT! Wilde flies out of the ring from the superkick, and Dolla feeds Mendoza to Swerve’s JML DRIVER!! “What else you got?!” Escobar struck a chord and is still cocky because he has Swerve’s grill. But will Swerve grill Escobar, chop him up, and eat him for dinner?


Samoa Joe paces backstage.

William Regal finds him, and brings in security. Now that Joe is a competitor, Regal has to do his job. These men will stick with Joe so that nothing happens between him and Karrion Kross until TakeOver: 36. Regal leaves it to the security guards, but can they really keep Joe and Kross contained?


Dexter Lumis is in his… “private studio.”

He looks back at all the artwork he’s done, and works on a new one to commemorate #InDex. He also looks at the art that’s chronicled his battles with The Way. It’s all or nothing tonight, will Lumis give the newest sketch as a gift? Or simply as a memento of what could’ve been?


Ridge Holland w/ Pete Dunne & Oney Lorcan VS Ikemen Jiro!

Northern Grit made a shock return last week, and used that moment to devastate Timothy Thatcher & Tommaso Ciampa! Will he only do worse to the Handsome Face of 205 Live?

The bell rings and fans fire up with Jiro as he and Ridge tie up. Ridge puts Jiro on ropes, headlocks him, then grinds him down with those big arms. Jiro throws body shots but Ridge DECKS him with a EuroUpper! Ridge snapmares and drops a Regal style knee! Ridge puts Jiro in a chinlock but fans rally up, and Jiro JAWBREAKERS! JACKET PUNCH! JACKET PUNCH! JACKET DISCUS! Jiro runs, but into a lift! Ridge puts Jiro on ropes, to DECK him! Jiro lands hard to the floor, and Ridge goes out to stalk him around the way! Ridge POUNCES Jiro into the boards! Then Ridge gets Jiro up to ROCK him, and shove him into the ring!

Ridge drags Jiro up, reels him in, for a head ‘n’ arm BELLY2BELLY! And he tears off the jacket!! Fans boo as Ridge clobbers away on Jiro with crossface forearms! Ridge revels in the jeers as he scrapes his knee off Jiro’s face! Ridge tosses the jacket to the crowd but they boo harder! Ridge dares Jiro to get up and Jiro throws hands! But Ridge catches his arms for another OVERHEAD Suplex! Fans chant “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” but Ridge gets Jiro for another trapped arm OVERHEAD Suplex! Ridge shouts, “TEN MONTHS! TEN MONTHS!” The time he was gone with the damaged legs, and he is taking it out on Jiro! HEADBUTT!!

Jiro wobbles, Ridge scoops him, NORTHERN GRIT!! Cover, Ridge wins!

Winner: Ridge Holland, by pinfall

Oney and Dunne join Ridge in the ring to stand over Jiro as he flounders and sputters. Ridge throws Jiro out hard and Dunne calls for a mic. “Everyone thinks they’re bad, until a REAL bad man steps in the room! Tommaso Ciampa thought he was bad, until Ridge Holland, Oney Lorcan and The Bruiserweight stepped in the room.” As for Thatcher, Ridge is back and he will smash the rest of Thatcher’s teeth out! And how do you plan to pick them up when Dunne breaks your fingers? This is what happens when you step to them! They’re the three most dangerous men in NXT! Try and prove Dunne wrong, he dares you! Will this trio of bruisers break the roster to take over the brand?


Backstage interview with the Robert Stone Brand and Franky Monet.

Franky is clearly not the happiest after the “collaboration” didn’t work out last week. And she cuts off Stone before he can justify what happened. What happened last week, that “loss,” a word Franky really hates, was all because of Stone’s interference. Yes, she gets it, he and Jessi Kamea are used to losing because they’re losers. Franky doesn’t know what being a loser means, because she is NOT a loser! Stone gets it, but then if this group is gonna work, it has to be rebuilt in Franky’s image, Franky’s way, and under Franky’s rule! Stone agrees! Then take it or leave it. Stone can take it. Is Jessi taking it? Stone says this is crystal clear, but he sounds a bit desperate…


NXT hears from Trey Baxter.

The 23-year-old superstar is “born to do this,” and the Breakout Tournament is just another chance for him to show what #AllHeart is all about. All Heart is his lifestyle to always keep fighting and pushing forward. He’ll show it through in this tournament. No matter what, he’ll emerge as a star.


Bobby Fish VS Roderick Strong w/ The Diamond Mine!

While Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole are far from done, the Infamous One looks to reel in the Savior of the Backbreaker. But with Strong having moved on from the Undisputed Era to lead his own stable, will he prove Malcolm Bivens right? Is Roddy the new number one around here?

The bell rings and the two tie up right away. They go around, end up in a corner, Strong gets an arm and wrenches to a wristlock. Fish endures, slips through, and wrenches Strong back. Strong slips into the clinch and they end up on ropes. The ref calls for the break, Strong lets off clean, but they tie up again! Fish puts Strong in a corner, knees him, snapmares, but Strong avoids the kick! Strong knows Fish’s moves well, and he gets Fish’s leg. Fish headlocks back to grind Strong, but Strong endures. Fish knees, grinds the headlock, but Strong powers up to power out. Fish runs Strong over with a shoulder but things speed up! Strong KNEES Fish right back!

Strong headlocks to the takeover but Fish rolls through. Fans rally behind Fish as he powers his way out to RAM Strong into a corner. Fish throws big body shots and kicks, and Strong falls down! Fish gets Strong up to snap suplex! And right to a chinlock! Fish shifts to a facelock, Strong rolls and gets free to CLUB Fish. Strong facelocks, hooks arms, but Fish throws elbows. They end up on ropes again, the ref calls for the break, but Fish snapmares Strong to KICK him after all! Strong gets away but Fish is after him in the corner with forearms. Strong kicks back, knees and CHOPS, but Fish ROCKS Strong! They’re brawling with big forearms but Fish kicks a leg out!

Fish digs his knee into Strong in a corner but lets off as the ref counts. Strong staggers about, Bivens is worried as Fish throws body shots. Fish whips corner to corner, Strong goes up and over but runs into a KICK! Fish stalks Strong to the apron and grabs at him as NXT goes picture in picture.

The ref has Fish stay back a moment, and Bivens check son Strong. Fish gets Strong up but Strong hotshots him! Fish ends up on the apron, Strong kicks at him, then throws knees. Strong CHOPS, Fish forearms, and they brawl on the edge. Strong mule kicks, Fish shoulders, but Strong CHOPS! Fish resists the back breaker left, throws knees, but Strong elbows Fish to the floor! Fish SWEEPS the legs! Strong hits apron then floor, and clutches his knee! Fish backs Tyler Rust off to put Strong in the ring, and then cover. TWO, but Fish keeps on Strong with knees into the side. Fish drags Strong up, throws knees and haymakers and has Strong in a corner.

Fish brings Strong around to back suplex high and hard! Strong blocks a kick and gets around to cradle BACKBREAKER! Both men are down but Strong crawls to a cover, TWO! Strong throws elbows into Fish over and over, digs his knee into Fish’s back, and has a partial Bow ‘n’ Arrow stretch. Fish endures as Strong shifts to a chinlock but he fights up to throw body shots. Strong CLUBS Fish but Fish mule kicks! Fish has Strong in a corner,  again, fires off big forearms and elbows, then drives in knees! The ref backs Fish off and Strong BOOTS him in the chest! Strong fires off forearms and CHOPS but Fish DECKS him! And KICKS him down!

Fish gets Strong in a corner again and throws back elbows. Fish fires off more body shots, but Strong gets past him as NXT returns to single picture. Strong and Fish throw shots back and forth, Fish KICKS a leg and Strong scrambles away. The ref has Fish stay back as he checks Strong, but Strong SUCKER PUNCHES Fish! Diamond Mine loves it as Strong stomps Fish. The ref reprimands and has Strong let off. Strong KICKS Fish in the back, covers, ONE!! Strong gets Fish up but Fish throws body shots. Strong snap suplexes Fish then covers, ONE!! Strong keeps Fish down with a head ‘n’ arm, then shifts to a sleeper.

Fish fights up as fans rally and Fish throw elbows and body shots. But Strong gets him for an URENAGE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fish is hanging tough and that annoys Tyler Rust but Bivens taunts Fish. Strong gets Fish up for another BACKBREAKER! Strong keeps on Fish with a chinlock, trapped arm, and even a toehold! It’s a very unique cobra twist but Fish fights back by pulling on Strong’s ear! And then he fish hooks Strong’s face! Strong lets Fish out and they brawl with body shots and forearms! Strong swings but into a body shot and a back elbow! And a KICK! Strong staggers, Fish runs in to KNEE Strong at the corner!

Fish whips, Strong reverses but Fish fires off more kicks! Strong dodges one kick but not that mule kick! Fish runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Bivens, Rust and Hideki coach Strong on but Fish gets Strong up for a knee and a sweep of the legs. Fish ROCKS Strong, wraps on a sleeper, but Strong resists and RAMS Fish into a corner. Strong elbows Fish in the ribs, then hits a back suplex slam! Strong and Fish slowly rise, Strong CHOPS Fish then fires off fast hands! Strong runs side to side to forearm smash over and over! Fish staggers but Strong running SLAMS him down! Cover, TWO! Bivens is starting to get annoyed but Strong drags Fish up.

Strong clinches, but Fish WHEEL KICKS! Cover, TWO! Fish stomps Strong, goes to a corner, but Diamond Mine distracts him. Strong shoves Fish off the top and to the floor! Strong gets Fish back in, drags him up, but Fish rolls Strong! TWO!! JUMPING KNEE!! To END OF HEARTACHE!! Cover, Strong wins!

Winner: Roderick Strong, by pinfall

Diamond Mine celebrates that slug fest going their way! Strong vowed this would be the last time he and Fish faced off, is Strong going after Kushida’s Crusierweight gold next?


LA Knight and Cameron Grimes meet backstage.

Butler Grimes has Mr. Knight’s elastic bands, and asks that if Knight is done preparing, that he has his turn to get ready for tonight’s tag match. Grimes looks ready to Knight in the suit. But instead of worrying about his looks, Grimes needs to worry about GYV. Those guys have been a team for years, these two have only been spending time together, what? A few weeks? GYV has each other’s backs, so Knight needs to know he can trust Grimes. Grimes is a man of his word, or else he wouldn’t still be waring this outfit. So if Knight’s worried if Grimes has his back, just know Grimes is there for him.

But the real concern tonight, Mr. Knight, is will Knight have Grimes’ back? Knight says he’s a man of his word, too. He wouldn’t make the Million Dollar Championship look bad, so if Grimes has Knight’s back, Knight has Grimes’ back. That is a guarantee. But since Grimes is a man of his word, he needs to shine this spot on Knight’s boot for him. Yes, sir, Mr. Knight. Grimes brings out his shoeshine rag and polishes the boot right up. Will both men be men of their word against Liverpool’s Number One and Mr. Mayhem?


LA Knight & Cameron Grimes VS Grizzled Young Veterans!

The Million Dollar Megastar and the Cash Money Carolina Caveman currently working as a butler had a bit of a run-in with Zack Gibson & James Drake on a golf course last week. Despite Grimes hitting Knight’s two balls with one club, GYV are the ones Knight is after! But as GYV make their entrance, Drake has a mic to say, “Can you believe these morons cheer this? Cameron, you are living proof that you simply can’t polish a turd.”

Gibson says that he doesn’t know what role playing game this is, but here’s some friendly advice: In or out of the ring, stay out of their way! They are Grizzled Young Veterans, SSSSOOON to be recognized as NXT Tag Team Champions! Will GYV prove themselves worthy of that golden opportunity with MSK at the expense of Knight & Grimes?

Grimes starts against Gibson, stuck in his butler suit. Fans still chant, “TO THE MOON!” as Grimes and Gibson circle. Grimes gets a leg, then an arm, and wrenches to a wristlock. Knight wants in and Grimes heads over. Tag and Knight fires off hands. Knight whips Gibson to CLOBBER him! Knight wants fans to chant for him as he bumps Gibson off buckles, but the fans don’t care. Knight whips Gibson, Drake is the buffer and Gibson KNEES Knight back! Gibson rakes Knight’s eyes, then gets him up as he tags Drake. Drake jumps in to take the hand-off and short arm clothesline Knight down! Cover, TWO! Fans want Grimes in but Drake ROCKS Knight!

Drake gets Knight for a suplex, but Knight lands on his feet to hit a NECKBREAKER! Knight crawls, fans fire up, and hot tag to Grimes! Grimes climbs, leaps, and CROSSBODIES! Grimes struts and laughs then gets Drake up. Drake headlocks, Gibson tags in as Grimes powers out. Gibson KNEES Grimes into the ropes! Knight gets mad but Gibson DECKS him! Gibson gets Grimes up to throw hands. Drake tags back in, GYV double whip Grimes to CLOBBER him! Drake drags Grimes to a cover, ONE! Drake gets Grimes up, wrenches, tags Gibson, and GYV double whip again. Grimes holds ropes, throws Drake out but Gibson uses a sleeper to keep Grimes from Knight!

Grimes endures and fans rally up. Grimes snapmares free to BACK DROP Gibson away! Grimes reaches, but Knight ditches him at the corner! Knight’s not a man of his word at all! Grimes scowls and fans chant, “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Grimes throws the suit off and dares Gibson to bring it! Drake tags in, but Grimes rallies on GYV! Drake and Gibson whip him again but Grimes gets around to shove Drake into Gibson! DOUBLE RANA! Fans fire up as Grimes PENALTY KICKS Gibson from the apron, and HOTSHOTS Drake! Grimes goes up, leaps, Drake gets under but comes back into the COLLISION COURSE!! Cover, TWO!!

Grimes rips the suit shirt, shouts “TOOOO THEEEE MOOOOON!” but Gibson distracts! Grimes swipes at Gibson, Drake waistlocks but Grimes headlocks. Gibson tags in as Drake powers out, leap frog and tilt-o-whirl, TICKET TO MAYHEM!! Cover, GYV win!

Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans, by pinfall

Knight turned this into a Handicap Match by stooping to another low, and GYV’s teamwork was too much for one man! Will Grimes make the Million Dollar Megastar pay for leaving him behind?

Wait, Ted DeBiase is here! THE Million Dollar Man checks on Grimes, and says he tried to tell Grimes. He knows Grimes is a man of his word, but Grimes has to figure something out about this situation. Grimes agrees and DeBiase helps Grimes to the back. Can they figure out a way to make Knight put his money where his massive mouth is?


NXT hears from Dakota Kai.

#CapKota says, “18 months ago, I needed someone I could trust. And then I saw her. This beast, Raquel Gonzalez, crushing combine records. But she was stuck in the shadows.” Raquel had gone as far as she could go, and Dakota says without her, Raquel would still be nothing. It was simple: stand behind Dakota, watch, learn, and be there when she needed her. Raquel ran through everyone in Dakota’s way for her, from Tegan Nox to Shotzi Blackheart to Mia Yim to Rhea Ripley. And then Raquel became a star in her own right, crushing Io Shirai in the Women’s WarGames. Dakota “let” Raquel get that success. Because to be real here, everyone knew who the leader was.

Stand & Deliver, the biggest TakeOver of all time, and Shirai goes to Raquel. Raquel didn’t think to give Dakota that opportunity! She didn’t think Dakota wanted that spot just as much! After giving Raquel everything, plucking her from obscurity and putting her in the spotlight, Raquel stole Dakota’s opportunity! With Dakota’s help, Raquel beat Io and became the NEW NXT Women’s Champion. That should’ve been Dakota! Dakota should’ve had her hand raised, in the ring with Bianca Belair and Rhea Ripley in that triple brand title moment! Dakota wanted Raquel to return the favor, help Dakota regain the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships.

But Raquel didn’t care. She didn’t put her heart or soul into anything other than what she had. From that point out, Dakota was known as Raquel’s sidekick! “I am no one’s sidekick!” And hence, why Dakota kicked Raquel in the face! The only person’s back Dakota will have now, is her own. And the funniest thing about all this is that Raquel didn’t see it coming! Raquel’s so oblivious to the person right next to her was going to kick her head off. BANG! There’s no one left? How about Dakota?! Dakota brought Raquel into the spotlight, and will take her out of it by becoming NXT Women’s Champion! Stinging words from #CobraKai, but how will Big Mami Cool respond?


Backstage interview with The Way.

McKenzie asks Candice LeRae & Johnny Gargano about the huge night tonight as Johnny faces Lumis in the Love Her or Lose Her match. What’s going through their minds right now? Johnny says he and Candice have both been champions, been in TakeOver main events, and the biggest matches in this company’s history. Tonight ranks right up there. Candice asks McKenzie something: Who knows what’s best for Indi? The Way does. They know what’s best for her! And tonight, the fate of the family rests in Gargano’s hands! He must do whatever it takes to protect Indi at all costs! And though it won’t be popular, Gargano ENDS #InDex for good!


NXT hears from Joe Gacy.

From Batsto, New Jersey, the hard-hitting bruiser knows “people don’t like what they can’t control.” Him having this opportunity in the Breakout Tournament, he won’t be controlled until his hand is raised as THE winner of the whole thing. Baxter VS Gacy happens after the break!


Medical update on Adam Cole.

Given last week, Kyle O’Reilly got him with both a chair, and a brain buster to steel steps, Cole has a spinal compression, neck compression and secondary neck injury. Cole is not medically cleared to compete at the moment, much the flipside of when Cole did this to Kyle. But next week, Regal will preside over a face-to-face between these two as NXT returns to the USA Network.


NXT Breakout Tournament Opening Round, Final Match: Trey Baxter VS Joe Gacy!

#AllHeart will collide with all frenzy as the opening round is almost over! Baxter impressed against Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, and Gacy fought his way into the bracket at the expense of Desmond Troy. But who advances to take on Odyssey Jones in the second round?

The bell rings and the two tie right up. Gacy puts Baxter on ropes, Baxter gets around to waistlock but Gacy headlocks and throws Baxter to a corner. Gacy eggs Baxter on, Baxter comes back and get around for another waistlock. He spins into the sunset flip but Gacy drags him right up to TOSS to a corner! Baxter gets up and Gacy runs in, but Baxter boots him! Baxter runs and forearms but Gacy stays up. Baxter keeps moving, only for Gacy to CHOP him off his feet! Cover, ONE! Gacy drags Baxter up but Baxter throws hands. Gacy runs Baxter over but Baxter anchors a foot. Baxter avoids Gacy’s stomp and kips up to ENZIGURI! Gacy staggers and fans fire up!

Gacy comes back, scoops Baxter, Baxter slips out and dropkicks Gacy out of the ring! Baxter builds speed to DIVE, into Gacy’s arms! Gacy pops Baxter up, tosses him to the ropes, then DECKS him on the rebound! Fans fire up as Gacy paces around, and Gacy gets Baxter into the ring at 6 of 10. Gacy clamps onto Baxter with a chinbar but fans rally as Baxter endures. Baxter fights up, Gacy CLUBS him down! Cover but Baxter resists, so Gacy grinds him down to get both shoulders. ONE, and Gacy drags Baxter back up. Gacy scoops but Baxter slips around to a SLEEPER! Baxter is a backpack but Gacy throws him off and stomps him down! But Baxter kicks from below!

Gacy stomps, Baxter kicks, and Baxter headlocks. But Gacy breaks free to HEADBUTT, then ROCKS Baxter with a forearm! And point-blank clotheslines against the ropes! Gacy hits one last one to top it off! Baxter flops to the apron but Gacy gets him up. Gacy suplexes Baxter into the ring high and hard! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and duel as Gacy clamps on with the chinbar again. Baxter fights and hits a JAWBREAKER! But Gacy choke grips, tosses Baxter to another corner, only for Baxter to slip out! Gacy hits buckles, Baxter springboards in, missile dropkick! Baxter builds speed to DIVE! The Low-pe knocks Gacy down but Baxter goes again for another DIVE!

The tope suicida hits but Baxter keeps going again, to FLY! The Fosbury Flop takes Gacy down! Gacy gets to the ring as fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” Baxter grabs at Gacy but Gacy kicks him away. Baxter steps in for a TORNILLO SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Baxter gets Gacy up to throw body shots, then slips around to sleeper hold. Gacy RAMS Baxter into buckles, then runs corner to corner to CANNONBALL into buckles! Gacy gets Baxter up top, climbs up to join him, fireman’s carries but Baxter fights! He bumps Gacy off buckles! Gacy is down, Baxter is up, 450 DOUBLE STOMPS?!? Cover, Baxter wins!!

Winner: Trey Baxter, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

And the semifinals are set! Baxter will bring #AllHeart on a journey, but can he conquer the Odyssey?


Zoey Stark and Io Shirai try “hanging out” together.

They went to Izziban Sushi & BBQ, and this is what Stark feels they needed to be doing. This is so exciting and fun. They needed to get together and form a bond. Like how Shirai and Kairi Sane were friends! They had each other’s backs, they knew everything about each other. That’s what these two need. The waitress comes by and Shirai orders in Japanese and Stark is lost. She just goes with what Shirai is having. The menus are taken and it turns out Shirai ordered a lot. It all looks great! Well, Stark isn’t sure about the squid, though. Isn’t she going to eat? Y-Yeah, of course! Just… she’s not good with chopsticks so she goes with fork and spoon.

Stark braves the squid, and nope nope, not for her. She waits until Shirai is checking her phone to spit it out into a napkin and then throw that napkin under the table. She likes it, right? Y-Yeah, she loves sushi! What’s that green stuff? It’s good, try it. Wait, is it like guacamole or…? No, it’s WASABI! She puts a little too much and it really hits her hard! Again, she has to hide what she spits out under the table. And as Shirai talks the check with the waitress, Stark CHUCKS the rest of the squid. She would like a to-go box, by the way. But see, look? They’re bonding. Shirai hugs it out with the waitress and takes the check.

Stark says she had a great time and wants to hug it out. No, Stark, thank you. She’s the one paying the check. Shirai leaves and Stark asks the waitress if she and Shirai know each other. No, but they just speak the same language. Oh, so the waitress was also born and raised in Japan? Nope, Kansas. Oh. Huh. Stark reconsiders the to-go box. Will she and Shirai be able to find common ground outside of food?


Backstage interview with Indi Hartwell.

Her emotional state must be all over the place. Her love-life is on the line, but who is she pulling for tonight? Well, it’s complicated. On one hand, there’s family. The other, true love. Indi isn’t pulling for him, but if Lumis did win, and The Way gave him a chance, they’d finally see Lumis isn’t bad, just misunderstood. But we’ll find out of it’s meant to be. That will be the main event tonight, which way will the heart break?


Karrion Kross hijacks commentary!

“HEY JOE! You quit your job because you think you can make a change around here?! You can’t control this place! You couldn’t then, and you can’t now!” So then, who provoked who?! Samoa Joe storms his way to the ring! Security does its best to hold him back but he swats them all down! Joe gets in the ring but Kross has disappeared! So Joe throws around one security guard, CLOBBERS another, and then gives the third an URENAGE! Joe drags that same guard around as he shouts for Kross, and he puts on the COQUINA CLUTCH!! The guard flails, taps, but Joe is almost foaming at the mouth! “KROSS! I’m coming for you…!” Will TakeOver 36 see Joe 86 Mr. Apocalypse once and for all?


NXT presents Prime Target: Walter VS Dragunov II.

Triple H starts us off by saying, “Walter, the longest reigning champion in modern WWE. For over 800 days, has dominated this brand. Ilja Dragunov, one of the most dedicated and intense individuals to ever enter the squared circle.” Sheamus says he saw the first, and it was fantastic. Nigel McGuiness says that it was one of the most brutal matches he’s ever witnessed. Drew McIntyre says it was probably the best match. Riddle says it has heart and determination, while Regal says it was sheer violence. The fierceness is unmatched. It shows how far British and European wrestling has come. Fit Finlay says it was brutal! And that’s what this is all about.

Dragunov speaks on how the whole world was talking about the level of brutality they put on at this stage. People couldn’t believe what they saw. Dragunov appreciates that the fans recognize his performance, but fans cheer for those who win, and forget those who lose. Dragunov felt broken after. He was so focused on how he could be like Walter, the champion, a cold-blooded person. Dragunov went on that path of violence for a chance to fight Walter again. This fierce rivalry and this epic rematch has been added to TakeOver 36! Walter says that is a big stage, and it is where he belongs. For Ilja, this is the match of his life.

Dragunov promises that we will see why it is a mistake to underestimate him. Walter says that when he’s on his best day, he is unbeatable. Dragunov says Walter doesn’t have the soul to win. Dragunov has more strength and more stamina, but Walter says he doesn’t have the mental ability. The only reason Dragunov will be at TakeOver is because Walter forged him. Walter says we will know what Dragunov really is: all show, full of doubt and fear. Dragunov says Walter is wrong! This isn’t just a battle for the belt, or a war for the top spot on NXT UK. This is going to be a fight to see who is fighting for the right reasons!


Kushida speaks.

“Roderick Strong. I respect your win over Bobby Fish. You fought hard and came out victorious. You keep saying my name, and I hear you! You want a title shot at the NXT Cruiserweight Championship? You got it!” The Time Splitter is ready to take on the Savior of the Backbreaker, but will the face of the Diamond Mine crack under the pressure?


Love Her or Lose Her: Johnny Gargano VS Dexter Lumis!

Johnny Wrestling, Papa John, leader of The Way, has been against the Tortured Artist and #IndiWrestling being together since day one. But now he can end it here if he defeats Lumis in a 1v1 match! Will this be the last night #InDex has on NXT?

The bell rings and Gargano shows Lumis his The Way shirt. Gargano points out that “This is my family! And you don’t mess with my family.” Fans rally and duel as Gargano says if Lumis wants Indi, he has to get through Gargano. Gargano eggs Lumis on, but Lumis is a statue. They tie up, Gargano headlocks but Lumis powers up, only for Gargano to hold on. Gargano also holds on as Lumis tires to power out. Gargano grinds Lumis down, fans rally up, and Lumis fights to his feet. Lumis powers out this time but Gargano goes up and over in the corner then arm-drags Lumis around! Gargano has the armlock but Lumis fights up.

Gargano wrenches, wristlocks, but Lumis rolls and kips up to wrench and club Gargano’s arm. Lumis arm-drags Gargano around now and dropkicks him down! Then he slithers up to Gargano to get in his face! Gargano is creeped out and slithers out but Lumis slithers after, and Gargano fires off haymakers! Gargano has Lumis on the apron and drags him to the ramp, for a snap suplex! Lumis clutches his back and fans fire up, but here comes Indi herself! Gargano puts Lumis in at 7 of 10, fans cheer on “IN DEX! *clap clap* IN DEX!” Gargano tells Indi that she shouldn’t listen to the fans. She has The Way. Gargano gets in and Lumis hits a THESZ PRESS and fast hands!

Lumis has Gargano in a corner, stomps him, throws hands over and over, but Gargano staggers away. Lumis keeps on him with a whip to ropes then clobbers him with an elbow! Fans chant, “WE WANT INDEX!” as Lumis whips Gargano corner to corner. Gargano boots back, throws forearms, then ROCKS him! Gargano whips, Lumis dodges, slides under and then plays peekaboo with Gargano at the apron. Wait, where’d Lumis go? Gargano can’t see where he is, but Indi hurries after Lumis? And now Candice hurries out. She and Johnny drag Indi out from under the ring, but she’s holding hands with Lumis! But Gargano KICKS Lumis in the side! And RAMS him into steps! And then boards!

NXT is picture in picture as Candice has Indi stay back. Gargano gets Lumis up, throws haymakers, stalks him around the way, and then puts him back in the ring. Gargano gets on the apron but Lumis ROCKS Gargano with a right! But Gargano SLINGSHOT SPEARS Lumis down! Gargano goes outside to get his headband back, goes back into the ring and puts the headband back on. Indi reaches out to Lumis but Candice tries to drag her away. Gargano sits Lumis up just to knock him down! Gargano knocks Lumis down again, but Lumis gets up to throw haymakers! Lumis has Gargano in a corner but Gargano kicks back.

Gargano snapmares Lumis down, for a basement dropkick! Gargano covers, TWO! Lumis is still in this but Gargano taunts the #InDex fans. Gargano gets Lumis up, wrenches and hooks him up for a headlock and stretch. NXT returns to single picture as Lumis endures and fans rally up. Lumis fights with elbows and body shots but Gargano CLUBS him on the back. Gargano throws hands, spins but into an uppercut! Gargano spins again but into a SPINEBUSTER! Gargano and Lumis get up, and Lumis rallies with big haymakers! And CHOPS! Lumis tightens the glove as he runs in to clothesline and BULLDOG! Then a BIG back suplex! And a LEAPING leg drop! Cover, TWO!

Fans argue the count while Candice is stressing out. Lumis stalks Gargano as he gets up, and Gargano turns around into the clinch. Gargano elbows free, throws Lumis out, and then runs to DIVE! Direct hit and Lumis is sent into the desk! Gargano puts Lumis back in the ring and then starts yelling at Beth Phoenix for getting this InDex stuff started! Beth says the heart wants what the heart wants, Johnny! Gargano goes back to the apron, slingshot but into an uppercut! Lumis slingshot suplex FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Gargano’s heart is still superhuman but Lumis climbs up top. Lumis leaps but Gargano moves! Lumis rolls through but into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!!

Fans rally up behind Lumis as he gets up. Gargano is after him with forearms but Lumis gives them back! They go back and forth, shot for shot, over and over! Gargano fires off a flurry, runs, but into a pop-up UPPERCUT! But he SUPERKICKS right back! But then Lumis SUPERKICKS! Gargano is down, fans are thunderous, and Lumis looks to Indi. Lumis goes out, he and Indi both signal the elbow. Lumis springboards, SAVAGE ELBOW FLOPS!! Gargano avoids it, and jumps onto the GargaNO Escape!! Indi shouts for Lumis to hold on, and he fights to the ropes! Indi is there and touches Indi’s face gently for the ropebreak! Indi swoons but Gargano is furious!

The ref counts the break, Gargano lets go at 4 because a disqualification is still a valid loss. Gargano tells Indi to stop it already, and Candice does, too. But Lumis rolls Gargano up!! TWO!! And Lumis is sent into Indi! Lumis DECKS Gargano and then hurries to go check on Indi. Candice says Lumis is a monster, and Gargano TOPE DDT’S!! Gargano gets Lumis up and in the ring, and says this is for Indi’s own good. ONE FINAL BEAT!! Cover, Gargano wins!!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by pinfall

Indi is devastated! Lumis lost the match, and has lost his chance to be with her and The Way! Indi looks back at Lumis with a forlorn look, but then she runs to him anyway! She tackles him and gives him a huge kiss!! She’s defying the stipulation of the match!! No one can stand in the way of love! #InDex now, then and forever!!

My Thoughts:

What a great episode! We got a really good opening tag from Legado and Hit Row, and Escobar “ruining” it with the chair attack really just helped raise things up a level. The chaotic brawl was fun, Hit Row stands tall, but Escobar taking Swerve’s grill is also a unique way to escalate things. Obviously that North American Championship match is coming, but I’m hoping for that Six Man Tag as the go-home. Then, we all knew Regal giving Samoa Joe security was just so he could beat up those guys when he can’t get his hands on Kross. While Kross VS Keith Lee last night on Raw was great, obviously Kross’ segment here was prerecorded. They still get the point across perfectly, and the title match for TakeOver 36 is going to be epic.

Of course Ridge Holland makes quick work of Ikemen Jiro but it was still a good first match back for him. Dunne also has a good promo to plug the feud with them and Thatcher-Ciampa. Ridge VS Thatcher, Ridge VS Ciampa, Ridge & Dunne VS Thatcher & Ciampa, all those matches are going to be badass. Speaking of badass, that’s exactly what Fish VS Strong was. Just like with Kyle VS Cole and Kyle VS Strong, the familiarity from working together for years really lent itself to Fish and Strong taking this to a higher level. Strong winning makes sense, he was going for Kushida and Kushida had a good response to essentially confirm that title match.

LA Knight and Cameron Grimes getting into a tag match made sense given last week, and of course Knight ditches Grimes. Grimes loses because GYV needs to stay strong in the tag division, and this sets up Knight VS Grimes III, the Million Dollar Championship back on the line. Prime Target: Walter VS Dragunov II was another epic Prime Target video, we got a lot of great soundbites from wrestlers from the UK as well have gone through NXT. The NXT UK Championship could easily steal the show, and hopefully it gets more people who watch NXT prime to consider NXT UK.

Franky had a good promo to officially establish that she’s taking over the Robert Stone Brand, just as we all knew she would. I wonder if we get a new member that Franky “recruits.” Shirai and Stark had a pretty good little skit for their teammate dinner date. I feel like Shirai was trolling Stark on some level with the food order after Stark brought up Kairi. I’m thinking with the line about “speaking the same language,” Stark tries to learn Japanese, and then there are hilarious misunderstandings from Stark getting things wrong. And we got a very good promo from Dakota that perfectly summarizes everything that has happened to this point.

Baxter VS Gacy was a great Breakout Tournament match, and another upset in a sense with Baxter going over. Carmelo Hayes VS Duke Hudson, Trey Baxter VS Odyssey Jones, we’ve got two battles of Cruiserweight VS Heavyweight, we could end up with any kind of combination for the tournament finals, and if a Cruiserweight wins the tournament, then the options for a title story are very open. And lastly, Gargano VS Lumis was a great match, especially with the “overbooking” of Indi and Candice being ringside and getting involved in the character work. I was surprised Gargano won, but then that made it even better when Indi didn’t care about the result and ran to Lumis. I totally want this to be a Mixed Tag, The Way VS InDex, possibly at TakeOver.

My Score: 9.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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