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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL x BOSJ Results & Report! (11/17/21)

World Tag League, Round 2!




Will Suzuki-Gun look to sweep the night?

The Dangerous Tekkers gave Taka Michinoku some tough love, but now Suzuki-Gun is stronger than ever! Will they start to take over World Tag League?


  • World Tag League 2021: Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask VS The Guerrillas of Destiny; The Guerrillas of Destiny win.
  • World Tag League 2021: Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan VS Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI; Goto & Hashi win.
  • World Tag League 2021: Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe VS Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi; Yano & Tanahashi win.
  • World Tag League 2021: The United Empire VS Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL w/ Dick Togo; The United Empire wins.
  • World Tag League 2021: SANADA & Tetsuya Naito VS Minoru Suzuki & TAKA Michinoku; Sanada & Naito win.
  • World Tag League 2021: The Dangerous Tekkers VS Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale; Dangerous Tekkers win.


Here are the current World Tag League Standings!

Dangerous Tekkers: 1-0, 2 points
SANADA & Tetsuya Naito: 1-0, 2 points
Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi: 1-0, 2 points
Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan: 1-0, 2 points
Guerrillas of Destiny: 1-0, 2 points
Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale: 1-0, 2 points
Minoru Suzuki & TAKA Michinoku: 0-1, 0 points
Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI: 0-1, 0 points
EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi: 0-1, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask: 0-1, 0 points
Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe: 0-1, 0 points
The United Empire: 0-1, 0 points


World Tag League 2021: Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask VS The Guerrillas of Destiny!

Blue Justice and the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion didn’t feel so cozy after facing off with TenCozy, but Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa proved themselves the alphas against Everyone’s Kokeshi and the Rampaging King Kong. Will the Good Bad Guy and the Silverback prove they’re still kings of the jungle?

The Guerrillas Low Sweet, then go right after Nagata & Tiger! Loa drags Nagata out but Tiger hits Tama back with knee after knee! The bell rings to put this on record and Tama throws body shots back. On the outside, Loa whips but Nagata reverses and sends him into railing! Tama whips Tiger into the corner, then runs in but misses as Tiger moves. Tiger sobats then CLUBS Tama, then dropkicks! Tama comes back with body shots and a headbutt! Tama throws Tiger out while Loa throws body shots on Nagata. Tama CLAWS Tiger’s back, ROCKS him with a haymaker, then bumps him off the apron.

Loa has Nagata down on the entryway while Tama puts Tiger in. Tama drops elbow after elbow, then CHOKES Tiger! The ref counts, Tama lets off, and Tama drags Tiger up to tag Loa in. Tama snap suplexes Tiger, Loa adds the slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! Loa gets Tiger’s legs and stomps him in the stomach. Loa digs his heel in, stomps again, then digs his heel in more. Loa splashes down, high stacks, TWO! Tag to Tama and he throws down hands. Tama CLUBS Tiger in the chest and then mocks Nagata before he CLUBS Tiger again. The ref keeps Nagata back and Tama drags Tiger into a chinlock. Fans rally up for “TIGER MASK!” as he fights and throws body shots.

Tama CLUBS Tiger, Tiger hits back but Tama whips. Tiger blocks the kick to trip Tama! Tama blocks a kick but gets the spin back heel kick! Tag to Nagata! Nagata BOOTS Tama, BOOTS Loa, then fires up to KICK Tama to the corner! Nagata whips Tama corner to corner, runs in and BOOTS again! Tama staggers, Nagata reels him in, but Tama fights the exploder. Nagata ROCKS Tama to hit a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Nagata drags Tama up, suplexes, but Tama slips out. Nagata elbows Tama away, runs but Tama follows to CLOBBER Nagata! Tag to Loa, Loa runs around to hit Tiger Mask! The Guerrillas mug Nagata in a corner, Loa stomps away, then whips corner to corner.

Tama runs in but Nagata dodges to boot Loa! Tama kicks, runs, but Nagata gets him for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Everyone is down and fans fire up! Nagata gets up, hot tag to Tiger Mask! Tiger’s already up top, he leaps to CROSSBODY Loa down! Loa gets up, Tiger fires off KICKS then whips him to a corner. Loa reverses, runs in but Tiger dodges. Tiger gets around to waistlock but Loa switches. Tiger drops, victory roll, TWO! Tiger sobats hard, then reels Loa in to underhook! Tama gets in to CLUB Tiger! Tiger spins Tama to underhook him! TIGER DRIVER! Fans fire up and Tiger gets around Loa! Loa stays standing, but Nagata BOOTS him into the crucifix pin! TWO!!

Tiger gets Loa’s arms for a DOUBLE FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Nagata has Tama in the CROSSFACE! Loa crawls over to the ROPEBREAK! Tiger lets off, Nagata gets Loa up as Tiger climbs. ENZIGURI staggers Loa, Tiger leaps, but Loa gets under! Tiger keeps moving but Loa SPEARS him down! Loa gets Tiger up fast, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Tiger survives but Loa gets the OG KILLER! Tiger taps, the Guerrillas win!

Winners: The Guerrillas of Destiny, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Nagata & Tiger Mask earn 0)

Tama & Loa are 2-0 to start the World Tag League! Will they soon be back on top of the Heavyweight Tag Division?


World Tag League 2021: Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan VS Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI!

TenCozy won in round one but the Fierce Warrior and Head Hunter couldn’t beat Sanada & Naito. Will Chaos #GetBackUp at the expense of #ThirdGen?

The teams sort out, Kojima starts with Goto. They circle as fans cheer, and the two tie up. Goto waistlocks, Kojima wrenches out to a hammerlock. Goto moves around, slips around to switch the hammerlock onto Kojima, then headlocks. Kojima endures the grind, throws body shots and powers out, but Goto rams shoulders. Neither falls and fans cheer. Goto goes again to ram Kojima but still Kojima stays up! Goto runs, Kojima dodges the lariat and comes back with a shoulder tackle of his own! Kojima stomps Goto, tags Tenzan, and they pinball Goto between forearms and Mongolian Chops! Kojima Mongolian Chops and Goto falls!

Kojima DECKS Hashi, Tenzan drags Goto up for headbutts. Hashi sends Kojima into railing, Goto fires forearms! Tenzan fires them back and the two go back and forth. Tenzan headbutts Goto in the chest, then runs, but into a double shoulder tackle! Goto-Hashi coordinate, hip toss senton! Kojima gets in but Goto kicks him first. Goto-Hashi hammers away on Kojima’s back! Goto stomps Tenzan, drags him up and snapmares to a chinlock. Tenzan endures the knee in his back, so Goto jams an elbow into his head! Goto drags Tenzan up, bumps him off buckles, then tags in Hashi. They stomp away on Tenzan, then Hashi forearms and CHOPS!

Tenzan eggs Hashi on so Hashi forearms harder. Tenzan forearms back but Hashi forearms and CHOPS! Goto holds Tenzan in with a chinlock! Hashi CHOPS and CHOPS, then blocks Tenzan’s kick to club the leg! Another CHOP and Hashi snapmares Tenzan down for a chinlock of his own. Tenzan endures the knee, Kojima wants in but the ref keeps him back. Tag to Goto and Goto stomps Tenzan. Tenzan throws body shots, and Mongolian Chops! Goto knees low, clubs Tenzan then runs, but into a WHEEL KICK! Fans cheer and Tenzan gets up, tag to Kojima! Kojima rallies on Chaos with forearms, then puts Goto in a corner for MACHINE GUN CHOPS! That was at least 30!

Kojima whips, Goto reverses and runs in to clothesline! Goto shoves Kojima down and goes up top! Fans fire up with Goto, but Kojima hits him first! And throws him off the top! Kojima runs corner to corner to forearm! And then he climbs up to MACHO ELBOW! Cover, TWO!! Goto survives but Kojima brings him up to throw forearms over and over. ROLLING ELBOW! Kojima runs, Goto follows to LARIAT! Both men are down and fans rally up! Goto crawls, hot tag to Hashi! Hashi runs in to CHOP Kojima to the corner! Hashi whips Kojima to CHOP him again! And then turn, but Kojima fights out to get a COZY CUTTER! Hot tag to Tenzan!

Tenzan rallies with big shoulders and then DECKS Goto! Fans fire up as Tenzan gives Hashi Mongolian Chop after Mongolian Chop! Hashi is in the corner, Tenzan stomps and headbutts then CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Tenzan whips corner to corner, runs in and splashes! Tenzan suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up, Tenzan stomps, but Hashi throws forearms. Tenzan gives them back so Hashi hits back! They go back and forth, Tenzan headbutts then runs. Hashi CHOPS but Tenzan stays up! Hashi fires off fast hands and another CHOP! Then the turn, Goto joins in, HEAD BUSTER! Hashi covers, TWO!

Kojima gets in but Goto intercepts and throws him out. Hashi aims at Tenzan, SUPERKICK! Then the BUTTERFLY LOCK! Tenzan endures, Hashi pulls back on the hold but Tenzan fights up! Fans rally but Hashi CLUBS Tenzan to ropes. Tenzan reverses the whip to MOUNTAIN BOMB! Cover, TWO! ANACONDA VICE!! Kojima keeps Goto on the outside but Goto fights him off! Goto goes in to CLOBBER Tenzan! Kojima clubs Goto and throws him out in return for earlier. Kojima stomps Hashi, Tenzan adds his own. TenCozy coordinates, but Hashi fights off the flapjack! Tenzan CLUBS Hashi, suplexes, but Goto stops that!

Goto CLUBS away on Tenzan, stomps him down, hooks him up, and Hashi runs. But Tenzan breaks free to run Hashi over! Tenzan Mongolian Chops Goto again and again! Tenzan runs, but Goto follows, only to run into a waistlock! Goto ducks, Hashi SUPERKICKS Tenzan down! Fans fire up, Hashi runs, LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Kojima gets in but Goto fireman’s carries him! Hashi SUPERKICKS before the USHIGOROSHI! Goto-Hashi gets Tenzan up, SHOKOU!! Cover, Goto-Hashi wins!!

Winners: Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; TenCozy earns 0)

The Fierce Warrior & Head Hunter #GetBackUp and get on the board! Will they start to #TurnItAllAround and win the league?


World Tag League 2021: Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe VS Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi!

Everyone’s Kokeshi and the Rampaging King Kong look to bounce back, but The Joker & The Ace are a hard hand to beat. Will the Producer and the Once in a Century Talent prove that it isn’t luck but love and energy that carries them through?

Yano is again in the long jacket but Tanahashi shows off the short jacket! The teams sort out and again Yano hurriedly goes through the discussion to give Tanahashi the start against Makabe. They circle as fans rally up, then they tie up. They break, tie up again, break, then go again. Tanahashi arm-drags and has an armlock, but Makabe headscissors. Makabe holds tight as Tanahashi tries to kip out, but Tanahashi turns him over and ties up the legs and then floats to a headlock. Makabe slips out to have the hammerlock, but Tanahashi fights up to drop toehold! Tanahashi gets the headlock but Makabe slips out again to get the hammerlock back.

Makabe turns Tanahashi around to headlock but Tanahashi powers out, only for Makabe to run him over. Tanahashi gets up but gets run over again! Tanahashi gets back up but stays back. Makabe tags Honma, to Tanahashi tags Yano! Yano does the school thug crouch but Honma kicks him! Honma whips, Yano reverses, then goes to untie the other buckle pad! Yano has the pad off! Honma runs in but Yano dodges and Honma gets bare buckles! Yano SLAPS Honma on the head! Yano runs but Honma elbows him down! Honma fires up, fans fire up with him, but Yano avoids the kokeshi! Yano throws Honma out, Tanahashi DECKS Makabe.

Yano goes out and whips Honma into railing! Tanahashi throws forearms then bumps Makabe off the apron! Yano drags Honma up, POSTS him, then gets in the ring. Tanahashi puts Honma in for Yano, and Yano stomps him down. Yano drags Honma around, whips him into the bare buckles, and Honma falls to the mat! Yano stomps Honma, bumps him off buckles, tag to Tanahashi. Tanahashi stomps Honma, bumps him off buckles, then puts the leg on the ropes to kick away on it! Tanahashi pulls on the foot, the ref counts, Tanahashi lets off at 4. Tanahashi brings Honma around but Honma throws forearms! Tanahashi fires off fast hands and an uppercut! Then he drops an elbow! Cover, TWO!

Tanahashi drags Honma by the leg, tags in Yano, and Yano eggs Makabe on. The ref keeps Makabe back, Yano & Tanahashi split the wishbone! Yano kicks Honma around while mockingly asking what’s wrong. Yano gets Honma up but Honma CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! But Yano rakes eyes! Honma falls, Yano brings him up and whips to the bare corner! Honma stops himself, dodges, and Yano gets bare buckles! Honma kicks low but Tanahashi runs in, only to get caught! DDT COMPLETE SHOT COMBO! Fans fire up and rally as Honma crawls for the corner. Hot tag to Makabe! Makabe storms after Yano and Yano wants mercy, but he gets forearms instead!

Tanahashi CLUBS Makabe, whips him but Makabe reverses. Makabe runs in to clothesline! Then he goes corner to corner to clothesline Yano against the buckles, then he goes back to clothesline Tanahashi! Makabe goes back to Yano for another clothesline! Fans fire up as Makabe climbs, and Makabe rains down punches! Makabe gets 10, but then he goes for a second round! Makabe laughs as he hops down, but Yano blocks the suplex! Yano rakes eyes, runs, but into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Makabe is annoyed but he drags Yano up to waistlock, Yano fights the German suplex off to turn around, only for Makabe to standard suplex him! Cover, TWO!

Makabe drags Yano up to throw haymakers! Yano pulls hair to throw Makabe down! Tag to Tanahashi! Tanahashi runs, to FLYING FOREARM Makabe down! Fans cheer, Tanahashi stands Makabe back up. Tanahashi fires off fast hands, then scoops and SLAMS Makabe to a drop zone. Tanahashi goes up, SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi fire sup as Makabe rises, but no Slingblade! Tanahashi ducks one lariat but not the LEFT! Fans rally up, Makabe crawls, hot tag to Honma! Honma puts some stank on the CHOP! And then another CHOP! And another CHOP! Honma whips Tanahashi corner to corner then runs in to elbow! And then BULLDOG!

Honma fires up, runs, and KOKESHI! Honma drags Tanahashi up, and suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi gets up, Honma runs but into a dropkick to the legs! Tanahashi gets a leg to DRAGON SCREW! And then Tanahashi drags Honma around to tie up the legs, TEXAS CLOVER HOLD!! Makabe whips Yano into railing and hurries into the ring! Makabe CLUBS Tanahashi down! Yano CLUBS Makabe and throws him out! Tanahashi fires up, runs, but Honma spins him to a SLEEPER! Tanahashi endures, Honma hits the SLEEPER BUSTER! Both men are down, fans fire up and Honma rises. Tanahashi swings on him but Honma ducks to fire off forearms!

Honma runs and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi is still in this but Honma drags Tanahashi back up. Yano CLUBS Honma, intercepts Makabe, and then he and Tanahashi double whip. Makabe breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT! Makabe and Honma coordinate as Tanahashi rises. LARIAT SANDWICH! Honma runs to LEAPING HEADBUTT! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi survives and shocks Honma! Honma and Makabe coordinate again as they put Tanahashi up top. Honma climbs, Makabe Electric Chairs, but Yano CLUBS them both down! They go after Yano, whip him to ropes but Yano holds the ropes to then send Honma into Makabe!

Yano shoves the ref and he DOUBLE LOW BLOWS Honma & Makabe! Yano bails out while Tanahashi stands up, to HIGH FLY ATTACK! And then he goes back up the corner, to HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, Tanahashi & Yano win!

Winners: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Honma & Makabe earn 0)

The Joker & The Ace win again! Will they continue to take teams to school? Or will they get caught and put in detention?


World Tag League 2021: The United Empire VS Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

The Great-O-Khan & The Ultimate Weapon are furious that they lost to the Bullet Club’s Crown Jewel & Rogue General, while the King of Darkness and Tokyo Pimp were trumped by The Joker & The Ace! Who redeems themselves and gets on the board while the other wallows in the 0-2?

The House of Torture Low Sweets and then the teams sort out. Khan starts against Evil and fans rally with the bell. Khan and Evil circle, Yano and Henare both step in to attack the enemy! Henare and Yujiro rush each other, Henare kicks low and throws Yujiro out. The ref reprimands but the Empire mugs Evil. They double whip, Evil holds ropes to then throw Henare down! Khan gets around to the IRON CLAW SLEEPER! Henare fires off fast hands on Evil, then Khan Mongolian Chops Evil down for Henare to BUZZSAW! Khan drops a knee, covers, TWO! Henare and Khan watch Yujiro closely as Khan drags Evil up. Khan bumps Evil off buckles, then hops up to sit on Evil’s head!

Fans cheer, and Henare even pulls Evil’s hair to keep him down! The ref reprimands and counts, Henare lets go and Khan hops down at 4. Khan drags Evil out, then BITES Evil’s shoulder?! The ref counts, Khan lets off. But doesn’t he have a mouth guard that just looks like fangs? Khan pulls on Evil’s hair, that’s real! The ref reprimands, Khan stops at 4, and then he CHOKES Evil! The ref reprimands again, Khan lets off at 4, and he paces around as fans cheer. Khan drags Evil up, stomps his hand, then pushes Evil towards his boot! Evil doesn’t kiss Khan’s foot, he BITES his shin!! The ref reprimands, Evil stops at 4, shoves the ref, but Khan blocks the low blow!

Khan gets Evil up but Evil rakes Khan’s eyes! Evil whips Khan to the corner, and surprise! Yujiro removes the buckle pad! Khan hits bare buckles, Henare rushes in but Evil intercepts and whips him into the bare buckles! Fans rally but Evil kicks Khan out of the ring. Yujiro drags Henare out to whip him into railing. Evil RAMS Khan into the railing and knocks the timekeeper over! Why does Evil hate Abe-san!? Evil drags Khan up by his ponytail, puts him in the ring, then stands on Khan’s face. Evil drags Khan up by his hair again, whips him in and Khan hits the bare buckles! Tag to Yujiro, he tags in, covers, TWO! Fans cheer but Yujiro stomps Khan.

Yujiro digs his knee into Khan but Khan gets the ropebreak. The ref counts, Yujiro lets off, and Khan gets up on the ropes. Yujiro brings Khan around to put him against the ropes, and Evil holds Khan in place for the BOOT! Cover, TWO! Yujiro tags Evil, Evil drags Khan up and throws him out. Evil distracts the ref so Dick and Yujiro can stomp Khan at the railing! Khan is put back in, Evil covers, TWO! Evil is furious but fans fire up. Evil gives toying kicks to Khan, but Khan ROCKS Evil with forearms in return! Evil pulls hair but Khan rakes Evil’s eyes! Khan throws Evil down and fans fire up! Tag to Henare!

Henare fires off big body shots and forearms, then KNEES Evil in a corner. Henare whips Evil corner to corner, runs in and SHINING IWZARDS! Snapmare and KICK! But Henare wags his finger, he’s not done there. He sits Evil up for a BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO! Dick gets on the apron but Henare DECKS him! Henare dodges Evil to SCREW HIGH KICK! Cover, TWO! Evil stays in this but Henare drags him up. Henare runs but Yujiro gets a cheap shot in! Evil runs in, Henare dodges! Evil stops from running into Yujiro, Henare runs in but Evil and Yujiro get out of the way and Dick trips Henare up! But Evil distracted the ref so he completely missed it!

Evil tags Yujiro then Evil DECKS Khan! Yujiro whips Henare to the corner, runs in and BOOTS! Evil runs in to clothesline! Evil FISHERMAN BUSTERS Henare, Yujiro BASEMENT BOOTS! Cover, TWO! Yujiro reels Henare in, INCOLLE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Henare is still in this and fans rally up! Yujiro drags Henare up and reels him in, but no Pimp Juice! Henare blocks the superkick, too! Henare ROCKS Yujiro, whips him to a corner but Yujiro reverses! Henare bounces off the buckles to RAMPAGE SPEAR! Both Henare and Yujiro are down, but Khan sends Evil into railing! Henare crawls over, hot tag to Khan!

Khan tells the ref to watch Evil, and then he uses the tag rope to CHOKE Yujiro! Kinda like- Wait, Dick gets in to use the SPOILER CHOKER! Khan lets Yujiro go, breaks free of the choker and HELLSTABS Dick! Evil run sin but gets caught, to the HITSU- NO, Evil slips out! EVERY- NO! Khan slips out of the STO! Khan reeks Evil into the KATAGATAMI, and STO!! Evil flops to the apron, Khan drags Yujiro up and spins him around, HITSUJIGOROSHI! Yujiro endures, Henare gets in to get Yujiro’s legs for the DOUBLE HEEL HOOK! HITSUJIGOROSHI FUBUKI!! Yujiro endures this chimera stretch, into an ELBOW DROP DDT from Khan! Cover, TWO!!

Khan is furious that Yujiro survives, but he prepares the claw! He clamps onto Yujiro, drags him back up, ELIMIN- NO! Yujiro shoves Khan into the ref! Then he mule kicks Khan very low! Dick gets the SPOILER CHOKER again! Yujiro gets his pimp cane! CHANE SHOT for Henare! CANE SHOT for Khan! Evil brings in a chair! Dick and Yujiro hold Khan up for Evil, but Henare BOOTS the chair into Evil! Henare DECKS Dick, tanks Yujiro’s boot, but runs into the REVERSE DDT! Yujiro sees he’s alone so he drags Khan up from the apron. Khan has a stick of some kind and he JAMS Yujiro with it! Then SMACKS him with it!

Yujiro writhes, Henare gets in and fireman’s carries. Khan runs, FLAPJACK CUTTER!! Cover, The United Empire wins!!

Winner: The United Empire, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Evil & Yujiro earn 0)

Khan takes a seat in the chair Evil brought in, and applauds his own victory. Will the Dominator & The Ultimate Weapon rebuild and take the league for the glory of the United Empire?


World Tag League 2021: SANADA & Tetsuya Naito VS Minoru Suzuki & TAKA Michinoku!

Cold Skull & The Uncontrollable Charisma won big in the first round main event, and they look to do so again! But after the “tough love” last time, will the Meanest Man in the World and the Blue Playmaker be ready to tear down Los Ingobernables de Japon?

Suzuki-Gun grows impatient with LIJ but still allow Naito time to take off the suit. Naito tells Suzuki to Tranquilo already. As soon as Naito turns around to hand his pants to the Young Lion, Suzuki-Gun pounces! The bell rings to get this on record as Taka goes after Sanada and Suzuki goes after Naito on the outside! Taka POSTS Sanada while Suzuki throws hands. Suzuki brings Naito around but Naito hits back! Suzuki ROCKS Naito, Taka chokes Sanada on railing! Suzuki whips Naito hard into railing on the other side! Taka digs his knuckles into Sanada’s face before he BOOTS him down! Suzuki chokes Naito against railing in front of commentary, and even rakes eyes!

The ref does his best to restore order, but Suzuki uses someone’s PEN to dig into Naito’s forehead! The ref reprimands, Suzuki puts Naito in to stomp him around. Taka tags in, Suzuki-Gun mugs Naito. Taka rakes Naito’s eyes, whips him to ropes, but Naito holds ropes to BOOT back! Tag to Sanada, LIJ double whip to double elbow, then double basement dropkick! Fans cheer as Sanada looms over Taka. Taka swings but into an atomic drop! Sanada trips Taka, but Taka kicks him away. Sanada knee slow, runs but into a cheap shot from Suzuki! Suzuki catches Sanada for a HANGING ARMBAR! Taka DECKS Naito for good measure!

The ref counts, Suzuki lets go at 4, and then he drags Sanada out to whip into railing! Taka digs his boots into Naito’s face, while Suuzki puts Sanada’s arm through railing. Suzuki pulls on the arm, and even uses the timekeeper’s hammer for leverage! The ref reprimands, Suzuki brings Sanada around and ditches the hammer to have a double wristlock. Sanada gets to the ring, the ref reprimands, but Taka gets the arm for an armbar on the apron! Taka even pulls the other arm against the ropes! The ref reprimands, Taka lets off and fans rally for Sanada. Suzuki tags in, he drags Sanada up, snapmares and then clamps on a chinlock with a knee in the back.

Suzuki steps over to hammerlock the arm, then he pulls on the other arm. Sanada endures so Suzuki tortures the arm into a double wristlock! Sanada gets the ropebreak with a foot! Suzuki drags Sanada over, tag to Taka, and Taka kicks the bad arm. Taka wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! And then another! Taka stomps Sanada down, drags him up to cross the arms, DOUBLE ELBOW BREAKER! Tag to Suzuki and he taunts Sanada. Suzuki kicks at Sanada, pushes him around, but Sanada chops. Suuzki doesn’t flinch, even as Sanada chops more. Suzuki wrenches the arm, KICKS it, then KICKS Sanada down. Suzuki and Naito stare down as Suzuki gets the wristlock.

Naito gets in, Suzuki drags Sanada away to fire a forearm, Sanada kicks but Suzuki blocks to get the HEEL HOOK! Sanada endures, reaches, moves around, rolls, but Suzuki holds on! Sanada claws at Suzuki but Suzuki cranks the foot more. Sanada crawls to the ROPEBREAK! Suzuki lets go to stomp Sanada to a corner. Suzuki goes corner to corner but into a dropkick! Fans fire up as Sanada crawls, hot tag to Naito! Naito rallies on Suzuki with forearms and kicks! Naito whips, elbows Suzuki down then basement dropkicks! Taka runs in but into a hip toss and dropkick! Suzuki rushes back in, into an atomic drop and NECKBREAKER!

Naito has Suzuki in a corner, stomps then whips him corner to corner, then runs in to ROCKET KICK and sweep! Swinging dropkick, Combinacion Cabron! Naito covers with a knee and fist, TWO! Naito gets Suzuki in a cravat but SUzuki slips around to a sleeper. Naito break sfree, runs but Suzuki drop steps to the SLEEPER! Tag to Taka, SUzuki-Gun mugs Naito. They whip Naito corner to corner, Taka runs in but misess, and Naito dropkicks Suzuki’s legs out! Naiot kicks and RANAS Taka! Naito crawls over, hot tag to Sanada! Sanada aims, PLANCHA for Taka! Sanada encourages the fans to get loud and they do.

Sanada puts Taka in the ring, aims and springboards but Taka gets under. Suzuki gets in to get the SLEEPER! Taka mugs Sanada, then whips Sanada corner to corner for Suzuki to BOOT! Suzuki whips but Sanada DECKS Taka! Suzuki gets the SLEEPER, Taka comes back to BOOT! Suzuki trips up Naito, Taka drags Sanada down but Sanada slips out and JAPANESE CLUTCH to Taka’s JUST FACELOCK! Taka clubs away on Sanada, pulls back, but Sanada endures! Naito gets in to stomp Taka. Taka CALF KICKS Naito down! Sanada O’Conner Rolls to the dragon sleepr! Taka victory rolls through it, TWO!! PENALTY KICK!

Suzuki ROCKS Sanada, Taka aims and they SUPERKICK BOOT COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives but Suzuki intercepts Naito. Taka drags Sanada up, scoops, but Sanada slips to the dragon sleepre! Now Naito keeps Suzuki back, BACKBREAKER to PLUMA BLANCA! SKULL SWING for Taka, to the SKULL END!! Taka is caught, he taps! LIJ wins!!

Winners: Sanada & Tetsuya Naito, by submission (gain 2 points; Suzuki-Gun earns 0)

A strong 2-0 start for LIJ, but a frustrating 0-2 start for Suzuki and Taka! Suzuki walks away with his bloody nose and Taka with his bad neck. Will Suzuki-Gun be able to make the third time the charm for Taka’s comeback? As for Naito, he kicks and throws the ref out! Will Naito get better officiating next round?


World Tag League 2021: The Dangerous Tekkers VS Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale!

The IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions were victorious, just as the Crown Jewel & Rogue General were in the first round. But now, Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi go from opener to main event. Will they make Chase & Fale #JustTapOut to close out round two?

Bullet Club Low Sweet but the champs belt clink. The teams sort out and Chase calls out Taichi for some sumo. Chase says he wasn’t ready when they tried in the G1, but he is here in WTL! Fans cheer for that idea, so Taichi accepts! Chase squares up, draws the line in the sand, as it were, and Taichi steps up to him. Chase says he needs a drink first. He sips from his bottle, then comes back. Fans rally as the two set up again, but then Chase needs another drink. Taichi waits, Chase comes back, and they go! Taichi throws Chase off, he gets that one. Chase wants another go, but then he tags out to Fale! Taichi doesn’t seem to realize until he turns around!

Chase says Fale will sumo with Taichi and fans rally up for that. Taichi offers a tag to ZSJ and ZSJ says he ain’t sumoing anyone! He cheers Taichi on like the fans, so Taichi has no choice. Fale runs him over! ZSJ backs off to regroup with Taichi on the outside. Chase tags back in and now he wants ZJS? Taichi tags ZSJ in and they circle. Chase and ZSJ feel things out, knuckle lock, ZSJ rolls to trip and then get the arm to bring Chase around to a hammerlock. Chase headlocks, hits the takeover, but ZSJ headscissors. ZSJ holds tight and pushes up for torque to keep Chase down! Chase moves around, and gets the ropebreak! ZSJ lets off cleanly and Chase resets.

They feel it out, Chase waistlocks. ZSJ drop toeholds, floats to a headlock, then shifts to a cravat. Chase clubs the arms to wrench and trip ZSJ! Chase has a standing toehold, but ZSJ rolls and reels Chase in to headlock and takeover. Chase headscissors but ZSJ turns him over to tie up the legs for a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Chase endures, ZSJ throws him away. ZSJ tags Taichi, Taichi gets Chase in the corner and snapmares for a KICK to the back. Taichi then CHOKES Chase! Red Shoes reprimands, Fale gets in so Taichi backs off. Taichi drags Chase up, and chokes Chase to the corner! ZSJ tags in, Taichi stops and ZSJ EuroUppers Chase.

ZSJ EuroUppers again, but Chase knees back. Chase ROCKS ZSJ in a corner with a haymaker, then digs his knee in! Red Shoes counts, Chase lets off, and he brings ZSJ up to whip corner to corner. ZSJ goes up and under and comes back but only gets buckles. Chase only gets buckles but Fale CLOBBERS ZSJ! Chase DECKS Taichi, Fale whips ZSJ into railing! Chase gives Taichi back the choking from earlier! Chase and Fale get ZSJ up to mug him them back and forth. A ring count starts, Fale stomps ZSJ as it climbs to 10. Taichi goes after Fale but Fale DECKS him! The count is 15 of 20, Fale whips Taichi into railing! But ZSJ gets in at 18!

Chase steps on ZSJ’s face then tags in Fale. Chase puts ZSJ at the ropes, he and Fale stand on ZSJ’s back! The Bullet Club Massage and salute! Red Shoes counts, they step off at 4. Fale stomps ZSJ, dribbles him off buckles, then drags him up to scoop and SLAM! Chase gets in, he and Fale wrench and whip ZSJ to ropes to then body shot, knee lift and LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Another try, TWO! A third try, TWO! The double leg hook couldn’t do it and Chase grows frustrated. Fans rally up, Chase stays between the Tekkers and RAMS ZSJ into the corner. Tag to Fale, he stomps ZSJ. Fale slaps ZSJ around, ZSJ EuroUppers back! And again! But Fale DECKS him! Cover, TWO!

Fale drags ZSJ up, scoops him and SLAMS him again. Fale runs to then ELBOW FLOP as ZSJ moves! Fans rally up and ZSJ rolls to tag in Taichi! Taichi storms in to Kowata Kick Fale in the face! But Fale choke grips! Taichi breaks free to KICK away on Fale’s leg! Taichi dodges Fale’s lariat to sobat! Now Taichi wants to sumo! He catches Fale for a SUMO HIP TOSS! Chase gets in, whips, but Taichi reverses to HOOK KICK! Fans fire up and Taichi runs in to corner clothesline Fale! Taichi keeps moving, AX BOMBER! Fale stays up! Taichi runs again, but Fale LARIATS back! And then a short-arm LARIAT, too! Fale tags in Chase as fans rally up for Taichi!

Chase lines up his shot, run sin corner to corner and forearm smashes to short arm lariat! Cover, TWO! Chase keeps his cool, drags Taichi up, fireman’s carries, but Taichi fights off to get around and DAN- NO! Chase fights the saido, fireman’s carries to the GUT BUSTER DROP! Both men are down but Chase gets up and goes to a corner. Taichi goes to the opposite, Chase runs in but into a BOOT! Chase stays up, comes back but Taichi dodges to GAMANGIRI! Both men are down again and fans rally up. Hot tag to ZSJ! He runs in to EuroUpper in the corner! Chase holds off the Northern Lights so ZSJ goes for the arm. Chase body shots but ZSJ fights the suplex to WRING the arm!

ZSJ wrenches, wrenches, wrangles and isolates to STOMP the arm! Chase clutches his elbow, ZSJ brings him around to a double wristlock! Chase endures, gets the ropebreak with both feet, but ZSJ STOMPS the arm again! ZSJ drags Chase back up, wants the bad arm and he twists the wrist. Chase gets up, ZSJ wrenches but Chase breaks free to BOOT! ZSJ has wrist control but Chase BOOTS him more! Chase is free, wrenches and hammerlocks but no heist! ZSJ full nelsons, Chase breaks it but ends up in an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Fale runs in, but into SEITEIJYUJIRYOU!! Chase fights but into a TRIANGLE HOLD! Dual submissions as fans rally up!

Chase rolls around, ends up in another ARMBAR, but Fale powers up to RAM Taichi into buckles! Fale then drops an elbow on ZSJ! Chase is free, Fale whips ZSJ into the corner. Chase runs in to forearm smash and go to the apron. Fale SPLASHES ZSJ, then drags him up. Chase climbs, FLYING KICK DEATH VALLEY, to the SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!! Fans rally as ZSJ survives, but Chase drags him up. Chase waistlocks, Fale runs but Taichi AX BOMBERS him out! ZSJ drags Chase down, EURO CLUTCH! TWO!! Chase escapes, but Taichi Alabama lifts! Chase fights that to undehrook, but Taichi back drops free!

Chase gets up, blocks the bomber to spin Taichi around, and add ZSJ, URENAGE DDT!! Cover on ZSJ, TWO! Chase aims, runs in, but no trigger! ZSJ gets Chase down, ARMBAR! Chase fights up, cover, TWO!! Chase EuroUppers, then catches ZSJ’s to a backslide! ZSJ rolls through, Chase tucks him in, but no package! PELE to the arm, BOOT to Chase’s face! SHI TRIGGER on the return! Chase fires up, drags ZSJ up and around, but Taichi ROUNDHOUSES Chase! Fale runs Taichi over! Fale drags ZSJ up, pulls the pin, but Taichi SUPERKICKS Fale down before the Grenade! Chase runs in, Taichi dodges, BACK ELBOW from Chase! But Taichi choke grips!

Chase fights the slam, ZSJ waistlocks, CHOKE SLAM SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!! Chase survives but the Tekkers fire up! Chase fights the scoop, ZSJ EuroUppers! GAMANGIRI from Taichi! OFF COME THE PANTS! The Tekkers reset, scopo and JYUJI ZACK DRIVER!! Cover, Tekkers win!

Winners: Dangerous Tekkers, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Chase & Fale earn 0)

And the champions are spotless through two! Will Chase & Fale be able to make a recovery in the third? As for the Tekkers, ZSJ gets the mic first. First in English, “Oi, idiots of Toyama.” Then in Japanese, “Did you have fun?” They cheer and ZSJ tells them to calm down. But he asks Taichi, “It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” But more importantly, #DangerousT and #ZackyBigTekkers the Dangerous bloody Tekkers, are 2-0. They’re the IWGP Heavyweight Tag champs, they’ll be the WTL champs next, they will have everything! “How was that?” ZSJ apologizes that his Japanese isn’t better, so now Taichi will speak.

Taichi says ZSJ did great, everyone understood. Taichi tells everyone to listen. “All these idiots are looking at Naito and Sanada this series. But we are the champions. You guys know that, don’t you?” This isn’t about LIJ or even Guerrillas of Destiny! It’s about them! They’ve taken the belts plenty of times, they want the trophies! Those trophies are needed for what the Tekkers want in the future. “In the end, it’ll be the Dangerous Tekkers standing in that sumo ring in Ryogoku! Understand, idiots?” The mission is clear: become simultaneous IWGP Heavyweight and World Tag League Champions! Will they succeed with still a long way to go?


Here are the NEW World Tag League Standings!

Dangerous Tekkers: 2-0, 4 points
SANADA & Tetsuya Naito: 2-0, 4 points
Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi: 2-0, 4 points
Guerrillas of Destiny: 2-0, 4 points
Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale: 1-1, 2 points
Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI: 1-1, 2 points
Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan: 1-1, 2 points
The United Empire: 1-1, 2 points
EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi: 0-2, 0 points
Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask: 0-2, 0 points
Minoru Suzuki & TAKA Michinoku: 0-2, 0 points
Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe: 0-2, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great round for World Tag League here, though perhaps still not as good as Best of the Super Juniors has been. I figured Guerrillas of Destiny and Goto-Hashi would win their matches against the elder statesmen teams. A very good match from Yano & Tanahashi against #GBH, Honma & Makabe. I would love if Yano & Tanahashi are near the top of the block by the end of this, they’d really give us a unique match-up with one of the obvious choices. United Empire had a good match and a good win off House of Torture, maybe Cobb joins them to at least give us a great NEVER Openweight Six Max Tag title match at WrestleKingdom.

Speaking of obvious choices, LIJ of course get a win off Suzuki-Gun by taking down Taka, and then the Tekkers win in a great main event from Chase & Fale. Tekkers of course want to be champions that win the tournament, and I like that they also call out the obvious choices, LIJ and GOD. All the more reason I hope Yano & Tanahashi get in the mix and really turn things upside-down.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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