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Andrew’s G1 Climax 31 Day 14 Results & Match Ratings: 10.12.2021

B Block 7th match day. The Block is already a run away, so should be interesting to see how they try to make viewers care about this half of the tournament!



B Block 7th match day. The Block is already a run away, so should be interesting to see how they try to make viewers care about this half of the tournament!

Is my cynicism bleeding through to the lead in line? Oh no…it’s like an infection…but I really can’t be arsed to care about this block (probably) until the last day.

The only match I care about on this day is Tama Tonga versus Taichi. Which is simply because I enjoy both men’s work and I see no real fun wrinkle in the matches with people that matter.

So let’s see if they give us a reason to care!


  • Taichi w/Miho Abe vs Tama Tonga w/Jado: Tama wins via Gun Stun @12:58 – *** ¼
  • SANADA vs YOSHI-HASHI: SANADA wins via Skull End @17:32 – ** ½
  • Kazuchika Okada vs Chase Owens: Okada wins via Money Clip @15:37 – *** ½
  • Hirooki Goto vs EVIL: EVIL wins via Everything is Evil @14:16- *
  • Jeff Cobb vs Hiroshi Tanahashi: Cobb wins via Tour of the Islands @19:05 – *** ½



Taichi w/Miho Abe vs Tama Tonga w/Jado

Tama of course aims right at Taichi’s taped up ribs, but then Taichi evens the score with the Grecco Roman Throat Hold and some camera cable chokeholds. As the softcore cheating goes on, eventually Tama gets back into control because of Taichi’s ribs. Tama goes for a Body Scissors to squeeze the air out and work on the damaged ribs, before Taichi manages to get to the ropes and sneak in a Hook Kick to find distance.

Taichi then starts fighting through the rib pain and lights up Tama with some kicks. Tama fires up with a Dropkick sending Taichi into the ropes, Stinger Splash misses, Gamengiri from Taichi and he’s earning a little momentum. Taichi takes the pants off, misses the Buzzsaw Kick, Axe Bomber gets countered into a Tongan Twist and Tama looks for a big move. Goes to the corner for Supreme Flow, and…misses.

They both rise, Taichi hits 2 Axe Bombers, followed by an Enzuigiri, but the ribs keep hampering him. Taichi goes for Dangerous Backdrop, but his ribs give way, Pele Kick from Tama, Gun STUNN-nope Taichi goes with it but holds on, grabs Tama by the waist and pulls off the Dangerous Backdrop. Black Mephisto attempt, gets countered, Tama hits a Death Valley Driver, Supreme Flow…and only a two count.

Tama starts pounding the mat for Gun Stun…Taichi gets up and eats a Gun Stun. Tama takes advantage of the injured Taichi.


So neither of these guy set the world on fire, which is depressing. YOSHI-HASHI is terrible, but SANADA has all the potential in the world, he’s just soo cardboard. He’s really just the Zoolander of New Japan. He has 1 look, his matches get really redundant, and they just really missed the boat on making him anything important when he was really hot a few years ago.

Should I be discussing the match? Why? It’s slow, there’s some spots where they trade offense and HASHI aims to soften the back for Butterfly Lock and that stupid Draping Dropkick, SANADA fires back with a low Dropkick and then Kips Up. Stuff, Stuff, Butterfly Lock. Then we all knows what’s next! That’s right! He pulls out a trombone and decides to wash his George Foreman grill in the Alps with a ham sandwich! OF COURSE NOT, he delays the Dropkick, but does it. The crowd goes mild.

You know the block is in a bad way when Kevin Kelly tries to hype competitors saying they have a chance at double digit points, even though they’re eliminated from contention. Plancha happen, Swantons and Moonsaults get countered, and this match is just such a stock match match between the two of them I find myself getting more bored the longer it goes. It looks like they both get bored of the match after SANADA counters a Kumagoroshi and then sells in the ropes, as HASHI is just gasping for breath at the middle of the ring, and they just stand there for a while until HASHI motions him to come to him and counters a Lariat attempt for a Backdrop.

SANADA fights off Karma, hits a Magic Screw, then lands the Moonsault on HASHI’s back and locks in the Skull End. Finally it’s over.

Kazuchika Okada vs Chase Owens

So given my disdain for the previous match, you might think that this doesn’t excite me. Well…partly right? The tournament has done a really good job at showing that Chase is a competent wrestler and he got a surprise win over Tanahashi, while commentary was pushing a Jay White narrative. Suspension of disbelief is wonderful, where I really don’t believe Chase has a chance in hell, but the tournament has painted a picture where Chase could be the ultimate spoiler.

With that said, Okada dominates the first few minutes making funny little noises and getting cocky during Shoulder Tackles, akin to how he used to during the nearly 2 year title reign. Okada goes for the Slingshot Senton, and Chase gets the knees up and then works on Okada’s back. Chase gets a little too big for his britches, starts smacking Okada around and chiding him, which fires Okada up after being on the receiving end for a little bit.

Okada lands some offense, but it comes to a crashing halt when Chase lands a backbreaker. So we’re getting a story where even though Okada claimed he was back to 100% and the Rainmaker being back at the beginning of the tournament; we’re seeing that the back may not be exactly where Okada needs it to be.

The match goes the way many of the longer matches, where Chase has a lot of offense, then there’s a trade and we see a Money Clip start leading to more classic Rainmaker moments. Randy Savage Elbow, pose, Chase counters, there are two long teases for the Package Piledriver. Chase even got a near fall with the feet on the ropes. But he keeps dodging the Rainmaker, so Okada counters out of the Package Piledriver into a wrist capture to go into the Money Clip again. But as Chase is fighting to the ropes, Okada rolls Chase into more of a face down position with the Money Clip locked in and Chase taps out.

Hirooki Goto vs EVIL

It wasn’t that long ago when they had potential to be a really good Strong Style match. But EVIL tries to immediately cheat, Goto turns it around but then Togo removes the pad, Goto crashes into it and then we get the time keeper guardrail spot. Ugh…this is already off to the cliché EVIL garbage match.

Even if EVIL was the fourth best Heavyweight in LIJ after Shingo joined, I still prefer that over this. Hell I prefer Takaaki Watanabe in his lame Ring of Honor run. So…since this match is the usual crap it has been…you guys seen Squid Game yet? I’ll probably check it out later this week. I was just flipping through Amazon Prime a few days ago and came across Loudermilk with Ron Livingston from Office Space. That’s pretty solid, so I want to get through at least the second season before binging Squid Game.

Should I talk about this match? Meh, Goto hit a Waterwheel Kick and a heavy lariat as part of his first flash of comeback. But EVIL eventually powders and we go back to whatever it is that EVIL does anymore. Oki doke, more cheating, then Goto takes control, hits most of his bigger moves but there is more grabbing of the referee and ref bumps than WCW 2001 finish. Again, less than 20 minutes though. So there’s something to be appreciated for that.

Are any of us surprised? No. Do any of us care? No. Hopefully Gedo is just using the impending EVIL dark horse block win as something to keep B Block interesting since everyone hates him. But he will not sneak in to the finals…hopefully.

Jeff Cobb vs Hiroshi Tanahashi

So the main take away in this match is that Tanahashi continued to work on Cobb’s legs. Dragon Screws, low Dropkicks, Cloverleaf hold and some veteran savvy kept Cobb off balance. Cobb also absorbed the full Ace’s High on the outside. We saw different moments in the match where Cobb would pick up the injured left leg to not have to keep pressure on it, but it never really felt compelling.

This could just be the fact the G1 hasn’t resonated with me at all this year, and this just felt like more of the same. Tanahashi tried to pull off a Small Package and some of his flash pin shenanigans, but it just never grabbed me. Short Arm Tour of the Islands takes us to more of the same where it’s a two horse race and a really annoying third looming in third.


Overall Score: 5.5/10

B Block just isn’t compelling and has felt like a complete chore with the way they laid out this tournament. I can officially say I hate this block. I remember a lot of complaints last year, but to my recollection G1 Climax 30 was alright. Was it anything to write home about? Not in the least, but it wasn’t anything resembling torture like this year has been.

Could that be because EVIL’s new crap gimmick was still newish? Yes, another year of the same ole garbage has worn thin. Even though G1 28 A Block was almost as tied up as this one when Tanahashi, Jay White and Okada were outpacing everyone, the story was still compelling. Probably had something to do with Jay’s style of heel being something that’s actually enjoyable to watch. Go figure.

At least, A Block has been alright and MAYBE the last day two B Block days will pay off whatever the hell they’re building towards. Cause you really got me…now here’s Wonderwall. I mean the standings.

B Block:

  1. Jeff Cobb / 7-0 / 14 Points
  2. Kazuchika Okada / 7-0 / 14 Points
  3. EVIL / 6-1 / 12 Points
  4. Hiroshi Tanahashi / 3-4/ 6 Points – Eliminated
  5. SANADA / 3-4 / 6 Points – Eliminated
  6. Taichi / 2-5 / 4 Points – Eliminated
  7. Hirooki Goto / 2-5/ 4 Points – Eliminated
  8. YOSHI-HASHI / 2-5/ 4 Points – Eliminated
  9. Tama Tonga / 2-5/ 4 Points – Eliminated
  10. Chase Owens / 1-6/ 2 Points – Eliminated


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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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