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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (10/28/21)

Heritage is on the line!



Coverage NXT UK 2021

Will the Scottish Supernova overthrow the Big Strong Boy?

After the second NXT UK Heritage Cup Tournament, and after a war of words, Noam Dar is gonna put up or shut up against the champion, Tyler Bate!


  • Mark Coffey w/ Wolfgang VS Rohan Raja w/ Teoman; Coffey wins.
  • Amale VS Myla Grace; Amale wins.
  • Charlie Dempsey VS Danny Jones; Dempsey wins.
  • NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Tyler Bate w/ Trent Seven VS Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels; Dar wins and becomes the new NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion.


Mark Coffey w/ Wolfgang VS Rohan Raja w/ Teoman!

Gallus had an encounter with The Babo’s family at the Performance Center, the beef from the Heritage Cup Tournament still needs to be settled! Will Markus show Teoman’s British Born, Australian Raised, Canadian Trained brother in arms what happens when you mess with the boys?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two tie up. Coffey shoves Raja and the two go again. Raja shoots in but Coffey uses a facelock then brings Raja down for a waistlock. Coffey brings Raja up to SLAM him down, then keeps on the waistlock. Raja fights up, bucks Coffey off with the ropes but he runs into an arm-drag! Coffey grinds the shoulder, clamps a claw into the ribs, but Raja fights up. Coffey hammerlocks, Raja slips through but Coffey slips it right back on him. Raja goes to the ropes, steps in to wrap Coffey’s arm around the ropes, then adds a chinlock. The ref counts, Raja lets off but then kicks the rope to jam the arm! Raja gets the arm but Coffey headlocks.

Raja powers out but Coffey runs him over. Things speed up, Raja hurdles but Coffey blocks the hip toss. Raja ducks the clothesline to wrench the arm for a CODE BREAKER! Raja stomps away on Coffey, hammers away, and brings Coffey up. Coffey powers out of the bomb with a back drop! Raja gets to a corner, Coffey storms over but into a kick! Raja POSTS Coffey and Coffey tumbles to the floor! Wolfgang keeps Teoman back while checking on Markus. Raja goes out, gets Coffey up and puts him in to then throw forearms. Raja whips Coffey to ropes and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Cover, TWO!

Wolfgang and the fans rally for Coffey and he throws hands on Raja. Coffey EuroUppers and CHOPS Raja to a corner, whips him corner to corner but Raja reverses to CLUB the bad arm. Raja whips Coffey to the corner, Coffey reverses but runs in only to get buckles. Raja runs back in to KNEE Coffey down! Cover, TWO! Raja gets Coffey’s bad arm for a top wristlock and leans on the hold. Coffey endures, fans rally and Coffey fights up to spin through and ROCK Raja with a forearm. Raja ROCKS Coffey, Coffey throws another forearm and we have a brawl! Raja ROCKS Coffey but Coffey whips him away to rally with big shoulders! Raja swings into a half nelson SLAM!

Coffey clutches the bad arm but he runs in at Raja for an uppercut! And clothesline! Coffey goes up to hit a FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Coffey drags Raja up and wrenches him to a back suplex, but Raja fights it off with elbows. Raja baits Coffey into ropes, throws him down then pops him up, SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Coffey survives but Raja stalks up behind him, Wristlock ripcord and a forearm, to a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Coffey is still in this and Raja is furious! Teoman tells Raja to fight for the family. Raja runs in but double knees hit buckles! Coffey schoolboys then whips Raja for the GAMANGIRI! Coffey keeps moving, SLIDING UPPERCUT! Cover, Coffey wins!

Winner: Mark Coffey, by pinfall

Teoman is furious that the family suffered loss, but he and Raja regroup to attack Gallus from behind! They knock Coffey down and mug Wolfgang, JUMPING COMPLETE SHOT! Raja stomps Coffey down and Teoman throws his jacket down. They stomp away on Coffey and Wolfgang but more referees rush out to pull them away. The family leave Gallus behind, but will Joe Coffey have something to say about this?


Sid Scala has an announcement.

The teams of Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter, Jack Starz & Dave Mastiff, and Symbiosis’ Tyson T-Bone & Primate all have issues with one another. Tensions have been rising in these recent weeks, and Sid has spoken with Johnny Saint. In two weeks, we will have a Tag Team Triple Threat to name NEW #1 Contenders to the NXT UK Tag Team Championships! Who will rise above to go after the Pretty Deadly champions?


Backstage interview with Charlie Dempsey.

He’ll be in his second match later tonight, going against Danny Jones. What can we expect from that match-up? Dempsey says Danny is a great talent, a great competitor and spent time in Japan just like him. Their styles will mix greatly and- Gallus is storming in, upset with Teoman and Raja. Has Dempsey seen them? If he does, tell them Gallus is looking for them. Gallus storms off and Dempsey says this is the second time this has happened. Will Dempsey still focus on his opponent in the ring tonight?


Amale VS Myla Grace!

The French Hope shoulders the honor of an entire country on her shoulders as she represents France in NXT UK. Will she get back on a winning track? Or will the bubbly break dancer from Belfast make a big impression in her debut?

The bell rings, Amale and Grace circle, tie up, and Amale waistlocks to SLAM Grace down. Amale talks trash in French, Grace gets up to waistlock. Amale elbows out hard, bumps Grace off buckles then headlocks and thrashes Grace around. Grace endures, even as Amale thrashes more. Fans rally up for Grace and she fights out to then split under and roll Amale up! ONE, Grace rolls to get La Magistrol! TWO, Grace throws counter punches! Amale shoves Grace away, goes to a corner, and Grace runs into DOUBLE BOOTS! Amale rains down forearms then lets off as fans boo. Amale storms about but Grace kicks her low.

Amale throws haymakers then whips Grace out to throw her into buckles hard! Amale then gets Grace up for a FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, ONE?! Grace shows her toughness but Amale CLUBS her then whips her to ropes. Amale CLOBBERS Grace with an elbow, covers, TWO! Amale pulls Grace’s hair to bring her into a chinlock. Fans rally up, Amale thrashes Grace again but Grace endures. Amale cranks the hold, but Blair Davenport appears on stage. She’s watching Amale give short headbutts in the chinlock. Grace fights up, throws body shots and pries the hold to arm-drag free! Grace dodges Amale to tilt-o-whirl and headscissor!

Fans fire up with Grace as she runs in, blocks the boots and has Amale in the ropes! Grace CHOPS Amale then Tiger Feints Amale down! Grace steps in for a TORNADO DDT! Cover, TWO! Amale survives but Grace goes back to the corner., Grace jumps over Amale, dodges her and rolls her up to a bridging schoolgirl, TWO! Amale BOOTS Grace right down! Amale drags Grace up, hooks the leg, HOPEBREAKER! High stack, Amale wins!

Winner: Amale, by pinfall

Davenport isn’t impressed but Amale doesn’t care. She is ready to make an impact, but will she be given the shot she feels she deserves?


Backstage interview with Aleah James.

NXT UK Media says she got a big win last week over Xia Brookside, how is she feeling? Well she’s been a whole year now so she’s excited she got a win. But Nina Samuels takes over to make this interview part of her show. Though it takes a certain caliber of performer to be on Nina’s show, and she isn’t sure Aleah measures up. A small height joke but Nina laughs. Aleah asks if there’s a problem. Maybe another time, Nina. Aleah isn’t doing this now. Nina scowls as Aleah walks off set, but manages a smile as she signs off for her show. Will Aleah get to show Nina her caliber in the ring at some point?


Subculture gets NXT UK Media to follow them.

Dani Luna doublechecks if Flash Morgan Webster is sure about this. They should wait for Mark Andrews, at least. No, FMW is going in now. He walks into the locker room and finds Rampage Brown. Rampage tells him, “Don’t you dare.” Everyone knows what FMW’s been up to. FMW says okay, but he still goes for the slap! Rampage blocks that then pins FMW against a wall! “You’re gonna get yourself hurt. If you want a match, all you had to do was ask.” Rampage lets FMW go easy this time, but will it get much, much worse for the Modfather once they’re in the ring?


Charlie Dempsey VS Danny Jones!

The young technician got his first win off #TurboTerry in impressive manner, but will he be able to make it an impressive 2-0? Or will “Raving” Danny Jones be a little too much for a second opponent?

The bell rings and the tow tie up right away. Dempsey hits an arm-drag, they’re still tied up in a collar ‘n’ elbow and the two stand up. Dempsey tries another arm-drag but Jones stays up, so Dempsey drops to get a leg pick. Dempsey has a standing toehold, Jones kicks with his free leg and is free. They tie up again, Dempsey cravats and EuroUppers, then goes back to the cravat for a standing neck wrench. Jones throws Dempsey but Dempsey holds on. CRAVAT PLEX! Dempsey has a cravat cover, TWO! Jones fights up, throws body shots, powers out and hip tosses! Jones fires up and throws EuroUppers! Dempsey comes back with EuroUppers of his own, but Jones URAKENS!

Dempsey staggers, Jones drags him down to a sleeper! Dempsey fights free but Jones uses an omoplata to bring him around and tie up the legs! Modified BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Dempsey pops free, covers, TWO! Dempsey tries again with a half nelson and a forearm grinding in Jones’ face. Jones fights up, Dempsey wants a half hatch but Jones gets a leg pick. Dempsey gets away, they circle and Jones shoots in but into a cravat. Jones slips out to get the leg but Dempsey gets an arm! Dempsey has a double wristlock and then a leg hook to really twist that shoulder! Then Dempsey KNEES Jones! Jones comes back to ROCK Dempsey with a forearm!

Jones whips Dempsey from the corner but Dempsey bridges to reverse and send Jones into buckles! Dempsey brings Jones up to EuroUpper, then he gut wrench suplexes fast and hard! Cover, TWO! Dempsey floats to another press, TWO! A deep leg hook, TWO! Dempsey keeps on Jones with a facelock then a GROVIT! Jones endures, Dempsey RAMS him into a corner, then GROVIT SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO!! Jones survives but Dempsey isn’t stopping here. Dempsey chinlocks, thrashes Jones around, but Jones fights up to throw body shots. Dempsey headlocks, Jones throws hands and powers up but can’t power out, so he hits a BIG back suplex!

Fans cheer as Jones runs in but into a low headbutt! Dempsey throws knees, hooks the arms, BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Bridging to a float over to the BUTTERFLY LOCK! Jones endures, Dempsey gets up again and hits another BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! And another float over, back to the BUTTERFLY LOCK! Jones endures, Dempsey shifts to a chicken wing and crossface! Dempsey joins hands to WRENCH Jones back, Jones taps! Dempsey wins!

Winner: Charlie Dempsey, by submission

Two for two and just as torturous as the first! Dempsey takes holds to a new level, will that agonizing arsenal take him to the top of NXT UK?


NXT UK takes a closer look at Satomura VS Jinny.

The Spoiled Princess says, “Meiko Satomura has been wrestling for over 20 years. Every single time she steps foot in the ring, she shows everyone why she is the Final Boss. But 20 years is a long time. You become weakened, you become frail, you become slow.” Meiko admits she is nervous every title defense, but she gets tougher and stronger. Jinny knows Meiko dared everyone else to step up, but not Jinny. That’s because even Meiko knows Jinny is dangerous. Meiko likes dangerous. “Jinny, you cannot beat me. You are the queen, I’m the Final Boss.” Jinny says she finishes the Final Boss and becomes the new champion. Meiko tells Jinny to be prepared, because this is going down NEXT WEEK!


Isla Dawn goes back to her secret box.

She admires and even praises the collection she’s amassed. “Face and hand to reach the sun and the cold dirt.” The hair she tore from Dani Luna, the red lipstick she took from Jinny. One more charm of power trouble, and thus complete shall be the puzzle. “Ascension will be there upon. Progression inevitable as the Dawn.” Just what is the Wicked Witch brewing for the NXT UK Women’s Division?


NXT UK Heritage Cup Championship: Tyler Bate w/ Trent Seven VS Noam Dar w/ Sha Samuels!

The Big Strong Boy has beaten the Scottish Supernova with the cup on the line before and promises to do it again. Does Bate have Dar’s number? Or will nothing deny Dar what he feels is his destiny?

The introductions are made, the cup is raised, and we see how many rounds this rematch goes!

Round one begins and fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, tie up with knuckle locks but let off to circle more. Dar tries a kick but Bate stays clear. They tie up, Dar waistlocks and slams Bate down, then facelocks. Bate rolls, Dar stays with him, gets around to a waistlock and rolls Bate, but Bate switches to get a leg. Dar gets away and to the ropes. Fans cheer the technical exchange and the two circle again. Bate wrenches an arm, wrangles Dar down but Dar fight sup and spins through to wrench and wrangle Bate in return. Dar CLUBS the arm, digs his knee into Bate’s face and bends the elbow. Bate fights up, Dar wrenches and wrenches and wrenches again.

Bate rolls, rolls back, spins and breaks free to wrench and wristlock back, then he WRINGS Dar out! Bate is right back on Dar but Dar puts him on the ropes. The ref calls the break, Bate ducks the cheap shot kick! We’re under a minute in the first, they tie up and Bate spins to a full nelson then a cravat. Dar endures, rolls but Bate holds on. Bate keeps on the neck wrench, Dar fights up and goes after the grip. He stomps Bate’s foot to get a headlock takeover! Bate fights up at 20 seconds, Dar clinches but they end up on ropes. The ref calls the break and we’re at the 10 second mark. Dar gives a shove and eggs Bate on but Bate waits on Dar. The round ends cleanly.

Bate: 0; Dar: 0

Seven and Sha help Bate and Dar refresh, Sha hypes Dar up and round two begins. Dar and Bate circle, knuckle lock and Bate rolls to spin and get a leg pick. Bate has a standing toehold, Dar endures and rolls but can’t get free. Bate uses the toehold to turn Dar over and hook up both legs in a deathlock. Bate pulls the legs, Dar endures, Bate gets around and Dar slips free. Dar is on the ropes and Sha tells Bate to get back. Bate waits, Dar stands and circles with Bate again. They tie up, Dar rolls and has a top wristlock. He arm-drags Bate down and keeps on the wristlock but Bate fights up. Dar gets a headlock, Bate endures as Dar thrashes around.

Bate powers up, powers out and rams shoulders with Dar. Bate shakes his head, Dar goes after the arm. Bate turns it around onto Dar! Dar knees low, headlocks again but Bate hits a headlock and takeover. Dar headscissors, Bate kips out to get a headlock on Dar, and he bops Dar with his foot! Dar powers out as we’re under a minute, Bate goes up the corner but Dar snapmares him down. Bate gets up, avoids the kick, but Dar sees through Bop to grab at it! Bate throws Dar off, runs at the ropes but Dar tabletops him! Underhooks and a lot of spinning, but Bate resists the backslide to fireman’s carry! AIRPLANE SPIN!

Bate goes around and around but Dar slips off to wrangle Bate. Bate dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down, but they both sit right up! They stare down, fans fire up and the two tie up. We’re at 10 seconds, the two go around but the round ends!

Bate: 0; Dar: 0

The ref has the two separate and tensions are high as they back away. Another refresher, some more tips from Sha to Dar, and we begin round three. Dar goes for a leg, Bate blocks but Dar wrenches and WRINGS Bate, but Bate handsprings through! Bate arm-drags Dar, dropkicks him down, and Dar bails out. Bate runs over, Dar slides in. Bate comes back, blocks Dar’s cheap shot but Dar sweeps the legs! Dar runs to dropkick Bate off the apron! Dar hurries to get Bate up and snapmares him into steel steps! Dar puts Bate in fast, pinkies up from the corner, NOVA ROLLA!! Cover, Dar gets the fall!

Bate: 0; Dar: 1

And that all important first point goes to Mr. Supernova 11! Is he just one round away from taking the cup away? Fans fire up as the refresher finishes and we move into round four! And Dar rushes in after Bate in the corner! Judo throw and a stomp to the arm! Dar shows pinkies to Seven, goes after the other arm and stomps it, too! Dar stomps Bate’s legs and shouts, “I’m the best at this!” Fans are torn as Dar stomps Bate’s other leg. Seven coaches Bate up, fans rally and Bate throws body shots. Dar throws knees but Bate clinches! Dar fights the exploder, Bate staggers back to the corner but he boots then KNEES Dar away! Bate goes up and leaps, FLYING UPPERCUT!

Bate gets the bad leg moving and Dar gets up. Bate runs in to uppercut in the corner! Then EXPLODER! Bate kips up but the bad leg bothers him. STANDING SHOOTING STAR onto knees! Cover, TWO!! Bate escapes but Dar counter punches and fires off hands. Dar whips but Bate REBOUND LARIATS! Dar staggers up into underhooks but he back drops! Bate sunset flips, Dar stays up and throws down a punch but Bate bridges to avoid it! Bate then rolls back and reels Dar into the underhooks, TYLER DRIVER 97!! Cover, Bate ties it back up!!

Bate: 1; Dar: 1

And going into the fifth, we’re back to square one! Sha helps Dar to his corner and helps him refresh as best he can. Both men are ready and round five begins! Bate and Dar approach, Bate blocks a kick to DRAGON SCREW it! Dar hobbles, Bate fires off hands in the corner! The ref counts. Bate lets off but Dar wants to get out. Bate drags him back in but swings into a clinch! Dar throws a knee then throws Bate down. Fans rally up, Dar runs in but gets another boot and another knee! Bate goes up, he avoids the leg sweep from Dar but has to steady himself. Dar gets the bad leg and hits a SUPER DRAGON SCREW! Dar aims again, SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up as both men are down! Sha and Seven coach their men and the fans rally up! Dar goes for legs but Bate boot shim away. Bate fires off body shots but Dar KICKS the bad leg, feints, then KICK to KICK! Bate is down, Dar covers, TWO! Dar shakes his head, drags Bate up but Bate turns suplex to cradle! TWO, and Dar BOOTS Bate. Bate holds ropes, avoid the back elbow to URAKEN! Bate reels Dar in to torture rack, but Sha distracts the ref! Dar rakes the eyes to get free, then feints to BACK ELBOW Bate down! Cover, TWO!! Bate survives the East End screw job! Seven and the fans rally up but Dar aims from the corner again. NOVA- Bate covers up so Dar SWEEPS th eleg!

Dar underhooks, Bate slips out, blocks a kick and sweeps the other leg for a KNEEBAR!! Bate is stealing Dar’s move in return for Dar trying to take his! Dar endures, turns things over and we’re at 10 seconds! Dar throws forearms, Bate gives them back, and the clock hits zero!

Bate: 1; Dar: 1

Bate lets Dar go and now both men refresh again. This is tied going into the sixth, will it end in regulation or need overtime?

Bate and Dar both get up, rush each other and DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Neither falls, Dar KICKS but Bate throws a haymaker! Dar forearms, Bate sobats. Dar kicks, Bate blocks, Dar elbow jabs but Bate EuroUppers! Dar staggers, Bate rushes over but gets caught in the ropes, Dar sweeps the leg! Dar goes up the corner, Bate hurries and SHORYUKENS! Bate climbs up, clinches Dar for a SUPER EXPLODER!! Dar rolls all the way out of the ring but Bate builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and Dar hits barriers! Bate puts Dar in fast, but Dar rolls all the way to where Sha is on the other side. Bate keeps moving and he FLIES! Direct hit onto both Dar and Sha!!

Bate gets Dar up and puts him in. Bate hobbles after Dar, underhooks, but Dar drops to drag Bate down with a victory roll, TWO! ROLLING LIGER KICK! Bate runs but Dar has the wrist. Bate breaks free to ROCK Dar with a right! Bate runs, rebounds, but into the CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR! But Bate rolls, deadlifts and GERMAN SUPLEXES! We’re under the last minute already but Pretty Deadly show up? They start beef with Seven and that distracts Bate. Dar rolls Bate, TWO!! Sam Stoker snatches Seven’s towel and taunts him, while Dar drags Bate back into CHAMPAGNE SUPER KNEEBAR!

Bate endures, Seven goes after Pretty Deadly, and the towel flies into the ring!! Sha points it out, the ref misunderstands, and he calls it!!! Dar is the winner?!?

Winner: Noam Dar, by submission (NEW NXT UK Heritage Cup Champion)

Forget an East End screw job, this was a Pretty Deadly Screw Job! They mess with Moustache Mountain and cost Bate the cup! Fans boo as Dar celebrates a tainted victory, but will that matter to the Scottish Supernova? As for Pretty Deadly, will this cost them the tag titles when Moustache Mountain come for revenge?

My Thoughts:

A really good episode, lots of good set-up for the coming weeks. A good promo vignette from Meiko and Jinny, a good bit with Nina and Aleah, and I like that Rampage Brown was ready for FMW to try and slap him. The vignette for Dawn was alright but it was hard to tell what she was saying. I feel like at this point, she’s being built up in the backroom to take on the champion and maybe even take the title at some point. I figured Sid would announce the tag team contender’s match, and that will be a really good match. Given how things went at the end of the main event, it might not even be Pretty Deadly they’re facing. Well, probably them.

Coffey VS Raja was a good match but I’m not sure the fans were that into it. Coffey winning but Teoman and Raja being sore losers makes sense, they’re definitely going to get Joe Coffey involved and then we will see who joins Teoman’s “Family.” Amale VS Grace was a good showing for both, but Davenport watching partway through was rather interesting. Is she stalking her next target? Davenport as a Tweener, facing everyone on the roster, would be pretty good. Needs to happen a bit more in WWE, honestly. Dempsey really is good at taking moves we’ve seen and turning them into something new, and that is pretty impressive. His interactions with Gallus make me still feel he might end up joining Teoman’s family but I still feel like that shouldn’t really be his story.

The Heritage Cup match was great stuff, and they went to six rounds in a very high energy, high drama way. Those two middle rounds were fast, we were kept kinda guessing going into the last round, and I did not expect Pretty Deadly getting involved in their own way. The accidental throwing of the towel was fairly clever, and Bate loses the cup without losing power level. I feel like Moustache Mountain will definitely want after Pretty Deadly and the tag titles for revenge, that match can happen before the new contenders get their shot to add some intrigue to the scene. As for Dar, the door’s wide open now for him to face whoever for the cup and really add to its young legacy.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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