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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 31 Results & Report! (10/3/21)

Round 5, A Block!



NJPW G1 Climax 31

Finally, the Dragon and the Golden Star face off again!

Though they couldn’t battle at Wrestle Grand Slam, NJPW’s Shingo Takagi and Kota Ibushi battle in this red hot G1! Will the Golden Star slay the Dragon?

NOTE: NJPW no longer wants to feed AXS TV now that it is with Anthem and Impact Wrestling. But never fear, I will cover NJPW in the spirit of AXS in providing the most important matches of the show.


  • Great-O-Khan VS KENTA; Kenta wins.
  • Tanga Loa w/ Jado VS Yujiro Takahashi w/ Pieter; Loa wins.
  • Tomohiro Ishii VS Zack Sabre Jr; Ishii wins.
  • Kota Ibushi VS Shingo Takagi; Ibushi wins.


Here are the current A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 4-0, 8 points
Great-O-Khan: 4-1, 8 points
Shingo Takagi: 3-1, 6 points
Kota Ibushi: 3-2, 6 points
Toru Yano: 3-2, 6 points [has special singles bye]
Kenta: 3-2, 6 points
Yujiro Takahashi: 2-2, 4 points
Tomohiro Ishii: 2-3, 4 points
Tanga Loa: 1-3, 2 points


Great-O-Khan VS KENTA!

The Dominator lost to the Submission Master but he still has the points to make a run for the top! Can he conquer Kenta for the United Empire? Or will Fang Revived take a bite out of that iron claw?

Before the match, Kenta gets the mic to remind Khan, “When I beat you, you have to bow down to me!” Kenta drops the mic at Khan’s feet and Khan picks it up to respond. “Beat us? Bow down? Don’t make us laugh! Let’s see you try!” Khan throws the mic down and fans cheer as the bell rings. Khan and Kenta circle, approach and tie up. Khan shoves Kenta down and dares him to bring the fight. Kenta gets up and circles with Khan, they tie up again, and Khan shoves Kenta back down. Fans cheer as Khan and Kenta circle again. Kenta throws testing kicks but Khan walks those off. Khan blocks the next kick, puts Kenta on the ropes and the ref calls for the ropebreak.

Khan lets off cleanly, but Khan dodges the sucker punch to kick and throw forearms. Kenta whips, Khan reverses but Kenta bails out. Khan pursues, Kenta leads him around the ring then slides back inside to then slide out the other side. Khan mockingly asks what’s wrong, and they each dare the other to come after them. Khan rushes over but Kenta slips under the ring. Then he springs back out to attack Khan from behind! Kenta stomps Khan and talks trash. Kenta kicks Khan around, puts him in the ring then stomps him more. Khan sits up, Kenta keeps kicking but Khan trips him up! Kenta keeps his shoulders off but Khan rains down forearms.

Khan wants the legs but Kenta kicks and resists. Khan spins Kenta to a latera press but Kenta keeps moving around. Khan hammers away on Kenta then chokes him! The ref reprimands, counts, and Khan lets go to stomp Kenta down. Khan drags Kenta up to CHOP! Kenta stands up to stare Khan down, so Khan CHOPS again. Fans rally as Khan eggs Kenta on. Kenta shows chop but gives a KICK! Khan scowls and he shows chop to get a takedown! Khan gets Kenta’s leg but Kenta also gets a leg! They battle with heel hooks but Khan kicks Kenta with his free leg. Kenta holds that leg, drags himself over to ropes, but Khan shifts things to an ankle lock. Kenta sits back to make it a cover, TWO!

Kenta and Khan circle, Khan on the defensive now. Khan dares Kenta to try something but Kenta kicks him in the leg. Khan kicks Kenta in the leg, but Kenta kicks him back. Khan tries to catch Kenta’s foot, Kenta tries to drop down on him, but they roll as Khan has the heel hook! They’re in the ropes, Khan twists the foot more! The ref reprimands and counts, Khan lets go at 4. Khan drags Kenta by the leg, stomps it and YANKS it, and then Khan eggs Kenta on. Kenta sits up, Khan stomps him, and tries to make Kenta kiss his boot! Kenta fights free, turns Khan and hits a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Kenta drags Khan up by his ponytail and tries to make him kiss his boot! Khan gets up and gets the arm! ARMBAR! Kenta sits up but Khan wrangles him back down. Khan shifts to get a head ‘n’ arm triangle! Kenta fights up to his feet but Khan throws him down! Khan squeezes tighter on the katagatami and even leans his weight on Kenta. Kenta endures, fans rally up, but Khan sits Kenta up to thrash him around! Kenta is fading, but he pulls the ponytail! The ref reprimands, Khan just wraps Kenta up with his own arm! Kenta endures this almost Anaconda Vice but he again pulls the ponytail! They stand, end up on ropes, and Khan shifts to club away on Kenta’s head!

The ref has Khan stop but Khan gives a stomp before he backs off. Khan drags Kenta up but gets a JAWBREAKER! And a kitchen sink knee! Fans rally up as Kenta KICKS Khan in the back! Kenta stands Khan up, waistlocks, but Khan elbows free. Khan runs in at Kenta in the corner but Kenta boots him away. Khan tries again but gets more boots. Kenta goes up, reels Khan in, tornado HOTSHOT! Khan falls back and Kenta climbs up. Kenta watches Khan stand up, and hits him with the FLYING CLOTHESLINE! Cover, TWO! Kenta drags Khan up by his ponytail and fisherman’s, but Khan powers out of that to suplex and GOURDBUSTER! Both men are down as fans fire up again!

Khan stands up and kicks Kenta in the corner. Mongolian Chop! And another! Kenta wobbles but Khan gives him a third Mongolian Chop! Khan stands Kenta up to whip him to the corner and clothesline him from behind! Khan then hops up the corner to sit on Kenta! The ref counts, Khan swivels his hips but hops off at 4. Khan comes back to put Kenta up top and he Mongolian CHOPS him on the back! Kenta falls into the Tree of Woe, Khan digs his boots in! The ref counts, Khan lets off to go corner to corner. Three point stance and the SLIDING BOOT! Khan drags Kenta to center for an interesting way to get into the O’Conner, TWO!

Fans rally and Khan waits as Kenta stirs. Khan clamps on the Iron Claw! But Kenta arm-drags out of the Eliminator! Kenta dodges then spins Khan for a DDT! Both men are down again as fans rally up. Kenta kicks Khan to the apron then drags him up through the ropes. DRAPING DDT! Cover, TWO! Khan flounders to the corner but Kenta runs in to FLYING KICK! Then he goes corner to corner to HESITATION DROPKICK! Fans fire up and Kenta encourages them to get louder. Khan is in a drop zone now as Kenta climbs up. Kenta jumps but Khan moves to avoid the stomps! Then he BOOTS Kenta down! Fans fire up as Khan slaps some sense back into himself.

Kenta and Khan approach on their knees and throw forearms back and forth. Fans rally up as they stand and pick up speed. Kenta SLAPS so Khan SLAPS and now it’s SLAP for SLAP back and forth, faster and faster! Khan gets the edge but Kenta CROSS COUNTERS! And hits Khan back again and again! Kenta winds up for a BIG SLAP, and down goes Khan! Kenta slashes his throat and drags Khan up to a fireman’s carry. But Khan slips out to IRON CLAW! But Kenta knees free of the Eliminator! Fireman’s carry, but Khan slips out to IRON CLAW! KITSUJIGOROSHI! Kenta endures being bent and stretched and fans rally up as he reaches for ropes! But he’s fading!

Khan scoops Kenta, pops him around, but Kenta slips out to shove Khan at the ref! Then SPLASHES him into ref and corner! All three men are down and fans fire back up. Kenta hurries out and gets a chair from under the ring! Kenta brings the chair in, and SMACKS Khan right on the back! Khan writhes with the pain! He slowly gets up but Kenta SMACKS him again! Kenta stomps Khan down, sets the chair on his chest, then goes to the corner. Fans rally up as Kenta puts on Khan’s Jiangshi hat and reaches the top. DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS OF THE DEAD! The chair is thrown out but the ref is still down, so Kenta hurries to get something else. A baseball bat was under the ring!?

Kenta takes some warm-up swings and aims at Khan. Fans rally up as Khan BLOCKS the bat! But then Kenta plays dead to pin the crime on Khan! The ref and Khan argue, Kenta rolls Khan up! Kenta wins!!

Winner: Kenta, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

Kenta just outsmarted Khan! Khan tries to explain about the bat but it’s all hearsay between him and Kenta. Does this mean the Dominator must bow to Fang Revived? Kenta gets a mic and says he wants to see it. He gets another chair and brings it into the ring. Khan can’t leave until he follows through on the bet. Kenta takes a seat in the chair and wants Khan to dogeza, aka the deep, prostrate bowing. Khan asks Kenta like he can’t hear him but Kenta says he has to bow. Fans clap because they want to it, and then Kenta SHOUTS at Khan to bow. Khan struggles to bend down because he really doesn’t want to, but he’s a man of his word.

Only to iron claw and ELIMINATOR SLAM Kenta right out of his chair!! Khan lets Kenta have his points but he won’t let him have his way! Will Khan take this frustration out in the next round?


Tanga Loa w/ Jado VS Yujiro Takahashi w/ Pieter!

Here we go again. Another Bullet Club VS Bullet Club showdown in the G1. The Silverback’s score is low, but can he get up aft the expense of Tokyo Pimp? Or will go Ape Shit off some Pimp Juice?

Being that they’re all Bullet Club, everyone Low Sweets, even Pieter. Loa still wants Jado to watch Pieter, though, but not like, watch her. The bell rings, Loa and Yujiro circle and the two tie up. They’re in a deadlock but Loa shoves Yujiro away. Loa assures it’s all good and they go to Too Sweet, but then Yujiro kicks low! Yujiro throws forearms but Loa just gets annoyed. Loa roars and Yujiro puts up the Too Sweet in panic. Loa can’t believe he’s pulling that now after the cheap shot. Jado calms Loa down, maybe Yujiro is being genuine. Loa and Yujiro approach, but now Loa kicks low! Loa CLUBS away on Yujiro then says no more games.

Loa whips corner to corner but Yujiro dodges to BOOT! Yujiro whips, Loa reverses and runs in but gets another boot! Yujiro runs, ducks and dodges but then blocks a boot to throw Loa down. Loa avoids the basement boot to basement LARIAT! Loa runs to SLIDING KNEE! And STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO, but the fans still marvel at Loa’s athleticism. Yujiro bails out of the ring, Loa pursues and CLUBS him down. Loa throws forearms, then brings Yujiro around to scoop and SLAM to the floor! Fans cheer but the ref wants this to get back in the ring. Loa asks if Yujiro’s alright, and then brings him up to RAM into the apron!

Loa mockingly asks if Yujiro is alright and then CLUBS him on the back. Loa brings Yujiro around to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Yujiro rolls into the ring, Loa hits a slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! Loa mockingly acts surprised then brings Yujiro back up. Loa bumps Yujiro off buckles, turns him around and stomps a mudhole into him, then digs his boots in. The ref counts, Loa lets off, and Loa pats the ref on the back. Loa stands Yujiro up to scoop and RUNNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO! Loa keeps on Yujiro with a chinlock, then shifts it to a seated cobra clutch. Yujiro endures, Loa thrashes him around, but Yujiro scoots and reaches out, only for Loa to drag him back from ropes!

Yujiro reaches out with his feet but he’s still too far away! Fans rally as he kicks around, and he gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Loa lets off and brings Yujiro up. Loa ROCKS Yujiro with a right, then RAMS him into the corner! Then rams his shoulder in again and again and again! The ref counts, Loa stops and backs off, then he whips Yujiro corner to corner. Loa runs in to clothesline, then he whips Yujiro out then in for another clothesline! Loa reels Yujiro in, Yujiro throws elbows to avoid the clinch, then ROCKS Loa with another! Loa growls but he swings into a dragon sleeper! Loa snapmares out of the DDT but runs into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT!

Fans fire up and Yujiro runs in to BOOT! Yujiro runs but Loa boots, only for Yujiro to block! Yujiro throws Loa down and basement boots! Loa bails out, Yujiro builds speed and fans rally, and Yujiro DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Yujiro is fired up after hitting the tope suicida and so are the fans! A ring count begins, Yujiro drags Loa up and puts him in the ring. Yujiro vows to end it now as he stands Loa up. Loa resists the fisherman to kick, kick and ENZIGURI! Then a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Yujiro still lives and Loa argues the count! The count was fair, so Loa drags Yujiro back up. Loa reels Yujiro in, but Yujiro resists the bomb lift.

Yujiro BITES Loa’s hand! Yujiro whips, Loa reverses, fireman’s carries but Yujiro slips off. They fight for control, Yujiro hits the FISHERSMAN BUSTER! Fans rally up, the two slowly rise, and Yujiro throws a forearm. Loa throws it back! Yujiro staggers but he hits Loa again. Loa hits back and Yujiro wobbles! Loa eggs Yujiro on so Yujiro throws forearm after forearm! Loa fires up to forearm back again, but then Yujiro ROCKS him! Yujiro fires up, fireman’s carries but Loa sunset flips! Yujiro rolls through and basement boots but Loa ducks that for a roll up! TWO, Loa runs in to BOOT! Loa eggs Yujiro on, but Yujiro reels him in for an INCOLLE SLAM! Cover, TWO!!

Fans cheer and Yujiro fires up again! Yujiro sits Loa up, but no Pimp Juice as Loa shoves him away! So Yujiro SUPERKICKS! Yujiro runs, into a SPEAR! Loa gets Yujiro up for a SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Yujiro survives and Loa can’t believe it! Loa drags Yujiro up, vows to end this and scoops, but Yujiro slips out to shove and fireman’s carry! MIAMI SHINE!! Cover, TWO!?! Loa lives and Yujiro is furious! But fans fire up with him as he sits Loa back up. Yujiro gets Loa up but Loa slips free to scoop, APE SHIT!! Cover, Loa wins!!

Winner: Tanga Loa, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yujiro earns 0)

Finally, the Silverback has points he can call his own! But in the end, Bullet Club is still fine as Loa helps Yujiro to his feet. Will Loa be able to make a comeback and finish his first G1 strong? Can Yujiro make sure the House of Torture is still good?


Tomohiro Ishii VS Zack Sabre Jr!

The Stone Pitbull is finally rolling but the Submission Master isn’t slowing down. Will Ishii #JustTapOut after he worked so hard to #GetBackUp? Or will ZSJ no longer be the only undefeated man in the block?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two approach. ZSJ and Ishii feel out the grapple. They knuckle lock but ZSJ quickly bridges to wrench and headlock. Ishii powers out, dodges the boot but ZSJ dodges back. Ishii blocks the kick, ZSJ blocks the clothesline and spins Ishii to a cravat. ZSJ goes to snapmare but Ishii blocks that and spins ZSJ. ZSJ blocks the suplex, gets around and wants the cobra twist but Ishii hip tosses! ZSJ drags Ishii down to a EURO CLUTCH! TWO!! Ishii narrowly escapes and fans fire up! ZSJ says Ishii is very lucky and fans rally up as the two start shoving. ZSJ EuroUppers but Ishii CHOPS him!

ZSJ talks trash, he and Ishii start shoulder bumping but ZSJ EuroUppers again. Ishii CHOPS ZSJ and sends him back to the corner! ZSJ scowls and EuroUppers, Ishii CHOPS! ZSJ flops back against the corner but he gets back up. Another EuroUpper for another CHOP, and ZSJ falls right down! Ishii drags ZSJ up, CHOPS him again, and again! Ishii kicks ZSJ, ZSJ gets up and EuroUppers. Ishii CHOPS and ZSJ falls! Ishii kicks ZSJ to the apron, then drags him up, but ZSJ resists the suplex! ROPE OCTOPUS! The ref counts, ZSJ lets go and Ishii falls down! ZSJ says that was for his chest! ZSJ then gets an arm and twists the wrist.

The ref says Ishii is in the ropes but ZSJ still hammerlocks to stomp the arm! Ishii clutches his arm but fans cheer. ZSJ eggs Ishii on and fans rally up. Ishii stands to CHOP! But that’s proving double edge with what ZSJ’s done to that arm. Even so, Ishii CHOPS again! ZSJ eggs Ishii on and then blocks the chop to grab the arm! Ishii throws ZSJ off to then ROCK him with a right. Ishii whips, ZSJ reverses and spins around to arm-drag! Basement dropkick right to the top of Ishii’s head! Fans cheer while ZSJ catches his breath. ZSJ goes after the arm, digs his elbow and knuckles into Ishii’s ribs, then isolates the arm to STOMP it!

ZSJ sits on Ishii while digging heels into the arm. Ishii barks at ZSJ but ZSJ slaps him around, then STOMPS the arm again! ZSJ paces, then clamps back onto the bad arm, bending the fingers individually, then all at once! He jams them over and over and over, then goes after the wrist, to elbow, to shoulder! Ishii scrambles around and gets a ropebreak! Fans cheer and ZSJ lets go quickly to then bring Ishii back up. ZSJ wrenches, hits an ELBOW BREAKER, and Ishii drops to his knees. ZSJ twists the wrist more and tortures the elbow while Ishii is on the mat! ZSJ twists the arm all the way around, gets Ishii up, but Ishii headbutts ZSJ in the back!

Ishii deflects the boot but ZSJ escapes the waistlock, only to run into a shoulder tackle! Ishii leans against ropes while getting his bad arm moving and feeling back in his tortured hand. Fans rally as Ishii goes back to ZSJ and CHOPS him! The pain in Ishii’s arm holds him back but he SLAPS ZSJ on the back, then CHOPS him in the chest all the same! And CHOPS again! Still so much power despite the damage done to that arm. Ishii whips, ZSJ goes up and around in the corner, but runs into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Ishii drags ZSJ up, puts him on the top rope, then climbs up to join him. ZSJ resists, bends the bad arm but lets go when the ref counts.

ZSJ adjusts and SUNSET POWERBOMBS! Cover, TWO! But ZSJ has an ARMBAR! Ishii rolls and gets the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go, Ishii rolls away and fans fire back up. ZSJ crawls back, gets Ishii’s arm and STOMPS it again! Ishii sits up into the PENALTY KICK but blocks it! ZSJ slaps away but Ishii spins him for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans rally for “I-SHI-I!” “Z S J!” Ishii sits up, drags ZSJ up now, and reels him in. ZSJ hooks a leg to block the suplex, elbows free, but Ishii ducks the roundhouse. Ishii waistlocks but ducks an elbow, only for ZSJ to duck under a clothesline and elbow from Ishii. Ishii gets back around, BIG back suplex!

Fans fire up as Ishii roars and stands back up. Ishii drags ZSJ up, reels him in, but ZSJ slips out to wrench the arm. Ishii blocks the Pele, runs, but into a MOUNTED ARMBAR! ZSJ shifts to get both arms in an inverted Rings of Saturn! Step over to the JIM BREAKS SPECIAL! Ishii endures, ZSJ cranks back harder, but Ishii uses that to roll to the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go in frustration but fans fire back up! Fans rally while Ishii tries to get his bad arm going again. ZSJ gives Ishii toying kicks from the mat but Ishii turns to give those kicks back. They both kick but ZSJ gets Ishii in the bad arm. ZSJ then KICKS Ishii in the chest!

Ishii growls as he sits back up but ZSJ kicks at the arm again and again and again. Ishii blocks the buzzsaw to KNEEBREAKER and dropkick the leg! ZSJ comes back to KICK, but Ishii just scowls and DECKS ZSJ with a forearm! Fans fire up again as both men end up in opposite corners. Fans rally again, “I-SHI-I!” “Z S J!” as Ishii works on getting feeling in his right hand. Ishii runs in at ZSJ but ZSJ dodges. ZSJ comes back, Ishii dodges in the corner, but ZSJ TORNADO DDT’S! But Ishii springs right back up and POUNCES ZSJ! ZSJ stumbles up and PENALTY KICKS! Ishii’s back up, ZSJ BOOTS him, but Ishii comes back to LARIAT! Fans are thunderous as both men are down!

Ishii goes to the corner, adjusts his elbow pad and gets feeling in his arm. He runs but into a SLEEPER! He switches and shoves out to swat ZSJ’s kick and ENZIGURI! Both men are down again but fans fire back up! Ishii roars and drags ZSJ into a POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO! ZSJ lives but Ishii keeps focus. Fans rally, Ishii crawls over and sits ZSJ up. Ishii runs but ZSJ ducks to catch the lariat to a ghost pin! TWO!! Ishii narrowly escapes but he SLIDING LARIATS right through ZSJ! ZSJ sits up in a daze, Ishii gets him up and point-blank LARIATS! Ishii roars and fans are thunderous again as he suplexes. ZSJ slips out, trips Ishii up, leg roll to O’Conner Bridge! TWO!!

ZSJ keeps focus, but he swings into Ishii’s spin. ZSJ suplexes to BRAINBUSTER Ishii! KIMURA!! Ishii endures as ZSJ tortures his bad arm! Fans rally and Ishii moves around but ZSJ body scissors! Ishii throws body shots so ZSJ lets him up to wrench and tilt-o-whirl to ARTICLE 50! The cross armbreaker bends Ishii back but Ishii moves around. ZSJ turns it into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Ishii endures, powers up but ZSJ uses the lift to roll and drag Ishii back down! Fans rally hard as ever but Ishii is fading! ZSJ drives in elbows and squeezes tighter! Ishii fights up, ZSJ manages to keep hold of the arm, but Ishii stomps ZSJ’s head!

Ishii gets free but ZSJ wrenches and scoops! Ishii slips off, HEADBUTT! But ZSJ stays up?! Boot blocks clothesline but haymaker blocks roundhouse! Ishii still LARIATS with his bad arm!! Ishii jams his arm in the corner, throws off the support and runs, LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!!! ZSJ survives but Ishii drags him right up, suplex and BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, Ishii wins!!

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii, by pinfall (gains 2 points; ZSJ earns 0)

Incredible! The Stone Pitbull fights through the pain to give ZSJ his first loss in this year’s G1! Has Ishii put out ZSJ’s hot streak to start his own? Or will Ishii merely be a speedbump for the Submission Master?


Kota Ibushi VS Shingo Takagi!

The Golden Star and the Dragon were going to meet during Wrestle Grand Slam but it was not meant to be then. Now things have aligned so that they can battle in this fiery Fall! Ibushi wants to continue his G1 finals streak but Takagi wants to make more history as the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion! Whose G1 dream takes a step closer to becoming reality at halftime?

The bell rings and fans cheer for finally getting to see this. They clap “I-BU-SHI!” “TA-KA-GI!” as the two circle. Takagi avoids Ibushi’s testing kick and the two feel out the grapple. Takagi shows jab but thinks better of it. Ibushi gets a kick in but Takagi walks it off. The two tie up, Ibushi powers Takagi to ropes but lets off as Red Shoes calls for the break. They go again and now Takagi puts Ibushi on ropes. Red Shoes again calls for a break and Takagi pats Ibushi on the shoulders. Takagi then claps and the fans applaud, only for Takagi to throw a back elbow! Ibushi avoids that, gets a headlock, but Takagi powers out to reel Ibushi into a headlock of his own.

Takagi grinds the hold but Ibushi fights up. Ibushi powers out, Takagi runs him over, and fans cheer as Takagi brushes himself off. Things keep moving, Takagi fakes out Ibushi’s hurdle and runs him over! Takagi flexes for the elbow drop! And then another! Ibushi avoids the senton to hit a headlock takeover but Takagi headscissors. Ibushi kips out dropkick Takagi down! Fans cheer the exchange, and then Ibushi walks over to Takagi. Ibushi kicks him in the back, then again. Takagi gets up but Ibushi throws forearms. Ibushi eggs Takagi on so Takagi gives a forearm Ibushi forearms, Takagi back elbows. Ibushi fires off more forearms, then wrenches and whips corner to corner.

Ibushi runs into the corner but Takagi puts him out. Ibushi counter punches, springboards and missile dropkicks! But Takagi uses that to rebound and build speed to BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Ibushi flounders to ropes as fans cheer, and Takagi runs in to clothesline Ibushi up and out of the ring! Fans cheer more while Takagi goes out to fetch Ibushi. Takagi makes sure his arm is alright before he bumps Ibushi off the apron a couple times. Takagi then fireman’s carries for SNAKE EYES! Fans fire up with Takagi as he checks with commentary. Takagi gets Ibushi up and puts him in the ring for a slingshot knee drop! Takagi digs his knee in before Red Shoes counts.

Takagi gets Ibushi up for a high snap suplex! Cover, ONE, but Takagi holds on with a chinlock! Takagi grinds Ibushi down, leans on the hold then shifts to crank the neck. Ibushi fights up, throws elbows and forearms but Takagi pie faces him. Ibushi throws another forearm then eggs Takagi on. Takagi ROCKS Ibushi with a forearm then hits a BIG back suplex! Takagi drags Ibushi up, cravats for a neck wrench but Ibushi gets to ropes. Takagi lets off clean, whips Ibushi to ropes and KNEES him low into a DDT! Cover, TWO! Takagi sits Ibushi up to dig his elbow into the shoulder. Fans rally as Takagi drives his elbow in again and again and again, then drops a knee!

Takagi paces while Ibushi slowly sits up. Takagi digs his heel into Ibushi’s face then scrapes his sole off him. Ibushi sits up as Takagi gives toying kicks. Takagi jabs but Ibushi doesn’t flinch. Takagi throws more jabs, then JABS Ibushi hard enough for him to feel it. Ibushi comes back to get elbows from Takagi, but he still eggs Takagi on. So Takagi SLAPS him! Ibushi SLAPS back, and it’s a fast and furious SLAP fight! SLAP SLAP SLAP and a KICK from Ibushi, but both men fall down! Fans fire up and rally as both men slowly get up. Takagi goes after Ibushi with a facelock to grind him into the mat! And even gives headbutts to Ibushi’s shoulders!

Takagi gets Ibushi up but Ibushi blocks the back suplex with a headlock. Takagi body shots, back suplexes but Ibushi lands on his feet. Ibushi waistlocks Takagi but he elbows free. Takagi runs and rebounds but into a RANA! Takagi falls out of the ring and fans fire up as Ibushi heads over. Ibushi goes to the apron, fires up and TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULTS! Fans fire up with the direct hit at the ramp! Ibushi gets up as fans rally again, “TA-BU-SHI!” “I-KA-GI!” (Maybe squid! Maybe squid!) Ibushi gets Takagi into the ring and then aims from the corner. Takagi stands, Ibushi springboards and missile dropkicks again!

Fans keep the rally going as Takagi goes to a corner. Ibushi runs in but into a boot! Ibushi tries again but runs into an elbow. Takagi runs but into a POWERSLAM! Ibushi somersaults to the corner, MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans keep rallying as Ibushi gets to his feet. Ibushi drags Takagi up and reels him in but Takagi blocks the lift. They fight for control, Takagi back drops up and out! Ibushi gets up and comes back, into an ELBOW! JAB! But Ibushi ducks the Yukon, only to run into a fireman’s carry! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Fans fire up, Takagi drags Ibushi up and suplexes, but Ibushi fights it, so Takagi hits TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT!? The Dragon copies The Ace!! Cover, TWO!

Takagi fires up and fans rally up behind him. Takagi drags Ibushi back up, pump handles but Ibushi blocks the lift. Ibushi standing switches but Takagi arm-drags out of the half nelson. Takagi blocks a boot, CLUBS the leg, then hits a SAIDO! But Ibushi’s right up to get the HALF ‘N’ HALF! Fans rally up as Ibushi and Takagi slowly sit up. Ibushi fires up and sees Takagi go to the corner. Ibushi runs in to BOOT! Ibushi throws forearms, Takagi hits back with one! Ibushi comes back with a KICK! Takagi CHOPS, Ibushi stays up and KICKS! Takagi CHOPS again, so Ibushi KICKS again! Fans rally up as Takagi CHOPS and Ibushi KICKS! Takagi JABS, JABS and DOUBLE CHOPS!

Ibushi KICKS, KICKS, and KICKS, but Takagi blocks to CLUB the leg! DRAGON SCREW! Takagi gets the leg again but Ibushi KICKS him away! Ibushi waits for Takagi to stand, KICKS his clothesline away, KICKS the bad arm, but runs into an ELBOW! JAB! YUKON- COUNTER LARIAT! Ibushi takes Takagi down but he’s right back up to POINT-BLANK PUMPING! Ibushi is right up to SNAP GERMAN! Takagi runs to BLINDSIDE SLIDING FOREARM! Fans fire up more as both men are down! Fans rally, Takagi gets up and puts Ibushi on the top rope. Takagi climbs up to join him, they start brawling up top! Ibushi forearms but Takagi gives headbutt after headbutt!

Takagi stands Ibushi up on the very top, SUPERPLEX! Fans are thunderous as Takagi hurries over to cover, TWO! Ibushi survives but Takagi fires up with “OI! OI! OI!” Fans clap along, Takagi powers up and runs, but Ibushi blocks Pumping, only to get ROLLING YUKON! Takagi drags Ibushi back up, swings, but into a full nelson! Takagi powers out of that, wrenches and ducks the roundhouse to MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!! Ibushi survives and fans are thunderous again! Takagi is surprised but he fires up again. He stands Ibushi up, pump handles and torture racks but Ibushi fights free! Ibushi fires off knees but Takagi blocks to SHIN- NO! Ibushi KNEES free!

Fans rally up again as Ibushi goes to the corner. Ibushi calls upon the powers of the King of Strong Style, but Takagi corner clotheslines him! Takagi runs but Ibushi ducks the sliding lariat to ENZIGURI! Ibushi crawls over to the corner and aims again. Ibushi wants Takagi to stand for this one! “YAO~!” BOMAYE!! But he’s not done there! Ibushi gets Takagi up, reels him in and picks him up, LAST RIDE!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and Ibushi is beside himself. Ibushi crawls over, gets the wrists and sits Takagi up, but Takagi blocks with strength! Takagi and Ibushi fight for wrist control but Takagi rams his shoulder in! JAB, then a HEADBUTT and V-TRIGGER!!

Fans are thunderous for Takagi’s “Pumping Knee” or whatever it might be called! Takagi gets up, runs, and PUMPING BOMBER!! Cover, TWO!?! Ibushi survives and Takagi is frustrated but the fans stay thunderous. Takagi drags Ibushi up and powers up again. Pump handle but again Ibushi blocks the rack! Ibushi drives in elbows, Takagi POINT-BLANK PUMPING! Ibushi stays up!? Takagi fires off boxing elbows then fires up, but Ibushi SLAPS him! Takagi is dazed on his feet, Ibushi sobats and runs, into a clothesline at the ropes! Takagi runs, into a ROUNDHOUSE! KAMI-GOYE!!! Cover, TWO!?!? The Dragon survives the knee to surpass God?!

Ibushi pulls down his kneepad and fans rally up again. Ibushi gets the wrists, but Takagi blocks the knee to a torture rack! Ibushi slips off to POISON-RANA!! Takagi staggers up and growls, but he runs into Ibushi’s V-TRIGGER!! KENNY~! Ibushi gets Takagi’s wrists from behind, BLINDSIDE KAMI-GOYE!! And then again, FORWARD KAMI-GOYE!! Cover, Ibushi wins!!

Winner: Kota Ibushi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Takagi earns 0)

The Golden Star slays the Dragon! Does this mean he would’ve won at Wrestle Grand Slam? Or is this a sign of Ibushi pushing himself in order to shine bright again? Either way, the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion has lost again! Will he have to abandon his hopes of making history? Or will he just work that much harder?

As for Ibushi, he gets a mic and hurries to tell Takagi, “This win was pretty big. Next time, I’ll be taking that belt back.” That way, next time they return to Aichi, Ibushi will be wearing it around his waist. Fans like the sound of that. Ibushi admits he can’t stand up, but he vows that he still won’t back down, won’t quit and won’t lose! “I’ll defend all of you!” The Golden Star is still shining, banged up as he is. Will he use this momentum to get back to the finals and get that Right to Challenge briefcase again? Or is this his ace in the hole for a shot before WrestleKingdom 16?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Zack Sabre Jr: 4-1, 8 points
Kenta: 4-2, 8 points
Great-O-Khan: 4-2, 8 points
Kota Ibushi: 4-2, 8 points
Shingo Takagi: 3-2, 6 points
Toru Yano: 3-2, 6 points [won special singles bye]
Tomohiro Ishii: 3-3, 6 points
Tanga Loa: 2-3, 4 points
Yujiro Takahashi: 2-3, 4 points

My Thoughts:

Another really good night for NJPW and the G1, and I continue to enjoy Kenta being a troll. He and Khan have a really good match, and Kenta winning was quite the surprise. Him wanting Khan to bow before him was also quite the interesting play, and of course Khan doesn’t go for it. The Bullet Club Civil War continues to build, I am really curious to see where they go with this after the G1 and whenever Jay White returns. Team Switch VS House of Torture definitely needs to happen at WrestleKingdom 16 this year. Loa himself winning and then Evil VS Tama Tonga tomorrow, we’re definitely getting Guerrillas & Jado VS #EvilDickPimps as part of that civil war, too.

Ishii breaking ZSJ’s G1 streak was quite the surprise, and they had a very good match. ZSJ taking this one loss is fine, I’m sure he’ll still be up there by the time we’re at round nine. Ibushi VS Takagi was an awesome main event, I didn’t think Takagi would steal Twist ‘n’ Shout from Tanahashi over in B Block. But Ibushi getting the win was also a great surprise, but it does seem to work in Ibushi’s story that he’s going up and down to now be 3-2 (unweighted, we have to remember A Block is using Naito points). Ibushi is definitely someone who Takagi can also face on the way to WK16 to make Power Struggle into a bigger event.

My Score: 9.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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